CROWN ASSET MANAGEMENT, LLC v. PARSONS, SELMA B, HHD-CV21-6137992-S, 100.34 (Conn. Super. Ct. Feb. 5, 2021) (2024)

`December 07, 2020
`Pursuant to the United States Code, Title 15, Section 1692, et seq., you are hereby
`notified that Counsel for the Plaintiff is attempting to collect the debt which is the subject of the
`within action and any information obtained will be used solely for that purpose.
`By Its Attorneys
`Christopher T. Moylan, Esq.,/
`Matthew R. Bardos, Esq.
`Firm Juris #438732
`Stillman Law Office, LLC
`30057 Orchard Lake Rd. Suite 200 Dept I 00
`Farmington Hills, MI 48334
`(888) 286-5001
`(203) 942-2301 (fx)
`This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.
`This communication is from a debt collector.
`CT_0I04 File No 20-35 100
`1111111111111111111111 lllll lllll lllll 11111 Ull 1111


`JD-CV-121 Rev. 2-18
`Please read the instructions carefully.
`For more Information, get a copy of How Small Claims Court Works (form JDP-CV-45) from a Clerk's Office, Court
`Service Center or on the Judicial Branch website, at
`You may also find information on the Small Claims Frequently Asked Questions page on the Judicial Branch website at
` or by contacting the clerk's office or a Court Service Center.
`What is the Small Claims Writ and Notice of Suit (form JD-CV-40) that I have received?
`The person suing you (called the plaintiff) has delivered to you (served on you) a copy of the Small Claims Writ and
`Notice of Suit (form JD-CV-40) and any documents related to your case. The Small Claims Writ and Notice of Suit
`contains the plaintiff's complaint, which explains how much money the plaintiff claims you owe them and the reasons
`why the they think you owe them.
`How do I defend my case?
`In order to respond to the plaintiff's complaint, you must complete an Answer form and return it to court. The court will
`send you an Answer form. The Answer form will tell you the court house where you must return the form and the
`date by which you must return it.
`You should receive an Answer form within six (6) weeks, but if you do not. call the clerk's office to ask why you have
`not received it yet. Do not file a response until you receive an Answer form.
`The Answer form contains an Answer section, where you respond to the plaintiffs claims, and a Counterclaim section,
`where you can make claims against the plaintiff. The Answer section must be completed. It is up to you whether you
`complete the Counterclaim. There is a fee for filing a counterclaim, which is discussed below.
`How do I respond to the plaintiff's claims? - Filing an Answer
`The Answer is your chance to respond or reply to the plaintiffs claim. You may admit or deny all or part of the plaintiffs
`claim. Your Answer should be specific, but brief. Complete the form and sign it. Keep a copy for yourself and send a
`copy to each attorney or other representative of the plaintiff or, if the plaintiff is representing themselves, send a copy
`to the plaintiff. If you are not filing a Counterclaim, send the original Answer form to the court at the address listed on
`the form by mail, fax or hand delivery. The court must receive your Answer form on or before the Answer Date. If
`you are filing a Counterclaim, see the discussion on Counterclaims, below.
`What if I know I owe the plaintiff some money?
`If you know you owe the plaintiff something, but do not agree on the amount in the claim or are not sure how much you
`owe, you should file an Answer. This gives you a chance to come to court for a hearing (also called a trial) to question
`how the plaintiff added up the amount claim or to say why you think the amount should be different.
`What if I admit that I owe the plaintiff all of the money they are asking for but want time to pay?
`If you are sure that you owe the entire amount claimed by the plaintiff but want or need more time to pay, you may say
`this on the Answer form and file it with the court. You may ask for a period of time during which you can make
`payments In an amount that you suggest. If you ask for more time, but do not ask for a specific time period or amount,
`the court will enter a judgment with an order of payments of $35 each week until the judgment is paid. If you ask to pay
`less than $35 per week, and the plaintiff does not agree, a hearing will be scheduled. A judgment against a business
`and a judgment against a landlord for return of a security deposit will be ordered to be paid in a lump sum.
`What if I pay the full amount plus costs, if any, before the Answer Date?
`If you pay the plaintiff, plaintiff's representative, or plaintiffs attorney the full amount of the claim plus costs, If any,
`before the Answer Date, you should say that on the Answer form and file It with the court.
`Do not send payment(s) to the Court.
`What should I do if the plaintiff owes me money? - Filing a Counterclaim
`If you claim that the plaintiff owes you money, you may wish to file a Counterclaim. First, you should complete the
`Answer portion of the Answer form. Then you may complete the Counterclaim section of the Answer form, In that
`section, explain why you think the plaintiff owes you money and how much money you claim the plaintiff owes you.
`When you have completed the form, sign it. Keep a copy for yourself and send a copy to each attorney or other
`representative of the plaintiff or, if the plaintiff is representing themselves, send a copy to the plaintiff. Send the original
`Answer form to the court at the address listed on the form by mail or hand delivery along with a filing fee of $95. The
`court must receive your answer form on or before the answer date. You cannot fax a Counterclaim and Its
`filing fee to the court.
`I 111111111111111 1111111111111111 11111 1111111111111


`What happens if I do not file an Answer?
`If you do not file an Answer in writing with the court, a money judgment may be entered against you. This Is called a
`default judgment. After the Answer Date has passed, your case will be reviewed by a Magistrate, who will decide
`whether a judgment should enter without a hearing or If a hearing must be scheduled. The Magistrate may award the
`plaintiff the full amount of their claim, plus court costs.
`What happens if I file an Answer? Will I have a trial?
`If you file an Answer, the Court will schedule a hearing (also called a trial), if one is required. The court will send you
`a notice letting you know exactly when and where your case will be heard. Do not come to court for a hearing
`on the Answer Date listed on the Answer form. Cases are scheduled for hearing as quickly as possible.
`What happens if I file a Counterclaim? Will I have a trial?
`If you file a Counterclaim with your Answer, a notice will be sent to you and the plaintiff letting everyone know that a
`Counterclaim has been filed and telling the plaintiff when they must file their Answer to the Counterclaim. After the
`Counterclaim Answer Date has passed, the court will schedule a hearing (also called a trial), if one is required. The
`court will send you a notice letting you know exactly when and where your case will be heard. Do not come to
`court for a hearing on the Answer Date listed on the Answer form. Cases are scheduled for hearing as quickly as
`What do I need to bring to Court for my hearing (trial)?
`On the day of your hearing, you should bring all of your witnesses and any evidence you have. This may include bills,
`invoices, checks, damage estimates, pictures or other documents. Evidence may also include any defective or
`damaged goods that can be brought safely and easily into the court. Be prepared and organized so that you can
`present your complete case. A small claims judgment cannot be appealed.
`The Judicial Branch of the State of
`Connecticut complies with the Americans with
`Disabilities Act (ADA). If you need a resonable
`accommodation in accordance with the ADA.
`contact a court clerk or an ADA contact
`person listed at
`CT_019 MILITARY AFFIDAVIT File No0. 20-35100
`1111111 111111111 1111111111111111 IIIII 1111111111111


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`• Supporting Documentation; N avbtl, wk vy ut 'le us tunl
`Htwe vrsht pl hrwrs; lbw rrmt ilonlin y aw h pule!
`We will lrtvi"'ili1•a!C' lho 'llCJJ.IIOli mluflnilllOl'I iltll.l r('l1'Jlt lll•' IMUltt. Ill ~OU
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`PAYMENTS MARKlm "PAID IN FULL", /Ill Wllll••r1 rttfl1!qlJllfl Nll(\fl\ 11'1!1"1'11111:
`1f1!,Jlt1lr.d ,11, 1t1lll l11r111,k• i.l!l'r' rhftr.k tlf' olhm p,1~111!'1•1\ h!':'il,1.Rnrmt
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`'t,YIIICU '111)f\l/i.ll,
`CUSTOMER S6'RVl<:E, Vi\ll cui1~11ily,111;Vwm1L11r...,.llhl1111 r·-,11
`I i(f'I{\ //(1•!.l1'11,~)(fll\)l'I I~ H,l,1),)(,11~, !/AA),
`T(!lCPIIONf MONITORING, lo fln!t1,J11 you wtlh lih~1-,111JIU~ ~.ti1V1r.1•,
`pilot)!' l'lli'IIIIIIJ1Uro1lt1.lfl t,tlll U-. i~ fll(Jfllht!L'tl tllkllll IL\Alf'1k••J.
`(tfll\ ffllij 11111)1 v,urh WV INT PAY Rt.J llll'HIN W/1.IYr _1r,nrnr~1. PAVMrN1
`UIUllll~I D; WV JNr f lJ l'Y lltr.,mr.W/1JVI. INII HI 'ii, ii(ll/\1 111\YMI NI; VM
`INI I OW l'MI ""'""' l'/1\lVl INll l!Lbl. LIJl'l l'~VMI Ml; l•I INI l'Y lltl
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`[Jl"l"tf! INII r!l"~r. I ritJN 1'/IYMI NI.Ill INI I IYNl'MI uV1t<f\, l1I If U
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`vary, You ray ty all ol ya Nau' twlvno l wary le wtut penalty,
`Son<l all ;,.1',iiio, lo: CUSTOMER SERVICE, PO Ba, 162273, Col111>IH1>,
`Ohln 43218-12'1.l.
`St-oo 1'111 b..mkruptcy nollces and 1?:1111,d connpondem;e lo Comenlly o.,nk,
`EIAli~rtlJ}tf.)' DOJ'illrlmtnl, PO Ball IR212!'i, Col11mh111, Ohio 43218-211.5
`<hi,rk ,,~ l"Mf'J'lll•·nt, Viltl -'lt1!1-.J11,r u.-. flill ir:t In 11~1 lr1!1J11111Jtlon lir.m ~,1111
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`ph■:,~,'i Ill!'? (h\'rlllf'!tl rl', ,1 r.lm.k llill'fl"nlClk..n. WhL'n ~ II~ mh,mVIIIIJ!i liclfll
`ya elk lo kt ult.hrw. lmt lnslr, lust iwy l will»
`lrrn1 an arwmt + xon
`(t' g lay w1111!f"•J1111• o pyen, ar
`pl\1 will fll',I HI!' 1ll\/i1 ','t1tlr (llln~k !llll'il llum y1i1Jf lll1It1,.•11:il itf..lilllll,ofl.
`Kllcp 111111,orthm Im yuur fC'L<ml,.
`Wl,"1 To [){Jo !I '11111 T11!11k V1t11 Find A. Mllllnke O.i \'rim Slnll!mi!nl
`II '{i '" llilPlri 1/J '/II IS /II") 1:rror •1(1 ·11"11.II ~,a1,•11w•111. MIii• IF) IJ'l ,,1. l)HIW•,111\'
`Bank P Ia [/82 tutut: r, ('111111 -'1.1::.ilH IIHJ.
`Iii l'•Mll l11lhr1, 1:11111 u, 11,., h1ll,11Y,11-• 111t111r11 tl11t11
`rot@l low foo an, wl or» ruder
`■ n,trm ,'lnk•llllt: II~• .~~t.,, ,1U~l1J/ I 111 Ill•: ~.!1\ll'rl,•d1•111!f.
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`IJn•,.•11llf~ Wh.!I yuu lrt1illi"'Jil I\ wtl 111': ,!Uri Yrl'ry \'•,LJ l~·lll'Y!' ii I~ ,l ll1l'.I.Jk1•.
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`.. 111l1'lht'lll.
`Kou must rotily uo ay pobi+l wry in wily, 'w may vollw, tut it
`fia1 iln .,.,. ,111' 1 ol tquwel lo it'll aty plenial +ts nnd you may
`IU•ill II, ,.,av Iii,• l'!ll11111J/1I HI q~11~1111p
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`aw mull llt le relate«l tr lat aitroinl,
`• VJl11!n )Pl 1j;J rNII hf','11 In I''')' 111;1 1111+1Mml 111 1Ji11''!.liurl, 'r"HI 11n: fir 11.11hlhh.:
`lu {h trait of yow tlre,
`• ','J,• fllll m,rily' ti11V IJf1l·,;1nl ,lllP..'11ll1I (Q!;Jlll!\I tL'Ur Cli'tJil 1111 tt.
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`II , .. ..i, ,111: 1lb,t1f1lj-\t1i'IJ .,...1ll1 1111• yo»to two, th+l you lws pr)rd
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`PA(,lf: I OF-I
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`08/0 4/2D19
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`Pa rnent Information
`Mir1i011Jt11 pnym1)111 cfui,
`Poym111 ,1 cJ,u, dnlo
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`Mlnlmun, payment w.orning: If you make only the minimum
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`And you WIii
`It you mnko no oddltloMI
`You will ~ny oft
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`A cc ou n t no ,
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`New balance
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`Dys in tilling cycle
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`"kin ,.hl,t pvOJ'l'ftlt.
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`f'ur Woman Within ltedlt (ard Inquires,
`please call 1-866-776 9850 {TDD/TTY 1-00-695-178B), Mn-5a1 8AM-9PM FT
`o, you may write lo us al Woman Within, P.n. Do~ IB2273 Cnh11nht1i,OI I 4)2 IR-2}7)
`To Inquire illx>tll M1 ortlur you h~'/C :1lr~,1fly pl~c,:cl, c.1II H!00-477-7030,
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`,nlullll ,B,,1111h.lt1! yuUI ,11·1.111111! 111
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`q1•d1t tKHl"'rilj-,, 11'1\I• 1~)'1111"111,, 1111-.yrij IIM~lllfllll-., 111 11,IKH rl,,lm1II~ 111 Yllll
`awl ml» jet tef4, Y• rrl'flll f'•!io."111.
`NOTICE Of CR ED IT llEl'o llt bi$PUHS
`II y111 lH1\H•~n 1111 .,r-n11111l 11\llu111A1Ku 'NI• 1fl!udnrl Iii•• frn1•.l1r11m il1[ulifi1~
`lo L-Oil!o:'rllt\' {lu11k f'(l
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`lku IR?/W1, r.11l11mh+l"I, (Jl1lu 1\:J;:'Jf{.;.i/H-l. Y11111 ... 11t(,ri,,lr,1iil11111111
`poMk utltrnt rfnlnt Mo
`nth ll wwcroml sr#pity wty th
`1!il1it1r1J1IU111 ,i,, 1lllk1?11i,1h1:
`• Information: Y11u1 l\:llllt! ,mi.1 ,Kwurt n1.11ntt1?r
`, Coolaet lnfDfmRtlon: You, nddr11n ,ind t111r'j~hmt? 11umlM1t
`• Disputed lfanwtun: hbnuhity tt tout ihonation hrstnted anl
`"1pllm1 ~ol/1y '(!Ml 11',llfrV!i II I\ lll'~f;l'ill.1~11
`j sunpurtlnit Documeril,,llon! ,, ,tv,uh,hlr., ~tflNII"-' 11 ("()!:"' Ill 1111• •J!( Ill.Ill lfl
`lho n1..-II( ri1p111 I 'i/JiJWhij~ Ille .1rruo11l rnlt¥1llitl1m yuu 11111 !II' 111111•~~
`'Ml hnd 111111 tlJ•: J,:'1 011rrl l11tu1H,1lh,n w,.~ h'I ,,111:11 b lr11, r11ml-?1 ~,i l'i!!I
`po4tplly peuiuk Ile rwsay vuweln #svwchvrsttwr tpwlit»;
`M0.9y h} M1lrh v.~, ll'11'.~!••1J lhn inhYlllllmn.
`PAYMENTS MAAtl£0 ~F>Alt'> IN f-'UlL - . ;\JI w, 1111111 fll(lll•1w11t ,1ll1\f1~ '''?~:1Hl1rij:
`dqut attunt u,.11 lf►.•111t111 .my rl"'h~k IW DlhiJI l~,y!Jllml lillllllJH'ilJlll
`usy a«pd 4ynl viii! 1111111'( 1111~•1 1t,lil1w, ... \'11lhi1t1I l,~it•~: llfr\" 11!
`,otu 1,1:t1t■••
`- Mo py Ullo a n wvr«on/ ) uliluluw will «ul pi«
`v.,iltllll itr1llu'J.II.
`CUSTDMEH 5E'~VIC£. Vl11l comcnlly.11cllwotllltllwll!1l11,~ rn!!
`1-HM, 11111~1Jc, (m1>r1 IY 1 fl<A.J r,'1!1 11,.u,i.).
`TELEPHONE MONITORING. hl pn.Nlt~t Y(III WIii! hlflll qu,.ihlv ~rv,r.t•.
`1l\!i1· 1'tffj111K,Jlhl 11111111 1,Hll 1"' r,, fl!(,lftiltllltd ,:lkLU l1't.tlftl1.1il.
`fi□OlllONAL INFORMATION. Iii: lnlk>Wlrll t~'":lli!lllllllfi\, ~if':n ,'\l}llt!,11111'1
`t)II 11111 1111111 111 y,1111 ,l,1IP11~~111, 11111;111 11H1 l11ll1_1WIII\{: 1/ •.111,11 N _v,n 1,1l_11i, n1lu
`mu, rnlo 111•1v .,,.,,, IW INI PAY A mwrs WVt +It1, PA¥Ml NI
`Ill IJIIIIH (); WV IN I I q l'Y liH'lllt'r( WI\IVI INll III SI, I Htli\l l'J\YMI MI; 'IN
`IN I I llW l'MI m,,on., WNVI IN II HI SI. I llW f'AVMI NI ii/I INl I"/ Hi)
`1i\f•An\llllllllNIIIHSl,PAY/,UNI IIIWJllllll;D(I IMI !Ol'YmOi:lllli
`1)1 Ir~ IN II Ill :;r, I r,IJAI l'AYMI Nii Ill INI I <JWl'MI 11,11n llfl Ill
`IN II-IU SI, fl)\'lf1AYM! NI i,,11 IJIV Nil I <l flAY ""'""' I OW Af>tt, I illlAJ
`PJ\''r'MI NT, II yi11 l1,-N1• vi«ll rah wv«al, yow pi»hi; talrs 111,11
`y;uy. Y<.>11 fllll"f IUY ,111 ol ','Otlf /1.c:n1ml llhllllll"O ,,I i,/l'J lm11J WIIIM"IIJI llf•n!lly,
`So1KI ,1II mq11lri,,.10, ClJ!\TDM~R SERVICE, Po Do, 182273, Columbo,.
`Olilo 4J2J8-227J,
`5-bnd -111 h111kruptc.~ ;uxl rtl11ted corre1pomJence to Comcnlly Onnk,
`0:,11kniplcy De1,111ri11M1nt, PQ f)i:11 I R2 J 7~,,11,, Cl1l(i 4]21R-2 I 2!i
`«lrkaspry', u null«onu tu,itht to ue in@lulls hi@a i
`rll<'tlt IL• rm1k.1• a •i!•l 111111~ 1:lr.'flll1/11r fu11d 11110-.11•1 fr,}111 Vtl!J! .-11 r111m!, u, IP
`t•v<:1)','11111; fl,t)lll•'nl fli. ,. dw.1:k ll,1t1• .. 1rih111. \~1!111 'Nf' lf.".r inh'111L-11hin f/0111

CROWN ASSET MANAGEMENT, LLC v. PARSONS, SELMA B, HHD-CV21-6137992-S, 100.34 (Conn. Super. Ct. Feb. 5, 2021) (2024)
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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Author information

Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.