CROWN ASSET MANAGEMENT, LLC v. PEMBERTON, JULIA C, DBD-CV21-6039841-S, 100.34 (Conn. Super. Ct. Jun. 25, 2021) (2024)

`JD-CV-121 Rev. 2-18
`Please read the instructions carefully.
`For more information, get a copy of How Small Claims Court Works (form JDP-CV-45) from a Clerk's Office, Court
`Service Center or on the Judicial Branch website, at
`You may also find information on the Small Claims Frequently Asked Questions page on the Judicial Branch website at
` or by contacting the clerk's office or a Court Service Center.
`What is the Small Claims Writ and Notice of Suit (form JD-CV-40) that I have received?
`The person suing you (called the plaintiff) has delivered to you (served on you) a copy of the Small Claims Writ and
`Notice of Suit (form JD-CV-40) and any documents related to your case. The Small Claims Writ and Notice of Suit
`contains the plaintiff's complaint, which explains how much money the plaintiff claims you owe them and the reasons
`why the they think you owe them.
`How do I defend my case?
`In order to respond to the plaintiffs complaint, you must complete an Answer form and return it to court. The court will
`send you an Answer form. The Answer form will tell you the court house where you must return the form and the
`date by which you must return it.
`You should receive an Answer form within six (6) weeks, but if you do not, call the clerk's office to ask why you have
`not received it yet. Do not file a response until you receive an Answer form.
`The Answer form contains an Answer section, where you respond lo the plain tiffs claims, and a Counterclaim section,
`where you can make claims against the plaintiff. The Answer section must be completed. It is up to you whether you
`complete the Counterclaim. There is a fee for filing a counterclaim, which is discussed below.
`How do l respond to the plaintiffs claims? - Filing an Answer
`The Answer is your chance to respond or reply to the plaintiffs claim. You may admit or deny all or part of the plaintiff's
`claim. Your Answer should be specific, but brief. Complete the form and sign It. Keep a copy for yourself and send a
`copy to each attorney or other representative of the plaintiff or, If the plaintiff is representing themselves, send a copy
`to the plaintiff. If you are not filing a Counterclaim, send the original Answer form to the court at the address listed on
`the form by mail, fax or hand delivery. The court must receive your Answer form on or before the Answer Date. If
`you are filing a Counterclaim, see the discussion on Counterclaims, below.
`What If I know I owe the plaintiff some money?
`If you know you owe the plaintiff something, but do not agree on the amount in the claim or are not sure how much you
`owe, you should file an Answer. This gives you a chance to come to court for a hearing (also called a trial) to question
`how the plaintiff added up the amount claim or to say why you think the amount should be different.
`What if I admit that I owe the plaintiff all of the money they are asking for but want time to pay?
`If you are sure that you owe the entire amount claimed by the plaintiff but want or need more time to pay, you may say
`this on the Answer form and file it with the court. You may ask for a period of time during which you can make
`payments in an amount that you suggest. If you ask for more time, but do not ask for a specific time period or amount,
`the court will enter a judgment with an order of payments of $35 each week until the judgment is paid. If you ask to pay
`less than $35 per week, and the plaintiff does not agree, a hearing will be scheduled. A judgment against a business
`and a judgment against a landlord for return of a security deposit will be ordered to be paid in a lump sum.
`What if I pay the full amount plus costs, if any, before the Answer Date?
`If you pay the plaintiff, plaintiff's representative, or plaintiff's attorney the full amount of the claim plus costs, if any,
`before the Answer Date, you should say that on the Answer form and file it with the court.
`Do not send payment(s) to the Court.
`What should I do if the plaintiff owes me money? • Filing a Counterclaim
`If you claim that the plaintiff owes you money, you may wish to file a Counterclaim. First, you should complete the
`Answer portion of the Answer form. Then you may complete the Counterclaim section of the Answer form. In that
`section, explain why you think the plaintiff owes you money and how much money you claim the plaintiff owes you.
`When you have completed the form, sign it. Keep a copy for yourself and send a copy to each attorney or other
`representative of the plaintiff or, if the plaintiff is representing themselves, send a copy to the plaintiff. Send the original
`Answer form to the court at the address listed on the form by mail or hand delivery along with a filing fee of $95. The
`court must receive your answer form on or before the answer date. You cannot fax a Counterclaim and its
`filing fee to the court.


`What happens if I do not file an Answer?
`If you do not file an Answer in writing with the court, a money judgment may be entered against you. This is called a
`default judgment. After the Answer Date has passed, your case will be reviewed by a Magistrate, who will decide
`whether a judgment should enter without a hearing or if a hearing must be scheduled. The Magistrate may award the
`plaintiff the full amount of their claim, plus court costs.
`What happens if I file an Answer? Will I have a trial?
`If you file an Answer, the Court will schedule a hearing (also called a trial), if one is required. The court will send you
`a notice letting you know exactly when and where your case will be heard. Do not come to court for a hearing
`on the Answer Date listed on the Answer form. Cases are scheduled for hearing as quickly as possible.
`What happens if I file a Counterclaim? Will I have a trial?
`If you file a Counterclaim with your Answer, a notice will be sent to you and the plaintiff letting everyone know that a
`Counterclaim has been filed and telling the plaintiff when they must file their Answer to the Counterclaim. After the
`Counterclaim Answer Date has passed, the court will schedule a hearing (also called a trial), if one is required. The
`court will send you a notice letting you know exactly when and where your case will be heard. Do not come to
`court for a hearing on the Answer Date listed on the Answer form. Cases are scheduled for hearing as quickly as
`What do I need to bring to Court for my hearing (trial)?
`On the day of your hearing, you should bring all of your witnesses and any evidence you have. This may include bills,
`invoices, checks, damage estimates, pictures or other documents. Evidence may also include any defective or
`damaged goods that can be brought safely and easily into the court. Be prepared and organized so that you can
`present your complete case. A small claims judgment cannot be appealed.
`The Judicial Branch of the State of
`Connecticut complies with the Americans with
`Disabilities Act (ADA). If you need a resonable
`accommodation in accordance with the ADA,
`contact a court clerk or an ADA contact
`person listed at www.iud.ct.qov/ADA.
`CT_0H9 MILITARY AFFIDAVIT File No. 19-23550
`1111111 111111111111111 111111111111111 IIIII IIII IIII


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`Nvtll't L•n..•f• ]t"..C-j#i ft, tu@itno IOI an Ar»toruo, TX r21 6901,
`00 NOT u~c.. IH~ LNCLD~Lb f:lr:::M1't't'ANCt:!. t!N\tl:!Lof•I.!.
`~ Wrt IHAV nrrn, .. t J""i'•'9¥111nnl J1nr1l It, .. ,ny C'lltuu n,lcJrtt"111 w-lltu,1Jl hMUrl~ lllll' .. ,r
`u, .. 11 1111,1l1t.
`f» patyrol wtualt «opurr»afar aw IHI 1..1<.:1.urtJ UJltJ Hlllll1•l1.1~l1ur1 ....,,IIILIIJl ~riu•
`'N'ftlllJfl OIJrlUll'oJ'MI.
`tG#rt3Nth ttvttt. »tt uoterMty.retune L"' ..... ,.,1
`t11,r,11 JV I M:r)(~ i,41, I lf-\J4),
`Tl'o;Ll'CP'UONI!. MONITORINC.. In jHU-V!!hl yu,1 w-111, 11nt1 CjURlily l'l.tHVll:111• pl1nn•1
`t,otirgurtnal+tor it/ at ta trot»tore«d arlor rnortda«l,
`A.OOITIONAL INF'OAMATION T!1r.1 f1,lli•Wir1t·,•hrn-lK;•1L-.li11;,n ....... 1tu11 l:lf•l• .. ill!ln~
`l '='~ -1-.J.P:!o- MM. I,()
`3:.:: 7%17
`? iii::if?ji ? ;:}"
`1111•L1ll".ii l1l I I I( INll"l<tL~I. t·1"YMLNI 1-(Ll..itUlt{lL)~ l.)l.l INI L.1..11.J't" 1u,,ut11~
`t.Jt I I l<f IN I l !Cl ~I, t 1.JU/,l t-'I\YML NI t I •I IN I
`l I \W ttM I 111u1trt'II 1.1-1 l I t-,1
`INILl.(l~I. I t)W PI\.YML '"'II ui11I LflW f\l'l"lj LU"\Y 111,,u,1, LtlW l\l''"H'. Lt.J:liAI
`1'/\YMI NI. ti yuu huvu U v.u1lul•l11 tuln llU'l'-IUIII. )''I.JUI J..'LU!LKJl'L: 1ul,.rflt IIH.ll' Yt"Y
`Yu,.1 11111',' PIIV Htl Lt1 VL.ILII l\.1..•L·u11r1I LM.IIIIIILCU 111 Uri)' lu11u Yrl'lUn,ul punulty ..
`bv1u.l 111, l1nJ11lf'lv• tu: CUSTO'Y,E!R '9-G:~VIC(!;, PO [.1,_,,._ 1.922:73. CVhif'lhltlii,
`01111:1 oo::t-~:i: 1.8 :i:~7!1.
`S&r'Hf 11111 h.1!11,kru11,tcv- nnt-1-r::n• nnd l"'alnlnd r.::nrrn111u:.nrlancn ta C.nrr1n11lly t:Jnnk.
`Dank.J"11pt,:v- On.p111rtn'HHtl, P'O t:lnir lH..ll.t~. Cnlurnhu■, Ohln 4.:t~IH iitl.itE:1-.
`NOT I GE ABOUT EL EC TRON IC CH&:GK CONVGRSIQN. W111.,i1 )11.•U , ... rnvl<J,, n
`to'nth ams iaytotal, yrt asttunt lei+ vi no#ttw»r to iii» iat+art+nafir ti«tni int
`t.'r« h as tit a atne ti@nut+ et@tint
`tart transl»i tr«outs yeti at «nil tor tis
`l"IL-"l.ll'.91' L•1•· l-•1ty•11•·11L .... [I It,, •• k t,,.1, ...... ttoa, tr+ii we ts tats ,11,1-111 .. q lt.1111
`ya oh tao vanau ors uhr town tarut tart er, fa@rut ray tu» nttufrnawer
`ltu•n !f'ULII Ut..•.·Uu11t I.ID- ~"l."I ~, • ., ll1•• -:-0•111ur J~y W•.J r•n,•Jly'rJ yL•U• J•r1y!11•,t,1I. f•l11I
`yu,_, 'W'III lltJL ,., ... ,,..,.., yt..•LII • l1••~·K L•Y" ~ ,, .. ta you
`ti«on nal is»t#otit*
`£2:;%.±:..2:..: ::'..:• %: :±:: ::%:'
`l111:1 1hlly'r11nr1I 1111.:11111.11.I YUU -11r:111.:I
`M•lll,r• ur c:,...,,,,'!11,.,,,1 t--t.....11'1..1 u 1un•11•'11•I, 1111, "'· 11,,u,,111 {.6#11111, 1,1o.Htlo1·•1 ,;lull k ,., UHl4it1111r·" 1·ttu .. :k j'IU'l,'Ht>IU 1/1 Ll.:0-.. <lull11r11.. Lt• lt1u IIUrlllJ LUILJ udtJrtHl':ll lolflO'WII t..111
`CoM"Vcl° f'arn"Klt. t;urrnt-~L ru1111al lu, Lllrlurr:r111 l"'t.lly111•in1 1nollii.•--JP'L
`this statement in tt rvront tut roa ,;.,,r,,.,.1n111H, vi,11. • .11 t.u1ln11-c.m •rn.J tr+run tarvnmrt_raait. Eo tut
`to tr.Huls vout tort ttut. do tot +tore .. •I
`I 11,. y, .. 11, ,, .. vrruu,I IH lh1, hlllli. 111~:1.11111 },IILII Uil.'.l LHl!tl 1111111\~11 1,11 )'llUI ~·l11T1.K. l.llfll•• tr,, •·1•v•·J1.1f111 ,,,,, ..... 11111'1 wit" Y•••J •-t\iol,•11 .. ,,,1, ... ,,,,t .. q., 1•n,111111.t w1lr, ,111,11
`/tHlflllnllt Ml11h HIIII ell, JIUI •1111111 .. u,y l"(Urll ... Pllrldli,1110 ...... ,111 "''}'JI t01i)l'•1111•1, V11,j -1.l,O•JI.I ,,.., .. r1 .. gl11 H ,-vn,n1,1 14, 1.•,t,() N1uth I 1111',J• I f,(lfl I
`, .. 111111 ]Cr I, !'iinll
`•11L 1
`Anlnr11n, I)( .IH:i-""1.1 ~l(Jt1•1 »r1<J lllfl' •dtJll11:,111.:il h,11nnl 1u•·1j,i11t11•111t-.. -'t•iO •h•, -...-.111•1
`•!!Ji. (•lt1nr nalri pyrrwrtn aurlwon it»raw in a «ii»ryto, ir lily c:rHl.n .,.uu ro1h1w
`ll,n l'rtyl'nn11tf1 MRtk.ocl ~1•.~nl In I 1Jll0 aif'OL~lll>II •b1.JV•t. IJt• IIL•L tJ.rpr'ILI •J•!Hlh l'I lt"!llt C +titicnto» t non
`nu» rwri «rat1 an toll trHn ,'II I ,t-,u,u,.~,~" >f,HIL::i
`11 l)L)II IY I t:\lX_I '-1.>~ 11'1:\H] lu 11111k1.J 11 ~•M)'!rl•.Jrll l•:r l•1!•.rj•l111l11t, _,,.j•h i•H•:,r Ir .. t,11t,, so l,i.,. Onl/"n- Y•.11.-1 ~:~111 rr,Hkll "' p1,1y111t•11I tJIIIIJIII fll CUITl•rtlty,nwt/lcrvw.
`/r, 11r1J11.ir1 Y1J.11 ,111 111n"'1• .l••1y111u111.,. I•• -,l••f••
`k!! '; %1'%."?%%2"{'3!po 1us« n 1». r o roe ts oo0++ to +». o«rs «0+«o
`P.arirrto l'II Cutoff' Tinw•. f't1Y•J1U,'\t 11. 1.,turr t1nt•"1-'\11J1_,.,,111•nn-. lnl"' 11, lei 1nrn1vn p11yr11nnl,. n,n trv !In., dur,, 1lulu Ln'I ll1I■ Stnl1,11'1i:111I 11, ll1r.-i i•11v1~in11t •lul, nrnD ut 1.1,c
`10.+ + tor. » no ts·
`rt» (op»ti«oral)
`I nnt Nn1nn
`AJJl. No.
`1-lnmn l ... hnn,o
`I 111nll A1Jr'irt'lft.,..
`lf-nl NurtlCJ
`N•w lnful'11l.irliu11
`I 0,1111111,n Mup Cv.J•J
`r-o Bu,.
`Fl LE: 19-23550
`I llllll lllll 111111111111111 lllll 111111111111111111


`To go paperless and receive yuul" bill cilCcl10t1icully,.
`vl .. l1 lntp"' ://cu1neni1y.nct/Jc1·ow/i,:;npet'I.:: ... ,. to ,;[g,, up.
`Tolol ree:s ohorgad 1,, :-.:!c..J 1 f'
`lolol intoronl chorgud r 2o1 .._,
`n- :Z:0"17 total• v••r to dot•
`lrtorv»est twargo crulcutati«or
`Vt;,iJI' Annu~I Pii1fOaT1ntag,11 Anlo (APA) In tho annunl ln1on~Dt roto on your account So.c. BALANCE: CDMPUTA-rl□N METHOD
`1.").l"il pia(:111 2 fii..11" mcu•~ cf111n.flA.
`rvrep or
`2:G.9900% (v)
`DALANlwU MUellJe.Cl'
`T0 INTt!Al!.ti-T ~AT~
`, ..... , ~M.1:!A'l
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`Additional important n ot8ts+to ts
`N .. ed h .. lp 1:)1..ittlng It all tot;10th .. r? Maks a corpllrnortany nppolntrent wlth or» or our per-aonAI shoppers -
`111 .. t.__.,. .... , c1t J..,,- .. vv . ..,un'l vF by <.;8llln!,I Erica at 600 2F.11 7422
`Prot;ect ynLJrs,e,lf r'l.gnln"!iot n"ln.11 nnc:;J phon..,. oc.>n!iu.H""r'll",lr' fr"ikl.ud.
`http//about asps.con/publication/put?ts t/wolaorno».htr
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`3urnrry ot naccourt ncctivity(cid:173)
`prov »as balar-es
`ot/»r orsrtitn
`Othor di:l'bltn
`~oom ct,argoc;I
`lntur"L,al <Jhargud
`Nvw Q-'illllillnllir•
`Pnmt due nmou11t
`AvNII.Mt:,16 U"!:t't..lll
`ts+wt»rnsrt closirg du»to
`Oayo In bllilngl c:YCliFfll'
`r,1 ,CM)2.73
`000 : oo
`4 o
`DBi':2 4✓2 0 1 B
`$723 DO
`1--'JL rnnnt inturmntlon
`Nnw bafonon
`Mln,murn paymnnt cluo
`Payrnsnt duo data
`La.Ea paym•nt wnr-nlng.:.
`f es do rot rot«»lv» your rirlrnurn puyrnorit Ly D7/20/2018 you moy
`havu lo PD)' up .to a $38.00 lahJ fuu.
`M~n~mum p-D)l'ment '\N'o.rn Ing! Ir you u111y LhH rulnlrnurn
`payrwont tor ODGh pie.1rlod, you WIii pay mc,rg 111 lnlWl"QR1 ond It WIii toko
`yuu longur 1u pmy orr your bnlancu•. Fur w)(O.n"lpl ....
`Ir you mak• no 11.dclltlon■I
`Voll WI 11 PftV orr
`AFlldl yo,1.,1 WIii
`'l;h- balanc• •t-,QWF'l
`: harem air thin marl
`•rti;:I up paving nn
`arid ••c,~ mc;,nli"w yc-u pay.
`tor» tp tm tarrier»t
`••tlmuta.d t&tal
`In BboUltl
`rty to n,lnlr-u'l,,lm puyrnor,I
`~ your•
`F~:11"' h1rt...1r'r''ll(llh.ii1 ,. ...... ._.- ... ,..:Hr,~ Cr'l.:.,1~11[ C::..:UL,.u1wnllr1w -t,HrvlQun,
`t_:0.11 1-l;IOO-!.U,:14-1 70ts,
`OBJ2D.f20 1 B
`1 MAN&.ne-1 ·~N UUl;l,CH.1 ..... TION/"LOCArlON
`Lr rEE
`Tota.I tee char get tar ttkn par ad
`ln~nraat chorgad
`lrtr eat char as tor rsurethat
`Tots lrta»rat tor t/lea priest
`:,220.00 I
`l 20'18 tot:.111• v•nr tg d111t.
`Total toss cbarged i o1
`r otal inroot ctoruot in 2o1a
`lrate»res±st chars» «calculatir»r
`Vc,ur Annua.l Purcontmga Aato {At-"H) la u;,u urn1u-1.1I i11tvr"~BL f"'l."11~ yQur' 11i;:et.,11,.,ff1'l S~t:1 ~At-A.Nr..;.E COMPU I ATtON M~THOD
`tot £ago ? for ror» cdot/ls
`·rv~I'!. Of"'
`Addi(n.JrrtHI hnp11r·,1,,u ii"illl:::il?,a:,.).C-tfJ~:"'1.
`_ _
`IMMEDIATE ATTl!!'.NTION Rll!.CtUIRIBDt Your Account Is axtrernely past due and wlll b-e written orr a& a
`b£\gl debt at tho nncl of ttts rontt. To void ttls, you can pay ll-,e Mlnlt-nun, an,out,c ... ~-,own un cr-,rs
`alateornent t>0foro, ttu;, nnd of tis rortt Ir you are- not able co pay tl,e Mlnlmun, Paytl'll!tnl .. ,...-,ount, we WIii
`stlll b& able to IUJl311'.l't you r:inct pr~vmnt your Hooount from b ing written oft. call urs td 1-BBB-G17-8089
`(TDD/TrV 1-800-1.;!;JS-i?ee) ,~ncl wn \/VIII tlncl ,._,,..ult1'.1bll!t payn1ttr'll b sfor e» rt--; .... nd of lhlll> n1onlt-1. II Wr'lrtl!"or"I off,
`ti'\& bad debt wm be repor\Ac:I to thA thrna major crudlt buroi1:1uc- ur\d our' Ar:u::..ovory t:oarn wlll c:lntHnTilr'"1~ 1Fn:1
`as=,~FOP,r'h:lte steps, as permltteQ r_,.r,1;:t ,.,\v~IIQ.bln ur,dnr ,t.1.ppllc;n:1.blr'I t1.;1vv, to protH-ct Qur lr,tnrn~tn.
`---- --
`::O:e -4000~ Cv)
`r Iwrrntr rrE
`2,020 1e,
`wwr perter
`43 □a
`$[ 1..Jilu■aM.t.■
`P'a.ymC1nt mu■t rou.vh 1i...1111- by
`., p•T'1 1..rt" l:_'1,n 07'/'~0/201 8.
`Hl!L:>1:)1N,:;. C'T' Qe.!.\ Qe- 2211
`- --- -- -
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`r1111kc:, e11uck 1'.?lny1.1bln In;
`c.:;<-:>ML.!NI I Y - J C:.:Kl.!VV
`Ploua.o roturn thla portion along with your payrnor,l lo
`PO BOX B!e.9704
`SAN ANTONIO TX 78266·97'04
`•II I 1•II111111111• 11, 11,, 111• I 11111 • I l·I''uw+ 1 I' II
`FILE: 19-23550
`I llllll lllll 111111111111111 111111111111111 IIII IIII


`K.aap, thl• µ,urtli>n fuf" your
`Wl••I Tao,, tr Ya11 n,tnk Yn11 PTud .ll Ml•h•k• On t"uur iSr.-,.,,,.,,r
`ti )H••I lh1r1k. lPrr t
`matt trot tot on wlnlr, wwrite to tis al, f.nuns+rally
`U1111k. ~, 11-IIJl'I. LM.iJ./K,, t7»art»m. tow t t1+ e
`Ir, y .. u ln1l,11, ,~1vo HH. it .. , 1,,11.,....,.1ri•? 1r,t,,r11utl11,11,
`#tut±it @»torr#tire au ire a+it .,, 1 4.,1,1,1
`11,11 n t'nu ,
`_. /J,11J,11 -~111p11nfl lhq rh1lli.1 HIIUU .Ul4 Lit IIUJ IIUll'f'"t1L~lu•J UIIU I.
`• 1,u,1,1..~1•1f1u,r t•f /'rul.•lurrr. 11 yuu ll1l11h. 1!1"-11•~ t +et tt#tat
`at+ ytu@r tilt
`oln-;.J 11t,h IIVli,,1 ....... 11 1 ... 1,;,,.,,1 1 ... wr1tr•1! ,uul ....,, • .,. VOii l"IIIIIIJl'I' ti I"' II lltt,tl '"'""·
`YC•ll 11\lllt «ant t tu wittuw tit2 fv after tis norrar apronwr»rd »i yr»at
`•t-,111> 11•rl1l.
`Yn.11 11111'1.I 1u,llly llfl. ,,r ,r1r,y r•\ilnr1ll11I nrrunt fr, avr./tl,rll,[. ¥111.1 IIILI.,,. L:,~11 u ... loul if
`+:3'.7:.11 .15.' %%"2.''1\3327
`lt,"111 tli:o'"' t .. 11n1 lol, ,1111~,. tlhl tulhHHiri!,!. di.• IIIUli
`_. W11 ilhtltihl liy lu I .. llnul 1h11 u1n,,1u1I Ill ~.,IHl1\II.IIHI. Pl ,11p,,rL )l"ll ,.~
`,1r.,l1rtq11u11\ 1111 ltu1I UllllltJfll.
`nnw4nuts tty is+ttniiir iii li'" II fflHllllfUHII, UHII ....,IJ 1111,11"
`• me tu@po tra
`1·1tnll1iilil lo 1:11~11un y1u 1 lr,lnru .. 1 Ufl 1!1ul IIIIPl.lrtl 15Ltl. 0 ........ , d11l1111111111• ll,111
`W'll.J 111u•l11 u 111lul.11k.n. yuu ,,,,.11 IIUI /111Vu I•• 1•1.1y lft•I •!ll t~~11 t1I Ill q,un,11n,, UI
`ray 4+wt9rust tot attn tee ta»lat+st to tat irn»swirl
`_. Wrtlln yr.111 d,li "nl l1H ... u Ill 1111)' 11111 ltrrlt..!Ufll 111 ll\Jlllllh.irt. )"l..■I.J 111'1 ·••"'4111"H"ll•l•I
`h•r lf111 '"'lllll!l•lu, ol )'l~LII l>ttl!Jlll'•r.
`• w., th@et +roly nay ufput art«uirat air+oat y«niir C"rllflll 1111111.
`~r.rl.f• FU11l,rr- If "'t,,r Arr, Dfflll,.,,,rl;,1d'l,,..-I Wll'h YnHr C'rtH"ltt Carri P'tur.hN.•.,,•
`II YL''hl nru \11•11nllftllnri w-llh lhn t1.t>t1r.J':li ur an,viC;.u• ll1bl vuU 11.flYU f'•U•O:IU.1'1-l:'I.J
`,.,.,111, vrn1r r-:r1,c111 1 nr1J nnl"'I y,111 tav» trim«f tr od futt toe torr«ect tto
`l'll'T lh l,"ITl w,tt, thn n,n,·r.h.111"'11,ynu 111ny hil'IYU lhn 11ul1I IIL•I' lt• pDY tri•t 1•J"111utnlr'nl'.:
`n1,1n1111I rl,ut ,,n tl1tJt r•i1rrl1a■n-,
`I. lt111 l,i iH r ltH !'1 11 1111u1.I l1111v1,1 11111111 ,11 .. uln Ill ytl!H 1u,,,,., ••I,,,,,,, ........ ,.,, •• 1()1)
`rrtillla\ nl yn111
`·1111nnl lllMIJii..,~ HIIIIIIHUI, Hl!tl 11111 JJ,llfl·t,n""ll J"ll'U 'lnJ .. , r11,Y•1
`l'Hliln 1nn1n, lruu1 "f,.1.(1 {NIHII, Nr11IPu11 ur lt1u•u1 ·~ 1nn·•1·1ntll)' •I )'IIU I ~•1111 l,nr-o.h
`..,.,,._,., t.J1n,-,,l ,,r1 i'frt H11l.,..11r11 ... 11111,u1l ....," rn1111t•11l l11yr11r, IH rf wn 1,w11 111•• •~1••111•nif1y
`U,1.1 "t.1,1, I yi.11 lhu g,1■ .. 11,;; i.■I ~ .. ,v1r.,1R.)
`~- 'l"uu 111u•L l,avu L1a.•.idyuur 1.:rCL.111 1.:ib•0:1 fur 1l1•r l•U•chn~, l""LJrrt,n,.,n11. 1n•t"1Q.
`,.,.,,111 Ln .. 11 L1Uv1:1r1t:111a l1urn n11 AIM 1..•t Wlll1 • ull...,,:k lhat ..-,/"'.'.c;A-111-111..0:.,'l.y,,ur c::r.,,111
`trtl sttout dt» rot qualify.
`._I, VP1I 1n.i,.;.I fl,,( y1•l , nae+o tally puati tr tto lll.lll"ll&IIIIU.
`IJ 1111 11111 1111:11IJll'tll nlllNII n 11• ., ,.,, " " '-' y1111 ,,,1, f'l.1111 l!H1',"" INllil i1111
`;g2coos·«s s«« v+ u 1ur>.
`Wl"'tl!t" wno rvrtiutatnr, tto no rulo apply to lhn 1111.rl'IJlac.J a111uu11l n:a,
`di!l-("LJl>~i.J uOC•Y•,. Aft,Jr iµr, r11,1fl.1"1 l'Hff fnw'1t1tlln,atlnn, ,,,,.D will 1'1"1'11 yuu uu1
`,:j'{,,,. "l that r, .... 11,t. 1r Y'M tt111·~~ V .... \j l.'l'■\11'1 "" .flllUH.IJ"II n1,1..J yuu l~U nut IH.l'f
`Wu lnlllY l"fflf',.J,rt y._,iJ a&- dullfl•j•..luflt.
`FIQW l"Q I\VOIO P'AYINQ.. INTIIJ:'(ltST Yn1.,r du11 i.JulU ,. 1111 luUnl 2!; •l■."li,l't. url,:,f
`(i'o1:, 1·ln"U t,I ntu·I, l11lliflU l·:r,H·lu. Wu ..... 111 fl~•! '-'Iii.HUil :,1•u l'll••rh'f't 11'1 jot•llllthit~H'!I,
`11 vn11 ,.._ay )IU11r 11r1l 1r11 IJP.11►1111:u hy 1h11 1Juu llul•1 01.n~,, r11l•11ll'I Wo ...,,ti 1•·1:::!-li1 ii.
`t +qouaf twytr ial
`:tar4a» it«»iv»al tor row par«rtueam rra«du urfur no l tow //
`•• , 11,iolttol •• ,.,.n,11111 1:,n1l1t l'ju11 lrurr, IIHI 11111,, L•I ~llll•~IU.lfll'll".
`%2% .%%2:11%.2%129%.:.1.t:.'.%.±...
`27.: "17143.12"7 5221.1':2:
`Hltn,nl'II L'.,FIIUU.., hll l'B( ,, , .. 111111; ,
`+wt to ti s th» I lifll•"'"'' r.11.~fJ!II l'tll
`IAkff 1111, l'KJUIIIIIUIJ.'. l•Nh'lllt"P ,,

CROWN ASSET MANAGEMENT, LLC v. PEMBERTON, JULIA C, DBD-CV21-6039841-S, 100.34 (Conn. Super. Ct. Jun. 25, 2021) (2024)


What is the settlement for Chambers v Crown Asset Management? ›

What does the Settlement provide? 1. Defendant will pay a class fund of $158,095 as a pro rata distribution to the 4,517 Class Members pursuant to California Civil Code § 1788.17. Specifically, Defendant will pay Class Members no less than $35 each.

What does Crown Asset Management do? ›

Located in Duluth, GA, Crown Asset Management, LLC is a debt purchasing firm with extensive experience acquiring distressed consumer receivables. We purchase account portfolios from originating creditors and other businesses after they have been unable to collect on past due balances.

Why is Crown Asset Management suing me? ›

Crown Asset Management is a debt collection agency; they purchase delinquent debts from creditors and attempt to collect on those debts. If you're being sued by Crown Asset Management, it means they've acquired a debt you allegedly owe – and they're taking legal action to try and force you to pay it.

What is the most expensive lawsuit settlement? ›

Tobacco Settlement at $206 Billion

The largest-ever class action settlement was agreed upon in 1998 by Philip Morris, RJ Reynolds, and two other tobacco companies. Paid out annually over 25 years, the settlement covered the medical costs for smoking-related injuries for individuals in 46 US states.

Where do asset managers get their money? ›

Asset management companies make money by charging fees in exchange for managing their client's financial assets. Fee structures may vary but, most often, they represent a percentage of the total assets under management. Asset management companies offer investment solutions to a wide variety of different clients.

What can an asset management company do? ›

An asset management company manages and invests funds pooled from various investors in different financial instruments. Its role includes fund management, investment decisions, risk assessment, and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.

What does an asset management account do? ›

Assets can include real estate, stocks, bonds, businesses, patents or any other type of investment. Asset management involves managing a clients' investments on their behalf in order to increase the assets' worth. Asset management firms monitor market trends, make investment decisions and execute trades.

What is the lawsuit settlement formula? ›

To determine a potential settlement value, they first combine the total of medical expenses to date, projected future medical expenses, lost wages to date and projected future lost income. The resulting sum is then multiplied by the pain and suffering multiplier value to produce a projected settlement amount.

What is the settlement of my account? ›

What Is an Account Settlement? An account settlement generally refers to the payment of an outstanding balance that brings the account balance to zero. It can also refer to the completion of an offset process between two or more parties in an agreement, whether a positive balance remains in any of the accounts.

What is the settlement of a class action lawsuit? ›

A class action settlement is reached when both parties in a class action lawsuit have decided that they no longer want to continue litigating the allegations in the class action lawsuit and want to settle the lawsuit, typically with a monetary benefit to the Class.

What is a settlement with a debt collector? ›

In a Nutshell. Debt settlement is a practice that allows you to pay a lump sum that's typically less than the amount you owe to resolve, or “settle,” your debt.

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Author: Domingo Moore

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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.