Beyond The Divorce Novel /Web Reading (2024)

Beyond The Divorce Novel /Web Reading (1)

Chapter 1 Breadcrumbs of CluesAs night fell, I could finally relax after putting my daughter to bed. I grabbedmy phone and mindlessly scrolled through TikTok when a street fashion livebroadcast caught my eye.I straightened up and focused on the screen, but the host had alreadyswitched the camera angle. My heart pounded, and my hands started to feelclammy as I held my phone. I checked the time and confirmed it was a livebroadcast happening in the same city.Then I hurriedly exited TikTok and video-called my husband, MatthewMurphy.He was supposed to be on a three-day business trip in Canta, yet I just sawhim on the live broadcast with another woman in his arms. The phone rang fora long while before he finally answered the call.Matthew’s camera shook slightly, and his handsome face appeared on myphone’s screen. He greeted me warmly, “Hey, honey!”“Where are you?” I asked urgently as my eyes scanned the footage from hisend. He looked like he was in a corridor of a restaurant, and he was wearing awhite shirt and tie. However, the figure I saw in the live broadcast wore a graywindbreaker.“I’m having dinner with a client. I came out to answer your call. What’s up? Isthere something wrong? Is Ava asleep?” He asked.“Are you in Canta?” I sidestepped his question and asked again.“Of course I am. Why? Is something wrong?” He looked at me seriouslythrough the camera, full of curiosity.“Oh! It’s…nothing!” I mumbled absent-mindedly, then asked, “When are youcoming home?”“Soon… I’ll be back once I wrap things up here. Do you miss me?” Matthewsmiled affectionately at me, full of love. “I’ll try to come home as soon aspossible. It’s getting late. Go to bed early, okay? I still have things to attend to.Bye!”He blew a kiss to me and then hung up the call.I held my phone, stunned and annoyed at myself for being suspicious.Matthew was an extraordinary, handsome, and doting husband, even thoughhe was just a pauper when we first met.Although he was from an ordinary family with a sickly younger sister from thecity, I chose him among my many admirers because of his looks.After graduation, I used my parents’ house as collateral to start a supplycompany with him and stayed by his side. Matthew was responsible forsourcing while I tirelessly dealt with clients to the point I almost suffered fromgastric bleeding. Fortunately, the company grew and began thriving.When I got pregnant, I decided to stop and entrusted the company to myhusband while I focused on raising our child and managing our home.Ava, our daughter, had turned four. We led a comfortable and well-off life as afamily of three, which people were envious of.Matthew felt so guilty that we didn’t have a wedding ceremony that hepromised to provide for me and make up for any grievances I suffered.How could such a husband cheat?I pursed my lips and smiled, realizing I had watched too many TV shows thatevoked such ridiculous thoughts. When I laid back in bed, I still thought aboutthe fleeting figure on the TikTok live.I must have been thinking about Matthew too much. Also, the windbreakerlooked familiar as it was the one I had ironed for him before his business trip.That meant the man in the live stream wore the same one, which confusedme.Matthew returned early the following day and brought many delicious treatsfor Ava. He hugged us both affectionately, creating a heartwarming atmosphere. I rushed to the kitchen happily to prepare several of his favoritedishes as a reward.Matthew glanced at me as we sat to eat and casually said, “There’s a strongsmell of oil here. Why don’t you go take a shower?”I calmly sniffed, then smiled proudly, saying, “That’s the smell of good food.Don’t you like the smell of food?”He chuckled as he lovingly ruffled my hair. Then he stuffed some food into mymouth and gave Ava a piece too. “All right, my sweethearts. Let’s all eat!”After dinner, I quickly put Ava to bed and then showered. I inched closer toMatthew and flirtatiously asked, “Do I still smell like oil?”Matthew smiled and affectionately pinched me. “I’ve missed you so much,sweetheart!”He pulled me toward the bed right away without giving me a chance torespond. Also, he seemed particularly enthusiastic today.When we finished, I smiled and watched his tall figure approach the bathroom.As I was about to clean up, his phone on the bedside table flashed, indicatinghe had received a WhatsApp message.I glanced at it and froze.

Chapter 2 A Substantial Amount of InformationI was about to pick up the phone to see who the sender was when Matthewhurried into the room and took the phone. He glanced at it hastily, then lookedback at me.“It’s Mel!”“What’s the matter? Are you afraid that I’ll find something?” I looked at himsuspiciously and felt uneasy as if something was wrong.The message had only four words. “Did she find out?”It was enough for me because it implied the other person feared I’d find outabout something. The message also showed a hint of ambiguity, so Iscrutinized Matthew. My gut feeling surged as my premonition grew heavier.Matthew chuckled casually and threw the phone back on the bedside table.Then he pulled me into his arms and kissed my lips, saying, “You’reoverthinking! It’s not about you, but my sister, Mel. She’s using me as a coverto scam Mom for money.”Mel was Matthew’s younger sister, Melanie Murphy. She had been weak andsickly since childhood, so her family always pampered and spoiled her. Shealso behaved like a rich brat.Melanie was in her twenties but never took anything seriously. She didn’t evengo to school and only traveled, ate, and had fun.“You’re trying to scam your mother for money? Where do you think her moneycomes from?” I snapped.Matthew smiled, bent down, and lifted me in his arms. Then he nibbled on myearlobe as he approached the bathroom. “Yeah, yeah, it’s all your money.That’s what happens when I marry an amazing and understanding woman likeyou.”I appreciated his words.Throughout the years, I had never been stingy regarding his family because Ibelieved a harmonious family led to success in all endeavors. I also believedin treating others with the same kindness I received.Our second round in the shower washed away my doubts and grievances. Itmade me happy and content as I lay in Matthew’s arms.That night, I brought up buying a house in a good school district again, whichhad become a pressing matter for me. We had lived in this small 500-squarefoot apartment since we got married. The size didn’t bother me, but I didn’twant Ava to have a disadvantaged start.She was about to start school, but the neighborhood had no good onesnearby. Although we had saved money for a new house over the years,Matthew always said there was no rush.He wanted to find the best location in the fast-developing city so we wouldn’tneed to keep moving.This time, he didn’t argue when I brought it up again. Instead, he patted myshoulder, kissed my forehead, and said, “Okay, I’ll look for a suitable place foryou to see, and then you can decide.”His response pleased me, and I fell asleep sweetly, daydreaming about abeautiful big house.Just after dropping Ava off at the kindergarten the following day, I received acall from my best friend, Irvanna, saying she wanted to meet at our usual spot.Of course, I immediately responded and took a cab to the location.Ivanna and I were close, just like sisters. We could talk about anything, but itwas rare for her to call me. After all, she was a busy woman who worked as atalent manager in a media company.When I entered our favorite dessert shop, I saw her sitting in the corner,typing away on her laptop. The morning sun cast a peaceful glow on her,making her look even more beautiful.She waved at me as I approached, and I sat down before playfully asking,“Why are you so free today? You even had time to ask me out so early in themorning.”Ivanna rolled her eyes at me and replied, “Can’t I be concerned about you?”“Haha, sure you can!” I sat down and sipped the coffee she had ordered forme. “But aren’t you always busy while I’m always free?”“Ha! Aren’t you ashamed of that? Now, all I see is Matthew spoiling you. Don’tsay I didn’t warn you, but don’t get too comfortable. It’s easy to become afool!” Ivanna said, looking at me intently.For some reason, her words made my heart pound. I looked at her andcasually asked, “What do you mean? There’s more to your words, isn’t there?”She lowered her gaze, looking at the computer screen, seemingly trying tohide something. “Oh, nothing! I’m just teasing you a little.”After some thought, she looked at me and said, “I saw Matthew the day beforeyesterday.”

Chapter 3 Anxiety“Two days ago? Where?” I asked, feeling a little anxious.Ivanna noticed my reaction and retorted, “What’s with that look?”“Where did you see him?” I couldn’t care less about bantering with her andcontinued pressing for answers.However, Ivanna’s phone started ringing. She glanced at the screen andhushed me before leaning into her chair and answering the call. After a fewsentences, she straightened up, glanced at me, and said, “What?! I’ll be rightthere!”Immediately after, she closed her laptop and stuffed it into her bag. “I have togo. Let’s meet up again another time!”“Wait… You…” I had more questions, but she ignored me and left.She said she saw Matthew two days ago, but he was supposed to be on hisbusiness trip in Canta then. Where did she see him? Was she at Canta for atrip as well?I shrunk back into the seat silently. I was helpless, but a strange sense of fearfilled my heart. The TikTok video kept playing in my mind, but I wasn’t sure if itwas Matthew.Was he lying to me? Did he not go to Canta at all? Is he having an affair?I sat alone in the cafe with my mind in turmoil. Despite the warm sunlightshining on me, I couldn’t stop shivering. I wondered what I should do ifMatthew had an affair and what would happen to Ava.I was so absent-minded the whole day that I forgot to pick Ava up.Fortunately, Matthew returned early today. Seeing that I had forgotten to pickAva up, he quickly comforted me and left for kindergarten.Once he left, I forced myself to get up and started cooking. Before Matthewreturned with our daughter, Melanie walked in unexpectedly. She had a key toour place and treated it as her own home.Although I disliked this, Matthew indulged her. When she saw me in thekitchen, she put down her bag and came over. She leaned against the doorand asked, “Why are you cooking? Where’s my brother?”I was washing the vegetables as I replied, “He went to pick Ava up.”“It’s already late, and he’s only going to pick her up now?” Melanie’s tonecarried a hint of reproach. She always acted pampered and arrogant, as if shewas the boss of the house.Her attitude toward me, her sister-in-law, was also unpredictable. However, Ihad grown accustomed to her behavior over the years. After all, she wasMatthew’s sister, and I had no choice but to accept the good and bad ofmarrying him.“Do we have squid at home? I want some calamari!” She asked casually.I gestured toward the fridge. “Look in there. Your brother probably boughtsome.”Just then, Ava’s tender voice echoed from the doorway. “Mommy, I’m back!Why did you forget to pick me up today?” She ran up to me, looking at mewith her head tilted.Although I felt guilty, I smiled and pinched her nose with my wet hands. “I wasbusy. I promise I won’t forget my baby next time.”Matthew came in with our daughter’s little backpack and looked at us dotingly.Meanwhile, Melanie approached the doorway and greeted him, “Matt!”“Why are you here?” Matthew asked as he put down his things and removedhis coat. Then he entered the kitchen and wrapped his arms around me. Thenext second, he removed my apron and put it on himself. “I got this, honey.You can go play with Ava.”Melanie stared at her brother and sarcastically remarked, “My brother is sucha good husband. I want to find someone like him in the future!”Matthew snapped, “Leave the kitchen and stop causing trouble. Just wait forthe meal to be ready.”“I don’t want to. I’ll help you!” Melanie spoke playfully, then squeezed into thekitchen. “I want to experience being a supportive wife!”I sighed at her words and thought she was shameless. How could she dreamabout finding someone like her brother when she was just a good-for-nothingwho lazed around all day? It’d be a curse for whoever married her.I was already annoyed, but seeing Melanie amplified it. She was a grownwoman who constantly pestered her brother. I knew she was only sucking upto Matthew to ask for money again.The Murphys had lived in poor conditions in their earlier years. Matthew’sparents worked odd jobs everywhere, while Melanie often fell sick and neededtentative care. Life was challenging for them back then, and Matthew felthelpless.However, Matthew and his family’s lives changed drastically when mycompany kicked off. In a way, Matthew and I supported a big family,especially Melanie.She always asked for money as if we were supposed to give it to her. Shewas practically a parasite yet unapologetic and still dared to be carefree. I wasgenuinely speechless.I took my daughter’s hand and left the kitchen. If Melanie was out of sight, shewas out of mind. Just then, my phone rang, and when I looked, it was Ivanna.

Chapter 4 The Truth HurtsI hurried back to the bedroom and answered the call to complain, “You’resomething else, huh? You left me hanging!”“Something came up at work, so I was in a rush.” Ivanna sounded tired. “I justfinished settling it. That’s why I’m calling you now. Why are you complaining?Do you think my life is as easy as yours?”I hesitated to reply but couldn’t hold back and asked her, “Um, you mentionedseeing Matthew two days ago. Where was he? What time was it?”This question had been bugging me all day.Ivanna paused on the other end before she answered calmly, “Honestly, Iforgot the exact location. It was just a fleeting glimpse while I was driving.”“Oh.” For some reason, her answer left me a bit disappointed. Although myheart dropped, I unclenched my fists and realized my palms were cold andsweaty. I chuckled and wondered whether or not I wanted to prove Matthewwas having an affair.I must admit he was my everything, and I feared losing him.“I realize how obsessed you are with your husband. You seem to light upwhenever I mention Matthew. Can’t you prioritize yourself more? Since Ava isalready in kindergarten, you should do something for yourself.“Don’t tell me you plan on being Matthew’s accessory for the rest of your life. Ithink you’re becoming a fool. You seem completely disconnected from theoutside world because Matthew is the only person in yours,” Ivanna mockedme.I smiled awkwardly and sighed. “Matthew said…”“See?! Matthew said this, Matthew said that. Was I wrong to say you’reobsessed with him? Your life revolves around him, and whatever he saysgoes. Will you jump off a cliff if he says so? Will you count the money for him ifhe sells you off?” Ivanna didn’t hold back.“Ugh, you’re such a jinx! Matthew will never sell me!” I retorted.“Yeah, you’re right. Your beloved Matthew will never sell you, but I will!”Ivanna sneered disdainfully. “The truth hurts sometimes, but you must havevalues. Your life shouldn’t revolve around being a housewife and doingchores. That’s not love. That’s being a fool!“It’s only love if he cares about you. How can you keep his interest if all you dois stay home and do chores? Let me ask you something. Besides your childand husband, do you even know who you are anymore?”Ivana babbled, and I had no time to refute.She noticed my silence and softened her tone. “Chloe, I want to see yourconfident and radiant self again. You used to be a top student, my superstar! Ijust think it’s a shame to see you wasting your time, slaving away at home likethis.”“Enough. This is like giving me a pat on the back after slapping me. I don’tknow who got on your nerves, but you’ve decided to vent it on me.”We both laughed when I said that.Still, I knew Ivanna always spoke her mind. Although she had mentionedsimilar things before, hearing them again today felt different. I didn’t know whyI felt flustered and wondered if Ivanna was trying to imply something.Just then, Matthew knocked on the door and walked in with a gentle smile.“Honey, it’s time to eat!”Ivanna heard his voice from the other end of the call and said, “All right, gohave your dinner.” Then she lowered her voice and advised, “Consider what Isaid. Take my words to heart, and don’t get blinded by the shining thingsbefore you!”With that, she hung up.Matthew pulled me into his arms and kissed me. “Who was it?”“Ivanna.”“What did she say? Was she nagging again?” Matthew smiled tenderly,seemingly casual. He knew how close Ivanna and I were because three of uswere former classmates. “I haven’t seen her in a long while.”My mind began to spin. Matthew said he hadn’t seen her in a while, so Ivannawas far away when she saw him. I felt relieved and knew I was overthinking.“What’s wrong?” Matthew noticed my absent-mindedness and leaned down tolook at me. He pinched my cheeks playfully with both hands and leaned in fora kiss, showing utmost concern.Then he asked, “What’s distracting you? What are you thinking about?”His gaze was careful, and I snapped out of my thoughts. I smiled and said,“Nothing. Let’s eat!”Matthew pulled me close and kissed me again before we walked outsidetogether. Even so, my doubts somehow grew heavier.

Chapter 5 Strong EvidenceMelanie didn’t stay long after dinner. She pouted at Matthew and asked, “Matt,can you give me a ride?”I rolled my eyes at her and glanced her way, but she feigned ignorance as sheclung to Matthew’s arm, acting like a spoiled brat.Matthew looked at me with a helpless smile, but since I didn’t respond, heawkwardly said, “Wait a while. I’ll help Chloe with the dishes and then takeyou out.”I was honestly sick of Melanie’s behavior and didn’t want to see her foranother minute, so I waved Matthew away. “You go ahead and take her whereshe wants to go. I can handle the dishes myself.”“Daddy, where are you going? I want to go too!” Ava called out, standing upfrom her chair as she extended her little hands for Matthew to pick her up.Matthew lifted Ava and pecked her cheek, saying, “Daddy will be home soon!Be good and play with Mommy, okay?”“What’s the point of you coming along, kid?” Melanie questioned. She had nopatience for Ava.I took Ava from Matthew. “Sweetheart, Daddy is sending your aunt off and willbe home soon. Can you stay here with Mommy?”Ava looked at me with her big, watery eyes before nodding. Then she huggedmy neck and turned to look at Matthew. “Okay! Come home quickly, Daddy!”Matthew leaned in to kiss Ava again and nodded. “Okay!”He then took the car keys and left to drop Melanie off.Melanie held onto her brother’s arm, glancing back at me with a smug andmysterious smile, but I couldn’t be bothered.Matthew returned late that night, but I didn’t ask much. Since he was a dutifulson, I assumed he chatted with his parents before coming home.He woke up early the following day and said he had an important meeting atnine in the morning. He also took Ava with him and dropped her off atkindergarten to save me the trouble.Matthew was always considerate about every detail, leaving me nothing tocomplain about. It was just as Ivanna said. He had spoiled me so much that Igrew accustomed to it. He was the ideal husband, even to others.I looked at the clothes he had changed out of and tidied them up since thelaundry was piling up. I checked the pockets before taking them downstairs tosend them off to the dry cleaner. Still, I didn’t expect to find something in oneof the pockets.I was shocked and horrified by what I held. It provided undeniable evidencefor all my doubts and worries. It was a packaged condom.After giving birth to Ava, I had an IUD inserted, so we had no reason to havesuch a thing. I threw the disgusting thing away, and my heart shattered. Iknew he was cheating on me! After years of hard work and struggles, hebetrayed my trust.Just as we finally enjoyed some good days, he dared to lie to me. I felthelpless as I knelt on the floor and held my head. Images of him and anotherwoman swirled in my mind, adding to my heartache.I had given him all my youth and love. I had given everything to him and thisfamily, yet he treated me like dirt. After my initial shock, I mumbled to myselfrepeatedly, “Chloe, calm down. You can’t afford to lose everything you’veworked so hard for.”I needed to give myself a clear and definitive answer. Once I recollected myemotions, I clenched my fists and told myself not to give up. After taking adeep breath, I washed up and took a cab to the company building.

Chapter 6 Another Mrs. MurphyI had only visited Tanum Corporation once when they first relocated to GalarTower. Matthew took me there, and we rented an entire floor, which gave mea sense of accomplishment.That day, he held me as we stood by the floor-to-ceiling window in his officeand said affectionately, “Thank you for helping me and changing my life.Believe me, my love. It won’t be long before I give this building to you.”I chuckled at his words. Now, he was about to tear it all apart.When I entered the building, the young and attractive receptionist asked mewhich floor I was going to and who I was looking for. When I mentionedMatthew’s name, she gave me a quick once-over and said with a smile, “I’msorry, madam. Mr. Murphy is not in. He went out with his wife.”My head buzzed when I heard that. Although I had mentally prepared myselffor it, her answer still shocked me. I tightened my grip around my handbag,but my voice turned somewhat sharp despite my efforts to control myemotions. “What did you say? Are you sure?”She looked at me in puzzlement and replied, “Why, yes. You asked for Mr.Matthew Murphy of Tanum Corporation from the 10th floor, right? He left earlythis morning with his wife.”Her certainty sent shivers down my spine. I felt tempted to ask who Matthew’swife was. If another woman was his wife, who am I?However, I held myself back and clenched my teeth. Then I turned and leftGalar Tower. I wanted to leave with dignity and hoped the receptionist hadmade a mistake. That way, Matthew’s pride would be intact as well.Ultimately, I called Johnson Link from Tanum Corporation’s marketingdepartment to reconfirm what I just heard. My hands shook, but I calmedmyself before asking, “Hey, John, is Matthew done with his meeting? I’ve been trying to call him, but he’s not picking up. I’m starting to get a littleworried.”Johnson was one of the high-ranking executives at Tanum Corporation, so hewould know if there was a meeting. Upon hearing my question, he seemed alittle puzzled. “Meeting? There’s no meeting today, Mrs. Murphy. Mr. Murphyis out.”“Oh,” was all I managed to say before hanging up.At that moment, a sense of powerlessness washed over me. My tense nervescollapsed, and I felt my knees buckle. It was like all my energy had dissipated,leaving me drained. My hand that held the phone shook uncontrollably.I couldn’t even muster the courage to call Matthew and ask where he was.Was there even a need to ask? Even if I did, he would just lie to me again. Ino longer knew how to trust anything he would say.He shamelessly paraded around Galar Tower with another woman, makingeveryone believe the other woman was his wife. That woman could freelyenter and exit, step into the company I had built independently, and enjoyprivileges that should have been mine.I felt lost as I stood on the street among the crowd, and he was nowhere insight. He resembled sand, slipping through my fingers. The more I tried tograsp him, the faster he slipped away.After thinking things through, I found out who this “Mrs. Murphy” really was.With that idea in mind, I gathered the strength to move my trembling legs andhailed a cab. Once I reached home, I went to the nearby market and boughtmany of Matthew’s favorite dishes. I even picked out some pineapples thatAva loved.I was going to wait for him to come home.As I busied myself with chores, I thought about my next step.I always thought time passed too quickly, but this time was different as itseemed to drag on endlessly. When evening arrived, I gathered my courageto call Matthew and ask where he was before telling him to pick Ava up.He readily agreed.Chapter 7Chapter 7 Looking for EvidenceI had almost finished preparing the food when Matthew returned with ourdaughter. Ava ran in, exclaiming in her sweet and childish voice, “Mommy, I’mback! Daddy picked me up!”Her adorable voice brought tears to my eyes, but I suppressed my emotions.“I got you some pineapples. They’re your favorite, right?”“Oh! Mommy, you’re the best! I can’t wait to eat them” She ran out andheaded to Matthew, saying, “Daddy, I want to eat pineapples!”“You can have a small piece for now. You can have more after dinner, okay?”Matthew washed his hands and took a small piece to hand to our eager littlegirl. Then he squeezed into the tiny kitchen and hugged me from behind.“Why did you make so much food?”I felt terrible because this once-happy family of three was now on the verge ofcollapsing.“You just came back from a business trip. You must be tired.” I forced a smileand asked, “Were you busy today?”He hummed a reply, and my heart immediately sank. I playfully nudged himwith my elbow. “Set the table and get ready for dinner.”His intimate attempts made me sick. I wondered if he thought of the otherwoman whenever he held me. When I finished cooking, I smiled and asked,“Do you want a drink? It’s been a while, and I want a glass of wine.”Mathew looked at me questioningly. “Why do you suddenly want to drink?”“No reason. Are you still going out?” I asked as I turned to get the wine. “SinceI made so many dishes, we need to celebrate.”I felt my heart shattering into a million pieces as I spoke. I knew Matthewcouldn’t handle alcohol well, so I poured him a little to avoid arousingsuspicion. Then I poured myself half a glass and toasted with him.Once we started drinking, we became excited and talkative. I pretended to bein high spirits as I reminisced about our college days, starting the business,and our current life. I seemed so happy.Matthew noticed how cheerful I was and poured himself another glass of winewhile reminding me not to drink too much. Ultimately, he drank more than hecould handle. He was drunk when I helped him onto the bed.Afterward, I washed up and put Ava to bed before beginning my mission. Myheart was pounding as it was my first time looking through his things in somany years. I finally realized how foolish I was to trust him.I searched through his pockets and bag but found nothing valuable.Finally, I found his phone, but it had a fingerprint lock. I quietly approachedhim, trying to grab his hand, but he suddenly turned and caught me, staring atme with unfocused eyes. My heart was about to jump out of my chest.“I need water,” he slurred at me.I ran out to pour him a glass of water and fed it to him. Then he collapsedback onto the bed, fast asleep. I unlocked and looked through his phone butfound no suspicious names in the call history. I recognized most of them, andit seemed like very few were female, so I ruled them out.Then I checked his WhatsApp only to realize he hadn’t been messaging manypeople. I opened the conversation of the first contact and saw the messagefrom the day he returned.“Did she find out?”It was just those four words with no additional information. It didn’t seem likeMatthew hadn’t deleted anything, either. I clicked on the woman’s profilepicture and wanted to see her posts, but there were none.I couldn’t find any clues about who the sender was. It seemed like this personwas cautious. Matthew told me it was Melanie, but I needed to verify it.His photo albums included pictures of Ava and me and two of Melanie.Besides that, his phone was clean. I even scanned the phone with an app, butnothing suspicious was there too. I tossed and turned that night, wonderinghow there could be no traces.I figured the woman wasn’t someone from the company or the building.Otherwise, the receptionist wouldn’t have called her “Mrs. Murphy.”I wondered who that other woman was or if I’d ever interacted with her.

Chapter 8 Unexpected CompanyI forced myself out of bed the following day. The dark circles around my eyeswere horrible, and Matthew noticed them. He asked in surprise, “The following day, I forced myself out of bed. My dark circles were horrible.Matthew saw my haggard face and asked in surprise, “Are you sick, Coco?Why do you look so pale?”“You kept me up all night,” I retorted, not in the mood for pleasantries.He was stunned but hugged me with a shy grin. “No more drinking for you.Exercise is better instead since it helps with sleep.”I didn’t know why, but my stomach churned when I heard his words. I rushedto the bathroom, vomiting and crying.Matthew rushed in behind me and patted my back. “What’s wrong with you?Maybe I should take you to the hospital.”I pushed him away and lied, “It’s nothing. I just didn’t sleep well. You shouldtake Ava to kindergarten. I’ll be fine once I rest a bit more.”He lifted and laid me back on the bed, pulling the blanket over me. “Then getsome sleep while I send Ava to school. If you don’t feel well, just call me,okay?”I nodded and listened to my husband and daughter’s chatter get softer as theyleft. Finally, they closed the door behind them, and I left the bed to run to thewindow. I watched Matthew enter the car with my excited daughter.I didn’t look away until Matthew drove out of the gated community. My eyesteared up as I wondered if only everything could return to how it was before.Afterward, I changed into my jeans and t-shirt and tied my hair into a ponytailbefore slipping on a cap.Then I went to the cafe across from Galar Tower and found the most strategicspot facing the entrance. I knew it was foolish, but I thought it was the mostefficient way.However, I returned home empty-handed for three consecutive days. Icouldn’t even see Matthew because I overlooked one crucial detail. He oftenused the underground parking, which had a direct passage to the lobby.I only realized this on the fourth day.Just as I thought I was at a loss, I saw Matthew hurrying out of the buildingwith his phone. He seemed to be talking on the phone as he headed towardCrowne Square. My heart raced as I got up and followed him from a distance.It was not lunchtime, and he didn’t leave in his car, so I knew he wasn’t goingfar. He crossed the road at an intersection ahead and entered a cafe withquaint decorations and an elegant environment.It was the perfect palace for elites in the surrounding commercial district tohang out and discuss business here.I guessed Matthew was meeting someone there and glanced at the floor-toceiling windows, wondering if I should follow him inside.Just then, I saw someone sitting by the window on the second floor. Theperson wore a stunning rose- pink professional pantsuit, looking bold andgraceful. It was Ivanna. She looked more beautiful than usual today.I chuckled and thought it was a coincidence that she was there too. It meant Iwouldn’t have to put in much effort since Ivanna could see who Matthew waswith. With that thought in mind, I picked up my phone and called her.I saw Ivanna pick up the phone, but I was surprised to see Matthew at thewindow. I watched as Ivanna signaled Matthew to stay quiet before her voicecame through the phone, “Are you bored or something?”Those words struck my nerves. If this had happened in the past, I might’veconsidered it playful teasing between friends and would’ve readily responded,but now I detected mockery behind her words.It hurt more than seeing her with Matthew.I asked, “Where are you?”“I’m in a meeting at the office. I’ll call you back later.” I saw Ivanna gazing atMatthew as she spoke. Her answer left me speechless. After all, I neverexpected my best friend to do this to me.

Chapter 9 Misfortunes Come in ThreesI smiled bitterly, replied, “Okay,” and then hung up. Ivanna had become aconniving woman in my eyes. She had pretended to be sincere in advising meto reflect on my values, but now she mocked me in front of my husband.I finally realized how unpredictable people could be. No wonder she tried toprobe me by claiming to have seen Matthew. It became evident that it wasbecause of her guilty conscience.Matthew had said it had been long since he saw Ivanna. I felt heartbroken thathe had deceived me like that. I invested myself in Ivanna and Matthew in thisunfamiliar city, and they betrayed me. I didn’t know who to trust anymore.I kept staring at the window before calling Matthew. As I suspected, hisresponse matched Ivanna’s.I was outraged and rushed to the cafe, but my phone rang as I entered. Ireceived a call from the kindergarten teacher, saying that Ava had fallen offthe slide and got sent to the hospital. The news terrified me, and I quicklyhailed a cab to the hospital.On the way, I called Matthew to inform him about Ava’s accident.He and I arrived at the Kinein Hospital almost simultaneously. We found Avacrying in the emergency room with a scrape on her forehead. The doctor toldus she had a minor concussion as she vomited after the fall. They alsosuggested keeping her in the hospital after the observation.The teacher responsible for Ava was frightened and tearful as she stared atMatthew guiltily. The dean was also there, apologizing repeatedly.Although Matthew seemed displeased, he maintained his composure andasked the dean about Ava’s injuries. The dean said a boy had pushed Ava offthe slide’s small platform.What I heard horrified me because I knew the slide was at least five feet tall.“Do you even care for the children at your school?! As parents, we trust youwith our children, yet this is what happens?!” I couldn’t stand theirincompetence and yelled at them.My outburst shocked Matthew, as he had never seen me so hysterical. EvenAva was scared and shivered as she continued crying.Matthew comforted me while the dean guiltily handled the hospitaladministration procedures and arranged a hospital room for Ava. After thedoctor had settled everything, Ivanna called me and asked where I was.I figured she knew about what had happened. Regardless, I still told her thatAva had fallen and was hospitalized. Soon after, Ivanna rushed into thehospital and worriedly asked about Ava.Coincidentally, Matthew was also in the ward. The two looked calm, though Icould see a subtle exchange of glances between them. Matthew evenseemed a little nervous.I restrained myself from reacting and feigned ignorance. Then I asked Ivanna,“You’re done with your meeting already?”“Yeah. It wasn’t anything important.” Ivanna brushed off my question andasked, “Did you call for something?”“Nothing. I was just bored. Matthew said he hadn’t seen you in a while, so Iconsidered inviting you for lunch,” I said, watching her closely.She glanced at me and calmly replied, “Gosh! If you want to eat, wait until Avais fine. I’ll treat your whole family to a big meal.”Then she caressed Ava’s head and asked, “Is that okay, Ava? I’ll buy youwhatever you want when you’re better.”Ava blinked and nodded with a pouty expression. Her head had swelled fromthe fall, and I felt terrible for her.I instinctively brushed Ivanna’s hand away, angry at her attempt to secure herposition as the “stepmother.” Was she already planning to take my place? Ididn’t even consider giving her that opportunity.Ivanna sensed my distant attitude and looked surprised, asking softly, “Isthere something wrong?”

Chapter 10 A Shocking ThoughtBefore I could answer, Matthew explained, “She’s not feeling well.”He touched my shoulder gently and said, “Don’t worry, honey. The doctor saidit wasn’t serious. We can go home once Ava’s passed the observationperiod.”Home?! That word was a trigger for me. I got up and pushed Matthew awaybefore running out of the ward, sobbing. The cracks in this family were alreadyshowing, and I knew it might shatter at any moment.Now, Ava’s future stepmother was here, flaunting around me.Ivanna followed me as I rushed out, and Ava started crying again.“Coco, what’s wrong with you? Don’t scare Ava like that.” Ivanna grabbed myarm, trying to console me. “Hold it in for a while. The kid is more important.”“Hold it in? How can I?!” I roared and glared at Ivanna.I realized I had lost control and tried to collect myself, but I was trembling. Mymouth twitched as I said, “You should go back! We’re fine. Since you’re sobusy, you don’t have to delay your work for us!”Afterward, I brushed past her and returned to the ward, wiping my tears. Assoon as I entered, I saw Matthew comforting Ava. I went over and pulled himaway with tears streaming down my face.Matthew looked at me dumbfoundedly and said, “Don’t be too worried, okay?You scared Ava.”Then Ivanna finally entered the room, not knowing what to do. She smackedher lips a few times, and the atmosphere became awkward.“Chloe, I’ll leave. Don’t get too worked up over it. Call if you need me,” Ivannasaid awkwardly before turning to my daughter. “Ava, I’m leaving now. Get wellsoon. Then I’ll buy you some yummy food!”I wiped my tears and turned to look at Matthew. “Didn’t you say you haven’tseen Ivanna in a long time? Go send her off.”Matthew’s eyes narrowed for a moment. Then he grinned. “Sure. Don’t cryanymore, okay?”He escorted Ivanna out of the ward, and I overheard Ivanna saying, “No needto walk me out. Go and take care of Ava. I’ll drop by again if I have time.”I heard her footsteps fading as Matthew returned to my side, asking, “Honey,what’s wrong?”“Do you not know what’s wrong?” I looked at him with reddened eyes, andAva started crying again. I quickly leaned down and kissed her cheek, saying,“Be good. Don’t cry. Mommy’s here!”Then I started crying too. Mommy would always be here, forever. But whatabout Daddy? If we got divorced, what would happen to you, Ava? I wasshocked that such thoughts even crossed my mind.I was restless the whole afternoon as people from the kindergarten visited.Even the boy’s parents came and went. It kept going until late at night, and Ifelt overwhelmed.Ava finally fell asleep, and I stayed beside her. The doctor said she shouldn’tmake any sudden movements.Matthew was in the corridor making phone calls while I sat silently by thebedside, looking at my sleeping daughter. My heart was in turmoil, andMatthew knew something was wrong, so he stayed with me as a precaution.He didn’t leave the hospital that night, and I didn’t intend to let him either.I felt a rush of conflicting emotions as I looked at him lying on the side of thebed. I would have urged him to go home and rest if I hadn’t discovered he wascheating on me. After all, he still had to work.However, my thoughts had changed. Matthew was responsible for Ava andhad to take care of her. If he no longer loved me, he had to love our daughter.After staying in the hospital for three days, the doctor finally discharged Ava.Matthew said we should let Ava rest for a few more days when we returnedhome. Since he had taken a few days off, he had to return to the companyimmediately.As I watched Matthew leave, I suspected he would rush to his lover. After all,he was trapped with me for a few days and was finally free. I felt relievedwhen that sly fox left. I wondered what else he could do behind my back sincehe could lie effortlessly to my face.Ivanna called again a few days later to ask about Ava, and I respondedindifferently. I shuddered whenever I remembered her lying to me while beingwith Matthew. I was disappointed that they would betray me so easily.I wanted to confirm if she was the “Mrs. Murphy” the receptionist told meabout. What if it was her? What would I do? I considered divorce for the firsttime. Ultimately, I gritted my teeth and told myself to make Matthew pay andforce him to leave with nothing.

Chapter 11 A Pleasant Surprise Ava seemed to cling to me more after the fall. She remained glued to me, and I could not move without her, which drove me crazy at times. Meanwhile, Matthew didn’t give me space to figure things out. His work hours were punctual, and I had no room to pinpoint issues with him. Everything he brought back yielded no clues. I even began to question if I was hallucinating at times. After finally putting Ava to sleep at noon, I realized we were out of fresh vegetables and fruits at home. Since Ava was fast asleep, I knew I had to rush to the market before she woke up. The market was nearby, and I was too lazy to change my clothes, so I hurried out the door and aimed to return as quickly as possible. However, I was dumbfounded when I returned from buying groceries because I didn’t have my keys. I pondered for a while and smacked my forehead in frustration because I must’ve forgotten to bring them when I left. I decided to call Matthew, and he answered in a hushed tone. Afterward, I explained the situation, and he responded, “I’m in a meeting and can’t leave. Get Mel to bring them to you.” Another meeting? That excuse was consistent over the years. Since Ihad no choice, I called Melanie. She also had the spare keys, which would be perfect if I could get the ones she had borrowed. The phone rang for quite some time before Melanie finally picked up. There was a lot of commotion in the background, and her voice came through, “Chloe, what’s up?” “I forgot my keys at home. Can you bring yours to me?” “I’m out right now and pretty busy. I can’t do it,” Melanie responded swiftly, and then she shouted to someone nearby, “Hey! Wait a moment!” “Where are you? I can come and take them from you,” I sputtered, seeing a chance to retrieve my keys. Before Melanie could reply, I heard someone talking to her on the other end, “Miss, can you come and see if the closet is—” Then, the call ended abruptly. Closet? What closet? I was puzzled and wondered what kind of closet she had to go and see. Melanie had always been pampered, and people always handed things to her. I couldn’t understand why she would need to inspect a closet. I grumbled, “She must be up to no good again. She always lazes around and is only happy whenever she receives money.” With the heavy bags of groceries in my hand, I couldn’t help but sigh as I leaned against the door helplessly. I feared Ava might wake up and get scared if she couldn’t find me. Ultimately, I decided to go to the company building. So I set the groceries by the door and hurried to the office to get my keys. Since I would be there, I could also see if Mattew was telling the truth about being in a meeting. When I entered the cab a while later, I rested my forehead in my hands and fell into deep thought. I wondered how I could go to the company in my home attire, but I had no other option. After getting off the cab at Galar Tower, I looked at myself and laughed bitterly. I knew I had made a fool of myself and regretted not changing before leaving home. I felt embarrassed to walk into a place like this in my home clothes. I called Matthew again after a momentary hesitation, hoping he could bring the keys downstairs and save me some dignity. However, he didn’t answer his phone, so I reluctantly entered the building. Also, I had to be quick, or Ava would wake up, and I wouldn’t be home. As expected, I received many curious glances once I entered the lobby. After all, these socialites always cared too much about appearances. I hurried to the front desk, hoping to get upstairs quickly, but quite a few people were registering for visitation. I tried getting someone’s attention, but everyone ignored me. Ultimately, I patiently waited for the receptionist to finish with the other visitors before I said, “Hi, I need to go to the tenth floor, Tanum Corporation, to see Matthew Murphy.” I got straight to the point this time, not waiting for any questions from the receptionist. However, the receptionist habitually asked, “Do you have an appointment?” I felt the person behind the counter seemed familiar and realized she was the one who told me that Mr. Murphy and his wife had gone out that day. Just as I was about to speak, the receptionist’s face lit up with a brilliant smile. She sweetly addressed someone behind me, “Mrs. Murphy, you’re here!” Those words blew my mind, and I quickly turned to look at the person behind me.

Chapter 12 The Real and Fake Mrs. Murphy I felt like lightning struck me when the smug receptionist addressed the person behind me as Mrs. Murphy. I felt rage bubbling inside me as I turned to see how Ivanna would react. How dare she strut around here, flaunting and pretending to be someone she wasn’t? My gaze was cold as I turned, expecting to see Ivanna. However, to my surprise, it was Melanie. Her outfit was vibrant and eye–catching as her blonde hair flowed down her shoulders. She wore exquisite makeup, which added a touch of allure to her otherwise unremarkable features. Melanie approached gracefully with a composed smile. When she was about to speak, she noticed me turning around, my anger evident. Her eyes widened in shock as she stood frozen, unable to process my unexpected appearance. I couldn’t help but smirk. I had to admit Melanie looked more like Mrs. Murphy while I resembled a nanny. Although I was speechless, I thought attire made a vast difference in appearance, and my casual home attire paled to her glamorous outfit. I wondered if the “Mrs. Murphy” the receptionist referred to was Melanie. If so, Melanie had been indulged to the point of recklessness. However, the receptionist didn’t notice my reaction and remained focused on Melanie. 1 She looked at Melanie, frozen in surprise, and tried to appease her, “Mrs. Murphy, please-” “Wait!” I interrupted the receptionist and locked eyes with Melanie before turning to the receptionist again. “Which Mrs. Murphy are you referring to?” The receptionist glanced at me with a mildly surprised smile, yet her eyes showed a hint of disdain. Soon after, she scornfully introduced Melanie to me, “This is Mr. Matthew Murphy’s wife. He’s the president of Tanum Corporation on the tenth floor.” 1 I couldn’t help but chuckle as it felt surprisingly satisfying. While Melanie’s attitude was infuriating, the appearance of this supposed Mrs. Murphy finally allowed me to release my pent–up frustrations. My little sister–in–law knew how to cause a scene and was desperate to become someone’s wife. I thought Melanie had gone insane. I laughed aloud, causing several people to look at me in puzzlement. Their eyes showed their obvious thoughts, “What a lunatic.” I sized Melanie up again, and I thought she had surpassed my usual impression of her. I never thought she could look somewhat human in public. “Mrs. Murphy, huh?” I couldn’t help but laugh again. “Well, well. Her surname is Murphy, but I wonder who she’s married to.” Then I stifled my laughter and addressed the contemptuous receptionist, “A little professionalism wouldn’t hurt, young lady. Do your homework before you open your mouth. At least ensure you’re well- informed about people’s relationships so you don’t embarrass yourself and inconvenience others.” My words shocked the receptionist. Her standard professional smile faded, replaced by a cold look as she stared at me, asking. “What do you mean?” 1 “Allow me to introduce her to you. That’s Matthew Murphy’s younger sister. Yes, she’s his biological sister.” Immediately after, I gazed at everyone present, including Melanie. Then I turned and walked to the elevator, leaving a group of astonished onlookers behind. I glanced back at the dumbfounded crowd and said to the guard at the door, “Open up!” ” I had never been so assertive, and I couldn’t help but curse inwardly at the audacity of some people.

Chapter 13 Suspicious Keys Neither I nor Melanie spoke in the elevator. She pouted and lowered her head while leaning against the elevator wall. Frankly, I couldn’t be bothered to engage with her. Although her brother often spoiled her, I never had the patience. When we reached Matthew’s office, he was indeed in a meeting. One of his employees saw me and Melanie and called Matthew out. Matthew seemed shocked as his gaze shifted between our faces before stopping at me. After some thought, he asked, “What are you-” “Did I embarrass you? Why should I dress up since I only went to the market?” I interjected, knowing what he was about to say. Irritated, I retorted, “Pass me the keys. Ava’s still asleep.” Immediately after, Matthew rushed to his desk and retrieved the keys from his bag to hand them to me, saying, “Didn’t you ask Mel to send them to you?” I took the keys and glanced at a displeased Melanie. “Does she have the time to bring me the keys? Pretending to be Mrs. Murphy here seems more important than passing me the keys. You should have a proper chat with “Mrs. Murphy!” “I don’t think I can address her the same way.” I didn’t spare Melanie’s feelings this time. “Your big brother is amazing to make you his ‘Mrs. Murphy.” After saying that, I turned and headed out, not having the time to deal with them. After all, I needed to rush home before Ava woke up, or it’d be a disaster. I was fuming as I left the building with the keys and hailed a cab home. After opening the door, I noticed two new keys on the keyring. Among the keys were the ones to my house, my in–laws‘ house, and my office. I didn’t know where the other two keys belonged to. I quickly made up my mind and left again. I knew a few places in the east of town that specialized in key duplication, so I chose the smallest one and got them to make two copies before hurrying back home. Ava pulled a miracle today as she remained sound asleep. However, Matthew returned not long after I got home. My heart pounded as I asked, “Why are you back so early?” I “I just wanted to make sure Ava was okay because I was worried she would wake up and cry,” Matthew said as he walked past me and entered the bedroom. Then he looked at Ava and asked, “She hasn’t woken up yet, right?” Ava, previously asleep, must’ve heard Matthew’s voice and woke up. She blinked her big eyes and +15 BONUS Matthew’s eyes lit up, and he walked over with a radiant smile. He crouched and looked at Ava. “Hello, my sweetheart.” “Daddy! I want ice cream!” Ava licked her lips and looked at Matthew with big, hopeful eyes. “All right, let’s play a bit more, and then Daddy will take you and Mommy out for dinner and ice cream, okay?” Matthew pinched Ava’s little nose, and she climbed into his arms, clinging to his neck. “Daddy, you’re the best!” Meanwhile, I noticed Ava might be thirsty after waking up from her nap and gave her some water. Soon after, Matthew carried her to the living room when I noticed his gaze briefly landing on the cabinet by the door. It seemed like seeing the keys there eased his mind. I entered the kitchen without getting in his way and peeled some apples before cutting them and giving. them to Ava to eat. I happened to glance at the cabinet while I absentmindedly cut the apples. To my shock, the keys were no longer there. My heart pounded again, and my hands trembled, causing the apple I held to fall onto the coffee table. It startled Matthew as he observed me curiously.

Chapter 14 The Spoiled Sister–in–law “What’s wrong?” Matthew looked at me with concern. “Are you tired? Maybe you should take a nap. I won’t leave. I’ll stay and play with Ava instead.” I suppressed my emotions and nodded. “Yeah, I’m tired. You can entertain Ava while I rest.” Afterward, I placed the plate of fruits on the coffee table and said, “Give her something to eat. There’s more in the kitchen if those aren’t enough.” “Sure thing. You go rest. I’ll take you both out for a meal once you’re up,” Matthew said, picking up a fork to feed Ava. When I went to the bedroom to lie down, I felt suffocated as tears welled in my eyes. It seemed those two keys were an issue as Matthew rushed home just to take them back. I knew he wasn’t worried about Ava. Most knew a person’s conscience would be thrown out the window once they cheated. Also, I suspected those keys might have belonged to another woman’s house, so I instinctively thought of Ivanna. She had been doing well these past two years and no longer had to share a place with others. She even rented a spacious apartment for herself but never mentioned where or invited me over. The setup seemed convenient for bringing men home, I thought. However, the more I considered it, the angrier it made me. People were hard to read, and I felt incredibly deceived and disgusted–no wonder she had questioned Matthew’s loyalty to me. It was a blatant provocation! Even if she wasn’t the fake Mrs. Murphy, she certainly wasn’t innocent. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have lied to me. In addition, that foolish Melanie got herself caught in the middle, unwittingly making the situation more complicated. Ultimately, Ivanna and Matthew lied about being together. I knew it wasn’t a good sign because they hid a shared secret together. Soon, I reflected on how Matthew had been on guard against me for a while now. It was no wonder I couldn’t find any clues. I wondered when Matthew became so wary of me. With these thoughts in mind, I clenched my pillow and felt a heavy weight on my chest. The father- daughter duo played outside happily while my heart tore apart inside the bedroom. I knew I should prepare myself for the worst. Matthew insisted on taking us out to eat that evening, and I didn’t object. Ava held my and Matthew’s hands as we walked to the car, forming a heartwarming sight for the envious on–lookers. However, I self–mockingly thought Matthew and I could become actors since we paraded around like a happy family. Melanie appeared with her bag as we were about to leave. When she saw us getting ready, she looked at Matthew and asked, “Where are you going?” “Daddy’s taking us to a restaurant to eat!” Ava shouted before Matthew could answer. Melanie didn’t hesitate and walked to the front passenger seat.1 Her presumptuous attitude was getting on my nerves, and I wondered when she started coming to our place to freeload. Matthew didn’t say much. Instead, he started the car and drove off when everyone got in. I hadn’t spoken all this while, despising Matthew’s attitude in silence. I hated how he always looked the other way, no matter what Melanie did. I guessed he probably didn’t blame her for the incident at Galar Tower either. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be tagging along so confidently. Simultaneously, I had enough with my in–laws. Why didn’t they ask or care about what their daughter did? Matthew chose Aviary, a well–known restaurant, for dinner. Since the place was crowded, he told us to get out of the car while he looked for a parking spot. [1 We rarely ate out, so Ava’s excited chattering filled the air. Melanie got impatient and scolded Ava, “Why are you so noisy? Why are you talking so much just because we are eating out?!” Her words ignited my anger. “What’s wrong with that? You’re much older than her, yet you can’t act like at decent aunt to her?” “You’ve spoiled that brat!” Melanie retorted disdainfully and muttered, “She hasn’t been out much, has she?” “What did you say?! Although you’ve traveled much, you’ve never considered how you got to do that,” I held Ava and glared at Melanie, saying, “Why are you arguing with a child? Can’t you be a mature adult?” Once Matthew parked the car and came over, he saw me yelling at Melanie. He patted my back to try and take Ava from me, saying, “It’s okay.” 1 “Aunt Mel is evil!” Ava complained to Matthew when she saw him coming over. Melanie glanced at her brother and put up a front, asking Ava smilingly, “What did I do, sweetie?” +15 BONUS I loathed Melanie because she always put up a front whenever Matthew was around. I avoided his attempt to take Ava from me and entered the restaurant. Then I heard Matthew behind me, “Can you calm down?” 1- Melanie started. 2 “Shut up. Haven’t you had enough?” Although Matthew’s voice was low, I could still hear it. It was rare for him to talk to his sister like that. Finally, I felt a little relieved. Matthew should have stood up to Melanie long ago to keep her in check. As we entered the restaurant, we bumped into Johnson unexpectedly.

Chapter 15 A Chance Encounter Johnson was our company’s Marketing Director. He greeted us warmly and playfully pinched Ava’s cheeks when he saw us. In a way, Johnson took my role by taking charge of the company’s marketing department. I was the one who brought him into the company, and he worked under me for over a year. Back then, the marketing department focused mainly on sales, consisting of just five people. Johnson was a quick–witted college graduate who was a natural at marketing. He had a silver tongue that could convince anyone of anything. He took over my position when I got pregnant while Matthew nurtured him. I knew Johnson frequented this place because he arranged a private room for us with the restaurant manager’s help. It was evident he was much more considerate than Matthew.. Melanie was also familiar with Johnson as the two exchanged glances while Johnson ordered the food. Meanwhile, I didn’t pay much attention to the order and went straight into the private room since I knew Matthew wouldn’t let me or Ava down in that aspect. Soon after, Johnson followed us into the room. Since it had been a while since I last saw him, I gestured for him to sit and chat. I asked him how the company was doing, and he discreetly responded while glancing at Matthew occasionally, I knew the Johnson in front of me differed from the one I had recruited long ago. Indeed, times had changed, and it was no surprise since Matthew was now the boss. In Johnson’s eyes, I was just a former boss past her prime and inferior to the current company president. I didn’t fault Johnson for that, but seeing it was still disheartening. I had become an antique in the Tanum Corporation. It was flattering whenever people called me Madam,” but ultimately, it was just a respectful form of address. I figured people would stop acknowledging me if Matthew and I parted ways one day. After all, even Matthew had already forgotten about all my contributions to the company. Who would remember the woman who started Tanum Corporation and bled for it? It was a depressing thought as i had worked nonstop back then. However, that chapter had long ended, and the fruits of my labor were not mine to enjoy anymore. Although people continued singing praises, no one knew my pain as it was my burden alone. I realized how fickle the world was. At that moment, I had become even more convinced of one thing. No one would look out for me, so I needed to care for myself. I thought it was better to be safe than sorry, which made my heart ache again. Could Matthew be so ruthless? I was still in disbelief and held some hope for the difficult times we shared. I only wanted him to remember what we had gone through together, regardless of whether or not I got the credit. I would like to believe he wasn’t that heartless. Meanwhile, Johnson discreetly excused himself when the food arrived. 1 Matthew’s phone kept ringing during the meal. Most of the calls were about business, but there was one call where he glanced at me before going outside to answer it. My body tensed as I watched him leave. I excused myself to the restroom and saw Matthew talking on the phone in the corridor, constantly responding with “Mmm.” The familiar scene reminded me of his video call with me in the hotel a few days ago. He noticed me coming out and hastily told the person on the other end, “All right, let’s do it that way then. Just make sure the quality is good. The material isn’t a problem. You decide.” I When he hung up the phone, I walked past him and went to the bathroom. Although it sounded like a business call, I wondered why he had to leave and talk outside. As I washed my hands, Matthew appeared outside the door and said, “A client called me about the used materials.” 2 “Isn’t that Johnson’s responsibility? Why did they call you instead?” I grabbed a tissue while looking at his reflection in the mirror. “Oh, a long–time client is renovating their home,” Matthew answered vaguely. “I see. I’m going to use the restroom, so you should go and check on Ava,” I said this to ensure Melanie wouldn’t bully my daughter. Matthew pulled me close, kissed me, and returned to the private room. Soon after, I smiled bitterly and headed to the restroom. However, before I could finish using the bathroom stall, I heard footsteps, indicating that two more people had entered the bathroom.

Chapter 16 A Scene to Watch The footsteps sounded like someone was getting pulled. I was about to open the door and leave when I heard a man’s voice, “Hey there, beautiful. I finally caught you. I’ve been missing you like crazy!” I froze when I realized the voice belonged to Johnson and quickly withdrew my hand from the door handle. I never expected Johnson to be so audacious. He had a pretty wife, so I never imagined he would cheat. It seemed there was no such thing as a good man anymore. “Don’t even say you missed me. Don’t you have another lover?” a woman spoke bitterly, “Why were you so friendly to her at the door just now? You were never enthusiastic with me, and you say I’m important to you? Bullsh*t! Your words are empty!” “You’re spouting nonsense. You’re the one who’s always seducing others.” Immediately after, I heard a rustling sound. “Good girl. Let me kiss you. I…” Johnson’s words were daring, making my face blush, and my heart ache.” That man is my boss, so how could I not be polite toward him and his wife? He provides me with a job, and I wouldn’t have the money to support you without it.” “Your boss is better and much more handsome than you. Ah, why are you in such a hurry? Someone’s coming. Ah.” The woman sounded coy, and I could tell they were doing something nasty. I was annoyed and about to leave when I heard Johnson again, “Don’t even think about him. He’s not your type, no matter how handsome he is. He has too many girls anyway, so just focus on me.” My heart sank when I heard that even Johnson knew about it. He had called me madam just a while ago, but it seemed ironic now. He must’ve thought I was pathetic when he greeted me that way. I tightened my grip around my phone as a sharp pain plerced my heart. On top of that, the sounds outside the bathroom stall made me blush. Suddenly, I had an idea and pulled out my phone before leaving. However, I saw no one when I looked toward the source of the voices. Then I realized the sounds came from the janitor’s room. So, I tiptoed over, and they were unaware of my presence. Immediately after, I recorded their illicit actions without their knowledge/ I checked the recording as I turned and left. The video was enough evidence for me, even though it was disgusting. Still, it might come in handy. My heart still raced when I returned to the private room. My breath was somewhat constrained, and I had no idea what Matthew, Ava, and Melanie were discussing in the room. +15 BONUS Ava sat on Matthew’s lap, giggling as her legs dangled. Meanwhile, Melanie’s hair flowed down Matthew’s neck while she chuckled like a schoolgirl. I had grown accustomed to her attempts to charm her brother, and their sibling bond was unbreakable. Matthew saw me and let go of his sister’s hand before calmly asking me, “What took you so long? The food’s getting cold.” Melanie glanced at me as I sat down and said, “Chloe, can’t you eat a meal without disappearing? My brother can’t enjoy his meal in peace without you.” I ignored her and looked at Matthew. I said backhandedly. “Some people are just beyond saving.” Matthew looked at me intensely as the corner of his lips twitched. “What was that about? Why are you saying such things? What made you feel this way?” He bombarded me with questions, but I responded with a bitter smile. It seemed I had hit a nerve. I maintained my composure and looked at him, saying. The world is so cruel. Men these days seem to prefer having flings. Is that because I’m old–fashioned?” Matthew’s gaze faltered as his head lowered. Then he lifted his gaze and looked at me smilingly, “Honey, you’ve become more sensitive lately. What’s causing it? What’s this about flings?” Melanie muttered disdainfully, “Why are you speaking in riddles?” I ignored her and kept my gaze on Matthew. “Don’t tell me you don’t understand what I’m talking about. It has nothing to do with being sensitive, let alone emotions. Some men just can’t control their lust, even when they have their needs met.” I shot him a meaningful look. I sensed his anxiety, although his face remained calm. I suppressed the pain in my heart and chuckled. “Honey, you don’t have a fling, do you? You’re playing it so cool. We haven’t even enjoyed our good days yet. Don’t tell me you’re lusting for something else?” “Nonsense!” Matthew quickly retorted, his face slightly flushed. ‘Having you and Ava is more than enough for me. I don’t have the energy for anyone else! You better not bring me into this!” Then he picked up a piece of newly served asparagus and tried feeding it to me. “Try this and stop overthinking. I’m not preoccupied with such things. Trust me. Hmph! I scoffed internally. Unexpectedly, my words rubbed Melanie the wrong way. She pursed her lips and looked at me, wanting to say something.

Chapter 17 Teaching My Sister–in–law a Lesson +15 BONUS Melanie didn’t take kindly to what I said. Her displeasure was evident as she retorted, “Chloe, don’t be unappreciative of what you have. You know how my brother treats you, right? He’s the one out there working hard, and you dare to be choosy? Don’t be so overbearing.” I glared at her, saying, “Oh? Do you feel bad for your brother? When did I ever need your two cents in conversations with him?” Melanie rolled her eyes, “–” I didn’t let her continue and interrupted, “What’s wrong with being a full–time housewife? It seems like you’ve got a bone to pick with that. No wonder you were desperate to experience a housewife’s life at Galar Tower. You enjoyed that, didn’t you?” My gaze was intense as I stared at Melanie. My past submissive behavior made her think I was an easy target. “You think your brother is the only one hard at work? Ask your brother if he dares to say that to me,” I didn’t give Melanie a chance to speak and continued, “Don’t you or your family remember me looking for clients all over the city that I even suffered from stomach ulcers? I “Matthew doesn’t even dare to say he built the company alone. Yet, you have the nerve to tell me I don’t have the right to say what I said?!” Melanie looked at Matthew angrily. However, I didn’t let up. “You’re enjoying the fruits of my labor, spending our money without contributing anything. Do you think you deserve that?” My gaze turned icier than ever as I stared her down. “Melanie, you should know your place if you want to keep freeloading off us. Don’t bring up such bullsh*t in front of me again. Your brother might indulge you, but I won’t.” “Why, you!” Melanie exclaimed. I sneered at the infuriated Melanie, saying, “You said I’m overbearing? You can tell me about it again when you find someone you love.” Then I turned to Matthew and said, “You should teach your sister a lesson and stop spolling her. Please teach her to be more respectful.* “Chloe, you…” Melanie slammed the table, startling Ava, who pouted and burst into tears. Matthew roared in frustration, “That’s enough! Let’s eat! Stop causing a scene!” +15 BONUS He aimed his frustration at Melanie, which relieved me somewhat. Meanwhile, I comforted Ava and reassured her everything was okay. Things finally quieted down afterward, and we finished our meal. When we headed out to pay the bill, the waiter said Johnson had already handled it. Melanie sulked outside the restaurant and didn’t get into our car. I glanced at Matthew to ask, “Aren’t you going to call her in?” Matthew’s face remained stern, “Leave her alone. We need to teach her a lesson.” I didn’t say much, either. Although I didn’t have a favorable impression of my sister–in–law, saying too much was inappropriate, as I had already said enough today. On the way home, I used Melanie’s topic as a starting point, “I’m considering returning to work once Ava returns to preschool. I don’t want to feel like a freeloader anymore because I’ve become quite unpopular within my own company.” “Honey, what are you saying? I just don’t want you to overwork yourself. You’ve suffered a lot for this company in the past. It’s not wrong to enjoy yourself a bit now. Melanie is still young and naive, so don’t blame her. “Besides, the company is more organized now, and management positions are tightly arranged. Having you back might be challenging since we’ll have to rearrange several things,” Matthew explained as he drove. I said nothing but found it quite amusing. After all, Tanum Corporation was a company I had founded from scratch. It was like my child, yet I couldn’t find a way to fit in now, and I found it ironic. Matthew noticed my silence and held my hand. “Don’t be upset. If you want to return to work, you can. The company has come this far thanks to your unimaginable contributions. You’re the key figure, and your merits are irreplaceable.” I almost rolled my eyes at my smooth–talking husband. I guessed he only said those things to appease me, so I decided not to comment and looked out the window. As the cityscape passed by, I felt a sense of loneliness and wondered where my refuge was. Matthew’s betrayal had thrown me into a bottomless pit, and i instinctively held my aching heart while I became teary–eyed. At that moment, I decided to return to work once Ava returned to preschool.

Chapter 18 An Unnecessary Casualty Ava had fallen asleep before we could reach home. After parking the car, Matthew went to pick her up and carry her to the room. Once he tucked her in, I got ready to bathe. Meanwhile, Matthew’s phone kept buzzing, and he would glance at it before hanging up. He seemed uneasy, I knew it was because he wouldn’t dare answer it when I was around. I took a change of clothes and my phone to the bathroom. After placing my things aside, I turned on the water and left the door slightly ajar to listen for any movement outside. As expected, I heard Matthew speaking into the phone hushedly. Since that was the case, I called Ivanna and only heard the busy tone. It confirmed my suspicion that Matthew was talking to her on the phone. My hands trembled with anger as I showered hastily and left the bathroom. Matthew heard my footsteps and quickly disconnected the call. He entered the room from the balcony and feigned ignorance, saying. Hey, honey, are you done?” He faked a smile and took the towel from my hand. Then he stood behind me to dry my hair with it. I knew his mind was elsewhere and asked casually, “Who just called you?” “It was my mom,” Matthew replied before I could barely finish my sentence. Suddenly, Ava cried out and caused Matthew to panic. He shoved the towel in my hand and rushed to her room to avoid my probing questions. Meanwhile, I stood rooted with the towel and pondered momentarily. I knew Matthew had lied again since the call couldn’t have been from his mother, as I had dialed her number to confirm that she hadn’t made any calls. I leaned against the bathroom wall and felt utterly helpless. Just then, Matthew walked in while still carrying Ava. She had woken up because she needed to pee, so he took her to the toilet. Ava was still half–asleep, not even opening her eyes as she peed. It seemed she must’ve had too much to drink during dinner. Suddenly, Matthew’s phone rang again. The ringtone was jarring in the small bathroom. Matthew flinched and forgot he was holding Ava in his haste to reach for his phone. Ava slipped and fell, hitting the toilet before landing on the wet floor, I watched in horror, unable to catch her in time. She had fallen from the toilet seat to the damp ground and was now bawling in agony. I rushed over, leaving Matthew stunned. I picked up our daughter and noticed her lips bleeding as they +15 BONUS “Matthew Murphy, you idiot!” I yelled at him as he stood frozen, then left the bathroom with Ava in my arms. Ava cried as her swollen lip trembled. I sat on the couch to wipe the blood off her lips with some tissues, with a heart aching so intensely that I struggled to breathe. Meanwhile, the phone kept ringing, and Matthew was still shocked over what had just happened. It was either that or guilt had consumed him over his carelessness. Nonetheless, he followed me out and watched Ava’s bloodied lips with a panicked expression, trying to console her. 1 I trembled as I carefully pressed the tissues to Ava’s lips, comforting her by kissing her forehead repeatedly. An inexplicable pain surged through my body. I never expected the man I had always considered a perfect husband and great father to become so infatuated with another woman that he would forget his daughter Ava was so young, yet she became a casualty of our failing marriage. I couldn’t take it anymore and shouted, “Answer the damn phone! I want to see who’s calling you so persistently! Answer!” Matthew hurriedly silenced the phone while I held Ava tightly. My dear daughter had just woken up from her peaceful sleep just to endure such pain. Then, she was horrified before she could recover from the fall. My regret for letting Matthew care for Ava overwhelmed me. Ultimately, I remained seated on the couch, frantically wiping Ava’s blood with tissues. I said sobbingly, “D–Don’t cry, baby. Mommy’s sorry!” 1 I couldn’t hold back my tears while cradling her. “Honey, I’m so sorry. H-…” Matthew was frantic and lost. I glared at him, my voice hoarse from shouting, “Are you even a human being?! Are you? Look at me and tell me if you are. Can you even face your daughter? Tell me who called you now! Why didn’t you answer?” Matthew looked flustered as he gulped. His eyes were shifty, and his lips twitched while avoiding my gaze. “I–It was…Ivanna. She wanted me to cover for her because she’s seeing someone else and thought you might find out. S–So, she called to ask me for advice. 1 “I didn’t want you to think poorly of me, so I hid it from you. I know you hate these things,” Matthew’s voice trembled, but his explanation was sincere. He even revealed an air of earnestness and vulnerability. I looked at him and felt utterly defeated because he refused to tell the truth. I shook with anger, and his phone started ringing again.

Chapter 19 Smooth–Talker The phone call shocked Matthew and me. His eyes narrowed, while mine grew sharper as I looked at him and demanded, “Answer it!” Matthew froze again. “You will answer this call in front of me if you have any conscience left. I’ll give you one last chance!” I stared at him, holding my still–crying daughter close. After a while, I straightened up and continued, “I used to believe my husband would never betray me, even in a world full of lies. You’ve let me down.” I finally uttered the words I never wanted to face. I never expected the concept of betrayal to affect us too. I cried as the words left my mouth. My cries mixed with Ava’s in a symphony of heartache and brokenness. Matthew slowly took his phone, and the ringtone was even more jarring in the tense atmosphere. I looked motionless husband staring at me. Gradually, his fingers clenched into a fist as I growled through at my gritted teeth, “Answer it!” Matthew glanced at the phone and said, “I–It’s Melanie.” “Answer it!” Regardless of who it was, I wouldn’t give him another chance to reject the call. Although he hesitated, he saw my determination and reluctantly answered, “Mel, I’m in the middle of something with Chloe right now. Can we talk later?” “Oh, sure. I’ll call you tomorrow then!” It was indeed Melanie’s voice on the other end. After hanging up the phone, Matthew looked at me innocently. I felt lost in the face of this unexpected turn. Ava’s cries for me made it impossible to continue confronting him, so I stood up and carried her to our room before slamming the door. 1 “C–Chlo… Chlo!” I couldn’t hold back my tears as the door closed. I was so close to exposing Matthew, yet he twisted the situation. I suspected Melanie must be covering for her brother. I would expect such things from his sister, especially since Melanie and I never liked each other. At that moment, Matthew seemed like a stranger to me. He was cunning and a convincing llar, making me shudder just thinking about it. I had shared my bed with that man for many years, but he led a double life while I clung to my fantasies. Matthew stood outside and called for me continuously, but I didn’t acknowledge him. I held my daughter close that night, and the scene of her falling haunted me. My heart ached with regret, and I couldn’t sleep a wink. The following morning, Matthew prepared breakfast and innocently stood outside Ava’s room as he woke us up. Once I got Ava dressed and carried her out of the room, Matthew guiltily hugged us. “Chlo, please don’t be mad. I was wrong. Please forgive me.” 3) He pressed his face against Ava’s cheek and continued, “I feel even worse for you, little one. I’m so sorry.” Matthew looked at Ava’s lips and gently touched them while his eyes reddened. After all, his deception caused Ava’s injury. “Chlo, please believe me. I would never betray you. Please stop overthinking things. It hurts me when you’re like this, so I’ve been reflecting on myself all night. Maybe I’ve been neglecting you lately, and I’m sorry. “How about we go on a vacation to Tarantino this weekend, just the three of us? We can visit the amusem*nt park and then go to the spa.” I felt conflicted, seeing him beg like this. However, I reminded myself not to believe his lies and to fight for Ava’s justice. I collected my emotions before saying. “All right. Hurry and eat your food before you go to work. I think what Melanie said to me last night got to me. Well… Forget it!” I purposely brought up Melanie. However, Matthew didn’t react to it and cheered as if I had forgiven him. Immediately after, he hugged and kissed me nonstop. “I knew my reasonable wife would understand! Don’t lower yourself to her level! Honey, I can’t live without you. I couldn’t sleep last night. You can’t let your thoughts wander, okay? I love you more than anything.” Ha! I’m so reasonable that I let him cheat on me. 2 suppressed my laugh and said, “Okay, let’s eat.” Although Ava was young, she was preceptive. She noticed our expressions and babbled on while hugging us. Soon after, we enjoyed our breakfast together, which was almost harmonious. However, Ava’s swollen lips still bugged me. It was a constant reminder that the man before me had inflicted irreparable wounds on me and my daughter. Despite that, I was already thinking of ways to uncover the other woman’s identity.

Chapter 20 An Excellent Opportunity I glanced at the incessantly ringing phone, unsure how to describe my emotions. The timing was impeccable because she called just as Matthew left. I knew he must’ve called her and reported the situation as soon as he left. I calmly answered the call, “Yes, Ivanna?” real mood. “What are you up to? is Ava okay?” Ivanna sounded like she was in a great Of course, she would be in a great mood. She must be taking advantage of last night’s argument between. Matthew and me. “It seems like you’re free today to call me so early in the morning. There was a hint of sarcasm in my tone. “Well, I’m not a robot. Even I need to recharge and maintain myself!” Ivanna laughed. “Let’s go out.” “Ava isn’t at school yet, so I’m just playing with her at home,” I replied. “Oh? That’s great. Bring her along so I can spoil her a little. Since you weren’t in a good mood last time, I didn’t dare to talk to her for long.” Ivanna teased me. After some thought, I figured the opportunity was too good to pass up. Since she had initiated it, it wouldn’t be fair if I didn’t use this chance to meet with her. “Sure! I don’t care where we go as long as I can relax and have some quiet time. Can I come to your place? I’ve never been there because you’ve been hiding it from me. What if something happened to you? I won’t be able to find you if I don’t know where you live.” I I spoke as if it were our usual banter. Ivanna seemed hesitant as I tightened the grip on my phone. I sensed her reluctance and probed, “Is this a bad time?” “What do you mean? Even if I had a man over, I’d kick him out so you can come over,” Ivanna replied, “All right, then. You stay there, and I’ll pick you and Ava up later. I’ll be there soon!” After ending the call, I held my daughter and felt a heavy weight on my chest. How nice would it be if none of this had happened? Then I could treat it all as a nightmare. At least Ava wouldn’t have gotten hurt. I looked at her still–swollen lips and asked, “Do they still hurt?” Ava shook her head and consoled me, saying, “It doesn’t hurt anymore, and Daddy said he didn’t mean it.. +15 BONUS I choked up and wondered how lovely it would be to be as Innocent as my daughter. Ivanna’s car arrived two hours later, and I went downstairs to meet her. I hid the two keys I had duplicated in my bag to confirm whether they belonged to her place. However, I was surprised that her apartment was in one of the most well–known upscale neighborhoods in Foswood, Amethyst Apartments. I was familiar with this area as it had the best schools. That included Sunnydale, which provided education from kindergarten to high school. The school’s quality of education was supposedly the best in the province. I had mentioned this area to Matthew before since I wanted to buy a house here for Ava to attend Sunnydale Institute. z “Ivanna, I didn’t expect you to live in Amethyst Apartments. I’ve been eyeing this place for a while,” I spoke sincerely, forgetting my resentment toward her. “You’ve set your sights on Sunnydale, haven’t you?” Ivanna spoke rapidly. “That’s not an easy feat. When Ava starts school, you can let her stay with me if you trust me. We’ll go to Sunnydale together.” z I froze in place as my heart raced. I wondered if Ivanna was preparing to snatch my daughter from me. Just then, she reached out to take Ava and noticed the bruise on her hips. “Hey, how did this happen? I don’t remember seeing that injury on her lips either!” Ivanna feigned surprise as if she was trying to strike a nerve with me. However, I hugged Ava and said coldly, “It was an accident.” Ivanna sensed my alienation and stiffened. Previously, I deliberately checked her keys when she opened the door, but she quickly tossed them into her bag. Ultimately, I didn’t get a chance to see them clearly. After entering Ivanna’s apartment on the twelfth floor, she dropped her bag onto the cabinet near the door and reached for Ava, saying, “Come here. Let Aunty Ivanna show you around, kiddo.” The elegantly furnished and gorgeous apartment was large, almost too extravagant for one person. Fresh flowers were on the coffee table, showing a single woman’s sophisticated taste. The place was beautiful compared to my shabby 450–square–foot apartment. It seemed Ivanna had been living a pretty luxurious life while I only had the bare necessities. On top of that, I was not in a battle of wits with my cheating husband. Ava squealed excitedly, calling for me childishly, “Wow, Mommy, Aunt Ivanna’s place is so pretty!” +15 BONUS I almost felt bitter at the sound of my daughter’s joyful cries. Soon after, I followed them inside, carefully observing every apartment detail for clues.

Chapter 21 My Best Friend’s Keys After touring around her house, I felt a bit disappointed. There wasn’t even a pair of men’s slippers in her place. I suspect she had tidied up since it took her two hours to come and pick us up to hide any evidence. I figured she had thought things through. It was enough time for her Ivanna prepared a few snacks for Ava, perhaps because she sensed how distracted I was. She then turned on the TV, played a cartoon, and sat beside me. Soon after, she began to scrutinize me, making me feel uncomfortable. Then, she patted my hand, saying, “Let it out.” My heart raced, and I looked at her defensively while withdrawing my hand. “Let what out?” “Share what’s on your mind,” Ivanna encouraged as if trying to coax me. I sneered before saying. “What’s on my mind? What do you mean?” I saw her mouth twitch. After a moment of silence, she stood up abruptly. “You stay here and play with Ava. I’ll make something for you two to eat.” After removing her coat and changing clothes, she went into the kitchen. I sat with my daughter absentmindedly and gazed at the large screen, pondering whether my thoughts were headed in the right direction. Suddenly, her phone rang, and my senses heightened immediately. I suspected it was Matthew calling. I stood up and sat on the nearest sofa to the kitchen. I heard Ivanna’s voice softly speaking on the phone, her tone tender and different from when she was with me. Though I couldn’t make out the content of her conversation, it felt like a thousand needles pricking my heart. I rose and headed to the kitchen, but as I approached, I noticed that Ivanna had already ended the call and placed the phone in her apron pocket. She looked surprised at my sudden appearance. “Go and keep Ava company. You’re my guest, so I’ll take care of everything. Just wait for the food.” I smiled and didn’t move, leaning against the kitchen door frame. “Did you buy this house yourself?” “I don’t have that much money. It’s the company’s,” Ivanna chuckled while looking at me. “Your company is something else, huh? Not many companies provide housing for employees these days,” A terrible feeling crept over me, and I wanted to check the savings account I shared with Matthew. “I’m just living like a celebrity,” Ivanna replied while cleaning the crabs, “Several talents from my company live in this neighborhood, and the security and management here are top–notch. Random people won’t be disturbing us. You know how celebrities value their privacy.” I countered bluntly. “The privacy of ordinary people is just as important, you know? Mistresses can be afraid of being exposed too.” “You’re right. There are people like that here, too.” Ivanna remained remarkably composed. “However, it’s not necessarily the mistress who fears exposure sometimes. I guess it depends on how sophisticated they are.” I snorted at the word ‘sophisticated and thought about how bold mistresses had become these days since they dared to flaunt their affairs openly. I didn’t want to argue or continue with this topic, so I turned and left the kitchen while glancing at the shoe cabinet at the entrance. I saw her bag with the keys and walked toward mine before fumbling around for my keys. Then I looked back at the kitchen and heard the bustling inside. Soon after, I got up, pretending to be calm, and approached the door. I glanced at the kitchen again and quickly reached into Ivanna’s bag to grab her keys. I then searched for the one Ivanna had used to open the door. My hands trembled, not knowing if it was nerves or fear of knowing the outcome. I placed her key and my duplicate side by side for comparison, unable to believe what I saw. An inexplicable feeling crept over me, and I slowly turned around.


Chapter 22 Who Was That Woman? I was in disbelief because the two keys didn’t match. I doubted myself then and wondered if I had wrongly accused Ivanna. Was Matthew seeing someone else, or did he have another trick with those keys? I didn’t expect this or know if I should feel relieved or frustrated. My mind went blank as a strange feeling crept into me. I suddenly felt the need to turn around and was startled as Ivanna calmly stood behind me. “Did you find what you were looking for?” She sounded like she had planned this whole thing. My lips trembled as I looked at Ivanna and felt I could no longer read her. Of course, I was embarrassed when she exposed me. Still, I stood tall and locked eyes with her, saying, “What are you trying to say, Ivanna? Why did you lie to me? What’s going on between you and Matthew?” Her calm demeanor caught me off guard, provoking my anger and embarrassment. “I’ve never lied to you. I know what you’re referring to. You want to talk about that day I saw Matthew at the teahouse.” Ivanna remained composed. “I didn’t want you to get hurt. Although my words can be harsh, I’ll never take what you love.” After a pause, she stared at me and asked, “Is our friendship that fragile to you?” Meanwhile, Ava must’ve sensed the tension in our voices and crawled to be. She hugged my leg as her eyes showed panic. “M–Mommy!” I quickly knelt and embraced Ava, reassuring her, “It’s okay, baby. Aunt Ivanna and I are discussing something. We’re not fighting.” Ivanna came over and knelt too. Then she gently patted Ava’s head and said, “Your mommy and I will never fight, sweetheart. We’re best friends, after all. Don’t be afraid, okay?” She looked at me and patted my shoulder before saying softly, “We’ll talk later. Just trust me.” Ivanna calmed my daughter and me down, and I picked Ava up to return to the living room. I only wanted to know what Ivanna knew and what she kept from me. The lunch she made us was lavish, and we tried to create a harmonious atmosphere while eating. We made Ava laugh non–stop to dispel the earlier tension. Ava grew excited and ran around the house while I kept tearing up. Once Ava had eaten her fill and was exhausted from all the running, she was finally starting to feel fatigued. Ivanna hugged her and asked, “Would you like to nap here? You can sleep on my big bed.” Ava looked at me and cheered when I nodded with a smile. Ivanna led us to the room, and I lay down with Ava as she hugged me. “Aunt Ivanna’s big house is awesome!” I almost cried hearing my daughter’s words. I hugged her tightly and firmly promised, “I will get you a big house like this too!” “Really?” She asked naively. “Yes, of course!” I said firmly, clenching my teeth afterward. Soon after, her eyes closed, and she fell asleep. Her sleeping face was so beautiful it made my heart melt, but her lips were still slightly swollen. I covered her up, gently kissed her, and quietly got up. Then I left the room and saw Ivanna sipping red wine in the living room. Her eyes followed my every from her. move until I satShe poured me a glass, and we clinked glasses in a silent understanding, both downing the wine in one 1. go. “You start.” “You start.” We spoke simultaneously. Then, we smiled at each other and thought perhaps we knew each other too well. I was the first to break the silence and got straight to the point, “Did you know Matthew cheated?” “I know. I told you I saw him the other day, right?” Ivanna was straightforward this time, “He suddenly left, and I even got someone to check the footage from that day. I was scared that I’d made a mistake.” After hearing that, I closed my eyes briefly as tears streamed down my face. I abruptly opened my eyes and looked at Ivanna, saying through clenched teeth, “Who was that woman?”


Chapter 23 Recruiting Allies Ivanna shook her head, saying. “The surveillance footage I got was too blurry. Also, I couldn’t see the woman’s face because Matthew’s arms blocked her face.” “Do you have the footage now?” I asked. She quickly sent me the footage, and I saw many people on the street that night. Matthew’s figure in the video was fleeting. He wore the same overcoat I had ironed for him, making his tall figure stand out in the crowd. His left arm was around a woman in a pink top. His large frame obscured her figure, so I zoomed in on the footage, but it made no difference. I still couldn’t make out the woman’s face. 1 “He’s quite the schemer,” I said as my tears clouded my vision. Ivanna silently approached and sat beside me before putting her arm around my shoulder. I held the phone, choking on my tears as I said, “That night, I saw his figure on a live stream on TikTok. I sent him the video link immediately.” I paused, tried to calm down, and spoke again. “Matt found a restaurant, removed his jacket, and stood in the hallway when he video–called me! Hahaha, I can’t believe how sly he is. He lied to me so effortlessly!” I laughed maniacally as I poured myself another glass of wine and downed it. Ivanna didn’t stop me, either. “You shouldn’t have lied to me, Ivanna. I. “When you saw Matthew and me at the cafe, I was only giving him a piece of my mind and warning him not to break your heart. That’s why I didn’t want you to know that I met him alone,” Ivanna explained and sipped her wine. 1 I suddenly broke down as all my pent–up anxiety, fear, and helplessness erupted. I told Ivanna everything I knew, including what had happened after he let Ava fall last night and the continued lies. “What do you plan to do?” Ivanna asked, her voice calm. “I can’t just let Matthew bully me like this. He hurt me, so he must pay for what he did. Not just for me but for my daughter. I want to reclaim everything that’s rightfully mine!” “Are you serious?” Ivanna asked again. I firmly nodded as Ivanna analyzed all the possibilities with me. I felt stiffened with every word and understood the reasoning she presented. She feared I might lose everything I had if I took such a resolute However, could I return to how things were if I didn’t take action? The answer was clear to me. No! Thus, I nodded and said with determination, “I’ve made up my mind, Ivanna!” She stared at me intensely before saying. “I’ll help you!” My mind was clearer than usual when I left Ivanna’s place. Later, Matthew returned home and played with Ava in our cramped living room, Since Ava w was a naive child, she babbled to him about how lovely Ivanna’s big house was. I feigned ignorance and pretended to be preoccupied with preparing dinner. However, I expressed how much I liked Amethyst Apartments. Meanwhile, I secretly observed Matthew. Though he tried to seem engaged, I knew he wasn’t entirely focused. During dinner, he intentionally asked me why I suddenly visited Ivanna. I responded casually, but I could tell he was uneasy about me visiting her. The following day, I dressed meticulously before dropping Ava off at daycare and heading straight to my company building. When I arrived, I entered Matthew’s office, but he wasn’t there yet. Johnson saw me and hurried over. “Madam, why are you here?” I looked at his fawning smile and recalled the disgusting image of him in my phone, thinking about how he was part of Matthew’s repulsive circle. I said, “I’ll be working here starting today.” “Uh…working?” My statement caught Johnson by surprise, and his expression stiffened. “What? Is it that surprising?” I asked deliberately. “N–Not at all, Madam! You should’ve returned to work long ago! I certainly haven’t forgotten how powerful you were back then!” Although he nodded smilingly, I knew he wasn’t sincere. “Prepare an office for me,” I demanded. Johnson hurriedly left, and I knew he would inform Matthew about my arrival.


Chapter 24 Vanished Into Thin Air Sure enough, Matthew soon came to the office. With a composed smile, I asked, “Did Johnson call you? Where were you so early in the morning?” “Yes, he called me. He said you were coming to work, and I was surprised you didn’t mention it last night.” He removed his coat, hung it up, and then looked at me. “I just went to check out a construction site on the way here.” I explained, “It was a spur–of–the–moment decision. I felt a bit free after sending Ava to daycare.” Meanwhile, Matthew approached and sat beside me. “I thought about something on the way back. You can go to the general office if you insist on working. I think it suits you well. It’s flexible, no pressure, and it’s also good to have someone overseeing company matters.” “No, I’m going to the marketing department. That’s where I’m best suited,” I rejected Matthew’s arrangement, expressing my thoughts and seeming stubborn. I understood Matthew’s intention to send me to the general office. It was just a nominal position, but I wanted to get involved to know what Tanum Corporation was like as a company now. “But Johnson is in the marketing department.” “Hey! I can start as a regular employee. He’s your right–hand man, and I won’t usurp his authority. I want to challenge myself and see if I still have my previous drive. I miss those days,” I spoke lightly. Then I smiled without care and continued, “The schedule is flexible too. If you make me work every day, I might not adjust well. I haven’t worked for four to five years, so let me ease into it.” Matthew relaxed once I said that. Then he walked over to my side, laughing. “All right, honey. You get to decide. Whatever makes you happy.” Johnson was efficient and quickly cleared out an office for me. The room was decently sized, right next to his office. I was true to my words, slowly easing into work life again. I went through the motions at peace, doing nothing substantial all day. I looked at client information and checked In with different departments haphazardly, without strict protocol. Sometimes, I disappeared for half the day but would show up in the office again before the day ended. Nobody knew my routine. I had been a restraint on Matthew since I returned to work. Although he seemed busy, we showed some Initially, Johnson was quite nervous, closely monitoring and circling my actions. However, my working pattern for the past three days and idling for two left him at a loss on how to keep up. Gradually, he relaxed. That was when I heard him saying I was just passing the time by being at the company. Frankly, that wasn’t all I was doing. While others thought I was just easing in, Ivanna had dug up Tanum Corporation’s clientele information, and I was busy going through those records. Time wasn’t on my side, and Ava developed a high fever on the night Matthew was on a business trip in Operose. My daughter’s fever was so severe that I had to immediately take her to the hospital. However, after arriving at the hospital, I discovered the billing counter only accepted cash. I rummaged through my purse and, fortunately, found my bank card. A nurse told me there was an ATM near the entrance, and I handed Ava to the doctor before rushing to withdraw some money. I was petrified when I realized I couldn’t withdraw even a hundred dollars. This card held the money Matthew and I had saved to buy a house. We hadn’t touched it for years, and the money was supposed to remain in the account until we found the right house. 1 How could there be no money in there? I felt dizzy as I checked the account a few times. Then I quickly pulled out my phone and called Matthew to ask what was happening and where the money went.


Chapter 25 A Business Trip in Operose I redialed Matthew’s number, but a mechanical voice informed me that the call couldn’t connect. I squatted in frustration, but the thought of my daughter’s fever struck me. Then I gritted my teeth, forced myself to stand, and returned to the lobby. I tried calling Ivanna when I arrived, but her phone was off too. I paced around in panic and wondered where those two could’ve gone. At that moment, I felt like my pleas were falling on deaf ears. Ultimately, I reluctantly called my in–laws. Although it was past one in the morning, and I didn’t want to disturb them, I had no other option. Sure enough, my mother–in–law answered and sounded alarmed, ” Chlo? What’s wrong? It’s so late. Is something wrong?” I had trouble answering her question but soon apologized and told her about Ava’s high fever and that I had no cash. My in–laws said they would rush to the hospital and quickly hung up. When they arrived, the doctor had already put Ava on an IV drip and diagnosed her with acute pneumonia. I felt quilt that my in–laws had to rush to the hospital in the middle of the night. “Why’d you come? You could’ve told Melanie to bring me the money since it’s so late.” “She said she went to the Operose with her brother for business. She wasn’t home,” my mother–in–law explained, then hurried to Ava’s bedside. “How did it get this severe? What’s her temperature?” “It’s already 39.5 degrees. Ava has acute pneumonia. Can you watch over her while I pay the bill?” I asked my in–laws before rushing to the counter, cursing Melanie inwardly. She was just a burden at this point. What business could she possibly have with her brother? The least. she could do was not cause any trouble. Once I settled the bill, I told my in–laws to go home. However, my mother–in– law insisted on making us some food before leaving. Afterward, I watched my daughter’s face gradually regain its color. I immediately felt a massive weight lifting from my chest. Still, all the money in the account had disappeared, and I felt uneasy. Various possibilities raced through my mind, making me increasingly conflicted. Thankfully, Ivanna returned my call at five in the morning when she checked her phone. “Chlo, what’s going on? Why’d you call me in the middle of the night? My phone died last night because I forgot to charge it!” “Ava developed a high fever and has pneumonia. I had to take her to the hospital so late at night, and I didn’t have any money,” I explained as tears rolled down my cheeks. “Damn it. Which hospital are you at? Wait for me there!” Ivalla replied urgently. “Klinein Hospital.” I sniffed. Ivanna found us in less than half an hour. When she entered the ward, she felt Ava’s forehead, saying, “is she getting better?” I nodded. “The fever’s going down.” “Then why are you crying?!” Ivanna exclaimed, looking at me skeptically. I wiped my tears and told Ivanna about the missing money. She narrowed her eyes and looked at me in disbelief as I stated my suspicions. Once I finished explaining the situation, she cursed through gritted teeth, “Damn it, We’re a step behind that asshole.” 1 felt helpless… I Ivanna’s confirmation. I covered my face and suppressed my cries, fearing waking Ava or scaring her. She was still so young, and I didn’t want her to know our family was in chaos. Ivanna held my trembling shoulders and squeezed them, attempting to give me strength. After a while, I looked up with clenched fists and stared at Ivanna with bloodshot eyes. Then I growled, “I must confront him and find out what he’s up to! I had nearly a decade’s savings, our safety net for Ava. I’ll get to the bottom of it.” 1 Ivanna shook her head. “Now isn’t the right time.” “But I can’t just sit back and watch him wreak havoc! That’s mine and Ava’s money. You know that, Ivanna. When we saved that money and put it on his card, he gave the card to me to make me feel secure. “He even set up WhatsApp notifications for the card, but the money is gone. When did it disappear? I didn’t receive any notifications. What does that mean?” Ivanna was speechless. Ultimately, she comforted me and told me not to be hasty. Just then, my phone buzzed, and I grabbed it and saw that it was Matthew calling. I was so angry that I was about to answer, but Ivanna was quicker and grabbed the phone from me. “Give it back!” I shouted in anger. Instead of returning my phone, Ivanna stared at me and asked solemnly, “Chlo, do you want to get that money back?”


Chapter 26 The Voice on the Phone I paused before snapping back to reality and realized she was right. I couldn’t lose everything without a fight or reclaiming what was rightfully mine. Even if I fought and lost, I wouldn’t regret it. At that point, my phone had stopped ringing. I stared into Ivanna’s calm eyes and gradually regained my composure. My thoughts began to clear, and I wiped my face, saying, “I get it now! I’m grateful to have a clear–headed person like you by my side. You constantly remind me of my priorities.” When the phone rang again, I had already sorted my emotions. Ivanna passed me the phone and nodded. “You’ve got this I took a deep breath and swiped the screen to answer the call, “Hey, honey. It’s about time you called. I need to ask you, where’s the money in our account? Ava had pneumonia, and I had to rush her to the hospital in the middle of the night. “Nothing was left when I tried to withdraw money from the card. What’s going on?” Ivanna smacked her forehead when she heard my words. However, I knew Matthew well and phrased it to fit my personality, especially since he would be on guard if I didn’t bring it up. “Hi, honey. I used the money, but don’t worry. I’ll explain when I get home,” sure enough, Matthew comforted me, “How’s Ava now?” “She’s still on the IV, and her fever was 39.5 degrees. It’s quite serious. When are you coming back? Can’t you hurry?” I pretended to sound anxious, “I’m scared and had to wake your parents in the middle of the night. “Can’t you tell me when you’re using the money? Don’t you know we might have emergencies like these when you’re not around?” Such conversations were mundane last time, but maintaining this calm tone took so much effort n couldn’t help but laugh at myself, I realized I also had a knack for acting. “I know. I’ll be back as soon as possible. I’ll try to finish my work in the morning and come home,” Matthew tried to reassure me, “Take care of our daughter and make sure you rest too. You’ve been through a lot, honey.” I forced a bittersweet smile at his comfort and advice. “Okay, then, I’m heading out for work!” now. I As I was about to hang up, I heard a coquettish voice in the background. I felt all my strength draining the carried my sick daughter to the hospital? I dared not continue those thoughts as I plopped on the hospital bed with the phone falling to the ground. Ivanna was alarmed at my reaction and squatted before me. She held my hand and asked with concern,” Chlo, what’s wrong? Hm?” I looked at Ivanna in a daze as that coquettish voice echoed in my ears. Ivanna shook my arm. “Can you speak? What did he say?” I said sobbingly, “Ivanna, find me a lawyer.” She stood up, hugged me, and patted my back, “Okay! Don’t cry!” I met Mr. Brown two days later. He was the lawyer Ivanna had found for me. I explained the situation in detail, and he told me that my description had no value yet. He said they were speculations without substantial evidence, sliming my chances of winning. 1 “So, what can I do to maximize my chances? After all, I still have a four–year– old child,” I asked urgently,” Besides, I was the one who started that company. I must defend my rights.” After some thought, Mr. Brown advised, “For now, the best you can do is collect solid evidence. Based on your described situation, your husband isn’t explicitly aware that you’ve caught on to his affair. “So, maintaining this state makes it easier to gather information. However, it’s also challenging to gather evidence.” I chuckled and said bitterly, “So I must continue enduring this?” 1 He nodded, giving me a clear answer, “Yes.” When I left Mr. Brown’s office, I felt drained, as I had just discovered I didn’t have the upper hand. Although Matthew cheated, moved assets, and enjoyed my company’s success, I was disadvantaged. I wondered why the world was so unfair as I sat by a river. I gazed at the flowing water, genuinely not knowing what to do next. I only regained my senses when Ava asked, “Mom, where’d you go? Did you get lost? I grinned when I heard those words. My daughter was right that I was indeed lost. I called Ivanna on the way back, but she excitedly told me she had good news to share before I could speak.


Chapter 27 The Bruises on the Child’s Body I chuckled as I wondered what the good news could be. Ivanna didn’t specify the news due to time constraints, and I didn’t pry. Instead, we agreed to meet tomorrow. Meanwhile, everyone waited at my in–laws‘ place for me to return for dinner. Surprisingly, Melanie was there. When Grace saw me, she quickly laid out the dishes, saying, “Dinner’s ready! Chlo, it’s been a while since you last joined us for a meal.” I smiled while washing my hands and helped with the dishes. The atmosphere was heartwarming with the whole family together. Henry asked Matthew about the project in Operose during the meal, but Matthew brushed it off. Without much thought, Grace asked Melanie, “What were you doing with your brother?” Immediately after, I noticed Melanie pausing and glancing at Matthew. He questioned, “You went to Operose too?” Melanie froze, seemingly off guard, as she hesitated before saying. “Uh…I went there with my friends!” However, Grace persisted, “Then why did you tell me you were with your brother?” Melanie became irritated and retorted, “If I told you I was going there with my friends, would you have let me go? You’re always scrutinizing me.” I felt a bizarre sensation when I heard their exchange, but I couldn’t pinpoint it. Suddenly, I realized Melanie might be more important than me to Matthew. After all, I was the outsider in this household. Whenever I had a meal with my in–laws, they always focused on urging Melanie to get a boyfriend. I typically cared for Ava on the sidelines and did not interfere with their conversations. After dinner, Melanie tidied up and prepared to leave when Matthew asked, “Where are you going this late?” “Why do you care? You’re allowed to have your wife and child, but I can’t go out for some fresh air? I’m off to find a boyfriend, all right?” She grumpily replied, putting on her shoes and heading out. As she left, Matthew called out after her, “Come home early!” I glanced at Matthew, inwardly criticizing him. As Melanie’s brother, he made too much of a fuss. When we went home that night, I noticed two bruises on Ava’s thigh as I bathed her. Since her skin was +15 BONUS these bruises, I asked, “How’d you get these bruises, Ava?” Ava shrank back, avoiding my touch. Her big, teary eyes stared at me, but she didn’t speak. “Can you tell Mommy?” I prompted, and she burst into tears. “Aunt Melanie said you got lost and wouldn’t come back. I called her a bad woman, but she pinched me! Daddy told me not to tell you, Mommy!” I was outraged and yelled, “Mathew Murphy!” Matthew rushed into the bathroom, and I picked up my sobbing daughter to show him her bruises. “Don’t tell me you don’t know about these! Does your sister even have a heart?! Forget your lies. How can you teach your child to lie as well?!” Matthew glanced at Ava’s bruises guiltily. He took Ava from me and said, “I’ve already scolded Mel. Don’t be angry. I didn’t want to tell you because I knew it’d upset you.” I roared, is it something I shouldn’t be upset about?! Is your sister more important than your daughter? Why do you care so much about Melanie? Have I wronged your sister in any way? How could she treat Ava like that?!” I wanted to tear Melanie apart for stepping out of line. “All right, you’re scaring Ava. I talked to Melanie about it, but you can’t expect me to pinch her back, right?” Matthew looked displeased. His words choked me, and I couldn’t continue for a long time. After a stiff silence, I finally said a few words. “Matthew, you disappoint me.” With that, I wrapped Ava in a towel and carried her out. I no longer wanted to argue with him and had nothing to say. It was apparent his heart wasn’t with us. After punching in at the company the following day, I left to find Ivanna, but she was with someone else. That person was the good news she referred to the other day. He was a professional and reliable private Investigator who could gather evidence faster and more efficiently. However, I knew I would potentially lose my family the closer I got to the truth. Still, was there even a way back for me?


Chapter 28 The Walls Are Listening I laughed at myself for thinking I had a way back while Matthew and the other woman were already transferring assets. I wondered when I became such an idiot. Ivanna was right to call me a fool. Matthew was practically selling me off, yet I stood beside him to count his money. I had no idea who that woman was and how cunning Matthew could be. Still, the woman’s identity was not my priority, I was just curious. Most people in my situation would obsess over finding out who they lost their love to, but the results were always the same, no matter who the other person was. I had already lost. After some thought, I told Ivanna, “My priority is finding where that money went.” “I already have someone looking into it, don’t worry!” Ivanna reassured me confidently. I returned to work after our chat to figure out how to reclaim my company and bring Matthew down from his pedestal. That was my only wish. No one noticed when I had left and returned. After all, everyone knew I was the boss’s wife. Moreover, it was nearing lunchtime when I returned, and everyone was preparing to leave. Since it was a time when people gathered to chat, I wanted to ask Matthew what he wanted for lunch. When I arrived at his office, his secretary wasn’t there, and the door was half– open. I heard voices inside the office, which meant Matthew was still there. I was about to open the door when I heard Johnson’s voice. “Don’t worry. I’ve prepared all the information you requested. You’re a genius, Mr. Murphy, Still, I don’t think Madam is interested since she’s rarely at the office. From what I see, she works here just to keep an eye on you.” Johnson’s tone was full of mockery as he continued, “As for the money, I’ve taken care of it according to your instructions.” My heart raced, and I quickly backed away to ensure they wouldn’t spot me. It was evident they were discussing me. “Remind the finance department about that. I don’t want any discrepancies or complications,” Matthew instructed Johnson, “She’s been on edge lately and always getting ticked off.” “Don’t worry about that, Mr. Murphy. I’ve already informed them about it and sorted things out with the suppliers. You can rest assured. If anything, we can say the project went wrong. After all, losing money In business is a regular thing.“At that time, just cooperate and act as if you’re perturbed. What else can Madam do? She hasn’t worked for so long. It’d be hard for her to figure anything out,” Johnson sounded confident. I was outraged as I clenched my fists, I never expected Johnson to be so devious. “Play it safe. I…haven’t decided on the next step yet…” Matthew’s words trailed off, but I knew what he wanted to say. “Oh, Mr. Murphy, are you still tying loose ends there?” Johnson inquired. “I can’t show up there. Just keep an eye on it. Damn, none of them are simple folks. Not a single reasonable one!” Matthew muttered in frustration, then sighed heavily. “All right, you can go now!” I quickly left, making sure to stay out of their sight. My heart pounded as I sat in my office. I calmed myself before calling Matthew to ask, “Hey, honey, what do you want for lunch?” T “Are you in the office?” His voice was warm. “What do you feel like having? Maybe we can go out together?” “Sure!” I agreed without hesitation. “I’ll come to find you!” As I headed out, I bumped into Johnson, who seemed shocked. He must’ve thought I wasn’t in the office. “M–Madam!” I smirked and teased, “What’s wrong? You look like I just caught you red– handed. Why do you look so anxious?” “Huh? Not at all!” He quickly defended himself. “I thought you weren’t around!” “I just got back,” I retorted playfully, then toned it down, “I’m going to lunch with Matthew. Care to join us?” “I–It’s okay. I don’t want to be a third–wheeler. You two lovebirds should enjoy yourselves,” Johnson replied with a humble smile, like an obedient lackey. Once I met with Matthew, we visited one of my favorite Italian restaurants across the building. While waiting for the food, Matthew asked, “What were you up to this morning?” “I went to check out some properties,” I replied straightly, then asked, “By the way, when will we get the money back?”


Chapter 29 HD Photos Matthew seemed shocked at my question. I said innocently, “That was our house savings, so we need that money back soon. I want to buy a place once I find a suitable one. We can’t afford to delay our move any longer, especially after Ava’s fall. I need to find her a decent kindergarten, preferably Sunnydale Institute.” Matthew remained silent as I spoke. I feigned naivety and continued, “Why are you so quiet? I’ve noticed you’re so indifferent lately.” Matthew chuckled awkwardly, saying, “How’s that? Honey, I’ve got everything under control. I told your what happened to the money, right? We invested in a project many people have their eyes on. “We had to make an executive decision then, so I used our house savings as payment first. Do you think we’ll have trouble finding a good house once the company grows stronger? It’s all part of my plan, so don’t worry.” He smiled and gently pinched my nose. However, I knew his smile wasn’t genuine. We were preoccupied with our thoughts throughout lunch, and I lamented that money. Ideally, I must quickly trace it before Matthew tells me the project has gone south. After returning to my office, I called Ivanna and updated her on what had happened. I also sent her a photo of Johnson, knowing Matthew wouldn’t show his face for the next few days. I remained in my office that afternoon and focused on the “special” materials Matthew had prepared for me. I had to admit that the woman who took Matthew from me was impressive. Meanwhile, Matthew stuck to his routined schedule the next few days while Johnson was frequently absent from the office. 1 Since Matthew was so cautious with me, I figured the other woman would be even more careful not to expose herself. It seemed I had greatly underestimated her. Matthew and I went to the company together on Monday morning after dropping Ava off. I had just returned to my office when my phone notified me of a message. I absentmindedly removed my coat and picked up the phone to see the text message containing a photo. I calmly opened it, but my hand shook when the image loaded. I saw two high–definition pictures on the screen. The first picture was a close–up of Matthew sleeping on a hotel bed. His profile was prominent, but what caught my attention was the woman’s midsection nestled against him. The photo was detalled enough to The second photo was from a different angle but was slightly farther away. It showed Matthew’s hand resting between the woman’s thighs. The sheets were a mess, indicating the passionate encounter that had occurred the night before. The pictures were detailed enough to resemble selfies, cropped to focus on the main action. My vision blurred after seeing those pictures. I plopped into my office chair and pressed against my chest while taking deep breaths. I felt like I had gotten stabbed in the heart, and my veins were about to pop. Although I had mentally prepared myself for what may come, these explicit photos still shocked me. The scenarios I had imagined seemed like child’s play compared to these pictures. They were impactful and sparked my wild imagination. Soon after, I checked the phone number and realized I didn’t recognize it. Before I could gather my thoughts, I received another message from that number. The message was even more provoking than the last.


Chapter 30The Mistress’s Provocation The message read, 1 just wanted to show you how amazing he is.” Those few words sparked my wild imagination. I knew what the other party meant by saying Matthew was amazing. I was outraged and threw my phone aside, heavily panting to contain my impending scream. I knew the person was taunting me. I clenched my teeth so hard they made a grinding sound. Then I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths, After a while, I picked up my phone, grabbed my bag, and stormed off. I could no longer hold back my grievances when I saw Ivanna. I threw myself into her arms and wailed. I couldn’t understand why I felt so shaken even after enduring torment. When I showed Ivanna the photos, she roared, kicked, and smashed things around. I guessed it was her way of helping me relleve my frustrations. “That bastard’s shameless! Disgraceful degenerate! How dare he?” Once we finally calmed down, I looked at Ivanna and said, “I won’t fall for her provocations. She’s the wrong one, and I need to show her that her tactics are futile. If that woman’s got the guts, she should face me. Hiding and pretending like that won’t impress me “You’re right, damn it! Are mistresses these days so daring? How can they use their shamelessness as an asset?” Ivanna ranted. “It seems she’s someone we know or at least an acquaintance. She must know I’ve started working at the company again. She’s been inseparable from Matthew lately and can’t sit still!” I stated, my intuition overflowing. Ivanna sat beside me, saying, “Chlo, it would be great if you could always stay this composed. You’re right. I don’t believe we can’t handle her with our combined intelligence. This chick doesn’t play by the rules, either. “It seems she’s not satisfied being in the background anymore, so how do we deal with what’s coming?” I agreed with Ivanna. After calming down, I pondered how to respond to that woman’s blatant challenge. “She’s openly provoking me. I’d let her off too easily if I didn’t do anything. Since I know she can’t stand seeing me with Matthew, I’ll do her one better and taunt her. Il rile her up!” “But what if that raises Matthew’s guard?” Ivanna looked at me with concern. “What if he teams up with her to target you?” “Hahaha! You know, he’s already being careful. He even went through the trouble of making fake has attacked me. Otherwise, why would he be so cautious?” I reasoned. Ivanna snapped her fingers. “You’re right! What’s your plan?” “I’ll continue showcasing our love and putting on a show with Matthew. First, it might force her out. Second, I need to buy myself some time. We haven’t planned everything yet, so we must seize every opportunity and maximize our time.” Ivanna nodded continuously. I continued, “On the other hand, you should see what Johnson’s up to. I know there’s a secret between Matthew and him. Matthew has entrusted Johnson with a few things recently, which could be our breakthrough. I’ll give Johnson a taste of his own medicine if I must.” “What do you mean?” Ivanna looked at me curiously. “He’s got something I can use against him!” I contemplated how to use Johnson as a pawn. Before leaving work that evening. I returned to the company and went to Matthew’s office. Luckily, Erica Turner, the head of the finance department, and a client were in the office with him. I seized the opportunity and boldly asked Matthew for fifteen thousand dollars, claiming I saw a few clothes and bags I liked while shopping Matthew had always cared about his image, especially in front of others. Without a second thought, he transferred twenty thousand dollars to me. Sure enough, the client praised Matthew while Erica couldn’t contain her amused expression. If this were in the past, I wouldn’t have dared to ask him for money in front of others. I even refused. whenever he offered, citing various expenses the company had. However, things had changed, and I could no longer uphold that facade. Moreover, I knew Matthew would use my rightful company shares to pamper his little vixen if I didn’t take it first. After bidding the client goodbye, we went to the preschool, and I affectionately linked arms with Matthew, thinking a pair of spiteful eyes must be watching us from a dark corner. Sure enough, the woman hadn’t finished messing with me. This was just the beginning, I thought.

Chapter 31 An Unexpected Gain Finally, there was a breakthrough in Johnson’s whereabouts. Ivanna’s report shocked me. Johnson frequented Amethyst Apartments, a newly developed upscale apartment community. This revelation reminded me of that key that never seemed to match anything. I wondered if the key belonged to that house but found it hard to accept. I had been with Matthew and endured countless hardships for many years. We had repeated discussions on finding a nurturing environment for Ava to grow up in. We even talked about getting a bigger apartment in a good school district. Yet, he always brushed it off and delayed his decision. However, I discovered he had bought a unit in Amethyst Apartments. Matthew’s actions shattered my perception of a man’s behavior after infidelity. He was either utterly clueless or just an animal. After confirming the location, I dared not act recklessly. Instead, Ivanna arranged for someone to observe discreetly. Once she confirmed the house was empty, she called and urged me to come over. I came up with an excuse and hurried to Jade Estates. Ivanna led me to that penthouse, a charming and cleverly designed unit. When I saw it, my legs turned into jelly. I stood before the door for what felt like an eternity. Meanwhile, Ivanna cursed at Matthew. I pulled out the key, my palm sweating. I shakily inserted the key into the lock, and the door swung open. I stood at the entrance in a daze. I wouldn’t have moved if Ivanna didn’t pull me. We were in my dream unit. It was a place that had cost me all my savings, but it wasn’t for me. “It seems this is where that money went. How foolish was I to let this happen right under my nose? He did. something this big, and I had no idea! I said, my voice filled with bitterness. ‘Don’t get too worked up. There’s a saying, isn’t there? You should always beware of the wolf in sheep’s clothing. Now isn’t the time to lose your cool. We need to figure out how to get it back, at the very least, reclaim the money,” Ivanna said, exasperated. She looked around and assessed the situation, “It looks like they’ve almost completed the renovation. The space isn’t that big, probably around 300 square meters. Man, this guy spared no expense. “All for a woman. He probably didn’t even do this much for his mother. Ugh! Chlo, don’t get too upset. He’ll get what’s coming.” I gazed at the lavishly decorated house, clenched my fist, and sald through gritted teeth, “I want the house, the money, everything!” Ivanna was shocked, then looked at me with determination and clapped. “Exactly, we want the house and the money back! Il arrange for a search to find out who owns this property. Maybe we can find some trace of that woman!” I glanced at the house again, then turned and quickly left. After discussing the next steps with Ivanna and getting details about Johnson’s recent visits to the house, I knew I had to have a serious talk with him. Back home, Ivanna handed me a set of makeup products. I looked at her, puzzled. She snorted and said,” If we’re putting on a show, we need the full package. We can’t let that scumbag notice anything. Otherwise, what’s the point?!” It dawned on me, and I hugged Ivanna. “Thank goodness I have you!” “Oh, spare me. Weren’t you suspecting me not long ago? Do you think I would ever get involved with that jerk? Go stand up for yourself!” Ivanna patted my back encouragingly. I nodded and turned away. Upon arriving home, Matthew looked at the items in my hand and commented, “You went shopping for these? Are you turning into those cliche women who buy these things?” “Of course! I’m a woman, after all. I can’t let a mistress use my money,” I teased deliberately, “Does it hurt you for me to spend a little? If I’m not spending it, who are you saving up for? Don’t tell me you have a secret lover.” He smiled fawningly, saying, “Nonsense! I’ll never feel bad when my wife spends. When have I ever felt that way?” I cursed at him internally when I heard that. I used to be frugal with my money, but I won’t hold back from now on.

Chapter 32 Transfer of Assets It was tough to pretend. I admired those couples who stayed together despite the absence of feeling. At this point, life at home was just a show. Matthew and I were actors, showcasing our acting skills. I couldn’t bear to be intimate with him since I found that condom. His slightest movement would make me nauseous. Forget the photos of his ‘adventures,‘ which were beyond repulsive. I’d feel a chill running down my spine whenever he touched me. Thankfully, his attention was no longer on me. He used to bug me about the little things. However, he would stop insisting when I stood my ground. It was apparent he was growing more distant from me. These past few days, I had intensified my efforts to examine the data Ivanna had uncovered. I was surprised the sales figures for these years were impressive, far exceeding my estimates. However, 80% of those clients were the old customers I had cultivated. Many of them were potentials! had identified years ago, and they had flourished during these years. Matthew was merely reaping the benefits, sitting back and doing nothing. He could ascend without effort, riding on my coattails–no wonder lust took hold of him. The information he told Johnson to give me was about the recent business ventures he had started in the past few years. I checked and realized they were all development companies without any physical presence, speculative businesses sustained by deception. However, there was something odd in that book. Despite what the financial records showed, the collection rate wasn’t high. Given Matthew’s shrewdness, he wouldn’t have let these debts accumulate so much risk. Even with the financial records we had uncovered, there wasn’t as much liquidity as there should be. I wondered where the money went but knew there was something fishy going on. Still, I couldn’t pinpoint the issue. After comparing all this information, I learned Matthew had long been hiding assets from me. The so- called asset transfer hadn’t just started. I admitted to finding out about it too late, but it was fortunate that I could still salvage the situation. Ivanna had good news. She had figured out Johnson’s routine these days. She had his daily schedule and collected more of his secrets! I was determined to bring him to his senses. In the morning. Matthew and I headed to the company again. Afterward, I saw Johnson entering I only took the two keys and quietly left Galar Tower, taking a cab straight to Amethyst Apartments. The workers had nearly completed the renovations and were cleaning the interior. I dismissed the workers and inspected the house meticulously. It indeed looked splendid. Although it was a bit smaller, the layout was clever and efficient, and the decoration showed attention to detail. It seemed Matthew had refined his taste. He was no longer the humble youth who lived in a narrow alley. crammed with his family in an old–style building. In recent days, he had been relatively well–behaved, staying at the company and appearing to work diligently. He was watertight on the surface, leaving no trace of his misdeeds. It seemed second nature to him. After completing my tour and checking the time, I went downstairs. I sat on the living room’s Europeanstyle sofa and awaited Johnson’s arrival,

Chapter 33 Surprise, Surprise The timing was uncanny as Johnson slowly entered. Immediately after, he exclaimed, “Where is everyone?! Where the hell did they-” Before he could finish, he became wide–eyed and froze when he saw me sitting on the couch. I smiled and tipped my head at him. “Mr. Hyger.” It took him a while to close his mouth, and he stammered, “M–Mrs. Murphy!” “Are you surprised to see me?” I continued smiling at him. “Come and sit down. Don’t worry. I’ve already sent the workers away.” “Uh… I need to call the foreman to calculate the work hours first,” Johnson excused himself and rushed out. “Johnson, calling the foreman isn’t that urgent, is it?” I was calm, but my icy tone echoed throughout the spacious room, Johnson halted, then turned around in panic and confusion. His lips twitched, and his face paled. “I thought you might want to listen to what I have to say,” I observed the beads of sweat forming on Johnson’s forehead. “Do my words carry no weight to you anymore, John?” My words dripped with sarcasm. Back then, Johnson used to rush toward me, calling out “Chlo” from a distance. He wiped his face. His expression was pale and heavy as he approached the couch hesitantly. “C–Chlo! How can that be? You’ve always been like a sister to me. Without you, the Johnson of today wouldn’t have existed!” He chuckled awkwardly. I nodded, gesturing for him to take a seat. “I think I’ll stand, Chlo. I didn’t expect you to come! Haha!” Johnson tried to hide his unease. “Is that so?” I looked at him provocatively, saying, “Shouldn’t I have shown up here?” I raised an eyebrow and looked around the room, pretending to admire it, “Lovely house. It’s just what I like.” Johnson’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he clenched his fists. “Y–Yes, it’s good that you like it.” “Too bad it isn’t for me, right?” I focused on him again. “So, you need to tell me who Mr. Murphy prepared this for.” Johnson cleared his throat. “W–What are you talking about, Sis? Mr. Murphy did this for you, of course!” “Is that so?” I replied, pretending to be appreciative. “Matthew’s always full of surprises. Always doing things for me.” I chuckled as the words left my mouth. I even blushed. “Of course. You two have been quite the team.” My words were sharp and witty. Johnson’s lip twitched as he forced a smile. “As we should be. Oh, I mean, it’s not like that. I–I didn’t mean it that way. *Johnson, you’ve been at Tanum Corporation for a few years. Things have changed, haven’t they? | remember when we used to roam the streets, eating buns and pickles by the roadside. Thinking back, it’s quite different from now.” I thoughtfully continued, “But I must admit I’m ashamed. Matthew knows how to play the game and treats you well, right? Hidden bonuses and all. That’s how he gains people’s loyalty.” “Sis, you shouldn’t say that. I…. Johnson wiped the sweat from his forehead. “Oh, I haven’t seen your wife in a while. How’s she doing? I should visit her sometime!” I casually changed the topic, “They say pregnancy clouds the mind for three years. Ava’s already four, and I’m still clueless. huh? Many people around me have moved on. I guess that’s my fault.” “My wife’s doing great. She’s pregnant.” Johnson wiped his sweaty face again, flashing a sheepish grin, Thanks for your concern.” 1 “Oh, she’s pregnant? That’s wonderful news! It must be exciting since you’ll be a dad soon,” I feigned excitement, “How far along is she?” “Six months. Haha,” Johnson laughed nervously. “Great!” I nodded. “Well, you better treasure it.” My tone carried a suggestive playfulness, the hidden meaning clear in my words. My Intense gaze shook Johnson as he stammered, “C–Chlo, I…” I redirected my gaze and asked, “Who’s the new woman in Matthew’s life?” The sudden question caught Johnson off guard, and he stood up from the couch. “Chlo, I don’t know!” “You… don’t… know?” I emphasized each word, my expression growing colder.

Chapter 34 A Tense Confrontation “Chlo, I honestly don’t know. M–Mr. Murphy has someone, but I don’t know who she is.” Johnson’s confidence wavered as he spoke, “M–Matthew, ho…” “You know he has another woman, yet you claim not to know who she is? Johnson…” I trailed off. “Chlo, I swear I don’t know. He’s never brought her around. I’ve only seen her twice from behind,” Johnson’s confession left me conflicted. Either Matthew was highly cautious, or Johnson was lying. However, there were more pressing matters on my mind. I suppressed my frustration, lowered my intensity, and changed the subject, “I need you to do something for me.” As expected, Johnson seemed to relax. He sighed in relief and surrendered, “Sure! Chlo, just tell me what you need. I’m all in.” “I want the concealed financial reports and the recent list of major clients,” I said firmly. Johnson froze at my request. He was in disbelief. “Chlo…” “Why? Is there no such thing?” I curiously questioned. “Chlo, there’s no such thing. I’ve shown you all the annual reports.” Johnson’s expression was bitter as he tried to convince me, “Please, don’t put me in a tough spot. I wouldn’t lie to you. I’ve been closer to Matthew these years, but it is all for your company’s sake. I swear I’m loyal.” I coldly remarked, “Maybe it’s him you’re loyal to, not me.” Johnson fell silent, and I observed him. He seemed at a loss as I moved my fingers slightly. Suddenly, a mix of moans and profanities echoed throughout the room as I showed my phone screen to him. Johnson was shocked when he saw the video. “Chlo, how could you?!” “Deliver what I need to my office tomorrow. I want to see fund flows, summaries, details–anything Matthew doesn’t want me to see. Be warned, no trying to hide or deceive me with fabricated data. Also, if Matthew even suspects anything, you’ll bear the consequences.” I concluded my speech, then turned and left without another word. “Chlo? Chloel” Johnson’s voice almost turned desperate. After leaving the penthouse, I felt a weight lift from my chest for the first time in days. I called Ivanna and reminded her, “Don’t forget to look into that house’s property rights.” “Chlo, did you think I’d forget? I’ve already started digging, but that guy’s clever. He registered it under “Melanie?” Disdain washed over me. “It seems like his little sister has some use after all, a convenient shield for when he needs one. He’s quite cunning. I’m the outsider in his eyes.” E “Exactly! Matthew’s nothing but a scumbag. I thought using his sister might lead us to a breakthrough, a way to unveil that schemer,” Ivanna echoed my frustration, “Are you done on your end?” “Yes.” “Did he confess?” Ivanna’s impatience was apparent. “No, he claims he never met Matthew’s side piece,” I confessed with a hint of discouragement. “That guy is too secretive. Now I’m even more curious about that vixen’s identity. I wonder if she’s an angel or a devil in disguise!” Ivan exclaimed in frustration, “Do you believe Johnson?” I scoffed. “It doesn’t matter who that woman is now. What’s important is figuring out just how much money Matthew has. I’ve been such a fool for believing in him all these years.” I took the elevator up after returning to the company building. When the doors opened, I saw Matthew charmingly escorting a client. It was a woman, no less.

Chapter 35 A Predicament When I exited the elevator, Matthew froze. Immediately after, he reverted to his usual self and smiled. He exchanged a few words with the woman and sent her to the elevator without introducing her to me. I couldn’t help but take a second look at the woman. She seemed elegant, intellectual, and full of dignity. Our eyes met, and the woman grinned at me as the elevator doors closed. “Who was that?” I asked. “A client,” Matthew simply answered, then held shoulders. “Where’d you go?” It seemed he still cared about my whereabouts. His question revealed that he knew I was out. I smiled. and glanced at him mischievously. “I won’t tell you.” On the other hand, Johnson didn’t return to the company building until it was time to get off work. The following day, he secretly passed me the information I asked for. The look on his face was indescribable. “Chlo I… Please don’t make things too difficult for me. I…” I knew what he wanted to say. He feared I would report his misdeeds and Matthew would know about his betrayal. “That depends on what you do. You can go now,” I said, not promising anything. Suddenly, I thought of the woman from yesterday and quickly called Johnson back. “Help me ask about the woman who came to look for Matthew before he got off work yesterday. I want her name and phone number.” Upon hearing that request, Johnson turned and left helplessly. I was racing against time to find out the truth. Meanwhile, that woman wasn’t sitting idle either. When I ignored her texts, she continued messaging me on WhatsApp to harass me. It seemed Matthew was starting to suspect something, too. Maybe the woman had told him something for him to start paying more attention to me. I was confident Johnson wouldn’t say anything. When Matthew returned that afternoon, he asked Johnson and me to visit his office. Matthew gave us some clients‘ information and told me to study them before giving my opinions. I had a hunch he was trying to test me. I took a closer look at those clients and found no issues with their qualifications. Some were massive companies. After reading all the information, I called for Johnson. He snuck into my office like a thief. I looked at him with ridicule and asked, “Seriously? Is this necessary? Why are you sneaking in here like that?” “Chlo, don’t make things difficult for me. There’s surveillance everywhere, and I keep coming here. Matthew will get suspicious sooner or later!” Johnson spoke bitterly. I inwardly cursed him countless times, realizing that Matthew was beyond redemption. He was treating me like a criminal. I rolled my eyes and said, “You can tell him I asked you for a client’s information. That’s the truth, after all.” “No, I won’t say anything. You can trust me, Chlo.” Johnson misunderstood me and quickly reassured me, scratching his head anxiously. “I mean it. Do as I say!” I had already figured out that Matthew’s data was a smokescreen. Johnson hesitated before finally telling me the truth about the situation. He explained that those precious clients were solely under Matthew’s control. Afterward, I instructed him on what to say to Matthew. When I got home that evening, I discussed the clients with Matthew to seek his opinion and share my thoughts. He appeared genuinely attentive. I even mentioned that ATL Empire had the most potential. Johnson had given me the lowdown on them privately. He said it was the least likely major client to secure. I intended to put Matthew at ease by doing all this. I played the same naive Chloe Tanum, who enjoyed chasing potential stocks, even if they were challenging. Of course, there was another reason for my choice. The next day, that company held a bidding meeting. After a selection process, Tanum Corporation made it through. I volunteered to give it a shot, and Matthew assigned what he referred to as an assistant to accompany me. However, I knew what he was up to. The company was in the heart of the city’s business district. A multinational corporation owned the entire building, as rumor had it. Upon entering the towering structure, I finally understood why Johnson said it was an improbable deal to strike.

Chapter 36 A Change In Representative Tanum Corporation was likely the smallest of the six companies shortlisted. This meant that we were. also the least competitive. Truth be told, I didn’t expect success. I was only here to divert Matthew’s attention. Companies that wanted to bid on the project gathered in a large conference room. They were waiting for the ATL Empire’s project lead. The goal of the meeting was to clarify the project. Each company would also highlight their skills and make an impression. After five minutes, there was still no sign of the project lead. Whispers began to echo around the room. Suddenly, the door to the conference room opened, and everyone turned to look. A young man walked in. He wore a white shirt, black pants, and a black tie. Not only was he tall and poised, but he was also handsome. It was hard to tell his age, though. Behind him came a secretary and several project staff. Everyone’s eyes followed him as he walked to the head of the table and sat down. Then, he scanned the people in the room. He began, I’m sorry for the wait. Mr. Wright had some urgent matters to attend to, so he asked me to chair this meeting. I’m Atlas Pierce, and it’s a pleasure to meet you.” He was succinct and wasted no time. He settled into his seat with an air of authority, but his demeanor was cold. There was a silent exchange of glances. Many wondered why the project lead, Nick Wright, was absent from the meeting.. The fact that he sent a newbie in his place upset the other representatives, particularly those from the two esteemed companies. Atlas didn’t give them time to voice their concerns. He declared, “Without further ado, let’s begin!” He started calling out the name of the first company to present. When he got to Tanum Corporation, he finally looked up and fixed his indifferent eyes on me. He seemed to know I would be the final speaker. This was a manageable challenge. I was known for my eloquence back in college, and years of seclusion hadn’t dulled that skill. After all, I was the one who founded Tanum Corporation. I chose a different approach than the other five companies. After all, we couldn’t compete with them teamwork and our best new products. Being the last person to talk gave me a chance to add to what the others had said. es my presentation.” His eyes stayed on me, waiting. I gave him an awkward nod and said, “That concludes my Only then did he shift his gaze. He gave a summary before gathering our materials for further review. Atlas adjourned the meeting. He gave everyone a slight nod before exiting the conference room. The other representatives looked puzzled. A more experienced representative spoke up. “Isn’t he too hasty? Who is this young man, and what does he do? It looks like they found a last–minute substitute. Given his age, he’s probably just a manager. I don’t like how ATL Empire handled something as important as this!” The older rep left with confidence. The others followed suit, each displaying murky facial expressions. I didn’t share their dissatisfaction. My assistant and I calmly left the building and returned to our company building. After all, I didn’t leave the meeting empty–handed. I recalled key information from the speeches and gained insight into our competitors. These gatherings were the best way to understand them. Fortunately, Tanum Corporation made it to the top six construction companies in Foswood. I was also sure that more chances would come along in the future. This newfound optimism gave me an idea. I gathered all the possible information on ATL Empire’s project when I reached my office. Just then, a call came in from my hometown. My father had a stroke, and I was told to return home quickly.

Chapter 37 An Urgent Call from Home The call shook me to the core. I hadn’t visited my hometown in two years due to Ava’s age and Matthew’s packed schedule. He wasn’t comfortable with me traveling alone with Ava, which was why I hadn’t been back for so long. I held the phone, feeling dazed. A wave of guilt washed over me. Although I was the only daughter, I grew apart from my parents after college. I turned to them only in tough times, but I had neglected them in the past couple of years. Assuming my parents were healthy, I cared for Matthew’s parents more than my own. However, the word stroke” changed everything. I felt panic, realizing what a terrible daughter I had been. They raised me, but I had done nothing for them. My parents had waited for me without complaint. How could I tell them that my marriage was crumbling and that the family I had devoted myself to was falling apart? There was no time to dwell. I rushed to Matthew’s office, almost in tears, and blurted out, “Honey, please book me a flight. I need to go home.” Matthew was in a meeting with a few other managers and looked surprised. He asked, “What’s wrong, honey?” He gestured for the others to leave and then hugged me. “Calm down and tell me what happened.” “My mom called. Dad’s sick, and she’s asking me to return quickly.” Tears fell from my face. I did not realize how much I needed a shoulder to lean on. Matthew gave me a comforting pat on the back. “Don’t worry. Everything will be fine. Il make all the arrangements. You go ahead while I handle things at work before heading over. My parents can take care of Ava. Please don’t cry.” Nestled against him, I felt safe. I wish I could have a refuge like this forever. Matthew told his secretary, Jack, to book a flight for me. Then he reassured me again, “I’ll take you home now. Bring a few more clothes and necessities If you have to stay longer. Stop crying, all right?” I remembered I needed to head home and pack. I wiped away my tears, grabbed my bag, and left the building with Matthew. It was overcast, and the forecast predicted a hurricane. My unease Increased as a storm seemed imminent. Once I sorted my luggage, Matthew drove me to the airport. His phone kept ringing, and he answered it. Then he turned to me and said, “I have an appointment to meet Mr. Scott from Modern Metals.” “Go ahead. I’ll be fine.” I assured Matthew. I didn’t want to get in the company’s way. “I’ll wait until you clear security,” he insisted, holding me close. “I want to go with you, but I have to take care of things at work. You should head there first. Take care of yourself, and make sure to rest.” His words warmed my heart, and I wished he hadn’t cheated on me. “Go on with your work. If my dad’s condition worsens, I’ll let you know.” “I promise! We haven’t done enough for your parents because we’ve been busy. Spend more time with them. Once I’ve settled things at work, I’ll visit them too.” Matthew’s words were heartfelt and hit a nerve. I admit that at that moment, I was moved. “I’ll have the finance department transfer you some money. Don’t worry about expenses. It’s our job to take care of them.” Matthew wiped a tear from the corner of my eye. “Go on, I’ll watch you go.” I sniffled and turned back several times to see Matthew standing in the crowd. Leaving him was hard, and my emotions were a mess. When I got to the gate and turned around, he had vanished into the crowd. I started to feel scared when I looked around and could not find him. At that moment, I was rudely woken up from a beautiful dream.

Chapter 38 Canceled Flight Feeling disheartened, I entered the gate and walked to the boarding area. In times like this, I wanted a partner to go home with me, as did my parents. I tried to console myself that the urgent phone call was why he had to leave. I called Ivanna to let her know where I was. Then I settled into the airport lounge while waiting for boarding. Matthew had only been to my hometown three times. The first time was the year we graduated. He came to meet my parents after our relationship became official. The second time, we wanted to start a business but did not have enough capital to get started. We went to them for help. The third time was when we mortgaged my parents‘ house to get a loan. After it was approved, he insisted on taking me home to thank my parents. We did not return home together after that. The reason was always the same– he was busy. My parents were always understanding, knowing the challenges of starting a company. They said it required dedication and hard work. The first two years were hectic, working tirelessly. It started with the two of us and grew. We persevered for four years, then I became pregnant. I only visited home once, and my parents came to Foswood after I had Ava. We rarely got together, making one excuse after another. This time, I’m going back because of a stroke. I felt bad because I had not been a good daughter. I should have cared for my parents the way they cared for me. What have I done for them? With each passing minute, I became more overwhelmed. My anxiety level rose, but the flight was repeatedly delayed. The airport grew more crowded, and the sky grew darker. It was already 8 p.m. Despite my flight being only four hours long, I had waited seven hours and still hadn’t boarded the plane. Finally, at 10.40 p.m., the airport made an announcement. They had suspended all flights because of the impending hurricane. Upon hearing the announcement, I froze. How could this be? When I saw the airport personnel leaving, I shakily called my mother. I told her that flights had been stopped while trying to hold back my choking voice. “Chlo, do not worry,” my mother comforted me. “Your dad is doing much better. According to the doctor, there’s no major concern. Prompt treatment saved him. Don’t worry, he’s recovering. Wait until flights start again.” “Should I take a train instead? I’m worried about you,” I said to my mom. “Absolutely not. Things are terrible right now because of the pandemic. If your dad gets better in the morning, you don’t have to hurry back. Let’s wait for the weather to ease up. Plus, you need to take care of Ava, too!” “Mom…” My voice choked, and I said, “I’ve been a bad daughter!” “That’s enough. I understand,” Her voice was firm, “Listen to me. Go home quickly and wait for my call.” After hanging up, I crouched on the ground, embracing myself as I cried helplessly. I truly regret not staying closer to my parents. The airport was full of stranded travelers. I could not get a cab because of the airport’s last–minute announcement. More people were taking buses, leading to long lines. I called Matthew, but his phone was off. It was probably out of battery. He asked me to call him once! safely landed, so he would not have turned it off. I stood blankly in the crowd, waiting for it to thin out before leaving. I didn’t want to be constantly bothering Ivanna. The crowd was eager to leave the airport, so I went with the flow, feeling lost. A few teens bumped into me recklessly, causing me to fall and drop my bags. I steadied myself and tried to ignore the pain from the collision. Then I went to pick up my fallen luggage. As I bent down, a man with a massive suitcase rushed in my direction. When I realized it, it was too late to get out of his way.

Chapter 39 The Encounter at the Airport I gasped and closed my eyes while bracing for the impact. But the next second, I felt my body embraced and almost drifting. I could hear gasps and applause while I trembled. When I opened my eyes, I found myself in the arms of a tall man, wrapped in his firm, masculine presence. He wore a black mask and was staring at me intensely. Something about his eyes seemed familiar. I held on to his arm as I stared back at him. He put me down and steadied me without saying a word. His eyes shifted to my hands on his arm, I quickly pulled it away and smiled awkwardly. “I’m sorry! Thank you!” Another person had picked up my luggage and brought it to me, saying, “You should be careful! That was a close call. Thankfully, this gentleman was quick!” I nodded at the man. “Thank you so much!” “Where are you headed?” His voice sounded husky. I looked at him, puzzled. His voice sounded oddly familiar, too, I observed the composed man with his deep, mysterious eyes. He sensed my confusion and pulled down his mask to reveal a charmingly defined face. I chuckled in surprise when I recognized him. “Mr. Pierce!” I was relieved to discover why his eyes were familiar. After all, I had just met him. He was the one who represented Mr. Wright at this morning’s meeting at ATL Empire. He adjusted his mask. “It’s late. Let’s go together.” Atlas was quick and decisive. Though I did not know his position at ATL Empire, he must be an exceptional employee. “Wouldn’t it be inconvenient for you?” I hesitated as I glanced at the crowded airport exit. After all, i wasn’t very familiar with him. “Do you have another way to leave?” He retorted. “If not, let’s just go together.” He walked away without waiting for my response, leaving me shocked. I quickly grabbed my luggage and jogged to catch up. I thought it was best not to be stubborn. Riding with him to the city would make it easier for me to find a cab. If I waited until the crowd left the airport, it I followed him all the way to the car that was waiting for him. Finally, I exhaled a sigh of relief–I could go home! “Thank you, Mr. Pierce!” I said again, but he didn’t respond. During the drive, he made a phone call to report that his departure was delayed. We didn’t talk the entire trip, and the atmosphere was heavy. I had hoped that I’d be able to know him better, which would help with future projects. I was getting ahead of myself, Upon arriving in the city, I said, “Mr. Pierce, you can drop me off on the side of the road. I take a cab here.” “It’s alright. Just give the driver the address.” He left no room for debate, so I gave in and gave the driver my home address. The driver drove me all the way to the entrance to my neighborhood. I thanked them profusely and got out of the car. With a quick turn, I entered my house. It was after 1 a.m., so I was surprised to see the bedroom dimly lit. Just as I was about to call Matthew’s name, I heard something strange coming from the room–it sounded like moaning. I immediately knew what was going on. My ears buzzed, and my mind went blank. I moved like a puppet toward the bedroom door, which was slightly ajar. There were unbearable sounds, and I saw two gleaming bodies tangled together. ! Seeing the two people’s faces in the bedroom’s dim light was harder to accept. I couldn’t believe that it was her

Chapter 40 The Truth Unfolds Shocked by what I was seeing, I retreated, overcome by a fear I had never felt before. My eyes grew wide, and I wished I was dreaming. However, their faces were unmistakable–it was Matthew and Melanie. I nearly screamed. Although I knew Matthew was cheating on me, I never imagined it would be with his own sister. I was unable to move, as if struck by lightning. Anyone else would have stormed in, but I stood there like a fool, arms and legs as heavy as lead. The noise in the room was so loud that my ears buzzed, and my eyes got as big as they could go. I snapped out of my daze. Before leaving, I took a few photos and a video with shaky hands. A wave of nausea hit me as I covered my mouth and ran downstairs. I vomited uncontrollably. Then, I ran aimlessly through the dark streets. I had no plan, no destination, just a never–ending sprint. All I could think about was how vile they were. I ran along Bayview Street until I reached the riverside, which was still brightly lit. The burning fire in my chest consumed my body and mind, and everything became painfully clear. He had slept with his sister. That was why Melanie always opposed me, yet Matthew still adored her. He allowed her to be arrogant and disrespectful to me, and he even neglected our daughter. She could openly pose as his wife at Galar Tower, That was why Johnson said he had never seen Matthew bring his mistress anywhere. She could go on business trips with him, and the place he bought was in her name. Everything suddenly made sense. “Ahh!” I screamed at the roaring river. Why? Why did it have to be like this? It was all so disgusting! Feeling filthy, I charged down the riverbank. I threw myself into the water, desperate to cleanse myself… The icy river water engulfed me, and I quickly came to my senses. But it was too late to turn back. I couldn’t do anything because of the raging current. In my panic, I struggled and fell into the water, making a splash. Soon after, a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me toward the shore, I was then thrown to the ground. I lay there coughing and gasping for air. A towering man stood before me, silhouetted against the light, water beads cascading from his head. His face appeared stern and fearsome in the soft glow. The man who saved me was Atlas. A wave of humiliation and anger hit me. I howled and cried like a child. Atlas didn’t stop me or pull me up. He simply let me wail until I was drained, He stood next to me, his eyes cold and alert, as if to keep me from jumping back into the water, My cries stopped, and I struggled to get up. I was completely soaked and could not stop shivering, but I managed to stand. “Thank you for saving me.” My voice was hoarse, and I trembled from the cold. He walked over to me, removed his wet coat, and put it on m retained his body heat, keeping me warm and comforted. shoulders. Though it was damp, the coat “Don’t do that again. Your parents gave you life to cherish, not waste.” His voice was low and hoarse. He pulled his coat tighter around me, wrapping me snugly. He did not ask why I did it, or embarrass me. Aside from gratitude, I could not find words to express how I felt. “You’re the only one who can overcome whatever happens.” His soothing words made my throat tighten again as his warm breath washed over me. It felt like my heart was being ripped apart. His eyes had softened noticeably. “Let me take you home.” I forced a bitter smile. “I don’t have a home anymore.” He paused, then tightened his grip on me, surprising me with his gentle arms

Chapter 41 A Life–Changing VowI cried uncontrollably again because I wasn’t as strong as I thought. I don’tknow where I got the courage to remain composed enough to take a photobefore running out of the house.Atlas hesitated momentarily before patting my back. His gesture wasgentlemanly. Although he was a stranger, his comfort relieved me. The walls Ihad put up crumbled as I clung to him. Unexpectedly, I encountered him a fewtimes today, and he saw how pitiful I was.I didn’t know how much time passed, but I eventually stopped crying. Perhapsmy tears had run dry.Atlas patted me again and looked at me profoundly. Soon after, I saw the skybrightening and realized dawn was approaching.“Thank you, Mr. Pierce. I want to go to my friend’s place at AmethystApartments,” I said.He embraced me and nodded.When I appeared before Ivanna in such a miserable state, she could hardlybelieve her eyes. She rubbed her half–opened eyes, thinking she washallucinating. “Chlo, you… What’s happening? Weren’t you supposed to goback to your hometown?”I stepped inside and threw myself into her arms. “Ivanna…”She embraced my stiff and cold body, leading me into the bathroom. “Don’tsay anything right now, don’t cry. Take a hot shower, all right?”I entered the bathroom, shivering as my teeth clacked against each other, Iturned on the heater and stood underneath the warm water. The warmthhelped me regain my senses when Ivanna knocked on thedoor.I changed into the dry clothes she gave me and saw she had prepared a bowlof ginger soup for me. Suddenly, I thought of Atlas, who had stayed with methroughout the night. I wondered if he wouldappreciate a bowl of soup, too.I passed Ivanna my phone. She looked puzzled, then realized what I meant.She was just as shocked as me when she flipped through the photos. Ivannalooked at me wide–eyed, her voice trembling as she asked, “A–Am Ihallucinating?!”She slapped herself, and I burst into laughter. My tears fell as I laughed until Inearly vomited again. Suddenly, I picked up a fruit knife from the coffee tableand cut my arm.Ivanna exclaimed, “Chloe!” She snatched the knife and glared at me. I knew how frustrated she was withme. However, when the knife sliced my skin, it released waves of pent–upemotions. It was a bizarre sense of relief.While I didn’t encourage self–harm, it seemed to provide a way to release mysuppressed frustrations.s“Chloe, wake up! Is that scum worth your life?!” Ivanna yelled at me, “Haveyou ever considered what happens to your daughter if you die? What aboutyour parents? Are they just supposed to fend for themselves?“You might find relief if you die, but what about Ava? She’s still so young. Areyou okay with letting her fall into that scumbag’s hands? Will Melanie treat herwell? By then, she’ll be worse off than death.“As for your parents, they mortgaged their house, but you haven’t paid off theloan yet. If you die, can that jerk repay it? By then, you’ll leave themwandering the streets without a roof over their heads. 1“Your parents will carry a load of debt and be ridiculed! They’re both teacherswho value dignity. Have you considered that jerk and his bitch dancing on your grave if you die? They’ll enjoy everything you’ve built without lifting afinger.They’ll be living in luxury while abusing Ava. Your daughter will have nowhereelse to go then!” Ivanna’s scolding jolted me awake. She was speaking theirrefutable truth.“Don’t worry, I won’t die! I’m not that weak” I clenched my teeth and said eachword firmly.Honestly, I hadn’t considered dying. Even what I did at the river wasn’t aboutdying. I just wanted to cleanse myself and regain clarity because I had lost mysense of direction and purpose. I sat in a daze, letting Ivanna tend to mywound and console me.She handed me a glass of water, saying, “Have a drink and nap. We’ll facethis together when you wake up.I accepted the water and downed it. Soon, drowsiness took over, and Igradually fell asleep.It was already three in the afternoon when I woke up. I realized Ivanna hadstayed beside me the entire time. The pain in my arm reminded me it was allreal and not a nightmare.I sat up and held my head, only seeing Matthew and Melanie entangled in mymind.“Matthew, I will make your life a living hell!” I emphasized each word withunwavering determination.

Chapter 42 An Unforgivable SinThis would be my promise to live on and embrace a new version of myself.Ivanna saw my determination and shook her head. She advised, “Havesomething to eat.”I nodded, and she strode out to prepare some food. Meanwhile, I gathered myemotions and fixed my appearance before leaving the room. After the meal, Itold Ivanna, “I’m going to pick up my daughter.”“Are you sure? Why don’t you stay with me for a few days and calm downbefore doing that?”I knew she was worried, so I looked at her and said firmly, “I won’t give up soeasily. I’ll take backeverything that belongs to me!”“Then how will you explain not leaving to see your parents?” Ivanna was stillworried.I remained calm and replied, “I have an explanation.”Immediately after, I changed into my own clothes, picked up my bag, andchecked my phone. Before leaving. I instructed Ivanna, “Please get that coatcleaned for me.”“I’ll send you there.” Ivanna grabbed her bag, put on her shoes, and took thecoat. On the way, she askedme about my next stepsI shook my head and said, I haven’t decided yet, but I won’t spare them.”As I unlocked my phone, a flood of notifications greeted me. I called mymother back and learned that my father’s condition had improved. I could hearthe joy in my mother’s voice, and I sighed in relief.Finally, luck was on my side.I told my mother I would return after the hurricane and then hung up torecheck my phone, I saw several missed calls from Matthew but didn’t dare toreturn his call. Instead, I called my mother–in–law.I informed her I hadn’t left, so she didn’t have to pick Ava up today.Everything seemed normal when I reached home with Ava. Matthew saw us,and his face lit up. “Honey, Ava, you’re home! I made some food for you two.Wash your hands. Dinner’s almost ready.”It was apparent he knew I didn’t’leave yesterday. He approached and took thethings from my hands. Afterward, he said, “I got home late after last night’sgathering, and my phone died. After charging it, Iforgot to turn it back on, so I missed your call.“I thought you were calling to let me know you landed safely.” There was ahint of probing in his tone, called my mom early this morning and learned thatyou didn’t leave. Are you mad at me? I’ve been tryingויי+15 BONUSMatthew tried to embrace me, but I avoided him and took Ava to the bathroomto wash her hands.Matthew followed and said, “Honey, don’t be upset. Do you know how worriedI was when I couldn’t reachyou? Where have you been all this time? Did Ivanna pick you up?”Although he spoke, my mind was full of sickening images of him and Melanie.I felt queasy and gently pushed Ava out of the bathroom before shutting thedoor. I suppressed my disgust and remindedmyselfto endure it.I couldn’t ruin all my efforts and had to hold on for my daughter’s sake. Afterwashing my face, I openedthe door and left the bathroom, saying, “Ava, let’s eat.”Matthew was overjoyed. “That’s right, honey. Let’s eat!”He approached me, and his hand accidentally grazed the bandage on myarm. I winced in pain, startling him. Only then did he notice the bandage.“Honey, what happened? Why are you injured? Let me see!”I didn’t expect the man I had lived with for many years to be so skilled atfeigning concern. I thought it was a waste that he didn’t enter theentertainment industry. He could’ve won many awards.“Tell me, how did this happen?” He even raised his voice.“What’s there to ask? Would this have happened if you had picked me up lastnight?” I stood my ground,giving an equal performance.Matthew’s eyes darkened, “What happened? I’m sorry, honey. Please tell mehow you got injured.”“Eat your meal. I don’t want to talk about it.” I softened my attitude a bit,worried about scaring Ava. Icarried her to her seat and grabbed a bowl to feed her.Matthew paused, then reluctantly sat beside me. He tended to our meal,showing his caring and considerate side. Deep down, I knew Matthew wasn’tconcerned about my injury. Instead, he was worriedabout where I was and getting exposed.

Chapter 43 Orchestrating a Chance MeetingI overcame my trauma that night and lay on the tainted bed. To staymotivated, I repeatedly told myselfthat overcoming all this was the first step to my revenge.Matthew leaned over and wanted to hug me, but I pushed him away. I’m onmy period. Don’t bother me,please.”He moved away and sighed, “I know it’s my fault you’re upset. Please don’t bemad.”“Go to sleep. My mind’s back home, and I have no idea how my dad’s doing. Ihave nothing to be madabout. Please spare me the drama,” I said, concealing my genuine emotions.He smiled and leaned closer to give me a peck. “Don’t worry. Things will workout.”I clenched my hand under the covers, feeling disgusted. I silently cursed,annoyed beyond measure because Matthew messed around with his sister. Itmade my skin crawl. I would’ve shattered his family’sreputation if I didn’t need to reclaim what was mine.However, I couldn’t rush in recklessly. The money was gone, and the housewasn’t even under my name. Ihad promised Ava a big house, and I couldn’t break that promise.My mind was a mess as I tried to find the quickest way to regain control overmy life. I didn’t want to spend another moment with this sick bastard. Evensharing a bed with him disgusted me.I was impressed by my composure and thankful I didn’t give in to my rage lastnight.The following day, I met Adrian to present my evidence and financial data. Ibriefed him on the situation’s developments, and even he felt somewhatsurprised. Still, he analyzed the current situation from a legalperspective.Despite evidence of his infidelity, my chances of winning were only fiftypercent since he had solelymanaged the company for years.I asked if sibling relations could help my case, but Adrian said it would requireconfirming blood ties and only amount to moral condemnation. There wasn’t aprecise legal verdict, so it didn’t matter who hecheated on me with.I repeated Adrian’s words to myself, “I only have a fifty percent chance, huh?No, I want everything.”Matthew didn’t deserve my forgiveness, and I was determined to make himpay.Adrian advised gathering more evidence and preparing for the possibility of acourtroom showdown, so l signed a representation agreement with him. Wealso discussed some strategies I wanted to employ.My objective was evident when I left the law firm. Whatever thecirc*mstances, I had to confront them head–on. I needed to rely on myself tochange the current situation.Foremost, I had to regain control over Tanum Corporation. Knowing myenemy inside–out was essential for victory.I returned to the office since it was the source of Matthew’s success andfailure. Every problem stemmed from this place, and I would end it here.I began reconnecting with old clients, using Johnson as a bridge. Initially, hewas reluctant and even a little dishonest. Although it took a while, I discoveredhis wife’s whereabouts.On the day she went for a prenatal checkup, I coincidentally went to the samehospital for a gallbladder checkup. The orchestrated chance encounter withJohnson’s wife, Myra Starning, went perfectly.We even went shopping together and bought numerous baby items for herunborn child. We had a delightful time. I also praised Johnson, mentioning mygratitude for his years of dedication to ourcompany.Ultimately, we bought too many things and had to call Johnson to pick Myraup.As we parted, Johnson witnessed how close Myra and I were. I knewJohnson’s heart must’ve dropped.

Chapter 44 Winning Over One’s HeartI intentionally recounted my trip to Matthew without withholding a single detailwhen I returned home. He beamed and praised me, “You’re a wise partner.You’re understanding and skilled at winning people’s hearts.”However, I corrected him. “It’s not about winning people’s hearts, but aboutbeing kind. Speaking of Johnson, he’s done a lot for our family. It’s natural fora man like you not to notice these things, but women appreciate smallgestures.”Truthfully, I aimed my actions at dispelling Matthew’s suspicions. I knew thissly fox would become vigilant if I hid things from him, and he found out later, Ihad to break him down without revealing my intentions.With this excuse, I frequented the wives of those clients, laying thegroundwork for my future. To Matthew, I employed womanly tricks, whichwere nothing more than having meals and doing our nails together.Although I bustled, he thought it would amount to nothing. Still, he praised mea few times, “This is good because everyone gets to know each other. I’m outthere managing while you’re the queen of the household.”Naturally, Matthew enjoyed my role. Meanwhile, I planned to make him pay ahundred fold.During dinner that evening. I asked, “When will we get the money for thehouse?”“Soon, once we finalize the payment for the Waterland Project,” He casuallyreplied.“Hurry up. I’m uneasy about the money not being in the account.” I voiced myconcerns, looking at Matthew, “Don’t take this lightly. I’ve been eyeing acouple of good houses lately. Why do you seem soindifferent about it?”“Nonsense, how could I be? I said it before. The project investment is for a bigpayoff,” He deflected.I spoke confidently, “Making money is important, but so is Ava. Do you think Iwant to buy a house just for myself? Won’t you live there too? Schooling is abig deal now that Ava’s growing up. We can’t let her lag.behind, can we?”In short, I wouldn’t let him rest until that money was back where it belonged.Since Johnson realized how quickly I could reach Myra, he became extracautious and attentive. Hewould immediately respond whenever I called.At that moment, some good news arrived. The bidding slots for the ATLEmpire projects were finalized, This news shook Matthew, and Johnson reported the former’s reaction,Initially, Matthew hadn’t taken itseriously, so he handed it to me. Unexpectedly, a random occurrence hadbrought such impressiveresults.Getting nominated meant one thing. Regardless of whether we ultimatelysecured the contract, it wasevident that Tanum Corporation could register itself alongside big companieslike ATL Empire.It established Tanum Corporation’s foundation in the city’s building materialsindustry to a certain extent.After much deliberation, the company decided that such a significant projectrequired Matthew’s directinvolvement.As for the development company he had initially put all his effort into, theyrequired upfront investment. It gave Matthew a headache since financinginherently carried risks. It was a grand scheme, and the finalreckoning could be pretty different, even with high profits.I summed up the situation from the last briefing. The only way we couldoutshine two other companiesand reach the final stage was if I had the upper hand in holiday products.If Matthew took over, he probably wouldn’t fare well. Although I didn’t want torelinquish control over this project, he was the ultimate decision–maker.Suddenly, an idea struck me.The coat. It seemed like I needed to reach out to Atlas again.

Chapter 45 The Coctail EventWith that thought in mind, I called Ivanna and asked about the coat. Sheexclaimed, “Oh, I forgot it’s still at the dry cleaners!”“Don’t worry about it. I’ll pick it up myself,” I hung up and was about to get upwhen I remembered not having Atlas’s number.I sat back down and searched for it on my laptop but failed. I couldn’t find atrace of Atlas. It seemed he wasn’t a significant figure at ATL Empire.Otherwise, he wouldn’t be this elusive.As I recall, his presence and charisma were extraordinary. However, for acompany as big as ATL Empire, anyone they hired wouldn’t be lacking.Before I could figure out how to get Atlas’s number, I received a call fromMatthew, asking me to come to his office.When I arrived, I realized he wanted me to cross–reference the informationfrom my last visit to ATLEmpire. I explained things to him, ensuring we left no stone unturned. After all,this was a significant deal,and Tanum Corporation was my brainchild.I couldn’t allow any actions that contradicted Tanum Corporation’sdevelopment. I specifically remindedMatthew to focus on the exclusive new product line.Before I could finish explaining. Johnson entered and reported to Matthew. Hementioned an industryassociation co*cktail event after receiving an invitation and a attendees list.I glanced at the list and hatched a brilliant plan. It was an excellent opportunitysince many major companies were on the list, so I volunteered to accompanyMatthew to the event. Although he wasn’tkeen on the idea, I insisted on broadening my horizons.He eventually relented, and we attended the event together.I rarely attended such gatherings in the past, often leaving the publicappearances to Matthew. After all,he was the head of the family in my eyes, and I was content to remain in thebackground.Still, he was no longer the same Matthew I knew. I couldn’t afford to let go ofany opportunities thatallowed me to connect with this industry.At the event, I spotted Atlas. He carried himself well, not less impressive thanthe portly CEOs present. He stood beside an elegant middle–aged man,conducting himself with composed grace.I discreetly inquired and discovered that the middle–aged man was NickWright, the General Manager of ATL Empire’s Genovia headquarters. He wasthe key figure who should’ve appeared during the biddingI chuckled because it meant Atlas might be his assistant or something similar.Many clients I recognized attended the event, maintaining long–standingrelationships. They seized the opportunity and asked about my retreat overthe years.I stood beside Matthew, playing the role of a doting wife. I mentioned I hadbeen focused on family life.Meanwhile, Matthew was charming and treated me with care. Although ourcompany wasn’t large, his charisma and demeanor held their own againstanyone. He chatted and laughed, his manner polished.1Still, looks could be deceiving.Just as we put on a public display of affection, Atlas followed Nick toward mewith a glass of wine. Hisdeep gaze swept the crowd, finally settling on me.

Chapter 46 The Assistant Seems ArrogantMy heart skipped a beat when I saw Atlas‘ cold eyes again. Our lastencounter was still fresh in my mind.My hysterical behavior that night probably left a big impression on him. Now, Iwas pretending to be affectionate with Matthew, and it felt embarrassing.I instinctively removed my hand from Matthew’s arm and smiled at Atlas. Nickapproached, and a crowd gathered around him to chat and get his attention.Matthew was among them.I observed them coldly. Indeed, they were “sincere.” Atlas briefly glanced atMatthew. I was sure there was a hint of disdain in his gaze.Nick didn’t introduce Atlas, and Atlas didn’t seem interested in meetinganyone. Instead, he stood beside me and said, “Ms. Hartz. Oh, maybe Ishould address you as Mrs. Murphy?”“Ms. Hartz, please,” I replied noncommittally. “I didn’t expect to see you heretoday.”“Hmm.” He sipped his drink and asked, “Seems like you’re in a good mood?“Life must go on. As you said, everything depends on the individual. Myresponse was diplomatic, “Oh, Mr. Pierce, I don’t have your contactinformation. I still have your coat, so can I invite you to a meal sometime togive it back to you?”He sipped his drink again, and did not give me his number. He didn’t seemwilling to share it, so I didn’t press.After seeing me talking to Atlas, Matthew approached. He smiled as hewrapped an arm around me.”Chlo, who’s this?”“Oh, this is Mr. Atlas Pierce from ATL Empire,” I said as I turned to face Atlas.“Mr. Pierce, this is myhusband, Matthew, the CEO of Tanum Corporation.”Matthew extended his hand. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Pierce!”Atlas smiled lightly. “Likewise.”He turned to me without continuing the conversation with Matthew, “Excuseme.”Then he walked away without saying goodbye to Matthew. Despite being anassistant, he seemed uninterested.Matthew was annoyed and asked, “What does he do at ATL Empire? Heseems arrogant.”“He represented Mr. Wright in the previous bidding meeting.” I said. I didn’tknow Atlas’s role at ATLMatthew scoffed. “Pfft! He seems high and mighty, even harder to approachthan Mr. Wright!”was a man who cared about his reputation. His desire for respect stemmedfrom his past experiences and insecurities. He was always afraid of beinglooked down on.He appeared to have found a support system since we started the company.He liked being widely respected.I knew these things but chose to ignore them. Perhaps love blinded me, and Iwould hide his flaws in such situations.After his betrayal, I had to rethink how I could love a deceitful person who hadan affair with his sister.All that remained was disgust. That foolish state where love clouded myjudgment seemed to have passed. As a result, his flaws became glaringlyevident in my eyes.I glanced at him. Matthew was still looking at Atlas with a sour face as hewalked away. He’s such a scoundrel.As the banquet neared its end, I saw Atlas again. He was bidding Nick andthe others farewell, indicatingthey were leaving.There were a lot of people exchanging pleasantries. Naturally, Matthew couldnot pass up this chance. Hewent up to shake hands and make his presence known.Atlas, however, came over to me. As he passed by, he slipped a note into myhand.

Chapter 47 Enduring Humiliation I was startled.My grip tightened on the note as I watched him walk away.My heart raced, and I stashed the note in my small clutch.When it was time to leave, I sat in the car while Matthew talked with severalother executives from development firms.I retrieved the note, but my hands were trembling.His name and phone number were handwritten on it.He had given me his contact information.I smiled and tucked the note into a compartment through my belongingswithout my knowledge.1 within my clutch, I was wary that Matthew would snoop Matthew discussedand criticized the people at the event all the way home.I silently cursed the despicable man beside me.His words did not interest me.Instead, I thought about meeting Atlas again and learning more about ATLEmpire.Since Matthew diverted the assets, why shouldn’t I redirect my business?Tanum Corporation was my creation, but I was gone too long.Matthew had left his mark on the company and its culture.Like its leader, the company was not transparent enough.This strong desire struck me after the banquet.I had done it before, and I could do it again.I needed to lay the foundation for my future.Upon arriving home, I kicked off my high heels and went to take a shower.Matthew suddenly walked into the bathroom completely naked, and my facepaled.*Hey! Matt, what are you doing? Get out, I’m not done!” I covered my privateparts, trying to shoo him away.He pounced on me playfully, drunk.“Honey, how long has it been since we did it? Why are you being shy?” Heignored my protests and embraced me.His actions were greedy and impulsive.I desperately tried to push him away.He became angry at my resistance, despite usually being gentle.He overpowered me by lifting my soapy, slippery body.1 I was no match for him.My nerves and unpreparedness made me feel intense disgust for him.He showed no concern for my feelings. I felt nauseous as tears streamed down my face.My eyes were wide open as I stared at the ceiling, and I vowed not to let thisbrute get away with it.I didn’t know how much time had passed.Matthew alternated between romantic words and vulgarities.Eventually, he drifted off to sleep like a log.I didn’t know who he was thinking of.One thing was clear–this was nothing like how he used to treat me.If it weren’t for our daughter, I might have killed him.Standing up, I ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror.My body was covered in marks.I puked, washing myself inside and out.I needed to speed up my plans to escape this brute.I had to endure this humiliation for Ava’s sake and my future.I cleaned myself in the bathroom for an hour before calming down.That night, I slept in Ava’s room.I woke up to find Matthew next to me.His intense gaze revealed unspoken emotions.He grinned wickedly.“Honey, I’m sorry! Was I too harsh on you last night? I just missed you somuch, my love!” He advanced toward me again, forcefully pinning me down.“Honey… I want more of you!” I felt like my limbs were falling apart under hisweight.I didn’t resist and weakly said, “Whatever How about we have another child?”you want.Even though I was the one saying them, I felt unprecedented disgust.But I knew this was the last thing he wanted to hear.Indeed, he froze as he hovered above me.His expression was complicated, and after a while, he asked, ” Are youserious?” “Yeah! I’ve been thinking about it for a while!” I reluctantly nodded.“And now seems to be the right time.” Thad no idea what he was thinking.He rolled off me, hugging me tightly and burying his head in my neck He saidnothing and just held me close.I could feel the warmth and wetness on my neck…

Chapter 48 Finding the Right Time I remained still.His behavior puzzled me, but I knew they were crocodile tears.Eventually, he stood and said.“Wait here, I’ll make you something to eat.” He would not show me his face.I didn’t care about his thoughts.Even if he showed such emotions occasionally, my image of him would notchange.I couldn’t lower myself to the level of a brute.I knew quick action was my best defense.I couldn’t let him succeed.He returned to normal at breakfast, warm and smiling.“Honey, come here.Eat while it’s hot! Start with the milk!” He was attentive to me during breakfast,and everything seemed to have returned to normal.His actions left me feeling a little dazed.“How about a day off today? You’ve lost a lot of weight recently.I could tell when I held you last night,” he said tenderly.A vision of him and Melanie brought me back to reality.To calm my nausea, I patted my chest.“I don’t know why I keep feeling nauseous.Maybe I’m too worried about my parents.” “I know.Don’t worry too much.Good things will come to good people.You call your mom every day, right? Once the pandemic passes, we’ll go visittogether.” Matthew’s care was meticulous.He even helped me with a fried egg.“Skip the yolk, okay?” Ever since I developed gallstones, I rarely ate egg yolksas they could trigger pain.“Let’s send some money to them today.I’m afraid they might not have enough,” I suggested.I His hand froze for a second, and then he smiled.“Sure, I’ll handle it!” At the office, I called my mom and told her to accept anymoney Matthew might send her without hesitation As expected, my mom said,“There’s no need for that.Your dad and I have enough.The company has many expenses, so you guys don’t need to spend too muchon us.“Mom, think of it from my perspective, okay? Can’t you just accept our moneyand keep it for yourselves? Our duty is to support you, and you shouldn’trefuse.If he offers, accept it” I was a bit frustrated.If only they could be as money–conscious as the Murphy family, then maybe Iwouldn’t worry so much.The Murphy family was all about money, never turning it down.My mom’s tone showed concern, “Chlo, are you…” “Don’t overthink it.I’m just anxious.Giving you guys money is always a struggle.Isn’t it natural for a daughter to provide for her parents? The company is doingwell now.You should just accept our support for my peace of mind!” I emphasized itagain.My mother agreed reluctantly.However, I didn’t see Matthew transfer any money all day.I knew he was trying to deceive me.Over dinner, I asked him, and he said he forgot due to his busy schedule.The following day at work, I reminded him again.He nodded repeatedly, promising to handle it soon.My mother called me at noon to say Matthew wired her ten thousand dollars.It left me speechless.He only sent ten grand? I went to Matthew’s office.His secretary said he was with a client.After hearing about the client, I went to the finance department.I filled out an application for a hundred thousand dollars.Disregarding his meeting, I went straight to his office.I explained the situation and asked him to sign the form.He hesitated when he saw the amount stated.With a smile, I said, “The ten grand you sent is not enough.They need to prepare for unexpected expenses since my dad suffers fromsomething serious.Let’s make sure they enjoy their retirement in peace.” He didn’t expect me toreveal the amount he sent in front of the client.He was slightly embarrassed and quickly agreed.“You’re right.Your parents need peace of mind.” He signed the application form and tried toplay it off by saying, “Ask your mom if there’s anything else we can do forthem.” I nodded and went to the finance department to arrange the transfer.After confirming my mother received the money, I returned to my officerelieved.I gave him a chance to boost his image since he valued it so much.A satisfied smile spread across my face picked up the phone to check thetime.Then, hesitantly, I dialed Atlas’s number.

Chapter 49 An Unexpected Discovery The call went through.I introduced myself, and Atlas responded, “I know.” His reply surprised me.“Um… I was wondering if you could join me for lunch.I’d like to return your coat.” “No,” he replied, leaving me feeling quiteembarrassed.He sure didn’t beat around the bush.As I struggled to respond, he continued, “2 the cafe in the Glenmarie Plaza lobby.” Atlas wasn’t refusing me, but therewas a scheduling conflict.“Okay! See you then!” After ending the call, I silently repeated the name ATLEmpire.I noticed that neither Matthew nor Johnson were around during my lunchbreak.They must have gone lunch with clients.I turned and headed to the bathroom.As soon as I entered a stall, I could hear two people coming in whilemurmuring.“Can you believe how unlucky Erica was? She got yelled at!” “Wasn’t it Mr.Murphy who approved the payment? Why would he be angry?” “With hissignature and his wife requesting the money, Erica wouldn’t dare reject theapplication, right?” I suddenly understood they were discussing the money Irequested earlier that day.They continued, “It’s clear that he wasn’t happy with it.Looks like Chloe doesn’t mean that much to him.” “Isn’t she the founder of ourcompany? Why is it so hard for her to get such little money?” “That wascenturies ago! I heard Mr.Murphy has a mistress now.One of them lowered their voice and continued, “I overheard him tell Erica afew days ago not to deposit payments into the company’s account.“He must have subsidiary companies.” Isn’t that a little cold of him? “He’strying to protect himself from Chloe.She’s truly pitiful, and one day she’ll have nothing.Look at he now She only requested a hundred thousand dollars, and Mr.Murphy scolded Erical Enca’s annoyed over The Murphy familywas all about money, never turning it down.My mom’s tone showed concern, “Chlo, are you…” “Don’t overthink it.I’m just anxious.Giving you guys money is always a struggle.Isn’t it natural for a daughter to provide for her parents? The company is doingwell now.You should just accept our support for my peace of mind!” I emphasized itagain.My mother agreed reluctantly.I However, I didn’t see Matthew transfer any money all day.I knew he was trying to deceive me.Over dinner, I asked him, and he said he forgot due to his busy schedule.1 The following day at work I reminded him again.He nodded repeatedly, promising to handle it soon My mother called me atnoon to say Matthew wired her ten thousand dollars.It left me speechless.He only sent ten grand? I went to Matthew’s office.His secretary said he was with a client.After hearing about the client, I went to the finance department.I filled out an application for a hundred thousand dollars.Disregarding his meeting, I went straight to his office.unt stated.I explained the situation and asked him to sign the form.He hesitated when he saw the amount With a smile, I said, “The ten grandyou sent is not enough.They need to prepare for unexpected expenses since my dad suffers fromsomething serious.Let’s make sure they enjoy their retirement in peace.He didn’t expect me to reveal the amount he sent in front of the client.He was slightly embarrassed and quickly agreed.“You’re right.Your parents need peace of mind.” He signed the application form and tried toplay it off by saying, “Ask your mom if there’s anything else we can do forthem.” I nodded and went to the finance department to arrange the transfer.After confirming my mother received the money, I returned to my officerelieved.I gave him a chance to boost his image since he valued it so much.A satisfied smile spread across my face.I picked up the phone to check the time.Then, hesitantly, I dialed Atlas’s number.

Chapter 49 An Unexpected Discovery The call went through.I introduced myself, and Atlas responded, “I know.” His reply surprised me.“Um… I was wondering if you could join me for lunch.I’d like to return your coat.” “No,” he replied, leaving me feeling quiteembarrassed.He sure didn’t beat around the bush.As I struggled to respond, he continued, “2 the cafe in the Glenmarie Plaza lobby.” Atlas wasn’t refusing me, but therewas a scheduling conflict.I “Okay! See you then!” After ending the call, I silently repeated the name ATLEmpire.I noticed that neither Matthew nor Johnson were around during my lunchbreak.They must have gone out to lunch with clients.I turned and headed to the bathroom.As soon as I entered a stall, I could hear two people coming in whilemurmuring.“Can you believe how unlucky Erica was? She got yelled at!” “Wasn’t it Mr.Murphy who approved the payment? Why would he be angry?” “With hissignature and his wife requesting the money, Erica wouldn’t dare reject theapplication, right?” I suddenly understood they were discussing the money Irequested earlier that day.They continued, “It’s clear that he wasn’t happy with it.Looks like Chloe doesn’t mean that much to him.” “Isn’t she the founder of ourcompany? Why is it so hard for her to get such little money?” That wascenturies ago! I heard Mr.Murphy has a mistress now.” One of them lowered their voice and continued,“I overheard him tell Erica a few days ago not to deposit payments into thecompany’s account “He must have subsidiary companies.” Can’t that a littlecold of him?” He’s trying to protect himself from Chloe.She’s truly pitiful, and one day she’ll have nothing.Look at her She only requested a hundred thousand dollars, and Mr.Murphy scolded Erical Brice annoyed over +15 BONUS “Goodness! Isn’t sheon Mr.Murphy’s team? She probably didn’t expect that treatment.” One of thembitterly remarked, “Back when Chloe was still around the company, Ericastuck to her.“But as soon as Chloe left, she turned to Mr.Murphy.Maybe she has a crush on him, but too bad he doesn’t feel the same way.”“She’s just enjoying the benefits.Do you think she’s in that position for nothing? She’s living her life, and I’dendure scoldings daily if I could get those perks.” ” The two continued theirhushed conversation and left.It seems that Matthew yelled at Erica over my money transfer today.His pious appearance and remarks about my parents‘ peace of mind hadblinded me.I had chosen such a despicable person to be my husband.I called Ivanna to investigate the company’s cash flow.It appeared Johnson still had reservations about me.“What do you mean?” “I think Matthew–might have shell companies.Investigate Melanie Murphy.Henry Murphy, and Grace Murphy.Check what assets are under these names.” “This guy has been planning fora long time,” Ivanna snarled.“I can’t believe it! He’s such a scumbag!” “He’s still pretending because hehasn’t settled everything yet.So, I need to act quickly.I think there are big discrepancies between the accounts.Dig deeper for me.” “Got it.” *Also, check Erica Turner’s phone records.I’ll send you her phone number shortly.The more detailed, the better.See if there are other accounts under her name.Do you need her ID?” “No, her phone number is enough.Who is she?” “A Finance Director at Tanum Corporation.” “Understood.” ineed conclusive evidence that proves my point.” I directed Ivanna in the exactdirection I wanted her to Invectigate I felt some relief and went to have somepasta for lunch.Then I took Atles‘ cost and went to the cafe, only to find him already there.+15 BONUS I smiled and walked over.“I’m sorry, am I late?” He gave a mischievous half–smile, “I was having lunchnearby with a client.I got here early.” I handed him the coat.“I’ve had it dry–cleaned.Thank you!” He took it and placed it on the seat next to him.“What would you like to drink?” Just fruit juice.” Before I could even order mydrink, Atlas pointed outside the window and looked at me.I followed his gesture and looked over.Today’s Bonus Offer

Chapter 50 He is Shrewd There was an Italian restaurant across the street.Two people were stepping out, the woman leaning on the man’s arm.They probably just finished lunch, but it seemed like it took a while.They stood in front of the restaurant.After some exchange of words, the woman kissed the man on the cheek.He ruffled her hair affectionately, giving her a tender smile.After hailing a cab for her, he turned and hurried across the square.They were none other than Matthew and Melanie.My cheeks became flushed.I forced an awkward smile, and I could sense the twitching at the comers ofmy mouth.I looked at Atlas and said, “I’m sorry you had to see that.” He stared at mebefore speaking.“Don’t be.” I struggled to manage the awkwardness I felt.I thought Matthew and Johnson had gone out to dine with clients, but I waswrong.Only Johnson was doing that.The atmosphere turned heavy.Fortunately, the server arrived with our drinks.Atlas pushed my drink toward me as he stared.After a while, he asked softly, “Does it bother you?” I chuckled.Atlas’s question left me unsure how to answer.To say I wasn’t was a lie.I saw my husband doing it with another woman.How could I not be bothered? However, it wouldn’t change reality.I felt like a failure, so I ignored his question.He always seemed to witness my most embarrassing moments.I couldn’t decide if he was my nemesis.or my guardian angel.Sipping my juice, I felt a slight ache under my right rib.“I want to explain something to you,” I said, facing him His eyes had a puzzledlook as he waited for me to continue.“That night when you saw me by the river, I wasn’t trying to commit suicide.” Ididn’t know why I was explaining this to him.After all, Atlas was a stranger to me.Maybe my pride was acting up.“I felt dirty after what I saw at home that night.I just wanted the river to wash away my shame and anger.He looked at me seriously.I chuckled and continued, “The woman you saw with him earlier is his sister,Hearing that did not change his gaze.I was surprised.I suddenly felt like a sad movie character.Atlas had no connection to my life, and Tanum Corporation hoped to get aproject from his compa My actions were incredibly unwise.I was so foolish.+15 BONUS The ache under my ribs worsened.I pressed my hand against it, realizing I hadn’t felt like this in a long I time.My palm was slightly sweaty.“Are you feeling unwell?” He noticed my subtle movement and stared at myhand pressed against my side.“Oh no, it happens all the time! I’m fine!” I withdrew my hand and changed thesubject.“Why were you by the riverside that night?” I couldn’t ask how he saw me“jump into the river.Was it a coincidence? I couldn’t believe that he would be by the riverside solate at night.“You left your luggage in the car,” he replied casually, I filled in the rest of thestory.Atlas must’ve seen me rush out.He could not stop me or return my luggage.That was why he had followed me to the river and rescued me.1 He was wise.I grinned at him, but the intensified pain under my ribs made it difficult toremain composed.My forehead felt cool, and I persisted, “Thank… you! I’m not feeling too well.I’ll… excuse myself.My My vision blurred from the sudden pain.I wanted to get up and leave quickly, but I lost control when I groaned.In a daze, I felt a powerful arm stabilize my body.His large hand held mine.The pain made my ears buzz, and I couldn’t hear his voice.“Ahh, it hurts… “I clung to that large hand like a lifeline.The intense pain darkened my vision, and I lost consciousness.

Chapter 51 An Emergency When I awoke, I found myself lying in an emergency room.Everything seemed normal, and the excruciating pain vanished, leaving me numb.Atlas was beside me, looking concerned.It appeared he had brought me to the emergency room.My sudden condition must’ve startled him, and I felt apologetic “Did I scare you? I’m sorry,” I chuckledawkwardly, “You always seem to catch me at my worst.Thank you! for saving me again.” “Do you feel better now?” Atlas scrutinized my expression with a hintof worry in his eyes.“I have gallstones, an old problem,” I replied.He called the doctor, and I underwent another examination.The doctor gave me a detailed report of my condition and provided some instructions before informingAtlass that I could leave after finishing the IV drip.When the doctor left, I reassured Atlas, “Don’t worry, it’s how this condition is.The pain is terrifying, but I feel nothing afterward.” He nodded and asked, “Should I inform your family?”I shook my head and thought the only family I had around was too young.Besides Ava, I had no family nearby.It seemed no one genuinely cared about me anymore, so why bother pretending? I didn’t even knowwhen or how I had ended up in this situation.I wondered what I did wrong to deserve such betrayal from Matthew.The most heartbreaking thing was having someone you trusted most deceive you.Atlas noticed my silence and added, “If you need anything, let me know.” After the IV drip, he insistedon driving me home, so I reluctantly let him take me to Ava’s preschool.He didn’t ask much during the drive, and when we arrived, I kindly asked him to leave first.He only drove away after confirming I was okay.When I picked Ava up, I was surprised to see Matthew’s car there.Ava happily jumped into his arms, and he held her close.Ava’s excited laughter echoed through the air, attracting many parents‘ attention.Matthew told me his mother had invited us to have dinner at their place.Initially, I felt reluctant since I had to face Melanie.However, I saw Ava’s excitement about visiting her grandmother and didn’t want to disappoint her.After all, they were her relatives, too.I wondered how much longer this situation could continue.+15 BONUS Johnson called me when I entered the car.I glanced at Matthew, who was driving, and answered the call.Johnson told me that the woman who came to the company building to find Matthew was LaurenBurton, a confidante of a CEO.“Got it, thanks!” I cut Johnson off, not wanting him to say more.Matthew was perceptive.As soon as I hung up, he asked who was calling.[“I was looking for a pair of shoes for your mother.They didn’t have her size then, but now they do,” I said offhandedly.“Should we go pick them up? It’s on the way to my mom’s!” He stared at me in the rearview mirror.I looked back at him and said, “Maybe another time.It’s not convenient right now.” “Where is it? It’s just a short drive.” He seemed genuinely interested inverifying my claims.“Hobbits Shop of Shoes on Shebster Street,” I replied.He studied my face momentarily, then exited the next intersection.I clenched my fist tightly, silently cursing.Damn it! What a jerk! The car sped along, and we soon arrived at the shoe store.He parked the car and looked at me.“I’li follow you in.” I scoffed softly, realizing he didn’t believe me and wanted to

Chapter 52 The Murphy Family Dinner I exited the car without waiting for him, holding Ava’s hand as weheaded inside.Meanwhile, Matthew followed us with a smile.Usually, he would have let me go in alone, especially in times like these.I knew he wanted to see if I was lying.I glanced at the shoes on display when we entered the shop.Matthew was watching me closely, waiting for me to embarrass myself.Surprisingly, the sales associate recognized me, saying, “Mrs.Hartz, are you here to pick up the shoes?” I smiled.“Yes.” “All right, let me get them for you!” She hurried into the storeroom and soon handed me ashoebox.“Size 8, brown!” I took the box, opened it to look inside, and handed it to Matthew.I thanked the sales associate as well.Matthew blinked in slight surprise as he took the box.He hugged me and thanked the sales associate.On the way back, he seemed unusually energetic, chatting nonstop.I simply responded with a few words.I barely ate during the meal.Firstly, the afternoon’s gallstone pain had me avoiding greasy foods.Secondly, sitting near Melanie ruined my appetite.Sitting with this family made me feel nauseated like never before.Matthew had been busy serving me while Melanie’s piercing gaze dug into me with displeasure.She finally couldn’t hold back and said, “Chloe, weren’t you less fussy when you ate at home? Why is itharder to please you than Ava now?” “Well, your brother always caters to you, right?” I smiled atMelanie.Her eyes narrowed as she scrutinized me.“What do you…mean?” I pushed the plate of food Matthew had served me to her.“Nothing.I didn’t touch the food.You can have it.Just because your brother likes a certain dish doesn’t mean I have to like it, too.His taste is too heavy.” Then I looked at Matthew.“You better attend to your sister.I’ve been having gallbladder issues and am a little nauseous.I went to the hospital this afternoon, and the doctor warned me about my diet.” I noticed Matthewfrowning, and he stopped his utensils midway to look at me ambiguously Melanie glanced at Matthewand pushed the plate away, muttering, I’m not picking up your leftovers.” I chuckled and purposelyasked, “Really? What’s there to fear in leftover food? It’s not from a random +15 BONUS I inwardlymocked her.Melanie wasn’t willing to take my leftovers but was more than willing to take Matthew.I found it hilarious when she said she wouldn’t eat my leftovers.Grace looked at Melanie and said, “With your temper and wits, who’d be able to tolerate you in thefuture?” “Well, if no one can, I won’t find anyone.I never planned on leaving this house.Is that a problem?” Melanie spoke with confidence.I almost burst into laughter when she spoke with such conviction.I wondered what Grace would think if she knew about the relationship between her two children.“What do you mean by ‘won’t find anyone? You want your brother to support you for a lifetime?” Gracecouldn’t comprehend what her daughter meant.I smiled lightly instead of getting involved.Too much talk led to mistakes; it wasn’t time to reveal my intentions.However, pacifying wouldn’t work because someone on the table was relentless.1 “It’s never good news whenever you come here,” Melanie pointed at me, “Don’t think you’re one ofus just because you married Matthew.” She sounded like the wife, and I was the mistress.I calmly looked at her and responded, “Are you talking about me?” “If not you, who else?” Melaniedidn’t hold back.“Oh, I see,” I answered, putting down my utensils.The rest of the family stared at me blankly.

Chapter 53 Hidden Meanings Matthew and Grace wanted to reprimand Melanie, but Henry impatientlysaid, “All right, let’s eat!” His attitude didn’t surprise me.After all, he had excessively indulged his daughter and never denied her anything.I knew he was aiming his impatience at me.Ava shivered from Henry’s shout and dropped her spoon with a clang.The sound snapped me out of my thoughts, and I repressed my anger before picking up the spoon andgiving her a new one.Afterward, I looked at Melanie and asked, “Are you saying I’m an incompatible factor in this family?Otherwise, you wouldn’t have said that.Let’s see what the rest of us think.” Matthew’s expression grew grave, and he patted my shoulder.“Don’t listen to her nonsense.Let’s eat.” Grace also hurried to mediate.“We’re family, so don’t nitpick at words.That’s what Mel is like.She’s just one to hold onto old grudges.” I’ve never taken Melanie’s words to heart.Still, that doesn’t mean she does either, right? I’ve never considered whether or not I’m an outsiderhere.I’m just Matthew’s wife, brought into the family through marriage- “So what? Divorcees are plenty,”Melanie rolled her eyes, interrupting me.i was puzzled and looked at Matthew, my expression darkening.I cursed inwardly.What the hell?! “Shut your mouth!” Matthew scolded Melanie.“You’re not wrong.Maybe your brother will grow tired of me one day.Only then can you call me an outsider.Unlike you, who will always be a part of this family.However, even if your brother wants a divorce, he probably hasn’t decided yet.Why are you so anxious?” I glared daggers at Melanie and saw Matthew’s expression worsening.He also glared at Melanie, scolding her.“What do you mean? I won’t get a divorce! Mel, don’t believe everything you hear.” I I smirked andraised an eyebrow at Melanie “Even if your brother doesn’t want me, you can’t claim the Uitle of Mrs.Murphy.” You Past actions speak louder than words.I don’t need to explain it.The truth will come out in time.I also don’t want to stoop as low as you.Everyone present knows our history.No need for me to feign ignorance like you” My words carried hidden meanings, hinting at Matthew’sparents I couldn’t keep some things unsaid.Even though I didn’t have the upper hand in the current situation, 1 couldn’t afford to lose.“Why didn’t you call me when you went to the hospital?” Matthew suddenly asked.“Do you believe everything she says? You’ve spoiled her!” Melanie retorted.“I’m still his wife.Who should he spoil if not me? Doesn’t he spoil you too?” I took out my diagnosis from my bag andplaced it before Matthew, “Why didn’t I call you? You were busy having lunch.” Matthew paled, and hiseyes flickered for a moment.Ava quietly reached under the table and tugged at my shirt.She said timidly, “Mom, let’s go home.” “All right, baby.” I stood up and carried Ava with me as wewalked out.“Honey…” I breathed in the fresh air as we left the residence.I couldn’t help but sigh and vow that they would pay for their words Matthew caught up and took Avafrom me, saying, “Honey, don’t be mad.” “I’m not.Do I look mad?” I smiled faintly and looked at Ava.“Let’s go home.” After Ava fell asleep that night, Matthew pulled me close.“Does it still hurt? Do you still feel sick? Is that why you’ve been vomiting lately? I’m sorry for not beingthere for you, honey.I had a business lunch today.Please call me next time.You’re the most important person to me.” I was speechless, sighing inwardly.That night, I couldn’t stop thinking about Lauren Burton

Chapter 54 The Big Showdown I couldn’t wait to get to the office in the morning.I called Johnson and asked for detailed information about Lauren.I picked up on the hidden meaning behind his words and learned that Lauren had her sights onMatthew.Considering what I witnessed between them the other day, I remembered Matthew looking slightlyshifty.After all, once a man stole a kiss, he would likely crave more.My heart stung again.I once thought overcoming difficulties would solidify our love.I never expected Matthew not to be my soulmate.Still, I didn’t have time for sorrow and had to take matters into my own hands to save myself.The information Ivanna uncovered shocked me even more.Indeed, all three Murphys had accounts.Melanie owned properties and had a construction and renovation company registered with a capital of1.5 million dollars.Though the company didn’t have many projects, its cash flow was substantial.It was clear where the money was coming from.With a registration amounting to 1.5 million, it was evident that Matthew had been profiting over theyears.The deposits under Henry and Grace’s names even exceeded seven figures.I burst into laughter when I saw the data.Matthew was ruthless and calculating.It was an all–out family affair.All their accounts were full except for mine, the legally wedded spouse.His intentions were apparent to everyone else, while I remained oblivious.A chill ran down my spine because he had deceived me so mercilessly.Even if I forgave him, I had lost my youth, marriage, and deep affection for him.I clenched my teeth as I slammed the table.Since I couldn’t salvage our marriage, I would have to fill the void with material possessions.Before seeing this information, I was conflicted about keeping a complete family for my daughter.I couldn’t bear the fact that my family was collapsing before me.I clung to that warmth.Even if love was gone, familial affection remained.However, the harsh truth forced me to admit it.There was no trace of familial affection left.The Murphys saw me as an obstacle now.My role and value had disappeared in their eyes.couldn’t stop thinking about my daughter.People loved her, and her smile could light up a room.How could she have such a sick bastard for a father? My heart ached, and I felt helpless +15 BONUSUnfortunately, I received a message on WhatsApp from Melanie.It contained a picture of her at a car dealership, so I bolted to my feet and headed straight to Matthew’sempty office.I clenched my teeth and called a private investigator.I brought Ivanna along when I went to meet him.I briefed him about Lauren and asked him to dig deeper into her background, particularly her frequentinteractions with Matthew.I told Ivanna, “Even if they’ve never interacted, we must create them.” Ivanna stared at me in disbelief,then exclaimed, “You want to set up a dogfight?! How can we make two people who have nothing to dowith us follow our plan? That might be tricky!” Ivanna raised a valid concern, so I said, “I can managethat.It’s only a matter of time before something goes wrong.They’re both a couple of rotten apples anyway.” “If you can make those two comply, I can help spreadthe word,” Ivanna promised me, “I guarantee it’ll cause a storm throughout the city.” I “No, how are wegoing to enjoy the show then? If it creates a city–wide storm, we must include Melanie to make it moreexciting.” I looked at Ivanna meaningfully.“Do you want to see Matthew and Melanie being bystanders, or would you rather see all three of themfighting?” “Hahaha, that’s a big showdown!” Ivanna understood my intentions.“We need Melanie to stir things up with them, then I’ll be free to act.Otherwise, Matthew will always be suspicious of me.I can’t seem to keep track of his movements,” I said, “Aaron, can you help- Aaron interjected, “Considerit done.I’ve got something good for you.It’ll tell you his whereabouts at any time!” He handed something to me, leaving me utterly stunned.After leaving the cafe, I received a call from my mother.She told me that my father’s condition had improved and that he wanted to see me and Ava.I told her I would bring my daughter to visit once I settled a few things at home.Although autumn wasn’t too cold in the city, falling leaves still marked the season.The bright yellow trees made a striking contrast, and scattered leaves covered the ground.Ireceived a call from Matthew, informing me that he had some last–minute out–of–town business.By now, I knew that phrase meant something else.I clenched my phone as my heart turned colder, I knew Matthew had likely completed his car purchaseand was off to the city for a passionate night chucked as if no one was around, attracting alarmedglances from passersby

Chapter 55 Someone to Entertain I wandered and found myself by the river again.I had brought some wine and arranged for my mother–in- law to pick Ava up.Then, I settled by the river to pour myself a drink.I realized the company had become an empty shell, its sole purpose to fill the Murphys‘ wallet.Meanwhile, I was empty–handed.No wonder Melanie could taunt me so confidently.Although I married into the family, I wasn’t part of their world.Even now, Melanie and Matthew didn’t spare my meager possessions.They would invade my space and commit vile acts on my bed whenever I was away.I thought I was strong–willed at the Murphys‘ residence last night.However, my repayment was a car for Melanie.When I asked him to send my parents some money, he lashed out at Erica.The more I thought about it, the more my heart ached.It was like a stabbing pain suffocating my chest.My phone kept ringing, and I didn’t know what I said when I answered.I was starting to feel a little tipsy.I saw the buildings across the river light up as night fell, but none shined for me.I had nothing left.I raised the wine bottle toward the lights, only to have someone swipe it away.A low voice followed, Chloe Hartz.” I turned to look in a daze and saw the man who had witnessed myconsistent misfortunes.I shook my head and chuckled, saying, “How’d you know I was here? Did I leave something behind?”“Weren’t you in pain yesterday? Have you forgotten your doctor’s orders already?” Atlas scolded.“Forget about doctor’s orders.You’re a buzzkill.” I looked at him and tugged at his sleeve.“Come on, join me for a drink.” I felt a little playful, likely from him interrupting my loneliness.It was either that or my inner teenage girl was excited.Atlas stood there for some time, just watching me.I shook his arm, urging him, “Come on!” Finally, he leaped onto the riverbank and sat beside me.He opened two cans of beer, handed me one, and toasted to me.I laughed, “Thank you for being here with me.” “Tell me, why are you drinking?” he asked.Do I need a reason to drink?” I took another sip.“Is being happy a good enough reason?” Like a fool, I stared at the lights on the other side of the river. “I’m celebrating the fact that I’ve seen it all now.I have nothing left.The man I thought was my soulmate had slung a web for me, and I walked right into it, trapped foryears.“How naive of me! Haha… The company’s gone, the money’s gone.Oh, I have a daughter, so it’s not a complete loss.I lost everything, but I still have my daughter.” “What do you plan to do?” Atlas asked without looking atme.Instead, he stared at the lights across the river.“I want a divorce to ruin him completely!” I gritted my teeth.“You?” He turned to look at me.“Is getting wasted and making a scene your plan for revenge? I never expected you to be this foolish.”“Why are you trying to discourage me?” I was a bit annoyed at how pessimistic he was.“Am I discouraging you? Can’t do anything but get drunk here and call it a night, huh? Didn’t you just seehim move everything away, drive a new car, and go to Operose for the weekend? Meanwhile, you’rejust here getting drunk.What can you do? Yell at them as revenge?” Atlas’s words struck my weakest point, and I felt ashamed.My low self–esteem made me hysterical.” You… Do you have the right to say that to me? I’m the oneembarrassed, but it’s not your place to remind me.” “Is that so?” He w was so close I could feel hisbreath.My heart raced as I looked at him, imagining him embracing me.I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts.Suddenly, Atlas leaned in and murmured, “It seems you still care about him” His warm breath grazed myface and sent shivers down my spine.I instinctively moved back, only for him to pull me into his embrace.He looked at me intensely and asked, “Do I scare you?” I looked at Atlas’s profound eyes, firm jawline,and thin lips.At that moment, it felt like I was falling into an abyss.

Chapter 56 What Did You Do To Me? Our eyes locked.His arm tightened around me so much that I couldn’t breathe.My hand grew weak as i pushed him, eventually resting gently on his waist.I felt him tense for a moment.He tilted his head and locked his lips with mine.He kissed me passionately.I felt as though I’d been electrified, too weak to resist.He held my head, deepening the kiss.I could hardly breathe as strange images of Matthew and Melanie’s intimate moments played in mymind.It fueled my desire for this thrill.Alcohol, rage, and revenge probably drove my response.I pressed up against him, kissing him passionately in return.Gradually, those images faded, and I only wanted to prolong my desire for him.My mind went blank.I Finally, Atlas released me.I took a deep breath, not daring to look at him.I picked up the wine, intending to take another sip, but he swiftly took it away.“You can’t drink anymore!” His voice turned stem.I squinted my eyes.“Why do you care? I bought it with my money.Do you think I’m rich?” I was drunk, so my tongue was stiff.I used to drink a lot, but now it makes me sad, bitter, and numb.“I want to toast to the past! I want a fresh start!” After shouting these words at the rushing river, Igiggled and collapsed into his arms.“Stay conscious!” He insisted, lifting me into his arms.“I’ll help you.” His words confused me.My brain had grown sluggish.I floated as though in a dream as Atlas carried me.My subconscious reminded me to avoid this man.I woke up the next day.My head pounded, and I rolled over, exhausted.I didn’t want to open my eyes, but I was unbearably thirsty.“Are you awake?” I heard a gentle voice say.Startled, I opened my eyes and anxiously looked toward the voice.When I saw the chiseled face, I shrieked.I scrambled backward but was swiftly pulled back.“You’re going to fall!” I closed my eyes, my mind racing to figure out what had happened.How could it be him? W–What had The sheets were comfortable, and I cautiously feltmyself and groaned.When have I ever slept naked? “Are you scared now?” Atlas‘ voice contained a hint of playfulness andwarmth.“Atlas, y–you, we…” My words came out incoherent.“Do you regret it?” His eyes were electric and fixed on me.They were even softer now.He wore a loose bathrobe that hinted at his solid chest.I averted my eyes as I tried to recall what happened last night.It frustrated me, as I didn’t want this.I didn’t want to be like Matthew.My dignity was more important.Atlas watched my expression and did not release his hold on me.Feeling his intense gaze on me made me shiver.I then grew angry.“What did you do to me?” I “What do you wish I’d done? A smirk curled on his lips.He was entirely different from the Atlas I knew, but I didn’t really know him.As I swallowed dryly, I inwardly cursed.This Atlas was genuinely unpredictable.How did he find me? How did he know my whereabouts? He let go of my arm and asked in a warmvoice, “Do you want some water? You must be thirsty.” His smile seemed almost devilish.What did he have to say it like that? It was natural for me to be thirsty.We did nothing? Come on, who was he kidding? If he was telling the truth, why would I be naked? I washighly frustrated.I didn’t want this.There went my dignity! Suddenly, the doorbell rang.I quickly hid under the covers.

Chapter 57 Tossing Him Aside I heard Atlas leaving the room.Then I heard voices outside the door, the door closing, and someone walking back in.“Don’t you feel suffocated? Atlas’s voice sounded again, I slowly lifted the corner of the blanket to findhim looking down at me from above, his smile radiant.He looked handsome in a different way.Is this still the calm and reserved Atlas I knew? He pulled me and the blanket toward him, holding me inhis arms.I felt my heart racing.“Hey… what are you doing?” I struggled to breathe with him so close and his handsome face comingcloser.Suddenly, I remembered the wild and passionate kiss we shared on the riverbank last night.It was utterly embarrassing.People could be reckless when drunk.His stare was intense.“You’re overthinking.Relax! I’d never take advantage of an unconscious person.I helped you out of your clothes and showered you.You were too stinky after vomiting.” My head spun from embarrassment.What did I do last night? Was I the one who had been stuttering? And he was the one I poured my heartout to? “Well… maybe I should put my clothes back on!” I babbled, struggling in his arms.He tightened his grip on me and said, “You’re ungrateful.How could you toss me aside after everything did for you?” “No one would toss someone as handsomeas you,” I blurted, almost biting my tongue off as the words left my mouth.He chuckled arrogantly, stating, “That’s not entirely inaccurate.” Still, he was quite the gentleman.He let go of me, picked up his clothes, and left the room.I quickly wriggled out of bed, shivering slightly as I dressed.I examined myself carefully, making sure nothing was out of place.grabbed my bag, left the bedroom, and thought about running away.He expected that.Atlas swiftly caught me and pulled me back.He was so forceful that I crashed into his chest, banging my head against I felt dizzy for a moment is 117Hey! Keep your hands to yourself protested, struggling against his hold. “I spent the night drinking with you, sleeping with you, and caring for you.Shouldn’t you reward me a little? “He smirked with a hint of playfulness.I pressed my hands against his chest, glaring at him.“W–What reward? Don’t push your luck!” His deep gaze met mine like a pitch–black abyss, almostmagnetically capturing my gaze.He kissed me again, unrelentingly.I suspected I was under some sort of spell.After a while, he released me.“Stay clear–headed.I’ll help you.” I looked at him in bewilderment.He kissed me again, but it was brief this time.I turned around, opened the door, and ran out before he could say anything.It all felt like a dream.I felt confused by all these circ*mstances and feelings.Was I doing this out of revenge? I couldn’t deny the sense of intoxication and excitement I felt.I rushed downstairs, hailed a taxi, and headed straight to the office.Even sitting at my desk, I couldn’t completely calm my heart.My emotions were confusing.I took a few deep breaths to remind myself not to lose sight of things.This was not the end of my battle.I needed to keep working hard.I needed to provide a bright future for my daughter.Before I could fully gather my thoughts, Matthew burst into my office.

Chapter 58 A Subtle Battle I was surprised to see him.Wasn’t he supposed to be in Operose for business? Why was he here now rather than in the arms of hismistress? I remained silent, observing him.He smiled softly and asked, “Honey, what should we have for lunch? “I haven’t decided yet!” I repliedcasually, showing no hint of surprise.He walked closer.“We talked until really late last night.I rushed back this morning because I didn’t want you to worry.I didn’t even have time for breakfast.Let’s go for an early lunch, and we’ll have whatever you want.It’s on me!” I watched him act charmingly.Oddly enough, I couldn’t get angry.It was as if I were having a different pleasure, a sensation.Out of nowhere, I thought about Atlas.“Did you drink?” He asked, probably noticing the scent around me.But he did not smell like alcohol himself, despite attending a late–night social gathering.“Yeah.” I said, “How about the Italian restaurant opposite Glenmarie Plaza?” His eyes narrowed briefly,then he nodded, “Sure, whatever my wife wants!” Life was full of dramatic twists.I had not expected to see Lauren as soon as we entered the restaurant.When I saw her again, I paid close attention to her.She was dressed elegantly in a fashionable knit dress.She wasn’t an ordinary competitor in this game.I had a secret satisfaction when I thought about Melanie’s shallowness.This game appeared to be stacked in my favor.Seeing her again today gave me a good feeling.She could be of use to me.Matthew was surprisingly open about introducing me, and I lowered my guard, politely greeting her.After we sat down, I commented to Matthew.“Ms.Burton seems to be a very competent person.I’m quite impressed with her!” “Being overly cunning is not necessarily a good thing for a woman,”Matthew replied casually.“I prefer someone like my honey–understanding and virtuous.” Are you saying I’m foolish?” I addressedhis comment.ghed, reaching out to pinch my nose.“Silly girl, who were you drinking with last night?” “Who do you think?” I countered.“Besides, you stayed out too.I need to entertain myself when you’re away on business trips!” I spoke lightly, as if the topic wasn’t abig deal.However, my mind wandered to Atlas.“I won’t be on business trips often.It was an exceptional situation yesterday!” he explained.“Where were you guys drinking?” “Ivanna’s place!” I answered casually.“Did you go to the car dealership yesterday?” I “Huh? I didn’t.After I visited the construction site, I went straight to Operose.” Matthew clarified.“Oh! There must’ve been a misunderstanding then!” I said it absentmindedly.Before we finished eating, Johnson called Matthew to let him know that ATL Empire was holding ameeting at 2 p.m.Matthew glanced at me and asked about the situation with ATL Empire.He didn’t invite me to accompany him to the meeting.Instead, he went with Johnson.I received a document on my phone after picking up Ava.It was the ATL Empire’s meeting minutes.One key point stood out.All participating companies had to undergo a financial assessment by the end of the month.It would include a thorough evaluation of the entire organization.That includes projects, capital, assets, and even personal checks.This was because this contract covered ATL Empire’s collaborative projects for three years.ATL Empire’s projects were s supposed to be all government–backed initiatives during that time.If we secured the contract, we’d significantly boost our business over the next three years.What surprised me was the emphasis on the new type of thermally broken steel windows, a TanumCorporation patent My mind was racing with questions.What did this mean? I quickly looked up the document’s sender, which turned out to be Atlas My heartraced even faster.Tanum Corporation had an opportunity to improve its reputation.Unfortunately, the company was in Matthew’s hands.I knew we could become industry leaders if the company truly capitalized on this opportunity.This could be a once–in–a–lifetime chance for rapid advancement.However, that would also mean losing control of Matthew. I halled a taxi and rushed home with Ava.I put on cartoons on TV for her while I quickly prepared food.I needed to make time to look into our competitors‘ information.I had to take advantage of this opportunity.Before I could finish preparing the food, Matthew’s call came in.He told me to freshen up quickly, as he’d pick me up soon.We were attending a dinner later this evening.

Chapter 59 A Stroke of Luck I hesitated before telling him I’d rather not attend.I also had Ava with me, so I couldn’t go.He mentioned that he had already arranged for my mother–in–law to watch Ava and that she would bearriving at my house soon.His attitude struck me as odd.He had never been eager to take me to social events, but it turned out that ATL Empire organized it.During the afternoon’s meeting, Nick asked about the manager who had represented TanumCorporation before.Then he questioned my absence.Matthew quickly arranged for me to attend the dinner and even gave me pointers on what to say.1 Representatives from three other companies, all major players in Foswood, would join us.Each company had strengths, but Tanum Corporation was outmatched and did not belong on the samelevel.Tanum Corporation had stumbled upon a stroke of luck.Among the representatives from ATL Empire was Atlas Seeing him again after only a few hours made mea bit nervous.Although I had just seen him this morning, it felt like decades ago, He had returned to his aloof self.He followed Nick without displaying much emotion, only offering me a casual greeting when he entered.There was nothing exceptional about it, but it did put me at ease.I didn’t feel comfortable saying too much with so many people around.During the meal, Atlas asked me about the steel windows in front of everyone.It was surprising that he asked me instead of Matthew.Nick remained in charge, but something seemed off.Atlas was his assistant, yet Nick appeared to have discussions with him.This assistant was not to be underestimated.Tanum Corporation’s thermally broken steel windows were something I had pushed for, but Matthewhad consistently refused due to the high cost.He had never been optimistic about it, because he believed the new metal plastic windows were morecost–effective and had higher profit margins.was adamant about using thermally broken steel windows as a foundation for high–end projects.At the recent ATL Empire meeting.Tanum Corporation’s financial strength clearly lagged behind its competitors I strategically promotedthe steel windows project as an alternative.This move surprised the competition and set the company apart. Toasts were exchanged with the ATL Empire’s representatives.Matthew quickly pulled me over to make a toast as well.I felt incredibly uncomfortable.I forced myself to make the rounds, and Nick took me aside to discuss the steel windows in detail.This visibly boosted Matthew’s image.Today, he seemed genuinely happy.The opportunity to negotiate further with ATL Empire and be considered a key player lifted his spirits.He practically floated on air.I noticed him toasting Atlas, who appeared to be sober.Nick asked me to prepare a report on the steel windows, focusing on its performance, designpossibilities, and construction techniques After speaking with Nick, I had a plan in mind.I kept calm and responded to Matthew’s inquiries.The dinner concluded, and Matthew had arranged for a driver.Matthew sat in the back seat, holding my hand.He praised me as a visionary, remarking on my unique insights.He kept calling me his “lucky star,” asking how I had known to push for the steel window project.His overly enthusiastic demeanor made him seem like Foswood’s industry leader.His boasting seemed to indicate that he had achieved his goals.“Don’t celebrate too soon.You weren’t particularly interested in the windows before.Nick wants a detailed report, so research design options heavily.Detail the benefits of thermally broken steel windows.This difficult task will determine our success.” “Don’t worry about that.I’ll have the manufacturer provide a detailed manual.” He reassured me.“Your amazing husband will handle everything.I hate seeing my dear wife work so hard!” He kissed my hand.I appreciated his kind words, but why didn’t he care about my struggles when he insisted I attend thedinner? He knew I had been drinking the night before but still made me participate in the toasts.This was all to avoid me getting involved in the project.He was a master at dismissing people after they had served their purpose.I remained silent.I knew he would not listen to anything I said now.I’ve been thinking about taking Ava to see my parents.My father is getting better, but I want Ave to sen them.I’m planning to make a quick trip,” I said, seizing the opportunity amidst his excitement Sure! Go ahead!Spend some time with your parents!” Matthew, readily agreed “In that case, I’ll arrange everything andleave tomorrow.I’ll be back soon,” I continued. “There’s nothing you need to arrange.Just tell Ava’s teachers that she’ll be absent.We can keep in touch about company matters.You don’t have any major projects on hand right now anyway.” Matthew seemed genuinely supportive.“All right, then help me book the flight tickets,” I said absentmindedly.In reality, a plan had already formed in my mind.Chapter 60 Ulterior Motive The next day, I boarded the flight back to my hometown with Ava, I calledIvanna on the plane to let her I know about my trip.I also emphasized the importance of completing the tasks I had assigned her.Every step of my plan had to be executed flawlessly.I told Ivanna that I had tracked Matthew’s whereabouts and asked her to keep an eye on him.After ending the call, I held my phone tightly, battling the urge to make another call.Ultimately, I took a deep breath and turned off my phone.I couldn’t get too close to that man.Ava was excited the entire trip, but I reviewed my plan meticulously.Atlas had told me to stay alert and that he would help me.Could this be his way of helping me? I didn’t want to ask him.The early autumn in my hometown was chilly.I had not told my mother when I left so she would not be worried.I After landing, I took a taxi to the hospital, and my parents were overjoyed to see us.My father’s condition was good, but he had some facial paralysis, which made his speech awkward.My heart ached, and tears welled up in my eyes.I had not seen my father in over two years.His hair had turned completely gray, as had my mother’s.My emotions were all over the place.Ava’s enthusiasm amused my dad to no end.She danced around, constantly asking the doctors to let us go home.I inquired about my father’s health and met with the doctor.The doctor agreed to release him but gave him medication and told him to take it on time.We all went home that evening.Ava was too young to remember her last visit, so she looked around wide- eyed.She quickly adjusted, though, chatting nonstop and getting comfortable.My parents were focused entirely on Ava, leaving me to cook.I went straight into the kitchen.My dad insisted on ordering takeout, but I told him not to worry.I had spent years serving that ungrateful family, so I was more than willing to cook for my parents.After a day there, I told my parents I needed to go to a steel window manufacturer in the capital city.That was the real reason I rushed back to my hometown.warned my mother not to tell Matthew where I was because he could check on me anytime! She looked worriedly at me.I briefly explained that we had different priorities and that I was prioritizing securing a project while hewasn’t.I never mentioned our relationship issues.My dad was very supportive.“Just go.We know what to say.We’ll tell him to call you if he asks!” I advised against telling Ava too much because she was too bright.In the capital city, it was pouring, and the autumn wind was cold.I recalled my first visit here four years BOO.The company I was heading to didn’t work with Tanum Corporation.It was another company I had engaged with back when I came to Solaris.They were called Urban Builders.This company was bigger than the one Tanum Corporation worked with and made better qualityproducts.However, we missed the opportunity to work together because of an incident.It had always haunted me.Of course, few people knew about it.It was suppressed back then, and not even Matthew knew.They didn’t collaborate with Tanum Corporation because their pricing had always been too high.Ultimately, Matthew chose Westridge Holdings to save costs and ensure profits.After four years, I was back here, and the factory had expanded.However, the image of four years ago was still vivid, making it feel like I was in a different world.I hesitated for a while, took a deep breath, and was determined to face my fear for my future as well as

Chapter 61 Denied Access I entered the factory gates only to be stopped by a stern security guard.I told him I wanted to meet with Fred.The security guard scrutinized me and said, “Mr.Fred isn’t here.He’s currently on a business trip.“Could you tell me where he went?” I asked anxiously because my time in the city was limited.“I wouldn’t know,” he said with a sour attitude.“Could you at least give me his phone number? I’ve come from out of town and just need to call him.”After what happened four years ago, I didn’t keep Fred’s contact information.“I don’t have it,” he replied curtly.“What do you want with him?” “I’m here to discuss a business partnership!” “You can talk to themarketing department for that.Do you really need to meet the boss? We get many people like you who just waste our time.Just get out of here!” It was unbelievable that such a large factory would hire someone so rude.The rain was getting heavier, and I started shivering.Suddenly, I noticed phone numbers for different departments on the security guard’s desk.Swallowing my pride, I asked, “Please, I’ve come a long way.Could you at least give me some hot water? I’ll leave right after.” “Enough with your tricks.I don’t have any hot water for you.Get going,” he said, pushing me outside.I almost stumbled, and he slammed the gate behind me.My umbrella was too small for the heavy rain.Although I was soaked halfway through, my heart felt colder I looked around.The cab that brought me had already left, and I would have to walk a long way to catch another oneback.My only option was to stand against the wall.I didn’t want to go home like this, but Matthew would suspect something if I spent too much time in thecity.I needed to keep him from discovering my move.Although I was soaked to the bone, I kept hoping someone from the factory would emerge.Just getting Fred’s phone number would be worth it.Finally, a car drove out, and I quickly flagged it down.A middle–aged men rolled down the window and C +15 BONUS “What can I do for you?” he asked.“I came to talk to Mr.Fred.Could you tell me how to find him?” I quickly added, “Or even the Marketing Manager!” He glanced atme and said, “Get in!” I thanked him profusely and quickly got in the car.“Thank you so much!” As the car drove off, I couldn’t stop trembling.He said, “Don’t thank me yet.I’m just giving you a ride to a place where you can catch a cab.Mr.Fred isn’t here.You’re wasting your time.” “I came from out of town to discuss a project with him.I have a full proposal, and I’m on a tight schedule.Could you give me his phone number? Or could you pass on the message? Tell him that Chloe Hartzfrom Foswood is looking for him!” He glanced at me as he considered my words.“In that case, you can stay at the guesthouse.I’ll let Mr.Fred know.” Though I was disappointed, it was better than not having hope.I jotted down my phone number, just in case.“Just tell him that my name is Chloe Hartz.He’ll definitely come and meet me.Sir, thank you for helping me! Could I have your name?” I asked politely, He hesitated before saying.“I’m… the other Mr.Meyers!” I picked up a pamphlet from the car when we arrived at the guesthouse.“I’ll take this with me.Thank you!” With that, I quickly got out of the car.I was worried he might stop me because the pamphlet contained the factory’s phone number.It was my backup plan in case this man wouldn’t pass the message.Looking at the car driving away, I could only pray that he helped me.I must meet Fred Meyers!

Chapter 62 A Friendly Face in a Foreign Land When I entered the questhouse, I shed my wet clothes andcranked up the heater.Then I hopped into the shower.Hot water poured over me, thawing my frozen body with steam.Since I didn’t have spare clothes, I wrapped myself in a blanket.Then I boiled some water and sipped it.I didn’t care how clean the cups were, but I wished there was tea to warm me up I That made me laughwryly, but my mind was racing to figure out how to meet Fred.I reached for the pamphlet and looked through the contact information.I dialed a few numbers, but no one answered.It seemed this business wasn’t customer–friendly.I The middle–aged man I met earlier was my only hope.However, my hope faded as the night wore on and no calls came.I eventually dozed off.In the middle of the night, I woke up with a fever.Wrapped tightly in my blanket, I couldn’t stop shivering.My teeth chattered uncontrollab In my delirium, I desperately longed for a sip of warm water.However, I couldn’t even summon the strength to open my eyes, let alone get out of bed.Nightmares plagued me all night.Fearing Matthew would call, I forced myself out of bed the next morning I went to a nearby grocerystore and video–called him from there, as if showing him my hometown.The store was difficult to locate, and after a brief conversation, I hung up.I felt utterly drained.I had planned to buy some medicine, but there was no pharmacy in the area.I learned from the grocery store staff that the nearest hospital was a long taxi ride away.My phone was also running low on battery.Reluctantly, I returned to my room to charge my phone before heading out.However, I fell asleep again from exhaustion.Despite being asleep, my subconscious nagged me that time was running out.I needed to find Fred to secure the deal.This was my trump card against Matthew.At some point, my phone rang, startling me.I fumbled for it, hoping for a message from Fred.When Atlas’s name flashed on the screen, I felt somewhat disappointed.We exchanged a few words before I hung up, but I couldn’t remember what we discussed, I struggled tosit up and realized I was burning up and shivering uncontrollably.Tknow I had a fever.The accumulation of stress, that night of binge drinking, and the rain all ir stowly, I started losing consciousness.And my arse from a distance, but I couldn’t respond it was de werk “Chloe… Chloe…” Isearched for the source of the voice, which sounded oddly close.My body tossed and turned.“Chloe, wake up!” I felt a warm sensation on my forehead and leaned into it.“Chloe…” I struggled to open my eyes, and a sharply defined face appeared.I wondered if it was a hallucination.“Chloe, are you awake?” He raised an eyebrow and asked, “Feeling better?” I couldn’t believe my eyes.“Why are you here?” “I was in town on business and had a dozen ways to track you down,” heresponded, observing me.“You have a high fever.Aren’t you just asking for trouble by not going to the hospital?” Despite feeling sorrowful, I licked my drylips and replied.“It’s fine.I just fell asleep.” Atlas didn’t like that.He frowned and said impatiently, “You’ve got no sense of self–preservation! You have no idea how badthis can get.Why don’t you tell me what’s going on?” I chuckled bitterly, tears flowing despite my best efforts.Time seemed to stand still as we both fell silent.After a while, he touched my forehead, checking my temperature.“The fever’s gone!” Before I could ask him why he was there, a knock on the door interrupted ourconversation.The door swung open, and two people hurried in.I stared at them in surprise.Atlas, however, remained unfazed.He looked at me and remarked, “Looks like we have some unexpected

Chapter 63 Falling Back Into Old Ways The person who entered the room was Fred Meyers, whom I hadbeen trying to meet.Accompanying him I was Mr.Meyers, who had given me a ride.Fred and I locked eyes for a moment.It had been four years, and he looked older.His once jet–black hair was now salt–and–pepper, and he appeared slightly leaner.He gazed at me for a while.“Is it really you, Ms.Chloe?” “Fred, it’s me! Chloe Hartz.Long time no see!” I felt somewhat self–conscious about my current state.“You need to lie down! Lie down!” Fred walked over to the bed, and Atlas quickly got up to make room.“Ms.Chloe, I’m sorry for keeping you waiting.I’m truly sorry,” Fred said, sitting beside the bed.Atlas signaled to the other Mr.Meyers.The two of them exited the room, leaving Fred and me alone.I was excited and exclaimed, “Fred, you’re being too polite! Seeing you makes this entire tripworthwhile.It’s my fault for dropping in like this.I had no other way to contact you and couldn’t meet you at your company!” “My company… Fredpaused with a troubled look.“Let’s not talk about that.What brings you here?” Understanding his hesitation, I didn’t press further.Instead, I explained my visit.I also mentioned ATL Empire and the potential partnership that could help my cause.Fred patiently listened.Then, he asked why I had signed a contract with Westridge Holdings and why I now wanted to switchproducts.I was honest with him, including that I hadn’t formed my own company.Despite my financial constraints, I asked for a chance and promised to secure the ATL Empire project.I hesitated when Fred asked about the company I wished to establish.Clearly, I was reaching beyond my means, arriving empty–handed to negotiate a deal.“Actually, I said, slightly uncertain, “I hope to register my company.That way, I can take part in competitions legally, But for now… Frad hodded as I trailed off, then urgedme to continue.But for now, what? Eghved end confessed, “For now, came to see you to gather Information.Despite Rancial issues, i will law company when i retum “Ms.Chloe, can you arrange for me to meet someone from ATL Empire?” Fred asked, his discomfort clear onhis face.“As a businessman, I must consider my interests.I have no doubts about your character, but this is business.” He seemed embarrassed about making therequest, and I felt a similar unease.Atlas was present, but he was only an assistant.I also didn’t know how to approach him about this.I used ATL Empire’s project as a lifeline to find my path.It was far–fetched.Tightening my grip on the blanket beneath me, I reminded myself that this was my only shot.Atlas had mentioned helping me, so I risked it.“I was just speaking with someone from ATL Empire.Could you please ask him to come in?” “Sure!” Fred didn’t hesitate.He left the room and called Atlas back inside.I swallowed hard and looked at Atlas.He stood there calmly, waiting for me to speak.*Mr.Atlas, I began, “this is Mr.Fred Meyers, the owner of Urban Builders.His company specializes in cutting–edge thermally broken steel windows.“I wanted you two to meet because ATL Empire highly prioritizes the steel windows for this project.This visit was specifically for that reason.” Then I turned to Fred.Fred, this is Mr.Atlas Pierce from ATL Empire.” I intentionally left out his professional title.The two men shook hands, and then Atlas asked me, “Can I speak to Mr.Fred privately?” I held my breath, wondering what Atlas meant by that.Why did he want a private chat with Fred? However, I had no reason to refuse.Fred agreed, saying, “I had the same thought.” I nodded and watched the two men leave my room.All I could do was take a chance.Instead, I felt stupid.Chapter 64 Heartbroken and Alone I was nervous a us as I waited in bed.Closing my eyes, I tried to calm myself and whispered, “Everything happens for a reason.Don’t force what’s not meant to be.” 200 Lost in my thoughts, the two men finally reentered the room.My heart leaped to my throat, but I forced a smile.Fred spoke first.“Ms.Chloe, I have urgent matters to attend to, so I must head back.I’d like you to come to our company if you feel better tomorrow.I won’t disturb you further today.Please take care of your health.” My heart sank.I nodded while releasing my clenched hands.“Alright.See you tomorrow, “I’ll be waiting for you at my office,” he said before rushing off as if racing againsttime.His detachedness made me realize how harsh the business world was.The room fell silent, and my emotions hit rock bottom.It seemed I had utterly forgotten about Atlas’s presence.After a while, I heard Atlas ask, “Aren’t you curious about what we discussed?” I shook my head faintly,not wanting to reveal my feelings.After a moment, I mumbled, “Thank you, Mr.Atlas.I think I’d like to rest for a bit.You don’t need to stay any longer.” He got up without responding.As he left, he placed a paper bag by the bed.“Get up,” he said commandingly.“Change into these clothes, and I’ll take you to dinner.” Then he left the room.I couldn’t help but exclaim, “Hey! What about my own clothes?” “From now on, you’re a brand–newChloe Hartz,” he said, turning his head toward me.His words left me speechless, as if I were under some sort of spell.I watched in disbelief as he led me out of the guesthouse.1 followed his orders all night, feeling like a child under supervision.He arranged for us to stay at a luxurious 5–star hotel in the city.Two sets of entirely new clothes awaited me.This time, I didn’t complain.I was starving it had been three days since I arrived in the city, and I hadn’t had a decent meal, Eresignedmyself to his plans for the night, acknowledging that this would be our last evening together. Beforethat, I needed to visit my parents in my hometown.It was worth it, even if it meant staying one.more night.A week had passed, and I had only received one phone call from Matthew the day I arrived.It had left me feeling cold.That night, I slept soundly for the first time in days.No nightmares haunted me.The next morning, I awoke once again in Atlas’s embrace.This time, I didn’t react with shock.I looked at him, and he gently ran his fingers across my face, studying my features. He softly stated, “You slept so well.You’re like a well–behaved kitten.” He got up, and I followed suit.He kissed me, and I couldn’t evade it.His lips danced on mine, leaving me feeling flustered.When he finally pulled away, he said, “Good luck! I’ll be waiting for you right here.” My heart raced, butI said, “Goodbye!”

Chapter 65 The Game Has Officially Begun My life drastically changed when I entered theUrban Builders office.The surprise that Fred had in store for me left me utterly speechless.He signed an exclusive agency contract with me.Not only that, a construction company worth 150 million dollars was registered in my name Fred alsodispatched a professional team for structural design and construction for me.I struggled to find the right words to express my gratitude.He shook my hand and said, “We mutually benefit from this, so you don’t have to say anything.You’ve saved me from a critical situation yet again, and being able to help you is an honor.[1 “After we both overcome these challenges, visit me in the city.Please stay in touch and let us know if you need anything.” He handed me a comprehensive set ofdocuments about steel windows and the paperwork.I sincerely thanked him and said, “Okay.Then there’s no need for me to say anything else.Until we meet again!” As I left the Urban Builders office, I said to myself, “Chloe, the game has officiallybegun.” I knew Atlas was behind this, but I never asked what they had discussed.On the day of my departure, Atlas accompanied me to the train station for my journey back to myhometown.As I watched him on the platform, I felt strangely attached.Back in my hometown, I diligently prepared the window bidding documents and my company details.I shipped them back to Foswood via express delivery, directly into Atlas’s hands.It was more convenient than carrying them myself.Two days later, I flew back to Foswood.Not only was Matthew there to meet me at the airport, but Melanie as well.When I saw them together, I grinned slyly “Honey” Matthew hugged me and sald, “I missed you somuch!” heart, silently cursed.Missed me? He had only called me once during the trip.He was probably too busy enjoying himself every night! I couldn’t afford to lose this game we wereplaying I threw myself enthusiastically into his arms, acting coy and displaying affection.“Honey, I missed you too!” After saying this, I felt goosebumps all over.Then I turned to Melanie.“I didn’t expect you to be here too!” “Yeah, I’ve been with my brother all this while.He said he’d pick you up, so here I am!” Her smug words carried a hidden meaning.“Just as I thought, you’ve been together the whole time!” I playfully teased Melanie, wearing a sly smile.You’ve worked hard while I was away!” Matthew held my hand briefly and studied my face.“You seem to have lost some weight.” “Yes, I got sick,” I said casually.“I’m still beautiful, right? I feel reborn! Let’s go home.” After arriving home, I noticed the house hadbeen deliberately cleaned.It also smelled like air freshener.I commented, “Wow, the house looks spotless.It doesn’t look like the house of someone who’s been away.It feels quite cozy.” Matthew detected a sting in my words and explained.“I tidied up specifically to welcome you.” I walked into the bedroom, opened the window, and said witha cheeky grin, “Let’s air the place out.There’s a certain smell in here.” Melanie suddenly stood up and stormed out.I turned and asked Matthew, “What’s going on? Is she upset? Matthew gripped my waist and loweredhis head to kiss me.I turned my face slightly, and his lips landed on my cheek.“Don’t mind her.” I can’t help but feel like she’s angry at us for being so affectionate,” I said with apiercing gaze.

Chapter 66 The Show is Starting Soon “That’s nonsense.You’ve become pretty sensitive, you little devil,” Matthew teased while playfully patting my butt.711 pamper my lovely wife tonight.” I smiled and nestled into his arms, saying, “I’m hungry and feelingunder the weather.How could you do that to me?” He scrutinized me.“Are you genuinely not feeling well? Why didn’t you bring Ava back with you?” “You wouldn’t believe it.Ava’s having a blast with my parents and doesn’t want to leave.She didn’t even glance at me when I left.Our neighbors have several kids, and she’s obsessed with hanging out with them, so I let her stay therefor a while.” I had another reason for leaving Ava at my mom’s place–it freed me from distractions.“We’ll do as you say.Take a break while I prepare dinner,” Matthew comforted and hugged me before heading to thekitchen.Shortly after, I went to the bedroom, changed the sheets, and tossed them into the washing machine.The thought of tainted sheets made me queasy.Matthew came to call me for dinner and was o confused d when he realized I had changed the sheets.When he asked why, I said, “Just for a change of vibes.” His phone rang before we started eating.I saw ‘Laurie‘ on the screen and wondered if it was Lauren Burton.I asked while eating.“Who’s that?” Matthew glanced at me and casually replied, “It’s just a client.She’s the one who wanted an advance for her project.The company she works for is still interested in collaborating with us.” I couldn’t help but admire hiseffortless attempts at making up stories these days.I *1-4 need to step out for a bit.I don’t want to miss this opportunity to participate in such a huge project.” He looked at meapologetically.“I’ll return soon to spend more time with you.” Try not to be too late.I’ve been unwell these past few days and will go to bed early.You better not interrupt my sleep,” I cautioned Matthew, appearing understanding of his situation.Matthew responded with a smile as if he’d received a pardon.“All right! I won’t interrupt your sleep.honey.Il be off now.” Fourwed him inwardly as he hurried to change his clothes and even checked himself inthe mirror, I ve been blind not to see this side of him back then.Still, he didn’t forget to kiss me before leaving to Our marriage felt like a slow death to me.However, I seemed numb, and the food I chewed made me sick.When he left, I called Ivanna and updated her on Matthew’s activities.Then, I called Johnson and asked him to meet up.Johnson informed me that Matthew had been busy preparing financial documentation for verification todeal with ATL Empire.Additionally, Matthew had signed a significant project through a company registered under Melanie’sname, wholly unrelated to Tanum Corporation.No matter how forgiving I could be, I couldn’t tolerate Matthew’s blatant deception.Later, I instructed Johnson on what to do next.Johnson seemed much more obedient to my commands these days.Afterward, I went to see Ivanna, and she proudly presented evidence of Matthew’s frequent contactwith Lauren.That explained why he hadn’t called me when I was away.It seemed he was pretty occupied with Lauren and Melanie.I was shocked when I looked through their WhatsApp conversation.I couldn’t believe how unfaithful my once–perfect husband was 1 My mind was a mess as I headedhome.At that moment, I was only Matthew’s wife by name.After all, he could so easily replace me.At eight at night, the GPS tracker showed that he and Lauren had checked into a hotel.My heart ached as I lay alone on the cold bed, reminiscing about our past.I thought love had lost its meaning long ago.Feeling helpless and desperate, I instructed Ivanna to reveal the information to Melanie.Then, I hung up and waited for the show to begin.Chapter 67 Drifting Away As expected, Matthew didn’t return that night.Meanwhile, I tossed and turned, unable to sleep.The following morning, Ivanna called with some news.She told me that Melanie had caught Matthew and Lauren in the act.I felt conflicted, unable to decide whether to feel delighted or sad.Despite my plans going smoothly, I couldn’t find joy.After washing up and getting dressed, I headed to the office.I only returned to my senses when I realized Matthew was not at the company building.Soon after, I realized a painful truth.Matthew had already slipped away, even if I hadn’t set him up.However, I reminded myself not to give up on my revenge.I instructed Johnson to call and inform Matthew to come to work, saying there was a rumor about ATLEmpire only choosing two companies for the project.I also wanted Matthew to think Tanum Corporation and another company were out of the picture.Since I knew Matthew’s ambitions, I was confident he wanted to secure the collaboration with ATLEmpire.Simultaneously, pictures started circulating on the internet.The headlines read, “CEO and An Unknown Woman Caught Spending the Night in a Hotel–WomanHospitalized From Brawl.” Although the pictures were slightly blurry, they showed an intimate scene andthe following fight.From the pictures, I knew Melanie had played her role well and caused quite a scene.Meanwhile, reporters had already gathered at the Galar Tower lobby.Matthew appeared at the office an hour later, trying to slip in unnoticed.Then, I timed it perfectly and stormed into his office while clutching my phone.When I entered, I saw Matthew dejectedly sitting on the couch with Johnson beside him.I guessed Jonson had already played his part in the act.When Matthew saw me burst into his office, he stood up and stammered, “H–Honey, I…” I only noticeda few bloody scratches on his face when I looked at him.I had never seen him so pathetic before Matthew, do you have something to tell me?” I stared at him.Although I knew I was only acting.I could finally release my suppressed emotions.Matthew signaled for Johnson to leave, and the latter wisely stepped out.w.moved closer to embrace me, but I pushed him away, immediately after, i slammed my phone toshow him the explicit images on my screen. He panicked and cried, “Honey, I did all that just for show! I’ve always been loyal to you andwill forever bel “Is this your idea of loyalty?! Who is that woman?!” I screamed.“Honey, calm down.We’re at the office, so let’s not make a scene.I can explain, Matthew lowered his voice.“It was that woman, you know.Laurie… I “What would I know? Weren’t you discussing the financing matters with her? Matthew, howlong are you going to lie to me?!” I shouted, my patience wearing thi Matthew hugged me, saying, “Yes,I lied this time.I went out with Lauren last night, but she got me drunk and insisted on sending me to a hotel to rest.I didn’t think we would…yeah.She’s been interested in me for quite some time.I’ve been avoiding her, but I had to meet her last night to secure a proper asset declaration from thebank!” I stared at Matthew, and he continued, “I was determined to secure ATL Empire’s project for ourfamily.Then, I could fulfill my promise and provide a lavish life for you.Honey, you have to believe me.I did it all for our future, but I admit I made a mistake!” I laughed at his words as tears rolled down myface.I wasn’t sure if I was acting anymore at that point.I laughed because he still thought I was a fool to trust him.I wondered if he thought I was that naive.“Honey, I swear I won’t let you down again.If it weren’t for the alcohol last night, I–I wouldn’t have betrayed you!” He wove his lies, looking sincere.At that moment, I contemplated whether or not I should give this man another chance.Perhaps I would’ve believed his bullsh*t if I didn’t know about everything he did.My suppressed anger raged as I approached him, saying, “Matthew, do you think I’m an idiot? Tell me,who was the one who caught you?”

Chapter 68 Adding Fuel to the Fire I realized my question was a mistake.However, Matthew’s lips twitched before he regained his composure and said, “It was Lauren’s lover!”His answer shocked me.“Honey, please believe me and give me another chance.We must secure ATL Empire instead of letting this small issue distract us.You founded Tanum Corporation, so I’m sure you want to expand.I made a mistake, but you can’t give up on our goal because of it.” After a pause, he held me tightly andsaid, “Chlo, I was wrong.” I didn’t know how to respond since Matthew knew my weak spots.Soon after, I pushed him away and left I his office, reminding myself to stay clear–headed.I couldn’t afford any mistakes, especially since Matthew still protected his sister, When I returned to myoffice, I revisited all the online trending topics and realized we had missed something–the person whohad caught Matthew and Lauren in the hotel.I asked Ivanna to push for more information.Soon, a post asking about the identity of the person who caught them appeared.This post created a stir and rapid increase in its popularity.Most were curious, especially regarding a cheating husband like Matthew.When I left the office early, I realized everyone at work had become interested in Matthew’s affair.I could sense their gazes on me the whole time.I learned that a man caught cheating wouldn’t suffer as much scrutiny as his wife.When I reached home, I slumped onto the living room couch as sadness overwhelmed me.I started to cry and felt how empty the house was, especially because Ava wasn’t home.I knew it wouldn’t be long before I had to say goodbye to this tiny house that had sheltered me for manyyears.I didn’t know my future or who would be beside me.I only knew I had sealed my fate.Still, I was the one who pushed everything, causing this home to crumble.Idared not consider what lay ahead as I curled up on the couch.Although success seemed closer, so did my departure from this was already late when Matthew returned.Exhausted, he turned on the lights and saw me curled up on the couch.Surprised, he rushed toward me, asking, “Chlo, why are you lying here? Have you eaten? led me into hisamma showing genuine pulit in his eyes.Meanwhile, portrayed how woman +15 BONUS I looked at him and feigned resentment.“Do you think I feel okay when you cheated on me?” My words left him speechless, and his expressiongrim.Suddenly, he became agitated, “I told you I was wrong! I didn’t expect things to turn out like this.Please stop behaving like this.” I struggled out of his embrace and controlled my temper.Immediately after, I went to my room, changed into comfortable clothes, and entered the kitchen.He sat alone in the living room for a long time before finally coming to the kitchen door.He looked at me and was hesitant to speak.I didn’t ask him what he wanted, but ultimately, he sighed and said, “Chlo, I think…I need your help.” Istopped what I was doing and looked at him, asking coldly, “With what?” He met my gaze, and I saw aglimmer of hope in his eyes.“I think…”

Chapter 69 Incredible AssistanceMatthew started but seemed to lose his confidence and trailed off.I continued with my task and refrained from speaking.After all, I was the victim, so it would be illogical for me to offer advice or help.Suddenly, we heard knocks at the door, and Matthew hurried to open it.We were surprised to see Ivannal at the house.She entered, slammed the door, and shouted at Matthew, “You’re a heartless bastard! I don’t evenknow what to say right now!” Matthew knew she was always fiery and straightforward.Moreover, her outburst didn’t surprise him because he knew she and I were best friends.Instead of retorting, he lowered his head and looked remorseful.“Didn’t I tell you not to fool around behind Chlo’s back?! Do you remember what you promised me?”Ivanna continued to defend me, “How could you do that to her?! She moved to Foswood and struggledwith you all these years.“You’re everything to her, yet you’ve never considered how hurt she would be when you slept with thatwoman last night.” Matthew kept his head down and admitted, “I know I was wrong.” “Can’t you seehow much better your wife is than that woman?!” Ivanna turned to me and added, “Chlo, why didn’tyou tell me about this? Everyone’s talking about you two, but you’re doing nothing.Am I not your best friend anymore, Chlo?” Ivanna’s dramatic performance nearly made me laugh.I thought she would do perfectly as an actress.It felt like we were in a movie, with us performing our respective roles.I had to admit her intervention brought a twist to the situation.J slammed the knife I held onto the cutting board and questioned Ivanna, looking embarrassed, “Howwould I even begin to discuss this? I feel humiliated, so how would I tell you about it?” I choked beforecontinuing, “I always thought Matt wasn’t like other men.Now everyone in Foswood knows he’s cheating on me.crouched and cried, not knowing why.Immediately after, Matthew rushed into the kitchen to lift me, saying, “I’m sorry, Chlo.” 11 van lookedstunned as the watched my emotional act.I assurned she didn’t know how to react sounded too convincing A while later, she sighed and said,“What’s the point of you two cryingMatthew’s face turned reddened in embarrassment “Matthew, we must devise a plan to discredit thenews, right?” Ivanna’s words made us realize something, and Matthew’s eyes lit up.After a pause, Ivanna said, “Hey, why are you still standing there? Come out of the kitchen! Matthew,just order some takeout.I’m starving.Given your current moods, I wouldn’t dare eat the food you cook.1 “Let’s enjoy some good food while we discuss things.A good meal can always make us feel better, after Matthew quickly complied and ordered severaltakeout dishes.Then he pulled me over to sit beside him, speaking gently to soothe me..I couldn’t help but admire Ivanna’s quick thinking.Her idea to devise a plan would benefit me at this critical moment, and only she could say what Icouldn’t.Despite Matthew’s cunning nature, his defenses were the weakest now.

Chapter 70 A Mere Shield Ivanna urged us to eat when the food arrived, “No matter how big theproblem is, you two must fill your stomachs before solving it.Chlo, I haven’t seen you in a few days, and you’re already as thin as a toothpick.” I realized she wastrying to make Matthew feel even more guilty.He stole a glance at me and served me food while Ivanna spoke, targeting Matthew’s weak spot,Matthew, you must find a way to stop things from escalating.This problem will affect Chlo and the company’s reputation.1 “Nonetheless, the business must go on, right? I know how hard you two have worked to build TanumCorporation.” “I considered that, but…” Matthew stole a glance at me.“But I’m afraid Chlo won’t be happy.” 1 “I don’t give a damn! You knew cheating would crush her, butyou did it anyway.Why didn’t you think about her feelings then?” Ivanna continued to criticize him.Matthew turned flushed as he gritted his teeth.“I don’t know much about your company, and Chlo hasn’t told me anything.Chlo, you need to start telling me things.Are we even best friends? The most urgent thing is to stop this situation from worsening.” Ivanna lookedat Matthew.“Hey, share your thoughts.It’s better to have more minds turning.We need a quick solution.Although I’m an outsider, I don’t want to see you two like this.” “I want Chlo to step forward…”Matthew grabbed my hand and held it tightly.“Chlo, I want us to make an announcement together to dispel the rumors.” I cursed him inwardly.He expected me to be his shield even in such a humiliating situation.You’ve got some nerve! Haven’t you humiliated me enough?!” I pulled my hand away and questioned,What am I to you?” “Chlo, don’t be hasty, Let’s discuss this properly and develop a win–win situation.”Ivanna deliberately restrained me, “In this situation, you must consider the bigger picture” Matthewnodded repeatedly.‘Chio, she’s right.ATL Empire has already dropped us from their project 1 looked into it and realized the other companythey dropped has more experience in projects like these.our most significant advantage is the thermally broken steel windows patent.We still have a unity for Tanum Corporation, but we won’t get another one if we miss it Honey, youMatthew’s face turned reddened in embarrassment, “Matthew, we must devise a plan to discredit thenews, right?” Ivanna’s words made us realize something, and Matthew’s eyes lit up.After a pause, Ivanna said, “Hey, why are you still standing there? Come out of the kitchen! Matthew,just order some takeout.I’m starving.Given your current moods, I wouldn’t dare eat the food you cook.“Let’s enjoy some good food while we discuss things.A good meal can always make us feel better, after all.” Matthew quickly complied and ordered severaltakeout dishes.Then he pulled me over to sit beside him, speaking gently to soothe me..I couldn’t help but admire Ivanna’s quick thinking.Her idea to devise a plan would benefit me at this critical moment, and only she could say what Icouldn’t.Despite Matthew’s cunning nature, his defenses were the weakest now.

Chapter 71 Dying in Glory Is Better Than Living in Dishonor Ivanna looked at me sympathetically while Istared back.I was trying hard not to cry.“Chlo, don’t be upset.We’re in this together now,” she said, trying to console me.My eyes welled up with tears, and I rushed into the bathroom.I quickly texted Johnson, washed my face, and returned to the room.“What should we do?” I asked, my voice trembling.“H–I’m ready to do whatever it takes.I don’t care about my pride anymore.” Tears streamed down my face, and I felt utterly helpless.Suddenly, Matthew’s phone rang.He glanced at the screen, then hurriedly answered.Although I couldn’t hear what was said, I saw him turn pale.Then he said through trembling lips, “I understand.” After hanging up, Matthew’s head bowed in defeat.Ivanna shot me a glance, and I raised an eyebrow at her.He lifted his head and said, “I need to step out for a moment.I’ll be back soon.Ivanna, please stay with Chlo.I have something to take care of.” “Where are you going?” I asked with a hint of displeasure.“Just a quick errand.I’ll be back in no time.Don’t worry, okay?” He then turned and left.When I heard Matthew go down the stairs, I made a quick phone call, but the line was busy.Ivanna whispered to me, “What’s he going to do? He didn’t even finish explaining.Why did he leave so suddenly? “Don’t worry, I’ve lit a fire under him.He’s determined to make amends,” I said confidently.I started to eat, but my bitterness showed.Why don’t I just expose Melanie right now?” Ivanna suggested, watching me closely.Lot’s wait a little longer,” 3 sald, my tone serious “I’m afraid he’s holding onto something, and I need myremo card.can’t believe the mess Can i ever trust in manage again? Ivanna sighed.her paint for now I cleared the table before calling my daughter, realizing how much I missed her.However, I felt relieved that she wasn’t here while this was happening.back wh I Matthew got and I was already in bed.When he got into bed, I turned away from him.I felt.his hand on my back and mumbled, “I’m tired.” He paused and withdrew his hand.“Alright, get some rest.It’s my fault.I know I’ve hurt you.That woman.duped me.I swear I’ll do nothing like this again.I’ll give our child the best future, and we’ll live a good life together.His voice sounded tired and lonely.My heart ached.What sort of future could there be with him? After all, the real mistress was still around.I finally realized why Matthew was so composed.Since the identity of the real homewrecker was still unknown to the public, he could remain calm.Did I have to share my bed with him in the future and serve him alongside his sister? No, I would ratherbe broken than succumb to that fate.My daughter is better off without a heartless father.It was unbearable to know Ava would understand this humiliation when she got older.Though I mentally prepared for this countless times, it was still hard to decide.Tears dampened my pillow.I hoped that someday my daughter would understand the tough choice I had to make.The situation kept getting worse as more people looked into it.They searched for the whistleblower and those who caught the adulterers that night.Tanum Corporation was also implicated, and they investigated its history.As the true founder of the company, I was also subjected to scrutiny.While the public seemed to be on my side, some started delving into my assets.It was disheartening.This situation finally caught Matthew’s attention, and he swiftly took action.That afternoon, a notification flashed on my phone.The missing down payment for our house had been returned.However, before I could feel any relief, Melanie stormed into the room.Her face was flushed with anger.

Chapter 72 Protecting Her She yelled at me.“Chloe, you seem pretty comfortable, huh? Acting all high and mighty as the boss.Do you think you’re qualified?” I sat calmly in my chair and looked at her.Johnson followed her inside, attempting to mediate.“Ms.Murphy, why are you here? Can’t you resolve it at home? There are so many people here, and it’snot the right place.Besides…” 1 “Is she afraid of causing a scene? Who does she think she is?” Melanie was on a roll, herwords cutting.I could see the employees standing and looking at us through the frosted window.I turned to Johnson.and said, “Tell them to go home early.” Johnson quickly went to disperse the curious employees.They left the office reluctantly.Typically, they’d vanish even if there were only twenty minutes left in the workday.I I relaxed in my seat and watched Melanie.“Please go on with what you just said.” Johnson sensed the tension and positioned himself between us,just in case.Melanie looked at me with the arrogance of a bull and spat, “Drop the act! You’re just sitting there andbenefiting from such a serious problem.Did you do something? Did you drug my brother?!” Melanie seemed concerned about the recenttransfer traced to my account.“So, you’re aware it’s serious? Who started it? Whatever the problem is, it’s between me and myhusband,” I said calmly.“Why are you so concerned?” I remained calm in my chair as Melanie seethed.Then Matthew walked in.He yelled at Melanie, “Have you lost your mind?!” “Why’d you give her the money?!” Melaniescreamed.“Maybe she had something to do with all this.Why else would people look into the ‘founder of the company? Is she trying to claim credit?” Melaniehad surprising insight and was digging deep I got up and said, “Matthew Murphy, you came just in time!I have a question for you! Who gave Melanie Be judecity to provoke me?” Thening to Mature, Isaid,“You’ve pretended to be his wife twice now.Do you think you’re the real deal? you become your broder’s sook aon? I glared at Melanie, not wantingto let her win “You peren Dani masinitos for I closed the distance between us as her face contorted withhostility.Matthew pulled Melanie behind him and faced me.He shouted angrily, “Enough, both of you.Can’t you give me a break at such a horrible time?” He was trying to shield her, which sent a chill downmy spine.The beautiful moments we used to share had faded, leaving only bitterness.So, you’re saying I’m causing a scene, right?” I asked, my voice trembling with rage and sadness.As I approached Matthew, I wondered if this was all there was to us.I was too optimistic when I thought he would find his way back.All the hopes that I had for the future were gone.“You should take a closer look, Matthew.This is my office.” “So what?” Melanie chimed in.“Without you, things wouldn’t turn out this way.If you could make my brother happy, would he seek out someone else?” 2 “I dare you to repeat that!” Iyelled, feeling a sting in my heart.

Chapter 73 Ganging Up “Both of you, shut up!” Matthew shouted.“So you’re protecting her, huh? You cradle your sister and let her call the shots.Honestly, she doesn’t seem like your sister at all.From the looks of it, she’s the one sleeping by your side.You do whatever she says! You’re like her lapdog!” I couldn’t help but point it out.“Come on, Chloe… What are you talking about Cont you show a little restraint? Think about the bigger.picture?” Matthew’s face suddenly changed color, and he shoved me away, causing me to stumble.“Ms. Chloe!” Johnson gasped, offering support as I steadied myself and glared at Matthew.Melanie hid behind her brother and whispered venomously in his ear.“Matt, can’t you see she’s only after your money? She only cares about herself.Has she ever genuinely worried about you?” She turned to me.“Chloe, remember that Tanum Corporation belongs to the Murphy family. It legally belongs to Matt.It has nothing to do with you.So what if you were the founder? You can’t even touch it now!” “Matthew, is this what you want?” Iasked, looking him straight in the eye.His face reddened, but he said nothing.I clenched my teeth and held back my tears.“Let me be clear, Matthew.Listen carefully if you’re as cruel and ungrateful as she described.I built Tanum Corporation from the ground up and can create another one just like it.“I don’t care if she’s your sister or the love of your life.If she dares to challenge me again, I won’t let her off so easily!” I warned.When Melanie smiled arrogantly behind her brother, I said, “Don’t try to outsmart me.He’s still my man.Your impatience won’t help.You’ll have to go through me to reach certain things and people.” With that, I walked away.Matthew shouted, “Stop!” His true colors were showing.I paused, pulling my foot back and turning to face him.“Is there something else you want to say?” Staring at him, I continued, “You dare raise your voice at me?Don’t forget, I didn’t cheat like you did.There’s no need for you to gang up on me.But at least you’re my husband, so I can understand when you act this way, +15 BONUS “But her… Shehas no right! She eats my food, drinks my wine, and still wants to dump her problems on me.Matthew, you’re pushing me too far!” With my plece said, I stormed out of my office.The reporters waited outside.They swarmed around me when they saw me come out.I was pushed and pulled like a stringless puppet.Still, they were invisible to me.My ears rang, and I only wanted to find a quiet, healing place.A firm hand suddenly reached out through the crowd and grabbed my arm, pulling me away.My head was pounding as they shoved me into a car.“…Chloe!” A voice called out to me softly.In a daze, I turned my head to see the face.It felt like I had seen it somewhere but couldn’t quite remember.The car continued to drive, seemingly for a long time.My head was throbbing with pain.My phone kept ringing.A hand snatched the phone from my hand, and finally, the world fell silent.When the car stopped, I was pulled out.I looked around, feeling disoriented and not knowing where I was,

Chapter 74 A True Mystery of a Man I marveled at the lush greenery, with birds singing and flowers infull bloom.“Where is this?” I asked softly.“Utopia,” he replied, his voice captivating.I turned to the tall man standing next to me.In his presence, I felt safe.My heart raced as a realization hit me.Whenever I was with Atlas, it felt like my soul was being pulled to him.I lost myself, wanting only to follow his lead.I was ashamed of my lack of self-respect.As someone who had hit rock bottom and been abandoned by everyone, I was about to fall for someoneelse.However, he was undeniably attractive, which made resisting him difficult.He smiled warmly at me, and I stared at him like a deer caught in headlights.Atlas gently brushed a strand of hair from my face.“You’ve lost weight in just a few days, haven’t you? You look like a damsel in distress!” His words mademe smile awkwardly and pull away.“Well, I’m still beautiful, aren’t I?” I cringed at my own words.Did I just call myself beautiful? As I inhaled the sweet air around me, I said, “This place is amazing!” ILeaning against the railing, I looked out into the distance and reflected on my years in the city.“I’ve lived here for so long, and I never knew such a beautiful place was nearby.I used to be so focused on my work.” I chuckled in self–depreciation.“That’s because you never stopped to enjoy the scenery.You always had your head down,” he said, joining me.His scent was pleasant.“Thank you for helping me when I was at the end of my rope,” I said solemnly, turning to him.“I know you were behind the Urban Builders deal.I’ll remember your kindness, and I’ll repay it one day.” Atlas leaned closer, and his warm breath brushedagainst me.“How do you plan to repay it? I backed away.“Enough! I’m being sincere!” Metop.I’m curious to see how you’ll repay me, he teased This man was such an unigena.I couldn’t quite figure him out.He was arrogant for an aselefant, which He was a completely different person in front of me.I could be wrong, but there was something special about him.A true mystery of a man! However, I couldn’t let myself indulge too much.Although my marriage had failed, I still had a family.If I grew too close to him, what would that make me? How would I be any different from Matthew? I “I–I’ll repay you my way!” I and his “What way is that? By offering yourself to me?” He looked right at smile had a hint ofmischief in it.Suddenly, it felt like he was mocking me.My expression turned stern.“I’ve said I’ll repay you, and I will.I’m not an ungrateful person, and I hope you’ll respect my sincerity.I’m not one to joke around.Keep in mind that we’re still strangers, and I hope you won’t overstep.” He just stared at me.I avoided his gaze, but he grabbed my chin and pulled me closer, almost touching our faces.I tried to push him away, but he stood firm, his lips capturing mine.“Mmm…” I resisted for a moment before succumbing to his kiss.He only released me when I stopped struggling.He looked into my eyes, asking, “Are we still strangers? Did I sound like I was joking?” Panicking, I said,“Why’d you kiss me like that? I don’t have the right to romance right now.I have a husband and a child…” “I can help you leave him,” Atlas said firmly, leaving no room for doubt.I was taken aback.I wanted to continue arguing with him, but I was lost in his starlit eyes.“I’m not joking,” he stated plainly.Atlas suddenly lifted my chin again as his face grew nearer.I pushed him back and turned, escaping the

Chapter 75 Revenge He grabbed my wrist just as I turned.I avoided his eyes, feeling awkward and powerless.We stood there for what seemed like an eternity.He gently pulled me back into his embrace, resting my head on his chest.“You need to leave him as soon as possible.” Atlas urged, and it softened my resolve “But I need toexpose his true colors.Only then can I justify the time I’ve wasted on him.I won’t allow them to continue humiliating me: I want them to pay for their actions and reclaimeverything that belongs to me and my daughter.” “I said I’d help you,” he reassured me Suddenly, Iembraced Atlas and felt an unfamiliar sense of safety “I must cleanse this shame alone.Do you understand?” I looked at him with tears in my eyes.“This is the only way I can do right by myself and my parents, who have supported me.” “Come withme.” Atlas released me and took my hand.He led me through the breathtaking resort grounds to a small building.I barely paid attention to the stunning beauty around me.Atlas took me up to the top floor and into a spacious suite.He settled me on the couch and handed me a stack of project documents with detailed descriptions.I glanced at him.He shrugged, motioning for me to look.With that, he turned to leave.Only then did I relax, reading the documents.It hooked me after the first page, and I immediately fell into a trance.Unknowingly, the sky had darkened.Atlas walked in once again and turned on the light.He had a server beside him who was pushing a cart full of dinner.“Just saying you want to take everything back won’t do anything.I told you I’d help you.” Atlas sat down and took the document from me.I was reluctant to relinquish the documents, but he gently suggested, “Eat something first, and I’llexplain these projects to you.Why are you helping me?” I looked into his eyes, seeking sincerity.Because I want to,” he replied, a bit unconvincingly.I knew he wasn’t telling the whole truth.Have yol met before suddenly asked, feeling like Atlas was strangely familiar.It was a feeling that had He was a completely different person in front of me.I could be wrong, but there was something special about him.A true mystery of a man! However, I couldn’t let myself indulge too much.Although my marriage had failed, I still had a family.If I grew too close to him, what would that make me? How would I be any different from Matthew? “I–I’ll repay you my way!” I stammered.“What way is that? By offering yourself to me?‘ He looked right at me, and his smile had a hint ofmischief in it.Suddenly, it felt like he was mocking me My expression turned stern.“I’ve said I’ll repay you, and I will.I’m not an ungrateful person, and I hope you’ll respect my sincerity.I’m not one to joke around.Keep in mind that we’re still strangers, and I hope you won’t overstep.He just stared at me.I avoided his gaze, but he grabbed my chin and pulled me closer, almost touching our faces.I tried to push him away, but he stood firm, his lips capturing mine.“Mmm…” I resisted for a moment before succumbing to his kiss.He only released me when I stopped struggling.He looked into my eyes, asking, “Are we still strangers? Did I sound like I was joking?” Panicking, I said,“Why’d you kiss me like that? I don’t have the right to romance right now.I have a husband and a child…” “I can help you leave him,” Atlas said firmly, leaving no room for doubt.I was taken aback.I wanted to continue arguing with him, but I was lost in his starlit eyes.“I’m not joking,” he stated plainly.Atlas suddenly lifted my chin again as his face grew nearer, I pushed him back and turned, escaping thetemptation.Revenge He grabbed my wrist just as I turned.I avoided his eyes, feeling awkward and powerless.We stood there for what seemed like an eternity.He gently pulled me back into his embrace, resting my head on his resolve.“You need to leave him as soon as possible,” Atlas urged, and it softened my “But I need to expose histrue colors.Only then can I justify the time I’ve wasted on him.I won’t allow them to continue humiliating me.I want them to pay for their actions and reclaim everything that belongs to me and my daughter.” I saidI’d help you,” he reassured me.Suddenly, I embraced Atlas and felt an unfamiliar sense of safety.“I must cleanse this shame alone.Do you understand?” I looked at him with tears in my eyes.“This is the only way I can do right by myself and my parents, who have supported me.” “Come withme.” Atlas released me and took my hand.He led me through the breathtaking resort I grounds to a small building.I barely paid attention to the stunning beauty around me.Atlas took me up to the top floor and into a spacious suite.He settled me on the couch and handed me at stack of project documents with detailed descriptions Iglanced at him.He shrugged, motioning for me to look.With that, he turned to leave.Only then did I relax, reading the documents.It hooked me after the first page, and I immediately fell into a trance.Unknowingly, the sky had darkened Atlas walked in once again and turned on the light.He had a server beside him who was pushing a cart full of dinner.“Just saying you want to take everything back won’t do anything.I told you I’d help you.” Atlas sal down and took the document from me.I was reluctant to relinquish the documents, but he gently suggested, “Eat something first, and I’llexplain these projects to you.” Why are you helping me?” I looked into his eyes, seeking sincerity,Because I want to, he replied, a bit unconvincingly I knew he wasn’t telling the whole we met before ordenly asked, feeling like Atlas was strangely familiar, it was a feeling that had Hesmiled but didn’t answer my question directly.Instead, he asked, “Have you made up your mind? Are you determined to get revenge?” “Yes,” I repliedfirmly.“I decided before going to Solaris.” As I sipped my wine, I continued.“That day by the river… Although I was out of it, one thing was clear.I must get back everything that belongs to me.” I suddenly realized that I might have offended him bysaying that.I guessed I was being too harsh.Then, I added, “What’s the point of such a marriage? There needs to be trust, even among businesspartners.With Matthew, there’s neither trust nor any remaining familial bond.Maybe we’re pursuing maximum benefit, but I’m not just in it for the money.“I want to prove a point.He came from nothing.But now he wants to send his wife, the woman who helped him out of a crisis, straight to hell.Where’s the justice in that?” “In that case, let’s toast to it!” Atlas clinked his glass against mine.“I’ll help you regain your paradise.” His eyes were so clear and bright as I observed them.“But won’t this affect you?” I didn’t want to drag him into this.After all, it must not have been easy for him to climb up to his an assistant in ATL Empire.I couldn’t let a small matter jeopardize his position.2 “I’m already a part of this.What can we do about it?” Atlas’s eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief.

Chapter 76 Too Meticulously Planned After some hesitation, I asked, “Why are you treating me so well?”Atlas smiled at me before ruffling my hair.At that moment, my world felt bright again.He was skilled at flirting, and I felt he had enchanted me.“Because I like you.Is that okay?” Atlas asked.My face lit up when he said that.Although I was married, his charisma affected me.I couldn’t believe it when he said he liked me.Such sweet nothings might work on young and innocent girls, but my daughter was almost old enoughto understand what love was.I knew my marriage was ending, and I would soon become divorced.However, the outstanding man before me told me he liked me.Even I could sense the irony of the situation.Atlas noticed my silence and pulled me into his arms.“Why do you always torture yourself by overthinking everything? There can be countless reasons to likesomeone.” I rolled my eyes, freed myself from his grasp, and enjoyed the delicious meal.It would be a waste not to savor it.He watched me relish the food with a smile.I had to admit my mood suddenly became better.When we finished eating, he called for the server to clear the table and explained the documents.He said they were a comprehensive plan for crucial projects.However, ATL Empire had already outsourced one part to Ardora Construction.My eyes widened when he mentioned that company.I asked him in a whisper, “Ardora?” He nodded with a profound look.I knew Ardora Construction was the company Matthew had registered under Melanie’s name.I had a strange feeling that Atlas had planned everything too meticulously.It was as if he had carefully designed everything to push me forward.I had no room to retreat, which meant losing everything and giving up on exposing Matthew’s truecolors.Still, moving forward was risky, and I felt like something was driving me toward this direction.Ultimately, I had no choice.Although I suspected Atlas of orchestrating everything, I couldn’t see his true intentions in helping mewondered if it was because he hiked” me and felt a chill running down my spine, struck a deal withArdora Construction to make it your stepping stone.Use it to achieve your goal of Aking everything from them.I didn’t respond because my mind was a mess, so he continued.“Your company can take this project, and you can use it to repay Urban Builders‘ favor.You don’t want to owe Fred too much, right?” I asked curiously.“Are you saying I can take this project with the company registered under my name?” “Why else did youset up a company then? Just to intimidate others? Atlas countered.“If you don’t take this project, how will you take everything from the Murphys? Tanum Corporation isalready an empty shell now.” I froze at how well he planned these moves I could already see Matthewheading toward a bottomless Dit Atlas looked at me while I was in a daze and pulled me into his arms.Then, he gently kissed my forehead, saying.“Maybe you should take some time and get some rest before considering your options” With that, heplaced the room card on the coffee table and left the room.I was alone in the empty room, and the silence was overwhelming Atlas’s perfect revenge plan scaredme somewhat I didn’t know if excitement or clear sight of Matthew’s fate made me uneasy.Regardless, my heart raced.What troubled me the most was Atlas’s feelings for me.No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t find a reasonable explanation.

Chapter 77 A Shameless Request I lay in bed and eventually fell asleep.My nightmare consisted of Matthew and Melanie tormenting Ava and me.I woke up crying but could not release my suppressed anger and frustration.The chirps of birds and the morning sun gradually calmed my racing heart.When I got dressed and went downstairs, I realized I hadn’t appreciated this place’s breathtakingbeauty.I knew I shouldn’t miss such a magnificent view.It was already dawn when Atlas found me.He observed my face with concern and asked, “Did you sleep well?” I smiled.“I slept wonderfully! Thank you.” “Here we go again with the unnecessary thanks,” he said, taking myhand.“Are you hungry? Let’s have breakfast.” Breakfast at this place was sumptuous, and I enjoyed it.I needed all the energy I could get to face what lay ahead.On our way back, Atlas reminded me, “Take care of yourself and don’t be too stubborn.” I was unsurewhat he meant by “stubborn,” but I did not inquire further.It was my first time being out overnight with my phone off while Matthew was home.Between the office and home, I chose the latter.| did not want to face the looks of my colleagues right now.Instead, I just wanted some peace for myself.However, I was shocked when I entered the house.All the members of the Murphy family had gathered here.I felt quilty then as if I had done something shameful.Matthew saw me enter and rushed over to grab my hand.“Honey, you’re finally back! We couldn’t find you anywhere, and your phone was off.Do you know how worried I was?” Although he spoke so sincerely, I wondered whether or not he wasgenuinely concerned about me.All my uneasiness vanished upon seeing his expression.I wanted to slap him but held back because I had not achieved my goal yet.Were you really that concerned about me?” I looked at him Indifferently, removed my shoes, andwalked be living room.I glanced at everyone present and asked, “is something going on? It looks li ‘s bere, huh? Luder You’rethe one who stayed out at night” Molande locked “You little–Melanie began.“Enough, you two!” Matthew shouted.“Honey, it’s good that you’re back.I know you were angry yesterday.Mel didn’t understand the situation and was worried because it didn’t look good for us.I let my temper get the best of me, too.Please don’t be mad at me anymore.I forced a smile and glanced at Melanie, saying, “You don’t understand a thing, do you?” “Have someshame, will you?” Melanie would not back down.She feared no one since her family was there.*Shut your mouth! When will you ever change your ways?” Grace reprimanded Melanie, then turned tome.“Chlo, we’re glad that you’re back.We’re family, so I hope you can move past things.“It’s my fault for not raising my son right.It led him to make such a big mistake.Still, he only did that for the sake of this family.Sometimes, men need to put up an act for their careers, so you shouldn’t be too bothered by it.I’ll apologize to you on his behalf.” I remained silent since I couldn’t disrespect my mother–in–law.“Chlo, now that the situation has escalated, we hope you can forgive Matt.Let us find a way to resolve this issue as a family,” Grace said.“How can we do that?” I asked.Grace looked at Matthew, who nervously approached me while rubbing his hands together.“Honey, let’s face it together and celebrate our wedding anniversary in style.We can invite all our business partners and make it a grand event.“Of course…I still love you.I’ve always wanted to host a party for you.I’ve always felt guilty about not being able to organize a wedding back then.We can take advantage of this- Do as you please.I interrupted him.His shamelessness had drained my energy, and I did not want to listen to him ramble on.When I headed into the bedroom, I glanced at Melanie and noticed her lips twitching from anger Whensaw that look, I vowed to rile her up as much as possible.

Chapter 78 A Voice Recording Matthew sent his family away after achieving his objectives.However, I didn’t bother to see them off, thinking celebrating our wedding anniversary was great for myplan.Since Matthew wanted it to be lively.I would give that to him.After all, I had nothing to lose because he had tarnished my reputation.Matthew left for work in high spirits after coaxing me.Immediately after, I called Johnson and asked about the progress.He said, “Chlo, I did my best, but he won’t reveal his intentions.I couldn’t do anything about that either.I recorded the conversation you wanted and will send it to you soon.“Also, he knows about your… meet up with Mr.Atlas from ATL Empire.Matthew said…Well, you should listen to the recording yourself.Johnson hung up and sent me the voice recording.Johnson’s voice sounded first, “Mr.Matthew, the representatives of ATL Empire and another company are meeting for dinner tonight.I have a bad feeling about it.” “Find out the purpose of the dinner.” “Will there be any problems withour financial assessment? The assets under Ms.Chloe aren’t that convincing.We’ll be in trouble if they dig deeper.Additionally, our documents won’t be convincing if the bank refuses to cooperate with us.“After all, the proof of yours and Ms.Chloe’s shared assets is fictitious.Since it’s easy for them to find out about this, it won’t work.Mr.Matthew, I think-” Matthew interrupted.“You shouldn’t always be this timid.There won’t be any issues with the financial assessment since it’s not the first time we’ve bid on aproject.“Also, we’ve never had problems before, so why would there be a problem this time? Our reported networth and cash flows align with the company’s model, Matthew sounded slightly impatient as he Icontinued.“I noticed that Chloe has been acting strange lately none to follow her and found Chloe had met up withthat muy from ATL Empire I think coche you haven’t been able to find out anything about his linee“Indeed, Chloe has no ill intentions toward Tanum Corporation, but what about Atlas? Don’t you thinkit’s strange that we still have nothing on his background? You need to keep digging.If necessary, hire someone reliable within ATL Empire to spy on him.We can find something about him if he has been in Foswood for some time.I just want to know why Chloe met with him!” After taking a breath, Matthew continued, “It would begood if he’s still interested in Chloe.I’m just afraid.she might not catch on.Then, we might miss the opportunity to take on ATL Empire’s project.“We must admire Chloe for this, as her vision is exceptional.She grabbed ATL Empire’s project when she returned to the office.That’s why I need you to uncover everything about this Atlas guy.It’ll help me prepare the right strategy for Chloe.” “But ATL Empire’s investigation of our company maynot yield favorable results if they decide to do so.Regarding the financial assessment, it’s still best to be cautious.If they find any problems…” “What could go wrong? I managed to move the funds before this, and I canreturn it to its place now.I I would have quit my job if I couldn’t do this after working in this industry for many years.It’s not that ! don’t love Chloe, but I can’t stand it whenever people bring up Tanum Corporation’sfounding.“Once we secure a long–term partnership with ATL Empire, I’ll figure out how to merge TanumCorporation with Ardora Construction.After overhauling everything, Tanum Corporation will become a thing of the past.I must say ATL Empire’s project is a godsend this time!” Matthew’s words infuriated me.He was shameless enough to use me as his bait Their conversation was quite revealing, and I learnedMatthew had been planning to oust me for a while now.I was his real obstacle because I was the company’s founder.He was this petty because I stole his limelight, so he wanted to eliminate me.Unexpectedly, Melanie even hired someone to spy on me.It seemed Matthew was not ignorant of me.At least, he had been cautious since I returned to the company.He intended to use me to get Atlas’s approval, proving he was cunning.Suddenly, my phone rang.The caller was none other than Melanie.

Chapter 79 Meeting Melanie Alone I answered the call and heard Melanie’s usual arrogant tone, “I havesomething to tell you.Let’s meet.” I “Why didn’t you tell me that when you were at my place just now?” I asked.“It concerns us, not something suitable to say in front of the others.Come to Midnight Bar now!” She hung up without waiting for my response.While holding my phone, I wondered what Melanie was up to.Still, I wanted to know what she had to say, so I rolled out of bed and checked the time.It was almost noon, so the bar wouldn’t be open at this hour.After some thought, I decided to play it safe and changed into jeans, a T–shirt, and a pair of casual flats.I tried calling Ivanna as I drove in case something went wrong.Unfortunately, she was out of town.I I hesitated while holding my phone and finally called Atlas.Immediately after, I decided against it since.Melanie knew I had met with him before.I knew it was best not to complicate things and hung up the call as I arrived at the bar.I had never been to a bar, so the dim lighting made me uncomfortable.The bar was underground, and the stairway was narrow.However, the interior was spacious.I took a while to adjust to the surroundings at the basem*nt entrance.Since it wasn’t opening hours yet, there were no customers.Under the soft yellow light behind the bar, a young man who looked like a bartender was busy with hiswork.I approached him and asked, “Sir, I’m here to meet someone.Is this place open yet?” He glanced at me and pointed across the room.I turned to look and saw a long corridor many rooms.I wanted to ask him which room I was supposed to enter, but the bartender seemed uninterested inbeing disturbed.or with m I could only search for Melanie from room to room.It seemed Melanie frequented places like this.Otherwise, she wouldn’t have asked me to meet her.The many rooms along the corridor resembled a maze, with every junction leading to another corridor.felt increasingly uneasy and was about to turn back when a door suddenly opened in the corridor andout came Melanie.“Hal I didn’t expect you to arrive so quickly!” She laughed, but her laughter gave me an aerie feeling.It made me far less comfortable than facing her ously hostile demeanor.Ever since I witnessed her entanglement with Matthew, I couldn’t help but She reached out as if to holdme, but I avoided her dirty hand.“What did you want to tell me?” I opened the door with my foot and glanced inside the room, realizingit was empty.After confirming it was safe, I walked in and sat on the couch, looking at Melanie.“I’m listening” Melanie followed me in, swaying her hips in a way she thought was alluring.However, it made me nauseous.Suddenly, I realized why Matthew was attracted to her.I finally discovered why he called me ” stiff.” Melanie strode over and sat on the seat beside me.She looked at me with excitement, joy, and wickedness.a glass, saying I saw an already–opened bottle of red wine on the table.Melanie reached for it and poured a “Chloe, I knew you’d come as soon as I called you.I’m sure you’ve never been here before, right? Take a guess for Matt.”

Chapter 80 I’ll Let You in on a Secret Melanie grinned as she spoke, and I knew her following wordswouldn’t be pleasant.Still, I remained.I unfazed, saying, “I don’t think coming here makes a difference.Just say what you must, and don’t beat around the bush.Your family isn’t here.” “Haha! You always act all high and mighty.Matt can’t stand you acting like a princess.You’re boring and awkward, even when you’re trying to act cute!‘ Melanie smirked.1 “Melanie, do you even know what shame is?” I was furious.“I’ve never seen anyone as shameless as you.” “Chloe, why do you always act superior to everyone? Youused to be so patient and enduring.How did you feel when you found the condoms in Matt’s pocket? He said you two never used those.Her words made me nauseous.I never expected Matthew to share our sex life with her.It was disgusting.Melanie swirled her wine, noticing my glare.She continued to grin, saying, “Are you angry? Let me tell you something.I put them there without his knowledge.She laughed as if she had pulled off a prank, her voice grating my nerves.She had shattered my perception of her, and I couldn’t believe how low she had stooped.Melanie was still sickly when I married Matthew.However, I noticed her eyes constantly scrutinizing me.Although she and I weren’t close, she always followed me, looking for her brother.Since she was his younger sister, I took her everywhere, even with us, to the movies.She never refused and always stayed close.Finally, I realized she was eyeing Matthew all along.It seemed Melanie wasn’t as innocent as she appeared.On the contrary, she was bold.She sipped her wine and gestured toward me.“You should have a drink to calm your nerves.Learn to enjoy life, Chloe.Although I can’t stand you, I pity you at times.What else do you have besides your daughter and that shabby house?” She had a point, and I was at aloss for words.Melanie had twisted thoughts, explaining why she could sleep with her brother.Melanie said, “You know my family prefers sons over daughters, right? My father was disappointedwhen you birthed Ava Matt wants a son, but I can’t let you have one.Still, you won’t get pregnant, even if you don’t use condoms Hahaha! You don’t know what I did, huh?”Melanie I shouted and bolted to my feet.Don’t get to worked up I haven’t finished yet! She pulled me, but I shrugged off her hend “Don’t touchme, you disgusting pig!” I never thought I’d face such a vile woman.I remembered Melanie had my house keys and could enter and leave as she pleased.I felt a deep sense of unease.Melanie stumbled back and fell onto the couch after I shrugged her off.Surprisingly, she wasn’t enraged.She smirked at me, saying, “I enjoy seeing you all worked up.” 2 She sat up, poured herself anotherglass, and then filled another one.“Oh, my dear sister–in–law-* “Don’t call me that!” I growled.I felt a shiver down my spine as I fell back onto the couch.“All right, I won’t call you that. To be honest, I’ve never acknowledged you as my sister–in–law, either,” Melanie spoke calmly, “But yousee, Matt is so soft–hearted.Although he’s lost interest in you, he can’t end things.Besides, there’s a project we need to secure, so you’re still useful to us.” I struggled to control my anger,not wanting to lose my composure in front of her.However, I discovered Matthew was unaware of everything she had done.Melanie sipped her wine again and leaned in closer.She resembled a seductress in the dim light as she whispered, “Chloe, I’ll let you in on a secret.”

Chapter 81 To Get What’s Coming She was simply intolerable and seemed a lot like the devil.It left me deeply unsettled.“Secrets? Why would someone as shameless as you still have secrets?” “Chloe, I know you’re a smartwoman.I’ve sent you many lovely photos, but you’ve ignored them.Why are you still pretending to be clueless in front of my brother? Are you afraid of leaving him?” Shesipped her drink and grinned impishly.I was on the verge of breaking.This devil was hard to control.*Come on, have a drink to calm your nerves!” She urged me with a smirk, seeing that I was stillguarded.” Are you afraid of me? It’s just a bottle of wine.I’m drinking it myself, so what’s there to be scared of?” She looked at me mockingly when I remainedunresponsive.“Well, suit yourself!” Then she leaned in closer and said, “Did you know? Matt and I had our first timeright here.” My brain buzzed.I had often wondered how they got involved, but Melanie’s answer was too much to accept.While my body shook violently, my ears rang, and everything around me swayed.My throat was filled with a salty, metallic taste.I reached for the glass and gulped down the liquid fiercely.L..Melanie burst into shrill laughter.“Hahaha, that’s right, my dear sister–in–law! It feels great, doesn’t it? You should have some guts if youknow Matt is seeing someone else.You should leave him, Why are you still.staying?” She looked at me and laughed again.“Do as you please.It doesn’t matter.You can continue being Mrs.Murphy, and we’ll do whatever we want.Let me assure you, he’ll never leave me.“Since that first time here, he couldn’t stay away from me.He can’t resist, but you wouldn’t know, would you? There was exhilaration in her biting words.“You’re shameless, Melanie.He’s your brother, yet you’re taking advantage of him.There are plenty of men out there!” I shouted at her hysterically.“You’re a shameless demon!” Why does it matter? All of Matt’s money is mine,” she flaunted.finally realized that Melanie was the reason Matthew had become so despicable Oh, I bought a bluesports car I said I wanted it, and Matt got it for me I’m also moving to a deve +15 Lauren lady–mybrother said she’s nothing!” My head spun, and I pointed at her.“Karma is coming for you, so don’t be so smug.You’re not getting a happy ending!” “Haha, maybe not.But I’m going to let you taste that intoxicating feeling.Then you won’t curse me anymore!” Her voice was laced with wickedness as she got up.“My brother said you’re too stiff.I’ll train you so you can experience different men.You’ll see how shallow you sounded earlier.” 1 She opened the door, and three burly men entered theroom.It startled me, and I realized too late what was happening.My head spun even more, and I felt feverish.My throat tightened, and an unusual sensation made me realize what she had done.That was why Melanie had been trying to get me to drink.However, I saw the wine poured directly from a bottle myself.“Melanie, what have you done to me?” I got up to leave, but the three men closed in on me.“Chloe, enjoy being pampered for once.Don’t waste your time on Matt.He’s not interested in you anymore, so don’t squander your best years.I’m helping you!” Her tone was unapologetic.Then she looked at the men and said, “This is my sister–in–law.Please work hard and serve her well.Oh, let me take a photo! Here’s a better angle.Hahaha!” “Melanie, you are shameless!” I struggled and tried to throw myself at her.She gave me a contemptuous smile and walked out.The door closed behind her with a click.

Chapter 82 Godsent I struggled to get up, but the men held me down.I fought them desperately, but the more I struggled, the weaker I felt.Glant, grimy hands reached out and ripped my t–shirt.My body trembled, and I cried in despair, “Get away… Help me…” Although I screamed, I was toodrained to resist.The men were like savage wolves, and they ignored my pleas.One large man had already undone my jeans, and another was pulling them down.Suddenly, the door burst open with a deafening crash.I knew someone had arrived.Desperately, I cried, ” Help me…” There was another loud noise, as if the entire room were shaking.“Let go of me… Help!” I screamed as I clawed at the hands holding me.Then, I heard a voice.‘Chloe, don’t be scared.It’s me!” Strong arms enveloped me, offering solace.I sobbed, and the familiar voice whispered, “Don’t be afraid.I’m here!” I clung to him, feverishly whispering, “Hold me.Please don’t leave…” Atlas quickly took off his jacket and wrapped it around me.Then he lifted me and said, “I’m taking you to the hospital.” “No… Help me…” I murmured.My body writhed as though bitten by ants, and it was unbearable.I pressed up against his body.His warmth was enticing, and I desperately entangled myself with him.Save me… He moved my hands away and wrapped his clothes around me, so I couldn’t move.Then he carried me outside.When I woke up, my mind was much clearer.I found myself in a hospital bed with an IV hooked to my hand Alles was sitting by my bedside.Blushing at the memory of my earlier vulnerability, I avoided his gaze.He looked at me with a meaningful smile when he saw I was awake.I told you I’d never take advantage n you’re vulnerable.Only when you’re sober and willing I rolled my eyes.“Could you be less shameless? That was an abnormal situation.It’s so embarrassing!” He laughed loudly, and his brilliant smile was breathtaking.“How’d you know I was there?” I asked, looking at him.He had been a godsend.He declared, “The heavens sent me to rescue you! So, don’t question it.” “I want to know!” “Well, youcalled me, but then you hung up.And you went to that place when it was closed.Did that sound normal?” I closed my eyes in relief.“Thank goodness I made that call.” “Why’d you hang up then?” I looked at him, and tears rolled downmy cheeks.“Because they were investigating you! I didn’t want to get you into trouble.” Atlas brushed it off andsaid, “Let them investigate all they want!” I sniffed.“Thanks for saving me again!” He wiped away my tears with his slender fingers.“You’re so naive.It’s because you underestimated them!” “I didn’t expect them to be so cruel.I didn’t want to resort to extreme measures, but they left me no choice,” I said fiercely.“I won’t start trouble, but since they provoked me, I won’t hold back.” After what had happened, Itrusted Atlas completely and shared Matthew’s plan with him.Melanie herself had provided me with the best counterattack strategy.

Chapter 83 Malicious Intent I was finally done with my IV drip.However, before I could ask Atlas to head back, Ivanna burst into the room.“Chlo, what’s going on…” Η Her words trailed off as she noticed Atlas in the room.She fixed her gaze intensely on him with a strange.look.I could tell what she was thinking, so I quickly changed the topic.“Why’d you come back so quickly?” Atlas replied instead, “When you were unconscious, she called tocheck on you out of concern.I told her you were indeed in trouble.” “So, you’re the one who answered the call!” Ivanna looked at himwith curiosity.“Can you tell me who you are?” I blushed as briefly introduced Atlas to Ivanna.They exchanged polite handshakes, and Ivanna asked, “Is that his jacket?” I nodded silently.Then I turned to Atlas and told him Ivanna would take me back.Atlas gave me some instructions before we left the hospital room.Ivanna started questioning me about the whole incident.After I told the story, Ivanna was furious and asked why I had not turned my lunatic sister–in–law overto the police.After all, I had evidence.That would be too easy on her!” I said calmly, “I need to force her to face the life she should have lived,to know what it’s like to struggle.Then she can think about her actions.” I asked Ivanna to drop me off at the office instead of the MurphyResidence.It seemed more appropriate.Then, I called the Murphy family members and had them all come to Matthew’s office.Before leaving the car, Ivanna asked, “Are you sure you’ll be okay alone?” Don’t worry! I’ll be fine,” Ireassured her.However, as soon as I walked away, Ivanna hurriedly followed me.“I think I’d better stay with your Matthew was in high spirits in his office as he celebrated with Johnsonand some executives.There was going to be a contract signing with ATL Empire on Tuesday sectetty pleated Ades had indeedeet the stage for me, so I had to play this role wall I rolled my eyes.“Could you be less shameless? That was an abnormal situation.It’s so embarrassing!” He laughed loudly, and his brilliant smile was breathtaking.nat “How’d you know I was there?” I asked, looking at him.He had been a godsend.He declared, “The heavens sent me to rescue you! So, don’t question it.” “I want to know!” “Well, youcalled me, but then you hung up.And you went to that place when it was closed.Did that sound normal?” I closed my eyes in relief.“Thank goodness I made that call.” “Why’d you hang up then?” I looked at him, and tears rolled downmy cheeks.“Because they were investigating you! I didn’t want to get you into trouble.” Atlas brushed it off andsaid, “Let them investigate all they want!” I sniffed.“Thanks for saving me again!” He wiped away my tears with his slender fingers.“You’re so naive.It’s because you underestimated them!” “I didn’t expect them to be so cruel.I didn’t want to resort to extreme measures, but they left me no choice,” I said fiercely.“I won’t start trouble, but since they provoked me, I won’t hold back.” After what had happened, Itrusted Atlas completely and shared Matthew’s plan with him.Melanie herself had provided me with the best counterattack strategy.

Chapter 84 Malicious Intent I was finally done with my IV drip.However, before I could ask Atlas to head back, Ivanna burst into the room.“Chlo, what’s going on…” Her words trailed off as she noticed Atlas in the room.She fixed her gaze intensely on him with a strange look I could tell what she was thinking, so I quicklychanged the topic.“Why’d you come back so quickly?” Atlas replied instead, “When you were unconscious, she called tocheck on you out of concern.I told her you were indeed in trouble.” “So, you’re the one who answered the call!” Ivanna looked at himwith curiosity.“Can you tell me who you are?” I blushed as I briefly introduced Atlas to Ivanna.They exchanged polite handshakes, and Ivanna asked, “Is that his jacket?” I nodded silently.Then I turned to Atlas and told him Ivanna would take me back.Atlas gave me some instructions before we left the hospital room.Ivanna started questioning me about the whole incident.After I told the story, Ivanna was furious and asked why I had not turned my lunatic sister–in–law overto the police.After all, I had evidence.“That would be too easy on her!” I said calmly, “I need to force her to face the life she should have lived,to know what it’s like to struggle.Then she can think about her actions.” I asked Ivanna to drop me off at the office instead of the MurphyResidence.It seemed more appropriate.Then, I called the Murphy family members and had them all come to Matthew’s office.Before leaving the car, Ivanna asked, “Are you sure you’ll be okay alone?” Don’t worry! I’ll be fine.” Ireassured her.However, as soon as I walked away, Ivanna hurriedly followed me.I think I’d better stay with you! Matthew was in high spirits in his office as he celebrated with Johnsonand some executives.There was glo be a contract elgning with ATL Empire on Tuesday pleased.At as had indeed bet the stage for me, sol had to play this role Matthew froze when he sawmy pale face.Puzzled, he asked, “Chlo, what is wrong? Weren’t you supposed to be resting at home? Why are youhere?” His eyes kept darting around my body.I had changed my top, but I must still look disheveled after my recent ordeal, I scanned the room, andeveryone present was Matthew’s trusted confidant.1 Instead of answering his question, I calmly entered the room and sat on the sofa.I waited for the Murphy family members, who had not yet arrived.“Honey! What’s wrong?” Matthew might have noticed my odd behavior.However, his question had no gentleness, only a hint of indifference.Johnson narrowed his eyes at me, suspecting something big was in the works.He quickly declared to the executives, “You can all leave! Tomorrow, we’ll hold a meeting to telleveryone the good news.Now, let’s just celebrate!” Johnson tried to smooth things over with me.“You came just in time.I have good news!” I glanced at him, saying, “Please stay, everyone.I have good news to share, too! I’ll talk about it when everyone’s here!” Matthew walked up to the sofa,looking puzzled.“Chlo, what are you up to? Who else is coming?” “Your family, of course,” I replied calmly, my eyesshowing a hint of fire.“I want everyone here to stay and listen because we’re all family here.You can all witness what’s about to happen.” Matthew’s parents rushed into the room.After seeing so many people present, they hesitated at the door.Johnson quickly went over to usher them inside.Grace looked anxious as she turned to her son.“Matthew, who are all these people?” “Mom, please have a seat.” Matthew smiled and reassured her.Then he waved at everyone else and said, “You can all leave! We’ll talk about it in tomorrow’s meeting.”“Wait a moment, it won’t take long.We’re just waiting for Melanie,” I declared, my tone unwavering

Chapter 84 A slu*t Playing the Victim Matthew had a hunch that something was about to go down.He looked at me coldly and asked, “Honey, what are you doing?” I looked at Matthew and said, “Whatdo you mean? You’ll find out once Melanie arrives.It’s not me causing trouble.It’s her.Matthew sensed my determination and turned to Ivanna.“What’s going on here?” Ivanna stood behind me with her arms crossed.She replied, “You’re asking me? Maybe you should ask your dear sister when she gets here.” Theatmosphere in the office became extremely awkward.It was clear that I was an unwelcome guest..Just then, Melanie strolled into the room.When she noticed the crowd in the office, she froze and glared at me.“Chloe, what are you up to? What’s all this about?” I wished I could tear Melanie apart when shepretended nothing had happened.I locked eyes with her and said, “You’ve done something extraordinary, and I’m here to note yourachievements.Are you scared now? “Scared? Why would I be?” Melanie rolled her eyes.She quickly turned the tables and said, “Matt, this woman made you a cuckold today.Some guy carried her off in broad daylight.It’s been two hours now, and who knows what they did! I certainly don’t!” Melanie stressed the word“did” to suggest something scandalous.Before she could finish, Ivanna’s lightning–fast hand smacked her across the face.Melanie cried out in surprise and stumbled while holding her face.“Ah! Matt!” Everyone in the room was shocked.Their eyes were filled with fear as they watched Ivanna, who radiated anger.Melanie’s parents demanded, “What’s going on? Why are you being violent?” Matthew barked, “vanna,have you lost it? How dare you make a scene in my office?!” ving stared at Matthew with fury in hereyes.“Matthew, you bet I’ve lost it.So what? Are you upset because slapped her? If you dare, take her side and slap me back.111 give you credit for having some a pouty voice the covered her face and looked at him, +15 BONUSThen she shot a glare at Ivanna.“Who gave you the right to hit me?!” “You’ve slapped my best friend.And you have the nerve to play the victim after doing something so disgraceful? Woman, you deservemore than a slap.Don’t push your luck! “Do you dare confront Chloe in front of me? Try it, and I’ll rip your mouth out.What’s the matter? You’ve got the guts to do things but not to admit it?” vanna’s words hit Matthewright where they hurt.He glanced at me with displeasure and said, “Speak! What has she done?” Clearly, he thought I wascausing trouble for no reason, and Melanie was not guilty of any wrongdoing.“You should ask her!” I shouted forcefully, my anger burning.Matthew sensed the situation was more serious than he had imagined.He sternly warned, “Everyone, leave.This is a family matter.” The curious onlookers exchanged hesitant glances before exiting the room.They knew things were.getting complicated.Johnson was among the departing crowd.He lowered his head and discreetly left the room.I called out to him, “Johnson, please stay! We need an outsider to see if I’m causing trouble.I won’t take the fall for this! Aren’t you the right–hand man of the Murphy family?! I want you to bearwitness!” With that, Johnson had no choice but to stay.

Chapter 85 A Trojan Horse I had to keep Johnson here.He was my ace in the hole.As for why I didn’t insist on keeping everyone else, I wanted to leave myself an escape route.I wanted Matthew to reconsider his actions without pushing him to the point of no return.To my surprise, the next person to speak up was Henry, Matthew’s father.“Why bring this mess into the office? Can’t it be discussed at home? It seems like people have lost theirsense of decorum,” Henry said in a commanding tone, his nose in the air.I spoke respectfully but firmly, “Dad, is that directed at me? You’ll see soon enough if I have ‘decorum.”But you should listen and watch closely.Who lacks decorum here?‘ Matthew immediately grew uncomfortable.Perhaps it was because I had never spoken like this since joining the Murphy family.They were used to my soft–spokenness.I stood up and said, “Matthew, are you accustomed to,my mild nature? Do you think I’m a pushover? Doyou think you can take advantage of me wherever you please?” My lips quivered uncontrollably.Matthew believed the ATL Empire project was in the bag, so he adopted a more forceful attitude towardme.He had abandoned his image as the ideal husband and was ready to throw me under the bus.Matthew seemed taken aback by my behavior.He squinted at me, trying to read my thoughts.When Melanie saw I was being assertive, she yelled at me to deflect attention, “Chloe, don’t stir uptrouble.It was you who ran off with another man, not me.Do you think you’re special? “You’ve been meeting another man behind my brother’s back.How dare you come here and make stuff up? Then she looked at Henry and said, “Dad, let’s go.Don’t listen to her nonsense.” “Leaving already?” Ivanna blocked Melanie’s path and crossed her arms.“Are you feeling guilty now? You jumped in with someone else’s man without hesitation.Why are you scared now?” “Get out of my way! Who do you think you are? You have no right tomeddle!” Though Melanie protested, she avoided Ivanna and stood with her father.I grew visibly imitated.Ivanna, you’ve gone too far.I won’t tolerate your meddling with the because you’re close to Chide.You’re an outsider, so don’t think you cante “That depends on whether you have a clearconscience or have done something you shouldn’t have,” I added “That’s nonsense!” Melanie lashed outat me.“I warn you, stop making things up.Don’t turn the tables when you’re the one who made a mistake.” Ivanna almost charged at her in anger,but I pulled her back.My gaze locked on Melanie as I asked, “Why don’t you tell them why I ended up in the hospital?” Herlips curled into a mocking smile.“All I saw was you lying in another man’s arms, looking quite comfortable.You were hugging him tightly in broad daylight.As for what happened next, I have no idea!”

Chapter 86 Disrespecting Her Elders Melanie’s words displeased Matthew.He glared at me, asking, “What else do you want to say?” “Your sister knows it, and I bet you do tool” Ilooked firmly at him.“When you engage in such disgraceful activities, it’s only a matter of time before it comes to light.You should have prepared yourself for this.” I didn’t expect Melanie to still be there when Atlas rescuedme.Grace sensed the tension and looked at me.“Chlo, don’t be upset.Did she provoke you again? She’s such a stubborn child.” Henry, who had always spoiled Melanie, yelledat Grace, “Why are you talking about our daughter like that?! You don’t know what happened, so stopmaking such accusations.Chloe’s a married woman, but why is she fooling around instead of staying home?” Henry smirked,thinking I was the one being unreasonable.I thought Melanie might not have fallen so low if he hadn’t pampered her so much.“Hmph, like father, like daughter.She’s a mess now because of you,” I said, “Before you comment on others‘ behavior, you should teachyour kids a lesson first.” “What did you say?!” Henry roared, “Matthew, how can your wife disrespecther elders like this?” Matthew glared at me, probably because his father scolded him.Immediately after, he scolded me, You’re getting out of control! You’re quick to anger and don’t knowyour place.I think I’ve spoiled you too much–** “Are you sure about that?!” I interrupted, “It’s more like you’respoiling her.Now she’s lost all sense of shame and does disgraceful things.” Matthew impatiently defended himself,“Just cut to the chase! There’s no need to bring her into this.” Melanie was thrilled to hear her brothersupporting her.She looked at me triumphantly, saying, “Matt won’t let you have your way” I glanced at Matthew coldly,he seemed no longer concerned that I was his wife.Once a marriage reached this point, every memory would become distant.Matthew, you’re crueler than I thought you were,” my eyes were full of tears, and my voice trembled,Why do you insist on protecting her? gm not protecting anyone, and don’t cry like someone has hurtyou deeply.If you didn’t do anything to would she cause trouble for you? Matthew yelled at me. His statement senta chill down my spine as I said, “I hope you won’t regret your words later.” I looked at the smilingMelanie and continued, “You want to bite back at me, even now.Fine, I’ll tell everyone what you’ve been up to.” I pulled out my phone and opened a voice recording.Then I slammed my phone on the table with a loud bang

Chapter 87 A Re–Enactment The voices in the recording Vere clear and had no background noise,recounting the scene inside the bar.Melanie’s laughter echoed through the office, and her every word caught everyone’s attention.Meanwhile, I focused on Matthew’s expression.Melanie’s words became increasingly unbearable as the recording continued.Although I knew the contents of the recording, hearing it again sent shivers down my spine.I was heartbroken as tears streamed down my face.“You set me up, Chloe! I’m going to kill you!” Melanie was shocked but quickly retaliated.However, Ivanna had prepared for her reaction.She kicked Melanie and sent her flying to the couch.Melanie’s eyes were bloodshot as she grabbed an ashtray from the table and threw it at me.I turned away, and the crystal ashtray crashed onto the floor, shattering into pieces.Everyone else in the room froze, and gasped.Matthew stared at me and gulped.He avoided my gaze, not daring to look back at me.Suddenly, he stepped forward and reached for my phone on the table.However, I snatched it away and stepped back while Ivanna stood before me.1 I looked at Matthew and asked, “What? Was that too much for you? Keep listening!” I I yelled like amadwoman, making everyone shudder and fall to silence again.The recording continued and even played the sounds of my struggles and cries for help.I couldn’t bear to listen to it any longer, so I cried and asked Matthew, “What else…can you say todefend her?”” I struggled to suppress my tears and turned to face Henry, saying, “Do you still think I wasbeing unreasonable? Do you agree that the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree? You’ve taught themso well that they ended up in bed together.Do you think that’s my fault?” Melanie rushed toward me, screaming, 71l kill you, bitch! How dare youset me up! Johnson held her back.“Ms.Melanie, please calm down.All of you should relax.” “Matt, you’ll just stand by while she does this? The man who carried her awaywas Atlas, the guy from ATL Empire Melanie shouted, “Smash her phone!” As expected, Matthewlunged at me to grab my phone again.dodged his hand and became furious.However, he reached past Ivanna, grabbed my arm, and pulled me toward him to snatch my phone Ivanna reacted swiftly and struck his face, yelling, “What are you trying to do, scumbag?!”Matthew froze while I broke free from his grip and glared at him.“Don’t look at me like that.Don’t you know that she caused all this? She provoked me to make me discover your affair.I’m grateful to Melanie for sending me photos of your affair.” I found the photos on my phone andshowed them to Henry and Grace.“Look, here’s your son and daughter.Matthew, have a look, too.Melanie asked me if they looked good.What do you think?” Matthew paled as he slumped on the couch, burying his head in his hands.Meanwhile, Johnson was speechless as he stared at everyone in disbelief.Suddenly, Melanie freed herself from Johnson and shouted at me, “What about you and that Atlas guy?!Can you say you two didn’t do anything?!”Chapter 88 Condemnation of a Painful Past I gazed at her calmly and responded.“You should probably ask your brother that.” “What do you mean? Don’t try to play games with me,”Melanie retorted in frustration.Johnson interjected and told me, “Ms. Chloe, calm down.” understood he was worried I might lose itand reveal too much information.Still, would I need to sell him out to expose those two idiots? ‘I glanced at Johnson, then steppedforward to lock eyes with Melanie.I questioned her, “Remember when I was alone at the airport on that rainy night? Wasn’t he sleepingwith you on my bed? “When Ava was in the hospital with a high fever, he didn’t leave us a single centbut was having sex with you at a hotel in Operose.Do you remember those photos you sent me, Melanie?” Melanie looked at me helplessly as herconfidence faded, | sarcastically continued, “Perhaps you two have slept together too often that you’reunsure which pictures I’m referring to.Is that it? To secure ATL Empire’s project for Tanum Corporation, I met with Mr.Atlas and recommendedour company as their exclusive agent.I “While I was trying to seal the deal, he bought you a new car, and you two couldn’t wait to drive toOperose, didn’t you? You asked what my relationship with Mr. Atlas was?” I turned to Matthew as Ispoke, “Care to enlighten us, Matthew? What’s my relationship with Mr.Atlas?” I confidently told everyone about my meetings with Atlas.However, I omitted the fact that he had saved me many times.Matthew raised his head, looking stunned.“You knew everything?” I smiled bitterly at him and asked, “What do you think? Should I keep going?”Ivanna seized the opportunity to criticize him.“You’re truly shameless.I thought you were just having some flings or affairs with people you engage with during work.I never expected you to stoop so low as to sleep with your sister.” Her words were harsh, but theMurphys could say nothing about it.Ivanna continued, “What was I expecting anyway? She said you two had your first time at a bar, right?Did your dear sister drug you, too? How bizarre! No wonder Chlo suddenly lost so much weight, and Ikept tell by her to see a doctor, it seems she was too disgusted by you two to eat.) Ivanna’swords made me sadder as I said, “I wanted to ignore everything, especially since it was so disgraceful.I could endure this humiliation alone, for Ava’s sake.Although it made me sick, I consoled myself and tried to endure the filthy truth.“I thought no one would discover your affairs if I didn’t make a scene.I wasn’t afraid of you or tarnishing your family’s reputation.I did everything for Ava.She’s still a child, and I didn’t want people gossiping about her family’s disgraceful acts.” Tears rolleddown my cheeks as I continued, “But you thought I was a fool.It wasn’t enough for you to take everything from me, but you even told Melanie to drug me and get agroup of men to rape me.You’re heartless, Matthew.” “I didn’t do that!” Matthew protested.“Don’t blame my brother! He had nothing to do with that.I just wanted you out of my family! Melanie shouted at me.Grace wailed in despair, “What a tragedy for our family! Y–You bastard!” I stared at Matthew’s parents,saying, “My dedication toward Tanum Corporation has never wavered since I founded it.I considered your family my own and set aside my parents.I even used the money they invested in the company to serve your family.“Yet this is how you repay me? You live in the house I bought, yet you want to push me down andtrample on my dignity? How dare you criticize me over your mistakes?” Meanwhile, Henry’s expressionturned solemn as he bit his lip and glanced at his son.I knew Henry wanted Matthew to defend him.“Fine, you’ve always dreaded anyone mentioning the past.You can forget all our hardships when we lived in cramped apartments and couldn’t afford decentclothing.You can forget the days I scoured the streets of Foswood to save a few bucks.1 refused to take cabs to buy you your first suit and make you look presentable.You can also forget the ring you bought me from a street vendor when he got married, your vows, andwhat you told me when I was pregnant locked eyes with him and shouted, “You don’t want to hear anyof that because you’re afraid! My voice echoed through the office, causing Johnson to flinch I You canforget everything but won’t, I lay everything before Matthew, saying 1 kept all this evidence f ve medicalrecordo, surveillance footage from the bar, and the necessary witnesses and material “I’vemade preparations long ago, so you don’t need to take my phone away.I’ll show them to you now.If you destroy everything here, I’ll expose you to the city and make you pay for what you’ve done.” Aftertaking a breath, I said, “I will defend my dignity, even if I have nothing left.You may secure the contract with ATL Empire, but do you think they’ll want to work with you once theysee the ugly truth? “Matthew, you have lost all morality.As for your sister, she has an evil heart, and I will make sure she faces the consequences.” I glanced atMatthew again before walking away.“Chloe, no!”

Chapter 89 Hurt and Heartbroken Matthew’s scream echoed through the room.Before I could turn, a tall figure blocked my path and kneeled before me with a loud thud.“Chloe, please don’t leave! I was a fool for doing all those things.” Matthew grabbed my hand andlooked at me guiltily.“Honey, please forgive me!” He slapped himself and added, “I–I’ll change! I won’t repeat those stupidmistakes.Let’s start over!” Melanie rushed over and pulled his arm, saying, “Matt, what promised you’d divorce.are you saving? You her once we secure ATL Empire’s project.You told me you never loved her, right? You only married her for our family’s future.Since she knows everything, there’s nothing to fear.” I glared at Melanie and asked Matthew, “Is thatwhat you said?” “Don’t listen to her nonsense! I won’t leave you.We still have Ava,” Matthew desperately pleaded, “You and Ava are my family.Let’s start over!” “Matt, what are you afraid of?” Melanie asked while looking at him.“Can you honestly say you don’t want me anymore?” Matthew shoved Melanie away, breaking freefrom her grip as he continued to kneel.“Honey…” “How do you plan to start over?” I stared at him.“I’ll do anything for you!” He vowed.“Okay, transfer the house, car, and all of Tanum Corporation’s assets to my name again,” I demanded, ”Otherwise, I’ll do what I said.” Matthew froze while Melanie shoved me.“You can go to hell!” Her actions caught me off guard.I lost my balance and fell backward as my head knocked onto the comer of the table.A sharp pain shot through my forehead, and blood flowed down.Everyone rushed to me as Melanie clung onto Matthew, accusing me, “That bitch is just faking it!”Matthew slapped Melanie and shouted, “Get out!” Immediately after, he rushed to my side tremblingly.“H–Honey, I-” Ivanna choked, “Damn it, Matthew! Take her to the hospital” Finally, Matthew picked meup in a panic, and we rushed to the hospital.Alle drama had drained my energy, and I didn’t know how many stitches I received.The physical pain I refused to talk to anyone and wished for some rest.Matthew stayed with me throughout the night, but i didn’t utter a single word to him and slept.Matthew left the following day, but Grace came to send me food.I didn’t see Matthew for the rest of the day, which was great because looking at him only irritated me.After all, I had lost all hope in him.However, I didn’t expect him to show up at night with Ava in his arms.I was shocked when I realized he wanted to use our daughter to manipulate me.I couldn’t believe he would use Ava for his selfish desires.Ava was cheerful a moment ago but burst into tears when she saw the bandage around my head.She cried, “Mommy!” My anger flared up again, but I couldn’t act out before Ava for fear of scaring her.I knew Matthew was unwilling to meet my demands.After all, he had moved the assets around and wouldn’t readily transfer everything back to my name.Unexpectedly, as one crisis subsided, another emerged.

Chapter 90 Retreat Equals Defeat Meanwhile, Lauren, who had remained silent since the scandal brokeout, began her counterattack.First, she exposed the fake financial verification certificate Matthew made.Then, she revealed Melanie’s secrets and exposed her questionable actions and my messy private life.Matthew desperately tried to cover up the truth.With only two days remaining before the contract signing with ATL Empire, he had no intention offulfilling my demands.On Monday, he received an email from ATL Empire postponing the contract signing.He was shocked and anxious when he realized the lucrative deal was slipping away.He was absent–minded when he at the hospital.I told him to arrange my discharge because I wanted to go home.I didn’t want Ava to spend all day with the Murphys, either.I couldn’t forget Melanie telling me that the Murphys only cared about sons compared to daughters.I would only feel at ease with Ava beside me.Before Matthew completed my discharge paperwork, Johnson arrived.I knew something was amiss from their hesitant expressions.Once the two left, I left the bed and eavesdropped on their conversation by pressing my ear against thewall.I could hear Johnson trying to persuade Matthew, “Sir, you must stop hesitating and decide now.You should know what your priorities are.” Matthew replied impatiently, “You saw what happenedearlier.If I returned everything to her name now, she’d still find a way to ruin me with her evidence.” Johnsonsaid, “It’s still better than losing everything, right? Besides, it may look like you don’t have the upperhand, but the assets still belong to your family.Women need a little coaxing, and then you can reclaim everything.” I didn’t expect Matthew to remaincautious of me.He was most afraid of me gaining control over the assets.However, he had gained them using my money.How dare he claim them for himself? I believed Matthew didn’t deserve a second chance.Meanwhile, Johnson continued to persuade him.I knew the former was wise and had already grasped the situation, Therefore, Johnson safeguarded myinterests.I returned to the hospital bed, realizing everything would return to me in time.Now, I needed to plan on how to make Matthew lose everything.Soon after, he returned to the room and took me home.Then, I called Grace and told her to send Ava to After bringing me home, Matthew loitered around, and Iknew he had something to say. I feigned ignorance, but he eventually entered the room and suggested making another callto Atlas about the project.“You have your pride to protect, and so do I.I’m not close to Atlas either, so I won’t ask for anything unreasonable.I could discuss the contract with him, but if the deal’s off, you better not consider playing any tricks toget it back.A business relies on trust and honesty,” I spoke firmly.Matthew said, “Don’t be so stubborn.In any case, Tanum Corporation is still your- “The company is no longer the same since we have differentinterests.I’m fine staying in this small place and will no longer have unrealistic dreams.Also, you don’t need to remind me who the company belongs“You know that contract has nothing to do with me, so stop getting me involved.You’ll just put me in a worse situation,” I clarified things to Matthew.His expression darkened as he turned and slammed the door on his way out.Our relationship was fragile, like a cracked porcelain that hadn’t shattered yet.Our current situation felt like a war, the one who retreated first would be the loser.However, a turning point occurred that evening.

Chapter 91 All That Glitters Is Not Gold When Grace dropped Ava off, she also brought a heap ofgroceries.There was wine, fresh seafood, and many other things.She had put a lot of thought into the gesture, but I thought little it.After all, it was my money being spent, so I was not feeling particularly grateful.a Even now, eightypercent of Tanum Corporation’s customers were the ones I had pulled in the early days.It wasn’t an exaggeration.I suspected that there was going to be a celebration here tonight.daway Sho As soon as Ava returned, she rushed into the room and told me how much she missed hergrandma.I knew she was trying to cheer me up.My mother–in–law was busy outside, and Henry had been here since the afternoon.I haven’t had a good impression of my father–in–law since that day.Today, Matthew got off work early, but Melanie was nowhere to be seen.At the dinner table, Matthew smiled and said our anniversary banquet would be on Friday at theFeusaka Hotel.However, I kept silent and allowed them to chatter away.“Honey, I’ve done what you asked and transferred everything that’s rightfully yours.I was foolish before, but I’ve reflected a lot these past few days.“I still love you and our family.You were right.We need to secure a good future for Ava.From now on, we’ll work together to make Tanum Corporation bigger and stronger!” I sighed as I lookedat him.Just this morning, he was planning how to deal with me, but now he wanted to work with me.This transformation was quite remarkable.On Thursday, he showed me all the assets in their new names – houses, cars, and a significant amount ofmoney in bank accounts.He had them notarized for my ease of mind, but I soon realized it was more for his own reassurancethan mine.Sentimentality had no place in the situation.Matthew suggested inviting my parents to the banquet, but I declined.My father’s fragile health couldn’t handle any additional stress.I simply didn’t want to risk endangering his life.Melanie was as unpredictable as ever.She was surprisingly cooperative and changed her usual demeanor.She was also dressed elegantly and gracefully mingled with the guests.Mathew ordered an expensive wedding dress to match the theme and fulfill my wishes.Its design would look ethereal and stunning.The hairstylist also took care of my hair, covering the scar Meanwhile, Matthew lookedhandsome in a black suit, white shirt, and rose–red tie.He beamed with happiness.Ava wore a cute puffy dress that made her look so beautiful that she squealed with delight.Rich and powerful people came to the party.This was what made Matthew most happy.He played his part perfectly, coming across as dignified and friendly.He was the perfect husband–a rare find.I thought it was funny.This celebration felt more like a circus.Still, I went along with it.I even talked about how we had been through storms together since Tanum Corporation began.I revealed the history Matthew dreaded, but today it touched the hearts of everyone and brought tearsto their eyes.Last, Matthew thanked me for everything I’ve done over the years and said I was his source of joy.He got down on one knee and placed a diamond ring on my finger.He also presented the opulent house and car he had gifted me for this occasion.The entire sequence of events made the women in the audience envious.I saw Melanie glaring daggers at me.Onstage, with Matthew holding me and cradling Ava, it felt like a scene from a fairy tale.However, few were aware of the terrible problems that existed in secret.Matthew’s performance had reached its climax, but the guests were about to see a shocking turn ofevents.

Chapter 92 Selling Off One’s Wife To my surprise, I saw that tall figure standing out in the crowd.My heart raced, yet I wanted to avoid him.I felt too embarrassed to face him in such a setting.Matthew spotted Atlas as he entered.He rushed to greet him since today’s event was to impress Atlas.I had not seen Nick, but I knew Matthew was anticipating Atlas’s attendance more.They exchanged a handshake.Despite Matthew’s courteous words, Atlas maintained his composure.One of Atlas’s attendants handed me a gift, but he didn’t pretend to offer congratulatory remarks.Honestly, it made me quite comfortable.Everything was transparent with Atlas.I imagined it would be awkward to put on an act with him.Matthew and Atlas exchanged polite pleasantries while I stood on the sidelines.Someone gently linked their arm with mine.A tender voice inquired, ‘Chlo, who is this gentleman?” I was taken aback, turning to find Melanie’ssmiling face.I had never seen such a shameless smile before.Seeing me unresponsive, Matthew quickly intervened, “Oh! Mr.Atlas, this is my sister, Melanie!” Atlas subtly smiled at Melanie but looked at me.“Ms.Chloe, have you been busy? You’ve missed two of ATL Empire’s meetings.” He referred to me as “Ms.Chloe” instead of ‘Mrs.Murphy.I felt extremely awkward and quickly responded with a smile, “I haven’t been feeling well, so I’ve beengoing to the office less.” Matthew tightened his arm around me, suggesting I talk to Atlas more.“Mr.Atlas, please make yourself at home.We’re honored to have you at our celebration! Let’s greet a few more guests, and then we can chatlater!” I made up an excuse to leave Atlas.I didn’t want to spend too much time with him in a situation like this.Matthew’s arm tensed, but he forced a smile.Matthew whispered when we walked away.“Chlo, ask him if we still have a chance.After all, we need to fight for it.We can’t just let this opportunity slip away!” There’s still a chance as long as their people show up: Isthere a need to ask?” I glanced at Matthew and sald calmly, “Mr.Nick sent Atlas That already says a lot.” Matthew sighed in relief Honey, you’re right.Since he’s Mr.Nick’s assistant, he must have some Jofuence.He’s not an ordinary person! Meanwhile, Matthew looked handsome in a black suit, white shirt, androse–red tie.He beamed with happiness.Ava wore a cute puffy dress that made her look so beautiful that she squealed with delight.Rich and powerful people came to the party.This was what made Matthew most happy.He played his part perfectly, coming across as dignified and friendly.He was the perfect husband–a rare find.I thought it was funny.This celebration felt more like a circus.I Still, I went along with it.I even talked about how we had been through storms together since Tanum Corporation began.I revealed the history Matthew dreaded, but today it touched the hearts of everyone and brought tearsto their eyes.Last, Matthew thanked me for everything I’ve done over the years and said I was his source of joy.He got down on one knee and placed a diamond ring on my finger.He also presented the opulent house and car he had gifted me for this occasion.The entire sequence of events made the women in the audience envious.I saw Melanie glaring daggers at me Onstage, with Matthew holding me and cradling Ava, it felt like ascene from a fairy tale.However, were aware of the terrible problems that existed in secret.Matthew’s performance had reached its climax, but the guests were about to see a shocking turn ofevents.

Chapter 93 A Room Card He pressed me against the closing door with a resounding thud.A fresh scent filled my nose.I looked up in alarm, and his perfect face was inches from mine.“Let me see where you’re hurt.” “What do you think you’re doing? You’re putting me in an awkwardposition!” “Where are you hurt?” He insisted, completely disregarding what I had just said.I reluctantly brushed the hair from my forehead, revealing the wound.He frowned, and then his eyes turned ominously cold, I had never seen him like this before.I quickly let my hair fall back to cover the wound and feebly said, “It’s nothing!” His tone turned icy as hesaid, “Are you out of your mind? You’re saying a wound this size is nothing? Are you a masoch*st?” I shothim an incredulous glare but felt an unfathomable sorrow in me.Atlas narrowed his eyes, his voice softening slightly.“Why didn’t you call me?” I turned my face slightly away, a touch petulant.“I’m a married woman.What would it mean if I kept calling you? I didn’t want to bother you!” Before I could finish my sentence,he pulled me into his embrace, his grip firm around my waist.“You’re being stubborn, aren’t you?” 1 I pouted.This man was incredibly bossy.How had I gotten involved with him? I knew it wasn’t right, but I couldn’t help wanting to be near him.He was my safe harbor.The contradiction was clear, and it was a pain that couldn’t be easily dealt with.“After this is all over, leave him,” he commanded.I didn’t enjoy being ordered around like this, but strangely, I hoped for his command.Whenever the thought of leaving crossed my mind, I would see Ava in his arms, calling him “Daddy.” Iwrapped my arms around Atlas, feeling the peace and security in his embrace.“Why aren’t you saying anything? Are you planning on staying with him? There was a hint of contemptin Atlas’s tone “I have my own plans.It’s not as simple as you think.There are many things-” “It seems you still have some hope for him.Are you a glutton for punishment? Atlas’s face darkened.Sometimes, you must hit a dead end before turning around.I’ll make sure you give up for good!” He cupped my face and kissed me with urgency.I felt dizzy.Suddenly, footsteps echoed down the hallway.I panicked and quickly pushed him away.I didn’t know what I was doing.A whole hall of guests was waiting for me, but here I was, in the arms of another man.I struggled to leave, but he held me and slipped a card into my hand.“It’s a keycard for the room upstairs.Come up in twenty minutes!” I shoved the card back at him, as I couldn’t do what Matthew had done.Today was our anniversary celebration.I was still Matthew’s wife.“What are you thinking?” Atlas’s slender fingers held the card, watching my flushed face.“Where has your mind gone? I mean, I’m more than willing to comply.” “What are you saying?” Isnapped, my voice low, and tried to turn away.He pressed the card back into my hand.“You’ll find out later.It’s up to you!” With that, he walked out of the room.I was left clutching that room key in bewilderment.

Chapter 94 An Uninvited Guest I discreetly opened the door, slipping out of that private room and backinto the main hall.Then I carried on as if nothing had happened, warmly greeting the guests and old clients.The long–time clients had become like family to us, supporting the entire Murphy family over the years.Everyone in the Murphy family was beaming with pride, especially Matthew.He proudly introduced our daughter to the guests, and I shook my head in disbelief.He thought that dressing Ava up like a little lady made her one.I was sure many people were watching.the recent social media buzz.However, I hadn’t caught a glimpse of Melanie.As Ava sat on her grandmother’s lap, people were admiring her.My daughter’s angelic beauty captivated forever.everyone.Every time I saw her, my heart melted.If only she could remain this happy Twenty minutes later, my phone rang, and I saw it was Atlas calling.I suddenly felt a mixture of nerves and apprehension.What was this man up to? Why insist on meeting me in the guest room? I stepped aside from the crowdand answered the call.He commanded from the other end, “Hurry upstairs.Now!” Before I could say a word, he hung up.I was frustrated.How dare he boss me around like that? I breathed deeply while scanning the hall.Curiosity drove me out of the grand hall and into the elevator to the eighth- floor guest rooms.I found the right door by following the room number on the card.However, before I could open it, he drew me into his embrace and made a silencing motion.Not daring to make a sound, I nestled against him.Although I listened closely to the sounds outside, the strong beat of his heart caught my attention.We waited ten minutes before hearing voices in the corridor.He pointed to the peephole, and I looked out.Unexpected visitors had arrived, some of whom were carrying cameras.I was baffled! Even more so when I saw the woman leading the group.Incredulous, I turned to Atlas.He quickly turned my head back and whispered, “Watch closely!” I pressed against the door, and hepressed against me.It was an awkward position, but I was too engrossed in what was happening outside to notice.He held my waist tightly, his head near mine, our breaths mingling What are they here for? I asked in ahushed tone.I “Shh,” Atlas said.The woman I saw was Lauren, who had been injured a few days earlier in a fight with Matthew.It seemed her injuries had almost healed.She was directing the sizable group to the room across from ours.Moreover, I noticed that among the later arrivals were our own guests.A sense of unease washed over me.Just then, Lauren signaled to one of the young men and pointed at the door, saying, “Open it!” My mindwas a mess.Was she trying to expose an affair? The young man unlocked the door with a room keywithouthesitation.The crowd rushed in as soon as the door opened! I realized something and quickly left Atlas’s embrace.I rushed out of the room, lifting my dress as I ran.As soon as I left the room, I heard a woman scream from the other room, followed by a man yelling, “Wwhat do you think you’re doing? Who let you in? Get out!” My steps abruptly halted.That voice was so familiar.

Chapter 95 In The Public Eye I heard screams and curses from the room across the hall.Flashes from cameras flickered relentlessly.People were still squeezing in.I panicked and lifted my dress as I was swept into the room with the crowd.It was chaotic inside.Two naked bodies curled up, the woman’s head buried behind the man, screaming nonstop.The man shielded the naked woman while pointing at the people taking pictures.“All of you get out!” A defiant Lauren stepped on the large blanket that should have been on the bed.Two others were at her side, standing on a pile of clothes.I stood there, dumbfounded, staring at the scene before me.The man was none other than Matthew, who was celebrating our anniversary with me.He was looking great in a sharp suit just moments ago.Now, he was exposed to everyone.The woman was none other than my sister–in–law, Melanie.She was dressed elegantly today, but she was utterly repulsive now.Lauren stood smugly with her arms crossed, directing the chaos.“Keep shooting, take more! Adjust your angles.Go over there! Get them apart and capture that slu*t’s face.” A fierce woman rushed forward and yankedMelanie away Melanie tried to resist, but she was slapped several times.Her hair was pulled back, and they forcefully turned her face toward the camera.“Lauren, do you even realize what you’re doing?” Matthew shouted at Lauren.“You don’t know what I’m doing?! I’m just giving you a taste of your own medicine.Why? Aren’t you protecting her? Come on, then! So, she’s the one you fancy? Hahaha! Your taste iscertainly bold! Everyone, keep shooting! I guarantee it’ll go viral!” “Let her go… Get out… I want to seewho dares to keep taking- Matthew’s sentence ended abruptly.I was already standing on the side of the bed, and our eyes locked.Everyone followed his gaze and stared at me in silence.I stood there and just stared at the two people on the bed.The murmurs started.“Hey! Isn’t that girl his sister?” Goodness gracious, what’s going on? He’s with his sister?” “Stop talking,his wife’s here.Look, if it were me, I’d be livid “How shameless of him.He has such a nice, beautiful wife, yet he does this with h his own… Matthew is truly beyond belief!”“Yeah! It’s too much! And they still wanted to celebrate their anniversary? Were they just acting earlier?He should be an actor!” Their harsh words stung.Matthew stared blankly at me like a stone.Then, suddenly, he seemed to snap back to reality.Frantically, he searched for something to cover himself.I never thought he would be unfaithful after swearing oaths of devotion to me for days and promising tolive happily together.There were guests downstairs celebrating for us, and the host was having sex with someone else.He must be desperate to stoop to this level.It was truly astonishing.I don’t know who brought Matthew’s parents in.Grace burst into tears, and Matthew stared blankly at the scene before him.My stomach churned, and I couldn’t keep the nausea at bay.Someone reached out to support me.Gritting my t teeth, I suppressed my reaction.I watched Matthew step backward, desperately looking for something to hide behind.It felt like someone was trying to grab me.I violently shook off the hand, not caring who it was.At that moment, I didn’t want anyone to touch me.The lobby was packed with people running to the elevator as I ran down the stairs.They all knew something had happened upstairs.I desperately searched for my daughter through the crowd.I saw Ivanna holding her, both heading anxiously toward the elevator.I took my daughter from Ivanna and ran outside.My long dress nearly tripped me.I put my daughter down and tore my dress frantically.The embedded rhinestones clattered everywhere.I ripped the dress into a shorter length.Ivanna followed us out.“Chloe, what’s going on? Talk to me!” Take me home!” I begged, my trembling lips barely forming thewords.Arlas came running after.“Chloe!” “Go away I don’t want to see you!” I shouted at Atlas.Ava started walling

Chapter 96 Coincidental My reaction caught Atlas off guard while Ivanna ran over to pick up my cryingdaughter.She glanced at Atlas and then pulled me away.I was still trembling and vomiting when we reached Ivanna’s place.Since I had nothing to eat before, I could only vomit bile, leaving a bitter taste in my mouth.Aka stayed beside me with widened eyes, concerned as she pleaded, “Mommy, go find Daddy!* I heldand reassured her, “Be a good girl, okay? Mommy will always be by your side.” I couldn’t bear to tell hershe might not have a father anymore.Once I calmed down, I called Adrian and asked him a few questions.Then, I asked Ivanna to help me with some tasks.She was the only one I could trust at that moment.She carried my bag the whole time.When I checked it, I noticed she had taken all my necessities.Afterward, I told her I wanted to go home, which startled her.“Why would you want to do that?” “I meant my home here,” I clarified.When we left Ivanna’s apartment, I was surprised to see Atlas standing beside his car.He looked at me, and I hesitated before handing Ava to Ivanna, saying, “I need to talk to him for asecond.” Ivanna held my daughter and headed toward my apartment unit.Meanwhile, I approached Atlas in my still -tattered dress.We stared at each other for a while, and I finally said, “Thank you, but you should go now.” I knew heunderstood my implication since he didn’t argue.Instead, he gazed at me intensely, saying, “If you’re hurt, I apologize.” I wondered if he meant thateverything was somehow related to him.He thought he could make things right by apologizing after turning me into Foswood’s laughing stock.I had painstakingly preserved my dignity, yet he shattered it.I had no idea what he was trying to accomplish.I scoffed and said, “Can your apology erase my humiliation? What else can I do? What about mydaughter and my family?” Surprisingly, Atlas responded with a cruel smirk, “What happened was a fact.So, will you let him continue manipulating you, or will you keep deceiving yourself? Can you still endurefacing a man like him? You Surprise me, Ms Chloe.” words stabbed at my heart.Although I had pondered those questions countless times, Atlas’s blunt honey made me ashamed Istared at him without a word, and he stared back.+15 BONUS Soon after, he stepped forward and caressed my face.Then, he pulled me into his embrace and said, Just call me if you need anything.” I stubbornly replied,“That won’t be necessary.It’s my own business, and you’ve already helped me a lot.I said I’ll handle it myself, so you should leave.I don’t want to get you into unnecessary trouble.I know what to do.” Atlas looked at me with an inexplicable emotion.Suddenly, he smiled and pinched my cheek.I’ll always be here for you.” His words were touching, but I knew today’s events were coincidental.I was confused, wondering how he knew Lauren would catch Matthew red–handed.I straightened up, left his embrace, and said, “Please leave.” Immediately after, I ran toward theapartment that now belonged to me.I could no longer retreat nor predict what would happen next.

Chapter 97 Begging on His Knees Matthew had carefully prepared everything in the house, but it was alove nest.However, they never expected me to claim it one day.This place marked the beginning of my new life.I smiled bitterly and considered it a gift from Matthew, not to celebrate our anniversary but as a witnessto our impending divorce.Ava was thrilled when I told her this was our new home.She ran around joyfully while I was grateful for children being unaware of the pain that often burdenedadults‘ hearts.As Ava drifted off to sleep that night, Matthew came over.Although he looked neat, his face was bruised from a beating.Matthew ignored Ivanna and approached me, eventually dropping to his knees.That was the second time he had resorted to begging.I looked at him with disdain and exhaustion, saying, “If you intend to repeat your plea, stop.You can“Honey, please don’t say that.Where can I go? I want to be where you are–you’re my home,” Matthew pleaded like a misbehavedchild. However, his words disgusted me.I couldn’t help but scoff as I stared at him, saying, “Do you think you can persuade me? We’ve beentogether for almost ten years.Tell me, which of your words can I trust? You swore you’d change and told me we could return to theold days.“You planned such a grand event and claimed it to mark the start of our new lives, but you left a roomfull of guests to f*ck your sister.How desperate are you?” Although I remained composed on the outside, my Inner turmoil wasunbearable.“Have you ever considered how I had to force a smile as I entertained your guests? What am I to you?”Matthew stepped forward to reach toward me, but I raised my voice, “Stay away! Don’t touch me, youdisgusting bastard!” He froze as if he had just realized something.Immediately after, I stood up and prepared to leave him.However, he rose and embraced me to lean in for a kiss.I instinctively kneed his groin, and he screamed in pain.Ivanna Initially wanted to come to my aid, but she froze after hearing Matthew’s cry.He gazed at him as he knelt and clutched his groin in agony.felt no sympathy for him and kept my stem gaze on him, declaring 1 want a divorcel +15 BONUSMatthew looked up at me in desperation.“Y–You… What did you say?” “No matter how I say it, I mean the same thing.Matthew, we’re getting a divorce!” I repeated “Chloe, don’t even think about it.I won’t divorce you,” Matthew said, his face reddened from pa sweat dripped down his forehead.He took a deep breath before continuing, “I just lost control.I promise I’ll change.“But I can’t be without you, our daughter, and this family! I’ll be even better to you and our daughter inthe future.She can’t grow up without a complete family!” “This family hasn’t been complete since you slept withher! Do you honestly think I’m a fool you can manipulate at will? You told me to put on a show with youto dispel the rumors, but the truth is out now, right? I suggest you out!” in wasting our time and figure itHis face stiffened, but then he regained his composure.“Chloe, give me one more chance to explain!” “Explain? Matthew, please don’t disgust me any further, Ithink the entire Foswood saw what happened.I advise you to save your dignity and be a man!” Tears welled in my eyes as I spoke, but he had nostrength to argue Then, Ivanna exclaimed, “Matthew, you’ve made the headlines!”

Chapter 98 Made the Headlines Everything happened just as I had anticipated.Matthew’s scandal dominated the headlines of every major news outlet.I couldn’t help but admire the clever headlines the publishers created.Sure enough, I couldn’t escape this disaster either.After all, I was also the main character on our wedding anniversary.Although I was the victim, the humiliation was unbearable The online posts were full of images andtruths.One showed us gracefully welcoming our guests in our finest attire, while the other exposed ourvulnerabilities.The news had tarnished the Murphys‘ reputation.Fortunately, I had moved to Amethyst Apartments.I knew the reporters were searching for me and Matthew.Matthew wanted to say something, but a phone call from his father interrupted him, asking him toreturn home.Only Ivanna accompanied me when he left.That night, I discovered Lauren was no pushover.After losing her reputation once before, she went all out this time.Lauren vividly described Matthew and his sister’s sick affair.Each article she wrote amplified the scandal, causing it to spread like wildfire across the internet.The number of netizens who read her articles was astounding, and they craved more.One should never underestimate the netizens‘ power.They even dug up information I never knew I wanted to know.They claimed Matthew and Melanie had already slept together during her high school years, evenspecifying the time and place.Indeed, it was at Midnight Bar, so I could only believe it.However, it was still a devastating blow to me.Melanie was in high school while Matthew and I were planning our futures in our senior year of college.Matthew had been “truly in love and devoted” to me then, but he had already been sleeping withMelanie.This realization crushed me.I was determined to use our house as collateral for a loan then.I was disgusted and shuddered whenever I thought about it.I couldn’t help but wonder if Matthew would have been intimate with me immediately after sleepingwith Melanie wanted to go to the hospital to check if I had any sexually transmitted diseas Ivanna waswith me throughout the night.She consoled me, and we shared laughter.After enduring my emotions until dawn, I told Ivanna i would start my new life.vanne drove me to drop off Ava at daycare, and then I transferred all the assets under my nathe to entplaces sold the car, which once belonged to Melanie because 1 found purchased a more discreet andpractical Mercedes gating I knew I needed to begin as soon as possible if I wanted to startfresh and change my identity.I even replaced all the locks in my apartment.Before Matthew could address our issues, I had taken care of everything to protect my interests.Without love in this marriage, I would fill the void with material possessions.Furthermore, I made a shocking decision that even Ivanna couldn’t understand.I had arranged to meet with Lauren.

Chapter 99 Meeting a Love Rival I was anxious before asking Lauren to meet.However, I was surprised when she readily agreed to meet me.She was already waiting for me when I arrived at our agreed meeting place.The impression she left on me shattered my previous perception of her.She was astute but also forthright and bold.Lauren initiated the conversation, “I didn’t expect you to want to meet me.Regardless of your intentions, I feel I should apologize.” I smiled and responded, “Saying it’s okay wouldseem insincere, and blaming you would be overly dramatic.Your straightforward approach shocked me.” She showed slight helplessness and guilt in her expression.“Thank you for saying that.” Then, she glanced at me awkwardly and said, “I won’t make excuses formyself.I had a soft spot for Matthew, and I won’t deny he’s dashing.So, ultimately, I couldn’t resist that temptation.Still, I never expected him to be such an asshole.He could never take responsibility for his mistakes.” It was my first time hearing another woman’sevaluation of Matthew, or one could say, my love rival’s assessment of him.Lauren continued emotionally, “He treated me like a doormat to protect his sister.That day, he stood idly by and watched Melanie assault me.Then he abandoned me at the hospital.” I couldn’t explain my emotions at that moment.I wondered if it was sympathy or a sense of gloat.“When Melanie burst into the hotel room that day, I thought it was you.They can’t blame me for my lack of shame, but I feel I’ve lost all sense of that.What’s the point?” After confessing her feelings, Lauren smiled awkwardly and continued, “All right, it’syour turn to state your intentions.I’ll follow your lead since I owe you a favor.If you want to criticize or beat me, it’s up to you.I’ll accept anything that comes my way.” Her openness made me helpless, and I smiled back.After all, I knew I was the one who caused her relationship with Matthew to reach that point.“Here’s what I want to ask you…” I spoke frankly, using the word ‘ask‘ to maintain courtesy.“Go ahead, she replied.want to mortgage everything under my name.Of course, the larger the amount, the better.” I said.saw Lauren was bright, but I would look petty if I tried to brush things off “What do youhave?” she asked me.I listed the fixed assets under my name for her, and she asked again, “How much are you looking toloan?” After some thought, I provided a figure that would leave Matthew astonished.Lauren pondered for a while before finally saying she needed a few days to work on it.Later that evening.Ava’s teacher informed me that her grandmother had already picked Ava up.I was surprised and quickly went to Grace and Henry’s place.I guessed they were probably using Ava as leverage again.When I arrived, I saw Henry and Grace’s solemn expressions.When Ava saw me entering, she ran over with a frown and threw herself into my arms, crying,“Mommy, I want to go home!” I knew they had neglected Ava when I noticed her tears.I realized she had just cried and asked, “Why are you crying?” Ava looked at her grandmother, thenhugged my neck without a word.I was about to pry when Melanie opened her bedroom door and walked out with a grin.I suppressed my anger and glared at her, but she crossed her arms and leaned against the wall.She smirked and said, “You came at the right time.I have some good news to share with you.”

Chapter 100 All Against One Melanie’s resilience impressed me, and I thought she was pretty shamelessto say such a thing.After all, she was in a humiliating position herself, “Go ahead.I’m sure you never lack good news since you’re so shameless,” I retorted and met Melanie’s gaze.Unexpectedly, Henry spoke, “Stop being stubborn.You’re equally responsible in this situation.Don’t think everyone owes you something!” I stared at him and didn’t know how to respond.Soon after, Matthew entered and saw me holding Ava.He observed everyone’s expressions, then told me, “Let’s go home.” “Matt, why are you in a hurry toleave? I didn’t tell Chloe the good news yet,” Melanie sneered at him, “Do you even want to go homewith her now? My child needs a father, too.” My mind went blank, and my head throbbed.I swayed, and Matthew came to support me.“Honey.” 1 I looked at him.“Her child?” Matthew couldn’t bear to look into my eyes, and I realized Melanie’s claim was true.I couldn’t control my emotions as I asked, “The child belongs to you two?” 1 Henry shamelessly stated,“Mel and Matt aren’t blood–related siblings, so they can have as many kids as they want.You don’t need to make a fuss, and stop making it seem like my family owes you everything.Since we’ve encountered this problem, we should solve it within the family.” “Solve it internally?” Afterputting Ava down, I stared at Henry and asked, “I’d like to hear how you plan on solving this.” Everyonein the room fell silent.With a heavy heart, I turned to Matthew and asked, “Tell me, how do you propose we handle thisinternally?! Ava tightened her grip on my thigh and called me, “Mommy.Henry scolded me, “What are you yelling about? Matthew, we’ve watched you two for years, and youalways fawn over her.Who does she think she is? She only contributed some funds to start the business.Chloe, stop thinking we should be forever grateful to you just because of that.Would your business run so smoothly if it weren’t for my son? Matthew, just divorce her and give herhalf the assets chloe, you don’t have the right to stay in that new house because my son worked hard topay for it.Move from there, and we can discuss the rest later: I laughed, asking.“You want me to give up the apartment?” I looked at Henry and continued, “Don’t even think about it!”I never expected Henry to treat me as the mistress trying to take someone else’s property while hetreated Melanie as Matthew’s rightful wife.“Chlo, don’t be so…impulsive,” Matthew mumbled, “Let’s all stay calm.” “How can I stay calm?!” Iretorted, “Is this what you all agree on?” I glanced at Grace, who refused to look at me.“All right, just wait for it then!” I declared, grabbing Ava’s hand to leave.I couldn’t reason with them.“We can get a divorce, but Matthew will leave this marriage with nothing! “What are you saying? Henryjumped to his feet.“Matthew, deal with her! She’s too arrogant!” “He needs the balls to do that! Do you already considerthis arrogant? Well, I got news for you,” I shot back.“Your whole family is despicable.It’s no wonder you have a son like him.After all, like father, like son.‘ Suddenly, something hit me, and I palmed my cheek.

Chapter 101 Misfortune Strikes I felt a burning pain in my face as warm blood trickled down the cornerof my mouth.Ava wailed loudly as she hugged my legs.I looked icily at Matthew as I straightened myself up.“You’ve finally shown your true colors, haven’t you?” Matthew looked flustered for a moment, butMelanie strolled over.“Chloe, return what’s mine, or you’ll be sorry!” “Not in a million years!” I said firmly.“I’ve been kind enough to your family, alright? Matthew, I’ll never forget that you hit me!” Just as I bentover to hold Ava up, Melanie pulled my hair, causing me to lurch.Ava let go of my legs and tried to push Melanie away.“Bad Auntiel Bad Aunti Melanie and I wrestled while Matthew shouted angrily, “Cut it out!” He grabbedmy arm, and Melanie slapped me twice, stunning me.I was enraged.Yanking my arm off Matthew’s hand, I hit Melanie back.Henry got up and marched over as Ava continued hitting Melanie.He yanked Ava off the woman.I tried to snatch her back, but it was too late.My daughter was thrown off like a ragdoll and landed with a thump on the floor.Silence fell as her crying.stopped abruptly.I lunged at Ava, who was motionless on the floor.“Ava! Ava!” Grace snapped back to reality and cried, “Ava! Oh, my God, Ava!” 1 “Ava! Ava!” I held herup, howling, but she appeared lifeless.Her lovely face was swelling up.I placed a trembling finger under her nose and detected her shallow breath.“Aval Open your eyes and look at Grandma!” Grace cried mournfully.” I picked up Ava and hurried awayas Matthew stood there, stunned.Grace shouted, “Matthew, let’s go to the hospital!” I ran like a madwoman while carrying my child.My legs were limp, but I kept running and yelling.“Help! Please save my daughter!” A jeep that was passing by pulled over beside me.The young driver shouted, “Get in the car, ma’am!” I quickly carried my dying daughter into his car, andwe sped toward the hospital.fell.When I handed my daughter over to the doctor, I fell to my knees and begged him and the nurses tosave Ava.I was so panicked that I couldn’t even cry.Then I called Ivanna and asked her to hurry to the hospital as I trembled.A moment later, Matthew rushed over with his mother.He paled when he saw my condition and tried to hold me up with his shaky hand, but I was in a daze.Ivanna came running over about twenty minutes later.I asked Ivanna to contact the authorities while the doctor tried reviving Ava.Reporters covering the news at the hospital quickly tried to report on the incident.As the doctors rushed in and out of the emergency room, I remained kneeling on the floor and staringblankly.I wasn’t trying to look miserable, but I couldn’t find the strength to stand.Ivanna charged over to Matthew with a murderous expression and slapped him.He just let her.Two hours later, a doctor emerged from the emergency room.

Chapter 102 Terrible Actions I held my breath as I stared at the doctor.Ivanna clutched my hand, but I was too numb to feel anything.The doctor looked at me.“Your daughter has suffered a concussion, subdural hematoma, and facial soft tissue injury, but her vitalsigns are stable.Since she’s not awake yet, we must continue observing for 24 hours.She might wake up soon or- Before the doctor could finish speaking, I fainted.I woke up in a hospital bed.Matthew, Grace, and Ivanna were still there.Even Johnson came.I pushed myself up and asked Ivanna, “Where’s Ava? Where is she?” “Calm down, Chloe! She’s stillunder observation in the ICU.” Despite Ivanna’s efforts to stop me, I rushed out of bed.“I have to stay by her side, okay? She’s terrified of doctors!” “Honey…” Matthew said.“Go away!” I shouted, “Get the hell out of my face! Both of you!” They filled me with disgust.How could he, my husband of ten years, allow his daughter to be assaulted? This family was truly one ofa kind.I wished I had never met that asshole.His entire family was him! Ivanna helped me rush to the intensive care unit.I saw my frail daughter lying still in bed through the glass window.Bursting into tears, I dropped to my knees and prayed for her to wake up soon.What happened to me and my daughter went viral online and garnered the attention of the authorities.Many people condemned the terrible actions of the Murphys.Matthew approached me and pleaded with me not to make matters worse.I pointed at Ava and asked, ” Is she not your daughter? Aren’t you the ones who are making thingsworse? I want justice for Ava!” I asked Ivanna to call Adrian.Then I told the lawyer I wanted to sue Henry, Matthew, and Melanie.I clarified to Matthew that I wanted him to have nothing left and Henry to go to jail.Atlas and his assistant rushed to the hospital after hearing the news.He had a fierce look in his eyes, but when he saw my sad expression, he refrained from saying anything.He left after whispering something to Ivanna.Ivanna convinced me to rest so she could drag me to the hospital director’s office, where Atlas awaited.Atlas then walked up to me and gently touched the corner of my mouth.“Does it still hurt?” I I burst into tears at that point.I clutched his suit collar helplessly and yelled, “Please save my daughter! Help me get the best doctor forher.Please!” He embraced me and whispered, “I found a great neurosurgeon, and the hospital director senthis staff to get him.He’s the most celebrated neurosurgeon in the country, so you must have faith.Pull yourself together so you can take care of Ava when she wakes up.” 1… want the Murphys to pay forthis! Henry must go to jail for what he’s done,” I said through clenched teeth.Atlas gently patted my back.A while later, Ivanna ran over to inform us that the neurosurgeon had arrived.I sprinted toward the intensive care unit.

Chapter 103 The Punishment He Deserves Several doctors were examining my daughter.One of them said something while looking at the brain CT scan.The others nodded in agreement, and then he carefully examined Ava again.Standing outside, I could hardly breathe as I stared at what was happening.After an hour, the doctor emerged.He said to Atlas, “Mr.Atlas, it appears that there’s no damage to the intracranial nerves for now, so sheshould wake up soon.“However, due to the concussion, there are multiple areas of soft tissue and subdural bleeding, and thesubdural hematoma is extensive.Anyway, I’ll stay here until she wakes up to run further tests.” Matthew kept thanking the doctor thatAtlas had engaged for us.Ava woke up from the coma after 28 hours, to everyone’s relief.She obediently stared at me through the window while the neurosurgeon examined her.I smiled and waved at her as I cried, pressing myself against the window to calm her.After the tests, Atlas arranged to transfer Ava to a luxurious room where I could stay with her.Ava tried to cheer me up when we were alone by saying she was born lucky.I was greatly comforted.Henry and Melanie didn’t show up at the hospital again because I didn’t want to see them.Matthew and his mother brought us food in turns, but I tried to ignore them.I no longer considered them family.Even Ava did the same.No matter how hard they tried to get her to talk, she held onto me and didn’t allow them to touch her.Matthew tried to stop me from suing Henry by saying it was a family matter, but I wanted the old manto pay for his actions.Henry had always been prejudiced against Ava simply because she was a girl.As he had treated her like dirt, he didn’t deserve our respect, and I would never forgive him.A week after Ava was released from the hospital, Henry’s case of intentional harm went to trial.Adrian presented the court with compelling evidence, including the medical report.As a result of the extensive media coverage, many netizens and Foswood residents gathered to showtheir support.Ultimately, Henry received a five–year jail sentence for intentional harm.He didn’t file an appeal.After we exited the courthouse, Adrian suggested proceeding with the divorce case now that I had madeup my mind.Not wanting to have anything to do with that asshole anymore, I took his advice.The summons was quickly issued, and my divorce case would go to trial a week later because he refusedto agree to an amicable divorce..Only then did Matthew realize I was serious.He anxiously came to the apartment, but I refused to see him.As it was the weekend, I asked Ivanna to look after Ava while I retrieved our belongings.There were many things I could not bear parting with, and I did not want anyone else to get rid of mythings.Ivanna offered to go with me, but I turned her down.She didn’t insist because she knew I wanted to bid the place farewell.Due to Ava’s incident, I didn’t have time to get the car I had reserved, so Ivanna asked me to take hersand not stay there too long.When I arrived and opened the door, I felt like crying as I looked around at my familiar surroundings.It seemed deserted for a long time, and everything remained as it was the day I left, including theclothes I couldn’t pack back then.I felt like I had just left the place yesterday, but things were different now.There was no turning back for the marriage.I could never accept sharing my husband with another woman.As I packed my stuff and was about to leave, I suddenly heard someone unlocking the door…

Chapter 104 The Cruel One As I tensed up, I looked at the door.Matthew appeared, and he widened his eyes.Seeing him unexpectedly made me nervous.I tightened my grip on the two big suitcases I was dragging.They mainly contained clothes and other things that were memorable to me.“Honey, you’re back!” Smiling warmly, he strode over.“Honey…” I took a step back.He was a stranger to me now, and I couldn’t stand him being near me.When he did, I felt a mix of disgust, fear, and hatred.He frowned slightly but then smiled as he saw my suitcases.“Honey, where are you going?” I “I’m here to take my stuff,” I said blandly, then pulled the suitcasestoward the door.He grabbed my arm.“No, honey, you can’t go Disgusted, I yanked my arm from his grip.“Never call me that again!” “Honey, why are you so pig–headed?” Matthew looked helpless.“Must you be so cruel?” “Yes I’m a pig–headed woman! If I weren’t, I wouldn’t have ended up like thisand almost got Ava killed!” Seeing him made me lose my cool again.“And you’re the one who’s being cruel!” “What else do you want? My dad has gone to jail, hasn’t he?Why can’t you forgive us? Matthew stiffened face, trying hard to suppress his anger.“You have everything now.Do you have to do this to me?” his f He took a step closer and sneered.“Or do you have someone new? Now that you’ve taken everything from me, you can’t wait to dump me,huh? No wonder Mel says you’re a scheming woman!” Mel again! He talked as if that bitch was his wife,and I was an outsider.“You f*cking asshole!” I marched toward the door, dragging the suitcases along.He pulled me back.“Do you think I’m unaware of what’s happening between you and Atlas Pierce? What were you trying toaccomplish when you transferred your funds and changed the locks and passwords? “They’re not yoursalone, okay? Are you planning to keep the house, the car, and the money for yourself? Who gave youthe idea?” I retorted, “You brought this upon yourself.They’re rightfully mine.If you hadn’t done what you did, things wouldn’t have ended up like this.You should think about what you’ve done, Matthew!” Refusing to let go, Matthew gave me a sad andpleading look.“Chloe, you were never like this before.Why 112 Food but chuckle town was to hear this coming of his mouth an ad Song the face could tellspatience was wearing thin.I am father having affairs with his sister grandfather who care wño doesn’t give a dame about anything?vor dies, and grandmother “Haut no mention that her aunt keeps trying to i the game that That we all wanted to say butted he would get partner understood nothing of yours Mathews to huge athurat igen,and Melanie showed up at The doonway like an xogaNTION I couldn’t help but chuckle.How ironic it was to hear this coming out of his mouth.Seeing his helpless face, I could tell his patience was wearing thin.I smiled and said, “A home with a father having affairs with his sister, a grandfather who doesn’t care ifshe lives or dies, and a grandmother who doesn’t give a damn about anything? “Not to mention that heraunt keeps trying to make life difficult for her.What kind of life could Ava have if she grew up in a home like that?” That was all I wan wanted to say,but I doubted he would get it.The saddest part of marriage was when your partner understood nothing of your sacrifices.Matthew rushed to hug me as I left.At this moment, the door burst open, and Melanie showed up at the doorway like an apparition.

Chapter 105 Who’s the Wife Here? Glaring at us, she snapped, “Matt, what the hell are you doing?”Matthew quickly let go of me and stared stupidly at Melanie.His flustered look was hilarious.He looked like his wife caught him cheating.“Chloe, have you no shame? How dare you try to seduce Matt again?” She stepped inside the door andglared daggers at me.up with “You got my dad jailed and swindled all the money.Isn’t that enough? Also, you’ve hooked up someone new, haven’t you? Why are you back here seducingmy brother, you whor*?” Shut your mouth!” I stared back at the evil bitch.“1 have no interest in any man you sleep with.Of course, if you could steal him from me, others could do the same to you.A tiger can’t change its stripes after all.” “Chloe…” “You stupid c*nt!” Melanie almost threw herself atme.Staring at her stomach, I said coldly, “Don’t forget you’re pregnant, all right? Who knows if I might hurtyou?” Hearing this, Matthew quickly held Melanie back and glared at me.I chuckled and added, “That’s more like it.You should protect your child.Don’t forget to do a paternity test when they’re born, okay?” “You little…” I walked away with a coldsmile, dragging the two suitcases behind me.Melanie struggled with Matthew and cursed at me, drawing the attention of a group of downstairsneighbors.As the suitcases were too large, I struggled to carry them downstairs.Fortunately, some helpful neighbors arrived quickly to assist me.One of them even said, “Just get a divorce, Chlo.This family doesn’t deserve you.By the way, how’s Ava?” I told them how my daughter was and thanked them.I never expected them to gather and see me off.I was crying as I started my car.I considered them family after ten years in the neighborhood.Just when I thought I was done crying, I pulled over to the side of the road and sobbed uncontrollably.I saw it as my way of saying goodbye.Although I was now staying in a lovely apartment, my marriage was ruined.The silver lining was that it When I was about to start the car again, Lauren called to meet up.I drove straight to the agreed–upon location, and she looked surprised upon seeing me.I knew I must look haggard because of recent events.Letting out an embarrassed smile, I sat across the table.“Chloe…” She hesitated, then said, “Don’t dwell on it, okay? That man doesn’t deserve you.” I I smiled.“Thanks.Perhaps every person who has experienced a failed marriage goes through this.We know it’s not worth it, but we still can’t get over it.It’s more about the loss of our time and youth than the marriage.” She nodded in agreement.After a moment of silence, she smiled at me.ny way “I’ve got some good news for you.I’ve taken care of the matter, and you can discuss the details with them tomorrow.” Lauren seemedpleased with herself.“I hope it can be of help to you.Consider it my of making amends, okay?” It was both ironic and a relief that I received help from thewoman my husband cheated with.I had to admit that the news was a moral booster.It ensured that my interests would not be compromised in the slightest.“Thank you so much! This helps a lot!” I said it sincerely.“Hey, don’t thank me.Women shouldn’t make each other’s lives difficult, should they? You’re the biggest victim here, and Imade one hell of a mistake!” She laughed, covering her mouth.“I’m so ashamed of myself.” 2 I smiled at her.Everything went smoothly.My name was on all those assets, and I was Tanum Corporation’s legal representative.So, as I walked out of the bank, my construction and renovation company had received the boost itneeded.Before I could call Ivanna and tell her the good news, I received a call from Grace.

Chapter 106 Setting a Bad Example Although I was no longer fond of the Murphys, Grace hadn’tmistreated me for the past few years, I could also forgive her for giving me the cold shoulder that daybecause she only tried to protect her interests.She asked me to return to their house, but I declined because that place traumatized me.Instead, I chose to meet her at a cafe near her house.I softened my attitude when I saw her.After all, I couldn’t be mean to an older woman.Grace looked worn out and conflicted when she saw me.I understood her feelings and ordered her some hot milk, I waited for her to speak, and her lips twitchedas she asked, “How’s Ava?” Immediately after, she burst into tears.I had to admit she doted on my daughter.“She’s okay but not as perky as before,” I spoke blandly despite myself.I noticed her sad expression and added, “You’re welcome to visit her anytime.” My words encouragedGrace, and she held my hand, “Can you reconsider the divorce?” I wanted to pull away but refrained.I somehow felt uneasy about displays of goodwill or physical contact from the Murphys.After some thought, I asked, “What do you think? If you were in my shoes, could you share yourhusband with another woman?” She grimaced and gently let go of my hand.“It already happened to me, and I even raised that bitch’s child.” I was shocked to hear that.Although I had been married to Matthew for many years, I knew little about his family.Therefore, I was curious when Henry mentioned Matthew and Melanie weren’t blood relatives.“Yes, Henry was just like Matthew when he was young.My husband even kept that woman in the house,” Grace said through gritted teeth.“In the house?” I didn’t understand what she meant.“She was Henry’s distant cousin.That shameless bitch claimed to be looking for a job in the city and wanted to stay at our house for awhile.At that time, Henry and I just got married.” Grace looked distressed.E “You remember the old house, right? They hooked up under my nose, but I was already pregnantthen.It was scandalous to get a divorce back then.I couldn’t leave Henry after just getting married, right?” My eyes widened in shock as Grace spokespitefully, I agreed that Henry had set a terrible example for “I tried to put up with that bitch untilMatthew was two.At that time, she also got pregnant and threatened to tell others about it if we chased her away.I could do nothing about it.After all, Matthew was still young, and I couldn’t support him without a job.” Grace wiped her tears, butI didn’t sympathize with her.I knew she didn’t do it out of love–she was just plain stupid.“That whor* then stayed in my house and…shared a bed with us.After she gave birth to Melanie, I guess So I had to she realized Henry was an overly ambitious loser andjust left one night without telling us.take care of Melanie.Although I was upset, I couldn’t just abandon her.” When I heard Grace’s story, I couldn’t help but thinkof her as a fool.No wonder she was never close to Melanie and would constantly nag at her.I knew Grace was upset, yet she chose to stomach everything.“Didn’t your husband say Melanie and Matthew aren’t blood–related?” I asked.“Melanie was always sick when she was a kid.We only found out she wasn’t Henry’s child after a blood transfusion,” Grace said through clenchedteeth.I scoffed when I noticed the irony.After a pause, Grace added, “I guess it’s true the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.I just never thought Melanie would end up ruining the family.Serves Henry right for going to jail-” Grace stopped talking and glanced at me.It was as if she had said something she shouldn’t for him if you Then, she sighed, saying, “What Matthew did was unspeakable! However, it’ll be overfor continue with the divorce.Please bear with him for my sake.Whatever it is, you still have Ava to consider.I beg you…” 1 Suddenly, Grace grew agitated and threw herself at me.I yelped as she grasped my arms.

Chapter 107 Guilt–Tripping Grace’s sudden action startled me and the other customers as they looked atus in puzzlement.I tried to pull her hands off me, but she wouldn’t let go.“Chlo, you have to promise me, okay?” I was upset and straightened up, saying “I’m sorry, but I’m notyou.I can’t accept Matthew’s rotten behavior, so go home.Your son can always marry someone else.Besides, Melanie’s pregnant with his child, isn’t he?” “Chloe, you can’t do this to us!” Grace held ontome.“You can leave after all these years.You’re being irresponsible!” I scoffed, wondering how I was the one being irresponsible.However, what Grace said next made my jaw drop, “It’s enough that you took Ava.How could you also take Matthew’s hard–earned money? Worse, you’re taking him to court over it.”Grace looked at me resentfully as she continued, “You can’t take all the money.It’s fine if you want to get a divorce, and we can let you keep your old place.The apartment belongs to Matthew!” She spoke as if I was someone who had robbed their fortune, andI found it ironic.To them, my duty was to serve the family.I had to fund and work for them unconditionally, including giving birth, raising children, and caring foreveryone.They even expected me to endure Matthew’s infidelity and provide for his mistress.The Murphys were a screwed–up family.How dare she guilt–trip me? Several customers shook their heads in disbelief after hearing what shesaid.I no longer felt sorry for her and said, “If that’s what you think, save your breath.My answer is simple–i won’t give up until I have everything.Even if the assets are in our names, Ava is still the legal heir, not to mention Matthew was the one whocheated.I won’t put up with this sh*t like you did!” I got up to leave and glanced over my shoulder at her.I imagined her life would be tough in the future, so i frowned and said, “Take care of yourself, Grace.” Ifelt relieved when I left.Indeed, the Murphys were despicable.When finding a life partner, I guess it was essential to consider the person’s family background.I bought lots of treats for Ava on my way home.She had been clingy and not as perky as before since being discharged.Whenever she saw me, she would happily snuggle in my arms.I was worried, so I took her to another hospital checkup.The doctor told me she was okay and suggested she might not have recovered emotionally from theincident.With that information in mind, I asked Otherwise, it would look pretty empty with just me and Ava.Ava looked at me several times but refrained from saying anything.I knew she wanted to ask where her dad was, so I held her and kissed her a few times before saying.“Will you be okay if only I stay by your side?” She looked at me for a moment and nodded.“Grandpa and Aunt Mel are evil! I don’t want to go to their house.I’ll stay here with Mommy in the big house!” I felt sorrowful at that moment.If only solitude existed in this big apartment, I wouldn’t want it.Two days before the divorce trial, I received a phone call from ATL Empire, notifying me to sign thewinning contract.I couldn’t sleep that night because I never expected to secure the sought–after contract.Although I would only be their supplier for steel windows, the three–year contract was a massiveachievement.I wondered if it signified my new life had finally begun and what would happen to Tanum Corporation.

Chapter 108 A Heavy Task I went to ATL Empire the following day.However, I didn’t see Atlas, but Nick signed the contract with me instead.He shook my hand and said, “We’re looking forward to working with you.” “Keep your projects coming,all right?” I said with a smile.With the contract signing, I officially launched my company, Hartz Construction.Although I had Urban Builders‘ support, I felt nervous about taking on such a massive project as my first.However, I was thrilled because I could provide for myself and Ava.Soon, the news spread throughout the industry, and everyone wondered who was behind HartzConstruction.1 Asis stepped out of ATL Empire, I hesitantly called Atlas.After all, I couldn’t have signed the contract without him.The phone rang for a while before he answered huskily, “Yes?” He always spoke little and bossily, so Ilost my mood to speak.Suddenly, he grew anxious and asked, ” Chloe?” 1 “I–I…just wanted to tell you that I signed the contractwith ATL Empire,” I tried to sound spirited, “I didn’t see you here, so I thought I should call you.” “Youmiss me, don’t you?” he asked tenderly.Here we go again, I thought.I cleared my throat and said, “Why aren’t you at the office today?” Although I couldn’t see his face, Ibecame nervous and tried to change the subject.“I’m in Astronia,” he said.“Oh, when did you go abroad? When are you coming back?” I was surprised because he never told mehe was going overseas.No wonder I hadn’t seen him since we parted ways at the hospital.“Do you miss me or not?” he asked.” “Why would I miss you? I just wanted to tell you that I signed thecontract,” I tried to sound serious.“How can I not know that? Why can’t you just admit that you miss me?” he said impatiently.“Should I just hang up?” I said casually.“Come on.How could you just hang up after flirting with me?” Atlas sounded clearer now.“What the hell are you talking about?” I rolled my eyes.“Hey, you woke me up from my sleep, and now you want to hang up?” He was slightly upset.Finally, I realized it was late at night where he was.I felt embarrassed, saying, “Y–You’re right, I’m sorry: forgot you were in Astronia.Just go back to sleep?” “Hello? Do you miss me or not?” My heart raced.How could I tell Atlas that? “You’re wasting my time, okay?” he sounded sterner now.1-1 do, all right?” I said despite myself.I knew I shouldn’t have said that, but he would ask me repeatedly if I didn’t.“Got it.Got to go now.” He hung up.What the hell? How could he flirt with me and then hang up on me just like that? He didn’t even tell mewhen he was coming back! Suddenly, I realized I was looking forward to his return.Now that I had signed the contract, I wondered how Matthew felt about it.I knew he had nothing now.However, I never expected him to bring my parents to the apartment the evening before the divorcetrial.

Chapter 109 A New Method I was angry and resentful the moment I saw Matthew.How could he stoop to doing this? He smiled and said, “Honey, I know you miss your parents, so Ifetched them to our new apartment.” Нес shamelessly brought my parents in as he spoke.My parents looked around the house, saying, “The place looks great! Your hard work has finally paidoff.” As they entered, Ava exclaimed, “Grandma! Grandpa!” She wanted to run to them but sawMatthew.After some hesitation, she threw herself into my arms.Meanwhile, Matthew attended to my parents‘ needs and acted like a good son–in–law.He didn’t even tell my parents what happened between us.“Honey, I didn’t get to eat anything on the plane.Why don’t you keep me company while I whip up something?” Matthew rolled his sleeves and headedtoward the kitchen.mother’s I gritted my teeth but didn’t dare to scold him.After all, my dad’s condition had just stabilized, and I couldn’t afford to agitate him.I reluctantly sat down as my mom looked me up and down, asking, “Chlo, how’d you lose so muchweight?” Before I could reply, Matthew answered from the kitchen, “Supervising the house renovationtook a toll on her.It’s good that you two are here to accompany her now that the work is done.” I was livid, and so wasIvanna when she returned from work.She pulled me upstairs and asked, “What the hell is this? Isn’t the divorce trial tomorrow? “Ivanna, he’lldo anything to get what he wants.I can’t believe it took me this long to realize what a jerk he is.” “So, what will you do about it?” Ivannaasked, “Are you just going to let him do whatever he wants?” I looked at her helplessly, saying, “Can youcall Adrian and ask for his opinion? My dad just recovered from a stroke, so I can’t risk agitating him.”Ivanna nodded.“Okay, I’ll talk to him.” Immediately after, she went downstairs with me and chatted with my parentsbefore leaving.However, Matthew said, “I’ll see her off.” He followed her, and I gazed after him with clenched fists.When we finished eating dinner, I was disgusted by Matthew’s play–acting.After I helped my parents settle in the guest room, Ava insisted on sleeping with her grandma.Soon after, Matthew returned to the master bedroom as if it was the most natural thing to do.I was tense the whole time, worried my dad would see through our pretense.That night Ivanna texted me that Adrian had applied for a postponement of the court hearing.I switched off my phone helplessly.No wonder Adrian warned me not to drag my feet over the divorce.Matthew’s unexpected move disrupted all my plans.I thought I could finalize the divorce and head to Solaris to discuss the project with Fred.However, that was no longer an option.I feared something would happen if I went away.

Chapter 110 This Is Just the Beginning When I saw Matthew in the master bedroom, I grabbed mypajamas from the walk–in closet to sleep in one of the guest rooms.However, Matthew stopped me from leaving.“Where do you think you’re going, honey? I whispered in exasperation, “Step aside, or you’ll be sorry.”He smiled.“We haven’t had sex for quite some time, right? Come on, I’m sure you don’t want your parents to knowabout what’s happening.Don’t forget your dad is still recovering from a stroke.” “You’re sick!” I tried to slap him, but he grabbedmy wrist and stepped closer.“So feisty.I like it!” I tried to knee his groin as he leaned closer, but he blocked my leg with his hand.“The same old trick? Do you think, I’m going to fall for it again?” I was furious: “What the f*ck do youwant?” “If you think you can take everything and leave me, you have another thing coming.Go on.Scream.I wonder what your dad will think.” He grinned as he tried to grope me.“Just stop thinking about other men, okay? You belong to me!” I clenched my teeth.“Thanks to you, I lost my project, and my dad is in jail.Yet you dare to keep everything to yourself? Did someone teach you that? Whatever it is, you’re minetonight!” As he tried to kiss me, I felt my stomach turning and threw up at his face.The vomit smelled so horrible that even I couldn’t stand it.Matthew quickly let me go and shouted, “What the f*ck?!” While he wiped his face, I ran into thebathroom and vomited.He then ran inside and turned on the shower to wash himself.“You sick f*ck!” I wiped my mouth.“Yes, I get sick whenever I see you because you’re worse than filth!” I then swung the door open andleft.I could never share a bedroom with Matthew, let alone a bed.I kept thinking about how to turn the situation around.Otherwise, it would become a nightmare.That asshole even walked around naked without a care in my presence, I went straight to the guestroom, and he didn’t dare to chase after me after what happened.However, that was just the beginning.The following day, Melanie and Grace entered the apartment, smiling.Meanwhile, my unwitting parents warmly received them, and Melanie stayed close to Matthew, helpinghim in the kitchen like a good sister.Ava remained by my mother’s side.No matter how Grace called out to her, she refused to go.Even so, Grace focused on the house.She greedily took in the place as she answered my mom’s questions.My mom felt awkward when she said, “I never expected them to buy such a nice house just after years.You must be proud.” Grace looked displeased.“Of course, your daughter has worked hard for it.” My mom sensed Grace’s displeasure and changed thesubject, “Why isn’t Henry here?” Everyone fell silent.Nervous, I looked toward Grace.

Chapter 111 The Appointment Before Grace could reply, Melanie sat on the sofa’s armrest and put anarm around her.“My dad is visiting his younger brother, so we decided to stay with you.” What? Did she just say thatthey were also moving in? Melanie gave me a smug look.“You see, we don’t get to spend much time with Chloe.” I restrained my rage and acted aloof.“Gee, that’s so thoughtful of you.” My dad stared at my face silently.My mother seemed to sense that the mood was off.She tried to lighten it up, saying, “Mel, you’re looking prettier by the day.Are you seeing anyone?” Melanie announced shamelessly, “Yes, and we’re finally getting married aftermany years.” I wanted to rip her tongue out.“That’s wonderful news! Don’t forget to invite us to your wedding.” My mom smiled warmly.“You’ll be the first on my list! Melanie looked at me as she chuckled tauntingly.Gritting my teeth, I silently swore at the bitch.“We would’ve married sooner if my boyfriend’s ex–wife hadn’t been such a pain,” Melanie added.“I’ve known him since we were kids, and we were in love.But she kept seducing him and wouldn’t leave him alone.She even swindled all his money..My mom looked uneasy.“Mel, come give me a hand,” Matthew said, as he emerged from the kitchen.Melanie tilted her head and shot me a smile.“I’m coming, Matt.” I knew Matthew was trying to defuse the situation.Still, what was he thinking? Did he expect me to put up with Mel the way Grace had tolerated Henry’saffairs? What a messed–up family! My phone rang, and I quickly glanced at it.Atlas was calling me.glanced toward the kitchen and slipped outside to answer.Atlas’s displeased voice asked, “Where are you? “I’m at home.” Why was he calling when he wassupposed to be in Astronia? Before I could ask him where he was, he said, “Meet me at our usual spot.You’ve got 20 minutes!” I gripped my phone, taken aback by the short notice.20 minutes? Did he expect me to teleport there? Then I realized that Atlas must have returned toFoswood.the wish My heart raced.I checked the time and called Ivanna to ask if I needed her car since getting a cab outside the gatedcommunity would take over 20 minutes.Fortunately, Ivanna had just arrived home.I got her to send her car over and hurried upstairs to change.As I headed out, Melanie said, “We’re having dinner soon.Where are you going? Do you have to go now?” It was clear she was insinuating something.Without sparing her a glance, I said, ‘Dad, Mom, I might be back late.Ivanna will come over and keep you company.My mom looked at me, then at Grace, concerned.“Do you have to go now?” “Yeah, I have an appointment,” I said flatly as I put on my shoes, just in timefor Ivanna to arrive.I let Ivanna in and asked her to join them for dinner.With her around, the Murphys wouldn’t say whatever they pleased.When I arrived, I was five minutes late.Atlas had reserved a private room on the second floor.Before I could sit down, he asked grimly, “What’s the meaning of this?”

Chapter 112 An Unpleasant Inquiry I looked at him baffled.“Wasn’t the divorce trial scheduled for today? Why wasn’t there a hearing today? Why’d you cancel it?”He stared at me impassively, but his tone showed displeasure.Had he gone to the courthouse? No one knew we had postponed the trial.The only logical explanation.was that he had been there.“Something came up, so I had to reschedule it at the last minute,” I explained.“Are you having second thoughts again?” His face grew stern.“How could you even consider it after what he’s done?” I was much calmer than he was.I took a few sips of my glass of lemonade and said, “I might not be able o get a divorce anytime soon.” toHe fixed his eyes on my face.“Why not?” “There’s nothing I can do.Matthew is using my parents to blackmail me,” I said helplessly.“I didn’t expect him to stoop so low.” “Do you plan to let him manipulate you forever?” “My hands aretied, okay? My father just had a stroke.I’d rather be humiliated than risk upsetting him.” We fell silent for a moment.The thought of the Murphys in my house infuriated me.After a long pause, I looked at him and asked, “When did you get back?” “Last night,” he said bluntly.Then he gave me a long, unnerving look.Atlas had ordered some hot tea for me, which the server brought.He pushed it toward me and asked, Would you like to resolve the situation?” “As long as my parents aresafe, yes.” Their safety was my top priority.Since he brought it up, I sensed he must have a plan.Somehow, I trusted him.“Let me make some arrangements,” he said.“I’ll let you know when I’m done.All you’ll have to do is play along.” “Thank you!” It was dark outside when I left the cafe.Atlas gave me some brief instructions at the door, and we got I didn’t head home immediately.With the Murphys there, I felt suffocated.I needed to figure out how to handle the situation.They were like a ticking time bomb, and the constant anxiety was eating at me.To ease my anxiety, I took a detour through the bustling streets.However, I knew I had to return home eventually.My loved ones were there, and I couldn’t let the Murphys do as they pleased.The following day, Atlas called me.He instructed me to bring my parents and Ava to Snow World, where I was to take part in a lucky draw.I understood that this was part of his arrangement.I discreetly offered to take my parents out after breakfast.They were hesitant, but when I told them Ava had always wanted to go to Snow World, they happilyagreed to join us.Matthew offered to drive us there, claiming it was a fantastic idea.Clearly, he didn’t want us to have any alone time, I didn’t object, as I didn’t want to leave them alone inmy house.Ivanna had left her car for me to use.After Melanie led my parents and Grace to Matthew’s car, she smilingly hopped into mine.

Chapter 113 A Dangerous Warning I knew she was up to no good, likely trying to provoke me.I chose not to react and started the car.She looked at me and asked, “What’s the matter, Chloe? Are you upset?” “What do you think? I feel likethrowing up when I see you,” I said plainly.“I feel the same about you!” She glared at me.“Listen carefully.You better move out of the apartment, or you’ll regret it.” I didn’t even glance in her direction.“Dream on! Don’t forget what happened to Henry.I can send you to jail, too, since I have proof of everything.” She lost her composure.‘Don’t push it, Chloe!” “You’re the ones pushing it! How dare you come to my house? Do you think I’mscared of you?” I looked straight at her.“You’re a slu*t like your real mom!” Then I added with a snort, “Are you even good enough to stay in thatapartment?” “Chloe, don’t forget what I can do to your parents and Aval” she said maliciously.I stiffened, knowing well that my family was my weakness.She and Matthew would stop at nothing to hurt me.“If you dare lay a finger on them, I’ll kill you!” I locked the car doors and hit the gas.She jolted backward and yelled, “What the hell are you doing?” Melanie gripped the roof handle withone hand while shielding her stomach with the other.Her eyes were full of alarm.A cold chuckle escaped my lips.“You asked for this, bitch!” “You’re out of your mind! Slow down, alright?” She looked out the windowin terror as I swerved between cars.When she frantically found her phone, I grabbed it and threw it out the window.She screamed, “Matthew will f*cking kill you if anything happens to me!” “I’ll kill your unborn childbefore you can harm my family.Do you think Matthew will want to leave me when I do? You want me to divorce him, don’t you?” Ilooked at her as I drové.“I’ve changed my mind after seeing your behavior today.Let’s see if Matthew will pick you or me! But I know you can’t beat me.You know how much your family values money, right? “If I become the family’s sole provider, they’ll dowhatever I ask.Maybe you weren’t aware, but Grace begged me two days ago not to divorce Matt.She even told me you were a whor*, just like your birth mother!” I had never been so mean to anyone,but I got a kick out of Melanie’s helpless face.In the end, I even said, “Tell Matthew that I’m not one to let things slide.It’s in his best interest not to push me too hard, okay?” “You c*nt!” She paled from fear.When we arrived at Snow World, Melanie exited the car while visibly shaking.Even when Matthew asked about what had happened, she simply shook her head.

Chapter 114 Not as Planned I raised an eyebrow at Melanie, then led my family into Snow World.I even acted lovey–dovey with Matthew.Melanie was furious, but she dared not react.After visiting the Underwater World, I let Ava take part in the lucky draw, “Surprisingly,” she won aprize–a free trip to Celestis Island for three.I had always wanted to visit a tropical island, and my parents shared my enthusiasm.Then I went to the organizer to learn more about the itinerary.We discussed the trip plans at home, and Matthew encouraged me to go with my parents.He said, “Have fun, okay? I’ll pay for all the additional expenses.Stay there for a few more days if you want.” I eagerly planned the trip and got an extra ticket for Ava.Then, based on Atlas’s plan, I got Adrian to set a date for the divorce trial.Once we were on the island, I would make an excuse to return for the hearing.The night before our departure, I had packed everything and was talking to my parents in the Ava ranover to me in tears and threw her arms around me.“Daddy and Aunt Mel are fighting!” Puzzled, I embraced Ava.My parents also came over to calm her down.“They’re fighting!” she said.“I’m sure they were just messing with you.” I thought Melanie was bullying her“They’re fighting on the bed.I saw it when I went to look for Daddy.” Ava cried loudly, her innocent words finally hitting me.Bolting to my feet, I passed Ava to my mom and stormed toward the main bedroom.Had they no shame? How could they be having sex here and let my daughter see it? I kicked the dooropen.They had heard Ava’s cries, and Matthew was frantically attempting to get dressed.Seeing me storm in, he hurried over to hold me.“Be quiet! Your parents are still around, remember?” I slapped his face.“Do you call yourself a father? If you want to f*ck your sister, do it outside.Just get out of my house!” My parents rushed over and quickly grasped the situation.Melanie shamelessly rose to her feet, wrapped herself in the blanket, and looked at me.“Why should we “Belongs to you?” I lunged at her.Matthew shoved me aside and stood in front of Melanie. “Enough, Chloe! If you dare lay a finger on her, you’ll be sorry! Can’t I have a little fun? It’s not like youwant to have sex with me! This is my house, alright?” “Matthew, what the hell are you doing?” my dadshouted.“Y–You…” It was then that I realized I had acted impulsively.I turned to look at him.“Dad!” Quickly supporting him, I said, “Calm down, Dad.I’ll deal with this.” “Chloe, he…” My dad pointed toward Matthew, unable to find the right words.Melanie declared, “That’s right, old man.Let me introduce you to my boyfriend.We grew up together, and we’ve been a couple for many years.It’s your stupid daughter who refuses to divorce him.” Then she added, “Oh, by the way, I’m pregnantwith his child!” “Don’t listen to her, Dad!” I looked at Melanie as I tried to calm down my father.“Shut your mouth, bitch!” “You want me to shut up? No problem.Just leave the house!” She turned to my dad while hugging herself.“Matt brought you two here so you could tell your daughter to leave us alone.Tell her to have some self- respect!” I felt my dad stagger next to me and had a bad feeling.

Chapter 115 In the Child’s Presence I looked at Matthew. “If you still have a conscience, take her away before something happens to my dad!” Matthew looked atmy dad and saw that his face was pale.He instinctively put his hand on Melanie’s shoulder.“Cut it out, okay?” Melanie, eager to cause trouble, didn’t care.“Stop playing the victim.Give us back everything that’s ours! Matt bought the house for me, and you f*cking stole it.Have you no shame?” She smirked as I helped my dad, who looked weak.Grace looked distressed and somewhat flustered.“Mom, take Dad back to your room,” I said with concern.However, my dad composed himself and held my hand.“Don’t worry, I’m stronger than you think.” He glared at Matthew and said, “I trusted you with mydaughter’s happiness and helped you with your career.I don’t care how you treat me or my wife, but is this how you treat my daughter?” Matthew guiltilyaverted his eyes.“It’s okay if you don’t love her anymore, my dad continued.“But she’s the mother of your child and has been with you for a decade.You should treat her with kindness.” t My father remained firm.He was a respected figure as the head of his school, and I doubt he had ever encountered such filthymatters before.“If you think you can bully her just because she’s alone, you’ve got another thing coming.I’ll make you pay for what you’ve done to her!” Matthew tried to shift the blame.“George, she’s the one who’s causing trouble, alright? Chloe is not as innocent as you think.She’s been seeing other men behind my back!” “Stop finding excuses!” I tried to end the confrontation.“Dad, let’s go back to your room.” Matthew shouted, “It’s you who swindled all my money!” My mothercouldn’t contain her anger any longer.“You ingrate!” she exclaimed.“Stop spouting lies about my daughter, Laura, she cheated on me first and left me no choice! Yes, youfunded the business, but you gave the money to your daughter, right? I’ve repaid you over the years!“.“Matt.My dad staggered.“How could you say such a thing?” “It’s all your daughter’s fault.Chloe, if you want to get a divorce, then get out of here.Unless you seeing us f*ck each other.” enjoy Melanie chimed in, “Oh, but keep an eye on your daughter.Don’t let her run around and spoil our sex life.” My dad pointed at Matthew.“You.” 1 The veins on his forehead stood out, and he slowly slumped onto the floor.

Chapter 116 A Sudden Misfortune “Dad?” I cried out in panic, with tears streaming down my face.“Dad!” My desperate cry made everyone present feel suffocated, including Matthew, who quickly calledan ambulance.The apartment echoed with mine, my mom’s, and Ava’s worried cries.Ivanna arrived simultaneously with the ambulance.She knew what had happened at a glance.I entrusted my mom and daughter to her while I followed the ambulance to the hospital.Inside, the I medical staff worked to provide emergency treatment for my dad.Though trembling.I found my phone and called Atlas.I pleaded, “Please, find a doctor for my dad.” “Which hospital are you in?” Atlas asked directly.“Foswood General Hospital!” “Got it!” He hung up, and I hoped my dad would pull through.After arriving at the hospital, the nurses rushed my dad to the emergency room.I leaned against the wall and slowly slid down to the floor.My heart ached as I clutched my chest.My parents had raised me, yet I didn’t repay their kindness.I prayed my dad would be okay.Atlas arrived with several doctors in less than ten minutes.The doctors headed straight for the emergency room while Atlas approached me and helped me to myfeet.He asked with concern, “What happened? Tell me everything.” However, I was too exhausted to speakas I leaned against the wall.At that moment, my mom arrived with Ava while Ivanna supported her.Matthew followed behind them, looking conflicted.Matthew grimaced when he reached the emergency room entrance and saw Atlas.“You sure are quick to respond, Atlas.How dare you say there’s nothing between you two? Chloe, are you still going to make excuses? Youcaused all this yourself!” Matthew tried to shift the blame.Meanwhile, my mom glanced at Atlas in puzzlement.“Mr.Atlas, thank you for coming!” Ivanna stepped forward, her voice aimed to defuse the situation.Atlas nodded, and I told my mom, “Mr.Atlas brought us the best doctors to help.” My mom nodded in gratitude.“Thank you, Mr.Atlas!” Matthew stood aside and smirked, “Why thank him, Laura? He might be your next son–in–law,don’t you think? Your daughter isn’t innocent either!” Atlas remained silent, focusing on my mom andAva.Then he calmly walked away and told Matthew,” Step outside for a moment.” Matthew followed Atlasout with a disdainful expression.I was shocked and exchanged a glance with Ivanna.Immediately after, I chased after them.As expected, they walked down the corridor where no one could see them from the emergency room.Atlas stopped and turned to face Matthew.Although Matthew was not as tall as Atlas, he looked bigger than the latter.Matthew sneered, saying, Atlas, your service is top–notch, always ready to assist at a moment’s notice!”Matthew smugly continued with his snide remarks, “What’s happening? You’re just a mere assistant, yetyou’re acting so arrogantly.I can’t believe you’re bold enough to pursue a married woman-” 1 Before Matthew could finish, Atlaspunched him.Matthew crashed to the ground, cursing, “How dare you! punch me?! Do you think I don’t know whatkind of person you are? You’re only worthy of getting the I woman I don’t want anymore.” Atlas liftedhim and punched him again, sending Matthew flying.‘Matthew, shut your mouth!” I shouted as I rushed over to hold Atlas back.“Chloe, just you wait! You’re teaming up with your lover to beat me up, huh?!” Matthew thundered ashis lips bled.Soon after, a crowd gathered around us.Standing above Matthew indifferently, Atlas said, “I’ve wanted to punch you for a while now.Do anything you wish, but if anything happens to Chloe’s dad, I won’t just give you a couple of punches.Take my advice and get lost.” Matthew finally got up while muttering threats.Although he looked at me resentfully, I had never seen him look so pathetic.Despite his imposing stature, Matthew dared not retaliate.He looked at Atlas and wiped the blood from his lips.Alles remained composed as Matthew muttered, “Just you walt, Chloe.”

Chapter 117 Enraged 1 looked at Atlas with concern and said, “Matthew’s petty, so be careful of hisretaliation.” “You’re overthinking it,” Atlas replied, gesturing for me to return to the emergency room.When we arrived, my mom asked, “Where’s that scumbag?” “Gone!” I replied.The emergency room lights had been on for two hours before they finally went out.A doctor emerged and informed us, “Your dad’s life isn’t in danger anymore, thanks to the timely arrival.However, you must ensure he doesn’t get too agitated.” The doctor’s words put us at ease.After exchanging a few words with the doctor, Atlas instructed me, “Hide this from all outsiders, and justsay he hasn’t woken up yet.” Then, he got my dad a VIP ward and asked my mom to stay with him.That would make others think my dad hadn’t awakened yet, effectively stopping the Murphys fromvisiting.My dad wore an oxygen mask when the nurses moved him to his room.He was pale and in a pretty poor condition.Tears welled in his eyes as he looked at me with trembling lips.1 I grabbed his hand and said, “Dad, please relax.I’m happy you’re still with us, and I will treat you better.I learned to let go and not let Matthew bully me anymore.You can rest assured.” My dad nodded slightly and said weakly, “You must divorce him.” I stayed withmy dad all night and only returned to my place the following afternoon.I couldn’t believe the Murphys were still around, calmly having lunch.Matthew frowned when he saw me.He stood up and blocked my way to the stairs.Without asking about my dad or where Ava was, he cursed, “You’re a slu*t, and you got your boyfriend tobeat me up! I never thought you had the guts.” Grace also scolded me, “Indeed, looks can be deceiving.You and your family are vicious.You already found yourself a man and still want to claim my family’s assets.I’ve never met a more shameless and evil woman.You’re disgusting!” I scoffed, “Too bad you didn’t get to know me sooner.Otherwise, you wouldn’t dare gang up on me.Matt of my dad doesn’t wake up, I’ll never let you off the hook!” Matthew narrowed his eyes, seeminglyshocked.He muttered, “He hasn’t woken up yet?” Melanie crossed her arms and added, “Cut the crap.We shouldn’t care if George wakes up.That’s Chloe’s problem.Chloe, if you want to stay out of trouble, hand over the apartment.Otherwise, we’ll keep going!” However, I ignored her and went upstairs.My room was a mess, and it was apparent they had rummaged through my drawers for the ownershipagreement for the apartment.Matthew followed me upstairs and continued his taunts, “Do you think you can keep acting arrogantjust because Atlas supports you? I won’t stop until we’ve settled things!” “Continue if you wish.I’d love to see what else you can do,” I calmly collected my mom’s clothes and some daily necessities as Ispoke, 1 advise you to restrain yourself and save some dignity.We can part on good terms, or I’ll make your life hell.” Matthew reddened with anger as I continued,“You know I won’t let you take advantage of me.I know you think shifted assets, set up subsidiaries, and left behind an empty company to keep up youract.Do you I’m dumb?” Matthew’s expression grew sinister.“Your schemes and deceitful actions are astounding.Don’t forget I’m still your wife in name.Still, you dare to say I schemed you out of your assets? You should stop, and we can move on, or I can goto the end with you.Matthew was furious, and he grabbed my neck with both hands.His eyes were bloodshot as he growled, ” I’ll kill you, Chloe!” He tightened his grip on my neck.

Chapter 118 Brutal Beatings It got harder for me to breathe, and my eyes widened.My will to survive made me claw at his hands, gripping my throat.Our love for each other had vanished, and the man before wanted to kill me.My vision blurred as I suffocated.Matthew threw me aside like a ragdoll as I was about to lose consciousness.Soon, I crashed into the corridor wall and almost blacked out.I clutched my throat and coughed as I struggled to breathe.Meanwhile, Melanie and Grace stared at me indifferently.Melanie smirked and said, “Do you know what karma is, Chloe? Hahaha! Matt, you should’ve done thatlong ago.She’s asking for a beating.” Matthew basked in her praise, seemingly forgetting his pitiful appearance atthe hospital the night before.“Will you give it to us now?!” he roared, “I thought you’d be useful and secure the project through Atlas,but you’re a worthless schemer.Do you think Atlas would have feelings for you?” “You’re finally speaking your mind, you bastard!” Iglared at him.“Did you sleep with Atlas for nothing?! You can’t even secure the project yet dare to challenge me?Chloe, you must return what you took from me.” Matthew kicked me as he spoke.I gasped for air, and my vision.blurred again.Soon after, Matthew squatted and pulled my hair, cursing, “How dare you deceive me? Wasn’t I good toyou all these years? You stole my assets! Don’t you love me? Why are you so calculative?” Melanielaughed, “How do you feel, knowing who my brother loves more? Do you still think you’ve won? Stopbeing so arrogant.With that, she slapped me while Matthew continued to pull my hair.I glared at Matthew and said through clenched teeth, “I hate you! You’re not a real man.I’ll show you hell if you don’t kill me now!” Matthew kicked me again in response, and I groaned.Meanwhile, Grace froze as she witnessed her son and daughter beat me.Suddenly, Ivanna thundered, “Matthew! I’ll f*cking kill you!” She sprinted up the stairs with a knife.Melanie was frightened as she fled with her head in her hands.Matthew released me and dodged Ivanna while Grance retreated.I was on the floor again, numb from the pain “f*ck off, all of your Ivanna roared while pointing the knifeat Matthew.“You’ll pay for this!” Immediately after, she called the police as I gasped for air on the ground, Ivannapicked me up, and I Ivanna cried, saying, “I was worried about this.These assholes will pay!” I finally caught my breath and told her, “Don’t cry.So much happened just now.Call the reporters now.”

Chapter 119 Breaking News Ivanna nodded and called her assistant to bring the reporters over.I told her, “Put me down and take pictures of everything.” She followed my instructions and gently let gobefore taking pictures of the assault from various angles.Soon after, she called the authorities and my lawyer, Adrian.Seeing Ivanna’s actions, Matthew grew agitated.He yelled, “You caused this, Chloe! Even if you call the cops, nothing will change.You’re in my house, and we’re still married.So what if we fought?” “I’ve had enough of your excuses!” Ivanna retorted and threw the knife at him.Startled, Matthew bolted to the master bedroom while narrowly avoiding the knife.Ivanna noticed my distress and cried.However, I smiled and reassured her, “Don’t cry.I’m not dead yet.It’s too late for him to stop now.” When the authorities arrived, I showed them my house ownershipcertificate and ID before telling the media about the assault.The scandal of Matthew’s previous affair had yet to subside, and this incident only worsened things forhim.Adrian had also provided evidence of our ongoing divorce proceedings.The cops did not allow Matthew to explain himself and arrested the three Murphys.More breaking news trended in Foswood, with headlines reading, “Scumbag Brings Mistress to AssaultWife at Home,” “Man Deceives Terminally III Father–in–Law for Assets,” and “Havoc at Wife’s Home,Hospitalized After Assault.” I didn’t think I would need to humillate myself just to divorce him.That night, I asked Ivanna to deliver food to my mom and tell her I had urgent matters to handle.I dared not visit my parents because I could barely move.Not wanting them to worry, I told Ivanna to keep the incident a secret and tell them I had fallen asleep.I knew my parents seldom used their phones, so they wouldn’t discover the trending news so quickly.Ivanna even fetched Ava from daycare before returning.Meanwhile, I had an ice pack on my face as I endured my pain to make the noodles Ava enjoyed.When Ava finally slept, I received a call from Atlas.However, I didn’t answer because I didn’t want him to see me like this, I became a sensitive topic andfinalized the divorce.Moreover, I didn’t want to stir up any more trouble.Atlas continued to call, so I turned off my phone.I sighed in relief the following day when I heard the cops Before going to the hospital, I applied makeupto hide my injuries.I also used a turtle–neck sweater to cover the bruises on my neck.Still, my attentive mom looked me up and down.I ignored her and calmly cared for my dad’s needs.Although still weak and often dozing off, he would urge me to leave Matthew when awake.He said he didn’t care about the house or assets.I nodded and promised him I’d leave Matthew.That afternoon, Atlas came to visit my dad.After a brief stay, he left.When I sent him off, he glanced at me and said, “You have twenty minutes.I’ll be waiting for you in my car downstairs.” “I can’t leave yet,” I replied.However, he ignored me and went downstairs.I glared at him for never giving me a chance to’s coor When I returned to my my mom asked me who Atlas was to me.I was shocked as I asked her, “What else can he be, Mom? Don’t overthink it.We have a professional relationship, and he has helped me a bunch.Otherwise, I couldn’t have reclaimed the house and assets.” My mom went silent while I nervouslythought of excuses to leave early.Ultimately, I met with Atlas within twenty minutes.He looked at me strangely, but his tone was gentle, “Are you okay?” I thought he would scold me for notanswering his calls.Still, I replied, “Yeah, I’m fine.” Suddenly, he embraced me.His voice was full of warmth, yet he growled, “Damn it! Did all that beating make you stupid?”

Chapter 120 Forceful Examination For some reason, I felt warm when he scolded me.When he started the car, I asked him where we were going, but he didn’t answer.Instead, he pinched my chin and examined my face.I blushed and pushed his hand away before glaring at him and the driver.“What are you doing?” Atlas raised the car’s partition to give us some privacy.I thought ATL Empire provided excellent employee benefits.It didn’t surprise me since Atlas was an assistant to someone important.He said, ” Show the bruises.” “Uh, that’s okay.You’ve seen everything already!” I avoided his gaze and tried to hide my discomfort.However, his tone turned harsh again, “So, are those pictures fake? Will you show me your injuries, orshould I force you?” My breath quickened as the situation became too intimate.After all, I had bruises in private areas that I dared not show him.I “I-“Before I could finish, Atlas held me and pressed his hand against my back.I couldn’t help but moan.softly.He lifted my shirt without warning, and I protected my chest, exclaiming, “Hey! You’re going too far…” Ifelt his hand stop when he saw the bruises on my chest and abdomen.I glanced at him and saw his cold expression.He ran his fingers over my injuries, causing me to tense up.After glancing at me, Atlas to inspect my back.Although I had fewer injuries there, they still looked terrible.Atlas rested his warm palm on my wounds, and I felt some relief.However, his touch also made my heart race.I had never allowed anyone besides Matthew to touch me beyond my boundaries.He sensed my discomfort and adjusted my clothes.Then, he turned me to face him while struggling to control his emotions “I–I’m fine,” I stammered, “Idon’t like you being so overbearing!” “You’re an idiot for going home alone.Don’t you know they were blinded by rage?” Atlas was frustrated.I responded with a sense of resignation, “They had to vent it somehow, so I consider it my trial.Matthew I suffered when I exposed his pretenses.After all, I must sacrifice one thing to gain another.” “You’re quite understanding.Did Matthew go too easy on you? I’ve never heard of someone defending their abuser.” Atlas wasannoyed and spoke sarcastically.I remained silent but felt him holding me closer.At that moment, I felt relaxed in his warm embrace.I felt safe and instinctively moved in.I hadn’t experienced such trust, ease, and reliance for a long time.Perhaps I never had that before.I no longer cared where he took me, what would happen next, or why he did this.Unknowingly, I fell asleep in his arms.

Chapter 121 Frustrations When I woke up, I felt like someone had pulled me from a faraway place.Atlas’s handsome face looked back at me.Startled, I tried to sit up but felt a sharp pain in my wounds.“Why the rush?” His voice sounded hoarse.We were still in the car, but the golden sun was setting on the horizon.Urgently, I exclaimed, “What time is it? Damn it, I need to pick up my daughter!” “I used your phone totext your friend, asking her to pick her up for you,” he stated.“Get up, will you? My legs are getting numb.” Blushing, I realized I had been sleeping on his lap thewhole time.He hadn’t stirred or woken me up.“Um… How long did I sleep?” I asked shyly, quickly putting some distance between us.“Over two hours.Let’s go!” I quickly got out of the car.We had arrived at the same resort he had taken me to before, but it seemed less crowded this time.There were no other guests in sight.Taking a few quick steps to catch up with him, I asked, “What kind of place is this?” “What’s thematter?” He glanced at me absentmindedly.“It is so lovely and peaceful! I like it a lot.But why isn’t there anyone else here?” I asked curiously.Atlas smirked and didn’t respond.He entered with his hands in his pockets.I rolled my eyes.This guy was such a show–off! Every corner of the park was breathtaking, almost like a fairytale.I genuinely loved the place.Atlas led me to a cottage and scanned his fingerprint to unlock the door.I quickly followed him inside.The interior was exquisitely decorated and elegant without being overdone.He motioned for me to sit on a sofa, then entered one of the rooms.Before long, he returned with a medicine kit.Surprised, I said, “Y–You don’t need to.I’ve already treated myself at home!” He looked meaningful.“Are you afraid of me?” chuckled nervously while hugging myself.“N–No! I don’t need it!” It was awkward to imagine him treating my wounds.“Come here,” he commanded, pointing to the widest part of the sofa.“Lie down.” I still insisted, “I–It’s not necessary! I can do it myself when I get home!” Couldn’t he take ahint? 1 don’t want to repeat myself,” he said, taking out an ointment tube.“I can’t take advantage of you in this state, even if I wanted to.So what are you afraid of?” My face turned crimson, and I cursed silently.Wasn’t he doing this on purpose?! “I’ve already seen what I needed to.Are you still trying to hide it?” He spoke emotionlessly.“It’s too late to worry about appearances when you look like such a mess.” He walked over and lifted meonto the chaise longue.“Move again, and I’ll have you right here.That way, you won’t have any more excuses.” My face reddened to my ears.This man, seriously! He appeared aloof and gentlemanly, but he spoke without holding back.I was suddenly aware of how little I knew about him and his character.I only knew he was an assistant at ATL Empire.What was terrifying was how he seemed to know me inside out.He had seen every part of me, and that was both unsettling and fascinating.

Chapter 122 Do You Want Me To Make You? I wanted to leave this place.Caution was key, and I wondered if I’d been too vulnerable around him.Atlas paused and looked at me.“What’s the matter? Am I that scary to you?” My face was flushed as I asked, “Who said I’m scared?”Although I put on a tough face, I was in shambles.“If you were more cautious around that scumbag, you wouldn’t be in this state!” He said, “Don’t worry.I won’t do anything you’re uncomfortable with.Unless you want me to…” Atlas remained indifferent to my pleading eyes.“Lie down! You’ll feel better soon.” His tone softened.“Do you want me to make you?” I There was no escaping this ordeal.Good intentions had led me into an awkward spot, and I felt helpless.As if under a spell, I reclined and allowed him to unbutton my shirt.He was precise and gentle when applying the ointment, but my muscles were tense.He murmured, ‘Relax.Next time, if you can’t win, run.It’s not shameful.Take a deep breath and strike hard to ensure your safety.A strong counterattack can give you the upper hand.” His words touched me, making me realize I mighthave been foolish.I watched him while he applied the ointment.He had long eyelashes, a defined nose, and perfectly–styled black hair.Atlas was stunningly handsome.Matthew used to be the most attractive man to me, but Atlas eclipsed him.There was no contest–if Matthew was handsome, Atlas was a Greek god.“Have you seen enough?” It often felt as if he could read my mind.“You’re chatty today!” I closed my eyes and struggled to control my racing heart and uneven breathing.“You’re the most gullible person I’ve ever met for letting them invade your home.Even if you had taken a knife to them, it would have been in self–defense.Truly, you’ve outdone yourself in foolishness!” Despite the mockery in his tone, his words were oddlyenlightening.I kept my eyes closed until he finished applying the ointment, loving the feel of his hands moving overmy skin.embarrassed me, I was a woman who wanted to experience love from another man because of her Still,I wanted more.I now understood why Matthad was so greedy.The gentle embrace of another person was intoxicating.The more you struggled, the deeper you sank, until you finally drowned.He gazed at my flushed face.Then I heard him murmuring.“If you weren’t unwell, I’d have my way with you right now.” Though his voice was low, it startled meenough to open my eyes and meet his tender gaze.I felt drawn in.He leaned down and kissed me without hesitation.I felt an uncontrollable yearning.

Chapter 123 The Call of Desire 1 reveled in the sensations of being needed and caressed.These feelings had been repressed for too long, and I kissed him passionately.His words echoed in my mind.“I’ll have you right here.That way, you won’t have any more excuses.” It made me want to let go of my inhibitions and follow myheart.Images of Matthew and Melanie together fueled my desire for revenge and competition.I wanted it all and was determined to make it even better than anything they’d ever had.Atlas hugged me and cradled my back, afraid to hurt me.Why should I refuse him? He made me forget my troubles.I discovered that caresses could ease the pain.The wounds on my body no longer hurt.Instead, there was an unprecedented longing, a yearning for love.He must have sensed my desire.His hazy eyes looked at my face, and he murmured in my ear, “Chlo, is this okay? Will… I covered his lips,blocking the words he wanted to say, I knew what he was worried about.My response ignited him.It was like floating on a cloud.I forgot all my worries and fears.Even the pain seemed to Instead, there was an unparalleled sense of comfort.vanished.I was on the verge of madness.I had never indulged in losing myself in such a passionate dance for two.It was perfect, reaching its climax until my brain seemed starved of oxygen.Both of us had forgotten ourselves.We continued until we could no longer see each other’s faces in the dim room.1 buried my face in his embrace, feeling his strong heartbeat.He gently stroked my back, and his touch was tender.“Is the pain gone?” I shook my head, feeling a mix of shame and a strange satisfaction.“You didn’t seem to hold back just now.Why are you suddenly being shy?” His voice held a magnetic an instant, I was much more awake, Our lives were on different paths.We had been entangled in a moment of desire.I couldn’t let my thoughts wander any further.Thankfully, the room was too dark to see anything.My stomach let out an untimely growl.I felt mortified.“We’ve exerted ourselves too much.It’s time to replenish our energy!” He whispered in my ear.“Let’s go eat!” I got up, afraid of being teased.He attempted to turn on the lights, but I resisted.He fumbled in the dark as he got dressed, and pulled me into his arms.“Love does heal wounds.How about we have some food and go at it again?” I pushed him away abruptly.“Y–You are…” He smirked and ruffled my hair.“You’ve gone this far.Why pretend to be so reserved?” Oh my! This man! I shook him off and walked away.He followed me with a sly grin.He took me to a small, exquisite restaurant where the table was already set.Faced with this sudden.change of scenario, I still felt a little uneasy, realizing I might have been too bold.Perhaps he sensed my unease, because he appeared calm and considerate.He hand picked dishes her thought I would like–a true gentleman.It was a far cry from the forceful dominance earlier.Now he was gentle and caring.The blankness in my mind had now been replaced with shame.I reminded myself not to get caught up in this mess.“Um… About earlier…” I didn’t know how to express my feelings at this moment.He looked at me for a long time, then finally asked, “What do you want to say?”

Chapter 124 A Wish Come True I suddenly realized what I wanted to say might dampen the mood.We had just been swept up in a whirlwind of passion, and it would be a real buzzkill.I changed the subject.“The benefits at your company seem amazing.I’d consider working for you guys if ! didn’t have my own business.” He looked at me calmly and asked,“Why is that?” “Seeing how carefree your assistants are, it’s clear your company values its employees.”My reason sounded forced.He listened to my words with a faint smile on his lips.Atlas ate elegantly as I rushed through my food.It might be because I hadn’t had a decent meal in days.I didn’t need to act all prim and proper in front of him.After we finished, I insisted on heading back.He reluctantly got up.“I’ll walk you out!” In the car, he seemed lost in thought.I gazed out the open window, the cool breeze waking me up.What had just happened felt like a dream.There were no regrets, but a hint of awkwardness lingered.I started to understand Matthew a little better.Perhaps there is someone who could make a person forget everything else.In a way, love had no rights or wrongs.Still, what about the future? Atlas seemed to sense my emotions.He reached out and took my hand, and I felt warm.I didn’t move or say anything, letting him hold on.We were getting closer to home, but suddenly, I felt like I didn’t want to return to my own world.My world was like a slap of reality, filled with complexity and struggles.His world seemed otherwise.It felt like a beautiful dream you never wanted to wake up from.I still had that one thing to say.It was meant to convey that he shouldn’t overthink what happened today.We both needed to face reality and hold ourselves back.“What did you want to say?” His tone was cold.“H just wanted to tell you not to dwell on what happened today.” He tightened his grip on my hand ashe looked at me.His face was unreadable.After a while, he asked My heart raced.Handle? I wasn’t sure if I could handle anything.“You can’t handle it.So don’t pretend to be so calm!” After saying this, he released my hand.Suddenly, his face was icy, but it vanished.Gently, he said, “Go In.” I quickly got out of the car.“Be safe on your way home! Goodnight!” I didn’t dare look back as I escaped into my home.It wasn’t until I closed the door that I heard his car driving away.A half–month later, my father’s health had improved.We calmly discussed my past with Matthew and all his actions.My father remained composed.He said that he sensed something was amiss when I returned to our hometown, but he never imaginedit was this serious! Our paths crossed in the courthouse lobby on the day of the court hearing.It was his third day of release, and he was with Johnson and his mother.Matthew berated me, accusing me of being vicious and claiming that my scheming led to his detention.His words made my head spin.My scheming? I was the reason he got detained? I ignored his rant and smiled calmly at him.I wanted to tell him the real show was coming.His troubles had just begun.

Chapter 125 Liberated Leaving the courthouse felt liberating.Before I could say goodbye to Adrian, Matthew burst out.He rushed down the steps toward where I was standing.Everyone instinctively shielded me in the middle.He appeared sad and resentful.Some of his friends held him back.He stared at me with sorrow.“Hon…” He couldn’t say it.My heart dropped as well.give me “Chlo, don’t go… Please, Chlo, give me a chance.I just want to talk to you for a few minutes!” He tried to get away from the people holding him, and hiseyes begged me.“Chlo, give me another chance to talk to you! Even if these are our parting words, honey, we still haven’tsaid a lot.I’m begging you!” *Don’t call me that.You’ve lost that privilege.Besides, I don’t believe there’s anything left for us to discuss, ” I replied.“No, Chlo, there’s something I need to say.Please, don’t hold me back! What’s going on?” Matthew begged, looking at me and the surroundingcrowd.I asked them to release him.“Go ahead.” He glanced at the group surrounding me, struggling with his words, “Can we find a place tosit down and talk? Let me buy you a cup of coffee, at least!” “There’s no need for that.You can tell me here.” I firmly rejected his suggestion.I couldn’t forget the fresh scars on my body.He walked slowly toward me, clearly debating how to broach the subject.After a long pause, he finally said, “Chlo… can we not get a divorce?” 2 “What do you think?” I retorted.I “I–I feel like none of this is real.It’s like I’m in a nightmare! How did it come to this? I don’t want to leave you, honey!” His expressionwas pained.He continued, “What about our daughter? I never wanted to leave you or our daughter.Can’t we stay married? Think about Ava.Let’s sacrifice for her sake.We can’t let her grow up without a complete family!” 1 looked at him in astonishment, thinking my earsmight be deceiving me.The court had already decided, and he was telling me we shouldn’t separate? Was he out of his mind? Itruly felt nothing for this man anymore.All that remained was a profound sense of disgust.In fact, I had been asking myself one question.Was I out of my mind back then? What did I see in him? Aside from a smooth–talking mouth, he hadnothing going for him.I couldn’t help it.Laughter bubbled up from within me.“Matthew, it’s time to face reality! Weren’t you eagerly expecting this day?” No, Chlo.I moved the funds with her, but it’s because I was afraid that you’d find out the truth one day.I was afraid you’d leave me.I thought, if you had nothing, you wouldn’t leave me!” Matthew took a step closer, urgently explaining.What a shameless excuse.I felt like giving him this chance was a waste of time.It wasn’t that I had lost my mind.It was him.He must have knocked his head somewhere! “That’s where you’re wrong.Matthew.Even if I had nothing, I’d still divorce you because you’re vile.It took me an entire decade to see through you.Your actions make me hate e you!” “Chloe, you’ve changed! You weren’t like this before.You weren’t so heartless.Is it that man? Don’t believe his empty words.After all, we have a child.Yes, I was foolish before, but what happened later… I had no choice!” “Aren’t you about to have anotherchild?” I raised my eyes to see Melanie sprinting down the courthouse steps toward us.“Don’t push your responsibilities onto anyone else! I’m too clear–headed now.I’ve seen how disgusting you genuinely are.“You’re not my partner! You betrayed me the moment you made those promises.Divorce was only a matter of time.Take care of yourself!” Matthew clutched my hand.“Chlo, why can’t you forgive me? What man doesn’t fool around a bit? I truly cared for you.I made a mistake.Why can’t you forgive me?” I was beyond furious.“You beat me to reclaim what you thought was yours.How dare you do such a thing and then justify it? Matthew’s excuses left me speechless.It seemed like a beautiful dream had finally shattered.I brushed off his grip on my hand and looked at Melanie, who was getting closer.I gave a mocking smile.My nightmare is over, but yours is just getting started!”

Chapter 126 Once and For All Matthew froze when he heard my words.His eyes showed unwillingness that only I understood.Melanie grabbed his arm and yelled, “Chloe, you’re seducing him in public now! You’re shameless!” Iglared at her, then turned to Matthew, saying, “I have some departing words for you.One day, you’ll realize how horrible, disloyal, and unrighteous you are for abandoning your wife anddaughter.“We’re divorced now, so stop being deluded.We’ll go our separate ways, and I hope we never cross paths again.” I turned away but noticedMatthew’s eyes reddening.I thanked Adrian and then got into the car I had bought with my mom, Ivanna, and Ava.I saw Matthew through the rearview mirror, watching me leave.I went to the hospital to fetch my dad.That evening, we celebrated my divorce with Ivanna, and she.asked me if I wanted to invite Atlas. Although I rejected her request, she teased me, “I can tell he’s interested in you.” B “You’re beingridiculous.I just got divorced.” I rolled my eyes, and she chuckled.Still, I called Atlas soon after, and he congratulated me.I chuckled because it was rare for one to celebrate a divorce.I didn’t know if I should believe in love anymore.Atlas asked, “Do you want to meet for a drink?” “That’s okay, I had one at home.Besides, my parents are here, and it’s too late to go out,” I gave him a valid reason, and he didn’t insist.”I I took over Tanum Corporation in the following days and was swamped.After all, the company was a mess when I took over.I knew Matthew wouldn’t make it easy for me.Besides taking away his trusted subordinates, he took all the resources, including ongoing projects.When I worked at the company before our divorce, I was laid–back and not focused at work.Therefore, most management thought I was useless and left with Matthew.Before leaving, Matthew smirked and said, “Tell me if you find it challenging to handle the company.Since we were once married, I won’t be so heartless to you.” found it Ironic how that came fromsomeone so heartless.I smiled at Matthew, “I told you before, didn’t 171 built Tanum Corporation from nothing and can do itagain.You know you’re the heartless one between us, so save your worries for yourself.” I felt relaxedwatching him lead his group away.It saved me some trouble because I didn’t intend to keep As for his so–called resources, I had acquiredthem during my past efforts.I knew I could win them back with my principles and hard work.Even in a worst–case scenario, I had my contract with ATL Empire as a safety net.It wouldn’t hurt me if Tanum Corporation closed down, but I wouldn’t let it fail under my leadership.I knew I couldn’t bear the humiliation that came with that.Meanwhile, Johnson was in a dilemma.I saw guilt in his eyes as he left, but I ignored it.He secretly met me again, and I comforted him, “Leaving Tanum Corporation is the right choice.You might be helpful to me again someday, so don’t feel conflicted.” He reassured me he would supportme if I ever needed him.His reassurance was enough.However, I didn’t think I’d need Johnson so soon, and I couldn’t afford to harm him, especiallyconsidering he had a family.When Myra gave birth, I provided substantial help.She was grateful and often told me Johnson chose the wrong side.I understood the complications of choosing sides, especially since Matthew took so many people andcontinued his business as usual.He drained Tanum Corporation and transferred all its profitable projects to his new company, ArdoraConstruction.In contrast, the Tanum Corporation appeared dire.It had high operating costs and had a recent divorceel leading the team.Although most knew I had founded the company, I had been away for many years.It was apparent which side Johnson should choose to ensure his job security.Therefore, I allowed the remaining employees to choose whether to stay or leave.I didn’t want to force them to stay.Finally, I released those with questionable intentions.Some initially resisted, but I presented evidence of their misdeeds.They never expected my recent “idleness” to involve watching them closely.After clearing the bad apples, I had very few staff.I heard Matthew celebrated opening his new company.I knew it was his way of taunting me while awaiting my downfall.Soon after, I began recruiting new talents.Surprisingly, I saw his resume among the stack of job applications.

Chapter 127 Mutually Beneficial It was Ryan Phillips, my senior at university.Coincidentally, we grew up in the same town.I heard he had ventured abroad.Besides that, I hadn’t received any news from him for many years.I instructed Carol Adams, my assistant, to call him for an interview.Carol was a veteran employee at Tanum Corporation.Although she didn’t have a higher education, she possessed impressive business skills and memory.She chose to stay with the company because of a conflict with Melanie.Hence, I promoted Carol to be my assistant.When I met Ryan, I could tell he knew I owned Tanum Corporation.While delighted by the reunion, I didn’t beat around the bush, “You know it’s me, right?” He respondedwith a faint smile, saying, “I do.” “My company is modest in scale and might not align with yourqualifications and experience,” I stated, “I must also clarify our salary may not meet the standardsyou’ve grown accustomed to in larger.corporations.” He replied straightforwardly, “Let’s make a deal.You can offer me company shares.I’ll do my best, and this arrangement will be mutually beneficial.” Ryan’s bold proposal surprised me.I wondered if he was after my company.He noticed my reaction and chuckled, “What’s wrong? Are you hesitant to try?” I retorted, “In that case,you must provide a feasibility report.Actions speak louder than words, and I don’t like empty promises.Remember, I recently parted ways with someone ungrateful.” We laughed at my statement.Before concluding the interview, Ryan assured me he would deliver his report within three days.“I know some of the reasons for your divorce.Don’t worry.I’m not like that guy.I’ll create the most value for the company and get what I want with my skills.” I felt ashamed becausethe whole city knew about my divorce.However, I knew Ryan was my senior in high school and university.Among everyone at Foswood University, only we came from the same hometown.Ryan was caring toward me then.We even spent winter and summer vacations together in our freshman year.I considered him a brother.Later, I got with Matthew, and Ryan graduated.I heard Ryan had pursued his postgraduate education overseas.After discussing work matters, we had a casual conversation.I couldn’t help but ask about Ryan’s whereabouts.That evening, I called Ivanna and asked her to investigate Ryan’s activities before we reunited.After all, his information would be vital for my plans.stability, we Ryan’s earlier proposal gave me an idea.To revive Tanum Corporation and ensure its stability, couldn’t adhere to our decade–old model.That approach would lead to the business’s closure.Transitioning to a new model and mindset was crucial: However, my lack of experience meant I neededreliable talent to help navigate this transition.I couldn’t let unexpected obstacles trip me, or I’d be in dire straits.Indeed, Matthew had taught me a valuable lesson.Soon, I shared my thoughts with Ivanna, even though she worked in a different industry.Still, she possessed extensive experience in the corporate world.She asked, “Are you considering moving toward a shareholding system?” I responded, “There’s no harmin considering it since I know my limits.Even if I’m resilient, I can do only so much.Finding capable partners might be the right choice.” Ivanna nodded.T’ll see what I can find out about Ryan.” Ryan’s timely arrival felt like a stroke of luck.However, I had to remain cautious and vigilant.

Chapter 128 Utterly Exhausted On my way to Solaris, I looked out the plane window at the clouds.Suddenly, I thought of an unexpected person.I hadn’t seen or heard from Atlas since the divorce proceedings concluded.Although he hadn’t called, I somehow felt disappointed.Still, I kept my distance, not wanting to get too close to him.Despite my efforts, I couldn’t help but wonder why he hadn’t called or even texted me.Strangely, I saw a missed call from him after turning my phone on when the plane landed.My mind raced, but I returned the call after some hesitation.Atlas asked, “Where are you?” “I just landed in Solaris,” I replied.“Alone?” “Yeah.” “All right safe.” His tone was distant, and he didn’t seem interested in continuing theconversation.” I’ll hang up now.” I was frustrated.Atlas called me, yet he didn’t intend to say much.I was about to ask why he called, but he had already hung up.I sighed and pocketed my phone, feeling conflicted.When I met Fred this time, he seemed much better.He knew I had arrived and sent someone to pick me up from the airport.Immediately after, I went to Urban Builders, and they wasted no time holding a project coordinationmeeting.We discussed a detailed analysis of the upcoming ATL Empire project and made the necessarypreparations.We also used their blueprints to draft a comprehensive design and construction plan.Then, they presented a cooperation plan for my company.They provided precise requirements and a well–defined direction for my work.I felt confident about what I was doing.The meeting lasted until late evening, and we had dinner in the meeting room.Afterward, Fred sent me to the hotel they had arranged for me.I accepted their hospitality.My schedule was tight, with only two days in Solaris.I had to return to Foswood the following afternoon.I was exhausted after taking a shower.I hadn’t experienced such an intense schedule since birthing Ava.was grateful my parents were with me, and my dad’s health had somewhat improved.I would have Amid everything, I became overwhelmed.Dealing with Tanum Corporation’s takeover had mentally and physically drained me.I had pushed myself, determined not to make any mistakes.However, I was desperate for assistance.My once–bustling company now felt lonely, and I grew increasingly anxious.Although I expected disruption upon reclaiming my company, I hadn’t anticipated such a massive shift.Matthew’s actions had pulled a rug from underneath me.10 clients he I wasn’t concerned about I was confident in my previous relationships.Still, the supplier side of things was more challenging.Matthew had handled it since Tanum Corporation’s establishment, making it my weakness.The remaining staff from the previous marketing department was minimal, and I had tasked them withmaintaining supplier relations.However, I knew they weren’t confident in my takeover.It slowed my progress.I worked hard to maintain relationships with suppliers.I could only afford about four hours of sleep each night.After today’s three–hour flight, I dived into intense work.It was close to 11, and I had reached my limit.I wanted to call home but realized it was too late.My parents and Ava must’ve slept already.I knew I had a busy day ahead when I thought about finalizing details with Fred tomorrow and returninghome the day after.I had to sign the contract with ATL Empire in two days and outsource the agreement with ArdoraConstruction.Soon, I went to sleep.I didn’t know how much time had passed when a series of knocks on the door startled me awake.I sat up with a racing heart, wondering who it was.

Chapter 129 Late Night Visit I thought I was dreaming, so I palmed my forehead before laying backdown.However, the knocking continued, and I tensed up, asking, “Who is it?!” A voice from outside replied,“It’s me!” I couldn’t believe it.My drowsiness disappeared as the person repeated, “Open the door, Chloe.It’s me.” J I jumped out of bed and stumbled to the door.My heart raced as I mumbled, “That voice sounds like… How’s that possible?” I peeked through thepeephole and saw a tall figure standing in the dimly lit corridor.My heart skipped a beat, and I trembled before opening the door.I saw a weary–looking Atlas standing before me with a faint smile.I stared at him in disbelief, fearing he would disappear if I blinked.I asked shakily, “H–How’d you get here?” I wanted to throw myself into his arms but dared not.He looked at me and pursed his lips, looking somewhat tired.“I knew you were here, so I had to come.Aren’t you glad to see me?” Then, he put his arm around my shoulder and said, “Let me in.” Finally, Igathered myself and stepped aside to make way for him.He looked indifferent as he entered.He noticed me standing barefoot on the cold floor and frowned before looking at me.His eyes revealed a warmth I had never seen before.“The floor’s pretty cold,” Atlas said, “You should put on some slippers.I hurried inside and put on a pair of slippers, feeling awkward.Η He removed his coat, which I hung in the closet.My actions resembled a wife welcoming her husband home from a trip.I had done such things countless times when I was with Matthew.Then, I stood before him with my still–sleepy expression.I looked innocent, not knowing how to start a conversation.Atlas seemed at a loss, too.His gaze lingered on me as if we hadn’t seen each other for a long time.I couldn’t believe he visited me so late.“How’d you get here? I asked, still in disbelief.approached the bedside table and sat on the bed to wear a pair of slippers.“I went to West Quay for business and drove here afterward.” “You drove here yourself?” I wasshocked.Atlas raised an eyebrow at me, “Yeah.It was already 11 p.m.after we had dinner.I knew you were here, so I didn’t stay there.” Though he spoke casually, I knew he had to drive at leastthree hours to get here.Yet he raced through the night to see me.I felt moved, realizing it had been long since anyone cherished me like him.I could.almost feel tears welling in my eyes.“What’s wrong?” He stood up and hugged me before rubbing my head.“Did I disturb your sleep? I’ll go wash up.You should get some rest.” I blushed and dared not look at him.Although I climbed into bed, I couldn’t fall asleep.My heart pounded, mind was a mess.I couldn’t ask him to leave, either.I checked the time on my phone and and my realized it was already 2 a.m.I thought Atlas’s car must be flying if he got here so quickly.I didn’t know when our relationship evolved to be so harmonious.I only knew his unexpected arrival made me happy.That night, he was passionate, and I responded.Everything felt natural, and we only exchanged a few.words.I didn’t want to overthink it, so I surrendered myself to him.When he moved deeper, I felt my inner self screaming.All my restraint vanished, and I knew I couldn’t escape him.

Chapter 130 The Graceful Silhouette We woke up close to noon the following day, and I felt Atlas’s armswrapped around me.I doubted he would let go if Fred didn’t call me.I told Atlas I still had work to do and had to return to Foswood in the evening.He released me and got up, offering to have lunch with me.My relationship with Atlas made me feel conflicted.I wondered what we were to each other.It felt like the puzzle pieces just fit.He hadn’t made commitments, and there were no declarations of love.Whenever I saw him, I didn’t know how to refuse him.For some reason, I felt comfortable being with him.He didn’t ask for my consent again and simply took action.So, I dared not ask him about the nature of our relationship.It was already late at night when I reached Foswood.I was so exhausted that I could barely speak.My mom looked at me with a heavy heart and shook her head, saying, “Chlo, why are you pushingyourself so hard? “Do you want to come home with your dad and me? Life is short, so isn’t comfort andhappiness more important?” My mom had a point, but Foswood held too much for me.I had too many regrets to leave.I couldn’t back down and had to win back the ten years of my youth.After signing the contract, it seemed I had captured Matthew on my web.He couldn’t escape, and I would play this game slowly.After leaving work the following day, I called my mom to tell her I wouldn’t be home for dinner.I wanted to hang out and catch up with Ivanna, especially to discuss Ryan.Since it had been a while since Ivanna and I hung out, she was excited, saying, “Let’s spoil ourselves alittle! Should we go to a revolving restaurant and eat French cuisine while enjoying the river view?” Ididn’t object, so we planned to meet at the restaurant’s entrance.I was surprised to see a familiar person when we sat in the restaurant.However, that person had a woman with him.I tensed, and my heart almost stopped.Their table was near ours, and it seemed Atlas had noticed me.He glanced at me before averting his gaze.From my angle, I could only see the woman’s slim silhouette.She dressed elegantly, showing her taste for the finer things in life.The woman seemed graceful, and I could imagine her captivating smile while she talked to Atlas.That was because he looked indulgent, a sight I seldom saw.Ivanna followed my distracted gaze and looked back at me, asking, “What’s going on?” I feignedignorance and looked back at her.“It’s nothing.” “Shouldn’t we say hi?” She probed.“There’s no need for that,” I replied while ordering our dishes, but I couldn’t shake my disappointment.The meal felt tasteless, and even the romantic river view had become boring.I couldn’t help but want to see the woman’s face.

Chapter 131 A Den of Vice I saw them standing up out of the corner of my eye.The woman spoke to Atlas while she casually put her arm around his.When they turned, she looked arrogantly at the diners.Although not striking, her delicate face was charming.Atlas met my eyes with a blank face.She followed his line of sight and turned to face me.Her entire body froze, and there was a peculiar expression on her face.Atlas calmly led the woman away.Just before they disappeared from view, she shot me another glance.Ivanna noticed how Atlas’s presence affected me and said, “Let’s grab some drinks.Loosen up a bit!” I raised both hands in agreement, hoping a few drinks would help me clear my head.However, Ivanna drove us to the Newturn Bar, which I was apprehensive about.She ordered two co*cktails for us, and I gulped one down without knowing what it was.Then I signaled the bartender for another.“Hey, take it easy.Do you want to get wasted?” Ivanna raised her voice as she leaned on the bar.“Savor the taste.Even if you’re getting drunk, there’s a way to do it.And you’re doing it wrong.I scoffed.Ivanna leaned in to speak in my ear.“Oh, I forgot to tell you about Ryan! His background check matches his resume! He’s been back in thecountry for less than a month.” The music was too loud.With my muddled mind, I could only grasp that everything seemed fine.That was good enough for me.After two drinks, my stomach felt warm.The alcohol surprised me with its intensity.patted Ivanna, wanting to leave while I was relatively clear–headed.I wasn’t fond of this kind of place- something about it had always disgusted me.Matthew and Melanie had sex for the first time here.It was a den of vice.The air felt tainted, making me increasingly repulsed.The place was despicable.I nearly stumbled as I jumped off the bar stool.A large hand grabbed my arm.A man with glazed eyes sald, “Hey, beautiful, you’ve had too much to drink! Let me take you home!” Istruggled but couldn’t break free from his grip.His touch felt repulsive.“Back off!” “Hey, you’re quite spirited!” His eyes leered at me.It looked like he was tipsy, too.“You’re here for a good time, aren’t you? Let me keep you company! I promise you’ll have a blast!” Heslung an arm around me.I recoiled and said, “Get lost!” After seeing the man persist, Ivanna became impatient.She shoved the man, but to our surprise, he grabbed Ivanna’s arm and pulled her close in one swiftmotion “How about we have some fun together?” he suggested, reeking of alcohol.1 Despite my intoxicated state, my mind remained clear.My elbow slammed into his side with all my strength.The man released his grip and doubled over in pain.I pulled Ivanna along, swaying as we approached the exit.My head was heavy, and my legs were stiff.Realizing our intent, the man snatched a bottle from a nearby table.Despite his pain, he chased after us..He caught up with us in just a few steps.“Think you can run, little bitch? I’ll teach you a lesson!” The man raised the bottle above his head andbrought it down toward my skull…

Chapter 132 Coming to the Rescue I felt a rush of wind, startling me.I covered my head and screamed, but the expected pain never came.Instead, I heard a loud cracking sound.It shocked me halfway sober.Frightened, I turned to see the man crashing onto a table.Atlas was standing by our side, guarding us.The man struggled to his feet and lunged at Atlas.I screamed, and Atlas immediately punched the man.He howled in pain.Despite the many stares, Atlas acted promptly.He grabbed my arm without a word and strode toward the exit.Ivanna picked up our bags and followed us outside.“You’ve got some nerve coming to a place like this and drinking.” Atlas said with a growl.I trembled from my close call, but Atlas’s menacing face sent shivers down my spine.He had been all smiles in the restaurant.Why did his face change when he looked at me? “Chlo, are you okay?” Ivanna checked on me, thenlooked at Atlas.“Sorry about this.It was my idea to come here.” I managed a faint smile, thinking there was no point dwelling on the past.We had already had our drinks.It’s fine.Let’s go home.” Ivanna looked awkward, glancing at me and Atlas.“Or… Mr.Atlas can give Chlo a ride? We’ve all been drinking, so I can’t drive.” Atlas grunted in agreement.Ivanna escaped quickly, as if he had pardoned her.I yelled, “Hey, Ivanna, are you really my friend?! Hey!” I wanted to chase after her, but Atlas yanked meback.My head spun, and I collided with his solid frame.It left me feeling dizzy.I steadied myself and pushed him away.“Get out of my way… Stop giving me that nasty look.Hasn’t anyone told you that you look better when you smile?” I finished with a giggle, then turned toleave.However, Atlas scooped me up.He carried me over his shoulder and walked toward the parking lot..Being carried intensified my dizziness, and I weakly pounded his back.“Put me down, you jerk!” Atlas ignored my protests and smacked my bum.Eventually, he settled me into the car and drove away.My head throbbed, and I said, “I want to go home!” My objections were ignored.As a result, I let him take me wherever he wanted.The image of that delicate woman in the restaurant was all I could think of.We returned to the resort, arriving at the same villa.Atlas carried me inside and flicked on the lights.The sudden brightness made me shield my eyes.After a while, my vision adjusted and I saw him looking at me intensely.“Why are you looking at me like that?” I asked, unnerved.“Why were you drinking?” He spoke in the same icy tone.“Why do you care? I’m an adult so why can’t I drink? Am I not allowed to be happy?” I responded, mymind clearer but still tinged with boldness.“Who are you to me?” – “Who do you want me to be?” I couldn’t answer his rhetorical question.Instead, I pushed his face to the side.“Stop looking at me like that.It’s taking my breath away!” My words earned a charming smirk from him.His eyes glinted, and he pulled me into his arms.I tried to push him away, but he held me tighter.“Don’t go to a place like that again.If you want to drink, I’ll drink with you.I stopped struggling as his words echoed in my head.He’d drink with me?

Chapter 133 What Are We? The words were tantalizing, but who did he spend time with today? Thethought made me chuckle bitterly.What right did I have to interfere with his choice of company? How often had I been oblivious to that?How could I possibly know? “Why are you laughing?” His patience was wearing thin.“Enough, Mr.Atlas.I wouldn’t dare ask you to keep me company.” I pouted.“A mere commoner like myself wouldn’t dare!” Truly, I wouldn’t dare.He wasn’t mine to claim, and I had to give myself a reality check.I was recently divorced and involved in legal disputes.What right did I have to compete with anyone? Thinking about our relationship left me even moreperplexed.Who was I to him? Still, seeing him with another woman caused me unexpected pain.Did my feelings grow too fast? Had I rushed from one chapter of my life into the next? I felt heartless.Atlas asked, “Why the sudden silence?” “What would be appropriate for us to talk about?” I askedsoftly, looking at him.“Ask whatever you want!” I shrugged, flashing a smile.“I have nothing to ask!” Deep down, I believed I had no right to ask.It would only invite unnecessary trouble.He had already figured out what I was thinking.“Your pride is too high! You’re overthinking.That girl is my cousin!” “I didn’t want to know.That’s your business! I have no right to intrude,” I said, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders.That woman’s gaze still bothered me.Why did she look so curious when we were strangers? It was as if she had spotted someone she hadn’tseen in years.“What would it take for you to be comfortable asking that?” He loved flipping the script and throwingthe ball back into my court.What am I to you, anyway?” I asked back.“A woman I’ve slept with,” he said without hesitation.As I felt a surge of shame wash over me, he added, ” The only woman I’ve ever slept with.” I felt a waveof anger at first, but it faded away.I wasn’t sure if he meant to say “only,” but that one word changed everything.“So, you can ask me anything because you’re mine.” He scrutinized me.“Do you still think you have no right?” I smiled and said nothing.He pulled me close and asked, “What’s wrong? You seem distracted today.” Honestly, I had meant toask him if I was his only one.He had always helped me and was the only one who made a difference.I relied on him, and even though I wanted to avoid the topic, it still bothered me.I was at a loss.What did it all mean? “It’s nothing.I’m… tired! I’d like to go back.” His gaze peered into my soul, and I said, “Don’t look at me like I’m acriminal.” Atlas grinned, then leaned down to peck me on the lips.“Say what you’re thinking next time.Don’t torment yourself.” I stood there, stunned.Seeing my subdued mood, he said, “If you want to go home, I’ll take you.” His offer to drive me homesurprised me.Why did I feel reluctant? I quickly stood up, feigning ant eagerness to get home.1 Now that things were clear, I was pleased.After all, she was just his cousin.However, this cousin had opened up a whole new understanding of Atlas for me.

Chapter 134 A Curveball I thought the situation with his cousin had been resolved, but I soon foundmyself face–to–face with her.On Monday, Ryan officially joined the team.His presence gave me a boost of energy, as if he had lifted half of the weight off my shoulders.As a show of trust, I gave Ryan a detailed account of Tanum Corporation’s entire development process,including how it had been hollowed out.He even playfully referred to it as my second venture.On Tuesday, I went to ATL Empire for a meeting.Atlas’s cousin was there instead of him.She looked stunning in a pantsuit and came to our project meeting.Throughout the meeting, her gaze remained locked on me, making me uneasy.It was not until the meeting was over and Carol and I were walking out that she called, “Ms.Chloe!” I turned around and saw her approaching with a cheerful smile.“You’re Ms.Chloe, right?” “Yes, I’m Chloe Hartz!” I nodded, extending my hand in a friendly gesture.After all, this was ATL Empire, and I needed to maintain decorum.“Stella White!” She shook my hand but didn’t release it.Her eyes remained fixed on my face.I smiled and asked, “Do you know me?” “No, I just found you beautiful and felt like I’d seen you before!”Her guarded words suggested she wasn’t being truthful.“I didn’t expect such a major project at ATL Empire, and a woman as a partner, no less! You seem quiteimpressive.I’ll have to learn from you!” Her words were kind, and I modestly said, “I’ve just been fortunate!” “Let’sexchange numbers! It’ll be convenient for us to stay in touch!” Her eyes were sincere, and she had herphone ready, She left me no choice but to exchange numbers.“I don’t text much, so I might be slow to reply sometimes.I hope you don’t mind!” “Sure, let’s grab a coffee sometime.I’m new to Foswood and don’t have many friends yet! Of course, only if it doesn’t inconvenience you!”“No problem!” I assured her.“I should head back now.There’s still work waiting for me at the office.” way As Carol and I left, I saw out of the corner of my eyethat Stella was standing still in the hallway.She was staring at me as I walked away.I I had a strange feeling about Stella.There was something peculiar about how she looked at me.We had welcomed several new team members in the last few days, and the office felt lively.However, as soon as I returned to my office, Josh Miller came in.He was in charge of procurement.“Ms.Chloe, several suppliers have ended their contracts with us!” I glanced at the report he handed me.These were the leading suppliers of our essential raw materials.Josh looked pained.“It must be Matthew’s doing.He-” I raised my hand to stop him.I knew this was a move by Matthew to undermine me.“Get Mr.Ryan for a meeting and have your team join us.We need to get clients for equivalent products as soon as possible.Only deals we secure ourselves will have loyalty.” I refused to believe there weren’t better partnersoutside of Matthew’s clientele.Fred Meyers was a prime example of that.Matthew had dismissed Fred and only thought about the cost.I encouraged my staff to aim for high–quality endeavors.The proposal made my heart skip a beat.Matthew only cared about profits.Didn’t that mean I had a chance to strike back? A plan formed in my mind.

Chapter 135 A Small World I immediately shook my head.Forget it.I shouldn’t be too ruthless.Matthew’s cruelty didn’t mean I had to retaliate in kind.We had once been a married couple, and even though we had divorced, bitterness was unnecessary.Let the bridges burn.There was no need for a fight to the death.I found myself deep in contemplation.My mindset became more balanced with Ryan’s help at the company, and the previous resentmentgradually faded away.Instead of fighting with Matthew, developing my business seemed more worthwhile.He might have bitten me, but I didn’t need to bite back.After all, he was still Ava’s dad.I He hadn’t gained much from me, so stepping back would be better.However, I didn’t expect Matthew to back me into a corner.start! project, Over the next few days, one problem after another came up.Just as we were about to he left me with no option.What was the point of the project without these supplies? He was pushing me to the edge.Since Ryan took over Tanum Corporation, he brought in some big clients.Fixing this problem became very important.I had no choice but to talk to suppliers myself.With Ryan leading the way, I had the confidence to go all out.Atlas seemed to be very occupied lately.We were both busy, and even phone calls were infrequent.However, Stella had called me twice and exchanged small talk.We sometimes ran into each other at business meetings.She was a trainee manager at ATL Empire, assigned by the headquarters.I didn’t know she had a connection with the main office.Stella called me when I got off the train in Foswood, asking where I was.I told her the truth.She seemed disappointed.“I was hoping to invite you to dinner.” “In that case, let’s have dinner! I’m starving!” She had invited meseveral times, so declining wouldn’t be right.“Really?” Her interest was piqued.“Then, how about we go to the revolving restaurant we went to last time? I liked it there!” “Alright, butit’ll take me about half an hour to get there.” “No problem, I’ll wait for you!” She said with pleasure,“See you in a bit!” I found my car in the parking lot.I was going to change clothes before heading to the restaurant, but I was worried I would be late.a small world, as they say.At the elevator, I encountered Matthew and Melanie.Melanie frowned at my disheveled state.“You look like a poor wretch, yet you dare to come here!” Her words drew the attention of peoplearound us, and their eyes filled with scorn.As for Matthew, his eyes held a mixture of emotions.His lips twitched slightly as he said, “Chlo!” I remained composed and only looked at the elevatordisplay.Matthew seemed smitten with his sister.She was quite the attention seeker, and he paraded her around.Such moments were rare when we were together, but that was my fault.I always declined his romantic advances, preferring to eat at home for convenience and cleanliness.That was my philosophy.It seemed laughable now, as I had reserved all my romantic opportunities with Matthew for otherwomen.No, she had always been there.It disgusted me that they’ve been together since Melanie was in high school.When the elevator finally arrived, I got in.They stood in front of me, Matthew stood tall, appearing quite Imposing.Melanie clung to him with faux innocence.Then she called him honey, which sent shivers down my spine.He went from being her brother to her partner.Upon entering the restaurant, I spotted Stella.She waved with a sweet smile.I couldn’t help but feel wary of her gaze.It seemed to circle my face as if she were searching for answers.After I sat down, I could see that Stella was beautifully dressed.She had the air of a refined woman, and I felt like an ugly duckling next to her.She said, “Ms.Chloe, I invited Atlas, too!”

Chapter 136 The Quirky Cousin I was surprised Stella invited Atlas to join us.“He might be late since he went to Operose.He’s on his way back now, so we don’t have to wait for him to start eating,” she casually explained, “Iimpulsively decided to invite him.Atlas called me and asked what I wanted to eat, but I told him about our meal.You don’t mind, do you?” I replied, “Of course not!” Although I said that, I felt uneasy.I felt I wasn’t telling Stella the truth when I said I didn’t mind.Still, I couldn’t tell this sincere and harmless girl that.“That’s good,” she said, handing me the menu, “I ordered a few dishes since it’s our first meal together.I don’t know what you like, so please choose.” Her warmth made her more approachable.It differed from our first encounter when she seemed more.indifferent and arrogant.I remembered how she glanced at the other diners the other day.Her expression was a significant contrast from her current one.She seemed like two different people.I chose dishes from the menu and returned it to the waiter.Then, I turned to Stella and said, “I’m sorry for not contacting you much lately.I’ve been busy.” “Hey, there’s no need to be so formal.I know you’re busy,” Stella had a pleasant voice, “I admire you for having your own company.” I wassurprised that someone still admired me despite my company’s struggles.Stella’s comment sounded somewhat sarcastic, but I couldn’t blame her for not knowing its struggles.Soon after, our dishes arrived, and Lasked her, “Mr.Atlas must be busy with work as an assistant.Are you sure we don’t have to wait for him to eat?” “A–Assistant?” Stella became wide–eyed and thenquickly hid her surprise.“Oh, we don’t need to wait.” I felt I had misspoken.“D–Did I…say anything wrong?” “No, no! We can start without him! Besides, I’m sure you’re hungry.He might take a while to reach us, so why wait? Let’s eat while we wait.” Stella looked mischievous, butit was endearing.Halfway through our meal, Atlas strode into the restaurant.He drew everyone’s attention upon entering.I felt nervous while Stella appeared excited and continued gazing at him affectionately.Atlas remained composed as he glanced at me with a faint smirk, saying, “Sorry I’m late.” He sat besideme while Stella continued to smile.She playfully scolded Atlas, “You’re too slow.We would’ve finished and left if you came any later.” “Traffic was crazy in the city,” he replied as he tookthe menu from the waiter to order a few dishes.” Excuse me, I’ll go wash my hands.” When he got upand headed to the restroom, I sensed an icy gaze on me from a distance.I knew it must be Melanie and thought she didn’t hold back her contempt for me.Stella asked, “Ms.Chloe, did you know Atlas before working with him?” I glanced at her and answered truthfully, “No, Ididn’t.We only met after starting work together.” “Oh, no wonder,” she murmured.saw This cousin of Atlas seemed quirky and hard to read.I was about to ask her why she said that, but I s Atlas returning from the restroom.He glanced at me as he sat down and asked, “Were you on a business trip?” I felt slightly embarrassedwhen I realized he was referring to my messy appearance.“Y–Yeah, in Rockbury, I came straight here after getting off the train.I heard from Ms.Stella that you went to Operose.I was only casually asking, but I noticed Atlas glancing at Stella.A subtle expression was in his eyes, something I couldn’t place.I glanced at Stella, who was still smiling as if nothing was wrong.Atlas and Stella gave off a vibe I couldn’t explain when they were together.I wasn’t sure what was wrong.However, I felt like the outsider among us I took the opportunity to excuse myself and went to therestroom.I looked in the mirror as I washed my hands, only to see Melanie standing behind me.She scared me, and I wondered how long she had been

Chapter 137 Embarrassed to the Core I glared at Melanie through the mirror and said, “You’re like aghost that haunts me.What are you trying to pull now?” “Hahaha! You’re so shameless, Chloe.He already has someone special in his heart, and you’re tagging along to their dinner? Did you forgetyou’re a divorced woman? Do you think you’re worthy of a” “That’s not for you to decide.I advise you to be kind for your unborn child’s sake,” I retorted while taking a paper towel to wipe myhands.As I turned to leave, Melanie realized I wouldn’t entertain her.She stood in my way, saying, “I’ll see how long you can keep this up, bitch.Sooner or later, you’ll be crying your eyes out.” When she said those words, Stella entered the restroom.She saw my and Melanie’s confrontation and stood beside me.Stella grabbed my arm and asked, “Ms.Chloe, what’s happening?” Her eyes darted between me and Melanie.Melanie gave Stella a once–over and then smirked.“Hey, gorgeous.You should be wary of the women around you.They might be interested in your man.” Her words made me feel awkward.“Melanie, you’re going too far-” “If anyone’s going too far, it’s you!‘ Someone interjected.When I turned to look, it was Matthew.He approached Melanie, his voice low and dangerous, “Chloe, do you want to pick a fight with her?” Hepulled Melanie into his embrace as he spoke.Then, he turned to me and continued, “Don’t blame me for retaliating if you keep this up.Did you forget your company’s suppliers only listen to my orders?” I glared at Matthew.“Is that a challenge, Matt? If you’re a man, you should come at me directly instead of scheming behindmy back.Your orders? Let me tell you something.I don’t want to associate with anyone who listens to your orders.” “Don’t be stubborn, Chloe.You should behave yourself if you want Tanum Corporation to survive.Otherwise, I’ll ensure you’re on the losing end and- Before he could finish, an indifferent voiceinterrupted him, “Is that so? I’d like to see who dares to say that.” Matthew turned around and sawAtlas standing hostile behind him.Matthew paled, and his lips twitched.Atlas stared daggers at Matthew, saying, “Who do you think you are? You’re incapable of dominatingthe Matthew stared at Atlas, then held Melanie and walked away.“Let’s go!” While they left, Stella asked me, “Who were they?” I briefly answered, “My ex–husband.”Stella frowned but quickly concealed her thoughts and pulled my arm.“Let’s go back to our seats.” She walked beside me and whispered, “Why were they so arrogant?”However, I couldn’t answer because I felt humiliated.It seemed I needed to change these suppliers as soon as possible.After returning to our seats, Atlas asked about my recent situation.I explained, and he looked at me thoughtfully, saying, “I’ll give you a month to change all the previoussuppliers and resolve all the issues.” “No problem!” I replied eagerly.We left the restaurant after dinner, and I bid them farewell at the entrance.I didn’t want to stay after what Matthew and Melanie pulled off.I was embarrassed about Stella witnessing all that.I didn’t need to worry about Stella with Atlas present.Still, I sensed Atlas had something else to say but didn’t bring it up out of consideration for Stella.I My heart grew empty as I drove away, but I didn’t know why.

Chapter 138 I Want to Meet Him I slumped onto the couch when I got home.I was exhausted as I gazed at the ceiling, thinking I was wrong to assume everything would go smoothlyafter divorcing Matthew.Despite my efforts to move forward, I felt trapped.I didn’t know what Matthew and his “allies” aimed for.Beside them, it seemed an unseen force was pushing me to move.I doubted whether my previous decisions were correct.It was good for the company to have projects, but I also felt tied down.I couldn’t turn back, even if it meant facing tremendous challenges.My mom must’ve heard me and realized I hadn’t returned to my room, so she quietly came downstairs.Her heart ached when she saw me looking so tired.She sat beside me, saying, “You look exhausted.” I smiled bitterly and nodded.“Yeah.Mom, why do we have to grow up?” I asked softly.My mom stroked my hair gently.“It’s a long journey, and you must learn to stop and smell the roses.” “Tanum is my dream and the resultof my hard work.Although it’s undergoing significant changes, want to drag it down.I won’t allow them to do that.I can’t let it fail under my leadership.some “I didn’t want to be so ruthless before this, but they went too far and left me no choice.Some just don’t deserve kindness.” My mom’s hand trembled.“Is it that scumbag again? Her words made me realize I had said too much.I got up, saying, “Mom, don’t worry.I’ve sorted things at the company.I hired someone to help, and he’s also from our hometown.Oh, you know him too.Do you remember Ryan?” “The one from the same school as you? my mom asked.“Yes, that’s him.He just returned to the country, and I hired him to work in my company.” “Oh, that’s great! It’s nice tohave someone from the same hometown looking out for you.Invite him for dinner one day.I remember him taking good care of you when you started college!” My mom’s eyes sparkled.“Yeah, that’s him,” I assured her, “I’ll invite him for dinner soon.” Suddenly, my phone rang, and Iremoved it from my bag to check the caller ID.I saw Atlas’s name and told my mom, “I’m okay, mom.You can go to bed now.I’ll go to my room, too.” I answered the call while heading upstairs.Atlas asked, “Are you home already?” “Yeah, I’m home,” I replied as I entered my room.“I’ll be heading to Quillbrooke tomorrow for about two weeks.If there are any issues related to ATL Empire, remember to wait for me to handle it when I return,” hesaid thoughtfully.I froze and wondered what he meant.I had never heard him speak so seriously about work matters, sol asked, “Is something wrong?”Although I couldn’t see his expression, I sensed something had happened and felt uneasy.“You don’t need to worry about matters concerning the headquarters.I just want you to be prepared if anything happens during my absence.As I said, you must replace Tanum Corporation’s previous suppliers within one month, no matter what.”“Got it,” I promised solemnly.Still, I couldn’t help but ask, “Did I cause any trouble for you?” My heart was in my throat, and I had aslight headache.It seemed I had caused trouble for Atlas again.

Chapter 139 Internal Issues I could only hear Atlas’s breath on the other end.Finally, he said, “You’ve been causing trouble for me for a long time now.What should we do about it?” I tensed up and tightened my grip on the phone.Atlas’s words caught me off guard, and I asked, “W–What do you mean?” “You should give yourself tome,” he said playfully.I found him ridiculous.We were discussing something serious, yet he started joking with me.“Y–You’re..” I wanted to refute but switched to a more severe matter instead, “Did my contract affectyour career? If that’s the case, I’d rather not take it.” “It’s too late,” he said, “So, you only have oneoption, and that is not to disappoint everyone’s expectations.My body trembled as I gulped.After a while, Atlas whispered, ‘Are you asleep? Do you want to see me?” My mind went blank, and alonging surged within me.However, I restrained my impulses and changed the subject, “You’re going on a business trip tomorrow,and it’s too late now..I couldn’t continue.My heart raced, and my breathing became shallow.After a few seconds of silence, I started, “Then-” “All right, get some rest,” Atlas and I spokesimultaneously.My words got stuck in my throat while he withdrew his suggestion.I felt a sense of loss.I wanted to see him, and that desire made it difficult for me to remain calm.“Wait for me to return,” Atlas’s tone was calm, but his words sounded cruel.I hung up the phone and became breathless.I sat beside the bed and hugged myself, wondering why I refused Atlas and pretended to be reservedeven though I wanted to see him.I replayed every word he said in my mind and grew uneasy.Our cooperation might have run into trouble.After all, Tanum Corporation and/Hartz Construction had limited experience in working with ATL Empire.Atlas might have acted alone in this matter.Still, he was only an assistant and might’ve made some decisions that weren’t his to make.Although he had done much for me, he was right.I only had one option not to disappoint everyone.tossed and turned all night with many questions and no answers.It was already bright outside when I forced myself to get some sleep.I didn’t get enough sleep, but my phone rang.It woke me up, and I “Ms.Chloe!” The voice woke me up a little more.I glanced at my phone and saw Johnson’s name on the caller ID.I quickly sat up and asked, “What’s wrong?” “Mr.Matthew ordered us to work with the suppliers to pressure Tanum Corporation.They want to stop your company from signing contracts with new suppliers.Mr.Matthew has the information on the suppliers you’ve recently contacted.“I suspect someone inside your company is leaking information to him.I just wanted to remind you to be careful.” Johnson’s words pierced my ears, and I no longer felt sleepy.No wonder Matthew was so confident last night.It seemed he knew I had hired Ryan to work for me.“Thank you, Johnson,” I said.Johnson sounded disappointed in Matthew, I advise you to resolve these issues as soon as possible, Ms.Chloe.I can’t understand Matthew anymore.By the way, he seems to be conspiring with Echelon Group.This company has been competing for a piece of land with ATL Empire.Also, I heard ATL Empire has experienced some internal issues lately.Echelon Group wants to take advantage of it to seize that piece of land.They seem determined.“Matthew doesn’t mention these things to me anymore, but I suspect he has his own plans.” “EchelonGroup?” I recalled the few major clients Matthew had mentioned to me.“That’s all I have for now, Ms.Chloe.I must hang up,” Johnson reminded me, “Make sure no one in your company discovers my contact withyou.“Don’t worry.No one knows,” I assured Johnson and then hung up.Finally, I knew Atlas went to Quillbrooke because of the internal issues in ATL Empire.However, I still wondered if those issues somehow involved him.It would be a tricky situation if it did.And I felt increasingly anxious.Immediately after, I freshened up, had a light breakfast, and rushed to the office.

Chapter 140 Haven’t Heard From Him On the way to the office, I went through all of TanumCorporation’s employees in my mind.I didn’t believe I had made a mistake keeping a traitor in the company.After all, those who stayed had a history with me.I wondered who among them would conspire with Matthew.Indeed, he was cunning as he played this endless game with me..When I reached my office, I called Atlas.I wanted to confirm Johnson’s information, but Atlas had already turned off his phone.It seemed he was already on the plane.It was just as Johnson said.Those suppliers were causing a commotion.Meanwhile, I stayed behind to manage the company while Ryan negotiated with those suppliers.It gave us an advantage since Matthew was observing me, not Ryan.Ryan left with the information I had provided, and only I knew his whereabouts.Not even Carol knew.There w were unfinished projects when I took over Tanum Corporation besides the ones Matthewmoved.These suppliers caused a commotion about those projects, demanding payments and creating a mess.I ignored them while Carol and I gathered evidence on several significant suppliers.Ivanna had been a big help again.I even considered poaching her two assistants.They were resourceful in discovering Matthew’s shady dealings with the suppliers over the past fewyears.Externally, Tanum Corporation seemed to struggle daily.Since the new manager was absent, I also kept a low profile.Rumors indicated that Tanum Corporation was on the brink of collapse.Still, I arranged for one of my former subordinates, Benjamin Smith, to oversee everything.I even gave him a nickname, Benny.He was loyal and meticulous in his work.I had entrusted him with managing our warehouse for several years, and he had kept our inventorywell–organized.Benjamin’s wife had fallen ill before I left the company to give birth to Ava.Although I struggled then, I gave him ten thousand dollars to help his wife.Matthew even questioned me about it back then.Nonetheless, I asked Benjamin to observe everyone in the company.I needed to find the mole because I didn’t tolerate anyone who betrayed the company.That was also why I didn’t keep Johnson.Due to that, I assigned Josh Miller from the marketing department to handle those suppliers.When Matthew was still in charge, Josh competed with Johnson.Although I doubted Josh’s loyalty, I made him stay and deal with the chaos to test his devotion to TanumCorporation, Still, I couldn’t help but feel anxious watching the company in chaos.Additionally, something else bothered me for the past few days–I had heard nothing from Atlas, I wasworried because his phone had wonder what had happened at ATL Empire Even State who often calledme hadn’t contacted me in the past few days.These two seemed to have disappeared, and thought Stella hat also gone to Quilibrooke with that inmind called Stefa The phone rang for a while before she finally answered.However, she didn’t sound enthusiastic, M Chice, what’s up? Her tone was casual, but she soundedabsentminded it “Nothing in particular I have some free time today so I thought call you.Do you have time? treat you to some local specialties” I said trying to sound pleasant a She hesitated formoment before replying Maybe another time I’m Food I tightened my grip on my phone ring mysuspicione might be get on Today’s Bonus Offer GET IT NOW I wondered what had happened at ATLEmpire.Even Stella, who often called me, hadn’t contacted me in the past few days.These two seemed to have disappeared, and I thought Stella had also gone to Quillbrooke.With that in mind, I called Stella.The phone rang for a while before she finally answered.However, she didn’t sound enthusiastic, “Ms.Chloe, what’s up?” Hertone was casual, but she sounded absent–minded.“Nothing in particular.I have some free time today, so I thought I’d call you.Do you have time? I’ll treat you to some local specialties,” I said, trying to sound pleasant.She hesitated for a moment before replying.“Maybe another time.I’m not in Foswood.” I tightened my grip on my phone, realizing my suspicions might be spot–on.

Chapter 141 Substantiated News “That’s fine! Let’s plan something once you’re back,” I said.As I was about to end the call, she asked, “Ms.Chloe, haven’t you heard? ATL Empire is about to change.ownership.” “What?” I asked, my heart racing.“Change ownership?” Stella chuckled and said, “Let’s discuss it later when I’m back.It won’t be long now! Goodbye!” She hung up, leaving me puzzled.30 What did she mean by that? Change of ownership? It was a serious matter.A conglomerate the size of ATL Empire, and they were changing ownership so quickly? My knowledge ofATL Empire was clearly limited.It suddenly made sense why Atlas had rushed off and told me to wait for his return before handlingthings.Then, I realized the meaning behind Stella’s question.She must have thought the call was an attempt to pry information from her.Just as I was about to call Ivanna, Lauren Burton called.It was a name I had nearly forgotten.I answered the call.“Hello, Ms.Burton!” “Do you have a moment? I need to talk to you about something,” she said.“Alright! Where should we meet?” “It’s lunchtime now.Let’s grab a meal!” She thought for a moment.“Come to Stallion Road.There’s a place known for its beef stews! I’ll be waiting for you!” I headed straight to Stallion Road,where she had mentioned a restaurant with a unique name.Sure enough, it was a small store with no parking spaces.I had to park across the street and make my way through the traffic to enter.Though the restaurant was small, it was remarkably tidy.Lauren called out from a narrow staircase, Chloel saw her waving at me, so l quickly followed herupstairs.second floor had a few private rooms, and Lauren had chosen one with a window! She had see +15BONUS She gestured for me to sit down and said, “This place makes the best stews.I come here whenever I have the chancel” I couldn’t help but admire that she frequented such down–to–earth eateries.She laughed when she saw my confused face.“Once you try it, you won’t look at me like that anymore.” After we sat down, she began, “I heard aboutthe situation at your company.What happened? Is there any hope left?” I looked at her.“You certainly have your sources.“Ha! As I told you, your company’s name still reminds me of that scumbag.” She made a face thatshowed her disgust, which was endearing.“Either rebrand or dismantle the company.Don’t tell me you’re still hung up on that scumbag!” “Don’t worry, it affected me, too!” I teased her.“But now isn’t the time for a rebrand.” She smiled.“Although our relationship is unconventional, I always stand by my friends.Of course, you don’t have to be friends with me if you don’t want to.” “You’re overthinking it! I’m notthat petty.” I assured her.I quite liked her straightforward nature.“I wanted to tell you that Matthew secured a foothold with Echelon Group.He even took out a seven- million–dollar loan.They are working with the Echelon Group to buy a plot of land in Operose.He’s now a shareholder,” she revealed.She confirmed what Johnson had told me earlier.“Echelon Group is in a hurry to expand their capital.They want to secure that land because their only.competitor, ATL Empire, is in turmoil.It has considerable growth potential.If Echelon Group succeeds, Matthew will be thrilled.” “Seven million? His audacity knows no bounds.What if he fails? Isn’t he afraid of going back to square one?” I scoffed.“I know Matthew’s background the best.He suffered significant losses under my management.Where did he get all this confidence for such a risk?” “He probably fell into Echelon Group’s trap.They have deep pockets and have worked with him before.Matthew couldn’t resist the temptation,” Lauren reasoned.“We can’t let this punk off easy! Will you be fine with him succeeding?” I had to admit that Lauren wasright.I would never be at peace if Matthew gained too much power.I asked, “So, what do you suggest?”

Chapter 142 Unexpected Discovery I looked at Lauren, trying to gauge her thoughts.She had no doubt about the accuracy of this information.“We might not be able to touch Echelon Group, but Matthew is another story.” Lauren smirked.“Your divorce is driving him crazy.Can he bear to watch you gracefully move on? If he gains power, the first person he’ll crush is you!”“You’re absolutely right.He’s already causing chaos with suppliers, leaving me no peace,” I sighed.“So, are you just going to let him get away with it? Is there still hope for Tanum Corporation?” Laurenlooked at me intently.“Whether or not you consider me your friend, when it comes to Matthew, I’m on your side.” I lightlypatted her hand.“Thank you!” However, revealing my background and details of Tanum Corporation wasn’t appropriate,so I only said, “I won’t let Tanum Corporation crumble under my watch!” Then I asked, “What’s going onwith the ATL Empire? Why all the upheaval?” She was as savvy as any businessman and had a keenunderstanding of corporate politics.“No one knows the specifics since it’s a multinational conglomerate.But there is talk of a change in ownership.It’s been in turmoil for a while, but no one knows why.They keep their information tightly locked up.Lauren shook her head, leaving me exasperated.“So, what can we do?” Just as the waiter arrived with our dishes, I casually scanned the downstairs area.However, I saw something surprising.Two figures made their way into the restaurant.It was Melanie and, to my amazement, a man I had been wondering about for days.It was Josh.Lauren noticed my expression change.When she looked downstairs, the two people were gone.Then, I heard footsteps on the staircase.I quickly got up, opened the door, and told the waiter standing outside, “Don’t disturb us!” After lockingthe door, I gestured to Lauren to stay quiet as I listened to their voices.Melanie and Josh were instructing the walter to arrange a room for them.I cautiously told Lauren that it was Melanie.This was a very dramatic tum of events.It seemed like fate What were the odds of such a coincidence? I heard them enter the room next toours.The partitions in this place were made of wooden panels, and the soundproofing wasn’t great.I heard Josh placing an order Lauren motioned for me to listen while we continued to eat I quickly tookout my phone, switched on the recording mode, and placed it on the windowsill facing their side.Sure enough Josh was reporting the company’s current state to Melanie.His tone sounded somewhat triumphant “You can rest assured! Everything has turned into a mess.The new recruits are acting erratically, and the old ones are all on edge! Chloe hasnt been around muchthese past few days.She’s just wandering aimlessly “How are the new suppliers? Melanie asked.Josh told Melanie everything I had worked out with the new suppliers.He mentioned that he had already made calls and that all of my efforts would be futile Melanie wasdelighted, but I was far from it.I never expected Josh to be such a conniving person.When he joined, he promised to work hard for the company and even made a proposal.He claimed he felt undervalued under Matthew’s leadership and wanted a platform to demonstrate hisabilities.He insisted he wouldn’t leave Tanum Corporation, even if he were the last man standing, I was deeplymoved then, perhaps overly confident in my charmi He reported every detail about the company,leaving nothing out.In the end, he even offered Melanie advice, encouraging her to continue pressuring me relentlessly.Adding that she should get the bank to join in on the collection efforts.Even Lauren clenched her fists and muttered, “What kind of people are they?” It wasn’t until we finishedour meal and they left that I shared the situation with Lauren and asked her to learn more about ATLEmpire Then I drove straight back to the office.It had been a couple of days since I had been there.Josh hurried in with a worn–out look as soon as I entered my office.I nearly questioned my own eyes.Was the scene I witnessed in the little restaurant a figment of my imagination?

Chapter 143 Tanum Corporation Is In Turmoil I kept my cool and looked at Josh.“How has it been these past two days?” “Hey, don’t even get me started.These guys are no pushovers.They look at every detail, and I have worn out my mouth trying to explain that these are Matthew’saccounts.They kept bugging me, saying they only deal with Tanum Corporation!” “You’ve worked hard, Mr.Josh,” Isaid, appearing to trust him.“Any ideas on how we can make them see reason?” “Ms.Chloe, if you ask me, Matthew’s not a real man.He should accept the court’s decision.What’s the point of all this?” Josh shook his head.“We should focus on our negotiations with suppliers.You need a plan because the project is about to start!” “Yes, you’re right.In the worst–case scenario, we can subcontract the project on hand.It might mean earning less, but it’s a safer bet,” I said, looking at him helplessly.“Do you have any suitable candidates?” Upon hearing my decision, Josh feigned regret.“Are you set on this?” “What choice do I have? If Matthew keeps making trouble, we’ll play a game ofcat and mouse.I might get hurt, but he knows something others don’t!” I smirked at Josh.In the end, good triumphs over evil, and I’m the sacrificial lamb.” Josh’s expression froze before heasked, “So, what’s our next step?” “We’ll take it one step at a time,” I replied.Did he expect me to uncover the entire plan? How naive! “I’ve not seen Mr.Ryan these past few days.Is he on a business trip?” He asked a question that Melanie was keen on finding out.“He took a few days off to visit his hometown! He’s AWOL at the worst possible time!” I grumbled.“In that case, compile all those collection notices and give me a detailed report!” Josh agreed and left.Not long after, Benjamin knocked on the door, speaking quietly when he entered.“Chloe, Mr.Josh was the only one who went out for lunch.Everyone else seems normal.He’s back now.I have a feeling…” I raised an eyebrow and whispered a few words to him.Benjamin gave me a thumbs–up and left my office.Sure enough, Tanum Corporation was hit with another wave of collection notices from the bank in the1/2 chaotic situation.Carol was getting anxious and asked me what to do.Everyone secretly considered quitting.I wanted to take a gamble.I had been waiting for news from ATL Empire in the back of my mind.However, Atlas phone had been turned off, and I knew I could learn nothing from Stella.I reluctantly called Nick.To my dismay, his phone was also switched off.It appeared that ATL Empire was about to vanish from Foswood, leaving me feeling like I was in a dream.I felt a lot of pressure from the uncertainty If ATL Empire changed hands, they would reorganize theirheadquarters in Foswood.In this situation, high -level executives were most likely to run into trouble.As the saying goes, new ruler, new rules.The new owner would bring in their trusted associates.Everything we had established here could be overturned, and it would reshape the entire landscape.I was terrified at the thought.That must have been why Atlas told me he’d handle everything upon his return.He must have foreseen this crisis.Still, I was betting on ATL Empire.If Nick and Atlas were at risk, I’d be obliterated.Tanum Corporation would be what broke me, and the trap I had set for Matthew would be my downfall.I felt like I was standing on the edge of a cliff.Unfortunately, I received a phone call that added to my anxiety.

Chapter 144 Picking Up Ava The phone call was from Ava’s teacher, informing me that Ava’s father hadpicked her up.It threw me off.Why on earth would Matthew suddenly decide to pick up Ava? I hurriedly dialed Matthew’s number.The once familiar digits now felt strange and cold.It rang for a long time before he answered, his voice filled with tenderness.“Honey!” I was furious.“Matthew, what are you doing? Who asked you to pick Ava up?” “Honey, calm down.I just missed our little girl.It’s been so long since I’ve seen her, and I couldn’t wait any longer!” His words sent shivers down myspine.Although he talked sweetly, there was a hidden menace to it.Could he really miss our daughter? “I’ve told you, don’t call me that.It disgusts me.Where are you?” My eyes were red with anger, and I shouted into the phone.“It’s out of habit.You’ll always be my wife.That won’t change in this lifetime!” His tone was gentle, and I was sure it was deliberate.He said, “Relax, I’m at Snow World.” After hanging up, I called my mother to let her know I’d pick up Avamyself.I didn’t want her to worry.Then I drove straight to Snow World.My daughter was everything to me.Although she called Matthew “Daddy,” he had lost his right to that title.As I rushed into Snow World, I saw Matthew feeding Ava ice cream one spoonful at a time.Once upon a time, that would have been a scene that melted my heart.Ava spotted me first, eager to get out of her chair and run to me.However, Matthew scooped her up.She squirmed in his arms, clearly reluctant.“Mommy!” I rushed over and grabbed Ava from Matthew’s arms, holding her tight.Matthew looked at me with a smile on his face.“Why are you in such a hurry? She’s my daughter, too.Do you think I’d harm her?” I tried to restrain myself because I didn’t want Ave to see us arguing again.Ava clung to my neck as if Picking Up Aval The phone call was from Ava’s teacher, informing me thatAva’s father had picked her up.It threw me off.Why on earth would Matthew suddenly decide to pick up Ava? I hurriedly dialed Matthew’s number.The once familiar digits now felt strange and cold.It rang for a long time before he answered, his voice filled with tenderness.“Honey!” I was furious.“Matthew, what are you doing? Who asked you to pick Ava up?” “Honey, calm down.I just missed our little girl.It’s been so long since I’ve seen her, and I couldn’t wait any longer!” His words sent shivers down myspine.Although he talked sweetly, there was a hidden.menace to it Could he really miss our daughter? “I’ve told you don’t call me that.It disgusts me.Where are you?” My eyes were red with anger, and I shouted into the–phone.“It’s out of habit.You’ll always be my wife.That won’t change in this lifetime!” His tone was gentle, and i was sure it was deliberate.He said, “Relax, I’m at Snow World.” After hanging up.I called my mother to let her know I’d pick up Ava myself.I didn’t want her to worry.Then I drove straight to Snow World.My daughter was everything to me.Although she called Matthew “Daddy,” he had lost his right to that title.As I rushed into Snow World, I saw Matthew feeding Ava ice cream one spoonful at a time.Once upon a time, that would have been a scene that melted my heart.Ava spotted me first, eager to get out of her chair and run to me.However, Matthew scooped her up.She squirmed in his arms, clearly reluctant.“Mommy!” I rushed over and grabbed Ava from Matthew’s arms, holding her tight.Matthew looked at me with a smile on his face.“Why are you in such a hurry? She’s my daughter, think I’d harm her?” I tried to restrain myself because I didn’t want Ave to see us arguing again.Ava clung to my neck as if “Is it yummy?” I asked her in a gentle tone.She looked at me with big, innocent eyes, assessing my expression.Then she licked her upper lip.It was clear she hadn’t had enough, Matthew stood up and pulled me into an embrace.“Our daughter hasn’t finished eating.She only had a spoonful of ice cream.Let me feed her some more!” I clenched my fist and wished I could scream expletives at him.My eyes blazed like fire.In a low, seething voice, I asked, “Do you have any shame left?” Suddenly, Matthew laughed, his eyesand brows crinkling with a peculiar playfulness.However, I knew there was a trace of scheming in that smile.It was this very smile that sent a chill down my spine.

Chapter 145 A Scheming Jerk Ava leaned into my arms, clutching me tightly.She looked at him, forgetting to continue eating.“Chlo, do not be so hostile to me! I never meant to hurt you.Isn’t it wonderful, the three of us together?” He shamelessly declared, “Have you noticed Ava’s change?She’s not as chatty as she used to be.” He looked as if he were questioning me, as if it were all my fault.“Can’t you compromise for the sake of our child? ATL Empire has changed hands.Your support is gone.Do you still want to persist?” Triumph filled his eyes.My heart churned.I clenched the small spoon in my hand and looked at him.“What then?” Ava’s little hand tightened around mine.She was afraid that we’d start arguing.I let go of the spoon, embracing her tightly.I reached out to stroke her head.“Mommy’s here!” “Let’s go back to how things were.You can live in the house, and I won’t take your money.But you must send your parents back, and I expect you to be home on time.I want to be with you and our child!” His eyes greedily assessed me.“You can forget about that!” I gritted my teeth, trying to keep my tone calm.If it weren’t for Ava, I would have given him a piece of my mind.go of He chuckled again.Looking at me as if he adored me, he shook his head.“Oh, Chlo.Why can’t I let g you? You’re too stubborn.But you’ve changed, and the world has changed too.“Don’t be so headstrong.Tanum Corporation has worn you out.I gave you a chance, but you can’t even handle a few suppliers.Do you still need to put up a fight?” “Do you think a few suppliers can intimidate me?” I countered.He didn’t deny it and just smiled.“Chlo, do you really think Atlas can back you up? You’re too naive.He’s just a little assistant.What can he possibly do? Yet you’re still hoping he’ll come back and support you?” Fear gripped myheart.I knew the odds were slim.“So what?” “Be realistic! You’ve had your fun.I’ve been soft on you, haven’t I? I can tolerate whatever your relationship is with him, even if he sleptwith you.We’d be even.You have Atlas, and I have Melanie.Isn’t that fair? “You’re shameless!” No word fitted him better.“Let us just set this aside.Feel free to run off with anyone if you want to be stubborn.But you’re not taking “Is it yummy?” I asked her in a gentle tone.She looked at me with big, innocent eyes, assessing my expression.Then she licked her upper lip.It was clear she hadn’t had enough Matthew stood up and pulled me into an embrace.“Our daughter hasn’t finished eating.She only had a spoonful of ice cream.Let me feed her some more!” I clenched my fist and wished I could scream expletives at him.My eyes blazed like fire.In a low, seething voice, I asked, “Do you have any shame left?” Suddenly, Matthew laughed, his eyesand brows crinkling with a peculiar playfulness.However, I knew there was a trace of scheming in that smile.It was this very smile that sent a chill down my spine.

Chapter 146 What Happens After Defeat Matthew continued, “We have nothing to worry about if wejoin forces.We’ll dominate Foswood’s construction industry.What do you say, honey?” “Keep dreaming, scumbag! You’ll never have my support again.Karma will catch up to you.” I couldn’t stand that disgusting man.I picked Ava up and looked at him.“Next time you want to see her, call me!” “Chloe, you’ll see the results in about three days.I’ll be waiting for your mind to change.Think about Ava, and stop being so stubborn,” Matthew revealed a sinister smile as I walked away, I’mwaiting for the day we reconcile, my dear wife!” I held Ava close as I rushed out of Snow World.My body trembled, and I felt like I was about to explode angrily.Ava sat in the child’s seat, looking at Snow World’s entrance.I hugged her as tears rolled cheeks.I tried to wipe away my tears so my daughter wouldn’t see them.After regaining my composure, I forced a smile and said, “Mommy will take you out for some nice food,okay? She looked at me and asked, “With Grandpa and Grandma?” “Sure, we’ll bring them along.Let’s go home and pick them up,” I spoke tremblingly.I knew this was what Ava’s world would be like from now on, and I felt guilty.I took my parents to a seafood feast that evening.However, I remained agitated throughout the meal.I had to restrain myself, but the effort drove me crazy.After dinner, I dropped my parents off and told them I had errands but would be home soon.I drove to the Varencarres River and stood on the dimly lit riverbank.Suddenly, I screamed to release all my suppressed frustrations and anger.I screamed until my throat burned.Finally, I stopped and knelt, gazing at the lights on the other side.1 “Why didn’t you return yet? What happened to you?” I whispered to myself as our shared memoriesflooded my mind.He gave me a sense of security, but it slowly disappeared.I wondered what to do next and how to save myself without his support.I had taken a massive loan by mortgaging everything, and Tanum Corporation was about to collapse.I had always felt uneasy, but it seemed validated now.I knew I had relied too much on Atlas but didn’t regret it and considered it destiny’s plan.I had to face the situation, even without him.I couldn’t allow myself to end up like Grace.With my increasingly quiet daughter and constantly worried parents, I had to make one last attempt.I If I lost everything.I would return to my hometown with Ava and my parents.I would treat everything here as a nightmare and start anew away from the chaos.Regrettably, I couldn’t help him this time and could only pray for him.He was outstanding and would have a bright future.I didn’t deny liking someone as caring and trustworthy as him.He was enough for me.With those thoughts in mind, I returned home, determined to face whatever came next.

Chapter 147 The Outcome When Josh passed me the suppliers‘ payment reminders the following day, Isecretly got Carol to select a few representatives from the companies on the list and match them withthe collected information.Then, I told Josh to notify all suppliers of a response meeting at Tanum Corporation next Monday.Josh seemed puzzled.“Ms.Chloe, what’s your plan for the meeting?” I noticed his eagerness and asked smilingly, “Mr.Josh,what do you think would be the best way to resolve this situation?” He chuckled, not entirelyunderstanding my intentions.“Ms.Chloe, I’m not sure I follow.You’re being quite mysterious.” “Haha!” I laughed heartily.“As if you’ve ever understood me!” He joined in the laughter.“That’s true!” “I’ve got you figured out,” I teased him.He blinked, appearing a bit nervous.“Don’t worry, get back to work.I have ideas you can trust,” I reassured and dismissed Josh from my office.Although reluctant, he realized I didn’t care to continue the discussion and left.Indeed, I had prepared everything.After all, I could always retreat to my hometown if my gamble failed.Suddenly, I received a notification from ATL Empire.They would host a press conference at 6 p.m.on Sunday at the top floor of Starlight International to announce the new CEO of ATL Empire for theToradol Headquarters.The news shook Foswood and all of Torado’s business community.All companies collaborating with ATL Empire had received invites to the conference.It was the same day as Matthew had predicted.Not even half an hour after receiving the notification, Matthew called.I didn’t avoid it and answered the call.He sounded smug, saying, “Did my information prove accurate, my dear wife?” I closed my eyes andinwardly cursed his arrogance.“Don’t underestimate me.I’m not the same man who used to fear breathing in your presence.You should reconsider.Besides being with me, you have no other choice.If you agree to remarry me, I’ll restore Tanum Corporation to its former glory.“Matthew, you can forget about that.I will never remarry you, even if I must sacrifice everything.” I replied and hung up the phone.I stood by my office window and gazed into the distance before calling Atlas.As usual, it went straight to voicemail.On Sunday, I took only Carol with me to Starlight International.However, Ivanna was also there because her media company collaborated with ATL Empire.I It was the most significant event I had attended.Starlight International was the biggest and most luxurious hotel in Foswood.As an international conglomerate, ATL Empire chose this venue to highlight the importance of itsannouncement.The attendees were influential figures representing ATL Empire’s partners from Torado.Since it was a business event, I wore a tailored pantsuit, I entered the hall with Carol without attractingtoo much attention.I was just another guest today.I spotted Matthew as I mingled in the crowd.He wore a nice suit and seemed confident.He conversed with a few people as if he were ATL Empire’s new CEO.When he saw me, he excused himself and approached me.I hated being unable to avoid him.Again, I wondered how I couldn’t see how despicable he was before.“Honey!” He grinned and leaned in to whisper, “Here’s some information for you.The son of ATL Empire’s chairman is reclaiming his authority.He’ll manage the business in the Torado region.We’ll still work together in the future, and it’s a new beginning for our original team.I will no longer be just the owner of a small company.” I glared at Matthew.“I wish you well.” Immediately after, I strode away while he followed like a pest.“Do you know what’s happening now, Chlo? If you want, I can give you a life of luxury,” Matthewinsisted.I retorted, “You’re overestimating yourself.You should go home and brag to Melanie instead.Since she admires you so much, you don’t need to chase after other women.” I continued walking withCarol, and Matthew left his last words, “Don’t be so arrogant.You’ll see the outcome soon!”

Chapter 148 Dreamlike I couldn’t shake off my loneliness amidst the lively atmosphere.While the crowd discussed and speculated who the new CEO would be, I considered Matthew’sinformation.He said something about the son of ATL Empire’s chairman My face grew numb from smiling andexchanging pleasantries with old clients I just wanted the conference to end as soon as possible.After all, coming here was about confirming the inevitable I felt small, lonely, and powerless amidst thecrowd I wanted to escape back to my small hometown to live a peaceful life with my daughter andparents.Finally, the moment arrived.Someone took the stage, and the audience gathered around.I followed the crowd with my heart pounding and fists clenched.I never expected ATL Empire to hold such significance in my life.Matthew stood beside me again, and I silently cursed him I wondered why he still stuck to me like glue,even after getting what he wanted Various speeches and formalities occurred on stage.It resembled an awards ceremony until an elderly man tremblingly announced, “Let us invite the questof honor to the stage!” Suddenly, the hall dimmed, and a spotlight shined on the entrance.Everyone was anxious as they turned to see who it was.Next, thunderous applause echoed throughout the hall.The crowd parted to create a path leading to the stage.However, I couldn’t see who it was through the crowd I only saw a crowd following the personapproaching the stage.At that moment, I noticed Matthew’s strange expression.His eyes widened, and he looked possessed Suddenly, a voice boomed, “Introducing the new ChiefExecutive Officer of ATL Empire, Mr.Atlas!” I I thought I was hallucinating from overly obsessing with that name these past few days.“How could this be? I heard Matthew’s question beside me After another round of applause.I heard that familiar voice echoing through the hall.I couldn’t contain my tement and pushed through the crowd to see the source of that voice.I wanted to see if my ears had declved Finally, I saw has gun the stage He was the same person I thoughtwas the CEO’s assistant, the one who ita I id gone missing for over ten days–All had came the CEO of notjust Torado but all of ATL Empire I glanced around and Meanwhile, Carol exclaimed beside me, “Ms.Chloe, look! It’s Mr.Atlas! Oh my God, this is incredible!” I could barely remember what had happened after that.Carol led me out of the event and even brought me home..My phone kept ringing until I reached home.Finally, I realized how jarring my ringtone was.I realized I had the most missed calls from Ivanna and some from Matthew.I called Ivanna to tell her I had arrived home safely and then turned off my phone.Still, I had trouble accepting what I had witnessed at the event.I didn’t know if I should be happy or sad as I stayed up until

Chapter 149 At Daggers Drawn When Monday arrived, I had many matters to handle and people tomeet.When I reached my office, I noticed how quiet it was I even wondered if I had got off on the wrong floorDespite the dark circles around his eyes.Josh knocked and entered my office with a smile.“Ms.Chloe, will the meeting start on time today?” I “Of course, why wouldn’t it be?” I replied whileobserving his expression.I couldn’t help but wonder why he was so excited He said.“Great, then I’ll inform the rest I entered the large meeting room at ten o’clock.People were in a heated discussion, demanding I settle accounts today Before the meeting I invitedAdrian to come.After taking over Tanum Corporation, I signed an engagement agreement with him.He was my personal lawyer and the company’s legal counsel.Josh was presiding over the meeting trying to ease the tension among the crowd.When he saw me, he introduced me to those present.I glanced at the people in the room, who looked like they were glaring at a common enemy.The leader among them asked, “Ms.Chloe, can we finally resolve our issues today? We’ve been waiting here for days and have spent muchon food and accommodation” “Did Matthew send you here? Then, you can ask him to reimburse yourexpenses! Why bother me?” I retorted, staring at the person speaking.He shouted at me, “What did you say?! Can’t you see we can’t keep tossing the ball back and forth likethis? You two are divorced, and it’s your problem, so stop playing with us.Now that you’ve taken over, settle the accounts and stop wasting our time!” The others chimed in likeclowns, and I felt like I was in a circus.Meanwhile, Josh carefully assessed the situation styly.After another rude man finished insulting me, I couldn’t take it any longer.I slammed the table and stood up to glare at them.Even my employees were shocked.Do you think I’m a pushover?! You’ve been dealing with Matthew in everything, yet you come to collectdebts from me?! I pointed at Josh.Either he didn’t explain things well enough, or you thought I was an easy target.Tve been in this business for a long time and uphold integrity and commitment.However, that’s only for My sudden retaliation shocked everyone, and they exchanged puzzled glances.“I thought I could still work with all of you by reclaiming Tanum Corporation.I never expected such misconduct from you.I do not associate with individuals who have skewed values.” Unable to bear the situation, someonebecame furious and questioned me, “What do you mean?!” Facing the standoff, I knew no one wouldleave this meeting room if I didn’t acknowledge their claims

Chapter 150 The Evidence I faced the suppliers fearlessly while maintaining my composure.“Everyone here had contracts with Matthew.Each payment and the obligations of both parties were clear.Do you think those contracts are just pieces of paper? “Each contract and payment was complete.Shouldn’t you approach Matthew if you face payment delays? Didn’t he pay you all?” Someone shouted,“There are still many outstanding payments!” I scoffed.“You dare to admit they’re outstanding payments? Why are you here to ask for them now? Do you needto beg for money because you’re tight on finances? How have you done business for so long.with this attitude?!” I turned to Carol, who handed me a stack of documents.I slammed them on the table, causing them to slide everywhere.“Do you think you were so perfect? You all cut corners and compromised quality for your contracts withMatthew.Should I bring the developers in to discuss this or report it to the relevant authorities for investigation?“Maybe I should invite the property owners to join us.I have a long list of names right here!” I chuckled, You may have heard about me loving lawsuits.I even hired an unbeatable lawyer.If your methods are strong enough to prevail, I will settle your accounts without owing you a cent.” Themeeting room fell silent as I turned to leave, saying, “If there are no objections, please leave.Mr.Adrian, please terminate all contracts with everyone here.They don’t deserve to work with me.” Josh looked at me as if he was dissatisfied with the outcome.“W–Wait, Ms.Chloe! Are you saying today’s meeting- Someone interjected, “Yeah, Mr.Josh said we’ll get paid today!” “Mr.Josh?!” I stopped and questioned.Yes, he promised Tanum Corporation would settle all outstanding payments today.It’s the company’s obligation!” I stared at the disappointed suppliers.“Mr.Josh said that, huh? It’s my company, and I don’t need an outsider to decide for mer Freturned to thetable and questioned Josh, “Whose orders are you following? How are you so confident I must settle theaccounts today?” Josh appeared flustered as he avoided my gaze.He stammered, “I–I followed your orders, of course.” “My orders? When did I say I’d take overMatthew’s mess?” I didn’t back down.“Who are you working for?” “1-…” Josh was somewhat embarrassed.“What do you mean? W–Why are you suddenly blaming me? I’ve worked tirelessly for you these pastfew days.” “It seems I’ve wronged you, Josh,” I said, “I wanted to protect your reputation, but I guesseveryone must see how hardworking you’ve been!” I called for Carol, and she connected my phone tothe computer.Then, she played a recording through the monitor of Josh and Melanie’s conversation.Josh bolted to his feet and focused on the screen before slumping back into his chair.“Josh, you told me you wanted to stand out, so I gave you a chance.However, you mistook my kindness.for weakness and repaid it with betrayal! You conspired against your employer.How can you expect a proper future with such behavior? “You disrupted my work routine for half amonth.I have enough evidence to get you into serious trouble.You better leave with these people before I change my mind!” I glared at Josh.He paled with fear and got up, lowering his head in shame.Then, he left the meeting room without a word while the rest followed suit.My employees cheered as they seemed relieved now.However, I didn’t feel the same as them and asked Benjamin to gather the rest of the employees in themeeting room.

Chapter 151 An Unreachable StarI then met with all my employees and told them the farce was over.As for Matthew, I was sure he and Echelon Group were too busy to target me. To be safe, I called Laurenand asked her to look into the company. I needed precautions to know how to act in the future.Lauren impressed me with her ability to gather information. She was good to me, and I trusted her.However, I was still reeling from last night’s shock. Although Carol was all smiles, I felt troubled.I called Ivanna that afternoon and asked when she could get off work. She knew something was up andagreed to meet up.I got some beer after work and met her by the river. When she arrived, she exclaimed, “What a lovelyspot!”She then went to her car and changed into long pants. We drank while sitting on the riverbank. Beingmybest friend, Ivanna knew I was troubled.She asked me about Atlas. Seeing that I was silent, she admitted, “I don’t think you’re right for eachother.You live in different worlds, and even if you try to make it work, it will take a toll on you. You’re both toodifferent, Chlo.”I knew it all along, but hearing it aloud by a third person made me feel worse. Though I couldn’t denythathe was like a bright star in the sky, we did share something.Ivanna asked drunkenly, “Do you know why Ryan returned?”I looked at her, puzzled. “Why?”“He came back for you!” she said.“What are you talking about? Don’t play Cupid, okay? I’ve got enough problems to deal with.” With atroubled look, I said, “I can barely cope now.”“Hey, I warned you about Matthew, but you never listened!” Ivanna took a swig of beer and choked onit.I looked across the river at the dreamlike structures. Ivanna was right. I thought she was being too picky.which was why she couldn’t find a suitable partner.Now that I had come to my senses, I agreed that women should be picky and realistic.Ivanna noticed my silence and turned her gaze to those tall buildings. “He was into you, but you endedupwith that asshole. That was why he left the country!” Ivanna seemed indignant on Ryan’s behalf.“If he finds out you asked me to investigate him, he’ll be heartbroken. And I feel sorry for him. He’s beenwaiting for you, but when you finally divorced, you fell for someone else.”She sounded resentful when she said, “Can’t you consider him? He’s no bright star, but he’s a morepractical choice!*Feeling dizzy, I lay down.“Passionate love doesn’t last, okay?” She lay down beside me.I stared at the stars. Atlas truly belonged to another world, didn’t he?Too drunk to drive, we each called a designated driver to take us home. I passed out that night.All the troubles made me dread waking up the next day. Fortunately, Ryan brought some good news.

Chapter 152 The Cousin RevealsHe called and said he’d return to Foswood on Friday. Although he had been gone for over 20 days, heonlycalled me three times.He told me over the phone that the trip was fruitful, a over atnd I was collaud Atlas only gave mittleweek to complete the task.Ever since Atlas went to Quillbrooke, I had only seen him at the press conference from a distance. Hehadn’t called me since his return, and I didn’t want to disturb him.After meeting a client, I spotted Stella coming out of Galar Tower.She was excited to see me. “You’re back, Ms. Chloe!”I asked, “Were you looking for me?”“Yeah. I was at E–Times, so I stopped by to ask you out for lunch. So much for trying to surprise you.”Disappointed, she let out a gentle smile.“Hey, I wanted to treat you the other day, but you weren’t around. Come on,” I said, gesturing for her togetinto my car.I took her to the restaurant that Lauren and I went to. Although Josh and Melanie spoiled my appetiteback then, the food made quite an impression.Stella loved it, too. She said she rarely had food like this growing up in Nocturnia. I could imagine thatshecame from a wealthy family.“T’ll take you to more places like this, in the future.” I chuckled and said, “They aren’t fancy, but thefood isgreat.”my face.“I can’t wait, Ms. Chloe!” Whenever Stella was with me, she always stared at my“Just call me Chloe,” I said casually. “Anyway, why do I get the impression you knew me before this?”Stella winced. “No, it’s just that you look so much like someone.”I“Really?” I asked curiously. I always felt there was a reason she tried to be close to me.“Yes, very much alike. Hasn’t Atlas told you before?” Stella asked casually.“No, does he know the person too?” I asked, tensing up.“I think so.” Stella’s answer was oddly evasive.“How much do you know about Atlas?” She tried to change the subject.I looked up at her and said, “Almost nothing. We’ve only known each other for a short time.”She nodded and said, “That must be why you thought Atlas was an assistant.I let out an embarrassed smile. “Yes, I mistook him to be Nick Wright’s assistant. Of course, I wasn’t theonly person who thought so.”“Well, I can’t blame you guys. ATL Empire.” She hesitated. “It’s a long story. Outsiders could neverimagine how complicated the things are, and the family.Glancing at me, she shrugged.“Did you ever wonder about the ‘ATL‘ in ATL Empire?” Stella said, trying not to reveal too much.ATL… as! It was his name!I finally caught on. Why hadn’t I thought about it before? I was so dumb!Stella saw my expression and smiled. “Well, not even I could fully understand.”“Why is that?” I was intrigued because she seemed to have said it on purpose. “Aren’t you his cousin?”“Did he tell you that?” Stella asked, looking at me.

Chapter 153 The Inside StorySomething felt off. Stella reached for a wet wipe and cleaned her hands before saying, “He always saysI’m his cousin.”“You’re not?” I felt uneasy, thinking that Atlas had lied to me.“Technically, I am. But I was adopted,” Stella said, smiling at me.My heart skipped a beat. So she’s not blood–related to him! Not again.I waited for her to continue. However, I regretted being indiscreet. Atlas wouldn’t have told me she washis cousin if we weren’t close, would he?“My mom is Atlas’s aunt. She’s a strong woman and the former CEO of ATL Empire.” Stella wiped herslender fingers meticulously.She did everything perfectly. Even her fingernails were flawless.“Former CEO?” murmured.“Yes, my mom used to run ATL Empire. She had only just handed over the company back to Atlas.”Wait a minute. Hadn’t the power struggle lasted for quite some time? Was it between Atlas and hisaunt?If so, why would she give up control of the company? On what terms?“Hand it back?”“ATL Empire belonged to my uncle, who was Atlas‘ dad. Oh, his parents had passed away in a planecrash when he was little.” Stella paused and said, “He hates people talking about this. I better stop.”I was curious, but I couldn’t ask any further questions. She then talked about other things until herphonerang. She whispered that it was Atlas, then went to pick up the call. When she returned, she said shehadto attend to something urgent.We returned to Galar Tower together, and she drove off quickly.Stella said little, but what she did say was informative. The Pierce family kept many secrets that no oneelse knew about.Everything she said about her mother’s former position as CEO and the plane crash was new to me. Iwassure there were many more stories I didn’t know about.When I got back, Benjamin walked into my office with a smile. “Mr. Ryan has done a great job. Based on1/2“That’s wonderfull I was relieved. Now, I could finally fulfill Atlas’s requirements.“To be honest, some of the previous suppliers weren’t bad. Surface Solutions, for example. Theirreputation is as good as their flooring. They also didn’t gang up with Matthew, Would you like toconsidertheir request to work with us?”I glanced at Benjamin. “Have you forgotten about Josh? I worry they’ll bring us trouble.”“Well I’ve compiled a list. Take a look when you’re free. I just feel that It’s a pity not to work with them,as their products are good. Anyway, it’s your call.” Benjamin handed me the document. “I better getbusynow.”I browsed through the list, and I could tell Benjamin had put much effort into it. I decided to discuss thiswith Ryan firstAs I relaxed, I thought about what Stella said. I imagined there must be a story behind the handover ofATL EmpireAtlas.My phone suddenly rang beside me. I picked it up and was stunned to see the caller ID. It was Atla

Chapter 154 Without Saying GoodbyeI was flustered when I saw his name, I wasn’t going to pick it up, but my finger slipped and I hit theanswerbutton.“What took you so long?”I rolled my eyes at his commanding tone.Getting no answer, he asked, “What’s the matter?”“Nothing…”“You don’t sound happy hearing my voice,” he said.“Should I be happy?” I asked. Happy that he finally thought of me? Come on.He said, dissatisfied. “I haven’t heard from you. Don’t tell me you didn’t know I was back“Hey, did you check your phone? Don’t assume it’s my fault, alright? Also, why should I keep calling you?People gossip about divorced women all the time. You should stay away from me, shouldn’t you?”I caught myself sounding upset because he hadn’t called me. Just as I wanted to explain, he hung up.What the hell was wrong with this man? Why did he have to hang up on me all the time?I nearly threw my phone away. How could he not even say goodbye?Two days later, Ryan returned to the office. I almost couldn’t recognize him. He had grown a scruffybeard and looked sunburnt.“Ryan, you look awful!” I felt sorry for him, as I could easily imagine the hardships he had gone through.Hearing my concerned voice, he froze a bit but soon recovered.Then he pulled over a suitcase. “Give me half an hour to freshen up. Meanwhile, take a look at what I’vegot for you.He then turned and left my office. I tried to pull the heavy travel case but failed. When I opened it, thecase was filled with supplier information, samples, certificates, and such.Everything was neatly organized. I quickly got Benjamin’s help to separate suppliers that had alreadysigned contracts with us.Half an hour later, Ryan returned to my office, looking much more refreshed. He then talked in detailabout the suppliers he had met.F15 BONUSI secretly called my mom to tell her to prepare dinner. When Ryan was away, my mom asked me severaltimes to invite him over, and I promised her I would.My mom was thrilled when I told her about it and asked me to fetch Ava.After the meeting. Benjamin said, “Why don’t we all grab a nice meal today? This is worth celebrating.”“We should, but not today. Help me book somewhere nice for dinner tomorrow, okay? To celebrate thatwe’ve reached a new milestone!” I said, “Every staff member is invited.”Everyone then left the conference room in excitement.I asked Ryan, “Would you like to have dinner at my place tonight? My parents are in Foswood, andthey’vebeen eager to see you again.”He smiled widely. “They’re in Foswood, too? That’s perfect. I missed your mom’s cooking!”

Chapter 155 A White LieThis was the most joyous dinner ever since I moved here. My parents hadn’t laughed so heartily in alongtime.My dad even drank a can of beer. I was worried, but he insisted it was okay.After dinner, Ryan stayed with us for quite a while before he got up to bid farewell. I offered to give hima ride home, as the apartment unit he rented wasn’t too far from my place.As we walked to my car, Ryan asked, “Would you like to take a walk? I’m too full, and you can tell mewhatJosh did.”I said yes, and we walked out of Amethyst Apartments. I brought him up to speed. Since I brought Ryaninto the company, I considered him my partner, so I didn’t want to hide things from him.My phone started ringing in my pocket, and I took it out to see who the caller was. It was Atlas.I rejected the call, continued our walk, and talked about the company. That was what we had incommon.The phone rang again and Ryan looked at me. “Why don’t you answer it?”I smiled and did so. Atlas’s voice rang out, “So lost in the moment, huh?”Stopping in my tracks, I looked around. “Where are you?”A car pulled over beside us, and his upset voice came from inside, “Get in the car.”I lowered my phone and grew somewhat angry. He was being a dick. Couldn’t he see I was withsomeone?Ryan saw my expression and glanced at the car. Catching on, he asked, “You have to go, right?”I nodded apologetically. “Yeah, I was supposed to meet him but forgot.”To avoid awkwardness, I made up a white lie.Then go. Just look after yourself and call me if you need anything,” he said, trying to be considerate.“Take a cab home, okay?” I said,. “And don’t worry about me.”Ryan nodded. “Just go. I better walk home. I ate too much.”I looked over my shoulder at Ryan as he left before I got into Atlas‘ car. I noticed the privacy partition infront was raised, and I was suddenly pulled into Atlas‘ chest.Why didn’t you answer my call? His voice was cold and upset. I struggled free from his arms and sat up. “Can you stop being a jerk about it? You called at a bad time.”Hell, why must I pick up his calls?“Give me a reason!” he said, sounding sterner. “Why was it a bad time?”I was speechless as he snapped, “Tell me!”“We were discussing stuff about the company. He had been trying to secure suppliers and had only justreturned after more than 20 days-”“Hadn’t you talked enough over dinner? Have you really got so much to say to him? You’re never thattalkative when you’re with me,” he said with a hint of frustration.Over dinner? How did he know we just had dinner?I could tell he looked upset when the intermittent light shone on his face. “You were following me?”He asked without hesitation, “So what if I was?”The CEO of ATL Empire was following me? What the hell?

Chapter 156 Reunion After a Long SeparationAtlas brought me to the resort again, but he strode away alone after getting out of the car. I mumbled,“He was stalking me, yet he acts like I’m wrong?”The driver exited the car and whispered, “Ms. Chloe.”I stopped and looked at him. He glanced at Atlas, who had walked out of earshot, and said, “Mr. Atlashada busy week, and he rushed back from Operose just to meet you. He hasn’t even had dinner-”“Hurry up!” Atlas’s voice startled me.The driver quickly shut up, wanting to say more but couldn’t. Meanwhile, I realized why Atlas was upsetand felt terrible. Then, I nodded at the driver and chased after Atlas, softening my attitude.After entering the room, Atlas walked toward a sofa and removed his jacket. Immediately after, hestopped to look at me, and I collided with him. He pulled me along and then pinned me to the sofa.He kissed me passionately, and I couldn’t breathe. I felt a trace of anger in his kisses. After a long while,he stopped and stared at me, asking, “Did you miss me?”I was flustered and looked away, not knowing how to answer. Finally, I said, “Let me make you somefood, okay?”“Did you miss me?” he asked again.I rolled my eyes. “I can’t breathe with you on top of me, okay?”“Answer me!”I yielded. “Yes, I did….”He got off me and carried me upstairs. Despite my protest, he brought me to the master bedroom.Afterward, he tossed me onto the bed and kissed me again. As his hand ran up my skirt, I grabbed hishand and said, “Let me make you something to eat, and-”I’m just hungry for you,” he said before making love to me.We lay close together when we finished, our fingers intertwined. We could only hear each other’sbreathing. I said, “I’ll cook you something while you shower. You must eat no matter how busy you get,okay? Also, why didn’t you call me when you came to my place?”“Well, you didn’t invite me to dinner, did you?” Atlas sounded like a child.Although he didn’t ask me who Ryan was, I was sure he knew. All my doubts and frustration about our relationship disappeared when Atlas and I were together. I alsofelt terrible that he had waited outside my house with an empty stomach until I finished dinner.I let go of his hand and tried to get up, but he pulled me back into his chest and kissed my cheek, saying,There’s no hurry. Just accept my calls next time, okay?”I wanted to tell him never to hang up on me again, but I refrained myself.He turned me over and lifted my chin. “Have you been overthinking about us again while I was away?”I blushed at his gentle gaze and kissed his lips. “I missed you, but I know I shouldn’t. I’m just a- .Heinterrupted me with another kiss.

Chapter 157 A Natural Talent for CookingI saw a sparkle in Atlas’s eyes when he saw the food I made. He took the knife and fork from me to starteating. He ate a lot this time, and I could tell he was starving. I stayed beside him and looked at him withmy chin in my hand.We locked eyes when he looked at me, asking, “Haven’t you seen enough of me? You have a talent forcooking, that’s for sure.”I smiled. “Thanks!”I got up to clean the dishes, but he stopped me and held my hand. “Let’s go for a walk. I can’t let thatmanbeat me.”I chuckled. “Get over it, okay? It was not that I had sex with him.”“You did think about it, didn’t you?”I laughed, and he kissed me hard. “You’re mine, okay?”“Hey!” I pulled away and palmed my lip when he bit it.“That should teach you a lesson.” He removed my hand and kissed me again. “Does it still hurt?”I pouted. “Of course!”After showering, he put on silk pajamas that looked great on him. They matched a long nightgown hehad prepared for me, and I noticed they were a couple’s outfit. Everything felt so surreal.Suddenly, I realized we weren’t in the same resort as I thought. I looked at the beautiful yard and said,“Is.this your house? I thought it was a resort.”“Well, it is a timeshare resort, so there aren’t many guests here. My house in Foswood isn’t completeyet,so I stay here for now.”I leaned into him as we took a stroll. I noticed how nice he smelled.“What time is it? I have to get going.” I said after hesitating for a long while.“Do you have to be such a party pooper?” He gazed at me. “You have to stay here tonight.”“But-“No butts, okay? Didn’t you say you miss me?” He looked into my eyes. “Or you didn’t mean it?”“Of course I did!” I retorted.

Chapter 158 The InterrogationAtlas’s words deepenedmy helplessness, and I became uneasy. I looked down and realized I didn’t just like him a bit. Instead, itseemed I had fallen into his trap. I was puzzled about why he always knew my thoughts, but I knewnothing about him.Furthermore, I couldn’t determine what Atlas meant when he said he liked me. After all, I wasn’t good.enough for him regarding my background, status, looks, and age. I should be older than him and was adivorced woman with a four–year–old kid.A man like Atlas could easily find a better woman, yet I always thought of him despite myself. I didn’tknow what to do but knew I should stop seeing him. Otherwise, I’d end up heartbroken.“That was why you refused to answer my call. You were trying to avoid me,” Atlas’s tone and gaze losttheir warmth.I couldn’t help but step backward and look at him. “You’re right. I wanted to stop seeing you and still dobecause I’m not good enough for you. Perhaps I’ve been overthinking, but guys like you can get anywoman they want.“What about me? I have nothing. I’m just a single mom who’s also older than you. I know I’ve fallen foryou, but you said I can’t afford to get my heart broken again. So…” My eyes were full of tears as I lookedat him.“So?” He gazed at me with his arms crossed.“So…I couldn’t finish my sentence as a tear rolled down my cheek.“Say it!” He glared at me.“So, we should stop seeing each other,” I tried to sound assertive, “You return to your world, and Ireturnto mine. Maybe we can still be friends.”I wasn’t even sure what I was talking about.“And?”I looked up with tears all over my face. I felt ashamed of myself, but I couldn’t help it.“And… I thank you for all your help. You lent me a helping hand when I needed it most, and I’ll repayyou.”Immediately after, I turned and left.I could no longer face him as I shouted inwardly, telling myself it was best to get it over with.+15 BONUSHowever, Atlas pulled me back before I could escape and kissed me passionately while holding the backof my head.

Chapter 159 Highly UnusualAfter a long while, Atlas stopped kissing me and whispered, “Don’t I want to hear your bullsh*t excusestagain, got it?”1 looked at him in a daze as he wiped my tears. Then he wrapped his fingers around mine and led medeeper into the courtyard.arrived at an elevator, and he pulled me inside. As we reached the top, I realized it was anobservation deck with a magnificent view. A bottle of red wine was already there for us. He poured me aglass and said, “Drink it. It’s good for you.”IStill in a daze, I looked at him and downed the wine. I felt much calmer after taking a deep breath. Hepulled me to the railing, and we looked at the bright moon. Then, he embraced me from behind, saying,Get rid of all your negative thoughts.”After a pause, he continued, “When I saved yourdon’t care about the past, only the future, I mean it,”the riverside, I told myself I’d look after you forever. II leaned into him and stared at the moon that seemed so close I could touch it. I stayed at the resort thatnight, and we drank wine until I fell asleep in his arms.It was nearly noon when I woke up. Alarmed, I sat up and searched everywhere for my phone. However,Atlas held me, saying, “Let’s pretend we’re on vacation today.”Still, I panicked, thinking people must be trying to reach me right now. After getting out of bed, we wentto a small restaurant to have lunch before he gave me a ride back to the city area. On the way, Atlasasked ifI had completed my task.I smirked and told him not to disturb me that evening since there was a company gathering. As I enteredmy office, Carol hurried in after me. “Why didn’t you turn on your phone? Everyone’s been looking foryou!”“My phone died,” I said, “Also, I was wasted last night and woke up late.”“Matthew called and wanted to meet you,” Carol reported.Tell him to f*ck off,” I said.Afterward, Carol told me about the calls I had missed this morning, “Fred wants you to return his call,andthe representative from Surface Solutions still wants to talk to you.”I nodded, and she left. However, I called my mom first since I didn’t want her to worry. Of course, I liedabout what had happened. I then told her not to worry if she couldn’t reach me next time because Iwouldbe with my assistant.After hanging up the phone, I called myself a shameless woman for implying it might happen again.Soon,I returned Fred’s call and learned that Urban Builders was ready for us to start work.They also ssent me the blueprints with colorful renderings. After going through them, I asked that company tomake several sample windows. I then had a brief meeting with Ryan to finalize the blueprints.After that, I handed the design plans to Carol and told her to deliver them to ATL Empire for approval.Before I could take a break, Carol knocked on my door and came in. “Damian Blackwood, EchelonGroup’s marketing manager, wants to see you.”“Echelon Group?” I was puzzled. “The real estate developer?”Carol nodded and handed me a business card. “This is his.”I looked at it in disbelief. Tanum Corporation was a mess, and I wondered why he would ask to see menow if they didn’t bother with a company like mine before. I thought it was highly unusual.

Chapter 160 Testing HimCarol awaited my decision. After some thought, I looked at her and said, “Since he’s already here, let’smeet him.”Carol smiled. “He might be up to no good, you know.”It’s uup to us to decide whether to work with them, right?” I said dismissively, “Let’s see what he says.”“All right, but please be careful.” Carol left, and I watched her go with a raised brow, feeling fond of her.Awhile later, she led Damian into my office.The chubby man appeared to be in his late thirties. He smiled and shook my hand to greet me, “Nice tomeet you, Ms. Chloe.” 1“Nice to meet you too, Mr. Damian. Have a seat.” I gestured toward the chair before my desk instead ofthe sofa.Thanks!” He sat on the chair. “I heard so much about you. People keep telling me how well yourcompanyis doing.”I chuckled. “I’m sure every contractor in Foswood has heard of how I almost ran the company to theground. I’m afraid you’re misinformed, Mr. Damian”Damian blushed and smiled embarrassedly. “You’re being modest, Ms. Chloe.”I asked, “So what can I do for you?”“Oh, yes.” Damian dropped his smile. “I’m here to seek your help.”He told me Echelon Group had several unfinished duplexes due to particular circ*mstances in thepreliminary construction phase. However, other buildings in the same project had been completed andhanded over.The situation was awkward because the more prominent companies were unwilling to handle the units.Incontrast, Echelon Group didn’t want to risk engaging smaller companies for quality sake.Since Tanum Corporation had a good reputation regarding work quality, Damian wanted to see if wewould handle the remaining units. Moreover, Tanum Corporation used tiles from Surface Solutions andfloorings from Clayton Interiors, which other contractors might be unable to secure.I considered what he said and noticed he had come prepared. I had just eliminated most of mycompany’s suppliers, except those two that were still undecided.Since I only listened and did not say much, Damian couldn’t figure out my thoughts and looked at meawkwardly.After a moment, I asked, “How many square meters in total?”“Oh… there are eight units, each with 4,800 square meters. That makes it approximately 50,000 squaremeters altogether.” Damian looked at me with urgency. It seemed he was determined to make thishappen.In other words, Echelon Group was eager to strike a deal with Tanum Corporation.I pondered momentarily before asking, “I’m unsure how much you know about Tanum Corporation, butMatthew Murphy has always managed it. However, we got divorced, and I got the company back.”“Yes, I knew about that Damian nodded.I hated how fast bad news traveled. I guess everyone in Foswood had learned about our divorce. Ismiled.and continued, “Anyway, I repositioned our business to target the mid to high–end markets when !resumed control of the company.”Damian nodded.1 just terminated our previous suppliers‘ contracts. I’m afraid I might be unable to use the productsfrom the companies you mentioned just now.” That was just an excuse, but Damian’s expressionremainedunchanged.I continued, “Our pricing will be much higher than before. After all, costs have increased, and I mustensure I can still profit.”I purposely said that to test Damian.

Chapter 161“I’m impressed that you live up to expectations,” he said.Someone must have told him about me.Graciously, I responded, “Well, I was just trying to be upfront with you. Given our situation, I’m gratefulyou’re willing to consider us.”After seeing Damian off to the elevator, I went straight to Ryan’s office and shared the story with him.Ryan listened and playfully said, “That’s cheeky of you.”I defended myself, saying, “Well, they came to us, didn’t they? And I suspect there’s more to this thanmeets the eye.”Ryan nodded in agreement.“We’ll have to be cautious,” I said, settling on the sofa. “But a project involving duplexes totaling 50,000square meters is an enormous opportunity for Tanum. We can’t pass this up if the price is right.”Then I added, “If they try to pull tricks, we’ll deal with it.”12Ryan paused. “Since you’ve left room for negotiation, let us decide after learning more about EchelonGroup. If the terms are good, we should take the job. We can cover salaries with the advance payment ifthings go south.”He added, “Maybe they’re also looking into you.”“Wouldn’t Matthew know all about me already?”“Well, he still doesn’t know your ties with ATL Empire, does he?”After a pause, I said, “I’ve already asked someone to help me look into Echelon Group.”Matthew might use the company against me, but if they offered me money, I planned to take it andmaybe even ask for more.

Chapter 162 An Unexpected RewardAfter we made our decision, I talked to Ryan about the suppliers Benjamin had been working hard tokeep.I invited Benjamin to join us in the discussion to lay out a more flexible strategy. Of course, we couldonly make arrangements after confirming the project with Echelon Group.That evening, Benjamin and Carol led all our employees to Gourmet Utopia, where they had reservedthe largest private room available. It was fancier than my previous employee dinners, and all the staffwereexcited.Gourmet Utopia was known for hosting parties and banquets, so most of its customers came in groups,On my way there, I received a phone call from Atlas. He asked me where the dinner was, and I told him.“Hmm…” He reminded me, “No drinking, okay?”“Why do you care? I’m having a good time with my employees tonight.”I was happy that he sounded jealous.He asked, “Well, you’re mine, right?”I giggled and could picture him smiling on the other end.“Alright, I have to go. Don’t stay up too late,” I said. He hung up.I was happy to hear Atlas claim me as his. It made me feel less alone.Carol had preordered the dishes, and the waiters served us as soon as we arrived. I could tell that Carolordered the reasonably priced ones to save me money. She had only worked for me briefly, but she hadbeen a great help.Her memory was as sharp as mine. She also excelled at shorthand, surpassing my skills. We seemed tohave a lot in common.Just as I wanted to order a few more expensive dishes, a waiter pushed over a food cart. It surprised usto see cheese–baked matsutake mushrooms and lobsters served at every table.That alarmed Carol. “Hey, hey, stop! We didn’t order these.”The waiter continued serving the dishes. “They’re for you, ma’am.”“No, they aren’t! You’ve made a mistake,” Carol said. A lobster that big would cost a fortune. Whowouldorder them?1/2+15 BONUSEveryone also received a plate of nachos topped with Petrossian caviar. My employees looked at me,but I was as stupefied as they generous hII couldn’t afford to be before I could speak, the waiter said, “Don’t worry, ma’am. They are from Mr.Atlas from ATL Empire as a reward for completing the project’s initial phase.”What the hell? Was that why he asked me where the gathering was?Others exchanged looks and stared at me. Damn it! Anyone could tell something was going on betweenme and Atlas now.Since I was speechless, Carol quickly said, “Oh, when I delivered the blueprints, I jokingly said theyshould reward us for meeting their expectations. I didn’t expect them to take it seriously. I guess they’reloaded,aren’t they?”She chuckled and said, “What are you guys waiting for? Let’s dig

Chapter 163 Not a Good SignEveryone burst into laughter. I knew Carol was trying to cover for me so people wouldn’t guess I waswithAtlas.However, Ryan smiled at me, and I felt bad. Why did Ivanna tell me he liked me? Now, I felt like I haddone him wrong.Ryan was thoughtful, so he only talked about work matters with me and asked nothing about Atlas’sextravagant treat.ICarol went to settle the bill, but Atlas had already paid it. I wasn’t used to such special treatment.As we went to our cars, my phone rang again. I knew who it must be and answered, “You’re not spyingonme again, are you?”“Mm–hmm.”A beam lit the path before me, and I squinted but couldn’t see who it was. Even though it was dark, Iknewit was Atlas.Had he waited for me again? Somehow, I was touched.I walked over to his car, and he opened the door. “Get in.Knowing I should not spend another night away from home, I paused. However, he held out his hand,andI entered the car. “I can’t stay with you tonight, okay?”That’s an idea. Come on, let’s do it!” He said it cheekily,“Hey, I really can’t.”I blushed, and he teased me further. “Come on, you’re a grown woman, right?”“Cut it out.” I lightly punched his arm.He held my hand and pulled me closer. “Just sit with me for a while. I’ll send you“What about my car?”“Give me the key. I’ll have someone drive it back,” he said.home.”Checking the time, I noticed it was still early, so I handed him my car key, and he passed it to hisassistant outside.I remembered the topic of Echelon Group and wanted his opinion. He said, “Of course you should takeit. I never thought he would ask me to accept the job without hesitation. He was right, though. I wastalking about my business, not hisIt wasn’t a good sign to care so much about his opinion, and I reminded myself that I should keep a clearhead.“In every contract, what matters most is getting paid. Don’t overthink the rest,” he advised.I“You’re right. I’m also looking into the company to see if there’s more to it. I mentionedHe looked at me. “You’re smarter than I’ve imagined.I gave him a sidelong glance. “Of course“Find out who initially won the contract and why it fell through it could provide valuable insights.”His idea resonated with me, and I realized what my next steps should beHe gently ran his fingers through my hair and said. The business world can be tough. Perhaps you shouldconsider a different path.”I leaned into him. A different path? Once I stopped working I lost everything and I never wanted to dothat againThe thought of losing him was also unbearable. I chastised myself for having these thoughts so early inour relationship. It was not a good sign, so I closed my eyes and tried to block those thoughts“What’s the matter?” he asked“Thank you for the dinner and for paying theHe tightened his arms around me. We cruised along the busy streets, but I felt peaceful. Breathing in hisscent, I gradually fell asleep in his arms.When we reached my place, I looked at him with tired eyes, and he playfully pinched my cheek. “Have agood rest, okay?I reluctantly got out of the car and waved him off. When his car left, I suddenly felt lonely.

Chapter 164 ProbingAtlas became busy with work, and his calls and messages became less frequent. I felt lonely andwondered if he had forgotten about me.However, just when I’d feel doubt, he’d reach out as if ensuring I didn’t forget him, either. His sweetgestures reminded me he was still present in my life.Before I could set up a meeting with Lauren, she called and asked to meet me. We seemed to know eachother’s thoughts. I had to admit that she was capable and had thrived in the “strange circles” inFoswood.She could dig up dirty little secrets about any VIPs in town.Lauren had discovered that Echelon Group was currying favors with local bureaucrats to secure theprized plot of land.Matthew appeared to be their obedient lackey, and Melanie now led Ardora Construction. She usedtheirassociation with Echelon Group to win as many contracts as possible.The duplex project appeared to be a real deal.Lauren said, “Integra was the original contractor for the development, and the duplexes were addedlater.Matthew had been competing with Integra for the project, and then Damian approached TanumCorporation after you had taken over. It must be connected to Matthew, I guess.””With a smile, she said, “Let’s consider it as Matthew doing you a favor. He’s quite a fool, isn’t he?”Lauren didn’t know that I had secured a substantial project from ATL Empire. No one knew who wasbehind Hartz Construction, thanks to Urban Builders. When it was announced as the bid winner, peopletried in vain to find the owner.1 bet hell try to take credit for it.” I looked at Lauren. “But you’re right. Matthew must be involved. He’sthe only one familiar with our suppliers. He’s also investigating my ties to ATL Empire. They’ll doanythingfor the land in Operose.”Lauren gave me a half–smile. “So, is something going on between you and ATL Empire?”“Not you, too! Business relationships are complex, okay?”I didn’t distrust Lauren, but my relationship with Atlas was private to avoid gossip. I was a controversialdivorcee, and he was an industry leader. If our relationship became public, it would stir up a scandal.Besides, Atlas had just taken over ATL Empire and was still trying to establish his authority. I didn’t wantto cause him any trouble.Lauren giggled. “Then what are you going to do? Are you taking the job?”“Of course I am! Not only will I take it, I’ll do a good job.” Why should I miss this golden opportunity justbecause Matthew was probing?Lauren gave me a thumbs–up. “You go, girl! But you must keep an eye on Matthew, okay? He’s capableof anything. And be prepared in case the rivalry between Echelon Group and ATL Empire intensifies.”I’ll be affected even if I don’t take the job. If Echelon Group targets me, I may never escape trouble.”“You’re right,” Lauren said with a sigh. “This is why I’ve avoided getting into physical businesses at allcosts. I’m alone, with no children or family to work so hard for.”It saddened me when Lauren said that. Over our recent meetings, I had gotten to know her better. Afterher parents passed, she was alone in Foswood.“You’re doing just fine, and I admire the exciting life you’ve built for yourself,” I said, trying to consoleher.However, my words seemed to trigger something within her, and Lauren burst into tears.

Chapter 165 Each Has Her PainI was stunned. Why was Lauren crying?I handed her some tissues. “What’s the matter? Was it something I said?”Lauren quickly waved off my concern. It saddened me to see her carefully applied makeup start to run.She had always appeared graceful and friendly, much like a flight attendant. What could cause someonewho cared about her looks to cry in front of me?She took the tissue paper and blotted her face. Her red fingernails were eye–catching, but that didn’tstopme from noticing hoshoulders were shaking as she sobbed.I promised to be a genuine friend to Lauren. Before this, I had resentment toward her and doubted herfriendship. Instead of saying anything, I let her vent her frustrationsWhen she pulled herself together, she dried off her remaining tears. “I’m sorry you had to see that.”“Hey, we all have our pain. Some solve them privately, while others must do so publicly–for instance,me. Everyone knows about my goddamn divorce,” I said. “They labeled me an abused wife dumped by acheater. But life goes on, and if you don’t mind, I’ll be like your sister.”Lauren looked up at me, dumbstruck.“We can support each other and deal with problems together,” I said. Her red–rimmed eyes made mefeelbad for her.Lauren got choked up again, smiling as she wept. She eventually said, “Thank you, Chloe. I appreciate it.”Seeing her vulnerable side contrasted with the woman who had uncovered Matthew and Melanie’saffairduring the anniversary.“Chloe… you’re closer to me than my family,” she confessed.She held my hand and said, “After all these years, no one has understood or cared about me. I knowwhat those men want better than anyone, and I prioritize survival over chastity. But I have my dignity,and I’mnot content with how my life is heading.”I understood her feelings.“So, you’re wrong, Chloe. I’m not enjoying my freedom and don’t lead an exciting life. It’s miserable nothaving a clear goal,” she admitted. “So, you must build your career. If you ever need help, Just let meknow. I’ll do anything for you.”I held her delicate hand. “You’ve already helped me so much, and I haven’t repaid you.”She smiled, letting out a bitter laugh. I’m like your older sister, aren’t I?”“You are indeed.” I returned her smile and added, “I should introduce you to my parents.”“Really?”I knew she was upset about something, but I did not pursue it. I knew she would let me know when shewas ready.A week later, I signed the contract with Echelon. The terms were favorable, and we set the price highThere was even a 30 percent deposit. Adrian was also very thorough with the contract details.The signing of this contract left our competitors envious, especially Integra. They tried to compete withMatthew by offering an absurdly low price, but the project still ended up in my hands. To add insult toinjury, the price was surprisingly high.Before I could celebrate it, Matthew called me and said, “Honey, how’s that? You have me to thank fortheproject. Now you know how much I care about you.”Disgusted, I hung up without a word.The phone rang again. Thinking it was Matthew, I picked up the call and said, “Don’t you feel ashamed?You disgust me.”“Excuse me?” It was a female voice.

Chapter 166 The naughty WomanThe unexpected female voice startled me, and I quickly looked at the caller ID. I was puzzled when Inoticed it was an unfamiliar number.“H–I’m sorry! I–I was just.” I blushed as I started to explain myself, realizing my previous words wereharsh.1 don’t recognize your voice. May I ask who this is?”The person on the other end didn’t answer my question, Instead, she asked in a distant butauthoritative.tone, “Is this Chloe?”“Yes, it’s me.”*Prepare some steel window designs and bring them to ATL Empire’s Design Division,” the woman’svoice was cold and commanding, leaving no room for doubt. “Come in person.”“All right.” Although I agreed, I couldn’t shake off my unease. I wondered who the woman wasshe was so cold.and whyI rushed to the technical department and got them to print my designs. Then, I brought the qualityinspection certificate and other validation documents before driving to ATL Empire’s Design Division.Design Division was in the main building but was an independent department. Everyone knew ATLEmpire’s Design Division was highly authoritative. When I arrived on the designated floor, I explained mypurpose, and the receptionist led me to the Chief Designer’s office.There, I met a composed middle–aged woman in professional attire. As soon as I entered, shescrutinizedme from head to toe before finally settling her gaze on my face. Her gaze was cold and sharp, and sheseemed sure of who I was. She spoke without pleasantries, “The design,”I politely handed over the designs I had brought. The woman wasted no time in taking them from me toreview them. Soon after, she said, “Okay, you can leave now.”I was displeased by her attitude and couldn’t help but stare at her. She seemed to sense it and shiftedhergaze from my designs to meet my eyes. Her tone grew increasingly unfriendly as she asked, “Is thereanything else?”I wondered how to respond for a while. I cleared my throat and finally said, “The current designs coverthe most commonly used styles and sizes. If you have special requirements or unique structural shapes,please communicate them to us. Design adjustments may take about three to five working days to clecomplete.”“Got it,” she replied decisively.“In that case, I’ll take my leave,” I said, not wanting to engage with her further. After all, there was noneed to interact with someone who didn’t appreciate it. Respect should go both ways.I was still trying to process the encounter as I left the room and entered the elevator. I was sure she wasthe one on the phone earlier. This woman was unlike anyone I had ever met. She was arrogant andeventhostile.I was surprised to run into Nick when I reached the ground floor. We both paused, and I took theinitiative to greet him with a smile. “Long time no see, Mr. Nick.”“What brings you here today, Ms. Chloe?” he asked, his refined demeanor intact“I came to deliver a set of steel window designs to the Design Division,” I replied truthfully.He hesitated for a moment before returning a polite smile to me. “Oh, but why did you come inperson?”I smiled, being deliberately subtle, “They requested that I bring them personally. How could I refuse?”Nick looked curious this time but maintained his gentlemanly demeanor, saying, “I see. Well, thank youforgoing through all the trouble.”I couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease. “Mr. Nick, is there an issue?”After a pause, he replied, “No, but if there are any issues, we can always communicate.”“All right then. I’ll take my leave,” I said with a smile, bidding Nick farewell as I left ATL Empire.However, I couldn’t shake the unease in my heart.

Chapter 167 Something’s BrewingI didn’t rush back to the company after leaving ATL Empire. Instead, I visited Ivanna. Since our scheduleshad been hectic, we had no time to meet. Ivanna looked surprised to see me. “What brings you here?”I glanced at her and replied, “I don’t just drop by for no reason.“It’s hard to tell,” she replied mischievously, “I thought you forgot about me and only cared for your newlover.”“Stop with the sarcasm. If you have something to say, say it,” I retorted. I knew Ivanna’s expression shehad something on me. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be so bold.sion meantdid itSure enough, she smirked and leaned in closer to me. She locked eyes with me and said, “You guysalready, right?”I blushed and tried to avoid her probing gaze. “Mind your business! Don’t make things up!”“Am I? I saw how he escorted you back the other day. Am I still your best friend if I can’t tell you havesomething going on with him?” Ivanna teased, “If I didn’t have some evidence, would I interrogate youlikethis?”“I haven’t decided what to do yet. Stop talking about this. Why are you so nosy?” I shot back.“Is it nosy of me? You attract the most gossip as a divorcee. Don’t blame me for not warning you.Ivanna’s tone turned serious, “Chlo, it’ll be your downfall if someone exposes anything about you at atimelike this. I’m just looking out for you.”I fell silent when I realized Ivanna was right. I knew she had my best interests at heart.When I didn’t respond, Ivanna continued, “Remember, there were some loose ends during your divorceproceedings. He’s a prominent figure now, and countless people are watching him. I’m not against yourrelationship; I’m just giving you a heads–up. Be careful!*I nodded, and Ivanna said, “All right, enough about that. What’s going on?”“Can you get me a list of Echelon Group’s clients? Preferably those related to their current land deals inthe city?” I asked Ivanna.Ivanna exclaimed. “Chloe, what are you planning?! That’s a dangerous thought you have. Do youunderstand what you’re doing?” Then she said hushedly, “That counts as a business crime, do you know.that? It’s not as simple as investigating Matthew.”I sighed and explained, “I’ve also secured a contract with Echelon Group for a project. I just want some172Ivanna warned, “Can’t you ask Johnson? Besides, big companies like Echelon Group are meticulous. Itwould be bad for us if they catch wind of any investigation. You should lay low!”“I’ll ask Johnson, then,” I reluctantly agreed.After leaving Ivanna’s place, I pondered her words. She was correct; I needed to ensure the project’ssuccess and quality completion while minimizing risks. I pulled over to the side of the road and calledJohnson.He didn’t answer, so I waited in my car, thinking it might be inconvenient for him to talk now. However,it didn’t take long for Johnson to call back. “Ms. Chloe, what’s up?”“I’ve signed the contract with Echelon Group,” I informed him.“You signed it? Did it land in your basket just like that?” Johnson sounded surprised.“You didn’t know about this?” I asked.“Matthew has always eyed this contract. He put a lot of effort into getting it. I find it hard to believe hewould let it go so quickly,” Johnson replied with a hint of skepticism, “That must be why I saw Melaniesofurious in his office this morning. No one knows what happened.“Can you find out more for meanhave to be cautious,” I requested. 1“That’s not a problem. I’ll try, but I can’t guarantee Matthew will reveal anything. He has become verycunning lately and seems determined to forge a close partnership with Echelon Group,” Johnsoncautioned.“By the way, there seems to be hope for us for the land in Operose. I’m not sure what ATL Empire is upto. Well, maybe they’re just having some internal issues. Did you perhaps ask Mr. Atlas about it?”I gave a faint smile. “I don’t want to ask too much about these things.”My answer was impeccable. On one hand, I didn’t deny my relationship with Atlas. On the other, I didn’tadmit I couldn’t afford to make a wrong move. 1“All right, I’ll gather some information,” Johnson agreed, seemingly more enthusiastic now. “Wait for myupdate.”I revealed a faint smile as I hung up the call. I could sense something was brewing from Johnson’sresponse. I just had to make,someone go crazy to find out what it was.

Chapter 168 Happy BirthdayI smirked, knowing dealing with Melanie was a piece of cake. However, I decided to keep a low profileafter signing the contract as it would make anyone envious. It wouldn’t be wise to stir the pot at thissensitive time.As for using Melanie, I would have to wait for the right moment.Although Tuesday was my birthday, I might have forgotten it if my mother hadn’t prepared a specialbreakfast. Ava woke up early and sang a birthday song with her childlike voice. Her voice was soheartwarming that I felt an indescribable mix of emotions.Matthew was supposed to be away on a business trip on this day last year. However, he returned in theevening with a necklace, a complete set of makeup items, and his wishes. We even went to Al Dente, awell–known restaurant, for dinner with the whole family.Looking back now, I wondered if he had been on a business trip or if he had been spending time withMelanie.I chuckled bitterly, feeling a lump in my throat. I lowered my head and bit into a waffle, saying, “Mom, Iknow it’s my birthday today, but you’ve sacrificed so much to raise me. Let’s go out for dinner later.”My father chuckled and raised his hand in agreement. But my mother hesitated, asking, “Why don’t wecook at home?”My father laughed and pointed at my mother, saying, “Chlo says it’s your ‘suffering‘ day, and you stillwant to cook at home? You’re indeed a good wife who likes staying at home. Getting you to relax isimpossible.“Yeah, Mom! Please don’t cook today. You’ve worked hard enough. I’ll reserve a table and invite Ivanna,Ryan, and a new friend to join us. Let’s have a good time and relax.”Ava clung to my arm and blinked her innocent eyes. She asked earnestly, “Mommy, are we going to arestaurant?”“Yes, sweetheart, do you want to go?” I looked at my beautiful daughter and was touched. I kissed herchubby cheek and said, “My baby loves going to the restaurant, doesn’t she?”“Great! Let’s go to the restaurant!” Ava clapped and jumped a couple of times. Then she paused, “ButwillDaddy.She stopped herself from saying more, and my heart skipped a beat. I knew she wanted to ask if her dadwould be there.“Daddy won’t be there. From now on, I’ll take you to restaurants. You can order whatever you want toeat.” I hugged her and spoke earnestly. I didn’t want to fabricate lies and deceive her like divorcees whomade their children wait indefinitely.I knew there were times I couldn’t shield Ava from these things, and she had to learn to face them.“Daddy is bad. He kissed Aunt Melanie and not Mommy. Bad Daddy! I don’t want to eat with himanymore!She looked at me and said thoughtfully, “I saw it!”Her words shocked me. I never knew she saw such a thing. Still, I couldn’t tell Ava he wasn’t bad orencourage hatred to grow in her heart. Hatred was dangerous and difficult to remove once it took rootinone’s heart.My parents and I exchanged helpless glances. Then, my father comforted me, “Hey, don’t think aboutsuch unpleasant things. Today’s a day to be happy. You’ll meet someone who truly cares and loves you.You have nothing to regret. There’s no need to compromise, either!”“I don’t want Daddy too! I want a good daddy, not a bad one!“.“Ava, listen to Mommy. He’s not bad, he’s just-”“He’s bad! He even hits you and screams at you, Mommy! He made you cry, too! Bad Daddy!” Avalooked at me, her little face contorted with anger. She said with determination, “I don’t want him!”I held Ava tightly. Daughters typically cared for their mothers more; my daughter was no exception.My heart still felt heavy when I reached my office the following day. I didn’t want Ava to harbor suchhatred at a young age. Still, I could do nothing to defend Matthew.”At that moment, I started to miss Atlas even more. It had been days since I last saw him, even though Iknew he was busy after reclaiming his company. He probably had many things to manage. Moreover, Ifelthe didn’t come from a simple family.I held my phone for a long time. Finally, I could no longer hold back from calling Atlas. It took some timebefore he answered my call, and I heard his low voice, “Yeah?“

Chapter 169 A Heartwarming Family Dinner“Are you busy?” I asked.“What is it? Go ahead,” Atlas sounded somewhat unhappy, making my heart race slightly.“Where are you?” I asked, feeling a bit uneasy.“Quillbrooke,” he hushedly spoke, sounding like he was in a meeting.I felt even more awkward. “I was just…wondering what you’re up to right now. I’m fine, so you can callmeack when you’re not busy.I quickly hung up but couldn’t hide my disappointment. I wanted to tell Atlas I missed him but knew thesituation prevented it. Since he was a business tycoon, being with him daily was impossible.Perhaps choosing him meant not living an everyday life. I chuckled, wondering why I was so sentimentalsince it was only my birthday. Soon, I composed myself because I had many important things to handle. Icouldn’t afford to dwell on my emotions and had to face reality.That afternoon, I called Lauren and Ivanna to invite them for dinner. Ivanna knew it was my birthday andalways remembered it each year.Before leaving work, I went to Ryan’s office and saw him buried in his work. He didn’t stop workingwhen Ientered, so I waited. Without looking up, he said, “Give me ten minutes.”I sat before his desk and watched him work tirelessly. I couldn’t help but wonder when I became an evilcapitalist. Ten minutes later, he finally looked at me and said, “Go ahead.”I was annoyed that men always sounded so indifferent and direct. I calmly said, “Let’s go for dinnertogether.”Ryan smiled and stood up, saying, “Wait a moment.”He continued discussing work–related matters with me until he received a call. After the call, he said,“Allright, we can go now.”As we headed downstairs together, he stopped at the front desk for something before coming outsidewith me. Soon after, I drove to Al Dente while Ivanna fetched my parents and daughter.They were already in the private room when I arrived. I saw a massive two–tier cake on the table and mydaughter staring at it with widened eyes. It was adorable.Ryan didn’t seem surprised when we entered, appearing like he had anticipated this. However, myparentsIvanna told me she had already ordered the dishes and asked if I was satisfied. Thinking about thelobster from the company party, I ordered an extra one and added a soup of the day for everyoneBefore long, someone knocked on the private room door, and I rushed to open it. When Laura entered,she looked surprised and asked me, somewhat awkwardly, W–What’s going on here?I replied. “I just wanted you to meet my parents and daughterShe pointed at the table. “What about that?”“Oh, today’s my birthday!” I smiled at her.“Chloe, this isn’t right!” She looked at me disapprovingly“Oh, what’s wrong? I just wanted you to meet my parents. My birthday isn’t that important. I treat it asafamily gathering–everyone here is dear to me. That’s why I invited you.”I introduced everyone to Lauren, and she sat beside my mother. I told my mother. “Starting today, youhave another daughter.”Lauren’s eyes welled up with tears. I knew it had been long since she had experienced such a family.gathering. It was a joyous meal, especially for Ava. After all, her loved ones surrounded her and treatedher like a princess.I discovered that Ryan had stopped at the front desk earlier to pick up the gift he had gotten me. It wasanecklace he had ordered from Lexington. He said he had never forgotten my birthday.Ivanna gave me a watch every year. All my watches were gifts from her. Finally, I realized Lauren hadsettled the bill, leaving everyone surprised.Ava fell asleep in my arms before we reached home. She still had cream near her mouth, making herlook.adorable yet beautiful. I hugged her and kissed her cheek while silently apologizing to her.I didn’t know how disappointed her little heart must have been for not seeing her dad on such anoccasion. The car stopped, and I struggled slightly to carry Ava out, only to notice someone waitingthere.

Chapter 170 Can I Take Her Out?He stood by the car as I got out with Ava, and he approached us, saying, “You’re back!”My dad had a strong impression of Atlas, mainly since the latter had visited my dad at the hospital twice.My mom said, “Hello, Mr. Atlas, please come in! I’m sorry if we kept you waiting.”“That’s okay, Mrs. Laura. I just arrived,” he said with a smile. When he saw me carrying Ava, he asked,Can I help?”I was surprised as I stood rooted, not knowing what to say. However, Atlas had already approached me,saying, “Let me hold her.”His gesture made me feel like crying for some reason. He reached out for Ava, but it seemed he didn’tknow how to take her from my arms.“1 can manage,” I said.“You can give her to me. You look like you’re struggling,” Atlas insisted, and I could only pass Ava to him.From his stiff and awkward posture, I knew he had never held a child. Still, he was earnest, like he washandling a delicate item. I almost laughed at his awkwardness and went to help adjust his posture.After I placed Ava’s head in the crook of his arm, he finally relaxed and smiled slyly at me beforefollowing me inside. Soon, he carried Ava to her room with my guidance.IImmediately after, I carefully changed Ava into her pajamas and tucked her into bed. Meanwhile, Atlas.stood behind me to watch me take care of everything.When I finally finished and looked at him, he leaned down and kissed my forehead, which startled me.Soon, I took him downstairs, where he conversed with my dad.Unable to contain my curiosity, I asked, “Weren’t you in Quillbrooke? Why did you come back?”As soon as I asked, I realized it was a rather inappropriate question.“I found out it was your birthday today, so I rushed back. Perhaps I’m a bit late,” Atlas replied candidly,hiseyes meeting mine.Meanwhile, my dad gazed at Atlas’s face as if examining his intentions. My mom also looked surprised. Iwas amazed at how even a reserved person like my mom could understand the meaning behind Atlas’swords and actions.I couldn’t help but blush and glance at my dad.“Mr. George, may I take Chloe out to celebrate?” Atlas asked. “I’m afraid I’ll have to return toQuillbrooke tomorrow for a crucial meeting.”As soon as he said that, I felt like a guilty child who had done something wrong. I glanced at my dad, myheart racing as I gulped nervously.I inwardly criticized Atlas for being too bold. I wondered how my dad would perceive this situation. I hadjust gotten divorced, and now a man was at my doorstep, boldly inviting me out. His earlier words.indicated that I meant a lot to him, and he had rushed back just to celebrate my birthday despite havingan important meeting tomorrow,With all his years of experience, my dad had indeed encountered various situations. Additionally, he hadworked as a school principal, so he wouldn’t be oblivious to Atlas‘ intentions.My dad responded smilingly, “You did come to celebrate Chloe’s birthday despite your busy schedule.That’s kind of you.”“Well, that’s because today’s special for Chloe. It’s a meaningful birthday for her, so I hope to spend itwith her,” Atlas’s words touched me, but I was still nervous.I looked at my dad, who subtly nodded at me. “Go ahead.”Atlas stood up upon receiving permission. “We’ll be back later. I promise to keep her safe.”My dad nodded again. “Thank you, Mr. Atlas.”I wasn’t sure how I walked out of the house with him as my mind was a mess. When he held me, myheart. gradually calmed down. I tried not to overthink and hoped to make the most of our timetogether.He softly said to me, “Time is running out. We can only go to the hotel. I promised your dad to send yourback later, and I intend to keep my promise.”Atlas’s words filled me with a sense of comfort. He understood the importance of respect rather thanbeing overbearingStill, I blushed, considering he had boldly come to my house to pick me up. I dared not guess what itmeant, and I didn’t want to imagine what my dad’s opinion might be.

Chapter 171 The Birthday GiftWhen we entered the Starlight International penthouse, a dinner for two and a chilled bottle of winewerewaiting for us.Atlas pulled me into his arms and said, “Happy birthday! This was the best I could do because I’ve beenswamped. But I’m glad I didn’t miss it.”I leaned into him and said, “I prefer simple celebrations. Just being with you makes me happy.”With a magician’s flair, he produced a gift box seemingly out of nowhere. I looked at him, and hegesturedat me to open it.I lifted the lid, revealing a stunning pen. It was adorned with diamonds and featured my initials inlaidwithrubies.“It’s gorgeous!” How did he know that I had a thing for pens?Back then, I used to collect various pens and had a sizable collection at my parents‘ house. However,when life grew busier, I set my collection aside.The pen was not just a luxury item. It was a genuine work of art–an Aurora Diamante fountain pen. Itwasa pen I had once mentioned to Matthew that I would buy when I became rich.IMatthew responded by poking my forehead and saying, “Get real. Who buys a pen when they get rich?”I remembered telling Atlas, saying, “You wouldn’t understand.” I didn’t tell him that Matthew’s responsedisappointed me.“No, I can’t accept this. This is too expensive!” I closed the lid and handed the box back to him.“I want you to use it to sign all the contracts you pursue. This pen symbolizes your new life, and I’ll helpyou achieve all your wishes because you deserve it.”“’s too expensive!” I knew this custom–made Aurora must’ve cost a fortune.1 had it made just for you. It exists because of you. You won’t disappoint me, will you?”He sounded so sweet that I couldn’t say no. What did I do to deserve him?“We don’t have much time left. Do you really want to spend it debating something made just for you?”He sounded like he would leave soon. I leaned into him, unsure when I would see him again.He kissed me and said, “Now close your eyes and make another wish.”I put my hands together and wished. Maybe it was impossible, but I wanted it. Didn’t I get the pendreamed of? Everything was possible!I opened my eyes and looked at his well–defined face. He always seemed strong in my presence, and Iknew I could count on him.“We’ll work together to fulfill that wish you made. You must make a new wish each year, and we’ll makeithappen.” He handed me a glass of wine. “Go easy on this.”I took it and murmured. “So you have to return to Quillbrooke?”Atlas nodded. “The meeting is crucial.”His voice turned serious as he said, “When I’m not around, you can always talk to Nick, especiallyregarding project matters. You only need to answer to him.”“Anything?” I remembered the woman who requested the design drawings

Chapter 172 Up in the AirHis eyes narrowed. “What’s the matter?”“It’s nothing. Design Division asked for the drawings,” I said. “I met Nick the other day and told himaboutit, so he’s aware.”“Design Division?” Then he said, “They could always get them from Nick’s project department. You don’thave to resend them.”I almost criticized that mean woman, but I refrained. After all, she was his employee. I said nothing, andhe didn’t ask further questions about it.Time went by fast, and we were only together for four hours. It was late at night when he sent mehome. I felt terrible when I saw how tired he looked. He had hurried back just for my birthday and wouldhave toleave for Quillbrooke early tomorrow.At the door, he pulled me into his arms and held me for a moment. “Good night.”I looked at him. Try to get some sleep1 will.”okay?”He watched me go in. I didn’t want to close the door, but he’d never leave if I didn’t. He needed to rest.I shut the door with a heavy heart, and then ran upstairs to my room. Looking out the window, I sawAtlasstaring up at me.He turned, got into his car, and drove off. It left me feeling alone.I felt like a teenage girl with her first love. He was all I could think about. I tossed and turned in bed butcouldn’t fall asleep.The following day, I drove to Starlight International, hoping to see him again. However, the receptionistsaid he hadn’t returned to the hotel.I returned to the office listlessly and called him. He told me he had gone straight to Quillbrooke lastnight.Ryan was surprised to see my under–eye bags when he entered my office. He sat down and handed mea document. “The materials for the Echelon Group project have been approved, and it’ll start next week.Sofar, so good.”Carol came in to give me a report, and I asked for some coffee.Then Melanie called. Assuming she was upset that I got the lucrative project, I chuckled and didn’t pickI wanted to use her to fish for information, but I wasn’t in the mood. She could go f*ck herself for all icared.Also, I knew Melanie was oblivious to what Matthew was doing. How did they end up together in thefirst place? I guess it must have been their shared interest in money, huh?I I I left the office early to pick up Ava, and Stella called while I was on my way.She asked, “Are you in your office?”“No, I left.” I wasn’t in high spirits after a sleepless night. All I wanted was to go home and sleep.“Not again!” She laughed and said, “I’m almost there. I wanted to spend some time with you.” 1Being from a wealthy family sure had its perks, didn’t it? She had plenty of free time!“I might not be able to do this again after today,” she sighed. “I’ve got no other plans. Would you like tomeet up?”“Why is that?” I stopped at a red light, hesitant to agree because I didn’t have time for this.“My mom’s coming to Foswood tomorrow,” she grumbled. “Even though she gave her job to Atlas, shejust won’t let go. It’s driving Atlas mad.” 1I tensed, and my focus sharpened. What she said seemed important.“Why does that trouble you?” I asked lightly.“Me? She’ll make everything about her, Chloe! I’m just one of her pawns.” Stella sighed. “I wonder howthings are going in Quillbrooke. Everything’s up in the air now.”I was intrigued.

Chapter 173 Who Dares?ATL Empire still seemed in trouble, and I wondered what was happening. The traffic light turned green,and I continued driving. “I’m almost home.”Stella’s voice sounded a bit moody as she said, “Come on. I have no friends here, and I need someone totalk to.”“Then wait for me at the coffeehouse across the office building.” I glanced at the kindergarten, turnedthecar around, and headed back.At the coffeehouse, Stella was nowhere to be found. I was about to call her when she entered with asmile, looking pretty as ever. She set a small paper bag in front of me. “It’s for you.”I gave her and the bag a puzzled look. “What is it?”“It’s from the latest YSL collection. I just got it,‘ she said.I knew the lipstick was quite expensive. “I rarely wear makeup. You should keep it for yourself.”“I ordered it just for you.” She glanced at me. “And you gave me a treat, didn’t you? Consider it my wayofsaying thanks. Just take it.”“Well, thank you then,” I replied, not wanting to make a fuss over it.As she sat down, Stella suddenly said, “You had a rough night, huh? What’s with the dark circles?”I rubbed my eyes and smiled sheepishly. “I had a drink with friends last night and got home late. Do Ilookthat bad?”“Of course you do!” She seemed concerned. “Staying up late is a big no–no. It ages the skin quickly!”“I’m a single mom. I don’t care about that.”Despite what I said, I felt self–conscious seeing Stella’s beautiful face. Even Ivanna had reminded meseveral times to take care of my looks.We ordered drinks and chatted until Stella shifted the conversation to her family.“I miss the Nocturnia sunshine,” she sighed, looking out the window and reclining on the sofa. “I wonderwhen I can go back.over bbeen forced to do thingyour will? Sitting up, she looked at me. That’s what I’m“Who would dare pressure you into it?” I sipped my coffee, though I already had more than enoughcaffeine that day.She shook her head helplessly. “I suppose you’ve never experienced it, have you? Even Atlas couldn’t doanything about it, let alone me.”“What do you mean?” I knew she was trying to tell me something.Sometimes, it felt like she enjoyed keeping me in suspense.I pretended to be aloof and added, “ATL Empire is akelompany andfinancially strong. Who’d dare.push you guys around? It’s not like small business owners like me who struggle just to survive.”As if testing my indifference, she examined my face. She admitted, “Things are more complicated thanyou think. I and Atlas have little control over many family matters. Especially marriage.”I was stunned as I stared at her.She giggled at my reaction and continued, “Didn’t see that one coming, did you? Well, my ensure our assets stayed within the family. She’s not just going to give ATL Empire away.”My heart raced. Did she just say what I think she did?“Do you mean… you and Mr. Atlas are expected to marry each other? Are you engaged?” I quickly set.down the cup as my hand shook slightly.She shrugged and smiled. “It’s no secret in my family. I guess that’s why my mom adopted me backthen.”She kept her gaze on me, wearing a radiant smile. It seemed she wanted me to know this.

Chapter 174 A Battle of WitsDespite feeling completely helpless, I tried to appear unconcerned. It was clear what Stella was trying totell me.IHowever, I couldn’t let on how I felt. I realized she had been probing me ever since we first met.She seemed surprised by my indifference. “You don’t seriously think this is normal, do you?”I sipped my coffee, but it tasted bitter. “I wasn’t born rich, so I don’t understand your world. Though I’mabusinesswoman, I’d never force anyone against their will, especially not my family.”Stella was somewhat taken aback.“Does your mom need to force you into it? You can just marry if you love each other. After all, you’renotrelated.” I stared at her, my words tauntingShe wanted to tell me that Atlas was hers and find out if there was anything between us. I wanted toknow why they weren’t married if he loved her. I doubted she could answer me!“Let’s change the subject. We’re getting off track,” Stella chuckled. “Do you know why I’ve been sointerested in you from the start?”“Hmm?”“You look just like a woman Atlas deeply loved before. I was shocked when I first saw you, thinking shehad come to Foswood.” Stella let out a gloating laugh.“The woman he was in love with?” I couldn’t help repeating it.“Yeah, one he’d never forget.” Stella said, “Although I’ve had a crush on Atlas since I was a kid, when hedisappeared for six years, he… Ah, forget it. Let’s not discuss that.”She was good at keeping me in suspense.“Anyway, Atlas has a secret–he never stopped searching for that woman. That’s why I have reservationsabout our marriage. Of course, it’s not up to us to decide.” Stella implied once again that Atlas was hers.That made me feel terrible. I loved him and couldn’t bear the thought of being just a substitute.“Why did he disappear for six years?” I couldn’t Imagine him doing something like that.w knows, Stelle andered. I couldn’t tell if she truly meant it or her, BEven though she was smiling at me, her eyes weren’t. 1 offered an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry, all the talk got me sleepy. I need to hit the sack.”It was challenging to play this mind game with her while feeling hazy.“You should. You don’t look too well.” Stella walked outside with me and said, “My mom will be shockedto see you.”I was taken aback. “I won’t get to meet her, will I?”“I bet you will since you have a project with ATL Empire. Not to mention the striking resemblance to thatwoman,” Stella remarked. “Miracles can happen, you know.”I waved her goodbye before getting into my car. Her words left me unsettled.

Chapter 175 Waiting for Him to SpeakIt seemed I had underestimated Stella, and she wasn’t as innocent as I thought. Those from ATL Empirewere never what they seemed. I once again realized the inexplicable force that had sucked me in.I pinched my thigh to wake myself up.My mom had picked up Ava from kindergarten, who ran over to me “ou’re so early today, Mommy!Uncle Ryan bought me a new doll.”“Uncle Ryan?” I was puzzled.Ryan came out of the kitchen wearing an apron. “I was at the bank earlier and bumped into your mom.So,I accompanied her to the kindergarten.My mom joined him from the kitchen and said, “He also took us to Parkside Plaza, and we wentshoppingat the supermarket.”I could tell she liked Ryan from how happy she looked.“I saw you leaving the office early. Why are you only back now?” Ryan asked.“Well, I was almost at the kindergarten, but Stella wanted to meet me,” I said, tired.Ava showed me a new Barbie doll from the latest release. I had a soft spot for Barbies, too. When I wasa freshman, Ryan had given me one, though I wasn’t sure where it had ended up.Seeing Ryan in an apron made me feel embarrassed. “Mom, why are you making Ryan cook?”I reached out to take the apron off of him. “Allow me.”“Just take a nap, and I’ll call you when I’m done. I’m not a bad cook, you know,” Ryan said, stepping outofmy reach. “Look at how tired you look. Go sleep.”“Uncle Ryan, I’ll nap with my Barbie with my mommy,” Ava said, looking adorable.I was indeed disoriented as countless images raced through my mind. My limbs were also weak.“Go take a nap,” my mother said, seeing my glum expression. “We’ll call you when dinner’s ready.”Fearing I might pass out, I didn’t insist on helping them. When I eventually woke up, it was already eightinthe morning.ched lazily and didn’t feel like getting up, but I was confused when I saw daylight through theWhy wasn’t it dark yet? How long had I been asleep? I rested a while longer and wondered why dinnerwasn’t ready. I was starving.II rolled over and found that my phone was off. When I turned it on, it kept going off with multiple alerts.Picking it up, I was shocked to see it was already 8.25 a.m. What the hell?Then I checked the date. It was the 16th!I scrambled out of bed and quickly washed up. How long had I been asleep? It was the first time I’vesleptthat much since discovering Matthew’s infidelity. After some mental math, I realized I’d been out for awhopping 17 hours!It seemed my mom had already taken Ava to kindergarten, and the house was quiet. My dad was theonlyone in the living room, reading the newspaper. I greeted him and went to the dining room, wherebreakfast was served.I was starving, so I devoured my meal. My dad walked over and sat across from me. I sensed that he hadsomething to say, which made me feel a bit guilty for some reason.“Why are you so hungry?” he asked, gazing at me kindly.Well, I had only eaten a little yesterday afternoon. Of course I was hungry.However, I sensed that my dad was leading up to something. I started to feel anxious and waited for himto speak.

Chapter 176 Someone Who Protects YouMy heart pounded because I knew my dad wanted to discuss last night’s events. Sure enough, he lookedat me and asked about Atlas, “I don’t want to meddle in your relationships, but you just got out of afailedmarriage.“I don’t want to see you get hurt again. I’ve researched Atlas–his family background doesn’t quitematch.ours. I’m worried about how your relationship will turn out.”I choked on my food, knowing my dad wasn’t entirely convinced about Atlas. “Dad, I’m sorry for makingyou worry,” I swallowed my food and continued, “You don’t need to be overly concerned. I know whatI’mdoing and what I want.“Atlas and I are just friends. Even though he’s been good to me, I haven’t considered anything else. Iwant to work on my company first and worry about other things later. I’m just going with the flow.”I pushed around the food on my plate, unsure how to reassure my dad.“Mr. Atlas has been a great help to me. I can fully break free from Matthew and suppress that assholewhen I become strong. I lost ten years of my life because of him, and I won’t forgive him for that. Don’tworry too much, Dad.”My dad nodded. Indeed, he also held a profound grudge against Matthew..“Once I’m stable, I’ll consider my future. After all, I can’t let Ava suffer. I just got divorced and don’twantto think about this now. Still, I didn’t expect Mr. Atlas to come back to celebrate my birthday last night.”I rambled on, not even sure what I was saying“Yeah, I just hope you have a healthy and happy life. Other things don’t matter to your mother and me.We’ll be at ease if that person cares for you. In case we’re not around anymore, there will be someonetoprotect you.My dad’s words touched me deeply. It reminded me of when Atlas told me he would protect me fromharm.I felt a lump in my throat, saying, “Dad, I won’t need anyone to protect me when I become strongenough.”I forced a smile, my eyes a bit teary. “Give me some freedom, Dad. That way, I’ll feel more relaxed.”“I understand. I was only offering advice and not interfering with your affairs. You’re the only one whocantell if you’re happy. Your mom and I only want that for you. That’s our biggest wish.”My dad didn’t delve deeper. He was democratic and didn’t push his views. He didn’t mention that theypreferred Ryan either, and I knew he didn’t want to stress me out. “Dad, regardless of who I choose, if I am ever making that choice. I will make it clear to you. The person!choose should not only be capable of protecting me but also my family. Things won’t be like they usedto1. be. You can rest assured.”I said these words to ease my dad’s mind because those were my goals.Since my dad didn’t say much more, I got up and told him, “I need to get to work. The new project is.about to start, and I’m pretty busy with it.”“Go ahead! Drive safe, and make sure to have lunch on time. Don’t skip meals! My dad stood up, walkedme to the door, and watched me enter the car.I saw my dad standing on the steps through the rearview mirror, watching my car leave. I knew he stillhad a lot he wanted to say.When I arrived at Galar Tower and entered the lobby, I saw a group gathered around the front desk.Someone with a shrill voice was berating the staff.“Don’t you dare look down on others just because things have changed! Have you forgotten how youused to treat us? Tanum Corporation will be mine sooner or later. Don’t push it, or things won’t lookgood foranyone when I return one day!”As soon as I heard this voice, I knew Melanie was the one causing the scene.

Chapter 177 Delivering Information on a Silver PlatterI raised an eyebrow and strolled over. Melanie stood there, arms akimbo.It had only been a few days since we last met, but her baby bump had grown noticeably. It protrudedconfidently, just like her. I thought it was an impressive sight, chuckling to myself. It seemed she cometo deliver information to me on a silver platter.“Oh, Mrs. Melanie, you’re here! Don’t get so worked up. Be mindful of the little prince in your belly.”I said “prince” because the Murphys believed Melanie would have a boy.She turned to glare at me. When she saw me approaching, she fired back, “Hah! Don’t act all high andmighty with your sarcasm!”“That’s so rude of you, Melanie. You should consider prenatal care. Your words and actions aren’t goodfor the baby,” I taunted, pretending to be unconcerned, “You’re someone’s ‘wife‘ now, so you should.consider how you act in public. Your brother would be distressed if anything terrible happened to you.”The initially angry receptionists chuckled and looked at me with gratitude.“What brings you to Tanum Corporation?” I asked. “Come with me to the office. You might not knowyet, but we’re full on staff now. I thank you and your brother for taking those old guys with you. Myteam ismuch younger now.”“Don’t get co*cky, Chloe. Stop thinking you’re all that just because you secured two contracts. You betterwatch yourself. Do you think you got the Echelon Group contract out of thin air?” Melanie’s eyesreddened with anger. “You only got it because Matt pitied you.”“Oh my, your brother is so attentive. Well, I’ll send you two a big gift when you get married. Don’tworry, I’ll be nice to you and your brother.” I exaggerated my sarcasm, hitting every nerve by referringto Matthewas her brother.The employees in the room would laugh whenever I said “brother.”Everyone knew Melanie had seduced her brother. Sure enough, many also knew the two were notbloodrelated. Still, they grew up as siblings.“You shut up!” Melanie caught my sarcasm and stomped toward me.“What are you here just to argue with me? Are you upset that your brother got me the project? Don’tbe sopetty. I heard you’re cozying up to Echelon Group. Is that single contract worth all this fuss?your brothershard I to arrange this. So, aren’t you afraid I might refuse to telse on theI stared into Melanie’s eyes. Indeed, she widened them as she stared back at me. “How did you know?”Her response confirmed my suspicion that Matthew had conspired with Echelon Group to trap me.Melanie looked as if she was trying to analyze the truth in my words. I knew she wasn’t as educated andsharp as me.Most of her intelligence was toward pleasing men. With Matthew’s pampering, she didn’t need todevelopher intellect further.IMy mind raced as I added, “Isn’t that common in business? Do you two think I’m that person’sweakness? Fifty thousand square meters isn’t enough. Tell Matthew to put in more effort if he wants tomake a dealwith me.“Humans do have endless greed regarding wealth. I was with him for many years, so I know how hisrotten mind thinks.”“C–Chloe, how do you know all this? You better tell me now! Eche-“Melanie stopped, looked around,andswallowed whatever she wanted to say.It seemed I had hit the mark. Indeed, they were trying to use me to test Atlas, wanting to see if I was histIweakness. Still, I wondered why they would suspect me. It couldn’t be because of Matthew’s baselessspeculation.As I had told Melanie earlier, I would look down on Echelon Group if things were this simple. There hadtobe something fishy going on here.

Chapter 178 The Determining MealI figured someone like Melanie wouldn’t understand the situation’s deeper layers. It would be pointless,even if I asked her.“All right, who told me doesn’t matter, Mrs. Melanie. That’s not something you would knowanyway.If yourant to keep ssomething a secret, you shouldn’t tell anyone else about it. Leave and tell your brother!appreciate his efforts. He should focus on securing his alliances better.”I didn’t want to waste any more time and turned to leave. After some much–needed sleep, my mind feltsharper.“Stop right there, Chloe! If you dare seduce Matthew again, you’ll get it from me!” she shouted at myback,unwilling to let it go.“Don’t worry! I have no interest in your crap!” I replied loudly, waving without looking back whilewalkinginto the elevator.Melanie was still cursing at me from a distance as the elevator doors closed.Meanwhile, I felt foolish and ashamed for even liking someone like Matthew. He was just a rat in thegutter who had some good days but now thought he was the king of the jungle. It seemed I couldn’tignore that cunning scumbag.I thought Lauren was right in saying Matthew was disgusting.I understood Melanie entirely. She wasn’t just angry about me getting the contract but was more upsetthat Matthew had “helped” me. I was a thorn in her side.I held the pen Atlas had gifted me as I sat in my office. I casually wrote his name on a piece of paper as Iwondered how he was doing. Stella had told me he would return today, but I didn’t know whether ornothe had arrived yet.I felt tempted to call him as I held my phone. However, I resisted the urge and was about to put downmy phone when it rang. To my surprise, it was Damian on the other end. After some thought, Ianswered,”Hello, Mr. Damian.”“Ms. Chloe!” Damian sounded genuinely delighted. “We’re finally starting the project! I hope this is thebeginning of a successful partnership.”omiled faintly, knowing that was indeed the case. So, I replied, “Yes! It’s all thanks to your hard work, MrDamian! I must treat you to a celebratory meal soon!”my mind! What about tonight? Let’s celebrate at The Cerulean, I’ll see you at &I hesitated for a moment, somewhat caught off guard. He seemed well–prepared and had taken theinitiative to invite me to dinner. He added, “Ms. Chloe, please do us the honor! We’ll be waiting for you!Although I wasn’t too keen on it, I couldn’t refuse. Initially, I was supposed to treat Damian to dinner,but he had taken the lead. I reluctantly agreed, “All right.”After hanging up, I thought of a way to balance the situation. I decided to have Carol accompany me todinner instead of Ryan. Before leaving the office, I informed Ryan about the dinner, and he told me tocall him if I needed anything later.I glanced at him and said, “Do you think I’m a child? It’s just a dinner. Is it that big of a deal?”Carol and I left the office together. She had offered to drive, so I sat in the backseat to relax. I wassurprised she was pretty good at drivingIsWhen we arrived at the restaurant’s private room, I saw three other men besides Damian. Heintroduced us to each other. One was Jett Emerson, the head of Echelon Group’s developmentdepartment.The second was Beckett Grand, the head of Echelon’s project department, and finally, someone fromthe city’s Building Department.Fortunately, I had brought Carol along. Otherwise, it would have been quite awkward with me, awoman, among a group of men. After exchanging pleasantries with them, we took our seats. However,Damian hadn’t started the dinner yet, seemingly waiting for someone.

Chapter 179 The CEO’s Brother–In–LawSuddenly, the door swung open. Damian smiled widely and greeted the newcomers, “Mr. Matthew, Mr.I figured someone like Melanie wouldn’t understand the situation’s deeper layers. It would be pointless,even if I asked her.“All right, who told me doesn’t matter, Mrs. Melanie. That’s not something you would knowanyway.If yourant to keep ssomething a secret, you shouldn’t tell anyone else about it. Leave and tell your brother!appreciate his efforts. He should focus on securing his alliances better.”I didn’t want to waste any more time and turned to leave. After some much–needed sleep, my mind feltsharper.“Stop right there, Chloe! If you dare seduce Matthew again, you’ll get it from me!” she shouted at myback,unwilling to let it go.“Don’t worry! I have no interest in your crap!” I replied loudly, waving without looking back whilewalkinginto the elevator.Melanie was still cursing at me from a distance as the elevator doors closed.Meanwhile, I felt foolish and ashamed for even liking someone like Matthew. He was just a rat in thegutter who had some good days but now thought he was the king of the jungle. It seemed I couldn’tignore that cunning scumbag.I thought Lauren was right in saying Matthew was disgusting.I understood Melanie entirely. She wasn’t just angry about me getting the contract but was more upsetthat Matthew had “helped” me. I was a thorn in her side.I held the pen Atlas had gifted me as I sat in my office. I casually wrote his name on a piece of paper as Iwondered how he was doing. Stella had told me he would return today, but I didn’t know whether ornothe had arrived yet.I felt tempted to call him as I held my phone. However, I resisted the urge and was about to put downmy phone when it rang. To my surprise, it was Damian on the other end. After some thought, Ianswered,”Hello, Mr. Damian.”“Ms. Chloe!” Damian sounded genuinely delighted. “We’re finally starting the project! I hope this is thebeginning of a successful partnership.”omiled faintly, knowing that was indeed the case. So, I replied, “Yes! It’s all thanks to your hard work, MrDamian! I must treat you to a celebratory meal soon!”my mind! What about tonight? Let’s celebrate at The Cerulean, I’ll see you at &I hesitated for a moment, somewhat caught off guard. He seemed well–prepared and had taken theinitiative to invite me to dinner. He added, “Ms. Chloe, please do us the honor! We’ll be waiting for you!Although I wasn’t too keen on it, I couldn’t refuse. Initially, I was supposed to treat Damian to dinner,but he had taken the lead. I reluctantly agreed, “All right.”After hanging up, I thought of a way to balance the situation. I decided to have Carol accompany me todinner instead of Ryan. Before leaving the office, I informed Ryan about the dinner, and he told me tocall him if I needed anything later.I glanced at him and said, “Do you think I’m a child? It’s just a dinner. Is it that big of a deal?”Carol and I left the office together. She had offered to drive, so I sat in the backseat to relax. I wassurprised she was pretty good at drivingIsWhen we arrived at the restaurant’s private room, I saw three other men besides Damian. Heintroduced us to each other. One was Jett Emerson, the head of Echelon Group’s developmentdepartment.The second was Beckett Grand, the head of Echelon’s project department, and finally, someone fromthe city’s Building Department.Fortunately, I had brought Carol along. Otherwise, it would have been quite awkward with me, awoman, among a group of men. After exchanging pleasantries with them, we took our seats. However,Damian hadn’t started the dinner yet, seemingly waiting for someone.Keegan! You’re finally here!”I couldn’t help but clench my fists. I didn’t expect Matthew to show up, too. I must’ve jinxed it when IsaidI hoped to never see him again after our divorce. On the contrary, his presence had haunted me sincethen.The two approached, and everyone exchanged greetings. Carol and I exchanged disdainful looks, and Ikept my composure.“Ms. Chloe, let me introduce you to Mr. Keegan Thompson. He’s our CEO’s brother–in–law,” Damiantactfully introduced me to Keegan. He did it with such flattery as if that guy were some kind of VIP.Although he was in his thirtI looked at the so–called VIP and noticed he was tall and skinny. hishairstyle was the most eye–catching thing about him. He had a pompadour gelled to keep its shape.He wore a royal blue suit with a white pocket square at the front. The suit might have looked good onsomeone else, but it was far from flattering on him. Keegan looked at me with his unpleasant eyes andextended his hand, saying, “Ms. Chloe, I’ve heard so much about you!”I shook his hand out of courtesy. I intended for a brief handshake, but he grasped my hand firmly anddidn’t let go. Then, he turned to Matthew and grinned, “Dude, you had such a beautiful wife. Why’dyouUm, Haha!”His laugh sent shivers down my spine.Matthew stood beside Keegan and smiled knowingly. “Thanks, man! Just call her Mrs. Chloe.”“Mrs. Chloe? She’s not even your wife anymore!” Keegan still held onto my hand as he spoke. He turnedto look at me again and said, “Ms. Chloe, it’s a pleasure and such a delight to meet you. It seems fate hasbrought us together!”Everyone at the table watched us like spectators at a show, their eyes fixed on our intertwined hands.Myblood boiled, and I couldn’t help but speak indifferently, “Pleasure’s all mine.”Afterward, I pulled my hand back. Damian quickly stepped in to defuse the awkwardness. “All right,please take your seats. We’ve been waiting for you!”I couldn’t believe Matthew pushed Keegan to sit beside me.rolsed his wine glass and proposed a toast, steering the conversation back to the meal. Finally,seemed uninterested in the food and kept looking at me. He said, “Me:Howeve“You’re truly remarkable. You don’t have to work so hard in the future. If you ever want to undertake aproject, just say the word. Since you’ve met me, I’ll ensure you’re well–protected and cared for.”I discreetly rolled my eyes at his remark. I couldn’t believe what he said at the end. It seemed thesewords had different undertones depending on who said them. I suppressed my irritation and repliedwith a forced smile. “You’re too kind, Mr. Keegan. I’m just making a living.”“What do you mean by that? That won’t do, especially since Echelon Group has plenty of projects. I’llensure you’re cared for as long as you say the word. You don’t need to negotiate with those people.”Keegan spoke confidently.He thought he could do anything because his brother–in–law was Echelon Group’s CEO.The others at the table smiled awkwardly and listened as he continued, “Jett, give Ms. Chloe some bigprojects, and don’t be so stingy. Working women have it tough enough. Beckett, why are you smilinglikethat? You have so many contracts. Why would you just keep them?”Beckett smiled embarrassedly, saying, “Mr. Keegan, I’ll deal with them as you wish. Just tell me what todo.”Keegan looked displeased. “Do you think we’re celebrating just for the 50,000 square meters project?Oh please! Ms. Chloe, we didn’t know each other before, but now that we’re all here today, it’s destiny.If youwant to work on a project, it’s yours!”He pounded the table with his ring–adorned hand, full of confidence.Matthew glanced at me with concern and gestured for me to thank Keegan. “Chlo, you should thank Mr.Keegan.

Chapter 180 The True Purpose of the DinnerI ignored Matthew and looked at Keegan, saying, “Mr. Keegan, I appreciate your kindness. However,Tanum Corporation must be cautious when taking on projects, especially since we’re a small company.We can’t just take on any projects out of our capabilities.”My words made Keegan laugh as he placed his arm on my shoulder. He lightly patted me and said,”Hahaha! This lady is simply adorable!”The others at the table joined in the laughter. Matthew wore an embarrassed expression and said, “Mysweetheart has never been one to keep a low profile. Please don’t mind her.”His tone suggested I was being stubborn.Keegan’s hand remained on my shoulder, and he continued, “A woman with character! Most womenwould be ecstatic in this situation. Instead, Ms. Chloe remains dignified! I love experienced people likeher, especially women! Ms. Chloe, I feel I’ve made a friend today!”Carol looked uncomfortable as she patted my leg quietly, trying to comfort me. I faintly smiled at herand raised my glass to say, “I’d like to thank everyone for your efforts in this project. I’m pleased to seeit startso smoothly.“First and foremost, I want to thank Mr. Damian for considering Tanum Corporation and giving us thisopportunity. The company will complete the project with high standards. I’ll drink this first glass as atoastto thank you all.”I then drank the contents of my glass. With Carol’s help, I freed myself from Keegan’s hand on myshoulder. However, Keegan showed no sign of restraint. His hand remained on my chair as hecommented, “Very well!”Matthew smiled and raised his glass for a second toast, seemingly following my lead. “As my sweetheartsaid, Tanum Corporation greatly benefited from your support. We’re all here to celebrate the start ofthisproject and the successful partnership with Echelon Group. It’s all thanks to you.”His words annoyed Carol.Suddenly, Keegan said, “Stop calling her your sweetheart on such occasions. Does she even want to becalled that?”The others just sat back and watched the show.Matthew shifted his gaze to me. “Chlo, raise your glass to thank Mr. Keegan, We’re going to need hishelpet soon. He has great authority in the company, and I invited him over today. Look at what he hasI figured out what was happening and realized this charade would continue if I didn’t leave. None ofthese people were sincere. They were here for a performance while the others watched, treating melike acircus monkey.Matthew was still trying to sell me, even after our divorce. Finally, I turned and revealed a charmingsmile. Keegan stared at me as if my smile had enchanted him. He would have pounced on me if theothersweren’t around.Meanwhile, Matthew behaved like an eager pimp, trying to push me into Keegan’s arms. My heartached. when I recalled how blind I had been. I wondered how I spent a decade with someone like him.“Matthew, I appreciate your arrangement. I may have underestimated you. You’ve been doing wellsince you’ve invited such a prominent figure. So, do you think I should go with your plan?” My toneremained.calm and composed..After all, this contract had just begun, and I couldn’t afford to be too aggressive. Since Matthew hadcaused this situation, I would make my point through him.He seized the opportunity, raised his glass, and spoke with a hint of pride, “Chlo, my plan doesn’tmatter. It’s most important to please Mr. Keegan. You don’t have to be shy since we’re all friends here.”Matthew refilled my glass as he continued, “We’ll need the support of our fellow friends for TanumCorporation to thrive and stand tall. Not everyone can rely on such a strong backbone like EchelonGroup, and not just anyone can invite these people to a meal.”The others at the table nodded, waiting to see how I would respond.“Oh?” I asked in an alluring tone as I stood gracefully. Immediately after, I took the glass Matthew hadfilled.

Chapter 181 Forced to Drink With ThemEveryone turned to me. Carol got up, took my glass, and held me gently to my seat. “Let me do it, Ms.Chloe.”With a smile, she raised my glass. “Hey, everyone, I’m Carol, Ms. Chloe’s assistant. Please let mepropose a toast to all of you for everything you’ve done for Tanum Corporation! Cheers!”She downed the wine. Carol then refilled her glass and approached Keegan with a smile. “Mr. Matthewisright. We should toast to you, Mr. Keegan. It’s an honor to meet you today.”“However,” she continued, “Ms. Chloe hasn’t been feeling well. As you all know, she’s been hospitalized.multiple times, and her doctors advised against alcohol. So, allow me to propose a toast on her behalf.”I was surprised at how well Carol had handled this. I was sure anyone could tell she implied thatMatthewwas being a jerkGiven his experience, Keegan must have realized that Carol was trying to help me.He gave me a longing look. Although he was upset, he knew better than to act rudely now. “You’re luckytohave an employee who cares about you so much, Chloe.”“Cheers!” Keegan clinked glasses with Carol and sipped his wine while looking at me.It was time for him to back off, but Matthew was too eager to impress Keegan. He slammed his glassdown on the table.He glared at Carol. “Who the hell are you to give the toast on Chloe’s behalf?”Carol gripped her glass tightly.“Come on, Chloe, you know the rules!” He acted like he owned me.“Stay out of this. Tanum Corporation is mine, and what we do is none of your business,” I said, smiling.“Igot the contract fairly. Despite being a small company, we don’t engage in shady dealings.“Hey, do you think you got the contract yourself?” Matthew glared at me. “Don’t mind her, Keegan. Shedoesn’t know what she’s talking about. Chloe, don’t act out of line. You’re not leaving until you makehimhappy, got it?”I grabbed a glass of wine and splashed it in Matthew’s face. The handsome face that had captivated mefor ten years was now dripping with red liquid.You don’t f*cking own me, Matthew, Carol, let’s go.I walked away with Carol with my head held high.“Stop right there!” Two men shouted at the same time from behind me.

Chapter 182 Who in HeI stopped in my tracks and tuned toward the tableMatthew charged over angrily Get back here Chloel Who the f*ck do you think you are? You used todrunk all the time didn’t you? You should be grateful Mr. Keegan wants to have a disk with youtrembled with anger, and Carol stood befour me protectively “Stay away from Me Chloe”“f*ck off Who do you think you arefall to the floor. He grabbed my wristMatthew shoved Carol aside, causing her to lose her balance andDon’t push itI struggled and yelled. Let me doDamian rushed over Take it easy. Ms Chloe We’re just having some fun, aren’t we?”I snapped. “Fun I’m not going to degrade myself for a contract”“Come on! The man from the Building Department sneered coldly. “Do you have to put it that way?You’rea divorcee. You should know what men want.”I glared at him. “What the f*ck did you say?”Keegan slammed the table angrily. “What the hell is this, Matthew? What kind of man do you take mefor?I didn’t come here for this!The situation became clear to me then.“Apologize to Keegan!” Matthew yanked me toward the man, nearly causing me to fall. “Say sorry tohim,or you’ll regret it!”Someone opened the door and said in a chilling tone, “Oh, yeah?”Everyone turned to the dignified middle–aged man who entered. He was glaring at the table of people.was surprised, as I didn’t know the man and had never even met him.The next second, the worker from the Building Department bolted to his feet and stammered, “Mr.Maddox..Keegan got to his feet as well. “How are you, Mr. Maddox?”them. “Aren’t you all ashamed of yourselves? Tell Attious to ppelwas the CEO of BohalosHow did he know my name? I didn’t know him!Carol quickly hurried over and led me away by my arm. Not knowing what to say, I just nodded atMaddox. I gave Matthew a dirty look over my shoulder and walked out of the room with Carol. aWhen I exited, I heard Maddox yell, ‘Tell Atticus to come here immediately!”Carol gave me a c

Chapter 183 The Mysterious ManI was still upset as I drove home after dropping Carol off. Matthew had crossed so many lines that Ivowed to take my revenge one day.Also, whono was that mysterious Mr. Maddox, and how did he know my name? Why did he save me at that exactmoment? There could only be one explanation–someone had asked him to do it.My thoughts immediately turned to Atlas. I made a U–turn and hurried back to The Cerulean. I parkedmy car in an inconspicuous spot, killed the engine, and watched the entrance.About half an hour later, I saw Atlas come out. However, to my surprise, Stella was on his arm. Therewas also a tall, middle–aged woman with them. She was impeccably dressed and exuded an air ofarrogance.I tightened my grip on the steering wheel. She had to be Atlas’s aunt, the former CEO of ATL Empire.That meant Stella didn’t lie to me, and her mother did indeed come to Foswood. That’s why she told methatAtlas was hers.Then what was I to him?Stella had claimed that everyone in their family knew they were supposed to get married. Meanwhile,our relationship was still a secret. No, perhaps that was all it could ever be. My heart started to ache.I watched them get into a car with an entourage and drive away. I lingered in my car for a while, feelinglonelier.Though I never tried to antagonize anyone, my life was turned upside down. The man I loved became anasshole, my family had been torn apart, and now even my parents had to worry about me.Everything felt messed up; and all I could do was cry in the car.When I arrived home, I pulled myself together and forced a smile. My daughter was still awake, and sheexcitedly asked me to play with her dolls. It occurred to me that I hadn’t played with her in quite a while.Later that night, Ryan called to check if I had reached home safely. I laughed and told him I was about togo to sleep. Relieved, he chatted with me for a while before hanging up.The next day, when I arrived at the office, Carol hurried in. This was unusual, as she had always beenI gave her a quizzical look, and she rushed over to whisper, “Atticus is here to see youJeilabeard her, I asked, “Attica?”Cale, the CEO of Echelon Group“Where is he?” I found it hard to believe. The CEO of Echelon Group was paying me a visit? How could ibe possible?Pointing toward the door, she whispered, “He’s just outside”

Chapter 184 A Force to Be Reckoned WithI was momentarily taken aback before saying, “Please send him in.”If my guess was correct, this visit was related to what happened last night. I settled behind my desk andwent about my work.The door was soon opened again. I looked up and saw Carol lead Atticus into my office.It was the first time I met him. Dressed in a well–fitted suit, he was tall and looked in his late 30s. Whilehis face wasn’t remarkable, his shrewd eyes gave him an air of wisdom and sophistication.Perhaps due to my association with Atlas, I neither liked nor disliked him. After all, I had first heard ofEchelon Group as ATL Empire’s competitor, and the behavior of his employees last night disgusted meCarol quickly introduced me to him, and I shook his firm hand.“Nice to meet you, Ms. Chloe,” Atticus said politely.I greeted him courteously as well. “Please have a seat.”He didn’t beat around the bush. “I’ve come to apologize for what happened last night.”After a pause, I said, “It’s water under the bridge now. Don’t worry about it.”“Well, it’s a serious matter that would jeopardize my company’s reputation, and I have to do somethingabout it.“I’ve fired Damian and put Jett and Beckett on probation. My brother–in–law is no longer with EchelonGroup, and I forbade him from participating in our future projects. As for Matthew….”He looked at me and continued, “Echelon Group will no longer engage with him, and his eligibility as ashareholder has been revoked.”I narrowed my eyes, astonished that Atticus would take such drastic measures.appreciate your actions, Mr. Atticus.”the shouldn’t have happened in the first place. No partners of Echelon Group shouldMr. Maddox told me off yesterday as well. I hope you don’t mind what happeface. Did he come“Like I said, don’t worry about it. It’s an honor to work with you,” I said, trying to sound nonchalant. “Iwouldn’t have yielded to them anyway, and I have nothing to be angry about now that you’ve punishedthem.”Atticus grinned. “Good to hear that. I look forward to continuing to work with you then.“Likewise, Mr. Atticus.” There was no reason for me to fuss over the incident, but I knew he onlypunishedthose assholes because of Mr. Maddox.He then got up to leave. This time, he exerted more strength when he shook my hand. “I’m sure we’llhavea wonderful time working together.”I smiled and saw him off to the elevator. When the doors shut, I considered how the situation could be amixed blessing.

Chapter 185 Creating a SceneAs expected, Matthew came to create a scene. His aggressive entrance left no doubt that Atticus had cuties with him, and he looked like he wanted to kill me.He barked, “How could you do this to me, you c*nt?”It was the first time I had seen him so furious.Carol stood protectively before me and called other employees to step in. Benjamin called the building’ssecurity.I pulled Carol aside and stared at Matthew. “I got the divorce because I wanted nothing to do with you.But you kept pushing it and pulled that stunt last night. How dare you try to make a scene here?”“Don’t talk back to me, you f*cking whor*!” Matthew seemed ready to lunge at me any moment.“You brought this on yourself.”Matthew shouted through clenched teeth. “You’re a jinx, Chloe! I was so unlucky to have married you!”“How come you never thought of me as a jinx when I helped turn your life around?” I held my ground.“One day, you’ll regret this, Matthew. I’ll make sure of it!”Unable to reach me physically, Matthew trashed the things around him.Ryan hurried over when he heard the commotion. “Matthew, what the hell are you doing?”Matthew looked over his shoulder at Ryan. Stunned, he started to call me a slu*t and accused me ofsleeping around.Several security guards arrived at the scene but hesitated upon seeing him. Benjamin yelled, “What areyou waiting for? Throw him out!”Matthew pointed at the security guards. “I dare you to lay a finger on me! Don’t forget whose companythis is, okay? Benjamin, you f*cking traitor!”Calm the f*ck down, Matthew. It’s Atticus who refused to work with you, not Chloe. You’re barking upthetree, Ryan said calmlythink about why Atticus made that decision. Just so you know, he was here articYou should know what it means right?right?”′′“If you still don’t get it, I have nothing else to say.” Ryan told the guards. “Let him go. No matter what,he used to own this place. We should show him some respect.“Anyway, you brought this on yourself, Matthew. Chloe has shown great kindness to you. She couldhave pushed you out of the business, but she didn’t. Learn from her.”Ryan then turned to everyone else. Let’s clean up the mess.”The staff looked at Matthew, worried he might have another outburst and hurt me. However, he wasstanding there, seemingly thinking about what Ryan said.At the same time, I was surprised that Ryan knew the reason for Atticus’s visit, as I hadn’t told him aboutit last night.

Chapter 186 Putting the Show TogetherWhen Matthew calmed down slightly, the employees helped to clean up his mess while Carolaccompanied me back to my officeSuddenly, Matthew burst into my office. “Chloe, what’s your relationship with Mr. Maddox? Why didn’tyou say anything about it when we were together? How many more resources and connections do youhave? Why are you doing this?!”I stood behind my desk and rested my hands on it as I gazed at him in amusem*nt. His questionsseemed comical, as if he believed I should surrender all my answers. He had a peculiar way of thinking.I replied, “There’s a lot you don’t know about me.”“Why are you doing this to me, Chloe?” His tone softened abruptly, and he sounded disheartened,“Whendid you become so ruthless?”–My phone rang as he spoke, interrupting our conversation. I saw it was Atlas, collected my thoughts, andanswered the call, “Hello?”“Where are you?” Atlas’s voice came through.“In my office,” I replied simply.“Wait for me,” he said before hanging up. I didn’t quite grasp the meaning behind his words.I sat in my chair, looking at Matthew. “I don’t have time to answer your questions. Take care of yourselffrom now on. Carol, please see our guest out!” I instructed Carol.I learned a valuable lesson from Ryan today. Instead of arguing with Matthew, I remained calm and usedmy strengths to render him powerless and troubled. I believed it was the best course of action.“Chloe, how could you treat me like this?” He continued to gaze at me dejectedly. “Why can’t I seethrough you?”I didn’t want to engage with him since today’s events gave me a splitting headache.“Mr. Matthew, please leave,” Carol said coldly.ariced at Carol, then turned to me. “Chipe, you’re not the same as before, You’ve hat, he strode out ofmy office.He felt he could talvantageI started to appreciate Ryan’s tactics. He used Atticus’s visit to make Matthew anxious and confused.Matthew now believed I had a connection with the mysterious Maddox. Meanwhile, I knew Maddoxcouldput everyone on edge.“Carol, please find out who this Mr. Maddox is.”“Ms. Chloe, Maddox O’Connell is the highest–ranking official of a government agency,” Carolimmediately. replied, leaving me stunned.No wonder Atticus had acted decisively. It seemed Maddox hadn’t disclosed everything last night. Hehad only come to help me, even though we didn’t know each other. Still, I wondered why he did it or ifhehad some connection with Atlas.I wanted to know their relationship since Atlas could persuade the highest–ranking official to interveneonmy behalf. I couldn’t make sense of anything.As the workday ended, my office received another visitor, Atlas. After escorting him to my office, Caroldiscreetly closed the door behind her.Atlas approached me and extended his hand, “Come here.”However, I remained rooted and didn’t approach him. He raised an eyebrow and came closer. “What’swrong? Did you get scared last night?”I couldn’t help but find his words amusing because he had indirectly admitted his involvement. Itseemedhe sent Mr. Maddox.“I wasn’t scared last night, but I am petrified today.” I pouted, feeling frustrated.I felt like a laughingstock with everything that happened today. After all, everyone in the city knewabout my divorce, and I kept embarrassing myself even after that. I bet everyone in Galar Tower knewabout thestories of the tenth floor.After the mistress came to cause a scene, my ex–husband came. I had no chance to salvage my image.“Tell me,” Atlas said, lifting my chin and gazing into my eyes. He lightly brushed his fingers against mylips.I glanced at him skeptically and then recounted the story to him. He smiled after hearing it, and I felt likehe was playing with my heart.ked Mr. Maddox to help you to create this situation. That way, Atticus couldn’t do anything to poteand matter of factly, it also served as a warning to Matthew.”cut ties with Matthew so decisively!Matthew so decisively?” I sakad, looking af Ale“Why? Are you scared?” He met my gaze, smiling. “I brought someone for you.”“What do you mean?” I didn’t understand what he was getting at.“You’ve been looking for a capable marketing manager, right? I’ll introduce someone to you,” he saidcasually.Indeed, I had been searching for a marketing manager for a while, but none met my criteria. He finished speaking and nibbled my lip before releasing me and striding to the door. He opened it andcalled, “Come in!”

Chapter 187 He’s a GemA striking young man entered the room. He seemed confident and intelligent, while his charisma madehim more manly than a typical marketing manager.“This is Grayson Newell,” Atlas said, “He can meet all your needs. Of course, you’re still my woman–those needs are only for work–related matters.His words made me flush. He always spoke so boldly before me. I mumbled, “What do you mean, yourwoman?”Grayson scratched his head and grinned, addressing me, “Ms. Chloe.”I gazed at him and asked, “If I wanted you to investigate something, could you do it?”Grayson glanced at Atlas, then replied, “Anything you want, including contracts.”His confident response surprised me. It was audacious, but I liked it. Meanwhile, Atlas wasted no timetelling Grayson, “Start work tomorrow and obey Ms. Chloe’s instructions. You can go home now.”“H–Hey, I still have some things to ask him!” I was interested in Grayson.“Get out.” Atlas instructed Grayson in a low voice, then lowered his head to say to me, “Your time onlybelongs to me now.”“Yes, Mr. Atlas!” Grayson nodded and left in a hurry.“Hey, what are you doing? I still have questions for him!” I protested, feeling disappointed. “Can youstopbeing so overbearing all the time?”Atlas turned to me with a hint of self–mockery in his smile. “It seems I’m not welcome here.”I was annoyed with his response. “You’re not unwelcome. You’re always too busy, so I can’t welcomeyou!properly.”I couldn’t suppress my jealousy. “You can do anything you please at my place, and you still dare sayyou’re not welcome here? Then, Mr. Domineering, enlighten me on what I should do to make you feelwelcome.He smirked and leaned closer, whispering, “Give… yourself… to me.”Can’t you be more serious, you perv!” I turned around in frustration, attempting to avoid him.Allas scoffed, it seems I have no place in your heart Fine I won’t boI felt disappointed as I watched his retreating figure. I finally met him, and now he was leaving. “Whatare you doing? If you’re leaving, don’t bother coming back. You always disappear without a word andact likeit’s reasonable.”Atlas smirked at me and spoke sharply, “Are you sure you don’t hate me?”II was stunned, and my eyes welled with tears. “Have I ever said I hate you? You twisted my words. Youdidn’t call me when you’re back. Who’s the unwelcome one here? You’re busy with work and somebodyelse, so who am I?1 waited for so long without a word. Do you only find others important, and I’m just here to help youpassthe timeBefore I could finish, Atlas pulled me into a kiss. He held me tightly, and his soft words ignited my heart,Are you trying to argue with me? Didn’t I wait for you? I’ve been waiting for you all this time!”His words melted my heart’s doubts and grievances. I was still in a daze when he asked, “Do you want tostay here or go home?”I replied, slightly shocked, “I want to go home!”He chuckled and took my hand to lead me out of my office.ed in Grayson.“Get out.” Atlas instructed Grayson in a low voice, then lowered his head to say to me, “Your time onlybelongs to me now.”“Yes, Mr. Atlas!” Grayson nodded and left in a hurry.“Hey, what are you doing? I still have questions for him!” I protested, feeling disappointed. “Can youstopbeing so overbearing all the time?”Atlas turned to me with a hint of self–mockery in his smile. “It seems I’m not welcome here.”I was annoyed with his response. “You’re not unwelcome. You’re always too busy, so I can’t welcomeyou!properly.”I couldn’t suppress my jealousy. “You can do anything you please at my place, and you still dare sayyou’re not welcome here? Then, Mr. Domineering, enlighten me on what I should do to make you feelwelcome.He smirked and leaned closer, whispering, “Give… yourself… to me.”Can’t you be more serious, you perv!” I turned around in frustration, attempting to avoid him.Allas scoffed, it seems I have no place in your heart Fine I won’t boI felt disappointed as I watched his retreating figure. I finally met him, and now he was leaving. “Whatare you doing? If you’re leaving, don’t bother coming back. You always disappear without a word andact likeit’s reasonable.”Atlas smirked at me and spoke sharply, “Are you sure you don’t hate me?”II was stunned, and my eyes welled with tears. “Have I ever said I hate you? You twisted my words. Youdidn’t call me when you’re back. Who’s the unwelcome one here? You’re busy with work and somebodyelse, so who am I?1 waited for so long without a word. Do you only find others important, and I’m just here to help youpassthe timeBefore I could finish, Atlas pulled me into a kiss. He held me tightly, and his soft words ignited my heart,Are you trying to argue with me? Didn’t I wait for you? I’ve been waiting for you all this time!”His words melted my heart’s doubts and grievances. I was still in a daze when he asked, “Do you want tostay here or go home?”I replied, slightly shocked, “I want to go home!”He chuckled and took my hand to lead me out of my office.

Chapter 188 Sense of BelongingAtlas made a dinner reservation as we entered the car. My heart kept pounding throughout the ride,and Icouldn’t bring myself to look at him. He pulled me closer, saying, “Call your parents and tell them youwon’t be home tonight.”I had no strength to argue or think about anything else. I just wanted to find peace in Atlas’s arms as itmelted away all my worries and anxieties. Soon, we returned to the resort. I felt a sense of belonging,likethis was our home.His previous question still entranced me. “Do you want to stay here or go home?”I wondered if this place could be our home.After dinner, he didn’t hesitate to hold and shower me with kisses. I felt like crying then because I hadwaited for him for so long. I missed him so much, and all my longing turned into happiness.However, I dared not look at him, afraid of keeping this moment in my memory. Instead, I closed myeyesas my mind went blank.“Why won’t you look at me?” Atlas asked.I reluctantly opened my eyes and met his tender gaze. His handsome face held a deep affection thatmelted me. He held me tightly and whispered, “Chloe, I’ve missed you so much.”His words brought me a sense of comfort. I didn’t know if this was his way of declaring his feelings for1. me. I wondered how long he would keep missing me and dared not consider how much he loved me.I nestled in his embrace and couldn’t help but ask, “Is everything going smoothly with your work?”“Mmm.” He held me, letting out a soft hum. I wasn’t sure if that hum meant everythingsmoothly.g was goingUnexpectedly, he shared, “There are some new issues at the headquarters, and the outgoing CEO won’tmake any moves for now. So, I’ll be staying in Foswood.”My heart lightened, and I couldn’t help but smile. Did that mean Atlas hadn’t accepted any additionalconditions? I felt a sense of relief wash over me, thinking if it meant he hadn’t accepted any additionalconditions.Still, there was a lingering worry in the back of my mind. I didn’t want obstacles to hinder Atlas’s successand only wished for everything to go smoothly for him.He gazed down at me and brushed my cheek as he asked, “You want me to stay, don’t you?”+15 BONUSHis question brought me back to reality. I didn’t know whether or not I wanted him to stay andwondered what I would be to him if he left. Was i just his companion in times like these?I heard single men often seek experienced, obedient, and intelligent partners. Was he one of thosem*n?II remained silent while sorrow surged within me. Suddenly, I abandoned my usual reserved attitude andkissed Atlas passionately. However, he gently tugged at my hair with a hint of displeasure, demanding.”Why won’t you answer me?”He looked into my eyes like he could sense something was amiss.I looked at him forlornly. “I’m a divorcee. How could I demand or hope for anything? All that matters isthat you’re doing well.”“Is that how you really feel?” he growled.I understood what he asked but didn’t know how to respond. Since I remained silent, he pressed mecloser to vent his frustrations. It made me wonder if he was just concerned about me. It seemed like itwould be a sleepless night for me.I pondered the uncertain nature of our relationship. Stella told me they had an arranged marriage. Buteven without Stella, wasn’t he still bound by constraints?The following day, I rode in his car to the office. He seemed to be in high spirits. The drive was leisurelyand unhurried as well, I was delighted to see him so content. I thought maybe I could stop overthinkingthings, but little did I know that reality was about to shatter my illusions.Trouble was on the horizon

Chapter 189 Eye CandyWhen Atlas dropped me off at the company’s entrance, he gave me some reminders, which I noteddown.I couldn’t help but say, “Call me when you have time.”He nibbled on my lip and said, “You’re improving by asking for things now.”I blushed and turned to get out of the car, but he pulled me back and kissed me passionately beforeletting me go. Nonetheless, I looked forward to working with Grayson today. When I entered my office, Icalled Carol and asked, “Has Grayson arrived?”Carol’s eyes sparkled. “Yes, he has! Ms. Chloe, let’s use this standard when hiring new employees. He’ssuch eye candy!”I snorted in response. “Are you infatuated with Grayson too?”She stuck her tongue out and chuckled. Good looks seemed to have a certain charm, and everyone likedattractive objects. Since Carol and I had become close, she rolled her eyes at me and muttered, “You likethe handsome ones, too. It’s a chain reaction.”I sighed but didn’t deny it. “You’re right. All right, bring Grayson in so I can grill him first.”Carol left my office with a grin, and Grayson soon walked in. Although strikingly handsome, his type ofhandsomeness differed from Atlas’s. Grayson wasn’t cunning, authoritative, or had old–money airaroundhim.Instead, he resembled a ray of sunshine that could brighten the gloomiest days.I was thrilled after our conversation. Grayson was an invaluable tech expert, like Ivanna’s two assistants.Iwas ecstatic, even if he couldn’t handle the business side of things.Ryan was also quite pleased when I handed Grayson over to him.When I returned home that evening, my mother told me they had received a call from our hometown.They said the heaters were about to be turned on, requiring someone to be home. My parents barelyhadtime to pack before rushing backIt had been two months since my divorce, and they had to return home to check on things. My parentswere concerned about me, but my mom didn’t want my dad to go home alone.youSince they were in a dilemma, I said, “Why don’t you two head back together? If you want to move here,just rent that house to someone and come here once you’ve settled everything back home.”However, my mom couldn’t bear to leave her house behind. My words were in vain, but I clarified that I freezing during winter.Besides, I had grown accustomed to living with my parents over the past two months. With such a largehouse here, it felt somewhat empty with just Ava and me. Meanwhile, my dad worried that thescoundrel might harass me again.“That won’t happen, so don’t worry,” I reassured them, “Besides, I have a few friends who can help ifanything happens.”During this time, things had been relatively calm because of Maddox. Also, Matthew didn’t cause anymore trouble for me.My parents contemplated returning to our hometown for a few days. However, they could only returnbecause of the heating system. Initially, they wanted to take Ava with them, but I feared she wouldn’tadapt well to the colder climate.I felt a sense of emptiness as I saw my parents off. They had treated me like a princess when they werehere. My mom cared for everything, and I didn’t have to worry about picking up or dropping off AvaThings would be different without my parents, and I had to return to my old routine.Soon after, Ivanna reminded me to transfer Ava to Sunnydale Kindergarten. Since it was closer to ourhome, it would be more convenient for me to pick Ava up and drop her off. Plus, Ivanna could help ifthere were any emergencies.I should have done it a long time ago, but I had been preoccupied and kept postponing it until now. Asfate would have it, the story had an unexpected twist again.

Chapter 190 The Shocking Things He SaidThe kindergarten registration form was still with Matthew. To enroll Ava into Sunnydale Kindergarten, Ineeded the physical copy of the registration form and coples of Ava’s and my identification documents.It was difficult to obtain the registration form since Sunnydale was a renowned kindergarten. Matthewand I had a lot of trouble getting a copy back then.After some pondering, I called Matthew. However, Melanie answered with insults, “Have you noshame?How dare you call him?”“Let me talk to Matthew,” I replied calmly, ignoring her outburst.“You can kiss my ass!” With that, she hung up.Her behavior infuriated me, but I could only return the calf for Ava’s sake. I called several times, but sheconstantly declined them. Her actions fueled my determination as I went to their company in person.Once inside Ardora Construction, many familiar faces awkwardly greeted me in hushed voices. However,I ignored them because people who undermined me with Matthew weren’t worth my time.It was my first time visiting their company. It had stylish decorations but lacked warmth–much like itsoccupants. Sure enough, Melanie was at the main desk while Matthew reclined on the sofa.He held a glass of wine. He looked messy and miserable, even though it was still early morning. Theywere shocked when they saw me. I knew they didn’t expect me to follow through on my phone call.Melanie stood up and screamed, “Who let you in?! Security!”On the other hand, Matthew bolted upright and stared at me. His emotions were unclear, but I think hewas stunned.1 ignored Melanie and went straight to Matthew, saying. “Get me the Sunnydale Kindergartenregistrationform. I need to transfer Ava there.”“Who cares about a registration form?” Melanie blurted out, her belly protruding as she approached.“Howdare you come here, you shameless bitch! Give up already. What’s next after seducing your way here?Youcan’t take the loneliness and want to throw yourself at him now?”I finally glanced at her and calmly responded, “You must work on your manners. All you do is hurlinsults.You started sleeping with Matthew at a young age, but don’t think everyone else is like you.Although Melanie stormed over, I remained composed and looked at her disdainfully. “You better nottryanything if you want this company to thrive. If you lay a finger on me, I’ll shut you down by tomorrow12 Matthew roared, “That’s enough!”Melanie froze and paled as she turned to look at Matthew. “Why are you shouting at me? She’s gettingeven more bold and even dared to come here. What? Do you want to make up with her?”Matthew grimaced. “Stop the bullsh*t!”Immediately after, he glared at me. “Why do you need the registration form? I’m about to loseeverythingnow because of you! I’m suffering, yet you plan to send Ava to a new school? You’re evil, Chloe! I gaveyou everything, even my company. Why are you still trying to destroy me?! You-”“Let’s get one thing straight, Matthew. You never ‘gave me anything. As yourself what you’ve given me. Idon’t want to argue about it with you. If you think I’m upsetting you, fine. Just give me the form, and I’llleave so ‘someone can stop worrying about me wanting to seduce you!”“Chloe!” Matthew stood up. “Are you that happy to leave me?”I looked at him indifferently and said, “You have nothing to offer me.”My words rendered him speechless.A few seconds later, he threw his glass to the floor and roared, “If I have nothing to offer you, get lost!Since you’re so capable, find a way to get the form again. Forget about the transfer if you can’t get it!”“Matthew, how could you do this to your daughter?” I was furious.“She’s not my daughter since she has a mother like you. I’m still young and can have thousands of otherkids! I don’t need her! She can go wherever she likes!” Matthew’s words shocked me, and I couldn’tcatch my breath. I never expected him to say something like that.

Chapter 191 AssholeMelanie gave me a smug look as I stared at Matthew In disbelief. “He’s telling you to get lost. You andthat stupid child better stay the f*ck away from us!”glared at Matthew and turned toward the door.“Chloe!” He called out, but I ignored him and left.The crowd outside the office quickly dispersed as I approached my car.I swallowed dryly as I gripped the steering wheel with shaky hands. I had never imagined Matthew couldbe such a jerk. It was clear that meeting them would always result in humiliation.My phone kept ringing, but I didn’tCk up. I only answered the call after a while, and a gentle voice camethrough, “Why didn’t you pick up?”I broke down in tears.“What’s the matter?” Atlas sounded anxious. “Where are you?”I wiped my tears and told him about what happened. He said, “Come back. Let’s have lunch together.”“Okay.” I started my car and left.During lunch, Atlas handed me a slip of paper. “Contact this guy. He’ll take care of it.”Then he stared at me and asked, “Why didn’t you tell me about it sooner?”or him!“He had the registration form. I had to look for him!”With a stern look, he said, “And what ended up happening?”I was stumped. Atlas was right. In the end, I still had to ask for his help.“Next time, don’t deal with assholes like that,” he said, glancing at me as he elegantly ate his steak.I chuckled. Matthew was an asshole, wasn’t he? “You’re busy, and I shouldn’t burden you with everylittle.thing. Besides, it should’ve been a straightforward matter.”“Well, he’s still an asshole,” he said. “Or do you think your boyfriend is good for nothing?”I blinked in surprise, struggling to process his words.He cautioned, “No more next time, okay?”1I was happy he referred to himself as my boyfriend, but I said, “Could you stop being so presumptuous?”About me being your boyfriend or about the situation?”1 chuckled despite myself.He smiled. “Just admit it’s dumb to look for his help, okay?”“If I’m dumb, why are you with me? There are plenty of girls eager to be your girlfriend,” I retorted.“Well, they’re way dumber than you,” he said readily.I burst into laughter. I guess I was pretty naive after all. Perhaps seeking help from the right person wasthe key. After dinner, we left the restaurant and unexpectedly ran into the last two people I wanted tosee.Theyy were entering the premises as we were leaving. Matthew’s jaw dropped as he saw that I was holdingAtlas’s arm. Atlas walked toward him as if not seeing him, and Matthew timidly moved aside.As we passed each other, the asshole couldn’t help but say, “slu*t!”Melanie chimed in, “I told you she was a whor*, didn’t I?”Atlas stopped in his path and glared at Matthew. “Have you forgotten your lesson?”“What are you trying to do?” Matthew took a step back, pulling Melanie along.Atlas glanced Matthew up and down dismissively. “You’re not worth the effort.”He then held my hand. ‘Let’s not come here anymore. It’s distasteful now.”Melanie snapped, “What do you mean by that?”I just chuckled.

Chapter 192 The New KindergartenMatthew looked on as we left together.In just two days, I completed all the paperwork and enrolled Ava in Sunnydale Kindergarten. Initially,assumed it was a given since we lived in the neighborhood.However, as I checked out Ava’s classroom, I overheard two teachers chatting. “Wasn’t the kindergartenfull? How did she manage to get in?”“Do you know who made the request?”“Who?” The plump Ms. Marigold asked her colleague. The colleague whispered her reply, and Ms.Marigold dropped her jaw.Her response puzzled me. Was there something unusual about Atlas’s arrangement? I didn’t dwell on itbecause what mattered was that Ava got in.That night, Ava told me, “Mommy, the teacher at school was nice to me. She gave me extra food anddidn’t let the other kids take my toys. She even said I was the prettiest girl in the class!”“Really? What did she teach you?‘ Seeing her enthusiasm relieved me.After all, who wouldn’t enjoy some special treatment? Nonetheless, I wondered who had influenced theteacher to treat Ava differently.worNow I had one less thing to worry about, I should’ve done it sooner since my mom had a long bus ride tosend Ava to her old kindergarten. Now she could walk her there in ten minutes.When I told my mom the good news, she smiled and said it would save her a lot of hassle.On Monday afternoon, Matthew came to my office again. He quietly placed the registration form on mydesk, and I looked at him in confusion. He said impassively, “Go do the transfer.”I was surprised. This was so unlike him..“Don’t look at me that way. I was only upset the other day. Ava is my daughter, and I love her. Shouldn’tyou at least let me vent my frustration after what you put me through? Anyway, let’s not fight anymore.Just let me come home, please.”His face went pitiful. “Chlo, I handle Melanie. Let’s start fresh. I miss you, you know?”His words gave me goosebumps, and I glared at him. “I don’t need it anymore. Take it back.”He gaped at me in disbelief. “You changed your mind? Honey, I know you’re upset, but you shouldn’ttakeI didn’t bother to explain to him and pressed the buzzer. Carol quickly showed up at the doorway. “Ms.Chloe?“Please see him out,” I said coldly.“Come on, Chlo. What can I do to make you forgive me? I’ll break up with Melanie, okay? I want tospend the rest of my life with you and Ava. Don’t do this to me,” Matthew pleaded, attempting toappear helpless.Before I could respond, Melanie stormed in.

Chapter 193 Given Up“What did you just say, Matthew?”When I saw her face, I felt angry. “Both of you, get out of my office! I have work to do.”Ryan rushed in, holding a stack of documents. He frowned when he saw them.Carol quickly gestured for them to leave. “It’s time to leave, Mr. Matthew.”Seeing that I wasn’t alone, Matthewde away.Melanie shot me a glare. “Are you trying to seduce him again? Can’t you live without a man, you f*ckingwhor*?”I grabbed the registration form, tore it into pieces, and threw it at Melanie’s feet. “Keep a leash on yourman. Don’t let him come here again.”Melanie grew infuriated. “How dare you?”I said calmly, “You should leave now. We’re having a meeting.”Then, I turned my attention to Ryan. “What do you have for me?”Ryan approached and handed me the documents. I glanced at them and saw two contracts for the newdevelopment at Heartland Estates.I was surprised. “We got it?”Ryan smiled. “Grayson did.”“That’s great! I’ve always liked this development,” I said, thrilled.Melanie stormed out.Ryan waited until she was gone and said, “There’s something else.”“What is it?”“I heard that ATL Empire failed to get the land in Operose.”I sat up straight, stunned. “Do you think it’s true?”Ryan nodded. “Word has it that there’s quite a buzz over at Echelon Group.”“How could this happen? I muttered, feeling worried. Had ATL Empire encountered some kind ofI gave Lauren a call. She confirmed that Echelon Group had offered only 2% more than ATL Empire, andit appeared that the latter had withdrawn their bid.Withdrawn? Why would Atlas give up on something he was so close to acquiring? I tried calling him, buthe didn’t pick up.That afternoon, Echelon Group invited us to a celebratory party tomorrow night. It would be at Towers.It seemed like they couldn’t wait to tell the world about it.EchelonI felt anxious for Atlas. He had been trying to secure the land for a long time. Why would he give up atthis crucial time? When I tried to call him again, his phone was turned*t, not again! Frustrated, I sank back into my chair.I was about to have dinner with my daughter that night when Atlas returned my call. I quicklyanswered,” Hey, why’d you switch off your phone again?”He chuckled and asked, “Why? Did you miss me?”I was exasperated. “How could you sound so relaxed?”“Well, you do have a calming effect on me,” he said casually. “I was on a flight, so I had to turn off myphone earlier.”“Huh? You’re not in Foswood? Why did you let Echelon Group have that land in Operose?”He said lazily, “Why would you say that?”I was stumped. “Well, they’re throwing a celebratory party tomorrow night, and I’ve already received aninvitation.”“Then attend it,” he said calmly. “I’ll bring you a gown.”“Can’t you just tell me what’s going on? I’m worried about you,” I protested, annoyed by hisunpredictability.“Okay, don’t worry. I’ll see you at the party tomorrow,” he said soothingly.“You’re going too?” I asked eagerly.“Yup. Don’t stop thinking about me, okay? I got to go.” He hung up.I held my phone, bewildered. Suddenly, I started to look forward to that party.

Chapter 194 The PartyAva shouted, “Mommy, no phone calls at the dining table. Grandma says we aren’t supposed to talk somuch while eating.I giggled and quickly put down my phone. I kissed her and said, “You’re right. Let’s eat.”Atlas’s call had put my mind at ease. I was sure he had a plan in place.The next day, Grayson walked into my office holding a large bag. “Ms. Chloe, your gown.”I didn’t think Atlas was being serious. Grayson placed the bag on the coffee table and left.Curious, I hurried over to inspect its contents. I pulled out a box and inside was a stunning white gownwith exquisite jewels.It was the kind of dress that reminded me of something Show White might wear. I was eager to put it onimmediately. Matthew had never bought me any nice clothing, let alone a gown. I had never attended.important events before and was unaware of the dress code.I called Ivanna to tell her about the party. She agreed to pick up Ava and even arranged for a makeupartist for me. Ivanna was a great help.Lauren also called to see if I was going to the party. She said she would, so I told her we should meetthere. As the invitation was extended to the higher–ups from each company, Ryan became my escort forthe evening.The party was hosted in the grand banquet hall of Echelon Towers.Echelon Group had a long history in the real estate industry. Mercer, Atticus’s father, started as asubcontractor before taking over the company at 26. He transformed it into the leading real estatedeveloper in Foswood.They had countless projects, including their very own Echelon Towers. One tower housed their offices,while the other was the Echelon Hotel.Ryan and I arrived at Echelon Towers on time, and I underestimated how grand the event was. It felt likea film festival, with everyone making their entrance on the red carpet. The atmosphere was even livelierat the venue, with people chatting over their drinks.Tanum Corporation was a smaller company, so our presence was mostly courtesy. Frankly, I wasn’tparticularly eager to be there. Since my divorce was common knowledge, the situation was somewhatawkward.tapotted Matthew in the crowd He appeared surprisingly well–dressed for the occasion. When our eyesmet, he stared at me like some idiot. Something about the way he looked at me felt odd. I chose toIgnore him.I wasn’t one to wear heavy makeup, but a professional had worked her magic on me today. I managedto turn heads, and I guessed Matthew couldn’t believe it was me.Many people were curious about us because Ryan was new to the industry. People were whispering,“Who are those two? They aren’t in real estate, are they? That girl looks rather pretty!”“She’s hot. Why haven’t I seen them before in Foswood?”“She looks familiar, but I can’t recall ever seeing such a beautiful woman.”I was secretly pleased. It seemed that the right outfit and makeup had made me unrecognizable. Iscanned the room and spotted Atticus conversing with someone in the distance. I had to admit that hehad a certain charm about him.I glanced at Ryan. “Let’s go say hello to Atticus.”He nodded, and we walked toward him.

Chapter 195 The PraisesHowever, before we reached Atticus, I spotted Maddox talking to an older man. I squeezed Ryan’s armand said, “That man is Maddox O’Connell. Let me say hi to him first.”I went over to him with a smile, and he recognized me immediately. “Good evening, Ms. Chloe.”“It’s a pleasure to see you again, sir.” I maintained a respectful demeanor. “I haven’t had the chance tothank you for what you did that evening.”Calling him “sir” instead of Mr. Maddox was a deliberate move on my part.“Don’t mention it,” he replied. “Allow me to introduce you to Mr. MercerCole.”Only then did I realize the person he was speaking to was Atticus’s father.“Nice to meet you, sir. I’m Chloe from Tanum Corporation.”Mercer gave Maddox a puzzled look, surprised that he’d introduce someone like me to him. However,het soon laughed. “Oh, Tanum Corporation? You’re that young lady who founded it, huh?”I smiled. I’m surprised that you’ve heard of us. We’re nobodies here.”Mercer seemed to be in his 60s, but he was in great shape and sported a rosy complexion. His heartylaughter drew attention, and Maddox’s presence only added to the effect.Noticing our interaction, Atticus quickly turned and made his way toward us.“We were all nobodies once, young lady. Not to mention that this is a male–dominafed industry. You’vedone well.” Mercer then told Maddox, “She’s amazing. There aren’t many female bosses in our line ofwork.”I wasn’t sure if Mercer was trying to impress Maddox.“Yes, she conducts her business with integrity. I’m impressed,‘ Maddox replied.“I’m flattered,” I responded, engaging in small talk with them before introducing Ryan.“I’m glad you could join us, Ms. Chloe, Atticus said as he joined me by my side. “Dad, they’re handlingtheduplexes at Grandeur Grove.”“Ah, I see. You should work with her more often. Working with people of integrity can save us a lot oftrouble,” Mercer said, looking at me. He added, “But we must always prioritize delivering quality.Echelon Group’s goal is to satisfy property buyers.”“Don’t worry, Mr. Mercer, that’s our goal as well,” I said with a smille.Mercer laughed and told Maddox, “This young lady is going places. You can take my word for it.”Atticus laughed, too. “Everyone seems to be singing your praises, Ms. Chloe.”“It’s only because I’m working with you, Mr. Atticus.” Laughter erupted, and those standing nearbyjoinedour conversation. Everyone was eager to impress the Coles. There was a sudden commotion at the entrance. We turned around to see Atticus walking over there.Atlas entered, looking suave and handsome, with his arm wrapped around Stella. She looked elegant.Walking side by side, they were an eye–catching couple. I couldn’t help but think miserably that theywerea perfect match.Someone beside me exclaimed, “Oh my! The CEO of ATL Empire is here too.”“Weren’t they supposed to be competitors?”“That’s the spirit. I’ve heard that Mr. Atlas is no ordinary man.”I nodded at Maddox and Mercer before taking a step back with Ryan. I didn’t want to draw undueattention to myself. Meanwhile, Ryan spotted the CEO of Heartland Estates and went over to greet him.Matthew appeared next to me. He watched Atticus chat with Atlas and said, “You and Atlas almost got1. me. See that? He has a girlfriend, so don’t embarrass yourself.”I glanced at him with a half–smile, then turned and walked away to join Ryan. Halfway there, I wasstopped by several women. “You’re Chloe Hartz, aren’t you?”That woman who spoke was well–dressed and attractive, but she looked at me snobbishly.“Hi, I’m Chloe. May I know-“Liora Thompson.” Her cold voice was tinged with arrogance.Liora Thompson? I thought for a moment. Thompson. Could she be…

Chapter 196 Unintentional OffenseLiora glanced at me smilingly. “It’s a pleasure! I finally have the honor of meeting you, Ms. Chloe. I heardyou’re virtuous and exemplary. I have a lot to learn from you.”Although she sounded polite, her words had an underlying awkwardness. I was puzzled but knew shewasfar from friendly.“You’re too kind, Mrs. Liora. I’ll have to rely on your support in the future,” I replied cautiously. I didn’tneed to offend her since it was her family’s event. It was wise to keep a low profile.Liora sneered, “Ms, Chloe, you’re being too modest. Who am I to support you? You’re a model for all ofus. Please feel at ease here. Everyone is upright and respectable. You don’t have to worry about anyoneharassing you.”Immediately after, she turned and left arrogantly.I blushed when I noticed people looking at me. It was apparent Liora referred to the other night’sincident.Several of her female friends glanced sidelong at me before following her.At some point, Lauren appeared beside me, saying,lacked a good reason. Your incident provided himwithan opportunity.”“I can’t believe this,” I muttered in disbelief, “Is that a thing?”Lauren raised an eyebrow. “Atticus is not an ordinary businessman. He can endure and keep hiscomposure. Once he sees an opportunity, he can turn the situation to his advantage. As for you, becautious when dealing with the Coles.“They all seem friendly on the surface, but…” Lauren pointed to her eyes, indicating there was more totheColes then met the eye.I nodded. “So, I’ve become a pawn in Atticus’s game without even realizing it. He’s clever, but it’s not formy sake.”I chuckled and continued, “If that’s the case, that man is cunning and smooth. He did what would pleaseMr. Maddox, solved my issues, and fulfilled his agenda. Most importantly, he resolved his issues andgained the crowd’s respect. His one move accomplished four things!“You’re sharp. So be careful with Liora in the future. This woman holds grudges,” Lauren warned.“I never expected my actions to offend that scheming woman,” I sighed, “Is anyone reasonable thesedays? They’re the ones who tried to molest me, but I became the target of resentment instead.”I couldn’t help but look at Liora again as she happily chatted with Stella. The two smiled like they werelong–lost friends. I didn’t know why, but it gave me an inexplicable premonition.

Chapter 197 Stealing a KissSeeing Stella and Liora standing side by side gave me a bad feeling. Meanwhile, the two men besidethem chatted and laughed like close friends instead of rivals.Just then, Stella smiled and raised her glass toward me. Loira also looked toward me, but she lookedproud yet indifferent.I scoffed and whispered to Lauren, “Thank goodness this is her family’s event. Otherwise, things wouldhave gotten ugly. You were right when you said she holds grudges.”Lauren sighed, “That’s because it was hard for the Thompsons to get involved in the Coles‘ business.They’ve been planning this for years. Although Atticus was cautious, Loira had some tricks up her sleeve.Then, Keegan eventually entered the company.“However, Atticus finally removed Keegan thanks to your actions. It wouldn’t be right if Loira weren’tmadat you.”“I guess I can buy a lottery ticket just using my instincts,” I joked, then chuckled self–deprecatingly.“You’re laughing about it? Lauren rolled her eyes at me. “You should be more carefull”The formal part of the event began with Atticus giving an enthusiastic speech. I noticed Atlas in thedistance, smiling mysteriously. Since everything proceeded as planned, I wanted to leave early,I saw Ryan conversing with several developers, so I didn’t want to interrupt. I took out my ringing phoneand saw Ivanna’s name. I worried she might be in trouble, so I stepped outside because it was toocrowded.However, Ivanna said they were having a great time. I assured her I would return soon and hung up. As Iwas about to leave, someone pulled me back. I was about to scream when the person covered mymouth.The person’s familiar scent put me at ease, and he kissed me. My head spun, but he released me after awhile. He was charming as he raised an eyebrow, saying, “You look gorgeous.”Ipushed him away and whispered, “Are you crazy?”“What’s wrong? You’re already mine, so why can’t I kiss you?” Atlas looked at me up and down. “I knewthe gown would look perfect on you.”Indeed, the gown was simple yet elegant. It highlighted my figure perfectly when I first put it on. Igasped in surprise when I saw myself in the mirror for the first time. Still, Atlas dared to kiss me when somany people were around. We’d be in trouble if someone saw usI was even more Arious because he had come here with Stella “Can you stop provoking me?”Immediately after, I walked away.Then I take you home later!” he declared.“No! I’m leaving on my own!” I retorted.“Don’t say no!” After that, he walked away.As I left the terrace, I saw Matthew grinning. He handed me a glass of wine, saying, “Have a drink tocalmyour nerves.”Although a little uneasy. I glanced at Matthew disdainfully, then turned to leave.“Chloe, you’ve shown me how much you’ve changed. I underestimated you in the past. But if othersdiscover what I just saw, it won’t be good for you. How about we make a deal?‘ he said as he leaned

Chapter 198 Shamelessly Discussing About HerMy heart sank, wondering if Matthew was bluffing. He was so despicable that it frustrated me further.Just then, Stella approached with an eager smile and said, “Chloe! I finally get to talk to you. What areyou doing here??She glanced at Matthew and then at the drink he had handed me. She looked embarrassed and said,“Did I interrupt you two?”When Matthew stepped forward, someone bumped into him and apologized. However, Matthew didn’tmind and focused on me. He grinned, saying, “It’s nothing. We were just discussing something thatconcerned you, Ms. Stella.”The man who had accidentally bumped into Matthew passed by again and patted him on the back,saying, “Sorry!”Matthew was annoyed and glared at the man before returning his attention to Stella.“Me?” Stella looked surprised and asked, “What does this have to do with me?”“Matthew, what are you trying to say?” I asked coldly, feeling uneasy. I knew he was up to something.“You should ask Chlo. Right, honey?” Matthew’s smug expression was repulsive, and my unease grew.“You’re shameless,” I muttered, then raised my voice, “If you have something to say, say it! Don’t beataround the bush! I have nothing to say to you!”“Ms. Stella, you’re Mr. Atlas’s date tonight, right? I’m curious as to what your relationship with him is.”Matthew asked.I clenched my handbag, feeling increasingly flustered. Stella glanced at me and smiled. Then, she askedMatthew politely, “What do you mean?”He smirked. “Chlo wants to know your relationship with Mr. Atlas.“I think you want to know that, Mr. Matthew!” That voice shocked me. The next second, Atlas wasalreadystanding beside me.Matthew was surprised by Atlas’s sudden appearance.The surrounding people shifted their attention to us, and Stella wrapped her arms around Atlas. Shesaid, ” I apologize for interrupting your conversation just now, Mr. Matthew and Ms. Chloe.”Her words caused the crowd to exchange glances. After all, they knew Matthew and I were oncemarried.1/2Atlas looked at Stella’s arm around his with indifference. Immediately after, he gazed at Matthew. “isthere something else you’d like to know, Mr. Matthew? Are you curious about what I discussed with Ms.Chloe just now?”I wondered what Atlas planned and if he wanted to make things messier.“Even if I’m curious, is it too much to ask? S–She’s my wife,” Matthew stammered as he tried to regaincontrol of the situation. Atlas’s presence seemed to have affected him.“Ex-wife,” Atlas corrected.That felt like a slap to my face to me. It was painful and humiliating when Atlas spoke of my relationshipwith Matthew in such a place.My expression grew cold as I felt a sharp pain in my chest. “Have some self–respect, Matthew. Read theroom before causing a scene.”“Neither of you care about the occasion, so why should I? When you were doing it, did you care aboutshame? Why are you afraid now?” Matthew’s face reddened as he continued his explicit remarks.“Mr. Matthew, what do you want to say? You seem upset,” Stella asked. However, her smile only fueledthe fire.Matthew handed his glass to someone nearby and pulled out his phone from his pocket. He raised it andtaunted me, “Chloe, why don’t I show everyone what’s in here?”“I’m quite interested,” Atlas said calmly.Looking at Atlas, I felt a deep sense of shame, humiliation, and frustration. I clenched my teeth toremain composed. Even so, my eyes welled with tears. I couldn’t imagine what would happen next.

Chapter 199 As the Scumbag DeservedI felt exposed and couldn’t understand why Matthew acted so boldly. He wouldn’t be this relentless if hedidn’t have leverage. I knew him well and had experienced his deceit.Nonetheless, I was even more shocked that Atlas seemed to care little about my dignity. I looked at himdisapprovingly and uttered one word, “Shameless!”I directed it toward Atlas and Matthew. Immediately after, I turned away to escape the chaos.“Stop right there! Don’t you want to see it too? Matthew continued to taunt me. He smirked andcontinued, “It won’t be entertaining if you leave.”Stella took my arm to seemingly diffuse the situation, She smiled and said, “Chloe, this is all my fault. Ididn’t know you two were talking and disrupted your conversation.”I glanced at her hand gripping my arm and knew she didn’t want me to leave. She didn’t want to resolvethe situation–instead, she wanted to worsen it.Loira emerged from the crowd to look at us with curiosity and annoyance. She glanced at Stella, then atMatthew’s smirk. Her eyes seemed to flicker with suspicion. He asked, “What’s going on here, Mr.Matthew?”“I apologize, Mrs. Loira. I just wanted to show everyone a picture to liven the atmosphere, Matthewshamelessly replied.When Liora gazed at Stella, I felt the latter tremble slightly. Finally, Liora crossed her arms and said,“Well,I want to see it too. Show us the picture.”Atlas narrowed his eyes while Matthew unlocked his phone. I clenched my fists, but Stella still had aforced smile. Everyone looked at Matthew to see the picture. I stared at him with a pounding heart,fearing what he would reveal.However, he frowned when he looked at his phone. He paled and appeared anxious.I couldn’t help but glance at the calm Atlas. He seemed confident, as if he had a plan in place.Lauren stood in the crowd and could no longer tolerate it. She snatched a wine glass and splashed ittoward Matthew. However, the wine also splattered on Stella, who screamed and let go of my arm.“Matthew, you’re even worse than I thought!” Lauren roared. Then she turned to me and said, “Let’sgo!”I looked at Matthew one more time. He appeared disheveled and defeated. As I left, Ryan approachedusand asked concernedly, “What happened?”dothing. I replied calmly. “I’m heading home. You stay here.When Ryan gazed into my eyes, I whispered something only he could hear. He nodded, and I left, butnot before bumping into Atticus.“Ms. Chloe, what’s happening?” he asked,“N–Nothing! My daughter’s at home, so I need to leave early. Congratulations on your success tonight,Mr.Atticus! I smiled, trying to be calm. “I came to celebrate your achievements, after all.”He fixed his profound gaze on me and offered, “Let me get someone to drive you home.”“That’s okay. I drove here myself. I don’t want to disturb you since you’re busy.”I walked away with my still–racing mind. It seemed Matthew had captured something incriminating.Suddenly, I remembered the man who had bumped into Matthew.

Chapter 200 Abducted on the Wayfaltered when I realized what had happened. Still, I sighed and left Echelon Towers.Since I came here in Ryan’s car and didn’t want Atticus’s man to take me home, I took a cab. I told Ryanto stay behind because many high–profile figures from the real estate industry were there.I knew the event wasn’t just a congratulatory gathering. It was also an opportunity for Ryan to networkwith these people. Furthermore, these people were well–connected. As for Lauren, she was excellent atgathering information.I had sensed something was amiss with Stella tonight. Also, Atlas wasn’t just there to celebrate hiscompetitor’s success.Meanwhile, I became the plot twist in this drama. I overestimated Matthew because he was nowherenear as intelligent as Atlas and Atticus. Matthew was a child compared to them.I felt a chill in my heart as I entered the cab. My mind seemed distracted, unable to keep up with themess. As the cab drove into Ember Lane, it suddenly stopped. The driver cursed, “What the f*ck?!”Before I knew it, someone yanked my door open and pulled me out. Then, the person pushed me intoanother car. I tried to open the car door, only to realize they had already locked it. I looked ahead andsaw Matthew.“What the hell do you want, Matthew?!” I yelled in anger.“I want you!” He shouted back, accelerating into traffic. I tried to scratch at him, but he swerved left andright, causing the other cars to honk.He yelled, “If you want to die, we can go down together! You were kissing him, weren’t you? I’ll makesure to satisfy your needs!”I clung to the car door in terror. “Stop the car, you idiot!”“When did you start seeing him, Chloe?! I didn’t expect you to do that!” Matthew cursed as hecontinued to drive recklessly. However, I noticed he parked at our former house and got out. He pulledme out and dragged me to the entrance while I struggled to break free.“Let go of me!”“Scream as loud as you want! Let’s see if anyone here still recognizes you. I’ll make them realize whoyou. are. You may act like a virtuous woman, but you’re a f*cking slu*t! Fine, I’ll let you be your true self,”hesneered.ew dragged me, and I stumbled along. My legs even hit the stairs as we went up. Soon, we reached thebedroom, Without turning on the lights, he threw me onto the bed.I noticed this place had been vacant for a while. The room was dusty and smelled damp, causing me tocough. Soon after, Matthew pounced on me and said, “I’ll satisfy all your needs tonight. You’ve beenwanting it, right?”He began to undress himself as I fought desperately. However, he slapped me and caused my vision toblur. I lost my strength to fight back and heard him ripping apart my gown. I felt a chill run down myspine as I screamed in horror, “Get off me!”

Chapter 201 Right On TimeHis clothes were off, and he pressed himself against me. I fought back by biting and kicking as hard aspossible and screaming for help. Matthew looked like a crazed panther as he let out a chilling laugh.You were never like this before. Weren’t you the one who loved me the most? Today, I’ll make sure youenjoy it! Haha!”“Let go of me, Matthew!” I was in despair. Nausea overwhelmed me again. I’d rather die than have himtouch me.When he hit me again, the world started to spin.“You don’t know what’s good for you. I’ll love you like I used to. Chlo, I don’t want it to be like thiseither. I don’t want to hurt you. After being apart for so long, I’ve missed you terribly. I want to be withyou!”Crash!With a booming sound, the door burst open from outside. I yelled, “Help me! Let go of me!”The instinct to survive made me fight even harder. Suddenly, I felt lighter. I heard a muffled soundfollowed by a furious roar.“How dare you touch her?!”It was Atlas’s voice. I quickly grabbed the dusty blanket on the bed and wrapped myself in it, sobbing. Isaw Atlas relentlessly punching with his fists and Matthew’s wails of agony.I buried myself even deeper in the blanket, humiliated and violated. The pain in my heart intensified.This man had trampled my entire life, and even after leaving, I couldn’t escape his torment.The sounds of Matthew’s cries grew weaker. I softly called out, “Stop!”I feared Atlas might beat Matthew to death, and he’d have to pay with his life. Matthew wasn’t worth it.Allas stopped and looked at me. His once handsome face was now dark, resembling the devil emergingfrom hell.Those narrow, profound eyes gleamed with an icy chill. Matthew struggled to get up, but Atlas kickedhimhard, and he fell unconscious.Then, Atlas removed his coat and wrapped me in it, pulling me into his arms. He wiped away the bloodunder my nose, and I completely broke down.“I want to go home!” I gritted my teeth, my voice barely intelligible.1/2He held me, standing up and carrying me downstairs. In the narrow living room, a crowd stood In thedark.Dylan! Take care of it!” Atlas gave the order, and the sounds of doors closing could be heard down thehallwayI closed my eyes. I could never return here.Atlas carried me back to Amethyst Apartments. He placed me by the bathroom door and gently said,“Go wash up. I be right outside”I nodded, watching him turn away. I turned on the shower and let the water flow over me. When Iemerged, he was waiting outside with a bag of ice.Then, as he gently applied it to my face, he asked softly, “Does it still hurt?”I remained silent. The anger I felt toward him dissipated the moment he burst in. Yet, I still sensed anunspoken despair. I thanked him for rescuing me, but how long could he protect me?“I’m sorry! It’s my fault!” There was a trace of guilt in his eyes.I stared blankly at the ceiling, not speaking. I honestly didn’t know what to say or how to say it.“Are you angry with me? I shouldn’t have left you alone!” His eyes were full of regret and restraint.“You’ve done a lot. I have no reason to be angry with you.” I sounded distant as I said, “You should goback. I need to pick up my daughter.”“I want to be with you.” His gaze was filled with reluctance, and his tone was gentle.

Chapter 202 Narrowly EscapedHis clothes were off, and he pressed himself against me. I fought back by biting and kicking as hard aspossible and screaming for help. Matthew looked like a crazed panther as he let out a chilling laugh.You were never like this before. Weren’t you the one who loved me the most? Today, I’ll make sure youenjoy it! Haha!”“Let go of me, Matthew!” I was in despair. Nausea overwhelmed me again. I’d rather die than have himtouch me.When he hit me again, the world started to spin.“You don’t know what’s good for you. I’ll love you like I used to. Chlo, I don’t want it to be like thiseither. I don’t want to hurt you. After being apart for so long, I’ve missed you terribly. I want to be withyou!”Crash!With a booming sound, the door burst open from outside. I yelled, “Help me! Let go of me!”The instinct to survive made me fight even harder. Suddenly, I felt lighter. I heard a muffled soundfollowed by a furious roar.“How dare you touch her?!”It was Atlas’s voice. I quickly grabbed the dusty blanket on the bed and wrapped myself in it, sobbing. Isaw Atlas relentlessly punching with his fists and Matthew’s wails of agony.I buried myself even deeper in the blanket, humiliated and violated. The pain in my heart intensified.This man had trampled my entire life, and even after leaving, I couldn’t escape his torment.The sounds of Matthew’s cries grew weaker. I softly called out, “Stop!”I feared Atlas might beat Matthew to death, and he’d have to pay with his life. Matthew wasn’t worth it.Allas stopped and looked at me. His once handsome face was now dark, resembling the devil emergingfrom hell.Those narrow, profound eyes gleamed with an icy chill. Matthew struggled to get up, but Atlas kickedhimhard, and he fell unconscious.Then, Atlas removed his coat and wrapped me in it, pulling me into his arms. He wiped away the bloodunder my nose, and I completely broke down.“I want to go home!” I gritted my teeth, my voice barely intelligible.1/2He held me, standing up and carrying me downstairs. In the narrow living room, a crowd stood In thedark.Dylan! Take care of it!” Atlas gave the order, and the sounds of doors closing could be heard down thehallwayI closed my eyes. I could never return here.Atlas carried me back to Amethyst Apartments. He placed me by the bathroom door and gently said,“Go wash up. I be right outside”I nodded, watching him turn away. I turned on the shower and let the water flow over me. When Iemerged, he was waiting outside with a bag of ice.Then, as he gently applied it to my face, he asked softly, “Does it still hurt?”I remained silent. The anger I felt toward him dissipated the moment he burst in. Yet, I still sensed anunspoken despair. I thanked him for rescuing me, but how long could he protect me?“I’m sorry! It’s my fault!” There was a trace of guilt in his eyes.I stared blankly at the ceiling, not speaking. I honestly didn’t know what to say or how to say it.“Are you angry with me? I shouldn’t have left you alone!” His eyes were full of regret and restraint.“You’ve done a lot. I have no reason to be angry with you.” I sounded distant as I said, “You should goback. I need to pick up my daughter.”“I want to be with you.” His gaze was filled with reluctance, and his tone was gentle.2 his urgency evident. “I can’t let you go alone. I’ll take you to pick up your daughter, and then you canspend some time with her. I’ll step out for a moment, but I’ll be back.”I stood up, gritting my teeth. Fear still ran through me, and my body shook. I got dressed, and he walkedme downstairs to his car. We drove to Ivanna’s house to pick up my daughter.Ivanna seemed surprised. Her eyes locked onto my face, and she knew something had happened. Shehesitated to ask in front of Ava.I put on a forced smile, took my daughter’s hand, and told Ivanna, “We’ll talk when there’s time.”She nodded, making a gesture indicating a phone call. I nodded, amusing Ava as we descended thestairs. Ava was already exhausted and fell asleep in my arms shortly after.When we exited the car, Atlas picked her up and carried her back to her room. He kissed me gently andsaid, “Wait for me. I’ll be right back!”He swiftly went downstairs and disappeared into the night.I sat by my daughter’s bedside, looking at her lovely, smiling face. Even in her dreams, she smiled. Mylove for her ran deep. I gently held her tiny hand, a tear falling onto the back of it.The journey ahead was still long, and we relied on each other as mother and daughter.I switched on the nightlight and quietly left Ava’s room. Only then did I realize my bag was nowhere tobefound, and I was unable to make a call.I sat on the couch, clutching my head. Sure enough, Atlas returned in no time, holding my handbag.He pulled me into his arms, gently patting my back. “I’m sorry, it’s my fault.”“It’s not your fault. You’ve done so much for me.” I spoke wearily, “How’d you know he took me?”“I told Dylan… Oh! He’s my assistant. I had him take Stella back first. But when he came out, he sawMatthew storming out in a rage. You had just gotten into a cab. Matthew got into his car and wentstraight in your direction.“He was worried, so he followed while calling me. I happened to be on my way out.” He explainedbriefly.“He got footage of us, right?” I inquired.“Yes!” Atlas nodded. “I was too careless. As soon as I let you go, I realized something was wrong and hadDylan take his phone, deleting everything from it.”1/2+16 BONUSclosed my eyes weakly, feeling exhausted. If he had been a few minutes late, I might have fallen into atemble situation.He stayed with me for the night, and I must have been both frightened and tired because I ran a fever inthe middle of the night. He wanted to take me to the hospital, but I just gritted my teeth and took acoupleof ibuprofen.By morning, the fever had subsided. However, Atlas had already left. The store–bought breakfast on thetable was still warm. It seemed he hadn’t been gone for long.Ava said the pancakes this morning were delicious. I glanced at the label on the pancakes, and it wasfrom the Imperial Kitchen, known for its expensive breakfasts. No wonder she said it was good.I noticed my car had already been brought back and parked outside. I had no idea what he had done allnight. Melanie and the others did not cause a scene like I thought they would.This surprised me a bit. I had glanced at Matthew’s battered body, and he took quite a beating. He wasinjured in the house we were in before so Melanie must have suspected me. Somehow, she hadn’tshown up. There had to be a reason for this.

Chapter 203 A Surprising GiftIn the following days, Atlas would visit my home in the evenings whenever his schedule allowed, alwaysarriving after Avb had gone to sleep.I had been curious about Matthew. There had been no news of him, as if he had vanished. The suddencalm left me somewhat uneasy, but I didn’t dare bring it up with Atlas.Things at the company were running smoothly, thanks to Grayson. Everything seemed to fall into placewith him in the marketing department, and he and Ryan worked together seamlessly.Stella called a lot, but I always made excuses and avoided meeting her. After the incident at the party, Iknew her true intentions. Engaging in constant mind games with her was exhausting.Today, I returned home early, went to the supermarket, and bought a bunch of groceries. Then I pickedup my daughter, and while playing with her, I prepared several dishes. It had been a long time since Ihad putthis much effort into cooking.Ava ran around and asked me, “Mommy, are you inviting someone over for dinner? Is it Uncle Ryanagainor Aunt Ivanna?I looked at her adorable face. “Why do you ask?”“Because we usually don’t eat that much!”I chuckled, feeling a bit guilty. I resolved to make our days together even better from now on, no matterwhat. With the dishes prepared, I called Atlas.He sounded a bit surprised when he answered. “Is something wrong?”“Do you want to come over for dinner? I’ve already cooked!” I knew ATL Empire was close to my place. Iwasn’t really expecting him to come when I made the call.His voice sounded delighted. “Sure, I’ll be right there!”With that, he hung up.Then, I told Ava, “Mommy is inviting a friend over for dinner!”She looked at me and asked, “Why?”“He always helps me with my problems, and I can’t be ungrateful. We must remember to showgratitude. when others do something for us! It’s called repaying kindness!”“Okay, I’ll remember that, Mommy!” She ran off to her room, holding her doll.1/2laughed when he arrived quickly with a box. His foot must have been on the gas pedal the whole time.The large box he brought was beautifully wrapped, but I had no idea what it contained.He looked around the living room and asked, “Where’s the little princess?”I pointed upstairs. He smiled and quickly kissed my cheek.Just then, Ava descended slowly down the stairs. She was timid and didn’t dare to rush down. As shereached the last few steps, she suddenly spotted Atlas and stared at his face in amazement.Atlas walked over to her and asked, “Are you Ava?”She looked at me, feeling a bit awkward. After all, apart from Matthew, Ryan was the only other mansheknew.“Why aren’t you talking to him?” I asked softly, not blaming her.After hesitating for a moment, she finally responded cautiously. “Hello, Mister! How did you know myname is Ava?”Atlas and I chuckled. He gently lifted her from the stairs, even spinning her around in the air. Avasuddenly became ecstatic, giggling and laughing. Then he walked over to the couch and set her downbefore handing her the big box. “Open it up.”Ava still had a smile on her face as she looked at him and asked, “Is this for me?‘“It’s for you!” Atlas even mimicked her tone.Ava glanced at me, seeking my approval. “Mommy, can I open it?”“Of course you can. It’s a gift from Uncle Atlas!”Holding the bulky box, she wobbled over and handed it to me. “Mommy, open it!”I smiled, looking at Atlas. I had no idea what was inside the box. When I tore off the wrapping paper, Isaw two limited–edition Barbie dolls with different heads and interchangeable outfits. They were jaw–dropping.My daughter was stunned, her eyes wide with amazement as she stared at the dolls in the box. Shelooked just like a miniature version of them, equally stunning. A pang of sorrow rose in my heart, andmyeyes grew misty. These were the gifts her dad had never given her.Do you like them, princess?? Atlas crouched to look at her, and she couldn’t be happier.Ava was so excited that she covered her mouth, let out a scream, and hugged his neck before quicklykissing him on the cheek,

Chapter 204 Happiness Is SimpleDuring dinner, Ava chatted away, expertly buttering up Atlas. “Uncle Atlas is the best!”Atlas was delighted and indulgent. “Why is that?”“You brought Barbie dolls. Now I have a family! There’s a Barbie mommy and two Barbie sisters!” Shelooked at Atlas. “They’re a family, and I don’t want Barbie Daddy. He’s mean! I want you, not Daddy!”Atlas was charmed, showing no signs of minding her words. He even fed her.After the meal, I cleaned up as he and Ava played in the living room. I had never imagined he would getalong so well with her, speaking to her in a patient and child–friendly manner.While playing, Ava suddenly remembered something. She hurried over to Atlas, pulling a piece of candyfrom her pocket. With great solemnity, she unwrapped it and offered it to Atlas. In her sweet voice, shesaid, “This is my repayment! Mommy says we should repay kindness!”That night, she played until very late. I bathed her and put her to bed. Reluctantly, she asked, “UncleAtlas, will you come again tomorrow?”Atlas turned the question back on her. “Do you want me to?”“Yes! I want you to visit every day. Uncle, will you protect Mommy?” She blinked her big eyes earnestly,looking at Atlas, waiting for his answer.I hadn’t expected her to ask such a question. I couldn’t fathom what was going on in her little head.“I will! I’ll protect you, too, my little princess!” Atlas’s reply was endearing.Ava cheered. After her bath, she clung to him for a long time before finally falling asleep. As I nestledinto Atlas’s embrace, he said, “You’ve raised Ava so well.”“Next time, don’t buy her such expensive toys.” I reminded him. I knew that the set of dolls was quiteexpensive.“A daughter should be raised in comfort!” He pinched my nose. “You don’t understand!”I was speechless, and finally asked, “Do you like kids?”He didn’t answer immediately, and it was a while before he responded, “I don’t know. I just like beinghere.It feels like home.”His words stirred something in me. They touched on the hopes deep within me. Suddenly, I thought ofhis parents and how they had both passed away, but I didn’t dare to ask.Stella had mentioned that it was a sensitive topic for him.That night, we went to bed early. Softly, I said, “It would be wonderful if things could stay like thisforever. Worry–free, just peacefully living our days.”His handsome face beamed. Suddenly, he hugged me tightly. Everything happened naturally, as if itwere meant to be this way from the start. He caressed me tenderly, leading me to the peak of pleasure.Afterward, I gradually regained my senses. I found myself reluctant to leave his embrace.Whenever I was with him, my emotions surged like an unstoppable force. But once I returned to reality,I felt somewhat dizzy. A sense of loss and melancholy washed over me. I didn’t know what we were.However, I wasn’t alone with him in my life, and I felt more fulfilled. This contentment was my onlyrefuge from my worries these days. I even thought I didn’t care about whoever he might belong to in thefuture.For now, he was mine. With that in mind, I snuggled deeper into his arms, listening to his heartbeat andfeeling his breath. He stayed with me through the long night, consoling my lonely soul.I wished for days like this to continue. I didn’t want to wake up, even if it were a dream. Alas, thingsneverquite went as planned. Eventually, someone else appeared before me.

Chapter 205 There Must Be Someone ElseMoming came, and as the first batch of aluminum–framed windows had arrived, I sent Ava to daycareearly. Then, I drove to the warehouse. Before I could finish inspecting the goods, I received a call.It was from that sharp–witted woman I met last time, Inviting me to a suburban club. After entering theaddress into the navigation system, I realized it was on the border of the neighboring city. It was a longway from here.I had a feeling the person I was meeting was not her, Someone else must be involved. I debatedwhether or not to tell Atlas about this as I rushed toward the location.Ultimately, I decided against it. I still didn’t know their intentions for wanting to meet me. Why worryhim. unnecessarily? Besides, I was selfish. I feared losing him, even if it meant being far away from him.3When I arrived at the club, my suspicions were confirmed. There stood Atlas’s aunt, whom I had metonce from a distance. The sharp–witted woman introduced her as Mrs. Celine Pierce.Perhaps it was the Pierce family genes, but his aunt was undeniably beautiful. She was tall and exudedan air of authority. Stella was right–she was formidable, and there wasn’t a trace of warmth about her.Her every move exuded a cold aloofness, from her hairstyle to her eyes to her clothing. When she sawme, she squinted and raised an eyebrow. “Have a seat.”I sat beside her on the sofa, pretending to be calm despite my nervousness.“Doyouknow why I asked you here, Chloe?” Her tone was simple and unassuming. I suspected this was her mostrestrained demeanor. However, her question was tricky, making it difficult to answer.It would imply I had done something wrong if I said I knew. Yet if I said I didn’t know, she would see meas evasive. I looked at her, remaining silent. It wasn’t out of disrespect, but I didn’t know how torespond.Fortunately, she didn’t press the issue. She calmly produced a stack of photos and slowly flippedthrough them as if I didn’t exist. Her attitude toward me was one of disdain.She looked at me after going through the thick stack of photos. Then she handed the images over. “Theshots are quite good, worthy of a professional. Take a look for yourself.”accepted the stack of photos, puzzled. As my gaze fell on the first one, my head seemed to buzz andspin.The photos depicted Atlas and me in passionate embraces. There were moments of our farewell at mydoorstep, moments of him opening the door, gazing at the moon together,villa late at night.and carryingmycmy child into the1/2There were also pictures of my parents and Ava, captured from various angles, at her daycare, holdinghands with her grandma, dining out, or even on a bus…The child is lovely. She looks very cute!” Celine remarked. “I adopted my daughter when she was justthis big. Back then, she was adorable and obedient, with beautiful eyes. I raised her on my own. Itwasn’t easy,but it’s been quite fulfilling.”I didn’t understand the purpose behind her sharing this with me. However, I understood when shementioned that a professional took the photos. She was subtly implying that her methods wereprofessional.I began to regret not telling Atlas before coming here.“So, ever since I adopted her, I’ve arranged for her future to serve my own.” It seemed that what Stellasaid was true. From the day Celine adopted her, she had a purpose in mind.“You’re a clever woman!” She looked at me, meeting my eyes directly. Her eyes held a haze ofunreadableemotion, but there was still a chilling light.I clenched the stack of photos tightly, my heart pounding.“I’m not as clever as you make it sound. Mrs. Celine, please be direct with me. I might be a bit slow.”She suddenly laughed. Her smile was unexpectedly beautiful, with rosy lips and bright teeth. Her e werecharming, but it sent a shiver down my spine.

Chapter 206 A Strong WomanSo, you understand what I meant when I called you clever, Celine said. A moment later, she dropped hersmile. “Leave Atlas.”“You should ask his opinion first,” I replied firmly.I don’t need to ask him. He will accept it if you leave,” Celine spoke confidently, “You’re intelligent, kind,patient, and ambitious. I see great potential in you and can help expand your company to achieve yourgoals. I can also support your daughter’s education at any overseas institution you choose, but he can’t.”“Why?”My question annoyed her. “Why? He’s not an ordinary person. Atlas wants to head ATL Empire, so hemust adhere to the family rules. Even without Stella, the family would have complete control of his life.“He has no privileges or freedom of choice!” Her words were ruthless, “He can’t forget Annalise Synder,even if he loves you, a divorcee with a daughter. Atlas was madly in love with Annalise. Ultimately, heonly has two options: whether to give up or compromise.”Hearing Annalise’s name made me uneasy. I wondered if she was the same woman Stella hadmentioned. It was evident she had a significant connection with Atlas.Celine continued, “You have no choice either. The Pierce family doesn’t accept outsiders inheriting ourwealth and assets. You can propose your terms, and I’ll fulfill them.She spoke confidently. I was just ordinary, so her demeanor was even more intimidating.“You can consider your terms and keep these photos as a souvenir. I believe you’ll like them. Kenzie,show her out!” Celine got up and headed upstairs without letting me speakKenzie was tthe sharp–witted woman who had called me to the Design Division. It seemed Celine had investigatedme for a while now. I knew I couldn’t escape the situation.My mind began to clear as I left the club. Celine’s words carried significant information, and herintentions were clear. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have pictures of my family. She also emphasized havingprofessionals take them.Celine gave me the pictures as a reminder, not just casually. That woman was ruthless.Some of the pictures were candid close–ups of Ava and my mom. They included shots inside thekindergarten, on a public bus, and even inside my home. The person who took them seemed to beeverywhere, which was unsettling. pulled over to the side, too agitated to drive. I took the pictures and examined them again, growingIncreasingly uneasy. I knew Celine had experience with this. She wanted to remind me of her intentionsconstantlyI tried to plece together what I knew about Celine, but I had little to go on apart from Stella’s littleInformation. However, my gut feeling told me she was ruthless.I couldn’t tell Atlas because it could hurt both sides if he confronted her. After all, Atlas had just takenover the ATL Empire, and his foundation was not yet stable.Despite Atlas taking over, Stella said Celine was still pulling the strings. It indicated that Celine’s oldnetwork was formidable and loyal. I needed to gather more information about her history with ATLEmpire.I sat in the car to calm my emotions and thoughts. Finally, I started the car and headed back. Suddenly, Isensed a car following me and wondered if it was someorfe Celine had hired.

Chapter 207 Another AbductionI deliberately slowed down to observe the vehicle behind me. After some distance, I was sure the SUVwas talling me. I wanted to see who was in it, so I stopped at a convenience store to buy a water bottle.I sipped the water and watched the SUV slowly pass by. However, it had tinted windows, and I couldn’tsee inside. I waited until it was far ahead before returning to my car.This time, I drove slowly and no longer saw the car following me. I relaxed and thought I might’ve beenoverly paranoid.As I continued to drive, I came across a stretch of road along the coast. After passing through, I could getonto the highway back to the downtown area. However, I was wrong in assuming everything was fine.The SUV darted forward and blocked my path when I reached an intersection. I slammed the brakes andquickly locked my doors. I tried to reverse, but a black sedan had boxed me in. I didn’t know when thatsedan appeared.However, two I panicked and called for someone on my phone, not even checking whose number Icalled. burly men with ski masks smashed my car window with fire axes. I couldn’t react quickly, and theperson!called hadn’t answered.I screamed, but one of the men got into my car and covered my mouth and nose with something. Soon, Ibecame lightheaded and lost consciousness. When I finally awoke, my head throbbed, and my mouthwas dry.I realized my hands were tied, too. I tried to move and make a sound, but they had taped my mouthshut.I was frightened and trembled while continuing to struggle. Eventually, I freed one of my hands andlooked around. I thought I was in a small abandoned factory when I saw the scattered tools.However, I wondered why no one was around despite the chaos. I didn’t know the time and soonrealized my bag was missing. I remembered calling someone before falling unconscious but couldn’tremember who I called or if the person answered.I hoped the call went through before my phone slipped from my hand. Meanwhile, I prayed I had calledsomeone close to me. If I had called a client, it would further complicate the situation.I tried to remember the calls I had received earlier in the morning. They were mostly to verifyshipments.If it were someone from Urban Builders, they might have hung up immediately.Meanwhile, I speculated who might want to kidnap me. Was it Celine or someone else? Nothing addedup. After all, Celine could have easily apprehended me when we met at the club. Moreover, she told metoCeline was unlikely to do this. Perhaps it was my spontaneous visit to the club after receiving a call fromthe warehouse area. However, I didn’t answer calls or Inform anyone of my whereabouts. Matthew wasthe only person I might have offended. Even so, his motive wouldn’t make sense.

Chapter 208 A Glimmer of Hope Amidst DespairI realized had been here for a while when the sunset, Still, I saw no one around. I wondered if theyplanned to leave me here to die. If so, it could be Celine because my disappearance would solve all herproblems.However, that would be excessive for a defenseless woman like me..On the other hand, it didn’t seem like Matthew’s style. Even if it were him, his motive would bequestionable. I grew increasingly frustrated but couldn’t understand it.My hope lessened as the night grew darker. If my phone call hadn’t raised suspicions, someone at thedaycare would have noticed my absence and contacted someone. They might even call Atlas to take Avahome.After all, Ava got into Sunnydale with Atlas’s help.I felt slightly at ease with that thought. However, my heart ached when I imagined Ava longing for me. Inever expected to end up here and bring suffering to my daughter. I thanked my lucky stars my parentsweren’t around to see this. Otherwise, my father’s life would be at risk.It was dark, and the silence was eerie. I could only hear rats scurrying around the abandoned factory. Ilooked around in fear, unable to get up because of the ropes. My shoulders ached from the awkwardposition. I rolled over to free one arm from under me.I prayed someone would find me soon. I was about to give up hope when I heard a noise from outside. Ifelt relieved and screamed to attract attention. However, there was tape on my mouth, muffling myscreams.Thankfully, the sound grew closer. I thought someone was coming to rescue me, but I realizedsomething -the footsteps weren’t cautious or discreet. Instead, they were loud and confident. Whoeverapproached didn’t care about being sneaky.My heart sank as I suspected the ones approaching might be the ones who had captured me. I panicked,wondering what their intentions were.Sure enough, I heard harsh and angry voices. I could tell there were three of them judging from theirfootsteps. When they arrived at the door, one asked, “Make sure there’s no one around.”A set of footsteps grew distant before returning. “Don’t worry, Boss. Not a soul in sight.” Then I heardsomeone unlocking the door, followed by their approaching footsteps.

Chapter 209 Serpentine Tattoolooked toward the door in terror. Before they reached me, the leader pointed his flashlight at me. Thesudden brightness blinded me, and I couldn’t see their faces. I didn’t recognize their voices either.One whispered, “What a waste of a pretty woman.”“Shut up!” A stern voice silenced them. “Get her out of here.”I was startled and saw a figure approaching me. I tried to speak, but my words came out as muffledgrunts. The man picked me up, and I struggled to free myself, but he kicked me. “Stop moving!”I looked toward the others standing in the distance. The leader was tall and muscular. They wore skimasks, so I couldn’t see features besides their eyes.I continued to squirm, and the man suddenly dropped me; I continued to make muffled cries and lookedat them pleadingly. The man looked at me and then crouched to touch my face.“Boss, are we going to kill her? That’s a shame. Oh, you should have some fun with her first, then wecan.“Shut the hell up! Quit your nonsense and get moving!” the man snapped back, his eyes full of anger.When he yanked me up a moment later, I noticed a serpentine tattoo on his wrist. I felt a wave ofdespair,thinking they were planning to kill me.The man was burly, and he carried me outside like effortlessly. The surroundings were overgrown withweeds. The dense underbrush scratched my face as he walked with me in tow.I felt hopeless, not knowing where they were taking me. I wondered if I would ever see Ava again. Ineeded to know who wanted me dead and why.Suddenly, a light shone from a distance, and I heard a famillar roar, “Put her down!”I screamed as loud as possible, “Help me, Atlas!”My cry sounded horrifying, but the instinct to survive gave me strength. Tears rolled down my cheeks asI yelled.The man carrying me ran and shouted, “Scatter!”I continued screaming as I saw the light getting closer. The tall grass scratched my face as the man ran,Suddenly, he tossed me onto his shoulder and sprinted into the thicker grass.Gunshots echoed around us. I yelped in fear, not knowing who fired those shots. A moment later,another

Chapter 210 Who Is the Mastermind?Suddenly, blood splattered on my face, and I lost consciousness. When I finally awoke, I smelleddisinfectant and saw Ivanna’s anxious eyes. “Chlo, you’re awake!”I felt pain all over, especially on my face. Still, I was relieved when I realized I wasn’t dead. The man withthe knife got shot, and I shuddered when I recalled his knife coming down on me. If he got shot a secondlater, I would have died already.“Thank goodness you’re awake!” Ivanna exclaimed. Immediately after, she ran out of the room withtearyeyes. “Chlo’s awake!”Atlas came in, and I choked back my sobs. He hugged me, saying. “Everything’s okay now.”I took some time to calm down before asking. “Who did this?”Atlas shook his head. “The leader got away, and we’re still interrogating the lackeys. I want to know whohired them.”“Who realized I went missing?” I wanted to know.Ivanna said, “It was someone from the kindergarten. No one went to pick up Ava, and the schoolcouldn’t reach you, so Ava gave them my number. I rushed to get her, but something felt off, so I calledMr. Atlas.“He tracked your car to Strathmore Road. Your phone and bag were there, but someone had smashed.your car window.”While Ivanna spoke, Atlas observed my reactions.I closed my eyes for a moment and then opened them. “Where’s Ava?”“Don’t worry. My assistant is looking after her.” Ivanna answered thoughtfully.“…want togo home,” I said to Atlas. “I want to go home!”After gazing at me, he told Dylan to ask the doctor about my discharge. The doctor said I was okay toleave since I only had a few cuts on my face. He advised me not to get them wet and prescribed someointment.It was nearly 3 a.m. when I got home. I went straight to Ava’s room, where Ivanna’s assistant sleptbesideher. Ava clung to the assistant’s clothes, unaware of my presence. I quietly backed out of the room withtears in my eyes.Atlas sat beside me when I returned to my bedroom. He asked, “Are you okay?”Heared into him and felt drained. I didn’t know who would want to kill me. My mind was in a messuncertainty and fear. A while later, I whispered, “I want to take a bath.”Ill help you,” he offered, but I shook my head. “No, I can do it myself.”He continued to watch me but eventually relented. “Okay, just be careful not to wet your face.”After my bath, he lay beside me and asked, “Do you want to sleep?”“What do you want to ask me?” I knew he had questions but feared how I would react.“Did you…see Celine Pierce today?” he asked.“Your aunt?” I looked at him.“Yeah.” He stared into my eyes.I nodded. “Yeah, I did. That’s why I was on that road. Still, your aunt wouldn’t have gone through suchtrouble to harm me.”Atlas pulled me into his arms. “Get some rest. We’ll find out who did this.”I snuggled against him, still thinking of what had happened. I didn’t know who wanted me dead andwondered if it was Matthew. However, my thoughts slipped away, and I fell asleep from exhaustion.

Chapter 211 A Strange FeelingI woke up the next day, and Atlas was nowhere to be found. Ava had already been sent to daycare,leaving me alone with Ivanna,My face had many scratches, and I wondered if the deeper wounds would leave lasting scars. They stillhurt, too.Ivanna said, “Ryan came to see you. He told me to stay here and advised against going to the company.Chlo…She hesitated, but I knew what she wanted to say.“I’m fine,” I reassured her. “Where’s my car?”‘I’ve sent it for repairs. You shouldn’t go out today!” She sounded urgent. “Let your face heal beforemaking any decisions!”*Alright.” However, I was still thinking about yesterday’s events. Atlas approached me based on thosephotos in my bag.ikely figured out that Celine hadOne glance would’ve told him everything, so I asked Ivanna, “Where’s my bag?”“Huh? I don’t know.” She promptly got up and said, “I’ll go check downstairs!”She soon returned with my bag, but I found the photos were gone.The close angles in those photos unnerved me. I had no idea there had been hidden threats nearby.Ivanna’s phone rang nonstop, and I said, “It’s okay if you need to take care of something. I’m not going.anywhere. I just want to get some rest.”“Alright. Get something to eat, and I’ll be back as soon as I handle this. It won’t take long. Stay heresinceMr. Atlas seemed really upset.”“Alright!” I said, “Take the keys with you to let yourself back in later! I’ll catch a little more sleep.”“Got it! They’re in your bag!” After she reassured me, she hurriedly left.As I heard her car pull away, I knew I needed to leave the house because my mind was racing.However, before I could change my clothes, Atlas entered with two other men. He spoke gently, “Justtaking some precautionary measures.”Noticing the untouched food on the table, he told me to get up and eat.Bomplied, but he stayed by my side and scrutinized my face. Then he retrieved a small box from his coatpocket and placed it on the table.Apply this ointment. It’s for scar removal, and it’s very effective.”I smiled. “Are you worried I’ll end up looking ugly?”I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was different between us because of this incident.He evaded my question and said, “You won’t be ugly.”“I want to bring my parents back here.” I explained, “I’ll feel more at ease with them by my side. They’retoo far away, and I can’t shake this anxious feeling.”“Alright! Do you want to go personally?”“I’ll ask them about their plans. If it takes a while, I’ll go get them,” I replied, determined to keep mynearby. This incident had sounded an alarm for me.Atlas suggested, “Make the call, and I’ll go with you. I don’t feel comfortable letting you go alone.”I nodded with a smile. “Okay, I’ll make the call in the afternoon.”familyThe two other men installed cameras around my yard and hidden pinhole cameras indoors. Thecameras. were linked to my smartphone, allowing me to monitor them at any time.Atlas also told me to bring Grayson with me whenever I went out.He led me upstairs once everything was settled. “Get some rest. I have to go out for a bit, but I’ll be backby the time you wake up.”I

Chapter 212 Unexpected VisitorEven though my body hurt, I quickly got out of bed. After pulling back the curtains and looking down, Ispotted Stella at the door.How did she know where I lived? I didn’t recall telling her that I stayed at Amethyst Apartments.She rang the doorbell twice more before I opened the door. Stella had a bright smile on her face as shestepped inside, holding a basket of fruits. She had an innocent expression as if she wouldn’t hurt a fly.“Ms. Stella!” I smiled and asked, “How’d you find this place?”“Well, you sure went through a lot!” She walked in and looked around as if she owned the place. “Yourhouse is nice, very classic!”“Please, have a seat! Can I get you something to drink? I have coffee and tea!”“Anything is fine. Don’t trouble yourself!” She cheerily followed me. “How did this happen? It’s trulyterrifying. Did you offend anyone? How’d you end up kidnapped?”She seemed well–informed about my situation, which perplexed me.“Wow, the news traveled fast!” I chuckled, though I harbored doubts.“Atlas got a call while we were having dinner yesterday. I overheard them saying that you weremissing.” she explained matter–of–factly. “I was worried, so I called Atlas later to ask. I was so relievedto hear theyfound you!”A tinge of bitterness welled up within me. So they were having dinner together.Stella studied my face intently. “Chloe, how’d you hurt your face?”She gasped as if she hadn’t noticed when she entered. Her delicate face displayed an exaggerated lookof shock.I gestured for her to take a seat.“Have you seen a doctor? You must take care of your face, or it’ll leave a scar! She leaned in to take acloser look, looking worried. “How could this happen to someone so pretty?”“It’s nothing, just surface wounds!”I didn’t expect it to be this severe!” She sighed, taking a seat.We talked about various topics, but neither of us mentioned Celine. I chose not to bring it up andShe finally excused herself when she saw I was tired.At the door, Stella said, “Your injury disrupted my plans. I was going to go shopping with you. I need topick out a gift tomorrow for Atlas’s birthday. I don’t have time to return to Nocturnia, so I’ll just shoparound here.”“Really?” I casually said, “I don’t think I can join you in this state. I can’t exactly go out like this!”She held my hand and said, “Alright, take care and get well soon! Be careful if you go out next time.”“Thank you, Ms. Stella!”“Why are you being so courteous? Well, I’m off!”She left, and I lazily returned upstairs. I climbed into bed and accessed the recently installed surveillancefeed.Initially, I intended to test the cameras‘ performance, but Stella’s expression caught my attention.font nate on tStella was seen leaving the surveillance footage. When she turned and looked back at my villa, her smilewas….

Chapter 213 Unintentional Informationwas utterly shocked by what I saw in the surveillance footage. There was no mistaking it–her smile wasgloatingThis revelation of her smile sent shivers down my spine. What was her true motive? Did she visit me justto revel in my misery?I started to wonder if she was behind the attack. If Celine had a hand in this, Stella would be the first oneto know.No, no, no! It couldn’t be. She couldn’t possibly want to take my life, would she?I sat on the bed in a daze with my head in my hands, not noticing when Atlas had returned. I didn’t hearhim as he came to my room.Seeing my troubled expression, he rushed to me and touched my shoulder. I screamed and pushed himaway frantically.‘Chlo, it’s me!”Atlas quickly embraced me, enveloping me in his familiar scent. Only then did I relax, realizing it was himwho had returned.I looked at him, my fear slowly fading away. He looked concerned. “Don’t be scared. What happened?Hm?I let out a sigh and shook my head faintly. I didn’t want to tell him about this. However, somethingcompelled me to ask, “Did you love Annalise?”Atlas suddenly froze, staring at me in bewilderment. “Who told you? Celine or Stella?”“It doesn’t matter,” I replied. “I just want to know. Does she really look similar to me?”1 looked at him, waiting for his answer. Atlas’s expression was somewhat wooden. “Not really!”His response felt evasive, and I lowered my head, deciding not to press further.He lifted my chin. “Chloe, no matter what anyone tells you, I hope you’ll believe only me!”Our eyes locked. I found comfort in his eyes, and eventually I relented. I decided to trust only him.Deep down, doubts still lingered. I wanted to know the extent of his love for Annalise and if I was just asubstitute for his unrequited love. Would he still be with me if I didn’t resemble her? I knew, deep down,that it was impossible.brought Ava home. She rushed into my room, climbed onto the bed, and carefully examined my redface. “Mommy, does it hurt?”Tears welled up in my eyes as I hugged her tightly. I shook my head and said, “It doesn’t hurt,sweetheart. Mommy just wasn’t careful during work and got a scratch.”“What scratched you?” She gave me a serious look, her eyes capturing my heart.It was some dry grass. You have to be careful, okay? Don’t play in the grass!”“Okay. Mommy!” She nodded earnestly, but her questions were never–ending.Finally, she seemed relieved, gazing at Atlas with admiration.y and then retumIn the evening, after I had called my mother, I decided to stay until after Atlas’s birthdayto mysmall town to bring my parents back. Having them by my side was the only way I’d feel at ease.I stayed home for the next two days and focused on tidying up the house. I changed all the bedding, andit felt like I had returned to the old days, just a homely woman waiting for her beloved to come homefrom work.In the evening, I would carefully prepare dinner and set the table, anticipating Atlas’s return with Ava. Itgave me some tranquility.Deep down, I knew Atlas couldn’t be here as often once I brought my parents back. A faint melancholysettled over me, and I couldn’t help but wonder if we’d grow further apart.

Chapter 214 His BirthdayRyan called to check on my injury just as I considered heading to the office that morning.When I arrived, he spotted me and rushed over to check my face. “Is everything okay? Will it leave ascar?Does it still hurt?”My face had improved quite a bit over the past few days. The deeper scratches had faded to faint marks,and the finer ones were barely noticeable. It didn’t look as bad as it did initially.He then pulled me to sit on the sofa and updated me on recent happenings at the company. Celine hadordered the abandonment of the land, leading to the Echelon Group’s victory.“Celine gave up?” I asked skeptically.“It seems like she’s trying to slow Atlas’s growth.”I was surprised and asked, “Are you suggesting she’s sidelining Atlas to diminish his influence?”“Our joint project with ATL Empire isn’t looking great.”I musedv over thEstates can step in now.”ongoing contracts. “It looks like it’s going to get rough. Thankfully, Heartland“The projects already under construction won’t be affected, but we have a three–year agreement withATL Empire. Any disruption during this time could hinder our growth.” He looked worried and said, “Weshould prepare for potential issues.”As Ryan spoke, I thought of Atticus. I had a feeling that he might be able to help.However, I quickly dismissed the thought. I shouldn’t get too close to him. Both ATL Empire and EchelonGroup had their fair share of uncertainties.After we talked for a while, I went back to my office. I pondered about this three–way relationshipbetween our companies.I had confidence in Atlas. His decision to attend Echelon Group’s celebration party wasn’t simple.“Why do you think I’d give in to him?” he asked on the phone the other day. I was sure he had a plan.couldn’t deny the gap in my understanding of ATL Empire’s internal situation. I debated if I should askGrayson or have him investigate. However, since Atlas had sent me Grayson, I wasn’t sure if my actionswould cross any lines.On Atlas’s birthday, I prepared several of his favorite dishes. However, I didn’t rush to make them,Instead, I made a late night feast. I cooked with care, focusing on every detail, regardless of whether heRed eaten elsewhere.Sure enough, he returned late that night. Ava had eagerly waited for him to cut the cake, and shewanted to blow out the candles with him.Ava eventually fell asleep in my arms. I called him, but no one answered for a long time.I soothed Ava to sleep and walted on the second–floor deck that overlooked the road leading to ourhome. The night grew deeper, and the dishes grew cold.A new day was about to begin, yet there was no sign of his car. It seemed he wouldn’t be coming backhere tonight.With a disappointed sigh, I turned around. Just as I was about to enter the house, car lights appeared inthe distance…

Chapter 215 InfuriatedThose distant lights instantly Illuminated my entire world. My heart leaped with joy, and I rusheddownstairs, fumbling to put the dishes in the microwave. The excitement made my hands tremble.Iran to the bathroom to check my appearance and look my best for Atlas. I wanted him to know I’dalways be there for him. More than anything, I hoped we could celebrate his birthdays together fromnow1. on.Finally, the door was pushed open. I eagerly said, “You’re back!”Atlas seemed disoriented and was surprised to see me. He pulled me into his arms. “Why are you stillawake?”The air smelled strongly of alcohol. I’d never seen him drink this much before.I quickly led him to the dining table. When he was seated, I lit the birthday candles and said, “Happybirthday! I hope every day will be as wonderful as today! Make a wish!”I saw him slowly rise while looking at me. His expression had darkened.“What did you say, Chloe?” His drunken eyes turned icy and intense. “What did you just say?”Atlas swept everything off the table, making a loud crash in the quiet night. His demeanor was ice–cold,and he suddenly felt like a stranger. I never thought I’d be afraid of him.While trembling, I backed away. I didn’t understand what had happened. What had triggered such aviolent outburst from him?“Chloe… Who told you to do this? How could you be so stupid?”Those were his last words as he stomped out, slamming the door behind him.I was shaken, but a soft voice broke me out of my trance.“Mommy?”I turned to see Ava, her small figure crouched by the staircase. She looked at me with wide, frightenedeyes. I rushed to pick her up and carried her to her room.Her big, dark eyes blinked sleepily. “Mommy…”“It’s okay, sweetheart. Mommy was just a little careless and knocked the table over. Did I scare you?” |forced a smile. “Go back to sleep!”Uncle Atlas? She hadn’t forgotten about him and was upset he wasn’t there.“Something came up, so he couldn’t make it back. How about this? I’ll buy you a cake tomorrow!” Myvoice choked. “Or, Mommy could bring you to meet Grandma soon?”She quickly fell into a half–asleep, half–awake state. “Okay…”Trocked her until she fell back into slumber, then I went downstairs. Looking at the mess, I couldn’t holdback my grief any longer. My heart ached as I sobbed.When my tears ceased, I cleaned up the shattered items on the ground and wiped away the mess.I started recalling everything I had said and done since his arrival. It was confusing why his behaviorsuddenly changed. It was truly unacceptable to me.He was too aggressive and lacked any of his previous warmth. His attitude made me apprehensive.Was he really Atlas?As time passed, my heart felt colder. My tears had dried up, and hope had faded, leaving me feelingempty.I kept crying as I cleaned, making everything look like it did before, as if nothing had happened. Outside,the sky was slowly getting brighte

Chapter 216 Silly Attempt at Finding ComfortI gazed at the kitchen and dining area I had cleaned before washing my face. However, I didn’t return tomy room. Instead, I went to Ava’s room and lay beside her. Surprisingly, I fell asleep almost immediately.Ava had already been awake and playing with her dolls when I woke up. After some thought, I told her,Let’s change our clothes. I’ll take you out for breakfast and then to the office. If there’s nothing urgent,we can visit Grandma and Grandpa, okay?”Ava cheered and asked if she could bring her doll with her.Meanwhile, I called Ryan and told him I’d come by later. I helped Ava prepare, found her winter clothes,and packed them in a small suitcase. I also packed my belongings before we left.We went to the office after breakfast. Although it was Ava’s first time here, she quickly became theoffice princess. Carol brought her around while I dealt with a few matters with Ryan. I also told him Iwanted to return to my hometown today to fetch my parents.Ryan looked me up and down, then nodded. “All right, go ahead. Don’t worry about the company. Caroland I have everything under control. I’ll call you if there are any emergencies. Just spend time with yourparents. Call me before you return, and I’ll pick you up at the airport.”Soon after, Carol booked the plane tickets.On the way to the airport, Ryan looked at me through the rearview mirror. I said nothing because Iwasn’t feeling it today. I had dark circles under my eyes, which he noticed. Still, he didn’t ask aboutthem ormake me feel uncomfortable.When we arrived, he escorted me and Ava to the security checkpoint. He repeatedly reminded me totake good care of my daughter, especially since it was cold outside. He didn’t want Ava to catch a cold.The fresh air woke me from a daze when I landed in the snowy north. I took a deep breath and felt moreawake in days. Once out of the airport, we took a cab home.Ava was ecstatic and kept pointing out places to me like a little tour guide. I only turned on my phonewhen we reached my parents‘ place. Immediately after, I called Ryan to tell him we had arrived safely.However, I felt disappointed when I noticed I hadn’t received any calls from Atlas. He didn’t call meduring my few days in my hometown. I felt empty, cold, and hurt. It seemed I was a mere substitute forhis lover.I stayed with my parents for two weeks, sorting out everything in the house. Afraid that my parentswould!worry, I moved their essentials into my dad’s study and locked the door.-1/2-rented out the house to a relative of one of my dad’s colleagues. I knew they were trustworthyenough to look after it.When boarding the flight, I called Ryan and gave him the flight information. My family and I finallyreached Foswood ust before New Year’s Day.Back home, I finally managed to let go of a lingering worry. Regardless of everything, we were together,and my parents were here to look after us.Everyone was busy preparing for the holidays when I went to the office the following day. This periodwas typically the busiest for the company since we bid farewell to the previous year and welcomed thenewone.I tried to keep busy because I feared thinking of Atlas in moments of silence. My heart ached duringthese moments.I knew something went wrong on his birthday, but I didn’t know what it was. It was evident he had beendrinking that day. I replayed our conversation countless times, unable to find what angered him.We had another company dinner after the New Year’s Eve celebration. Grayson sat beside me this time.More people were here than at the first company dinner, making it livelier. Everyone chatted, toasted,andwished me a prosperous new year.That evening, I unknowingly had a little too much to drink.Then, someone caught my attention when they mentioned ATL Empire. I carefully listened as theydiscussed how ATL Empire had already started their holiday since Christmas.I glanced at Grayson and casually asked, “Is that so?”He looked at me earnestly and said, “It’s no surprise. They’re a big company with excellent benefits.Having an extra long holiday at the end of the year is just one of them. Their CEO has even returnedhometo celebrate Christmas.”I realized Grayson meant Atlas had returned to Ostana. That was where ATL Empire’s headquarters was.It explained why I hadn’t received any calls from him.I couldn’t help but laugh at myself as that thought crossed my mind. It was a silly attempt at findingcomfort.

Chapter 217 Felgning ignoranceI got drunk that night, so Ryan had to send me home. When we exited his car, he carried me on his back.I piggled and refused to go inside.He walked around the neighborhood with me on his back while recounting everything that happenedduring my freshman year. I remembered how nice he had been to me. Eventually, I fell asleep on hisback.I didn’t remember how I returned to my room, but I felt at ease. I was no longer afraid since my parents.were there to care for Ava. I felt like I could do whatever I pleased.Suddenly, a series of phone calls woke me. My head still pounded, and I knew it was a holiday. I silencedmy phone and buried my face in the pillow, forcing myself not to overthink. However, I couldn’t sleep orshake the pain in my heart anymore.Suddenly, my phone rang again.I picked up my phone and saw Atlas’s name. After some hesitation, I finally answered. After all, I hadlonged for him to call me.“Yeah?” My voice was hoarse from just waking up.“Why didn’t you answer earlier?” It seemed Atlas had noticed the indifference in my voice. “Why areyoucrying?”“I just woke up.”“If you’re unhappy, just say it. If you have questions, ask,” Atlas’s tone remained cold.I said nothing and felt a bitter lump in my throat. There was a long silence between us when Atlas finallyasked, “Aren’t you happy I called?”“I’m afraid of misspeaking again. After all, I’m pretty dumb,” I bitterly replied.He responded with a mocking scoff and taunted, “You should reflect on yourself. Aren’t you dumb?”“Mr. Atlas, I’m a divorcee, so I’ve failed in life. You can find someone young and beautiful-“Before Icould finish, he rudely interrupted me and hung up.I held my phone for a long time before realizing I had gone too far. I felt uneasy again, wondering why Isought momentary satisfaction like that. Even if we couldn’t be together, we didn’t need to hurt eachotherI knew this relationship wasn’t conventional. Since it was a matter of mutual benefit, it was unnecessary want it to be a forced decision. I only wanted to be the one Atlas favored.However, I dared not say that because I knew my place.He couldn’t give me what I wanted because I had to contend with his complicated family. I knew myinsignificance.I leaned against the bed’s headboard and pondered until my mom called me for dinner. I rushed to thebathroom to freshen up and went downstairs. Still, I felt ashamed. Despite what he said, I brought myparents here to look after me.During dinner, my mom said, “Why don’t you call Ryan and invite him for a meal tomorrow to celebratethe New Year? He’s alone in Foswood and can’t visit our hometown for the holiday. He can come herefora meal instead.”I rolled my eyes but dared not argue. To be honest, I became a hands–off leader since Ryan joined thecompany. Still, he and I agreed he would have his shares once the company became successful andreached certain goals.Although I felt at ease, I couldn’t help but feel reserved about Ryan coming to my house. I won’t denyhaving my own motives about it. Nonetheless, Ryan had been good to me, and I couldn’t find faults withhim.I knew my parents’ thoughts, too. I was also aware that Ryan was patiently waiting. He played theperfect role as a backup without complaints.My parents feigned ignorance, but I refused to believe they hadn’t learned about Atlas from Ava. At thevery least, Ava would want to flaunt her beautiful doll.My mom continued when I didn’t object, “Ryan cares a lot about you. Don’t pretend you can’t see it.”“Mom, I didn’t say he can’t come, did 1? Why do you think I’m feigning ignorance?”My dad knocked on the table. “All right, let her eat.”IIn truth, I had lost my appetite from my heavy thoughts.Ryan brought many things to my house in the afternoon. It seemed he had been to the market.Although speechless, I acted warmly and looked over everything he had bought. The atmosphere felthomey.The sudden realization reminded me of Atlas’s birthday, and my heart ached. I thought he wouldn’tunderstand this atmosphere because he seemed detached. It seemed he and I weren’t from the sameworld.Suddenly, my phone rang. I froze when I saw the name on the screen.

Chapter 218 A Forced OrderI didn’t know whether to answer since Atlas was calling.Meanwhile, my dad seemingly assessed my emotions. I reluctantly answered the call. The voice on theother end said, “I’m at the airport. Come and pick me up.was speechless at his command. He usually had assistants around him but still wanted me to pick himup. I wondered if he considered me a chauffeur or a servant.“Sorry, I have guests at home and can’t come-” I replied indifferently.Before I could finish, he hung up. I nearly cursed him aloud for hanging up on me again. I was about toleave my phone on the coffee table when I received a text. It was a picture of Ryan with bags in hand.Below it, the message read, “Is this the guest you must stay home for? When did he become soimportantou can’t leave? Ava must be waiting for me to have dinner with her.”that youI was outraged while looking at the message. I thought Atlas was bold for accessing the surveillancefootage at my house.“What do you want?” I returned his text. I felt powerless and didn’t know what else to do.“Are you picking me up or not?” Atlas replied, his words even more forceful this time.If I refused, I knew he would appear at my door within an hour. Also, I didn’t want to put Ryan in anawkward spot. I was furious and indifferent. However, I met my dad’s gaze when I raised my head andsmiled awkwardly.7-1 need to head out for a bit,” I said to my dad, grinning. Then, I hurried upstairs, changed my clothes,grabbed my keys, and fled. I feared my dad would stop me. I felt pitiful when I got into my car–nowonder he felt entitled to treat me like this.I sat in the car and sighed before finally leaving. I told myself we’d have to meet sooner or later.When I arrived at the airport, I called Atlas from the exit. He didn’t answer but was already stridingtoward me. He put his luggage in the back seat and sat in the passenger seat. Although he adjusted theseat, histall figure looked a little cramped.Although silent, it wasn’t because I didn’t want to talk to him. I just didn’t know what to say. I feltnervous.throughout the drive and remembered how he looked that night.Neither of us spoke, and I drove in silence. Atlas seemed lost in thought while I subconsciously drove tomy place. Finally, he said, “Do you want me to come for dinner?”sterthed and unintentionally pressed the brakes. “I don’t know the way to your house.”He replied through gritted teeth, “What a dumb driver!”thalted at the roadside and roared, “You can get out if you want!”He did precisely that, and my heart dropped. I regretted what I said as I gripped the steering wheel. Iflinched when he slammed the car door. Unexpectedly, he walked to the driver’s side and pulled meout.Immediately after, he walked me to the passenger side and pushed me in. Then, he went to the driver’sseat and adjusted it before leaning toward me.Iwas frightened and clung to the seat, closing my eyes and turning away. However, Atlas simply reachedover and fastened my seatbelt before saying, “You’re overthinking again.”I opened my eyes and looked at Altas, but he had already started the car and sped away. This time, Imemorized the route he took. His place was near Pleca Park, a key scenic area.1 inwardly cursed him. I thought having such a massive garden in his house was outrageous and a ofspace. However, he didn’t follow the route I remembered. Instead, he turned the otherentrance of the scenic spot.nd a wasteher way aat theI was puzzled but didn’t ask about it. I remained indifferent, acting like I could take anything Atlas threwat me.When the car entered a concealed area within a more prominent scenic spot, my eyes widened inamazement. The view before me was incredible. The entire garden covered a vast area, with only onemain building.It had lush trees and a gigantic phoenix tree, filling the courtyard with a delicate fragrance. A fountainflowed in the front yard, and the back had a lush mountain with pavilions and terraces.Atlas parked the car at the main entrance and said, “We’re home.”

Chapter 219His ReasonMy heart sank, and I felt his words weren’t for me. I sat motionless as I gazed at the breathtakingscenery before me. I wondered if this was the home under construction he had mentioned.Atlas exited the car, took his luggage, and opened my door. He led me inside, and I matched his pace.The inside of the house was inexplicable. I heard a sudden exclamation as we entered, “Mr. Atlas, you’reback!”Several servants rushed over and took the luggage from Atlas. There was a chorus of greetings andlaughter that followed. I knew these people were loyal to him.When he got to his room, he pressed me against the door and said hoarsely, “It seems you didn’t missme.”My heart ached, and I chuckled with a hint of bitterness. I lowered my gaze. I was always stubborn andnever knew how to express what bothered me. Meanwhile, Atlas leaned in and stared at me as if tryingtoread my thoughts.“What’s wrong? Don’t you want to talk to me?” He continued to gaze at me, making me feel trapped.His subtle fragrance made my heart race. I feared my eyes would show my longing for him. I avoided hisgazeand mumbled, “No… I want to talk but don’t know what to say.”Atlas lifted my chin, forcing me to meet his gaze. His eyes were tender, and he gently bit my lip. “I wantto hear anything you have to say. I’ve missed you so much.”My heart raced even more, and my breathing became shaky. I knew Atlas was flirting with me, but Icouldn’t resist his charm. He cradled my face and asked teasingly. “Do you think you can escape me?”He resembled a cat playing with a mouse, and I playfully pushed him away. “I never consideredescaping. You can do whatever you want. I won’t resist.”He froze like he understood the reason behind my mood. He moved away and approached the floor– toceiling window while I remained at the door.A while later, he turned and said coldly, “That day was the anniversary of my parents‘ deaths. They diedin a plane crash when I was ten. They were rushing home to celebrate my birthday. Even their assistant,Rory White, died.”I was shocked as I froze in place. The pain I felt for him was unbearable. I would’ve fallen over if I wasn’tleaning on the door.I looked at Atlas with widened eyes. I joyfully wished him a happy birthday that night, saying, “I hopeyourI was such an idiot that night. However, it was all Stella’s fault. I numbly asked him, “Is Stella Rory’sdaughter?Atlas nodded slowly after a long pause. I finally realized how foolish I had been. I thought Stella hadslipped up when she mentioned it at the door. I even cleverly prepared a birthday dinner for Atlas. Evenso, Stella had already told me his parents‘ deaths were his kryptonite.I’m sorry……” “I subconsciously uttered those words.I“The fault lies in you not asking me anything. I told you to only listen to me and not believe anyoneelse,” Atlas sounded pained with a hint of suppressed anger, “Do you remember what I said? Chloe, youmust believe me no matter what, even if I don’t explain myself.”His world was complicated, and I didn’t know so much deception existed around him. I finallyunderstood Celine’s meaning when she said we weren’t from the same world. Suddenly, I realizedStella’s sinister smile was for me falling into her trap.It was terrifying, and I didn’t know what was real anymore.“I returned to Nocturnia to visit them the following day. So….” Atlas seemed unable to continue as heapproached and put his arms around me.He embraced me and lowered his voice, saying, “I know it’s not your fault, but I can’t escape whathappened that day.”I encircled his waist and felt his loneliness. A premonition washed over me, and an invisible force pushedme, making it impossible to break free

Chapter 220 ProvocationI didn’t return to my place for dinner with Ryan and my family that night. Instead, I stayed with Atlas.After what he told me, I couldn’t leave him alone in his vast mansion on New Year’s Eve.He told me a lot about his happy times with his parents before he turned ten. However, he didn’tmention his life after losing them, and I didn’t dare to ask. I believed those were the scars he didn’t wantto reopen.No wonder he loved being home so much, and he was so patient with Ava. I guessed he was emulatinghis dad.While listening to his stories, I had a strange feeling that I had lost many happy memories. I onlyremembered things from my senior year of high school but had no memories of what happened before.I couldn’t recall much of my childhood or how my parents treated me. It was as if I had no friends. I evenenvied Atlas for speaking of his past happiness and sorrow. Still, I wondered if I had chosen to forgetcertain things.I wanted to ask him about Annalise, but my words would always get stuck in my throat. Atlas and I spentNew Year’s Day snuggled together.Unbeknownst to me, a reception occurred at the Pierce family’s mansion in Nocturnia that day.However, it ended in disarray due to Atlas’s absence. As a result, it affected me, even though I was inFoswood.I returned to work when the holiday ended. Surprisingly, the first client to visit my company was Stella.She smiled and cheerfully entered my office, saying, “Happy New Year, Chloe!”I was stunned but admired her acting skills and impeccable composure. It would be a waste of her skillsif I didn’t engage her. “It’s been a while, Ms. Stella. You look like you had a lovely New Year. Did youcelebrate in Nocturnia?”I smiled as I spoke.Stella casually sat on the sofa and said, “Oh, yes! The Pierce family has many traditions and eventsduring the New Year, so I had to return, especially this year. I was in a hurry when I left and didn’t havetime to say goodbye to you. No matter where Atlas and I are, we must return to visit our parentsyearly.”“Oh, your biological parents are also in Nocturnia?” I asked deliberately.Stella looked at me in surprise, “You didn’t know?”“What?” I feigned curiosity.My dad used to be the assistant to Atlas’s parents. My dad and Atlas’s parents last went on a business12plane crash. WThe family buried them close to each other, so Atlas and I return to pay our respects yearly,” Stellaspoke of these events without a hint of sorrow, “Later, my mom was heartbroken and fell severely ill.She passed away in less than half a year, and then Mrs. Celine adopted me.“Atlas and I share a similar fate, and it all started with the Pierce family. That’s why they take good careof me, especially Atlas. He once swore at my parents‘ grave that he would never upset me.”“Oh! I listened with great interest but felt bitter inside. It seemed Atlas had always protected her. I saidcasually, “No wonder Mr. Atlas’s birthday is so important to you.”“Haha! Yes, how could I forget? That’s the anniversary of our parents‘ deaths and the day Atlas despisesthe most,” She laughed wickedly, with a cunning look.Then she stared at me meaningfully and said, “I always prepare gifts for him and find a suitable time togive them to him. It’s a way to celebrate his birthday without touching on his parents‘ deaths.”Stella made perfect sense. She had shifted all the blame to me, causing Atlas’s outburst. I was frustratedat myself for being too stupid not to realize it sooner.I hadn’t forgotten how Atlas shouted at me that night, asking me who told me about his birthday andcalling me stupid. It meant he knew Stella was behind it. Still, he hadn’t blamed her that night.Otherwise, Stella wouldn’t have come to refresh my memory from that night. It seemed she came toprovoke me today.

Chapter 221 To Turn the TablesGiven her clear purpose for meeting me, why couldn’t I turn the tables and gather some clues myself?I nodded calmly. “Ms. Stella, your mind is truly impressive.”“Oh, it’s nothing. After all, no one can break through his walls. No one at all,” she said. She looked at mewith a malicious glint, suggesting that I was the “no one” she referred toAfter all, on his birthday night, Atlas exploded in rage. I believed Stella knew what had happened“Atlas knows what he wants. His father, Louis, built the empire” Stella’s tone was confident. I knew shehad an influence on the Pierce family*So, the Pierce family has its own company?” I was intrigued. A conglomerate as large as ATL Empirecouldn’t have sprung from nothing.“Our grandfather ran the Pierce family’s company until he turned sixty Then Uncle Louis took over. Heltransformed it significantly within a few years.She paused “Later, for some reason, Uncle handed the business to my mother and started the ATLEmpire himself. Do you know why it’s called ATL Empire it’s quite a mouthfulStella looked at me, and I feigned a casual interest“Atlas, Tammy, Louis,” she said with a laugh. So, the name came from a combination of Atlas and hisparents.Stella continued, “Uncle Lours wanted his own domain, a world based on his small family. But whocould’ve guessed he’d meet such an untimely end?”I started to see Stella differently, seeing a sinister side beneath her refined exteriorHowever, I focused on a key point–that Louis handed the company to Celine for some reason. There hadto be an explanation for this“Mrs. Celine must’ve been impressive to take over the family business. Usually, such legacies go tosons,”I remarked.“Mom is strong–willed and doesn’t yield to men. Of course, she wasn’t satisfied with how things werewith the family business. She had her own ideas!” Stella’s response lacked cautionSo, after Mr. Louis passed away, Mrs Celine took over ATL Empire?” I asked casually. “Didn’t she alreadyhave control of the original company?” “Ah.. there were only two siblings in the Pierce family, so naturally she’d take over. She merged thefamily company with ATL Empire. Quite the force to be reckoned with!” Stella’s eyes gleamed withadmiration.I understood there must have been a calculated motive behind Celine’s forcefulness.“What a pity that they met such a tragedy!” I sighed.“Everyone has their fate,” Stella said calmly.“What about your father?” I nudged her.Stella seemed rather indifferent to her biological parents‘ deaths. She lowered her gaze and said, “It’sbeen too long. I was young, so it all feels a bit…distant.”Distant! How could one’s parents feel distant?Her actions and words made her seem somewhat unfeeling towards the deaths of her biologicalparents.“So that’s why you said you’d give ATL Empire to Mr. Atlas. According to what you’ve told me, the ATLEmpire originally belonged to Mr. Atlas, so returning it to him would be the right thing to do,” I pointedout.I was sure she’d never say such a thing in front of Celine. As expected, she looked flustered.“My mother did want to give it to Atlas, but she was cautious since it represents two generations‘efforts. She couldn’t give it away to just anyone. That was her bottom line. If Atlas resists, someonemight end up like Annalise.”*What do you mean?”

Chapter 222 New Year’s GiftStella’s eyes turned cold as she looked at me.I began to piece things together and concluded that Annalise’s death wasn’t as straightforward as itseemed.Stella quickly corrected herself, “What I meant was that there could never have been a future for them.It wouldn’t have worked out even if she hadn’t died!”“If Annalise held such a special place in Mr. Atlas’s heart, it must’ve been tough for you, too,” I pointedout. “It affects you directly.”Her.composure wavered, but she masked it with a bigger smile. “I don’t concern myself with suchthings. Even if a thousand Annalises appeared, he’d still be mine. I won’t allow anything else.” Herarroganceknew no bounds.I nodded. In reality, she had a point. The formidable Pierce family stood solidly behind her.“How did Annalise die?” I brought up a topic I had avoided. However, Stella kept bringing her up,indicating she wanted to tell me something more.I wanted to hear Stella’s version of Annalise since I had already gleaned some clues from her slip–ups.Annalise’s death was undeniably linked to Celine.Stella stated matter–of–factly, “She fell off a cliff and died. When they found her, my mom had Atlasidentify the body. They say it was a horrifying sight.”“How could Mr. Atlas bear it?” I felt a twinge, imagining how Atlas must have felt then.“It was like the end of the world for him,” Stella said, her eyes holding a cruel glint. She spoke with eeriesatisfaction.“Did you witness it yourself?” I looked at Stella, searching for answers.She scrutinized me as if trying to discern my intentions. “I couldn’t bear to look. I only knew that Atlaswas in despair.”“Perhaps, for you, this was a fortunate turn of events,” I remarked, voicing a harsh truth even though Iwasn’t sure why I said it.Suddenly, Carol knocked and entered. ‘Ms. Chloe, it’s time for your meeting.”I was happy with her quick thinking and nodded. “Alright, I’ll be there in a moment.”Then, I turned to Stella and said, “I’m sorry, I have a meeting. We can catch up over tea sometime.”Stella had no choice but to stand up. “Of course, I’ll take my leave. I just dropped by to see you. Oh,and…She reached into her bag and produced a small, elegantly wrapped gift. She placed it on my desk andsaid, “You can leave it in your car. It has a particularly refreshing scent.”“Thank you very much!” I smiled. “I didn’t even get the chance to prepare anything!”“Don’t mention it, just a little trinket!” She remarked before making her graceful exit.“Carol, please escort Ms. Stella out,” I instructed.When Carol returned, she muttered, “She just wouldn’t stop talking. Who does she think she is?”I smiled at Carol, giving her an approving look. “That was clever of you! Well done!”Carol burst out laughingThen I pondered for a moment. “Get Grayson for me.”He entered promptly, and I gestured for him to take a seat. I decided to speak candidly despite myhesitation.“Grayson, there’s something I’m not sure how to tell you.”“Just tell me what you need, Ms. Chloe,” he replied, unwavering.He seemed to sense my apprehension and put me at ease. “I’m loyal to my boss. Since Mr. Atlasrecommended me to you, I pledge my loyalty to you. You’re the only one I’ll take orders from!”His words moved me. “Help me investigate Ms. Stella thoroughly. The more detailed, the better.”“Yes!” He nodded, then left to carry out his task.As I watched Grayson depart, I reassured myself that taking risks was sometimes necessary.

Chapter 223 Haki BackI had known about Grayson’s capabilities since I saw hus tile He had received specialised training butAtlas had clarified that I couldn’t reveal any of Grayson’s informationPublicly, Grayson was portrayed as a high achieving student from a prestigious school, the only child ofan average family in Fonwood. That was the extent of his reputationsI did feel uneasy using Grayson to investigate the Pierce family when Allas had assigned him to meMost companies tended to slow down from Christmas instil New Year’s Day. However, All Empire caughtus off guard. They insisted on starting work immediately on projects that were supposed to begin afterthe New Year. They even shortened the timelinesIt was unreasonable given the upcoming New Year holiday, which typically disrupts work for 20 days.They showed no leniency, citing that properties were already sold and new owners were eager to moveinMeanwhile, the Echelon Group project remained ongoing and couldn’t be paused.I called Atlas, who was abroad, but didn’t tell him about my concerns. Instead, I approached Nick, whoalso seemed troubled by the situation. Though he didn’t say much. I understood his concem There wasno room for negotiation.Ryan tried to find a solution, and Grayson talked to various external resources However, we hit gleadends.Nevertheless, time waits for no one. The New Year was fast approaching After the holiday, businesswould slow down everywhere.On top of that, starting work at this time meant I had to advance the workers paychecks. It was riskysince the workers might not return on time after the holiday.ATL Empire seemed ruthless. Sometimes, I questioned why I had to push myself so hard. Couldn’t I enjoya peaceful and uncomplicated life?However, dwelling on such thoughts was useless. It felt like I was being forced into a corner with no wayout.Just when I felt overwhelmed, Atticus extended an unexpected helping hand.One day, I received a call from him inviting me to meet. It felt somewhat peculiar. Aside from ourcollaboration on the duplexes, I had no further dealings with him and no intention of working togetheragain 1 feared that Echelon Group might become another ATL Empire. If that happened, I would be caught in acrossfire. I couldn’t betray Ryan.These people were truly something else. They traveled so far just to discuss something. Like my lastmeeting with Celine, I wouldn’t have been taken advantage of If the meeting wasn’t so far away. I stilldidn’t know who wanted me gone.So I brought Grayson this time. He was already there when I arrived at the club.Upon seeing us enter, Atticus politely gestured for me to sit down. He poured a cup of tea and gotstraight to the point.“I heard you’ve been facing difficulties with your projects recently?”I smiled and didn’t attempt to hide anything. If he could directly address the issue, he must have knownalready, Pretending otherwise would only complicate matters.I didn’t sugarcoat it. “Yes. The timelines have been squeezed too tightly, and with the upcoming holiday,there’ll be a shortage of workers for a while. The early stages are still unstable, so it’s provingchallenging.”He fell silent and gestured for me to drink the tea. Then he said, “I can lend you Echelon Group’sconstruction team, and you can handle the wages.”I nearly choked on the tea.This was indeed a lifesaver. It came so effortlessly. Someone was rushing to clear obstacles for me.Naturally, I looked at the man before me in astonishment.Perhaps my expression was too exaggerated, but he looked at me with a faint smile. “What’s wrong?You don’t trust me?”“N–No!” I quickly waved my hand. “The thing is, what about your project?”He gave a confident, casual smile. Reclining on the sofa, he said, “I recently bought a plot near the city.and the planning is underway. This project will keep me busy for the next two years, so I’m clearing theway. It’s my top priority for the year.”He looked at me with a gleam in his eyes.“I will not be working on any other projects in the meantime. The initial stages of the project will bewrapped up after the New Year, providing a period for reorganization. You can manage it. It also allowsme to use your help to care for my people. It’s a win–win situation!”Atticus spoke casually, but I sensed this matter wasn’t so simple.

Chapter 224 Out of the Frying Pan Into the FireI wondered why Atticus was going to such lengths to help me when we didn’t know each other well. Ithad to be more than it seemedYet, I couldn’t figure out his motive. What could he gain from assisting a small, relatively unknowncompany like mine?He studied me for a moment and then chuckled. “You’re unsure, aren’t you? Consider it a repayment forthe favor you did for me before. I don’t like having debts to anyone, especially not to a woman.”“In the professional world, Mr. Atticus, don’t treat me like just a woman!” I replied half–jokingly.“You? Not a woman?” He laughed heartily. “Who could ever think otherwise?”After a laugh, he added, “Don’t dwell on it too much. This is a small matter, hardly worth mentioningcompared to the favor you did for me. Besides, you’ll cover the wages, so I think it’s a fair exchange. Thisindustry isn’t that big, after all. Let’s support each other.”“Alright! Thank you, Mr. Atticus! I’ll remember your kindness. If there’s anything I can do for you in thefuture, I won’t hesitate to help.”I knew not to overanalyze the situation. Overcoming this challenging period was the priority. Whenfacedwith a life–or–death situation, I wasn’t one to nitpick.Moreover, he extended a helping hand voluntarily. Rejecting his offer would be disrespectful and couldlead to my downfall.After discussing the details, I left the club. It was a business meeting, and there was no need for idlechitchat.Once I got into the car, I told Grayson, “It’s sorted out!”However, even Grayson sensed something was amiss. Back at the company, we held a meeting toaddress the situation. Ryan, too, felt things weren’t as straightforward as they appeared, but we had noother optionAfter all, if we were going to gamble, we had to go all in.As soon as we solved one problem, another arose. The problem with the construction team was fixed,but there was a problem with the aluminum steel windows on the suspension bridge.The construction team told us the measurements didn’t match, making window installation impossible.Knowing Fred’s meticulous nature, this problem seemed impossible.rushed to the site. The blueprints matched the window dimensions but didn’t align with the openings.ATL Empire blamed us, claiming there hadn’t been on–site measurements. However, the blueprints fromthe design institute were perfectly aligned with the detailed construction plans.That was when it hit me. The information on our approved blueprints had been cleverly changed. Onlythe information on the blueprints that Fred received was incorrect.I told Fred to stop production immediately.Representatives from all three parties convened at ATL Empire to discuss the issue. I couldn’t change thedimensions without unanimous agreement, and the blueprints came directly from their hands.Moreover, before sending them to Fred, our technicians had double–checked everything. The situationreeked of suspicion.Ryan was worried I might not handle it well and wanted to go with me. However, ATL Empire requestedmy presence specifically,IEven if Ryan were present, I knew it would just be adding another person to share the burden andhumiliation. There was no need for both CEOs to receive an earful over a minor issue. In reality, theywerelooking for me.I didn’t hesitate for a moment and drove straight to ATL Empire. There had to be a solution.However, I noticed something peculiar when I arrived at the conference room.A problem like this could be handled entirely by the project department. However, upon entering theconference room, they appeared to be preparing a tribunal.

Chapter 225 Wrong Data on the DrawingsI laid eyes on Atlas, whom I hadn’t seen in half a month, I had no idea when he had returned toFoswood. Seated next to him was the imposing figure of Celine.It was evident that today was going to be challenging. When someone wanted to find fault, they wouldfind a way.Celine’s sharp eyes swept over the attendees at the meeting before finally fixing on my face, herexpression disdainful.“Ms. Chloe, please explain the situation to everyone present,” she said calmly.I knew this was the calm before the storm. Clearing my throat, I meticulously recounted the entiresituation in sequence. I had Carol hand over the blueprints to Celine.Each person in attendance was also given a copy of the incorrect data images. I had come prepared,especially with the one containing the falsified data. Except for one piece of data, everything else wasthe same.Celine glanced at the original erroneous blueprint, furrowing her brows. Kenzie sat next to her, lookingstern.Everyone was perplexed after reviewing my explanation and the provided materials.Celine had each member of the relevant departments speak. They all emphasized their department’sdiligence in double–checking their work.I remained silent, observing their responses and Celine’s expression.Atlas took two phone calls in the middle of the meeting. He would grunt in response, never sayinganything on the phone, and then return his attention to the discussion.He looked somewhat indifferent to the meeting.In the end, no conclusion was reached. Everyone agreed that there was indeed an error in the data.What was strange, though, was that only the blueprints given to Fred were incorrect. Even the archivedblueprints we submitted to Fred were correct.This was starting to raise eyebrows.Blueprints don’t just mess themselves up. The wrong data was modified on the original blueprint, notwith a pen afterward. That made it hard to detect.Of course, Celine wasn’t buying this explanation, and she blamed our negligence. Her argument waspersuasive and logically sound.ATL Empire audited the blueprints and sent them to us after approving them. Then, our techniciansdouble -checked them before sending them back to Fred.Based on this account, the relevant departments at ATL Empire were entirely blameless. It was clear thatthe responsibility could only fall on us or Fred.I staunchly defended Fred, and Atlas finally spoke up.“Ms. Chloe, what evidence do you have to prove that this isn’t Mr. Fred’s fault?”I replied, “Mr. Fred runs a professional company with years of experience and a meticulous productionprocess. After committing to high quality, which manufacturer would allow product issues?”Atlas clearly didn’t like my response. His eyes were icy as he asked, “Is that your position?”I confidently said, “Yes.”“In your perspective, is there no third possibility?” His eyes looked at me with restrained anger.Suddenly, I realized I couldn’t be sure the blueprints hadn’t been leaked.My eyes involuntarily turned to Kenzie.

Chapter 226 Pointing FingersI looked straight at Kenzie and realized it made her uncomfortable. She even glared at me withdispleasure before looking at the blueprints.I answered Atlas’s question, “I can’t guarantee someone hadn’t leaked the blueprints because we didn’tonly hand them to ATL Empire’s project department. Indeed, that was my negligence.”Atlas asked sternly, “So who else can access the blueprints, Ms. Chloe?”His question sounded doubtful, encouraging me to continue. Suddenly, my phone vibrated, but I ignoreditfor now.1 delivered a set of blueprints, inspection reports, manuals, certificates, and all relevant documents toATL Empire’s Design Division myself,” I deliberately mentioned the Design Division to draw everyone’sattention.As expected, my words caused immediate discontent from Kylie Mckinney, a member of the DesignDivision. She said, “That’s a bit much, Ms. Chloe. We came to this meeting to review the blueprints foryou.“Why are you pointing fingers at us? That seems unfair. Also, you’ve never given the blusine to theDesign Division for review.”Those from the Design Division were rightfully arrogant since they held a prominent position globally.They contributed to many iconic buildings worldwide. Therefore, I knew they didn’t need to involvethemselves in this mess. They even refuted my statement with hostility.Still, that was what I wanted.“Please don’t be hasty. I’m not trying to point fingers. Instead, I was just stating facts.” I smiled whilemaintaining a friendly demeanor. I continued, “I gave the blueprints to…”I intentionally dragged my words and kept my eyes on Kenzie. She narrowed her eyes and looked at mecoldly.“I gave them to Ms. Kenzie,” I didn’t give her a chance to object and continued, “Ms. Kenzie asked me todeliver a set of blueprints to the Design Division but didn’t say why.”Kenzie nodded, “Yes, I asked for the blueprints to review their design scheme. Later, I gave them to Mrs.Celine.”I didn’t expect Kenzie to admit it so quickly. Her admission exceeded everyone’s expectations.Meanwhile, I picked up my phone and casually checked it. Yes, I’ve had the blueprints all along. Is there a problem with that?” Celine questioned assertively. Iknew she was challenging me, as if she said, “What can you do about it?”Everyone in the mom was stunned. Indeed, I felt some pressure, but it was a matter of great importancethat I couldn’t shrink from. “Mrs. Celine, I’m merely explaining the whereabouts of the blueprints.“1 must express my disappointment In ATL Empire if you show such an attitude. My understanding ofcooperation is that we should solve problems together. I believe we’re in the same boat and should helpeach other.“However, everyone seems to be shifting the blame instead of devising a solution. Is this how ATLEmpire resolves its issues?” I spoke as I looked firmly into Celine’s eyes, causing her expression to turncold.I added, “ATL Empire has already decided not to hear my opinion. Do you even respect my company? Itseems you just want to”I glanced around the room and said, “All right, let’s investigate this matter ourselves. I promise toprovidea satisfactory answer to everyone.”Immediately after, I raised my phone and tapped the screen, saying, “I have good news to share witheveryone. We’ve located the delivery man responsible for handling the blueprints.”The meeting room fell silent.

Chapter 227 Looking Out for Themselves OnlyI shocked everyone with my actions. Dylan had just texted me on WhatsApp, and I knew he must’vemade some progress. So, I couldn’t miss the opportunity to showcase It.“So, we won’t trouble ATL Empire anymore,” I said, putting away my phone, “As for what happenedafter we sent the package, I will investigate it thoroughly and provide everyone with an explanation.”I caught a subtle twitch at the corner of Atlas’s lips, but he quickly gathered himself.“Next, I’d like to ask ATL Empire’s project team to confirm a new and accurate set of blueprints for us. I’lldeliver them to Urban Builders‘ technical department directly.” My tone was calm but confident.Even Celine had to comply.However, I needed to clarify one thing, “Of course, whoever caused this issue should take responsibilityfor it. If Tanum Corporation is at fault, we won’t avoid it. I apologize for any inconvenience. We’ll takeourleave now.”I got up and prepared to leave with Carol.Atlas sneered and said, “Sit down.”Although his voice wasn’t loud, it was compelling. I could only sit back down.He glanced at everyone before saying, “ATL Empire won’t need you to investigate this matter. However,today’s meeting has opened my eyes. I never expected my company to do something so embarrassing.“You’re all fragile when faced with right and wrong, each pointing fingers at another. Who the helltaught. you that?!” His words were sharp, especially to those who had spoken earlier.Everyone exchanged glances. Atlas’s imposing demeanor made them feel a sense of impending doom.No one dared to speak as they awaited his judgment.“I pay you well and clear your names at the first sign of trouble. It seems everyone here is adept atprotecting themselves. If so, find another boss to depend on.” Atlas sent shivers down everyone’sspines.He looked cold and menacing as he spoke. Although everyone understood the meaning behind hiswords, no one dared to make a sound, They only wondered how he would deal with them. Suddenly, aloudringtone broke the silence.Atlas glanced toward the source of the sound and growled, “Get out.”His voice was domineering, and the phone owner paled. He panicked and covered his phone before“Dylan, find out who altered the data and punish them severely, no matter who it is!” Atlas ordered andgot up to leave.I noticed Celine’s annoyed expression. I stood up, gave her a slight nod, then turned to leave with Carol.However, I was confident that Atlas might use this incident to do something. It seemed I had played mycards right again.I knew someone had deliberately caused all this and that it was related to the blueprints I had given toKenzie. Still, I wouldn’t just sit idly by and let anyone decide the outcome, not even Atlas.

Chapter 228 A Familiar PlaceWhen I returned to my office, I sought Grayson and gave him a task. Coincidentally, he also handed me areport of his investigation. I was surprised to receive it so quickly. I couldn’t help but admire hisefficiencyand praise him.However, Grayson was serious when he said, “Don’t get too excited, Ms. Chloe. This is just surface– levelInformation, and there seem to be no issues at all. Still, my gut feeling tells me something’s off.”The investigation report was about Stella, detailing her birth, parents‘ passing, adoption, and schoolhistory.“It’s right here.” Grayson pointed something out. “It says she attended primary school here, one of themost famous schools in Nocturnia. However, I couldn’t find any pictures of her from that period..“Also, I only found one picture of her during high school, yet she lists Phy as one of her hobbies.Why would a girl with such a hobby have no pictures or videos of herself?” Grayson looked at me with aquestioning expression as he spoke.“Ms. Chloe, don’t you think something’s amiss? That detail makes me uneasy. Please give me more timeto investigate further.Indeed, I also felt something was wrong. I marveled at Grayson’s attentiveness and said, “Perhaps Stelladidn’t like photography back then or…”“No, I understand. You’re saying the Pierce family’s records are usually secured and difficult to find.Surprisingly, Stella’s information is readily available,” he said with sparkling eyes.“Look, I have her graduation photos from every previous year at this school. I also have year–endphotos. for each academic year,” Grayson continued, handing me two yellowed photos.II looked at them and felt a tug in my mind. The scenery in those photos seemed oddly familiar. I glancedat Grayson and said, “Is… this school in Nocturnia?”“Yes!” he nodded.I chuckled and felt a bit perplexed. “Why does this place feel so familiar?”“Perhaps you’ve seen it in some documents before.” He smiled.I had never traveled abroad, so it was a bit ridiculous for me to think that way.After looking at the photos, I nodded and said, “Well, continue your investigation. It might be thebreakthrough we need. Also, check on Annalise Snyder!”Sure. Grayson nodded. ‘I’ll get back to work,”I leaned back in my chair as he left. I felt a throbbing headache coming on as I had been too busy lately. Irubbed my temples and sighed before picking up the pictures again. I closed my eyes and imagined ascenery, but I wasn’t sure what it was.My head hurt even more immediately after. I quickly opened my eyes and refused to think more aboutit. Soon after, I saw the beautifully wrapped box on my desk. It was the New Year’s gift Stella gave me.2I opened the box and saw an air freshener inside, I sniffed it, and it had a pleasant scent. Although Irarely used such things, I thought giving it away would be disrespectful, so I placed it back on the desk.After some thought, I brought it down when it was time to get off work. I remembered Stella telling meit would smell nice in my car.ATL Empire was efficient, especially after Atlas’s outburst I received the correct data before leaving workand sent it to the technical department. However, I conducted a thorough review before delivering it toUrban Builders.When the courier left, I called Fred and reminded him to be vigilant about his surroundings. That wasbecause Atlas had asked if I could guarantee that everyone at Urban Builders was trustworthy.I didn’t know if his words were deliberate or if he had discovered something. Regardless, it was best tobe cautious.During my second visit to Urban Builders, Fred confided in me all night. He discussed the first time Iwaited for him in the rain. It was a turbulent time for the company because his younger brother, Hugo,had attempted a power struggle.Although he failed, he had a group of loyal followers that needed rooting out.Fred took my advice seriously, saying, “You’re right. I’ve considered identifying those people and firingthem.”I felt relieved after dealing with certain things. Suddenly, I received a call from Atlas. I was pleasantlysurprised and answered the call,

Chapter 229 Complaints“When did you get back?” I asked joyfully..1’ve been back for two days now,” Atlas replied flatly. Although he sounded calm, I felt disappointed. Itseemed I wasn’t that important to him since he could come and go without notifying me.My mood plummeted, and I said nothing.He continued, “You don’t need to worry about that and just focus on your work.”“What do you mean?” I replied, slightly annoyed.“Do you have time to worry about me?” he spoke forcefully, avoiding my question.I knew he was in a bad mood, so I didn’t respond. Instead, hung up, thinking he should know what itfeels like for me to hang up on him, I waited a while, but he didn’t call me back. I felt even moredejected.While scrolling through my phone, I realized I hadn’t seen Ivanna and Lauren for several days. I calledthem, but Ivanna’s line was busy. Immediately after, I called Lauren, and she answered with a complaint,You finally remembered me!”“Why are you like Ivanna? You’re always complaining like her,” I retorted, and she chuckled.Lauren said, “I hear you brought your parents back, but I haven’t seen her yet. I don’t even know whenyou’re home.”“Can’t you visit her when I’m not home?” I replied disdainfully, which made her cackle.Soon after, she mentioned a clubhouse where we could soak in the hot springs and enjoy good food.Sheasked if I wanted to go there to relax. I hadn’t experienced such leisure since I typically had a strictschedule. I was either at work or with AvaRelaxing in such a place piqued my interest, so I agreed and suggested we invite Ivanna. However,Ivanna’s phone remained busy, causing me to wonder who she could be talking to for so long.I drove to Lauren’s provided location, which was quite far away. I didn’t need to plan things since Laurenknew all about the place. As I drove, I realized the place wasn’t too far from Atlas’s house in Pleca Park.No wonder there was a hot spring there.When I arrived, I received a call from Ivanna. It seemed her lengthy conversation had finally ended. Icomplained, “Who have you been talking to? It’s been almost an hour!”“Hey, I don’t want to talk about it. That lady’s a handful. She’s all sunshine and rainbows if you talk toherIf I was complaining, she was ranting. I asked, “Who are you talking about?”“One of the rising stars at my company. Only a few knew about her all these years. Her acting skills areso- so, but she’s gained popularity somehow. That’s how the entertainment industry works, I guess.“You never know what the audience will like the next moment. Anyhow, she’s finally getting someattention.”“Is she one of yours? If so, that should be good,” I tried to comfort her.“I’m sure it is, and I’ve been wondering if she spent the past few years secretly studying how to becomea star. Her sudden transformation is unreal-” Ivanna vented, sounding exasperated.“All right, calm down. Can you get off work now?” I interrupted her.“Yeah, you’re right. I need to let off steam. What is it?” Ivanna’s tone became calmer.I told her where Lauren and I were meeting, and she happily agreed. “Wait for me! I’ll see you theresoon!”After hanging up, I remembered to call my mom and tell her I wouldn’t be home for dinner. I also toldher I would be out with Ivanna and Lauren. I was about to get out of my car when I saw something andstopped.

Chapter 230 What a CoincidenceIsaw a black Maybach pulling up at the entrance. A tall and well–built figure appeared. He was charmingIn his black trousers and black shirt with two undone buttons. The man had meticulously groomed jetblack hair and wore sunglasses.He drew the crowd’s attention when he removed his sunglasses. Soon after, he opened the car door andassisted an elegantly dressed woman. Her attire seemed exaggerated, with sunglasses, a scarf, and amask.However, the figure was alluring, and I knew she wasn’t Stella. She gracefully exited the car andwrapped her arm around the man’s arm. She appeared delicate and charming.I recognized Atlas but not the woman. My heart ached, and I realized why he sounded so impatientearlier. It seemed he didn’t want me to waste time worrying about his whereabouts because he wasbusy pampering and accompanying that woman.Although Atlas sounded irritated earlier, he was now smiling. I stared at him and the woman in a daze asthey strolled into the clubhouse.My heart was in my throat while my hands and feet grew cold. I felt numb and didn’t know how long Isat in my car. Suddenly, my phone rang and brought me to my senses. I glanced at my phone andrealized Lauren had likely grown impatient from waiting. 1“I’m at the entrance. I’ll come in soon,” I said before hanging up.Since the clubhouse was close to Pleca Park, Atlas intentionally chose to come here. I chuckled bitterlyand became a little teary–eyed. It was ironic.As I was about to exit my car, Ivanna knocked on the window. I quickly opened the door, got out, andjoked, “You’re fast. What, did you fly here?”“Fast? I’ve been driving for thirty minutes!” she exclaimed, “Why do you look like sh*t?”I tried to hide it, touching my face. “Do I? I fell asleep just now.”“I can’t wait for Lauren to scold you.” Ivanna held my arm as we entered the clubhouse. She blabbedabout the rising star under her care, but I heard nothing because my mind was too occupied.Sure enough, Lauren scolded me as soon as we met. I only chuckled without defending myself.The clubhouse was spacious. After having some light snacks, we changed into disposable bathsuits andheaded to the hot springs in the courtyard. Surprisingly, the disposable bath suits were elegant andhigh-quality no wonder the upper class liked coming here.I looked around but didn’t see Atlas and the mysterious woman. Lauren noticed my restless gaze andasked, “Who are you looking for? Did you see someone you know?”I shook my head. “No, I’m just admiring the scenery here. I should bring my parents and Ava heresomeday.”“That’s a great idea. Whenever you come, count me in!” Ivanna added, “This place is lovely. There are somany hot spring pools here, and they offer various services, too. We only have a regular room.“The VIP rooms come with private pools; what people do in those rooms is beyond our knowledge,Ivanna grinned.However, it caused my heart to drop, thinking Atlas had probably booked a VIP room. What else would aman and woman do in a private room? The thought of it made me uncomfortable.

Chapter 231 A Coincidental EncounterI splashed water on my face and took deep breaths. Lauren called for a drink and handed me a glass.I felt calmer after downing it. Then I covered my face with a towel and said, “Go ahead and chat. I’ll restfor a bit.”“Why are yoyou napping all day? You just slept in your car, and now you’re sleeping again?” Ivanna teased me, givingme a playful nudge. “What’s going on with you?”“There’s too much going on lately. I’m working myself to death! Cut me some slack, will you?” I repliedfrom behind the towel.Tears had already mixed with the water droplets on my face.Ivanna didn’t press me and chatted with Lauren instead. +regained my composure before removing thetowel from my face.“Weren’t you napping?” Ivanna asked. “You know, you do look like that actress I mentioned earlier.Chloe, I’ll be your manager if you ever want to step into showbiz. Although you’re much prettier thanher.”“Step into showbiz? I’m about to step into another world.”Lauren handed me a glass of wine, which I sipped.Both of them chuckled. “So you want to be a celestial being now?”We continued our conversation until I was utterly exhausted. “I swear, if we keep soaking any longer, I’llturn into a prune! I’m starving to death. Can’t we eat?”Lauren and Ivanna giggled, and we went to the dining room.The food here was exceptional. I devoured everything in sight, replenishing my energy and filling myemotional vold.As we headed back to our private room, we bumped into the two people I least wanted to see. Theywere both impeccably dressed.The woman exclaimed, “Ivanna! You’re here too!”Ivanna turned to look, then stared at me, dumbfounded. I gave the woman a cursory once–over.Something about her seemed oddly familiar.Lauren pulled me over, and my bathrobe slipped to the ground. I quickly draped it back on.Ivanna’s voice was calm as she said, “What a coincidence!”“Yeah, just having a casual meal with Mr. Atlas!” The woman seemed to be explaining herself to Ivanna“Of course, this is a great place for a meal!” Ivanna’s voice had a hint of sarcasm. “Enjoy your time. I’mhere with my best friends!”Ivanna didn’t engage with the woman any further. Instead, she took my arm and led us to our room.I didn’t look at Atlas throughout the entire encounter. Honestly, I was too afraid to. I hoped it was alljustan illusionIn the room, Ivanna immediately scrutinized me. “Did you see them earlier?”Ivanna was perceptive and had noticed my emotional turmoil.I chuckled faintly and asked, “Does it make a difference?”Lauren had been observing me closely, occasionally sharing glances with Ivanna. They were clearlyworried about me.I suddenly laughed. “What’s with those faces?”“Chlo, if there’s something on your mind, let it out. Don’t keep it to yourself,” Ivanna said earnestly.“Youshouldn’t take that too seriously“Exactly, who knows? Maybe it’s some important discussion,” Lauren added.“What are you trying to say? I wasn’t thinking that far, but after hearing you two, now I am.” I looked atthem with a smile, probably looking worse than if I were crying.“Do you know who that woman is?” Ivanna asked, looking at me intently.“I don’t know, and I don’t want to know! I remained calm and said it plainly.“It’s that actress I complained about–Harmony Hampton, the one under our label!‘ Ivanna said inannoyance, “I said she was getting a big head. It turns out, she thought she snagged herself a sugardaddy! That little-*Ivanna’s words snapped me back. I realized that the face I saw just now did seem oddly familiar.

Chapter 232 Shocking Headlines“Doesn’t she look a bit like you?” Ivanna looked at me and asked, “I used to have a good impression ofher. There’s something about her that resembles you. But now… damn! She’s trying to climb theladder…”Ivanna’s words made my heart race. Did I look like Annalise? Or rather, was it Harmony who resembledAnnalise?Atlas held a deep affection for Annalise. He wouldn’t let any woman resembling her slip through hisfingers.He was looking for Annalise’s shadow. Harmony and I fit the bill.It appeared that his quest for an Annalise doppelganger had never ceased. Perhaps he had found melacking.I chuckled and sipped my drink. “How long has Harmony been in the limelight?”“Not even two months! Strange, isn’t it? Suddenly shooting to fame!” Ivanna dismissed it with a wave ofher hand.Two months… I was already divorced by then, and Atlas had taken over the ATL Empire.He knew how to make the most of his time. An unexpected rising star must have caught his attention.This meant he had been spending time with Harmony for the past two months.Otherwise, why did I often lose track of him, and why had his attitude towards me grown progressivelycolder?It all indicated that he had found a new target. Why would he be interested in me? A divorcee two yearsolder, with a child in tow.Why hadn’t he ever told me he loved me? I was foolish to hope for something like that.I drank a lot that night, and with each sip, I gained perspective. It was high time I faced the facts. I wasnodifferent than a naive young girl waiting for a grand love story!It seemed that I had aimed too high. The whole encounter had just been a product of my imagination.When I was brought back home, I was surprisingly clear–headed. I just couldn’t walk on mymy own.The next day, my head was pounding, the inevitable aftermath of a night of heavy drinkingDuring breakfast, my father scolded me for always getting drunk, calling it a vile way of coping with myproblems. My dad was right.Before I could finish my breakfast, Ivanna called me. She asked, ‘Feeling better?”“Yeah, I replied, looking at my father.“Listen, it’s blowing up! Check the trending news!” She then lectured me, “Chlo, a peaceful life at homeis better. Think about it! All that romantic nonsense is not practical! You should stand firm!”“Stop reminding me of this. If it gets exposed, you’ll be swamped with work again. Aren’t you busyenoughas it is?”“I couldn’t care less! If she falls from grace, it’s her own doing!” Ivanna grumbled. “She shouldn’t haverisen in the first place. Mark my words when she falls!”She rambled on for a bit and then hung up.I quickly checked my phone and found that the news had made headlines. There were pictures of themand insinuations, and while it was only a back view, it hinted strongly at the lead figure.After all, one was the CEO of a well–known international conglomerate, and the other was a rising starwith a significant following.I turned off my phone. What the eye doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t grieve over.Little did I know that avoiding seeing wasn’t going to be enough. Someone out there was determinednotto let me off so easily, and I was about to become the target of public scrutiny.

Chapter 233 Return of the ScumbagI spotted Matthew, who had disappeared for quite some time.I had just parked at the company’s underground garage when he appeared at my car, dressed sharply. Ididn’t know how he found me, almost as if he’d been keeping tabs on me.He smiled warmly and even opened the car door. “Chlo!”It seemed I had forgotten about this person’s existence. Seeing him again felt like waking up from adream and returning to reality.1 sighed. How was this man still alive? As soon as he appeared, I felt sick again.“Move aside!” I spoke icily.“Chlo, I was wrong! Don’t hold it against me. I came to apologize to you today.” Suddenly, Matthewseemed to revert to his former self. “Chlo, I’ve missed our daughter!”He blocked me, acting like he was really sad. Even his eyes looked watery. I didn’t know if he really caredabout our daughter.daughter a lot. “Listen, it’s been tough for both of us since our split. We’re not happy,” he said. “I missour da Can I see her? And also, my mom is sick, and she keeps mentioning you. Chlo, can we try again?”“Impossible!” I said it sternly, trying to go around him. I didn’t want to be near him.“Chlo, please, I’m begging you! I was too focused on work before, but I still want to bebe with you!”Matthew was relentless, and his performance was top–notch.“Matthew, man up and stop bothering me. Just face it! There’s no turning back for us.” I said, “Think ofyour upcoming baby instead! You don’t have to worry about our daughter anymore!”“I just closed a big deal. Let’s do it together, my wife! We can succeed together! Don’t be madanymore!”I couldn’t contain my anger. “Wake up! No matter how many deals you sign, it has nothing to do withme. Move aside!”Matthew hugged me, then quickly kissed my neck while muttering nonsensical words.1 forcefully pushed him away and gave him a resounding slap. “I’ll repeat it. Please stop harassing me.We’re never getting back together!”As I walked away, I vigorously wiped my neck in disgust. I hated him so much that even his smellBehind me. Matthew called out. “Chloe, you’ll regret this. Don’t think you’re still Atlas’s precious littlegem. He’s just toying with you! You can’t compete with them. Stop being so stubborn! You’re just awoman he discardedHe must have seen that news report, which gave him the confidence to confront meSadness overwhelmed me. I wondered how many more villains I would meet. Though I wasn’t sure whatlay ahead, I sensed more trials in my future

Chapter 234 Taking the Wrong ApproachThis idea made me feel helpless because I knew I had to face this alone. It had always been that way– 1had to save myself.The lobby was crowded, but none of them were familiar to me. I felt even more lonely.Back in the office, Carol brewed a cup of coffee for me. She watched me quietly, and I knew she wasworried. I maintained an air of nonchalance while keeping busy. Thankfully, I had resolved the twoprevious issues and set everything in motion.During lunch, I spotted Johnson. He seemed genuinely surprised to see me since we hadn’t seen eachother in a long time.He beckoned me over, and I joined him for lunch.*Chlo! Long time no see! I heard things are going well on your end.” Johnson wore a big smile.“It’s alright, I suppose. How’s Myra and your kid? Is he being a handful?”“They’re doing great! No trouble at all!” Johnson ordered more food and said, “Mr. Matthew just closedabigdeal with a company in the neighboring city. It’s a major contract, but he’s keeping it quiet. He seemsreally happy this time!”Then Johnson added, “It’s quite strange.“What’s strange about it?”“He was attacked some time ago, but we don’t know who did it. He spent some time in the hospital, butMelanie hasn’t caused any trouble,” Johnson said. “There seems to be a reason for the attack.Otherwise, they’d usually make a big deal out of it.”I knew exactly what Johnson was talking about, but I asked, “When did this happen?”My question made Johnson nervous, but he smiled again. It seems you didn’t know either. It happenedon the night of Echelon Group’s celebration.”“I did see him boast.t night!” I didn’t want this matter to be exposed. After all, it wasn’t something toabout.“He went, and it should have to do with that night. He upset someone, and they beat him up prettybadly. We only found out the next day. I rushed to the hospital to see him. His head was swollen like apig’s.Melanie sat silently beside him.“Something was wrong. After 20 days in the hospital, he went on a business trip and returned saying hehad won the contract.”Perhaps because he thought it had nothing to do with me, Johnson was quite excited.“Was it in Rivendell?”“No, it was in Muborough!” Johnson stated confidently.Rivendell was where Echelon Group’s new development was located, while Muborough was in theopposite direction, even larger than Rivendell,I couldn’t figure out how Matthew had resources in that area. He had always traveled between Rivendelland another city but had never‘ visited Muborough. How could he have gotten a contract there rightafter being hospitalized?The news made me feel suspicious.“Has he ever had dealings in Muborough before? From what I recall, he didn’t have any contactsthere.”!asked Johnson.“No, Muborough wasn’t our focus, and he didn’t have many contacts there. If he did, he wouldn’t betrying so hard with Echelon Group,” Johnson confirmed.“But Atticus Cole gave him a hard time. He followed Atticus around but didn’t get any favors, It almostcaused a big problem. You know, he borrowed 7 million dollars. He would’ve been in big trouble if itweren’t for this contract!” Johnson said. “It was a stroke of luck!”“Did he negotiate directly with Echelon Group? I remember that Atticus isn’t someone who can be easilyswayed by 7 million,” I recalled. Atticus wasn’t the type to be influenced by money.“He interacted more with Atticus’s nephew!” Johnson seemed to have a lot of information. “At the time.this guy, Keegan Thompson, still had some influence!”Feeling relieved, I chuckled. Matthew had taken he Wrong and it seemed that Atticus’s actions werejustified. However, I needed to find out who had helped Matthew with this deal.

Chapter 235 A Stroke of LuckI had an idea and casually remarked, “It seems that Matthew’s luck knows no bounds!”“Absolutely! Otherwise, he’d be in a tough spot. He mentioned during the meeting that he’s focusing onprojects outside the city to avoid competition. Now he’s busy preparing for it.”“I heard his mom isn’t doing well,” I said casually.“Yeah, not too good.” Johnson nodded.After some small talk, I left the restaurant. My mind was filled with thoughts about Grace. Maybe I hadbeen too stern and shouldn’t harbor ill feelings. However, there wasn’t a single Murphy worthy of pity.Back at the office, I summoned Grayson. ‘Look into who Matthew contacted after he was attacked. Also,find out which companies are handling projects in Muborough.”Grayson nodded. “Is there anything wrong?”I replied, “Matthew secured a contract in Muborough while in the hospital. Find out how he got it,especially who he interacted with during his hospitalization. He went on a business trip right after beingdischarged and returned with the contract,” Grayson nodded in understanding.The reason I was interested in Matthew’s contract wasn’t because I wanted to snatch the project. It wasbecause I sensed something was amiss.It seemed unusual that he could secure a contract while in the hospital. His words about not being ableto compete with “them” intrigued me. I wanted to know who “they” were and their connection withhim.The incident where someone tried to harm me in the past still bothered me, and I wanted to know why.“Any new developments on Stella’s end?” I asked.Grayson shook his head. “No trace. I can’t crack it.”“And what about the delivery guy?” I asked Grayson.II had been monitoring ATL Empire’s activities regarding that matter, but it seemed to have faded away,and nobody was talking about it anymore.However, I wasn’t willing to let it go because a large batch of windows couldn’t just disappear without atrace.1/2The affair between Atlas and Harmony was still escalating. According to the rumors, they had alreadybeen in contact a month ago, before Christmas.Some even said that Harmony went to Nocturnia because of this and spent Christmas with Atlas. In anycase, various speculations began.I doubted the rumor about Harmony going to Nocturnia, especially since it was so close to theanniversary of Atlas’s parents‘ passing. It didn’t seem likely that he would bring a woman to spendChristmas with him then.I remembered Atlas telling me to trust him no matter what happened. I couldn’t help but chuckle at thatving to comfort thought. Why was I still thinking about those words now? What was the point? Was Itryingmyself?I recalled the day at the hot spring resort when I had seen Atlas and Harmony together. There was noreason for me to seek comfort now.Watching them enter the luxurious room, a man and a woman alone…I threw the phone hard on the table, turned around, and left the office. I went to see Ryan.Ryan set aside what he was working on and walked over. “Should I have them bring you a glass ofwater?”“No need. I had some water in my office just now,” I said as I sat on the sofa. “Ryan, I have an idea.What do you think about bringing your parents over for the New Year? We can celebrate together withboth ourfamilies.”

Chapter 236 A Sincere InvitationRyan beamed when he heard my words. Even his usually composed expression reddened. However, Ifelt an overwhelming guilt. Perhaps I had been too cruel to him. Even a simple suggestion like this couldmove him so much.He seemed slightly nervous, saying, “Well… I hadn’t thought about the“Then, let’s do it! First, they get to experience the Southern climate. Secondly, It’ll save you the hassle oftraveling. Finally, our families can celebrate together. Oh, I can invite Lauren, too. Her parents aren’taround, and her younger sister doesn’t move much,“T’ll invite her to my house, and you can all stay at my place. No need for hotels. It’ll be super lively.” Ispoke genuinely.I had met Ryan’s parents before. His dad ran a small business, and his mom had a fixed job. They werewonderful people. It was a spontaneous idea, and I hadn’t discussed it with my parents. Still, I believedthey wouldn’t oppose it.“Wouldn’t it trouble you if everyone stayed at your place?” Ryan seemed hesitant.“Don’t be so formal with me! You can stay at my place too. Your family can have the ground floor, andit’ll be more convenient for all of us. I suggest you consider buying a house in our neighborhood,” I saidoffhandedly.Ryan hesitated for another moment before smiling and saying, “All right, I’ll work on it!”IAfter discussing the details, I got up to leave. When I returned to my office, my desk phone rangincessantly. I hurried over and saw Atlas’s name flashing on the screen. I was stunned and didn’t answerthe call. I just let it ring until it stopped.Immediately after, I picked it up and realized I had five missed calls. I sat down, feeling powerless andwondering why Atlas had called. I was in a daze until it was nearly time to leave bagMy phone rang twice, and I looked at it. Since it was from an unknown number, I put my phone in mywithout answering. After clearing my desk and taking my bag, I left my office. However, my phone rangagain as I headed to the parking lot.I feigned ignorance and drove away from the building. I drove aimlessly through the traffic jam when myphone rang again, still from an unknown number. I feared it might be a work–related call and answereditthis timeHowever, the caller hung up as soon as I answered. I looked at the pedestrians outside while holding mysounded, “Where are you?”On the road,” I replied, matching his tone.“Come to Pleca Park” he said and hung upI almost threw the phone out the window in frustration Although furious, I headed to Pleca Park. Thistime, I quickly found my way there. When I arrived at the front gate, I took a deep breath to calm myracing heart.I wanted to see him but also feared what would happen when I did. I knew seeing him might mark theend of something. Suddenly, a young girl rushed over smilingly. “Ms. Chloe, please come with me!”I remained silent and nodded before following her. We went to the second floor and then to Atlas’sroom. The young girl knocked and then pushed the door open, motioning for me to enter.When I entered, I saw Atlas sitting on a couch with one hand resting on its back and the other holding aglass of wine. He looked relaxed and indifferent as he gazed at me.I surprised myself at how calm I was. It seemed I had a clear understanding of everything at thatmoment. Only we remained in the spacious room. For some reason, I felt Atlas’s loneliness. I slowlyapproached him, asking. “Do you have something to discuss with me, Mr. Atlas?”He watched me with profound eyes as if trying to read my thoughts and true feelings. Meanwhile, Istood rooted, feeling increasingly uncomfortable under his intense gaze. He extended his arm towardme andsaid, “Come here.”However, I remained still. “I’m sorry, Mr. Atlas. Do you need me to do anything?IHe slowly withdrew his arm while still staring at me. I tried to control my emotions and anxiety when hesaid, “It seems you forgot what I said.”

Chapter 237 Meeting Once MoreMy heart raced, but I stayed tough. I replied with the same emotionless tone, I’m sorry. I don’t knowwhatyou’re talking about.”“Do you have any questions for me?” Atlas continued to scrutinize me.“None.” I stubbornly responded,“Are you sure?” His gaze turned cold.“Mr. Atlas, if you called me here to make things difficult, I apologize, but I’ll take my leave.” I didn’t havethe time to confront him here. It would be meaningless. I’d rather be with my family.His eyes narrowed. “Do you want to avoid me without clarifying your doubts?”Atlas’s words struck a chord with me. It was as if he could see through me. I guiltily lowered my gaze,not allowing myself to have further delusions for this man, I couldn’t let him trample on my pride likethis.While Atlas had fun with Harmony, I was alone. It was horrible, and I wondered how he differed fromMatthew. I might have lost value in Atlas’s eyes, but I would never disrespect myself that way.He could see ththrough my emotions and thoughts, yet he continued to flaunt his affairs. I wondered what Atlas’s trueintentions were or if he cared about my feelings. Was my presence insignificant to him?I realized he had trapped me, losing sight of why he was interested in me in the first place. Regardless ofwhether I was a stand–in, I couldn’t afford to play around. Still, I had to be cautious of the rumors, so itwas best to distance myself from him.I didn’t want to endure another heartbreak. After all, I had just escaped Matthew.Atlas smiled and asked, “Would you not want to see me anymore if we didn’t cooperate in business?”I blinked and forced a smile. Since Atlas put it that way, I should speak my mind. “Yes.”I instinctively stepped back and clutched my bag. I remained calm and said, “Mr. Atlas, emotions haveclouded our relationship. My low spirits might have misled you, but we shouldn’t have been this close.”I gulped and took a deep breath, “I’m not worthy of you and don’t want to play games. I’m Chloe, not…anyone else. You must know I’ll never be what you want. Everything has been a mistake.”I almost said Annalise’s name but swallowed it.Atlas crossed his arms, waiting for me to continue. “You’re ATL Empire’s CEO and have the final say. I’mfine if you no longer want to continue our collaboration. You can retract your involvement in theongoing was post hi affect our business relationship.” I spoke with ece you’ve decided won’t argue withyour choice contact me about our previous collaborations, Grayson que in derecig wwwtence therefore,there won’t be issues with the project

Chapter 238 Bitten by a DogI clicked my tongue in frustration and clenched my bag strap, fingernails digging into my palm. The paingave me an odd sense of comfort.Suddenly, Atlas’s phone rang. He looked at me and answered, “Yeah?”A woman’s voice said, “Atlas, where are you?”“I’m busy,” he replied coldly.“Do you want to come out? Maybe you can come to my place?” The woman’s voice turned tender.“Another time. I’m busy right now,” Atlas responded and hung up.1 felt awkward and said, “Mr. Atlas, you seem busy. I’ll takemy leave.”Without waiting for his response, I headed toward the exit. However, he quickly held me. I yelped Insurprise as he turned me to face him. He was about to kiss me when he saw something on my neck.He asked angrily, “What happened here?! Who did this?!”I was puzzled. I looked at Atlas with panic, saying, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”He grabbed my wrist tightly and led me to an exquisite bathroom with mirrors on the entire wall. Atlaspushed me toward one of the mirrors and said, ‘See for yourself! Don’t tell me you can’t rememberwhotdid this.”I saw a hickey on my collar. I froze for a moment, and then it hit me. It was Matthew. I gritted my teethand silently cursed. Then, I looked at it again with anger.Atlas pried, “Who was it?!”I tugged at my collar and tried to pull away from his grip. However, he held onto me firmly. “I got bittenby a dog! You can’t expect me to bite back, can you?”“Tell me who did it!” he demanded,I remained silent, glancing at the handprint on my wrist. I knew it would turn into a bruise tomorrow,Atlas.seemed to realize it and attempted to inspect my wrist. I pulled it away, not allowing him to see.“I’m leaving!”He trapped me between his arms and repeated, “Tell me who did it.”I met his piercing gaze and replied, ‘Does it matter? Regardless of who it was, I had to endure it alone.I have my flaws and accepted them. I don’t need anyone’s kindness and have no reason to depend onanyone.Atles lowered his eyes, still looking at my face. His cold expression softened slightly.I choked up and continued, “I’d like to talk to you. But when I see your coldness, I feel there’s no need totalk anymore. I’m afraid of troubling you and embarrassing myself. No matter how deep the feelings are,it’s meaningless if two people shouldn’t be together.“Letting me go is also a way of finding peace for yourself! Isn’t that for the best?” My voice quivered,and Ilowered my gaze.Atlas pulled my collar. I tried to move away, but he pulled–me back in frustration. My attempt to evadehim angered him.His expression changed, and his tone turned harsh. “You allowed someone else to kiss you there?”My heart stung. I wanted to retort but couldn’t find the words.He glared at me and kissed me. His lips traveled from my chest to my neck, igniting a passionate firewithin me.I tried to push Atlas away, but he held me tighter. His actions were no longer forceful and aggressive,and I couldn’t escape him. His kiss had stirred something within me. I bit his lip, causing him to releasemewith a painful grunt.I let out a frustrated sigh, muttering, “What is this? What do you take me for?”He pounded the mirror behind me and growled, “You’re right, what the hell is this?!”My heart raced as Atlas’s sudden outburst left me trembling and uncertain.‘Do you hate being with me so much? Don’t you understand everything I’ve done? I told you to trust me,no matter what. Can’t you do that? Where’d your intelligence go?!” Atlas’s sudden interrogationsurprised meI didn’t know how to answer.

Chapter 239 Whose Choice Is It?I lifted my head and noticed his bleeding hand. I looked at him, feeling flustered. “I have so many thingsto say, but not like this. I don’t want to beg for love or live in the shadows. I hate playing games andmanipulation. I just want a peaceful life.”I looked at the ceiling and continued, “I hate the constant deceit and schemes. If I must choose, I wantthe one who has always been by my side. I don’t want to miss that anymore.”they were inI knew these words would cut deep into Atlas’s heart. However, to me. Since Icouldn’t have him, I would let him go. I had no reason to hold onto something that wasn’t mine.Atlas looked into my eyes and asked, “Are you sure about your choice?”I hesitated, then lowered my head. “Yes.”Suddenly, he smiled. “Good, Chloe, you’ve finally made your choice.”I looked at him in confusion. I wondered why he said it was my choice when it was his. His thoughts.confused me. Why’d he be affectionate with another woman and then blame me?“It’s great that you dare to live for yourself. Don’t worry. I’ll protect your interests and won’t break ourcooperation.”I stared at him in silence.“Go now.” Atlas walked away without looking back. “If you keep looking at me like this, I’ll start thinkingyou can’t bear to leave. Then there will be no turning back for you.”His expression was self–deprecating. “Go! I won’t see you off.”It seemed he had also decided to let go, just like he had approached me for no reason back then.Perhaps Atlas had his reasons. Maybe he was looking for the lost love and the person he couldn’t forget.I was just a substitute all along.The hallway was eerily silent when I left his room. I couldn’t describe my feelings. I felt relieved, yet lost.My heart felt empty and full.II couldn’t remember which room I had just left as I stood downstairs. I chuckled to myself beforeheading toward my car. Everything had ended, and I was okay with it. I longed for a deep, uninterruptedsleep.Back in the car, I felt like a deflated balloon. The soft fragrance in the car surrounded me. My legs andfeet felt weak, and I didn’t want to move. My heart was pounding, but I forced myself to stay awake.I started my car and focused on getting home. It was getting dark, and my family was waiting for me. Mymind was hazy, and I drove out of the place slowly. Hardly any vehicles were on this road, so I steppedonthe gas.I gripped the steering wheel, steadled the car, and told myself to hold on until I got home. Thestreetlights came on as the sky turned gray. I noticed a car speeding up behind me. I intended to moveaside but hit the gas pedal instead.Everything seemed to tilt, and the world turned upside down. I felt like I was falling asleep.

Chapter 240 The Strange Previous Injuryrealized I was in the hospital when I awoke.“Are you awake? Do you feel any discomfort?” An attractive voice sounded, and I turned to see Atlas.“How did I end up here?” I asked weakly. My memory of recent events was hazy.He pressed the call button, and the doctor entered to reexamine me. He asked, “Do you feel anydiscomfort?”“No, I’m just exhausted and want to sleep,” I replied.Dylan entered with a large paper bag and said, “Doctor, here are her X–rays. Please take a look.”The doctor examined several X–ray films and asked me, “Miss, how long ago did you break yourcollarbone?”I stared at the doctor in disbelief and asked, “Are you talking about me?”“Yes, from the X–rays, you have an old collarbone fracture. You should be careful with that area as it’sprone to issues. Besides that, you’re fine. Thankfully, the car wasn’t going too fast, so there was nomajorharm. You can just go home and rest.”The doctor’s words shocked me. I tried to explain, I’ve never had a bone fracture before.”My words surprised the doctor, who smiled, saying, “These are the X–ray films taken earlier. Mr. Atlasfeared you injured your neck and told us to give you a full body check–up. We can easily spot thesefractures on the films.”It was strange because I don’t remember getting a fracture.I looked at Atlas, who appeared to know about my injury long ago. I couldn’t help but touch mycollarbonearea. There was nothing unusual there, but the doctor couldn’t be wrong. Also, Atlas was holding the Xrays, confirming all this had happened.I was in disbelief and wondered how I couldn’t remember such a thing. It explained why this areasometimes hurt, but I never suspected anything.The doctor left after giving me some instructions. Still, I was shocked. I closed my eyes and asked, “Whathappened? How did I end up here?”The room fell silent, and then I heard Dylan say, “Mr. Atlas noticed something was off with you andfollowed you. He saw your car flip into a ditch.”1/2I opened my eyes and struggled to remember what had happened, but everything was blurry.“Thank you,” I said, forcing a weak smile. I felt even more embarrassed. I couldn’t escape Atlas’swatchfuleyes whenever I was most vulnerable. It was uncanny“I want to go home,” I said, looking at Atlas.He appeared calm as usual. He suggested, genuinely concerned, “How about staying here forobservation tonight?”After some thought, I replied, “No, my family is waiting for me at home. They’ll worry. I just need to gohome and get a good night’s sleep.“Then I’ll drive you home,” Atlas said calmly.I didn’t argue and sat up. I glanced out the window and realized it was already late at night. During thedrive, Atlas told me he had sent my car for repairs and advised me to rest for a few days.At the entrance of my home, I thanked him and exited the car. Once again, I faced the door. There was atime when I eagerly awaited his return, but now, he wouldn’t even bother entering.I didn’t look back to express any lingering sentiments or goodbyes. After all, I needed to learn to let go.Otherwise, I would only end up hurting myself.

Chapter 241 A Silent ResolveI entered the house, and my parents were still awake, waiting for me.When my mom saw how tired I looked, she grabbed my bag and asked, “Why are you so late? Have youeaten? Why do you look so pale?”“I haven’t eaten yet, Mom. I’m starving!”It’s true what they say–a mother’s child is always her treasure. No matter how old you are, as long asyourmother is by your side, you’re still her child.“Alright, I’ll heat some food for you!”“Dad, I’m going to change my clothes!” After saying that, I went upstairs.In truth, I longed for my daughter and went straight to Ava’s room.Seeing her sleep so peacefully was heartwarming. Her chubby little legs were poking out from theblanket.I smiled and tucked them back in.She turned over, and her little hand grabbed my shirt. It was as if she sensed something and slowlyopened her sleepy eyes.With a sweet smile, she called out, “Mommy!”At that moment, I felt more fulfilled than I ever had. What else could I possibly wish for? I had a wellbehaved, beautiful, and smart daughter by my side. This was more than enough.I patted her gently a couple of times, and with a smile, she fell back into a peaceful sleep.Deep down, I still felt guilty. I hadn’t given Ava a complete family and couldn’t always be with her.My eyes welled up with tears. I sniffed and silently resolved to spend more time with my daughter. Ineeded to stop dwelling on those unrealistic dreams.After changing my clothes, I quickly went downstairs to eat. The feeling of being full made me incrediblyhappy.My mother looked at me with a contented expression. The warmth of home strengthened mydetermination to distance myself from those elusive things that didn’t belong to me.“Look, your complexion looks much better after eating! My mom said as she cleared the table, “Don’toverexert yourself Do as much as you can, but don’t push too hard.;I nodded obediently and said, “Soon, I’ll get some good rest. Oh, I told Ryan today to have his parentscome over for the New Year. We’ll celebrate together! The more, the merrier!”Upon hearing this, my mom immediately sat down next to me. ‘Really? You told Ryan that?”“Yes! Let’s have everyone come to Foswood! He’s been in a hurry every time he goes back. Besides, hisparents have never been here, so it’s a great opportunity for them to visit.”I knew she would be happy.“I also told them to stay at our place!” I added.“Of course! With such a big house, where else would they stay?”She was overjoyed.“He said staying at our place might be inconvenient, but I insisted they stay with us. It’s better thangoing back and forth. They can squeeze in with us. They’ll stay downstairs, and we’ll stay upstairs. Also,Lauren will come too!” I shared.She was even more thrilled now. She didn’t bother with the dishes and immediately told my fatherabout my decision.My father was naturally overjoyed, wearing a massive smile on his face.It had been so many years, and we’d never had such a lively celebration. Watching my parents chathappily together, I couldn’t ask about the old wounds.I couldn’t find the words. “I’m going to bed now. I’m exhausted!”My mother turned around and said, “Go on. Get some rest. You work too hard! Don’t worry aboutanything else. Your dad and I have got it covered!”I smiled bitterly and murmured, “Goodnight.”Back in my room, just as I was about to draw the curtains, my hand froze mid–air…

Chapter 242 A Special New Year’s DaySuddenly, I noticed a car parked outside the main door, and my heart skipped a beat. The soft the room would show my silhouette, so I pulled the curtains and turned off the light.I leaned against the window, straining to hear any sounds from outside. My eyes grew teary, and Icursedmyself for this display of emotion. Wasn’t it better for us to stay in our own worlds?Only the faint sound of the car moving away could be heard, and a few tears escaped. I quickly pulledthe curtains open and looked outside, but all I could see were the fading red tail lights disappearing fromview. My heart tightened.toHe left even though it was late. He did not come in eagerly like he used to.II slowly drew the curtains again and sat blankly on the bed. Eventually, I got under the covers and triedtosleep.It was already close to noon the next day when I woke up.I woke up close to noon the next day, feeling refreshed. After getting ready, I went downstairs for lunch.Iconsidered visiting the office since there was much to take care of before the holiday, and I couldn’tleave everything to Ryan.After getting ready, I went downstairs to let my mother know.They were planning to go to the market, and I teased, “You’re going to the market now? Is there acelebration tomorrow?”Beaming, my mother replied, “Your dad and I want to see what they’re selling. We’ll get a head start sowe won’t be scrambling later. We can’t afford last–minute forgetfulness since more people will join usthis year!”They both had broad smiles on their faces, showing that they were genuinely happy. I knew they wereexcited to prepare for this event.Outside, I noticed my car had been returned and appeared in good condition. This unexpected gesturetouched my heart. They even replaced the seat cushion. The car had a pleasant scent, probably fromexcess perfume, but I found it enjoyable.At the office, everyone was busy with preparations. Carol discussed the holiday duty schedule andfinancial reports with me. They showed that the early return of funds was enough to cover costs. I waspleasantly surprised,spent the entire afternoon without a break, only finishing when it was time to leave. Just as I waswe decided to repay a portion of them first.I asked Ryan when he planned to bring his parents over. He smiled at me and asked, “Are you sure abouthaving them join us?”“What kind of question is that? Do you think I’m joking? My parents are already shopping inpreparation!” I teased, and Ryan laughed heartily.“Then I'll book their plane tickets.”“Since they’ll arrive on Sunday, make sure they’re well–rested!” I commanded him. “That’s all.”I was worried Ryan would procrastinate, so I immediately called Carol to book the tickets for Sunday.This New Year’s had a special significance, and I prayed that everything would go as planned.

Chapter 243 Alone in a Crowded RoomThis New Year was unlike any other before. I stayed home, enjoying the joyful atmosphere familygathering filled with laughter and chatter. Little Ava became the center of attention.f a largeEven Ivanna joined us after just a few days away. Our family showcased their culinary skills, preparingtheir signature dishes and creating a festive atmosphere with bright lights in the yard.During the day, I pretended to be carefree like everyone else, but at night, my thoughts couldn’t helpbut drift to that person. Had he left town? He hadn’t called, and I didn’t reach out. I wanted to test myselfcontrol.Fortunately, I had Ivanna and Lauren to keep me company.Ivanna quietly whispered, “Harmony seems to be fading. She’s been saying she spent Christmasoverseas,but it’s all a lie. She’s my artist. I know she worked on a shoot the whole time. Is Atlas getting tired ofher?”Lauren quickly nudged her and shot her a meaningful look.I calmly responded, “It’s none of my concern. I’ve already decided to step back.”Ivanna looked at Lauren and whispered, “Did you hear that? We both need to pay close attention. Let’ssee how strong Wonder Woman’s heart is.”The two of them burst into laughter while I silently cursed. My heartache was something only I knew,andit was pretty painful.I often thought about him standing alone in the crowd, wondering if he missed the feeling of homeduring these festive seasons. The livelier it was here, the more my heart ached, and his image forcefullyenteredmy mindI questioned if he was the person I imagined, which caused me pain. However, my strong–willed sidereminded me that he didn’t celebrate the New Year, providing some relief.Ryan had donned an apron in the past few days and bustled about. I felt guilty and often reached out tohelp him.This delighted the four elders, who would huddle together to talk in hushed tones. Even withoutlistening.I knew what they were discussing I didn’t mind as long as it brought them joy.Besides, I had to play the role of a good host.Everyone afe, drank, and merrily drove around town. The city was filled with laughter and joy. These fewo a lifetime of laughter.Online trends about Atlas and Harmony disappeared. Ivanna and Lauren would sometimes gossip, withIvanna boldly declaring, “I told you it was over! Let’s see how she flaunts herself after the holiday.”I didn’t engage in their conversation. It wasn’t my place.Atlas’s in–person response to Harmony’s call was less passionate than the rumors claimed. Hisquestions.replayed in my head.Is being with me truly making you that unhappy? Do you not understand everything I’ve done? I toldyou, no matter what happens, just trust me. Can’t you do that? What happened to your intelligence?”Every word, every sentence, I analyzed and savored. I also sensed that he had something more to say.But so what? Deep down, I knew that I wasn’t worthy of him. Being with him brought too manyreservations, uncertainties, and fears.Ava occasionally asked where Atlas was. “Is he still on a business trip? Why hasn’t he taken a day off?”Her questions were endless, and I had no answers.One evening, I spotted a car parked in the bushes from my balcony. It made my heart race, and I rusheddownstairs, driven by an irresistible urge.

Chapter 244 A Delayed ConfessionAs I rushed out and ran toward the row of potted plants, I found nothing there. I stood there inconfusion, knowing it wasn’t just my imagination.Ryan suddenly appeared beside me. “Want some company for a walk?”I looked up at his face. He was smiling warmly. A pang of guilt washed over me, so I nodded. “Sure.”We walked together through the yard, side by side. Ryan made me feel at ease, never once mentioningwhy I had dashed out in the first place.He chatted about our school days. Suddenly, I asked him, “Ryan, why can’t I remember my childhood?”“Which part are you referring to? If it’s something related to me, I’ll help you recall it.” He looked at mewith a smile.I shook my head. “No, it’s from when I was younger. I remember everything with you, like when we firstmet in the teacher’s office. My dad asked Mr. Thomas to tutor me in physics.”“Ah, yes, in Mr. Thomas’s office. You were wearing your school uniform and looked different from theothers. Your hair was dark, your eyes were big, and you had long eyelashes. Some classmates startedcalling you Lash Princess.”“Really? Why didn’t I know that?” I laughed. “Lash Princess” sounded a bit exaggerated.“It was in the second semester of our sophom*ore year,” he recalled.“That’s right! I’m talking about memories from before junior high. I don’t have any recollection of whatcame before. Have you ever experienced something like that?” I turned around and walked backward.“Watch your step! Then he shook his head. “I haven’t. My memory has always been good.”“It’s not that it’s bad, but…” I pondered, unsure of how to express myself.Suddenly, I stumbled a bit. He swiftly reached out, catching me and pulling me into his arms. “Becareful!You’re a mother now. Don’t be so mischievous!”His tone was remarkably gentle.Tell me, after all these years abroad, you haven’t met a girl you like? You’re so handsome! Theremust’ve been plenty of girls who liked you.”He laughed, his eyes sparkding. “There was ane girl who always had a crush on me!”“Spill the beans!”“She studied architectural design at the same college as me. She was my junior. When I was about toleave the school, she had just enrolled. She’s mixed blood…”“She must be very pretty.”I suppose so.”“What do you mean, suppose so? Is your taste in aesthetics that questionable? You can’t even tell ifshe’spretty or not?”“Is my taste that bad? I just didn’t pay much attention.” He glanced at me, smiling with a hint of shyness.“What do you mean you didn’t pay much attention? What were you paying attention to then? Youweren’teven friends with her, right? Wait, if you weren’t friends, how can you say she had a crush on you?”I knew exactly what was going on, but I played dumb.“The thing is, my heart was already taken. Another girl has occupied the space!” He looked at me, hissmile affectionate.He continued, “Her name is Linda. She is very talented. Her work made it into the top ten, so she musthave a bright future.”“Has she graduated now?” I asked, feeling a pang of regret.“She should be graduating soon. While I was working abroad, she was already starting her thesis. After Ireturned, I bid farewell to her, and then I got busy. We haven’t been in touch since.”“You really know how to handle things. She had deep feelings for you, yet you just brushed her aside.That’s not good. You’ll hurt people!” I patted his shoulder.Maybe because I was so familiar with him, I didn’t feel any sparks.“You noticed, too?” He looked at me affectionately.I realized too late that I had misspoken. This rascal was insinuating something.

Chapter 245 Stuck in the MiddleI was caught off guard by his words and boldly retorted, “You’re being sarcastic, aren’t you?”“Your turn.” He looked at me meaningfully.“My turn?”I suddenly felt nervous. This guy was trying to trap me.“Is it because of the news online?” He was surprisingly perceptive. I thought he only buried himself inwork, but he had quite a high emotional intelligence.He actually paid attention to the trending news.“It’s nothing to do with me. Many things are out of our hands. Swimming to shore rather than strugglingina whirlpool with no end in sight is preferable.”I collected my thoughts. He had always been like a brother, irreplaceable.“Ryan, I know you’ve been good to me. You’re an irreplaceable older brother, whether it was in highschoolor now. As long as you’re around, I feel secure.“I’ve been feeling lost these past few days during my break. I always thought I was clear–headed, but Ican’t seem to move on. I’ll focus on getting the company in order first before making any decisions.”“Alright, I’ll be by your side the whole way! After speaking, he pulled me into his arms and gave me afirmembrace–more like a brother giving strength.“Ryan, don’t waste your time on me. Our parents are getting older. This is their concern, and I know. Ioweyou too much in this aspect, but I’m not worthy of you! I…”This time, he really hugged me, speaking gently, “No more nonsense! Everything I do is out of my ownwill.Ever since I saw you for the first time, I liked you. But I was too cowardly. I didn’t dare confess to you.That’s why I missed my chance with you! It’s something I can’t forgive myself for.”1 let him hold me tightly. I didn’t struggle. In some ways, perhaps I owed Ryan a heartfelt embrace.However, I couldn’t give him that as I couldn’t deceive him. My heart still held someone else. ThatpersonVas far away, but he was deeply rooted in my heart.reject me yet. Give me a fair chance, even if you still don’t choose me In the end. At least I knowand I won’t regret waiting for you. Chlo, it hurts to wait like this, especially when I can’t seeTilled with desolation.How could I not understand what he was feeling? I hesitated, then raised my hand and patted his back.Eventually, I hugged him. “Ryan, promise you won’t leave me no matter the choice. I know I’m beingselfish, but I need you to stand by my side!”Ryan smiled and gently put me down, looking into my face. “You really are a little brat. You won’tchooseme as your husband, yet you won’t let me leave? Why should I?”He playfully pinched my nose. “Alright! I promise you, even if you don’t choose me, I won’t leave you! I’llJust suffer for a lifetime! I’ll drown in my unrecruited love, you tyrant!”I threw myself into his arms. “I knew you’d agree. Once you promise, you can’t go back on it!”“Am I that foolish? I chose against money and love!” He joked with a serious face.I laughed and fell into his arms, forgetting everything.A loud bang startled the silent night. Both of us were stunned and turned abruptly.

Chapter 246 Mad DogRyan and I turned to see where the sound came from and saw a few people hurrying back into the yard.We exchanged a smile, and he said, “Uh–oh, they caught us!”I chuckled and playfully took his arm. “Let’s go home.”Once inside the house, everyone acted as if nothing had happened. However, we knew they werecurious.Laughter and chatter filled the room once again.Vacations always seemed to pass quickly because they were full of joy and laughter. Before we knew it,the vacation ended, and it was time to return to work. This time, we were swamped.Ryan’s parents had returned to their small town with plans to reunite for the next celebration.Ryan and I had developed a better understanding of each other. We had different roles this time: he wasin charge of the projects, I handled the suppliers, and Grayson assisted Ryan with his projects andmarketanalysis.I hadn’t received any news from Atlas in a while. I avoided thinking about him and ignored anythingconcerning him. But deep down, I knew he was still in the background. I still carried the pen he hadgifted1. me.It remained in my hand as long as I was in the office.The first time I saw Matthew after the vacation was at the hospital. I went for an ultrasound to check mygallstones. I occasionally felt some discomfort, perhaps due to the meals that were too oily during thecelebration.The ultrasound room was a shared space, and he had brought Melanie for her prenatal checkup.Melanie’s belly had grown significantly this time, and she hobbled by Matthew’s side.Melanie clung to Matthew’s arm as soon as she saw me. It was as if she feared I would steal him away.Matthew was still in a suit, looking dignified and attracting a few glances. His eyes were restless when heentered the corridor and saw me.He searched for an opportunity to make eye contact with me and speak. However, I deliberatelyavoided.looking at himMelanie’s current appearance was unflattering, and I couldn’t help but question life. I wondered if Ilookedke that when I was pregnant. After some thought, I knew I looked better than her,had brown spots on her face and looked highly unattractive without makeup. Her curly hair was despiteher trendy hairstyle. Her maternity clothes matched her hair color, which wasI couldn’t bear to look at her. She was different from the rest in a crazy way. Melanie fixed her viciousgaze on me the whole time.Ivanna had always told me to care for my appearance since my divorce. With Lauren in my life, my senseof fashion had improved significantly. I looked refined and elegant in my fitted professional attire, neatlystyled hair, and radiant skin.I couldn’t tell if Melanie envied or hated me, but she rolled her eyes and occasionally made severalsarcastic remarks.“I can’t believe someone still has the guts to seduce other people’s man, even after getting dumpedmultiple times. She’d still get dumped, no matter how she dresses up!”I wondered what she meant since anyone would dress up well before leaving the house. I remainedcalmand utterly ignored her. However, a woman beside me observed the situation, asking, “Do you knowher?”I shook my head lightly and replied, “No, I don’t. Just ignore her. She’s like a mad dog.The woman smiled. “You’re right. People these days aren’t self–aware. What kind of child do you thinksomeone like her would raise?”Melanie couldn’t hear us since she was pretty far away. She only saw us laughing. Still, Melanie couldguess it wasn’t anything positive. She shouted, “Chloe, what are you laughing at?!”She let go of Matthew’s hand and approached me. Matthew was shocked and quickly followed her.

Chapter 247 Acting TogetherMelanie rushed toward me while Matthew followed with a displeased expression. “What are you doing?Be carefull“Chloel What were you laughing at?” She pointed at me.I acted shocked and looked at her thoughtfully. “Are you asking me? We were just chatting about howthere are so many dogs nowadays. If you don’t leash them, they bite people. Rabies vaccinations are inhigh demand. Haven’t you heard?”The woman beside us suppressed her laughter and nodded. ‘Exactly! Mad dogs are running wild thesedays. It’s hard to guard against them.Melanie grimaced angrily.Suddenly, the doctor’s assistant called, “Chloe Hartz, you can come in now!”I stood up with my paperwork and approached the nurse. I handed her my documents before enteringtheexamination room.I smiled when I entered, which delighted the doctor performing the ultrasound. “Oh my, a beautiful ladylike you with such a sunny disposition. I’ve been seeing frowns all day, and you’re the only one whocomesin with such radiance.”Still smiling, I lay on the examination bed and replied, “Happiness is the source of good luck.My words put the doctor, her assistant, and the nurse in high spirits. They conducted the examinationcarefully. “Don’t worry, the gallstones are just two small pieces inside the gallbladder. The gallbladderwalls look normal. You just need to watch your diet.”I was pleased to hear that. It turned out that the gallstones had moved from the bile duct back into thegallbladder. The doctor had mentioned that if they were in the bile duct, it could cause more pain, whilethe gallbladder pain would be milder.It seemed like the heavens were looking out for me..“You see, isn’t happiness the source of good luck?” I smilingly remarked before thanking them andleavingthe examination room.Outside, only Matthew remained in the corridor. He hurried over, asking. “How’d it go? Did you comefor aIstone checkup? What did the doctor say?”ed expression made me recall when he accompanied me for checkups“C–Chlo, I considered visiting Ava during the holidays, but…” Matthew stammered.“That’s not necessary. Just take good care of your child,” I said indifferently, leaving it at that. A grownman didn’t need to explain why he wanted to see his daughter.As we conversed, the woman I spoke with earlier had not yet gone inside. She looked at us with someSurprise. I waved at her. “I’m going now!”She also bid me farewell.“Eleanor Wallist!” Just then, the nurse called her name. I couldn’t help but remember it as it was aprettyname.“Chlo… How about we bring Ava out for dinner tonight? I miss her! Matthew seemed anxious, wantingtoreach out to me, but stopped himself. “Chlo…”‘Matthew!” Just then, a shout interrupted Matthew’s attempt to continue. He withdrew his hand andturned around, scolding, “Why are you yelling?”“Chloe, do you have no shame? Why are you everywhere? You can’t even give up on this chance toseduce him? You’re shameless!” Melanie’s tone was nasty.I turned to look at Melanie. “Have you developed a delusional disorder or something? Did you see meseducing him?”Then I scolded Matthew, “Can you educate your wife? I know you as someone who values dignity. Howdid you become so shameless with her? You’ve lived under the same roof as siblings for many years andare now married. Why aren’t you on the same page?”I took the opportunity to expose their affair.“Ask everyone if I’ve bothered you two. Can’t you pretend we don’t know each other and mind yourbusiness? Be careful with your unborn child. Don’t give birth to another freak like yourself.”The people waiting for their checkups agreed with me. “Yeah! She didn’t bother you two. Why is thatwoman so arrogant, even with such a big belly? She has no manners at all!”Matthew’s face reddened as he pulled Melanie away hastily.I gave those people a thumbs–up and left with a bright smile. I didn’t know why, but I felt terrific today.

Chapter 248 Stumbled Upon SomethingAs I returned to the lobby, I spotted Stella in the crowd. The person with her was Liora. They seemedclose as they chatted and laughed while approaching the ward.I wondered if someone we knew got hospitalized but couldn’t think of any friends we might share.Judging by their closeness, they had become quite intimate recently.I paused, then turned to leave since it would be inconvenient for me to follow. Instead, I called Graysonand asked him to find out who was in the hospital.On the way back, I couldn’t help but wonder if Stella was visiting Celine. If she were, why would Lioracome to visit her? Did they have a connection? If so, it would be interesting. I would have to dig deeperto discover when and how they had become acquainted,That might explain why Celine had given up on the land near Operose during that critical moment. DidCeline have some dealings with Atticus?Back at the office, Carol informed me that Tobshampton Group had sent a representative. They wantedto discuss us becoming their agent. However, I heard they had already chosen an agent not long ago.I hadn’t rejected working with this company since I reclaimed Tanum Corporation. After all, they had along–standing partnership with us and had not caused any trouble during our transition. Moreover, theirreputation had always been good. Given they were an established brand, many customers preferredthem.I had been busy with many things then and was upset when I discovered they had already chosen theiragent. I told Carol to arrange a meeting, so she called their representative.The representative agreed to have dinner together in the evening. For some reason, I asked Carol if therepresentative was male or female.Carol understood my meaning and laughed cheerfully. “Ms. Chloe, I’ve noticed a change in you since youreturned from the vacation. You’re so entertaining and cheerful. It makes me happier than receiving abonus!“It seems like I didn’t give you enough bonus during the New Year. That’s why you’re flattering me likethis,right?”She giggled. “Oh, please! So many other companies in this building envy us. They can’t believe is here, and we even get year–end bonuses despite everything that happened. It’s like a miracle. Manyofthem just receive gifts”boasted, “Let’s make them even more jealous by the end of the year. If I’m in a good mood, I might buyI felt like I was s on cloud nine while Carol laughed heartily, slapping the table. “Whenever you saysomething, it always comes true. When you buy the whole building, I’ll be on top of the world.”I chuckled with a sense of satisfaction. “Hurry up and arrange the meeting! With my mood today, I mighthit the jackpot!”Carol turned to make arrangements, but I asked her, “Hey! You haven’t told me the gender of therepresentative!”“It’s a woman.” Carol grinned. “Her name is Eleanor Wallist.”“Oh… Who?” I got into character. “You said her name was what?”“Eleanor Wallist,” Carol repeated.I slammed the table and burst into laughter. “It’ll be a piece of cake! I realized my ideas are workingtoday. It seems this year’s going perfectly. My luck is unbelievable.”Carol looked at me, somewhat surprised. “Do… you know her?”“I met her this morning, but you can still arrange the meeting. We’re the hosts, after all. We should treather well,” I said to Carol.Carol made the arrangements while I thought about Eleanor’s appearance. I knew she was savvy andhadn’t expected to meet someone like her. Our meeting was undoubtedly unique. We’d have a goodchattonight.Grayson walked in before I could settle down. He smiled slyly, saying, “Ms. Chloe, I found out who gotadmitted to the hospital. Care to guess?”

Chapter 249 An Effortless Negotiation.I awaited Grayson’s answer, but he just smiled without a word. My heart pounded as I guessed, “Don’ttellme it’s Celine?”Grayson snapped his fingers. “It is! The old lady has acute appendicitis!”I leaned into my chair, my mind racing. It seemed Liora was involved with Celine. I immediately toldGrayson, “Continue the investigation and find out if Celine is connected with Atticus or Liora.”Grayson looked at me understandingly. The difference between Celine’s connection with either of themwas significant. After Grayson left, I picked up the pen again. The image of that man appeared in mymind,and my heart skipped a beat.I couldn’t help but think about the car parked in the woods, wondering if it was him. I took a deepbreath, shook my head, and forced myself to dismiss the thought. After all, how could it be him?II got up to find Benjamin to learn more about Tobshampton Group. I planned to secure this contract.tonight. I gripped the pen tightly, determined to sign that contract.I checked the time and went to the restaurant with Carol. Even though we were the hosts, I wanted toarrive early. Surprisingly, I was still late. Eleanor was already waiting in the private room.As I entered, she looked at me in astonishment. I smiled confidently.I“Hey… It’s you?!” Eleanor exclaimed in a friendly manner.“Surprising, right? Fate works in mysterious ways!” I said as I approached her, and we shook hands. “It’sincredible how things turn out.”“Yeah! I didn’t expect it to be this easy,” she smiled, “I have gallstones-”“Whoa, we even have the same health issue!” I Interrupted with a laugh. “I have gallstones, too!”After we laughed, she introduced her assistant to me. I knew she held a high position in TobshamptonGroup since she had an assistant. Elanor handed me her business card. Sure enough, she was themarketing department’s manager,After I introduced Carol, Eleanor said, “I didn’t expect you to be Tanum Corporation’s legendary owner.“Yeah, my reputation precedes me,” I joked, “You saw what happened today. The guy’s my ex–husband.“Wow, that explains it,” She chuckled awkwardly. “What a coincidence.”They’re everywhere I go.” I shrugged.Soon after, we transitioned into discussing business. Eleanor provided detailed information about theTobshampton Group and their goals. I emphasized my thoughts and my market’scurrent status and ongoing projects. I even outlined my expected objectives.IEleanor was proactive and quickly reported our discussions to her superiors. I knew she was eager tomake this deal happen, However, my demands might have exceeded her authority in making decisions.Still, I wasn’t in a hurry. I knew business negotiations took time and believed in my market share. I wasconfident they did their research and would know that the few companies we worked with were on parwith Tobshampton Group.They eventually called back, made significant concessions, and accepted my requests. I smiled at Carol,and her eyes sparkled with joy. We hadn’t even started dinner, yet we had already closed the deal.“Ms. Chloe, we can sign the contract tomorrow,” Eleanor said, genuinely eager to make this cooperationhappen.“10 a.m. at my office,” I invited her sincerely, “All right, let’s relax and enjoy our dinner now. I’m havingsuch a great day today.”“Here’s to our successful partnership!” Eleanor raised her glass, and we clinked them.However, some things wouldn’t always go as planned.

Chapter 250 Change of PlansI arrived at the company early the following day to sign the contract with Tobshampton Group.Benjamin was pleased since he had been eyeing Tobshampton Group and Synergy Solutions. That wasbecause they were easy to work with and offered good profits. Moreover, Tobshampton Group’s branddominated Foswood’s market.It was one of my primary demands in my discussion with Eleanor last night.I agreed to a slight price increase, understanding that the costs of raw materials were rising. Theyofferedus the goods at a cost price, and I wanted our sales to speak for themselves.I had laid the foundation for many of our clients when I reclaimed Tanum Corporation, even thoughMatthew took away most of them. Several clients had already informed me before the celebrations thatthey would sign with us in the new year.Of the 80% of clients Matthew had taken, 60% had returned. It was a significant show of support. Theremaining 40% who hadn’t returned even assured me they would go with the new brands I signed. Thateffectively meant a 100% return rate.I didn’t want to be like Matthew and take everything. In business, it was essential to maintain goodrelationships, and I didn’t want to bully others. The feud between Matthew and me was an issuebetweenus and shouldn’t affect others.I had everything prepared. However, by 10 a.m., Eleanor and her team hadn’t shown up. I asked Carol tocall them in case of an issue, but they didn’t answer the call. I had a feeling that something had gonewrong.Sure enough, Eleanor called me. She sounded uneasy and stammered for a while, saying her superiors.had decided to give the contract to another company. It turned out my gut feeling was correct.I took the news gracefully and politely replied, “That’s okay. Don’t feel bad. In business, it’s all aboutfate. Maybe our fate in business just hasn’t aligned yet. We’ll have more opportunities to meet in thefuture. Ifyou’re willing. I’d happily consider you a friend.”“I have no problem with that. Still, I feel terrible about this, Ms. Chloe. I’ve been in this industry for yearsand have never faced such a situation. I genuinely liked and wanted to work with you, but I neverexpected our first attempt to fall so badly. It sucks!” Eleanor expressed her frustration over the phone.“Don’t take it to heart. Even if we didn’t sign this time, I welcome you to visit our company wheneveryouhave the time.‘ I replied sincerely.Eleanor hesitated and asked, “You don’t want to ask…. who signed the contract… with us?”“I won’t put you in a tough spot,” I said openly, “Whoever it is, there must be a reason.”I had a vague sense of who it might be, but I couldn’t be sure.Hearing my response, Eleanor sighed and laughed bitterly. I knew she felt conflicted.“All right then, until we meet again,” Eleanor said before we hung up.Carol stomped in frustration. “Damn it! We got played, didn’t we? Who conducts business like that? Wedidn’t want to sign the contract, but they insisted and then backed out. What kind of trick is this? Bennyeven said they were trustworthy!”“There’s something wrong here. Get Grayson for me,” I said thoughtfully. I wasn’t angry because I didn’tsign the deal. It was more about someone interfering with my business, and I wanted to find out whotheywere.I didn’t want to ask Eleanor directly because it could’ve put her in a tough spot. Still, I needed to know.

Chapter 251 The Bad Guy Wins AgainGrayson promptly entered my office, and I instructed him to commence his investigation.Tobshampton Group had indeed forged an agreement with Ardora Construction, which fell underMatthew’s jurisdiction.As expected, few individuals could orchestrate such a move, and Matthew was the prime suspect.“But, it wasn’t Matthew who initiated this. It was a scheme set up by Liora!” Grayson relayed.“Liora?” I was surprised. How did she become involved in this?Grayson explained, “Initially, Tobshampton Group had no intentions of partnering with ArdoraConstruction. Matthew wasn’t even being considered for Topshampton Group’s project. During theirprevious collaboration, there was friction.“Matthew substituted Tobshampton Group’s genuine product with subpar materials in the constructionprocess, utilizing a small factory for production. With minor alterations, he passed them off as authentic.“So, when the incident occurred, Tobshampton Group didn’t step forward. This time, ArdoraConstructionwasn’t even on their list when selecting a new supplier. It was all due to Liora!”Grayson’s investigation was thorough.“How does Liora have connections with Tobshampton Group?” I was skeptical, consideringTobshampton Group’s base wasn’t even in Foswood.“It’s a small world. Liora has a friendship with the Tobshampton Group’s owner’s wife, and… Eleanor is aconfidante of Tobshampton Group’s owner.”“Confidante?” I was even more astonished. I hadn’t expected Eleanor to wield this level of influence.This paints a clear picture. Thanks to Liora’s connection through the owner, she managed to secure thecontract and even expressed her frustrations directly to the owner.” Grayson smirked. “It’s a bitconvoluted, isn’t it?”“It’s a bit tangled, indeed,” I pondered. “So, how did Liora pass the contract to Matthew?”“Why did you cross Liora?” Grayson sounded somewhat resigned.“Let me handle this. You can wait for me here.”I was exasperated. It seemed Liora was indeed holding a grudge.Eleanor hesitated and asked, “You don’t want to ask… who signed the contract… with us?”“I won’t put you in a tough spot,” I said openly, “Whoever it is, there must be a reason.”I had a vague sense of who it might be, but I couldn’t be sure.Hearing my response, Eleanor sighed and laughed bitterly. I knew she felt conflicted.“All right then, until we meet again,” Eleanor said before we hung up.Carol stomped in frustration. “Damn it! We got played, didn’t we? Who conducts business like that? Wedidn’t want to sign the contract, but they insisted and then backed out. What kind of trick is this? Bennyeven said they were trustworthy!”“There’s something wrong here. Get Grayson for me,” I said thoughtfully. I wasn’t angry because I didn’tsign the deal. It was more about someone interfering with my business, and I wanted to find out whotheywere.I didn’t want to ask Eleanor directly because it could’ve put her in a tough spot. Still, I needed to know.

Chapter 252 An Unexpected EncounterI felt a sense of relief now that things were clear.It seemed that the Tobshampton Group was also caught up in this. This might not end well for Matthew,but he had been too eager to stand out and crush me.This time, he would have to rely on his luck. He and I were like cunning foxes, yet we couldn’t outsmartthese two clever vixens.Looking at it this way, perhaps it wasn’t so bad that I wasn’t entangled in this battle of wits with them. Ipreferred making modest profits in peace and finding contentment.After lunch, I had Benjamin and Carol accompany me to the construction materials market. It had been awhile since I last visited.This market was where we had started our journey, tirelessly seeking clients. Reflecting on those earlydays brought a sense of satisfaction,The market was small at the time. It had grown into the country’s largest construction materials hub,offering everything needed for large and small–scale construction and decoration.Grayson was also here. Seeing me caught him somewhat off guard. “Ms. Chloe, what brings you here?”“It’s been a while since I’ve had a look around. Why not?” I replied.If we weren’t doing project engineering, specializing in one or two types of products could also be agoodbusiness strategy.Grayson whispered, “I followed up on the project in Muborough. Echelon Group did initially own it.However, how it ended up in Celine’s hands is unclear. The two companies were competitors all along.My gut tells me that Celine might have had a hand in this.”I remained silent. Atlas had coveted that piece of land near the city for a long time, and there had to beadeeper plan behind it.If Celine was behind this, wouldn’t it be self–destructive for her? It seemed she didn’t want Atlas toregain what rightfully belonged to him. That meant one thing–Celine didn’t want him to succeed.We’ll need to investigate how Celine managed to get hold of the land in Muborough,” said in a lowvoice. There must be conditions attached to it.”Grayson nodded. After a walk around, we coincidentally ran into Johnson at the entrance. He greetedmebeforeurushing Be the market.I quietly asked Grayson, “Shall we see what’s happening?”He turned and gave a quick instruction to a young man beside him. I waited in the car. Soon, Graysonreturned and said, “They’re taking inventory.”“Inventory?” I muttered. Then, I started the car and headed back to the residence.I checked the time back at the company and informed Benjamin and Carol, ‘I won’t be going up.They both acknowledged it and got out of the car. I drove alone to Crowne Square, leisurely strollingthrough the mall.I went to the children’s store and bought a bunch of toys along with a few sets of kids‘ clothes. Then, Ialso picked up a few sets of spring outfits for my daughter.With my hands full of shopping bags, I headed towards the exit. A few women approached me, all brightand glamorous. They were chatting and heading into the mall. Leading them was Liora.I inwardly chuckled. I hadn’t expected the world to be so small that I would run into them everywhere.When her gaze met mine, she hesitated for a moment.However, she slowed down and looked at me with a determined gaze. I approached with a smile, “Mrs.Liora, out for some shopping?”Her eyes met mine, seemingly contemplating how to address me. Her steps, however, came to a halt.Theladies behind her glanced at us.Liora turned to them and said, “Go ahead!”They shot me a glance and proceeded upstairs, chatting and laughing.Liora turned back to me. “I didn’t expect to run into you here!”I smiled. “I’m just here for some casual shopping.”“Ms Chloe, always so independent. I’ve always admired that.” Liora’s tone was flat, but she clearly hadsomething else on her mind.What do you mean by that?‘ I asked calmly.

Chapter 253 No Need for ComparisonShe smiled. “I thought you were a clean and upright person. It turns out that it’s just a facade. You’reaiming for the big fish while disregarding the small fry?” Her tone dripped with contempt this time.“Ms. Liora, why make such assumptions? Have I offended you in some way to deserve this treatment?It’srather impolite, don’t you think?” I feigned innocence.Since she had laid her cards on the table, I saw no need to dodge the issue. !“Heh… Is this considered impolite?” She let out a disdainful snort. “You’ll do whatever it takes, won’tyou? Don’t act all high and mighty while secretly groveling to the big shots.”“Oh?” I responded with a light chuckle, never breaking eye contact with Liora.I had no intention of backing down. After all, I had already crossed her, and there was no way to avoid it.There was no need for reconciliation,“In that case, I’d kindly ask you to go back and talk with Mr. Atticus about how I supposedly groveledbefore him. I’d love to hear about it.”I understood she referred to the favor Atticus had shown by helping me resolve the project’s timeline.However, since Atticus dared to take such action, he must not have been swayed by her influence.Otherwise, he wouldn’t have dared to kick the Thompson family out of Echelon Group.It was clear that Liora was also a coward in front of Atticus. Atticus was not the kind of man who wouldgive in to a woman’s charms.I found my impression of Atticus improving a bit.“In business, everyone has their methods. I don’t resort to underhanded tactics like secret deals orbullying my way to success. I’m just a small business owner, far from having the capital you possess, Ms.Liora.”My words were delivered without humility or arrogance, yet they carried weight.Please spare us small business owners, Ms. Liora, The hat is too big for us to hold up.” I smiled gently.Well, I wont keep you any longer. See yourhup my bags and walked briskly towards the axit, leaving Llors without a chance to reply.Johnson’s house to check on his child and Myreneeded to watch for MarthAt the very least, some individuals wanted to use him.Myra was very enthusiastic when she saw me. She pulled me to see her child. The little one wasadorable and well–taken care of, with rosy cheeks. He was already crawling.Myra complained to me about Johnson’s recent struggles.She said Melanie constantly meddled in company matters, and the staff complained. They said it was nolonger the original Tanum Corporation.I didn’t particularly enjoy hearing her talk about this. I had no interest in their affairs and wouldn’t evenbother with them if they hadn’t consistently obstructed my path. It would be best if we parted ways–aclean break.We chatted until it was time to leave. Myra insisted on inviting me for dinner, but I declined.For now, I didn’t need to ask Johnson too many questions. I didn’t want to put pressure on him. Thosewho meant business would naturally resolve such issues. Not many could be as ruthless as Matthew.This relationship just needed to be maintained.On the way back, I aimlessly drove around. I glanced at the giant billboards on the roadside. One ofthemhappened to be for Harmony.I chuckled lightly. Come to think of it, that face did resemble mine.Unconsciously, I seemed to have taken a wrong turn. I blinked, realizing I had ended up heading towardPleca Park. In a daze, I parked by the side of the road.

Chapter 254 A Mall EventI sat in the car for a long time, gazing toward Pleca Park. After rush hour, I started the car and drovehome.Perhaps it was from sitting in the car for so long or sheer exhaustion, but I felt dizzy. Luckily, thereweren’t as many cars on the road at this time, so I arrived home quickly.arms,Upon parking, I spotted my daughter playing in the yard. I approached, and she leaped into my aexclaiming, “Mommy, you’re back!”She then took my bag and dashed into the house. Shortly after, she returned, grabbing my hand andpulling me outside to play.I had thought about lying down for a while when I got home. However, seeing her so excited, I couldn’tbear to refuse.We played in the yard together, sometimes watering the plants and other times tending to the flowers.We played until the lights came on, and it seemed that my feelings of exhaustion had dissipated.My mother called us in for dinner, and we finally entered the house hand–in–hand.After dinner, I remembered the new clothes I had bought for my daughter. I hurried to the car to fetchthem and asked her to try them on. Then, I realized that my daughter had grown taller.The clothes I bought were too small, fitting her too snugly. It seemed I would have to go and exchange.them tomorrowI hugged Ava and kissed her. “When did you grow so much? I didn’t even notice. You’re turning into abiggirl“Mommy, I’m five years old!” She proudly declared. “Why isn’t Uncle Atlas back yet? He promised to getme a tablet for my birthday.”My heart suddenly flipped. I held her tightly. ‘Soon! H–He has gone abroad.”What’s abroad? Why does Uncle Atlas always go abroad?Abroad is a very faraway place, a different city” I answered simplydom, can we go abroad too?” She looked at me with hopeful eyeswe have the time I’ll take your I promised, “Now, go to sleept promine 11l get you a tablet,“No, I want it from Uncle Atlas. Uncle Atlas said he’d get the best one! Mommy, you won’t understand!”She shook her head.I was speechless. He had once said that daughters should be raised in wealth. I didn’t understand itthen. Now, my daughter was saying I didn’t understand either.The next day, I went to the mall to exchange my daughter’s clothes. However, I arrived during a jewelrybrand event. The first–floor lobby was packed, all waiting for some celebrity to arrive.I glanced at the backdrop on the small stage. It was a renowned International jewelry brand, Sautoir FineJewelry, making a grand launch with its new spokesperson.When I looked at the spokesperson’s image, it turned out to be Harmony,There was a commotion, and the crowd surged forward like a tidal wave. Everyone was rushing into thelobby, some of the younger ones shouting Harmony’s name,I spotted Harmony walking in, surrounded by bodyguards. She was gorgeous, with her face covered inmake–up.Ivanna was being pushed along, moving passively toward the small stage. This seemed to be a wellknown event, and Ivanna was a part of it.I wasn’t particularly interested in this, but I had to wade through the enthusiastic fans to get upstairs. Itwas a real struggle.It was no wonder these businesses hired spokespeople. With so many passionate fans, the impact wasnot to be underestimated.With an exuberant smile, Harmony took the stage. The emcee on–site was fervently praising her,emphasizing the magnitude of this event.Honestly, I found it rather distasteful. It was too noisy for my liking. I maneuvered towards the staircase,but it was packedEveryone was pushing toward the lobby. There were hardly any, like me, going against the flow.Just then, I heard the emcee booming with excitement, “This time, the owner of Arkadia Plaza, Mr. AtlasPierce, is here to support the leading international jewelry brand, Sautoir Fine Jewelry, Let’s welcomeour bg boss Mr. Allas Pierce!was forcibly thrust into my ears, I froze my steps, turning slowly to face the stage.

Chapter 255 A Torrential DownpourThe crowd behind me surged forward, pushing me involuntarily towards the small stage.I didn’t understand these people. What were they so excited about? They were all shouting and jumpingaround, and I couldn’t help but look towards the stage.Finally, I saw him.Atlas, dressed in a sharp black designer suit and a silver tie, confidently strode onto the stage. He lookedeven more commanding and charismatic than the last time I saw him. My heart pounded wildly in mychest.This was my first time seeing him since that day at the hospital. He seemed larger than life, a true kingamong men. It was no wonder the women in the audience were going wild. They might have even triedtopounce on him if he was any closer.I hadn’t realized that Atlas owned Arkadia Plaza. Even the coveted Sautoir Fine Jewelry, which everyonewas clamoring for, was his. I thought Atlas was only involved in development, but I was sorely mistaken.He waved his hand, signaling the enthusiastic crowd to quiet down. Instantly, thousands of voices fellsilent as if under a spell. His magnetic voice resonated throughout the entire hall.As he gave a brief speech, Harmony stood by, enchanted. She was constantly changing poses, gracefullycomplimenting him.Then, together, they drew the winning numbers for the gift bags.After completing all the procedures, the two exchanged a smile. Like a guardian angel, Atlas escortedHarmony down the stage, disappearing from view.Even so, the hall buzzed with excitement. It took me a while to come back to my senses.struggled to get out of the crowd and made my way upstairs. The situation on the upper floors wasmuch better, though crowds were still around the atriumsIt seemed that the real driving force behind Harmony’s rise was none other than Atlas,Aher exchanging Ava’s clothes and leaving the mall, I went to the underground parking lot to find mycar.from a distance and was about to get in when someone grabbed my wrist. Startled, I turnedmen who had just seemed unreachable stood right behind me.had he forget what he tended to do, we boll just stared atThe car beside us was suddenly unlocked with a ‘click.‘ This snapped me back to reality, and I quicklywithdrew my hand.“Mr. Atlas… Did you need something?” I stammered.He didn’t say a word and just extended a box toward me. “A birthday gift for Ava.”I glanced down briefly, not daring to meet his eyes. “Thank you. It’s not necessary.”His hand visibly tensed for a moment, then quickly retracted. Without saying anything more, he turnedand walked away.I truly felt like the whole world had abandoned me. What did this mean? He couldn’t spare one moreword? Was this the end?I stared blankly in the direction he left for a long time, unable to snap out of it. If it weren’t for theowner of the nearby car trying to get to their door, I might have still been standing there.I quickly left the mall as hot tears streamed down my face. This was for the best. I could finally let go ofall the tangled emotions. The painful journey had finally reached its end.It was something I had to face sooner or later. Before I even returned to the office, the phone rang.pressed the button on the car phone to answer.I“Ms. Chloe? This is Atticus. Do you have a moment? I’d like to meet with you. There’s an importantmatter

Chapter 256 There’s No Escape“Sure, where are you, Mr. Atticus?” I replied.“I’m at the same clubhouse as last time. I’ll send you the location.”“Okay!” I agreed and hung up, receiving the location from Atticus shortly after. After checking thelocationand directions, I headed straight to the place. When I arrived, Atticus was already waiting there.“Mr. Atticus.” I walked in briskly.He wasted no time and poured me a cup of tea, saying, “I have a favor to ask of you, Ms. Chloe.”Honestly, my impression of this man improved with each encounter. He was straightforward and didn’tplay games. I said, “Go ahead.”Since I was receptive, he pulled out a document and passed it to me. “Look at this first.”I glanced at him curiously, then took the document. It was a project contract but not under EchelonGroup. The development area was substantial, and someone had done the planning well.However, I didn’t understand why Atticus showed me this contract. After reading it, I looked at him.“Mr.Atticus?”He said thoughtfully. “That’s a mortgage contract. The other party can’t repay their debts, so it’s minenow. Still, I don’t want Echelon Group to handle it. Are you interested? All the paperwork is in order andwon’tConsider it helping me out.”e you any trI replied, “I… Can I take some time to consider it? After all, I have another partner in the company, and Ican’t make such decisions alone. Besides, I’d like to learn more about the contract and the situationbeyond it. Of course, assuming you trust me enough.”“Naturally, I trust you.” Atticus nodded and gave me detailed background information on the mortgagecontract. He also explained why he didn’t want Echelon Group to handle it.I knew there were risks and suspected that this situation wasn’t as straightforward as Atticus made itTake your time to consider it. I trust you completely. Please provide an answer as soon as possible,Though I’m in a hurry, Atticus said, looking at me earnestly, “I can’t find anyone I trust more than you.Of course, you can sel your conditions.”“All right, (‘il discuss with Ryan and get back to you. Thank you!” | replied.“Thank you!” Atticus seemed relieved.“Here’s what we’ll do. I’ll head back now and meet you here again tomorrow. I’ll let you know the timelater.” I stood up. Then, I remembered something and looked at the contract. “…”Atticus was quick to understand and handed the contract to me decisively. It further showed he trusted1. me. “You can take it with you.”“Thank you!” I accepted the contract, feeling its weight. The trust behind this gesture was heavy.He stood up as well. “Ms. Chloe…”He hesitated momentarily, lowered his gaze, and then look disrespected you. Don’t mind her. That’s justhow she is.”at me. “I know Liora has probablyI chuckled, feeling light–hearted as I teased him for the first time, ‘Mr. Atticus, I’m not that weak.”“That’s good to hear. But maybe in the future… you can tell me about it,‘ Atticus smiled awkwardly.“Thereare some things I don’t know how to say.”“Don’t worry, Mr. Atticus. I can handle it. If she goes too far, I won’t let her be. If it comes to that, youcan’tblame me for retaliating.”He smiled and nodded confidently. “No problem! Sometimes, a strong hand is needed to keep her incheck. You don’t need to care about me.”I Neither of us said much more. We left the place one after the other. In the car, I called Ryan and askedhim to wait for me in the office. This matter weighed heavily on my mind.Accepting the mortgage contract came with risks, but they were more significant for Atticus. EchelonGroup was a publicly traded company, and privately taking over this contract was a major taboo.On the other hand, declining felt like not repaying Atticus’s favor. When I was at my lowest, Atticushelped me without hesitation, regardless of his intentions and motives.Being in the business world, I couldn’t escape my obligations. Accepting help meant acceptingresponsibilities, and I had to repay Atticus. But how to do that was something Ryan and I would need todiscuss

Chapter 257 Thorough AnalysisI returned to the company and found that everyone else had left for the day. Meanwhile, Ryan waitedfor me in his office. As I walked down the corridor, I ran into Grayson. I invited him to join us in Ryan’soffice.I explained what Atticus had told me and handed the contract to Ryan. After he finished reading it, hepassed it to Grayson. The latter also expressed that this contract likely had secrets.“Perhaps we should be cautious and politely decline,” I looked at them and said, “We just started to seeimprovements and shouldn’t take unnecessary risks.”Ryan chimed in, “I think it’s worth considering since Atticus said we can set the conditions. I think it’s anopportunity for us.”He leaned into his chair and pondered momentarily, continuing, “I’ll talk to him tomorrow. Since risksare involved, we should prepare conditions and a stop–loss strategy. Atticus mentioned the conditionsare negotiable, so we shouldn’t hold back.”Grayson added, “He helped us significantly when we needed it the most. He’s asking for our help thistime.”“Help can come in various forms and for different reasons. In business, we must consider our interestsand help Atticus. Still, we must carefully decide how we’ll do that,” Ryan explained, showing hisexperience.Grayson agreed with Ryan’s perspective.So, the three of us discussed the details and decided that Ryan would be the one to negotiate theconditions with Atticus. Although we decided collectively, I couldn’t help but feel uneasy. However, thetwo were confident that Atticus would accept the conditions.After finalizing our decision, we prepared to leave the office. Suddenly, my mother called and told meshe had prepared dinner and invited Ryan to join us. I also invited Grayson. After all, we had just finishedworkand needed to eat.When we entered the house, we saw Ivannana and Lauren there. They had almost finished cooking theWanna teased Grayson hushedly, “I can’t believe it. You guys hire based on looks?”chuckled, watching her eager eyes. “You spend your days in the entertainment Industry, and you’re stillcalm when you see cute guyswas like today. I almost got trampled Atl–She didn’t even finish sayingI calmly gave her a look. “I saw you there.”“Ah… You were there too?” Ivanna looked at me in surprise. “How’d you end up there?”“That’s a public place, isn’t it? I went to buy some clothes for Ava yesterday, but they were too small. Iwent to exchange them today, and it turned out that your event was happening there.”“Harmony’s so lucky. Do you know how much she’ll make from this endorsem*nt? None of the top–tiercelebrities can even compare. Now she’s even more arrogant,” Ivanna sounded disdainful.“Didn’t you say she’s on the decline?” Lauren questioned.“Don’t put that on me. Harmony’s assistant told me Atlas hadn’t contacted her privately. It’s obviousAtlas is just putting on a show.” Ivanna was quite confident. ‘Even today, Atlas posed for photos in thejewelrysection, but he left as soon as the event ended.“Everyone thought he’d have lunch with Harmony, but he took her somewhere and left halfway. Rumorhas it that Harmony washalfway. Rumorhas it that Harmony was furious.”While Ivanna described the events, I maintained a calm facade. However, I couldn’t help but feel a senseof satisfaction“Atlas is sounpredictable. Why is he promoting her and then ignoring her? Isn’t it strange? What kind of man doesthat?” Lauren questioned, looking at Ivanna skeptically.I also wondered the same thing. Atlas might’ve tried something with Harmony and realized she differedfrom Annalise Still, he didn’t seem to worry about the public knowing. Wasn’t he worried aboutprovoking Celine, or was he doing this intentionally?I knew I couldn’t compare to Harmony. I was a divorcee with a child, not a high–profile celebrity likeHarmony. So, I wondered if Atlas did all this to attract Celine’s attention even more.dea suddenly struck me Could Atlas’s grand display of a rumored relationship with Harmonyintentionally divert Celine’s attention? Still, how would Celine handle Harmony? Would she assignomeone to follow her as she did with me?ever, I immediately dismissed that possibility. Celine couldn’t have someone tailing every womanwith So, was Atlas trying to mislead Celine and shift her focus elsewhere?ng me too. Suddenly, it all became clear to me. I shocked myself with this idea.

Chapter 258 Ava’s BirthdayMy hands trembled, and I remembered Atlas asking why I didn’t understand his intentions. My emotionswere a mess. If not for the people around me, I would’ve left to seek confirmation from Atlas.If that was the case, I had misunderstood his intentions. I forcefully regained composure. After all, I stillstruggled to adapt to Atlas’s distant and cold attitude. I decided not to make excuses for myself andchose to let go.No matter the circ*mstances, the path with him would never be easy,The following day, Ryan, Grayson, and I discussed our upcoming meeting with Atticus. I feared ouractions might appear opportunistic. Ryan shook his head, stating we should protect our interests. Itwouldn’t mean we were abandoning our principles.He said, “The reason Atticus didn’t approach anyone else isn’t because he had no other options or didn’twant to share the profits. It’s because we’re the most suitable for this deal. Of course, we don’t see allthereasons for this suitability yet.“Still, one thing is clear. Atticus is most interested in making a deal with us. Otherwise, he wouldn’t havepromised to adhere to our conditions. Do you think he couldn’t find a trustworthy partner after all theseyears?”I agreed with Ryan’s analysis. I thought similarly then, but he explained it more clearly. The day afterthat, Ryan and I met with Atticus. True to our expectations, he was calm and straightforward in ourdiscussion.Ryan got straight to the point. Atticus was also generous and agreed to split the costs evenly. However,he insisted we handle all the paperwork with the other party. Ryan was cautious and requested thatAtticus sign an authorization agreement just in case.After some thought, we smoothly reached an agreement.When Atticus shook my hand, his tone showed a hint of teasing, “Ms. Chloe, this is the beginning of ourcooperation. I hope it will be a pleasant one.”Soon after, we had lunch at the clubhouse and left in high spirits. When we entered the car, Ryan said,Anicus is a shrewd businessman. His hidden assets aren’t limited to Echelon Group.”dered Ryan’s words, indeed, it was a loss that Matthew hadn’t allied himself with Atticus. Still, thent qualified. While he was somewhat intelligent, he lacked foresight.wasnt wrong, but he should have aligned himself more closely with might not have bean interested insomeone who had risen to powerNext, we finalized all the paperwork, which we signed under Hartz Construction’s name. TanumCorporation remained calm on the surface, and I was relieved. Hartz Construction had been registered inSolaris and had been kept well hidden.That reminded me of Atlas. The registration of Hartz Construction was primarily thanks to him.With Atticus’s unexpected contract as a foundation, Hartz Construction continued to grow. I passedmost of the external affairs to Ryan, which allowed for more efficient development. That includednegotiationswith ATL Empire.I gradually withdrew from the forefront and focused more on my family. I had great confidence in Ryanand gave him ample room to operate.Soon, it was Ava’s birthday. She was excited, having grown one year older and displaying moreindependence. Our friends and family were cooperative, as always. They had already chosen arestaurant and ordered a birthday cake two days before the celebration.Before the workday ended, I arrived at her kindergarten early to pick her up. I knew her too well. It musthave felt like an eternity for her.When I went inside to pick her up, she was already waiting by the door. As soon as she saw me, sheexclaimed joyfully and ran toward me.II informed her teacher that we would be leaving early and was surprised when the teacher handed me asmall gift. Looking at my daughter’s beaming face, I felt relieved. Every year at this time, Matthew hadbeen the one organizing everything.This year was different. From now on, Ava’s life was missing her father. I didn’t know if Matthew wouldremember today.We walked hand in hand out of the classroom toward the exit. Ava chirped away, telling me her friendshad wished her a happy birthday. They even sang a birthday song at noon. She was overjoyed.She stopped as we left the gate and tightened her grip on my hand.

Chapter 259 The Best Uncle Ever!I felt a change in Ava’s demeanor and looked at her. She exclaimed in surprise and ran toward someone,calling. “Uncle Atlas!”I looked toward the entrance and froze. My heart was pounding.Ava stumbled and nearly fell from excitement and eagerness. I panicked, but Atlas caught Ava as shefell. While he kneeled and held Ava, I saw them giggling. Ava wrapped her little arms around Atlas’sneck, saying, “Uncle Atlas, you’re the best!”I couldn’t help but smile at her words. Meanwhile, Atlas’s typically cold face revealed a warm smile, hiseyes full of adoration for Ava. I couldn’t believe someone as domineering as him could be so dotingtoward a little girl.“Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?” Itimidly asked.He only glanced at me, then gave a box to Ava. “Happy birthday!”“Thank you, Uncle Atlas!” Ava’s voice was pure. She took the box, blinked, and asked, “Is this the besttablet?”Atlas nodded seriously. “Of course!”“Uncle Atlas, you kept your promise!‘ Ava threw herself into his arms again, kissed his cheek, and almostknocked him over. Their interaction attracted several people’s attention, and it was clear that hispresence was incredibly striking.Once the excitement died down, Atlas stood up while holding Ava. He looked at her and said, “All right,go home with Mommy.”Ava seemed surprised. “Aren’t you coming home with us, Uncle Atlas?”Atlas and I were stunned. His gaze brushed over me, and I quickly tugged at Ava, wanting to take herdown. I said awkwardly, “Come down, sweetheart. Uncle Atlas has something important to do.”Surprisingly, Ava resisted and clutched Atlas’s neck. “No, I don’t want to leave Uncle Atlas. My birthdayis the most important thing for Uncle Atlas!”words left me flustered, I didn’t know when she had become like this. My tone became sterner thisward didn’t know what to do and teared up, too. I understood Ave’s attachment dered him a fatherfigure. It Matthew were still here. I doubt she wouldit was all my fault for not providing her a sense of security like a father’s loveAdas patted her back, saying Ton’t worry, sweetheart ( celebrate your birthday with you.”heAva let go of him and blinked her tearful eyes at Atlas “Really Uncle Atlas? You’re not lying to me areyourOf course not Atlas nodded “Let’s go homeI was shocked and didn’t know what to do Atlas picked Ava e and approached a car beforecommanding “What are you waiting for? Let’s go Drive us homedared and couldn’t believe what wasHe signaled to his driver before carrying Avamo my car happening My eyes welled with tears at theunpected situation Nonetheless, I drove home in an awkward situatioAtlas carried Avain when we give shocking everyone at home expecially Ivana She was utterly confused,as if I had done something

Chapter 260 The Most Heartless OneMy dad was the first to break the awkwardness with his warm words, “Mr. Atlas, it’s been a while.”Atlas smiled and replied, “It has, Mr. George. I’ve been quite busy lately and haven’t had a chance tovisit.How are you?”“Grandpa, Uncle Atlas gave me an amazing gift. He’s also celebrating my birthday with me!” Ava seemedhappy, while I felt awkward. After all, my daughter had put me in an uncomfortable situation.“Really?” My dad laughed heartily. I was genuinely surprised at how he had become such a good actor.“Yes!” Ava giggled, looking incredibly cute. “Right, Uncle Atlas?”“Yes! I promise to do whatever you want!” Atlas was unusually talkative today.I quickly tugged at Ava. “Come down now and change with Mommy!”Still, Ava clung to Atlas as if afraid he would leave. ‘I want Uncle Atlas to help me change!”I was shocked, wondering when they became so close.“You’re a little girl, so you should let your mommy change you. Don’t worry, I won’t leave. I’ll stay andchat with your grandpa and wait for you,” Atlas assured her, “You have to look pretty since you’re thebirthdaygirl.”Finally, Ava released him, and I carried her upstairs. As we went upstairs, she said, “I’ll be down soon,Uncle Atlas! Don’t leave, okay?”Atlas nodded smilingly and then sat to chat with my parents. Ava was in a rush while changing andcooperated with me to dress her up quickly. Immediately after, she ran downstairs by herself.My heart still raced, and my hands trembled when I returned to my room. I quickly changed into a dressand subconsciously put on some light makeup. I didn’t know if I wanted to impress Atlas. Whatever itI Iwas, I couldn’t control my actions.I felt so nervous when I left my room that I could hardly breathe. I took a deep breath before making myway downstairs.Everyone was already at the restaurant when we arrived. We saw a giant birthday cake on the table.However, everyone looked shocked to see Atles carrying Ava in.Lauror’s eyes widened. “Mr. Atlasfaint smile“S–Sure!” Lauren didn’t hold back. “You’re always full of surprises!”This birthday dinner was a joyful occasion. Ava was the happiest, singing one song after another like asongbird. However, there was one person who seemed the most helpless. It was Ryan,I IMeanwhile, I was still in a daze the whole time. I couldn’t understand my feelings. Ava was exhaustedwhen the dinner ended, but she clung to Atlas. I felt helpless. Judging from her determination, shewouldn’t give up until Atlas came to my place.I couldn’t dissuade Ava, so Atlas picked her up and got into the car. I inwardly prayed to the heavens tohelp but received no answer. Ultimately, I got into the car and drove home.Meanwhile, my parents were considerate enough to ride with Ivanna. As expected, Ava fell asleep inAtlas’s arms during the car ride. She looked content. However, her biological father didn’t even call.I didn’t know if he had forgotten his daughter’s birthday or didn’t want to remember.After bringing Ava to her room, Atlas talked with my parents. Then, he calmly said, “Mr. George, I’ll haveto trouble Chloe to send me home. My driver has some last–minute matters to attend to. I didn’t knowwhen the dinner would end, so I let him go earlier.”He made it seem like it was only natural for me to send him home. After all, he had spent the whole daycelebrating my daughter’s birthday. Not seeing him off would be unreasonable.I suddenly felt nervous and didn’t know how to respond.

Chapter 261 Missing You More Than WordsI wanted to kick myself as the words left my mouth I didn’t regret saying it, but a peculiar feeling hadwashed over me. Sure enough, Atlas smiled at me, but I noticed an unmistakable hostilityMy dad spoke up. “What are you saying? Mr. Atlas had a drink, so he shouldn’t be driving!”“Oh,” I replied, getting up. “Alright.”When we got to the car, Atlas said, “Head to Cresswind Valley.”My heart sank a bit. Although Cresswind Valley was closer than Fremont Bay, I wondered why he didn’twant to go back thereAs if reading my thoughts, he explained. Fremont Bay is too far I don’t feel comfortable with you drivingback alone.”His words left me conflicted Was it because he cared about me?Neither of us spoke during the drive, and the silence hung heavily in the air. When we reachedCresswindTower, he said, “Come up with meAtlas opened the car door and walked towards the building without acknowledging my hesitation. Aftera pause, I parked the car and followed him into the lobbyHe motioned for me to get into the elevator. I was so nervous as the elevator doors closed that I hadtrouble breathingUpon reaching the top floor, I noticed he had booked the same room we had been in before. He went in,and I followed with some hesitation.The familiarity of the room only added to the stifling awkwardness between us.Suddenly, he turned and held my chin, making me look directly into his eyes. Atlas looked intense as heasked, “You don’t feel anything, do you?”I was figuring out what he meant when he lowered his head and kissed my lips with biting intensity.He didn’t let me go, even when I winced and let out an indelicate moan. I pushed against him, but hepulled me into his embrace.resistance tumed into an embrace, and our passionate kiss turned into a tender one. I couldn’t telltine had passed when he finally released my lips.prelund nothing happened?Inwardly, I cursed him. After everything we’d been through, he couldn’t even accept responsibility?Whatkind of man was he?As if he could hear my thoughts, Atlas lifted me and headed toward the bedroom.We tumbled onto the luxurious bed together. In fact, we hadn’t even made it to this bedroom on mybirthday night. Atlas took his time and pressed down on me, his fingers intertwined with mine.He looked at me intensely, as though he hadn’t seen me in a while and couldn’t remember how I looked.Inch by inch, he examined and savored me. My desire washed over my sense of reason as I stared intohis eyes. He was so tender that I couldn’t refuse.While basking in the afterglow, he looked at me and asked, “Don’t you want your daughter taken careof?”“I wish to be carefree, just like her, without any burdens,” I confessed.“But with me around, why would you worry?”I quickly said, “It’s precisely because you’re here that I’m concerned.”“What do you mean?”“I don’t want to be the reason for holding you back. I don’t want to obstruct you from reclaiming what’srightfully yours.”“Do you think they can stop me?” He sounded as if he already had a solid plan. “Since you know myplans, work with me. Just remember what I’ve told you, and trust me. That way, they won’t perceive youas myweakness.”“But…”“No buts! I have my plans, and that includes you,” he declared. “But I won’t allow your thoughts towanderagain.He pulled me closer to him.“I mean it. No more thoughts about other men, including Ryan Phillips! If anyone dares to lay a hand onyou again, I won’t be so forgiving.”looked at him in shock. “The car during New Year’s… Was that you?”

Chapter 262 Losing One’s TemperAtlas lowered his gaze and didn’t respond.I asked him a string of questions, “Was it really you? Why didn’t you come in? Did you spend yourholidayalone abroad or here in Foswood? Were you“Don’t you think it’s a little late to be asking all this?” He sounded annoyed.I got teary and said, “There had been rumors everywhere. First, it was Annalise, and then it wasHarmony. Will there be more of them? I don’t care about your wealth, but how could I love an unfaithfulman?”My words came out in a rush. “I’ve been humiliated enough by Matthew. And now, I’ve found anotherman who can’t keep his heart in check. Am I a person anyone can use and deceive at their whim?”“Am I just anyone to you?“You’re not!” I looked at him, tears rolling down my cheeks. “I’ve told you I’m not worthy of you. But ifyou try to pursue me, you must take responsibility! All I want is a simple, love–filled life. Am I unworthyof that?”“You are worthy,” he gently said, holding me tightly. “Don’t cry.”“Do I look like Annalise to you? Why do you need someone else if you loved her so much?” I asked, myvoice strained. “Let me make this clear, Atlas. My name is Chloe, not Annalise!”“You’re not anyone!” He said it cryptically.“What does that mean? Explain it to me. Do I have to be like her? My heart ached as I said, “I’m notfoolish enough to compete with a memory. If you’re trying to find her in me, let’s part ways right here. Iwon’t be anyone’s replacement.”With that, I tried to push him away and get up.He was startled and quickly held me down. “No, it’s not like that. You’re you. I don’t care aboutAnnalise. She has nothing to do with me. I’ve told you to only believe in me. I’ll explain it all eventually,but not now.”“Why not?“You shouldn’t know too much right now. There will come a day when you’ll understand. You’re theperson I’ve been searching for,” he said as he gently brushed away my stray hair.W-Why are you saying this?”‘m still investigating. Many pieces don’t fit together, so I can’t give you a definite answer yet. Give meRemember my word, no matter what happens or how many obstacles arise. Trust me Trust“Give me a hint!” I pleaded.“My parents‘ death isn’t that simple!” His eyes flickered with pain.My mouth fell open. “You mean… the plane crash was orchestrated?”“I’m still looking into it.”We both fell silent.After a long while, he kissed my neck. “Annalise was an incredibly important person, but I only feelremorse for her, not love. So, don’t dwell on her anymore. You’re the one I see. The rest are justplayers inthe scene, understand?”His words strangely comforted me. As I left the hotel, I felran unprecedented sense of relief. The heavyweight in my heart had finally lifted.Little did I know that what he said would weigh more than any burden I had ever carried. In fact, I laterrealized it was not a warning at all, but his deepest fear.Unease settled in my stomach as I drove away from Cresswind Valley. It was as if someone waswatching me.

Chapter 263 Taking AdvantageI looked around from my car, trying to spot anything unusual, but everything appeared normal.However, that strange feeling persisted.With that nagging thought, I pressed on the gas pedal and drove home.My parents were still in the living room, watching TV. I knew they had been waiting for me.“Did you drop him off?” my mother asked.“Yeah,” I replied casually, changing my shoes before heading in. “Why aren’t you two asleep yet?”My dad finally got up, stretching with a yawn. “We were waiting for you to get home.”“Mr. Atlas seems quite special. And he treats Ava so well!” My mother seized the opportunity to tease1. me. “Who would’ve thought our little girl would be so clingy?”“He’s been quite lonely. Since his parents are gone, maybe he liked the warmth of our family.”Atlas must have spent New Year’s alone amidst the celebrations of other households.My father seemed interested. “He has a big company, right?”“The bigger the company, the more he might be constrained. When you’re in charge, a large companycan be limiting since it’s all about playing it safe,” I remarked, perhaps a bit critical.“Both of his parents are gone?” My mother’s heart softened. “How could this be? He looked quiteyoung.”“Yeah, in a plane crash. They died together.”“Oh, that’s so tragic!” My mother exclaimed. “What a tough life he must’ve had. Yet he still looks sorefined.”My mother sighed, then added, “I’ve heard his family background is quite impressive. It doesn’t really…match ours.”Mom! Can you stop overthinking things? We’re just friends for now. Besides, it’s still too early for me todecide protested. “Let’s get some sleep. It’s late!”Jossed and turned that night, thinking about him and our conversation. The Idea of the plane crash sentvers down my spine. Could it be related to Celine? She was his aunt, and if it was true, then thatwas cuthlessously I pictured Celine’s face and her cold, pone demeanor. Eventually, I drifted or, only toIf it weren’t for the phone ringing, I might have slept in. Looking at the screen, I was surprised to seeMatthew. I debated whether to answer.Eventually, I picked up the call.“Chlo, can we take our daughter out tonight? Let’s celebrate her birthday together. I didn’t forget. It’sjust that I had an important commitment and couldn’t get away.”“There’s no need for that! I already celebrated with her yesterday. Today isn’t her actual birthday, sowhy make a big deal out of it? Just focus on your work!” I replied, my tone frosty.“Chlo, don’t speak for our daughter. She wouldn’t want to miss out on her dad. You can’t imposethoughts on her. That wouldn’t be fair, would it?”Deep down, I knew he wasn’t entirely wrong. He was her father, and that was a fact.“Fine, I’ll ask Ava tonight. If she wants to go, you can take her!” I compromised.I couldn’t replace a father’s responsibilities.“Great! And it’s not me taking her. It’s us going together!” He pushed for more.I was left speechless. What a shameless guy!“We’ll discuss it later!” I said, keeping my tone composed.“That’s settled, then. I’ll pick you guys up!” He sounded excited. “See you tonight!”

Chapter 264 Another Thorn in the SideI hung up and quickly got ready before heading downstairs. Ava had already left.Just as I was about to have lunch, I got a call from Carol informing me that Eleanor was waiting for me inthe office. I promptly let her know that I would be on my way.Grabbing my bag. I hurried towards the door. My mom had just returned from the grocery store afterseeing Ava off.Seeing me heading out, she asked, “Have you had lunch?”“Not yet. I’ll grab something at the office. A client is coming, and we’ll have lunch together.” I explainedhurriedly and left.When I entered my office, I saw that Carol was keeping Eleanor company.Eleanor quickly stood up and greeted me awkwardly as I came in, Ms. Chloe.”I smiled. “I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. It was my daughter’s birthday yesterday, and we stayed uplate, so I overslept! I explained.II glanced at the time. It was still too early for lunch.“Ms. Chloe, I took a look around your office earlier. It’s quite impressive!” Carol complimented, mask her unease.“It’s nothing special. Please, have a seat!” I said warmly.“I planned to leave today, but I wanted to say goodbye properly. “This whole thing was veryembarrassing, and I wanted to say sorry to you in person,” Eleanor said, her voice tinged with guilt.“Don’t blame yourself. This was beyond your control,” I replied.She sighed. “It’s not often I meet a friend like you, with whom I click right away. It’s just a shame we liveso far apart. It would be wonderful if we were in the same city!”After a moment of consideration, I took her hand and whispered, “Come on, let’s go have some fun!”Puzzled, she looked at me. I laughed and led her out of the office, telling Carol to call me if anythingurgent popped uptook her to Crowne Square, where Arkadia Plaza had a beauty spa. Lauren had recommended this placeAveral times and gifted me a membership card However, I hadn’t found the time to visit.I decided to treat Eleanor to a session.However, I had no idea that places like this were so popular that they were packed with people. Wewere greeted by a young woman at the front desk, who suggested that we wait in the lobby.The spa had great service and atmosphere. It was no wonder that so many women frequented thisplace. The pleasant fragrances filled the air, and every corner was visually pleasing.As Eleanor and I chatted while waiting, I heard a familiar voice entering the spa. I turned and made eyecontact with a pair of recognizable eyes.It was none other than Liora.I sighed. No matter where I went, I seemed to bump into her.Liora noticed me, but she did not greet me. Of course, I had no intention of acknowledging her either.We could simply pretend we didn’t know each other.However, Liora had other ideasShe was the type to hold grudges, and there was no way she would let me off the hook. After all, I wasthethorn in her side.With a touch of sarcasm, she muttered to the spa attendant, “Hmm, darling, it seems the standards ofthis place have dropped.”The attendant tried to maintain a polite smile. “Ms. Liora, how can that be? Our members meet acertain standard. It’s not something just anyone can afford.”From their interaction, it was clear that Liora was a regular here. This was my first time here, so I did notknow the protocols.Liora said in disapproval, “Ha! They’re letting all kinds of people in. You should have a word with yourboss. What kind of scum are they letting in? Perhaps we should consider canceling our membership!”Several guests waiting in the lobby appeared displeased, and Liora offered a faint smile. “Don’t take itpersonally. I wasn’t referring to any of you.”I knew what she was implying. If she wasn’t talking about the other guests, then she must be referring to

Chapter 265 CondescendingEleanor could sense the tension in the air and whispered, “Who is she?I chuckled softly. Eleanor didn’t recognize Liora, which confirmed my suspicion that Liora had been themastermind behind the sabotage of our contract, working from the shadows without revealing her face.So, I quietly informed Eleanor, “You might not be aware, but that’s the troublemaker who ruined ourdeal.”Eleanor frowned at me, unsure of what I meant.I continued, “She’s the one who extended a helping hand to your boss and caused us to miss a greatopportunity for cooperation.”Understanding dawned on Eleanor, and she pointed towards Liora, asking, “Her? What’s her reason foracting so arrogantly?”“She’s the wife of the owner of a real estate development company in Foswood. Their company hasquite a reputation,” I stated calmly.“Which company?” Eleanor inquired.“Echelon Group,” I replied in a low voice.Eleanor was even more astonished. “H–How can someone like her behave that way?”I raised an eyebrow but chose not to say anything further. It was best to ignore Liora and not escalatethe situation. Instead, I quietly sipped my tea.A staff member spoke in hushed tones, “Ms. Liora, you’re the bigger person here. I have no idea howthey managed to get in. They’re unfamiliar with the place, so please don’t hold it against them.”“I’m not holding it against anyone. I’m a Gold Card member, spending several hundred thousand hereevery year. What’s going on? Have I lost even this privilege?”Liora sounded incredibly self–important. It appeared that memberships here cost over ten thousand,and I regretted not realizing this earlier. Lauren had been quite generous.“Out of sight, out of mind. Who knows if she’s carrying any diseases or something.” Liora continued hercome here because it’s a place for people of a certain caliber, and we all know each other. WithIt feels unclean,” Liora asserted. “Set up our rooms quickly. Make sure my preferred roomThe spa attendant replied, “Of course, I’ll get your robes right away!”I felt irritated at the preferential treatment they were receiving. Why were they allowed in withoutwaiting while we had to? What happened to the principle of first come, first served?I turned to another attendant and called her over. She hurried over, and I asked, “Hello, miss. May wegoin now?”I’m sorry, miss, but our members have priority.”“But I’m a member too. Why not mention that you follow priority? You told me we needed to waitto wait in lineline!” The other attendant returned with Liora’s robes. She seemed unhappy with my question and muttered,”trouble? Are all members the same? You’re newcomers who don’t know the rules, so why are youcausingIf we told you to wait, just wait!”“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize we were causing trouble for you. We’re all members here, and I don’tunderstand why we’re being treated differently.” I replied calmly. 1“There’s a lot you don’t understand,” the girl muttered again.Then, she turned and handed the robes to Liora and her friends with a smile.I decided that if I couldn’t have my treatment, I would at least make things difficult for them. So, I asked,” As a newcomer here, I’m unfamiliar with the rules. Could you please enlighten me? Are differentmemberstreated differently?”My gaze turned icy as I looked at the first attendant.

Chapter 266 Provoking the CrowdMy statement surprised everyone, including Liora, I knew she didn’t expect me to be confrontational.She paused and stared at me but remained silent.The receptionist who attended to me first said smilingly, “Don’t worry, Miss. Let me check how muchlonger it’ll take for your room to be ready.”“Oh, I’m not in a hurry. Since I’m here, I’ll wait patiently like everyone else. Discussing special treatmentfor members is unfair, right?” I deliberately provoked the crowd to draw their resentment. After all,Eleanor and I weren’t the only ones waiting.The others also voiced their frustrations. Those who didn’t respond to Liora’s earlier words were equallyunhappy with the situation but chose not to express it.One displeased lady added, “That’s right, I want to know the difference between all members here,too.”The receptionist awkwardly replied, “Of course, they’re different, Miss. You’re a regular here, and Iwasn’ttalking about you.”“Oh, so you directed your words at me?” I smiled at the receptionist.Liora grew impatient. “What? Is it fun to make things difficult for a receptionist?”“Not at all,” I responded, then turned to everyone with a smile. “Didn’t I just witness someone making afuss and accusing the receptionist? Was that fun?”The displeased lady added, “Who cares if it’s fun? Didn’t you see how humble she looked earlier?”The receptionist was flustered. “This is how we do things here. Regular customers have specialprivileges. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have different membership levels, such as Regular, Silver, and Goldmembers.“You won’t receive the same treatment as a Gold member if you can’t afford that membership level.Even if you have complaints, we can do nothing about it. Don’t be pretentious if you can’t afford it.”at are you saying? Her words caused an uproar from the other regular customers.Can’t you speak politely? We’re here to relax! What’s this about being pretentious?”“Some people are arrogant, barking orders as soon as they arrive. I want to speak to your boss! We wantdo cancel our memberships We came here to relax, not to be trampled upon!”receptionist who had served us looked anxious, trying to calm everyone“We’ve been waiting so long, yet you tell us to be patient? Which woman called us filthy just now? Howcan she be so arrogant?!”“She’s right. Those who often talk about others being dirty are hypocrites. It takes one to know one!”“Such poor customer service. I shouldn’t have wasted my money here. Are we here to relax or to beinsulted?”Liora’s friends weren’t pleased and started arguing with those who had spoken up. Meanwhile, Eleanorraised an eyebrow when she saw me smirking.As the situation escalated, the receptionist who served us became frightened. She turned and rushedinside to inform her superior.

Chapter 267 An Embarrassing DayI calmly sipped my tea while observing Liora. I even smiled at her to show I didn’t care. Her expressiongrew colder as she glared daggers at me. I found it amusing but couldn’t understand how Atticus couldbe attracted to such a troublesome woman.No wonder he told me someone needed to humble her.Suddenly, I realized Atticus was trying to protect his assets. Perhaps he had realized Liora wouldn’t be along–term partner who would share his hardships. Since he had started hiding his interests, he must bepreparing for something.Soon after, a woman in a black pantsuit emerged. She looked authoritative, with sharp features and coldeyes. She glanced around and said, “Please calm down, everyone.”Everyone turned to her as her gaze landed on Liora momentarily. I noticed Liora’s smirk, and then shesatdown calmly.Liora knew she had the upper hand, saying, “Ms. Kate, you arrived just in time. If you can’t resolve this,me and my friends will cancel our memberships.“Quick, cancel your memberships! That’ll help us relax!”“What are you implying?”Kate smiled and said, “Everyone, please calm down. You’ll all have rooms soon. Let’s not get so worked1. up.Some complained about the receptionist, while others criticized Liora and her friends for being rude. Iremained silent but noticed Kate favoring Liora.Liora continued, “It wouldn’t have been a big deal. You know we’ve been customers here for a longtime,Ms. Kate. You know our status and class.”The others scoffed upon hearing this. However, it didn’t affect Liora’s arrogance. “I’m okay if I’m theonly one with a membership, but I brought all my friends here. This isn’t the only spa in Foswood. Wecan leaveif we’re not happy.”ized Llora was stating her condition.Lauren gave me the card, she told me it was the most prestigious spa in Foswood, All the wealthy lovedthis place because being a member here represented their status. Hence, I didn’t bellevewould leave this place“Mrs. Liora, everyone here is a customer. Can we compromise? I’ll arrange for everyone to start theirtreatments soon since it’s better than wasting time. I’ll invite you for a visit another day,” Kate said withasmile.“That won’t work! Do you think I’d still be in the mood to relax after this? It’s either they leave, or wecancel our membership!” Liora insisted, pointing toward me.“Yeah! We’ll cancel our memberships! You’re not the only spa in town!” Liora’s friends chimed in.Kate looked troubled as she approached me. I remained composed, thinking I would cancel themembership if I had to. I wondered if I had made a mistake accepting the card from Lauren, not realizinghow expensive it was.Eleanor glanced at me, but I gently signaled her to keep quiet.Kate approached me smilingly. “Hello, Miss. I’m Kate Farrell, the manager here. I’ve never met youbefore.”“Yeah, it’s my first time here,” I replied. I wanted to see how Kate would handle the situation. Even if Ihad to cancel my membership, I wouldn’t do it without protecting my dignity.“Well, you see…” Kate hesitated and looked somewhat troubled.“Please, go on,” I spoke kindly with a hint of authority.Kate deepened her smile at me. “Our establishment has a membership system based on the amount ofspending and the membership duration. Mrs. Liora is one of our long–standing customers, so from ourperspective-“So you represent your business, right? Either she cancels her membership, or I do?” I remained calmandlooked at Kate.“Yes! It’s either I cancel, or you cancel, Liora asserted triumphantly.I responded, “Fine, I’ll cancel. I’ll give the place to Mrs. Liora. I hope you enjoy your time here.”Immediately after, I passed my card to Kate.

Chapter 268 A Reverse in SituationKate smilingly motioned to take my card but froze as she was about to touch it. I looked at her inpuzzlement while still holding the card. I didn’t know why she froze.She widened her eyes and observed my face. “Y–You-”Eleanor was as puzzled as me, saying. “Just cancel our membership, Ms. Kate.”However, Kate looked embarrassed as her lips twitched. “P–Please wait a moment. I–I need to make acall.”Eleanor protested, “Why must we wait for you to cancel our membership? You already made us wait forsomeone to serve us. Do you think we have that much free time?”1–It’s not that, Miss. I just need you to wait a moment.” Kate’s expression showed something was amiss.Liora was just as confused but appeared dissatisfied. “Ms. Kate, my friends and I will cancel if you havetrouble handling the situation!”She slapped her card on the coffee table before turning to her friends, saying, “Girls, let’s go!”Her friends followed suit and placed their cards on the table, declaring, “We’re canceling ourmemberships too!”Kate remained embarrassed as she said, “Please wait a moment. IThe displeased woman from before who supported me pointed at Liora and her friends. “If they don’tcancel their memberships, I’ll do it!”She placed her card in Kate’s hands. The latter appeared even more flustered as she ran into the office.The situation confused me. I wondered why Kate was so flustered but soon realized it was because ofthe membership cards. I saw a few golden cards and two silver ones on the table. However, the cardheld was black with gold edges and embossed letters.Immediately after, I learned that it was a Diamond card. If so, Lauren’s membership must be higher thanLiora’sI almost laughed aloud and felt impressed by LaurenLiora glared at me, but her eyes were no longer as fierce. Instead, they showed uncertainty.I remained silent and smirked when I realized I hadn’t embarrassed myself.The woman who supported me raised her eyebrow at me, causing my smile to widen.After a while, Kate emerged from the office. Although she was still smiling, her lips twitched. I stayed.composure because there was no need to press the issue.Kate hadn’t said anything yet, but Liora glared at her. “Ms. Kate, what’s going on?”Please calm down, Mrs. Liora. Today’s services are on the house. Everyone can enter their respectiverooms to relax. Let’s consider it a mutual apology. After all, you’re all prominent figures in Foswood.There’s no need to-”“What do you mean by prominent figures? Ha!” Liora refused to acknowledge me as such.I didn’t see myself that way either.“So ar“So anyone can be a prominent figure now?” Liora continued. “Then we’ll cancel our membership!”“Mrs. Liora, please don’t act hastily. We all…”I watched the situation unfold and didn’t intervene.*Cancel it!” Liora stated firmly.Kate was stunned. Then she asked, her tone less steady, “Are you sure?””Liora said confidently, “Since you won’t cancel her membership, I’ll cancel mine. Her social circle isn’t forme!”Kate turned to the receptionist behind her, saying, “All right, let’s cancel their memberships.”Liora sat up straight, her face cold. “I dare you to repeat that!”“Mrs. Liora, you insisted on canceling, right?” Kate grew helpless.

Chapter 269 Diamond CardLiora looked like she had misunderstood something. She glared at Kate, asking. “Did I mishear you?”“Yes, Mrs. Liora, I’ll process your membership cancellation immediately, Kate became more assertiveand called the head of the membership department to start the procedure.“Wait!” Liora roared, “Kate, what do you mean by this? Tell your boss to explain things to me!”“I’m sorry, Mrs. Liora. Please don’t make things difficult. It’s my boss’s decision.”“What do you mean? Why won’t you process hers?” Liora was outraged, forgetting her reputation. Herfriends also became agitated. “Exactly. Why are you canceling ours?”Liora stepped forward and glared daggers at Kate. “Do you want me and my friends to cancel ourmemberships?”II“Mrs. Liora, since you insist on canceling, I can only comply. If I cancel theirs, we’ll have to close the spa.immediately. So, I’m sorry, Mrs. Liora.” Kate paled despite her anger.“Why would you need to close?!” Liora exclaimed.“Because these two ladies‘ have Diamond Cards! They have the highest–tier VIP cards in our spa. Thereare only five Diamond members in the entire city,” the receptionist added, “Our spa-”“Shut up!” Kate snapped at her.Liora was in disbelief. She clenched her fists and pointed at me, saying, “Chloe, we’re enemies from nowon!”I responded casually, “Weren’t we already enemies? When have you ever been nice to me?”The head of the membership department was efficient. She respectfully said, “Mrs. Liora and friends,I’ve canceled your memberships and refunded the remaining funds. Please check your accountsaccordingly.”Liora was furious, glaring at the department head.The woman continued, “Furthermore, those who voluntarily cancel their membership cannot reapply atthis spa or its affiliated branches. That’s our policy.”Immediately after, she walked away.Liora’s friends froze because they had suffered a significant loss. These women had lost their valuablestatus. Then, Kate looked sternly at the receptionist who had assisted Llora. Kate said, “You can leave!The boss says you’re unfit to continue working here!”The receptionist cried, “What does it have to do with me? They were the ones who made derogatoryremarks about me first!”Liora threw the attire the receptionist had given her just now. “Kate, I’ll remember this! We’ll settle thescore next time!“Mrs. Liora… Kate felt uneasy.“Don’t call me! From now on, we no longer know each other!” Liora asserted, venting her anger onKate.” Don’t play nice with me anymore. You’re unqualified to call me by my name!”Then she looked at me. “Chloe, you better watch your back!”I nodded thoughtfully. “All right, got it!”Liora grabbed her bag, glared at me, and then stormed out. Her friends were sullen, muttering, “What’sgoing on here?”They reluctantly followed Liora.Je vour toKate finally sighed in relief and approached me. “Miss, I’ll immediately!”Meanwhile, several guests who had just completed their spa sessions came out. Some recognized Lioraland whispered about the situation.“Let’s get in line,” I suggested with a friendly smile, “Everyone has been waiting for quite some time.”The waiting guests were pleased and smiled back at me, waving. I approached the random woman whohad supported me earlier and extended my hand. “Thank you for your support earlier! I’m Chloe Hartz.”She shook my hand and said, “I’m Mia Morgan. I wouldn’t say I supported you. I just couldn’t stand herbecause she was annoying.”Mia remained distant and didn’t press further. I guessed she also owned a Diamond Card, which meantshe had an impressive background. Still, I remembered one of the receptionists saying only five Diamondmembers were in Faswood.I found it interesting and wanted to learn more about it.

Chapter 270 Offering An Olive BranchSoon, the remaining patrons got their turns while I went inside with Elanor.Kate came in to tell me that they had prepared the best masseur for us. During the massage, Eleanorand I discussed what had just happened. She smiled, and we grew closer.Afterward, I took her to a nearby Crispy Crust. Most knew the restaurant for its pizzas, and we ate whilecontinuing our conversation. Eleanor told me about how she had met her boss. I knew she was capable,and I felt tempted to be on her side.I tried probing, “What will you do if the boss’s wife gives you a hard time?”“I haven’t thought that far, but I’ve been involved with him for a long time. I don’t want to make thingsawkward for my boss, but I don’t want to continue life like this. Perhaps I must decide soon. Maybe I’llleave him.”“Have you thought it through?” I asked.“There’s nothing much to consider. My boss can’t give me what I want, and I can’t stay by his sideforever. I don’t want to work hard for him only to get nothing. I have my dignity.” Eleanor seemedhelpless, and Iknew she still felt for her boss.“I’ve done so much for him and owe him nothing. He once helped my dad when we needed money. Still,I helped my boss expand his business.” She shook her head disappointedly.“He didn’t even let me hold my head high when his wife came to my house. He said the cost of divorcewas too high, but what about me?”I couldn’t help but sigh. It seemed men always had excuses for their selfishness. I said, “Men alwayshave excuses. They can never stay loyal, so I can never trust them.”Eleanor nodded, “I’ve considered that for a long time. Instead of repaying a debt, I used to expectthings. from him. I’m disappointed, but he must compromise if he’s serious about us. I can’t see hopefrom abusiness perspective.Then leave him and work with me,” I offered sincerely, “You can manage the marketing departmentthereI realized I had underutilized Grayson by making him the marketing manager. After all, he was better atprojects. Also, I didn’t want him to worry about minor issues. Indeed, I lacked a capable marketingmanager, and Eleanor was a perfect fit.After all, she had exceptional experience and aggressiveness in marketing. Eleanor’s eyes lit up whensheI nodded solemnly. “Of course I am. The building materials market needs a capable manager. If youdecide to come, I’ll entrust it to you. If your year–end performance is acceptable, I can even give youshares. We can discuss your salary, but I’ll offer you the standard in Foswood.”I offered an olive branch without hesitation.Eleanor beamed with gratitude as she nodded. “I’ll consider it when I get home and call you when Idecide.”I'll be waiting for the good news!”I didn’t return to the company after saying goodbye to Eleanor. Instead, I went to pick up Ava. Sitting inthe car, I couldn’t help but feel Eleanor would be a perfect fit. She would have security while I can allowGrayson to assist Ryan.After all, we only needed to manage Tanum Corporation and Hartz Construction. Since I had yet toIntroduce Hartz Construction to the world, Grayson would be perfect to care for it.Still, I had to await Eleanor’s decision since she had emotional attachments.I began feeling tired after sitting in the car for a while. So, I exited the car and stretched before walkingtoward the kindergarten. Unexpectedly, Matthew’s car stopped beside me.

Beyond The Divorce Novel /Web Reading (2024)
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Author information

Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.