SHOW REPORT: Stardom 5Star Grand Prix – Night 4 (Thursday, 15th August 2024) (2024)

Table of Contents
Notes Quick Results Match #1 – God’s Eye (Hina & Lady C) def. Cosmic Angels (Aya Sakura & Sayaka Kurura) & STARS (Hazuki & Momo Kohgo) w/ Modified Jackhammer (10:21) Match #2 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars B Match: AZM (6) def. Tam Nakano (0) w/ Azumi Sushi (9:43) Match #3 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars B Match: Thekla (2) def. Ranna Yagami (2) w/ Dokugumo Death Drop (3:40) Match #4 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars A Match: Koguma (2) def. Miyu Amasaki (2) w/ Kuma Roll (0:49) Match #5 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars B Match: Tomoka Inaba (6) def. Saya Iida (2) w/ One Hit Kill Tomoka Kick (7:18) Match #6 – H.A.T.E (Natsuko Tora, Saya Kamitani & Rina) def. Waka Tsukiyama, Xena & Mei Seira w/ Star Crusher (8:33) Match #7 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars A Match: Natsupoi (4) def. Ruaka (0) w/ Cross-Arm Breaker (8:58) Match #8 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars B Match: Saki Kashima (2) def. Hanan (3) w/ Kishkaisei (0:20) Match #9 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars A Match: Manami (5) def. Yuna Mizumori (0) w/ Four! Press! (5:06) Match #10 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars B Match: Syuri (4) def. Anna Jay (2) w/ Suzaku (5:36) Match #11 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars A Match: Maika (6) def. Konami (4) w/ Roll-Up (7:38) Match #12 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars B Match: Risa Sera (2) def. Suzu Suzuki (3) w/ Swinging Air Raid Crash (7:38) Match #13 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars A Match: Saori Anou (3) vs. Starlight Kid (3) Ended in a Time Limit Draw (15:00) Match #14 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars B Match: Mayu Iwatani (6) def. Momo Watanabe (0) w/ Fubuki Rana (12:55) Block Standings Upcoming Shows
SHOW REPORT: Stardom 5Star Grand Prix – Night 4 (Thursday, 15th August 2024) (1)


  • Ami Sohrei will be absent from all cards as she begins the process of recovering from ACL and meniscus tears in her knee. Ranna Yagami will replace her in the 5Star Grand Prix.
  • Kaori Yoneyama – more commonly known as f*ckigen Death in Stardom – has also suffered an ACL tear and will be out of action for a year.

Quick Results

  • Three-Way Tag Team Match: God’s Eye (Hina & Lady C) def. Cosmic Angels (Aya Sakura & Sayaka Kurura) & STARS (Hazuki & Momo Kohgo) w/ Modified Jackhammer (10:21)
  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars B Match: AZM (6) def. Tam Nakano (0) w/ Azumi Sushi (9:43)
  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars B Match: Thekla (2) def. Ranna Yagami (2) w/ Dokugumo Death Drop (3:40)
  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars A Match: Koguma (2) def. Miyu Amasaki (2) w/ Kuma Roll (0:49)
  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars B Match: Tomoka Inaba (6) def. Saya Iida (2) w/ One Hit Kill Tomoka Kick (7:18)
  • 6-Woman Tag Team Match: H.A.T.E (Natsuko Tora, Saya Kamitani & Rina) def. Waka Tsukiyama, Xena & Mei Seira w/ Star Crusher (8:33)
  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars A Match: Natsupoi (4) def. Ruaka (0) w/ Cross-Arm Breaker (8:58)
  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars B Match: Saki Kashima (2) def. Hanan (3) w/ Kishkaisei (0:20)
  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars A Match: Manami (5) def. Yuna Mizumori (0) w/ Four! Press! (5:06)
  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars B Match: Syuri (4) def. Anna Jay (2) w/ Suzaku (5:36)
  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars A Match: Maika (6) def. Konami (4) w/ Roll-Up (7:38)
  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars B Match: Risa Sera (2) def. Suzu Suzuki (3) w/ Swinging Air Raid Crash (7:38)
  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars A Match: Saori Anou (3) vs. Starlight Kid (3) Ended in a Time Limit Draw (15:00)
  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars B Match: Mayu Iwatani (6) def. Momo Watanabe (0) w/ Fubuki Rana (12:55)
SHOW REPORT: Stardom 5Star Grand Prix – Night 4 (Thursday, 15th August 2024) (2)

Match #1 – God’s Eye (Hina & Lady C) def. Cosmic Angels (Aya Sakura & Sayaka Kurura) & STARS (Hazuki & Momo Kohgo) w/ Modified Jackhammer (10:21)

This is a really fun opener in front of a packed Korakuen Hall that is given an unexpected amount of time to breathe. It’s a good blend of comedy, and showcasing some of the skill some of the undercard has.

We get a huge Headscissors train with Sayaka Kurura then delivering a Double Footstomp to everyone, before getting to her own partner Aya Sakura and tapping her gently in the stomach and turning the entire train over with a Boston Crab. Hazuki manages to catch both Hina and Lady C in a Double Crossface, and Momo hits a Double Tiger Feint Kick to the pair later on. Meanwhile Aya Sakura has the opportunity to show off some pretty savage kicks, two in particular delivered to Hazuki highlighting her as a really underrated striker on this roster.

However, as the action wends towards the closing stretch, it’s Hina and Momo Kohgo who rightly get the spotlight. Hina in particular looks fantastic, Hip Tossing everyone in sight with one pop-up one to Momo Kohgo a particular highlight. God’s Eye manage to hit the 3D after Lady C destroys Hazuki with a towering Chokeslam, which leaves Hina to get the pinfall over Momo Kohgo with her Modified Jackhammer.

An unexpectedly fun little match that is really worth checking out!





— スターダム✪STARDOM (@wwr_stardom) August 15, 2024
SHOW REPORT: Stardom 5Star Grand Prix – Night 4 (Thursday, 15th August 2024) (3)

Match #2 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars B Match: AZM (6) def. Tam Nakano (0) w/ Azumi Sushi (9:43)

Having suffered back-to-back losses to Mayu Iwatani and then Saya Iida to leave her 0-2, another loss to an unbeaten AZM could be truly devastating to Tam’s chances of advancing to the quarter-finals.

We look initially like we might get a lock-up to start, but AZM puts the kiybosh on that with a kick to midriff to start a frantic set of reversals. It’s not long before AZM drags Tam from the ring by the legs though and hits a Buzzsaw Kick off the apron. She misses the Diving Double Footstomp initially, but once she kicks out Tam’s bad knee she is able to hit a second one successfully before rolling Tam back into the ring. She follows this with a Missile Dropkick before transitioning Tam’s kick out into an Arm-Bar.

Tam blocks a suplex attempt and then catches AZM as she makes to Springboard, throwing her across the ring with a Back Suplex. She then hoists the High-Speed Bomb Girl over the top rope to the apron where she then hauls her into a Hanging Guillotine Choke. AZM bounces back though and joins Tam on the top rope where she is able to bait the Shining Stardom Dream into another Arm-Bar before hitting the Marine Spike as Tam dangles from the turnbuckle. Another Diving Double Footstomp follows with AZM making for the arm again the moment Tam kicks out, even briefly incorporating Tam’s injured leg into the hold before Nakano is able to eventually drag herself to the bottom rope. Tam blocks the ensuing Destroyer before turning a second one into a Pop-Up Forearm and taking AZM out of the air with a Superkick to finally give herself some time to breathe.

Tam catches a Headscissors and turns it into a Bridging German Suplex, with the pair trading further failed suplex variations until Tam gets a two count by sitting into an Azumi Sushi attempt. A successful Azumi Sushi gets a close two count for AZM, but Tam wipes her out shortly after with a Violet Shooting. She can’t connect with the Tiger Suplex though, and AZM manoeuvres it smoothly into a Destroyer before then rolling her up into the Azumi Sushi for the victory. Tam is 0-3 and on the very precipice of elimination, while AZM moves clear – no matter how briefly – to the top of Red Stars A with 6 points and a record of 2-0-2.

World of Stardom Champion Natsuko Tora, evidently wanting to capitalise on an emotional Tam at her weakest, walks to the ring with a microphone in hand. However instead, she appears to offer Tam a lifeline; a title match against her – presumably at the Namba Grand Fight 2024 PPV on 14th September – a match which Nakano readily accepts!





— スターダム✪STARDOM (@wwr_stardom) August 15, 2024
SHOW REPORT: Stardom 5Star Grand Prix – Night 4 (Thursday, 15th August 2024) (4)

Match #3 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars B Match: Thekla (2) def. Ranna Yagami (2) w/ Dokugumo Death Drop (3:40)

Ranna immediately goes after Thekla, who has her back to her in an apparent show of disrespect, but it’s not long before the Idol Killer takes control with a series of thumping forearms and a Diving Double Footstomp to the back.

Yagami cuts off a Spear with a Dropkick before unloading a series of kicks into Thekla’s chest. She locks in a Cross Arm-Breaker, but Thekla gets out of it by stacking her up on her shoulders for a two count. Ranna gets two counts with a pair of Inside Cradles before Thekla halts her in her tracks with a Spear and finishes the match definitively with the Dokugumo Death Drop to get her first win of the tournament.

No fear shown by Yagami in another good showing for the Beat Striker, but the Spear knocked the wind out of her and left her a sitting duck for the Dokugumo Death Drop.


🔵BLUE STARS-B 公式リーグ戦

八神蘭奈 vs テクラ


— スターダム✪STARDOM (@wwr_stardom) August 15, 2024
SHOW REPORT: Stardom 5Star Grand Prix – Night 4 (Thursday, 15th August 2024) (5)

Match #4 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars A Match: Koguma (2) def. Miyu Amasaki (2) w/ Kuma Roll (0:49)

Miyu shows exactly how excited she is for this match by briefly engaging in the Kuma dance before Koguma even makes it into the ring.

She’s the one that then initiates the dance to start the match, with the pair looking to high-five after performing the dance together. Amasaki then looks to rolls Koguma up out of nowhere, only for Koguma to be one step ahead and transition it into a Kuma Roll for the quickest victory of the tournament so far and leave everyone in Blue Stars A tied on 2 points.

— スターダム✪STARDOM (@wwr_stardom) August 15, 2024
SHOW REPORT: Stardom 5Star Grand Prix – Night 4 (Thursday, 15th August 2024) (6)

Match #5 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars B Match: Tomoka Inaba (6) def. Saya Iida (2) w/ One Hit Kill Tomoka Kick (7:18)

These two have arguably been amongst the tournament breakouts so far, with Saya in particular impressing in matches with Mayu and Tam including a suprise victory over the latter.

They don’t even wait for the bell before charging into each other and unloading a flurry of strikes, Inaba foooring Iida with thunderous kicks to the sternum before the latter responds with her blistering chops. In response to a wild volley of slaps, Inaba smashes into Saya with a particularly stiff kick, but Iida is able to land a Double-Handed Chop and a Corkscrew Uppercut to the back.

Inaba decides from here to target Saya’s arm, rolling her into a series of arm submissions before Saya catches her attempt at the One Hit Kill Tomoka Kick. With Iida blocking Inaba’s kicks with her bad arm, it looks like the Queen of JTO is going to be able hoist her into the Inaba Drop, but Saya reverses that into a Vertical Suplex. They come face-to-face as they get slowly to their feet, Saya smashing into Inaba with a Lariat before the latter is able to lock in a Triangle Choke. However, Iida is able to power her into an impressive One-Armed Powerbomb and a Pop-up Spinebuster.

With the crowd very vocally behind Saya now, she heads to the top rope and hits the Diving Shoulder Tackle but is subsequently wiped out by two consecutive kicks from Inaba followed by a knee strike. This evidently stuns Saya, allowing Inaba to hit the Inaba Drop followed by the One Hit Kill Tomoka Kick for the victory.

A delightfully hard-hitting affair with both women playing to their strengths. Inaba moves level with AZM at the top of Red Stars B, while Saya remains at 2 points.


🔴RED STARS-B 公式リーグ戦

飯田沙耶 vs 稲葉ともか


— スターダム✪STARDOM (@wwr_stardom) August 15, 2024
SHOW REPORT: Stardom 5Star Grand Prix – Night 4 (Thursday, 15th August 2024) (7)

Match #6 – H.A.T.E (Natsuko Tora, Saya Kamitani & Rina) def. Waka Tsukiyama, Xena & Mei Seira w/ Star Crusher (8:33)

With help from Xena, Waka is able to briefly gain control of Rina in order to start her Hip Attacks, but this is halted by a Saya Kamitani Dropkick. Tora and Saya then proceed to dominate Waka, the former by rubbing a dirty ringside rag into Waka’s face before Rina re-enters the match in order to drive a boot into Tsukiyama’s face in the corner.

Waka gets a Crossbody off though and is able to tag in Mei Seira, though she is momentarily thwarted by a Tora trip at ringside. However, alongside Xena she’s able to regain control, and her and Mei hit Suplexes to Rina and Tora – the latter needing a lot of help from Xena due to the obvious size mismatch! Tora floors Mei with a Shoulder Tackle and tags in Saya, who is hit almost instantly with a Mei Dropkick and a Waka Hip Attack.

Tora stops Tsukiyama on the top rope, allowing Saya to Snapmare her off. With Xena’s timely help however, Waka is able to hit a Missile Dropkick before the H.A.T.E numbers game pays dividends and allows Saya to hit the Northern Lights Suplex. She looks for the Star Crusher, but Tsukiyama is able to reverse this into three consecutive roll-up attempts for close two counts. However, Tora and Rina reappear to help neutralise Waka so Saya can then hit her Spinning Corkscrew Kick to the back and the Star Crusher for the victory!




— スターダム✪STARDOM (@wwr_stardom) August 15, 2024
SHOW REPORT: Stardom 5Star Grand Prix – Night 4 (Thursday, 15th August 2024) (8)

Match #7 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars A Match: Natsupoi (4) def. Ruaka (0) w/ Cross-Arm Breaker (8:58)

I’ve been really impressed with the way Ruaka has approached her tournament thus far, and she instantly attacks a now-short haired Poi with a Shoulder Tackle before we take an all-too-familiar trip to the front row of chairs so we can do some chair bowling.

Back in the ring and Ruaka hits another Shoulder Tackle before mounting Natsupoi and choking her repeatedly, stopping before the referee’s count of five, only to begin doing it again almost instantly. Finally, an Arm-Drag and a Dropkick line Ruaka up for a Natsupoi Dropkick, only for the Wonder of Stardom Champion to be dragged to the outside by Thekla and set upon by other members of H.A.T.E. This interference continues with Rina moments later with the only positive coming from it being that referee Daichi Muryama flat out refuses to perform the ensuing pinfall count.

Poi hits a Superkick and a Dropkick before connecting with a Diving Crossbody and locking in a Cross-Arm Breaker on Ruaka’s strapped arm. Ruaka is impressively able to power her up using one arm, but can’t connect with the Lariat with her bad arm. She does regain control however and hits Natsupoi with her Stalling Fisherman’s Buster. As she goes for the Neck Hanging Chokebomb however, Poi is able to reverse it into a pinfall attempt before rolling Ruaka up for the Fairy Magic.

Thekla’s well-timed interference with the crate stops the pinfall, but it doesn’t stop Natsupoi hitting a Diving Crossbody to the outside. As she goes to the top rope again though, she is taken down with a Superplex. She’s clobbered in the corner with a Lariat before Ruaka hoists her into the air for a Powerbomb, only for Poi to transition it seamlessly into her Cross Arm-Breaker which forces Ruaka to tap almost immediately.

Natsupoi moves to four points with back-to-back victories following her opening night loss to Maika, while Ruaka still waits for that elusive first 5Star Grand Prix victory.


🔴RED STARS-A 公式リーグ戦



— スターダム✪STARDOM (@wwr_stardom) August 15, 2024
SHOW REPORT: Stardom 5Star Grand Prix – Night 4 (Thursday, 15th August 2024) (9)

Match #8 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars B Match: Saki Kashima (2) def. Hanan (3) w/ Kishkaisei (0:20)

I still to this day am not sure what E-Fist of the Northstar 10 is exactly, but I’m hugely appreciative of Saki’s commitment to her advertising obligations.

No sooner have I finished typing this, but her and Hanan begin a furious roll-up tussle which results in Saki getting the quickest victory in 5Star Grand Prix 2024 so far with the Kishkaisei at just 20 seconds, beating Koguma’s time from earlier in the night!

Post-match, a thoroughly dejected Hanan is forced to pose with the advertising board before Saki hits her with it and scampers from the ring.


鹿島沙希が #e北斗の拳10 のバトルボーナスの曲にのって入場!


— スターダム✪STARDOM (@wwr_stardom) August 15, 2024
SHOW REPORT: Stardom 5Star Grand Prix – Night 4 (Thursday, 15th August 2024) (10)

Match #9 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars A Match: Manami (5) def. Yuna Mizumori (0) w/ Four! Press! (5:06)

It’s a battle of two of the most hyped individuals in this tournament in Yuna and Manami.

Manami seizes control of the arm early on before a series of her signature screams and Dropkicks are cut off by a Mizumori Crossbody and a cry of ‘YAHHOOOOOO’. They trade forearms before Yuna forces Manami into the corner for a series of Lariats. Manami rolls to the outside, but Mizumori follows her and wipes her out with a Diving Crossbody before hitting a Diving Shoulder Tackle back inside the ring. However when she tries a Diving Body Splash, Manami manages to get the knees up.

Yuna forces a frantically-wiggling Manami into a Fireman’s Carry and a Samoan Driver before a Lariat gets her a two count. A Springboard Lariat is missed, and Manami gets a close two count with a pair of Jumping Knee Strikes. A third follows before she lands an enormous Four! Press! of her own to get the victory – her second of the tournament – and leaving Yuna pointless at the foot of Red Stars A.




— スターダム✪STARDOM (@wwr_stardom) August 15, 2024
SHOW REPORT: Stardom 5Star Grand Prix – Night 4 (Thursday, 15th August 2024) (11)

Match #10 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars B Match: Syuri (4) def. Anna Jay (2) w/ Suzaku (5:36)

It’s been an impressive first tour of Japan thus far for AEW’s Anna Jay, but a match against Syuri poses a completely different set of problems for the Queenslayer!

A lock-up starts proceedings, with Anna attempting to ground Syuri before snatching in a Side Headlock. She can’t keep it in however, and instead finds herself locked in an Arm-Bar before Syuri hits a Jawbreaker to get out of the Queenslayer. Syuri vaults Anna over the top rope, but this allows the Queenslayer to hit her Neckbreaker through the ropes. Syuri turns the tide of course, hitting a Shotgun Dropkick before going once again to Jay’s arm.

Rather unwisely, Anna initiates a striking exchange with Syuri, who drives a host of knees into Anna’s midriff before throwing her across the ring with a German Suplex. Anna responds with a Flatliner and a Gory Bomb but only gets a two count. Syuri avoids Anna in the corner and ensnares the arm with a Draping Traingle over the ropes before hitting a Guillotine Leg Drop and Jumping Knee Strike. She goes for the pin but Anna gets free and hits another Neckbreaker before hitting the Dangerous Jay Kick and locking in The Queenslayer once again. Unfortunately for the AEW wrestler, Syuri is rather adept at submission-based wrestling, and is able to slip free and lock in her own brutal-looking Grounded Suzaku.

Anna taps, bringing to an end another impressive performance from her, and in the process giving Syuri her second victory of the tournament, putting her at the top of Blue Stars A block.


朱里 vs アナ・ジェイ!


— スターダム✪STARDOM (@wwr_stardom) August 15, 2024
SHOW REPORT: Stardom 5Star Grand Prix – Night 4 (Thursday, 15th August 2024) (12)

Match #11 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars A Match: Maika (6) def. Konami (4) w/ Roll-Up (7:38)

We get mat wrestling to start this match, with both women jockeying furiously for position before Konami draws first blood with an Arm Bar and a Knee Strike.

The action quickly moves to the outside where Maika catches a PK, but as she gets Konami into the position for a Fireman’s Carry, the Submission Sniper grabs at the bad arm to get free. She removes her belt and whips Maika with it, tying it around her throat as she whips her into the chairs and slams her into the wall of Korakuen Hall. Maika gets revenge though as Konami goes to the apron again, and she’s able to drag a her to the floor with a Back Suplex.

On a roll now it seems, she hits a Shoulder Tackle and a Lariat before shrugging off a closed fist punch to the gut to hit a Spinning Powerslam and a Sliding Lariat. She looks for Sazanka, but Konami transitions this into a submission by wrapping Maika’s arms around her own throat. Once the action goes to the top rope, it looks like Maika might be able to hit the Superplex, but Konami targets the arm once again before looking for her Ripcord Knee. Maika misses one Lariat but connects with the next, despite the pain in her arm, and tries for Enka Otoshi only for Konami to float over and lock in a Sleeper Hold.

Having run Konami into the corner, Maika is unaware that the Submission Sniper has grabbed the spray paint can from somewhere. Maika eventually Lariats it out of her hand though, and as Konami looks to lock in the Jumping Arm Bar, Maika stacks her up on her shoulders and pins her down, gaining herself the three count.

Maika immediately rolls from the ring with Konami in hot pursuit, laughing as a furious Konami chases her around Korakuen Hall before rolling back into the ring to have her hand raised and then scarper backstage again!


🔴RED STARS-A 公式リーグ戦



— スターダム✪STARDOM (@wwr_stardom) August 15, 2024
SHOW REPORT: Stardom 5Star Grand Prix – Night 4 (Thursday, 15th August 2024) (13)

Match #12 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars B Match: Risa Sera (2) def. Suzu Suzuki (3) w/ Swinging Air Raid Crash (7:38)

There is understandably no handshake between the two former members of Prominence, with Risa Sera not even waiting for a lock-up before sending her former-protégée to the outside and into the front row of chairs. After doing this a second time, Risa chokes Suzu with a towel before rolling her back into the ring and locking in a Boston Crab and eventually transitioning this into a Pendulum.

Delivering a Double Knees to the small of Suzu’s back, Risa begins her methodical dissection of Suzu, who responds with a volley of forearms before Snapmaring her and hitting a stiff kick to the back. She follows this up with a Drive By and then sends Risa into the front row, hitting her with a chair and running her into the ring post. She charges at Sera, who catches her and plants her with an Air Raid Crash on the matting around the ring.

She rolls Suzu back into the ring before catching her with another Air Raid Crash as she goes for a Lariat. Suzuki fights back though, levelling Risa with a Spear before targeting her right arm with a Triangle. Sera tries to get free by kicking Suzu in the face, but when this proves unsuccessful, she is able to get a foot on the ropes. They chase each other into the corner, with Risa hitting her Running Knees before landing her Reverse Double Knees for good measure.

More forearms follow before Risa lands her Samoan Driver. Suzu kicks out and then joins Sera on the top rope as we reach the 10 minute mark, hitting a Frankensteiner followed by the Tequila Shot for a nearfall. When a German Suplex doesn’t get the job done, she goes to top rope in order to try the Sky Twister Press, only for Risa to join her and hit her with an Avalanche Air Raid Crash. They stagger to their feet and engage in more forearms, before Sera catches her with the Falcon Arrow. She misses the Diving Double Knees though and almost falls foul to the Gran Maestro de Tequila.

The pinfall attempts are coming thick and fast now, Suzu kicking out of a Spinning Air Raid Crash at the count of one. However, as last year’s winner comes off the ropes, Sera catches her with another Swinging Air Raid Crash and this time is able to keep Suzu’s shoulders to the mat for the victory!




— スターダム✪STARDOM (@wwr_stardom) August 15, 2024
SHOW REPORT: Stardom 5Star Grand Prix – Night 4 (Thursday, 15th August 2024) (14)

Match #13 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars A Match: Saori Anou (3) vs. Starlight Kid (3) Ended in a Time Limit Draw (15:00)

These two met way back in February for Saori Anou’s Wonder of Stardom Championship. Anou was successful there, and it remains their only singles match together until now.

Both women control the arm for a short period, with Kid able to roll through alongside Anou to keep control of the arm as she tries to escape. Kid hits the Wheelbarrow Arm-Drag before attempting the Asai Moonsault, but Anou hauls her from the rope before kicking her hard across the ankle, taking the Sky Tiger off her feet.

The action returns to the ring, and Saori returns to the ankle, hitting a Dragon Screw Leg Whip before locking in an Inverted Figure Four Leg Lock. Having locked the injured limb in the ropes, Saori Dropkicks it before kicking nonchalantly at the ankle when Kid tries desperately to stop and Irish Whip by clinging the ropes. Kid is able to build some momentum however with a Headscissors and a Springboard Crossbody, but Anou vaults her to the apron where the landing causes kid to crumple on impact.

Anou proves to be a little bit over zealous in her attack however, and Kid is able to grab Saori’s leg through the ropes, attacking it before briefly locking in the Black Tiger Leg Killer in the ring. With both women now seemingly wrestling on one leg, they sit across from each other and begin kicking at each other, only for Saori to catch a kick from Kid and lock in another Figure Four Leg Lock. Eventually, Kid is able to reverse the pressure, forcing Saori to roll towards the ropes and allowing Kid to grab them to break the hold entirely.

Both women then spectacularly trade a series of suplexes before Saori is able to drag Kid from the top rope with two quick fire Fisherman’s Suplexes. Anou hits a German Suplex with Kid trying to cling to the ropes to stop a second one – only for Saori to kick out at the injured leg to force her to let go. It’s Kid’s turn to stop Saori on the top rope however, halting her and bringing her crashing to the canvas with a top rope Victory Roll. She finally connects with the Asai Moonsault moments later before hitting a Running Double Knees to Saori’s back once they are back in the ring. She misses the Moonsault, but is able to reverse the Pottering into a close pinfall of her own.

Kid goes back to Saori’s leg with the Black Tiger Leg Killer, but almost finds herself caught with the Pottering – giving us one of the closest two counts of the entire tournament thus far. Anou locks the leg and arm in a submission with Kid only just able to crawl to the bottom rope. She tries to reverse a German Suplex but fails before then kicking out of a Saori Dragon Suplex. She manages to catch Anou with the Black Tiger Piledriver after the latter hits an Enziguri and connects with the Moonsault, only for the bell for the time-limit to sound just after the two count in what might be one of the most well-timed finishes of the tournament!

One of the best matches of the tournament so far, with an exceptional finish. Both remain in the hunt for a quarter-final place with this result, but both miss the chance to go level with Syuri at the top of the block!




— スターダム✪STARDOM (@wwr_stardom) August 15, 2024
SHOW REPORT: Stardom 5Star Grand Prix – Night 4 (Thursday, 15th August 2024) (15)

Match #14 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars B Match: Mayu Iwatani (6) def. Momo Watanabe (0) w/ Fubuki Rana (12:55)

Mayu Iwatani has achieved everything there is to achieve in Stardom. However, one of the few things not ticked off her extensive resume is a singles victory over Momo Watanabe in the 5Star Grand Prix; their four previous block matches standing at three Momo victories in their last three 5Star matches, and one solitary time-limit draw back in 2018.

Things don’t look good for the Icon of Stardom initially either with Momo attacking before the bell and sending Mayu into the front row, but she gets her own back before ploughing into Watanabe and the other ringside members of H.A.T.E with a Suicide Dive. H.A.T.E don’t take kindly to this, and drag Mayu outside to attack her leg. Once she’s rolled back into the ring, Momo begins a savage assault on Iwatani’s left leg.

Momo is in complete control as she wraps up Mayu’s leg in the ropes in the corner, with Iwatani trying desperately attempting her Evasion Dropkick, only for Momo to catch the kick and lock her in a Figure Four Leg Lock. Eventually, Mayu gets some room to breathe with a Headscissors before ploughing into her opponent with a Dropkick. Mayu misses an unwise Diving Double Footstomp, but is able to smash into Momo with a Superkick. Watanabe continues to attack the leg, but when she goes to the rope, Mayu meets her there with a Frankensteiner and a Missile Dropkick.

With Watanabe down, Mayu hauls her injured leg to the top rope and hits the Frogsplash, but the damage done to her knee means that the impact stops her from immediately making the pinfall and when she does, Momo is able to kick out at two. She goes for a Dragon Suplex, but Watanabe is able to grab a hold of Mayu’s leg and wrap in a vicious modified Figure Four Leg Lock. She follows this with three consecutive Somatos, the last two coming from the top rope, before locking in a Crossface Chickenwing as we hit the 10 minute mark. A thunderous Buzzsaw Kick puts Mayu on the mat again, but Iwatani reverses the Hitendonashi Driver into a Tombstone Piledriver followed by a stinging head kick of her own.

Clearly still struggling with the knee, she goes for the Moonsault, but Momo rolls out of the way. H.A.T.E get onto the apron to distract the referee which allows Momo to retrieve the bat and slam it into Mayu’s legs to take her off the top rope. Again, Momo locks in the Crossface Chickenwing, but unbeknownst to her, she has inadvertently left her baseball bat in the ring. Mayu fights free and crashes the bat across Momo’s chest before hitting the Dragon Ray Style Fubuki Rana – the same move that beat Momo in this very venue in the first round of the IWGP Women’s Championship tournament two years ago – to get the surprise victory and effectively eliminate Momo from the tournament.




— スターダム✪STARDOM (@wwr_stardom) August 15, 2024

Block Standings


  • Maika (3-0-0): 6 Points
  • Manami (2-1-1): 5 Points
  • Hazuki (2-1-0): 4 Points
  • Konami (2-1-0): 4 Points
  • Natsupoi (2-1-0): 4 Points
  • Ruaka (0-3-1): 1 Point
  • Yuna Mizumori (0-3-0): 0 Points


  • Mayu Iwatani (3-0-0): 6 Points
  • AZM (2-0-2): 6 Points
  • Tomoka Inaba (2-0-2): 6 Points
  • Mei Seira (1-0-2): 4 Points
  • Saya Iida (1-2-0): 2 Points
  • Tam Nakano (0-3-0): 0 Points
  • Momo Watanabe (0-4-0): 0 Points


  • Syuri (2-1-0): 4 Points
  • Starlight Kid (1-1-1): 3 Points
  • Saori Anou (1-1-1): 3 Points
  • Anna Jay (1-2-0): 2 Points
  • Miyu Amasaki (1-1-0): 2 Points
  • Xena (1-1-0): 2 Points
  • Koguma (1-1-0): 2 Points


  • Saya Kamitani (2-0-0): 4 Points
  • Hanan (1-1-1): 3 Points
  • Suzu Suzuki (1-1-1): 3 Points
  • Thekla (1-1-0): 2 Points
  • Ranna Yagami (1-1-0): 2 Points
  • Saki Kashima (1-2-0): 2 Points
  • Risa Sera (1-2-0): 2 Points

You can check out the Stardom roster win/loss records for 2024 right here;

You can check out a comprehensive run down of the Stardom Championship Histories here;

Upcoming Shows

  • Saturday 17th August – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 – Night 5, KBS Hall, Kyoto (LIVE)
  • Sunday 18th August – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 – Night 6, Kobe Arts Center, Hyogo (LIVE)
  • Tuesday 20th August – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 – Night 7, EDION Arena Osaka #2, Osaka (LIVE)
  • Friday 23rd August – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 – Night 8, Sendai PIT, Miyagi (LIVE)
  • Saturday 24th August – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 – Night 9, f*ckushima Parse Izaka, f*ckushima (LIVE)
  • Sunday 25th August – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 – Night 10, Yamagata Big Wing, Yamagata (LIVE)
  • Wednesday 28th August – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 – Night 11, Shinjuku, Tokyo (LIVE)
  • Saturday 31st August – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 – Championship Match, Musashino Forest Sports Plaza, Tokyo (PPV)
SHOW REPORT: Stardom 5Star Grand Prix – Night 4 (Thursday, 15th August 2024) (2024)
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